Seeing the general consensus that Yea Forums is pissed at Borderlands 3 having a 6 month exclusivity deal, will Yea Forums be pissed if Half Life 3 was only on Steam and not Epic Games Store?
Seeing the general consensus that Yea Forums is pissed at Borderlands 3 having a 6 month exclusivity deal...
no cause hl3 would be made by valve , epic didint make borderlands 3
But that's being a monopoly. Valve would need to release it on the EGS too.
Stop being deliberately obtuse. No one cares that Fortnite is EGS exclusive.
I strongly believe all PC games should be available anywhere and we choose were we buy them from. However, Steam has been around for almost 2 decades, most people have a home there, they didn't show up one day and decided to start trying to monopolize a market by throwing money at the window while not providing any benefits at all. When EA decided to come out with origin, I didn't really care because I don't really care about EA games and the majority of other games were still available elsewhere. Same goes for uplay. So it's not really the same thing.
Why not, if epic pays them yeah, but that's not the way epic operates. They know they cannot compete by measure of services so the next option other than improving is to lockdown access, negating the choice of the consumer.
That isnt what monopoly means you faggot retard.
You seem confused about the difference between developing and publishing
Then cry about origin and aswell faggot
Just stop posting
It is. HL3 should be available on all storefronts, not just Steam. If HL3 were to come out and not release on any other platform but Steam, Valve is doing what Epic literally is doing and everyone would suck on Gaven's cock for it.
You fucking retard faggot no it wouldnt.
HL3 would be a Valve developed title on a Valve storefront.
Epic is bribing developers for exclusivity deals and then guaranteeing sales (read: buying game sfor them) so that they can force a monopoly over the PC market.
Notice how there wasnt near this much bitching about Battlenet or Origin or Bethesdanet. Sure, a little bitching, but the normal kind, not this kind.
You're a fucking moron.
That literally would never happen.
Typical Steamdrone. Get mad at Borderlands 3 not being on Steam but being on Epic Store, but it's okay for HL3 to be on Steam only and not Epic Store.
this is really bad bait
like actually terrible
>smooth brains still can't tell the difference between first party and third party games
epic made the unreal engine
so borderlands too
>chang thinks releasing your game exclusively on your own platform is on the same level as bribing companies to keep their games away from other stores
>making a game on an open-source engine means the creators of said engine own your game
based retard