Is excessive talent and artistry* a serious problem in modern videogames?

Is excessive talent and artistry* a serious problem in modern videogames?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What a stupid fucking question. Put more effort into your OPs. Next time just say you want another Dobson thread.

any amount of skill must seem like excessive talent to dobson

No its actually the opposite because the majority of people are like Dobs who kick and scream if a game isn't dumbed down to their level, then reeee about people who don't like x in a game should just not buy it because it isn't made for them.

I legitimately forgot that Dobson is still around.

Is OP posting Twitter screencaps a serious problem in Yea Forums?

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I thought Cuphead had an easy mode?

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Excessive talent is one of the main causes of death in the vidya industry.

oh boy everything about this made me angry

And why should we care about the opinions of some furry pseudo-intellectual?

that'll be 2 hahas and 1 xD from me

Is Dobson a sexual predator trying to disguise himself as an "ally"?
He tries so fucking hard he is actually creepy

I think the sheer amount of irony in this one gave me hives

Its shouldn't. Look at his likes and retweets.
EVERYONE thinks he is an idiot.

Literally anyone saying that would have been less ironic.
Peak dobson right there.

But at least you're not Dobson

Shame Dobson was banned from Twitter, his dumb ass posts were always a highlight.

I'm getting really tired of people who just want to be part of gaming culture but don't actually want to play games. The only reason anyone gives a shit about Sekiro is because its a FROM game and Dark Souls and Bloodborne are a big part of the gaming culture and by it being hard they can't be included if they don't beat it.

Its fucking retarded.

>twitter screencap
eat a dick and die

Is there a more bullyable person than Dobson?

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Dobson is an amazing artifact of a bygone era. A bloated, self absorbed delusionary so committed to being a good person he never seems to have established how and why one should be 'good' or 'moral'. He's not despicable, or particularly malicious. Just an egotistical bumbler who failed his way into the hearts and minds of hundreds if not thousands of anonymous users on a platform totally unrelated to his own shitty creative space.

Godspeed dobson. I simply cant wait to see what you do next.

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Why did he get banned?

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pic related

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Jesus Christ Dobson needs help badly

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Gamelets who demand games be easier are just the most disgusting filth I can think of.

It's almost like they had skills besides technical drawing.

How can you be "excessively talented"?

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Who is this guy?

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Honestly, he's probably not too far off.

It's a shame the only things he has to show are shit.

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I see your hahas and raise you uno roflmao

This thread needs more inflation puns.

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What he's trying to say is "communication and socialization."
And yeah.
No fucking shit.

Mostly because he's an egotistical loudmouthed buffoon who didn't know when to shut up, back down or admit that he's wrong, he riled everyone up so thouroughly that you'd suspect he was a next-level troll

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Based /tg/ chads keeping shitters out.

Post yfw you're not Dobson.

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good that he will never be in a position to find out either

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fuck off

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It's wild how someone can be so lacking in self awareness that they repeatedly show off their social retardation thinking it makes those who react to him look like jerks.

...I don't get it

So what he's saying...Is that like...that humans are social creatures...who like being noticed...when they do something?

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delete this fucking image right fucking now

I just cannot understand this.

I didn't like Cuphead's game style either. I just didn't play it.
Why should I force a developer to change their game to suit me? And if I'm just making it easier, I'm not playing the true game. Might as well just watch an LP.

This is something I'd think up if I were 14 years old.


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>a right wing troll refusing to say the pledge of allegiance
that doesn't sound right

His dumb ass walked up to a comic book store owner and (probably timidly) asked if he has [gook noises].
Old nerd man laughs at this socially inept nerd. Dobson makes comic to call him a dick.

What's the point in laughing at Dobson anymore? He hasn't had anything resembling success or relevance in close to a decade. At this point laughing at Dobson for being an idiot is like laughing at a guy passed out in a gutter for having his shirt untucked.

It blocks you out of the final bosses though

Does Dobson have a fanbase? Who does he draw for?

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tvtropes users

also filename related

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>one punch man

Not even an animuboy and Dobson can fuck right off with that

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"more talented than me and able to make money off of it"

Dobson: Macs are good like eating healthy fruts and veggies, unlike PCs which are bad like eating unhealthy Mcdonalds.


>Guys get contracts for writing fun and interesting stories with the art just being part of it
>All of Dobson's comics are just him whining about some stupid he saw on twitter and being a complete assclown in everything he does

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>literally doesnt comprehend why people are put into dynamic poses
No wonder his art is so fuckin stiff and boring.

Is he retarded? Cuphead is one of the easiest run and guns, old school ones were much harder and literally made to make you lose a lot so you spend more money trying to beat them

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Oh my, how many years did he need to discover this one?

Dobson is the guy banging on the window of McDonald's after they close because he sees the employees in there cleaning up

the tracing just triggers me

I remember arguing things like this when I was a socially retarded teenager.
I can't believe a grown man would even bother.

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He used to be one of the more popular artists on Deviantart, back in the mid to late 2000s. Over time his popularity eroded due to Deviantart's fall from relevance, the growing number of quality artists online, and his own bad PR. Nowadays his fanbase consists entirely of these threads and a couple enablers on Patreon.

Can't claimed you are a gamer and beat the game without fear of being called out unless you play it yourself. They desperately want to be part of the culture. They don't give a FUCK about games.

good point

are u okay retard?

Don't forget his (bad) lesbian pirate not!One Piece comic.

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I've only been a handful of conventions most of them small local ones. But are there cons that actually do this.

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Fuck western artists that panel right-to-left though.

I've been to Emerald City Comic Con and they've had this for a good 6 years now

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get a new pair of jeans, loser

imagine having a date with that
imagine having to stand being in the presence of that and having to hear his opinions "you know I just dont get sports, must be because I am not an idiot!"
just imagine...

as if dobson could run cuphead on his 2008 mac

magfest has pronoun buttons.

If you ever die more than twice in a game where you are more or less expected to die, it's
Every single Dark Souls,spinoff and ripoff was the same.
Crash Bandicoot was the same.
Fucking Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy had these "issues".

Why did he draw himself that thin?

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Why are there so many dobbo threads lately?

I still argue with dubfags like once every other month and I'm closing on 30.

i love dobson threads.

man's gotta eat

fucking likes voyager but doesnt understand klingons? what a fucking moron

I thought the reason he got into comics was to satisfy his inflation fetish

This is fake. If you want to shit on Dobson you have mountains of legitimate stuff, no need to repost lies. All this does is give him and his retarded fans (they exist) more ammo to dismiss criticism.

Why do you even care? Let them watch their shows the way they want to.
FLCL is better in English

It's not really a bad idea, right? When you're in cosplay and/or good looking, people tend to talk to you a lot, even if you don't want them to. It can be exhausting. It gives people a simple way of figuring out whether or not you're okay with being approached at any given moment.

If you're an exhibitor of any kind and you're wearing a red button though, you're a goddamn fucking retard lmao imagine selling something and literally telling your entire customer base to fuck off and not bother you.

it's that or epic threads, I'll rather laugh at this loser

dobson is a such a faggot

I didn't know it was fake tbqh

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The OP is from like 2 years ago. This is all stale as shit. Where's the new Dobson shit?

His ego is almost as inflated as his porn

He earns $35.50 per month on Patreon, so someone must be a fan

Threatening the President.

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That's the problem, user. People keep reposting it with the legit stuff.

>Anime avatars and weeb cartoons about little girls is helping the alt-right

I think Dobson needs help trying to separate reality from fiction

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Every time I've listened to that line it's been some toonami shit only mentioned for nostalgia, and every time it's been false.

The only thing I've seen where the English track was up to snuff was Vampire Hunter D. And that was recorded in English first.

Alrighty then, I'll delete it from my folder

thanks fampai

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Yes, Twitter killed this site when it got popular

Dude you can't stare at their tits.

Reminded of this.

Isn't he a self proclaimed pacifist

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Somebody post the comic where he draws himself in a "realistic" style that looks much better than his usual shit but still looks bad in areas.

Somebody did date that, and even they got sick of their incessant whining.

Just goes to show what massive crybabies Trumptards are.



Sounds more like you're just jaded as fuck, my man.

>Most of the money is from trolls who just want to shit up his livestreams and leak his patreon locked art immediately online

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>Do you have 20 years old manga which hasn't really become a cult classic ?

Imagine your boyfriend whining about being forced to deal with Hanukkah.
Imagine your boyfriend whining about a lack of gifts and being forced to spend time with your family.
Imagine him doing this publically. To strangers.

i sometimes feel bad for dobson but it doesn't last long

I don't know why people are championing Captain Marvel when the female X-men and Wonder Woman existed in movies before her.

I thought Wonder Woman was the "first" female Superhero movie that everyone was raving about. Why are they getting all hyped about Captain Marvel?

Is this Dobson or not?

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>new Dobson Shit.

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How bad could your life possibly be when a shitty movie is the only thing that supposedly gives you joy

Kate's far more contemptible than Dobson. Bitch even ditches her con appearances early.

sounds to me like direction matters
look at vidya, it's only half as bad, with the same VAs

A copy will never surpass the original.

>Captain Marvel
>liking the movie
>hell, liking the COMICS

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And then doing ban evasion. He's not a smart man.

this is kinda sad... ok yea the guy is a fucking idiot...but in all honesty what has he done other then have shitty opinions. He should at least be able to go outside and enjoy himself...what ever he does on the internet should be kept on the internet.

but he's not saying that the excessive talent and the artistry are the problems. how autistic are you, you retarded incel? did you even finish highschool?

She-Ra's design is bad because it can't choose if it wants to be aggressive or restrained. It's bullshit that we didn't get Amethyst's show instead, her design was great.

Not to side with that faggot but Starfire's new costume (or at least the one in that picture) is genuinely awful

When you connect your Internet presence with your real life, you forfeit the right to separate the two. Just in case this post is serious and not pretending.


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>implying I wouldn't want to fuck Shera
>implying I wouldn't already sexualize the fuck out of Rey

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Dobson is the classic creeper so it doesn't surprise me. We have plenty of fedoras here in MN, and Dobbo fits the stereotype to a t

makes my fucking blood boil

>you, men
so he's actually admitting he's not a man? what's the problem here? dude seems honest

It was serious, generally feel bad for the guy..especially if its true that hes getting accused for hitting on women...that shit could just ruin your life.

I like how his very first panel is him trying to seem smart, then almost all of the rest of the panels are him being too dumb to understand things

>i miss the hair i used to play

Can't wait until Anime catch up with all the shit in AoT.

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because "muh disney marvel"

She-ra was fine, not sure why so many men gave a shit about it. Captain Marvel was really, really shit and it was still miles better than TFA/TLJ.

I have no idea who these people are and no intention to find out. Sod off, OP.


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Captain marvel imprisoned a young black teen because he COULD have killed Captain America in the future.
I don't get why she doesn't get more love from here just to encourage people to read further in and find out what kind of shit she pulls.

>He should at least be able to go outside and enjoy himself...what ever he does on the internet should be kept on the internet.

Well, he was so egotistical to have his phone ready, refreshing his twitter to know that in minutes that trolls were on his twitter and continue scrolling through each comment when he could've just shut if off and ignore it.

It's his fault that he craves the abuse of trolls and is ready to dive head first into that shit then whines about them later.


>twitter thread
>bait OP
Fuck off.

Then wtf do I see them pissing on the backs of truck windows

I have no idea who this is or what's going on but this made me chortle.

Ray is the biggest mary sue I have ever seen in a movie. She can beat up the most powerful force users who have trained their whole lives easily despite her only training consisting of beating up weirdos in the desert with a staff and one force lesson from Luke which she failed. Do people actually believe that Ray is not a mary sue?

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Man Im glad I got out of the food game.

Those were bootleg. Pretty sure there was a whole lawsuit over it.

those decals aren't authorised. And it's out of character for Calvin to be maliciously pissing on something like the decal suggests.

Christ, cup head is not memorization. It can be when you play the same part so many times that you memorize it but you can react to everything in cuphead as long as you use your brain

Dobson is a shitter. More news at 11.

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he used the pseudonym until people connected the dots. where do you think tom preston/andrew dobson comes from

This, but I think he also lacks personality wich made him so bullyable

Why don't you just look at paintings then you stupid cunt? The fact that these cock monglers have any say in vidya as a hobby really pisses me off. It's dick smugglers like Dobson who are responsible for the dumbing down of games.

How the fuck does Dobson keep getting worse? I got smash on the switch and it's easy to blow through the modes to unlock everyone. It's not like Dobson doesn't have enough time with his art career or dealing with trolls.

What did Dobson mean by this?

He actually used the CattyN name first, and that is what lead to people connecting the dots.

Man I wish I saved all his ranting on inflatechan. He used to bitch so hard about anything and everything while pretending to be a girl.

Imagine being so upset that your party game makes you play a few fun matches with friends to get more content.

>30 minutes before close of the lobby\inside
>huge high school football game ends
>drive thru line is huge af
>little fucking shits decide to come in to eat 10 minutes before close
I just cleaned up the room you fucking little faggots.
Sometimes I just didn't give a fuck and locked the doors early. My manager stopped caring at some point, probably told some little shits to fuck off as well.

Liberals should be forced to work fast food in urban areas for a year before they move on to their magical snowflake Universities, get some taste of the real fucking world.

This was 10+ years ago though. Also Taco Bell. Please don't eat there, btw.

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He cannot comprehend that there women who think SJW stuff is bullshit. He is in a bubble.

Seething trannyera.

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but burritos good


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Both sides are retarded. Not sure what the center one is but the other two are genuinely shit movies.

He shat on his own fanbase pretty hard and nuked his DA out of spite, so its not hard to see why he lost relevance.

From the man who drew a comic where his furry self insert bashes a man's skull in for taking photos of a woman.

Yeah but she was always hot, just look at the stuff from the 80's

is he obsessed with link's nes hair because it reminds him of the good ol days when he had hair himself?

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>Dobson is 2 inches taller than me
Women may laugh at the size of my height, but they will soon learn to fear the size of my arms


Has he changed his mind about cuphead since itKs being ported to the switch?

Starting a thread with a Twitter screencap should be grounds for an instant ban.

>Frying butter


I don't care if it's made out of rat shit and piss I'm eating a crunchwrap supreme.

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This person probably killed themself after the screening

just don't say I didn't warn you bros

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Fuck Dobson but they're actually right on this one
Every boss is
>bullet sponge phase you will never die to unless you get impatient
>bullshit rng phase that will fuck you up at random
>trial and error phase where you need to learn how it works before you can win
It's textbook fake difficulty where you need to sit through the same shit over and over again just for a chance to have a go at the actually difficult part

Huh? What country is he from?


i've never played cuphead, just watched some of it on stream.
does the game actually require memorization and has trolliness/unfair deaths?
from what i've seen of the game i thought it's actually fair and you can react to anything. am i mistaken?

>Advertises his work with the tagline "he writes comprehensible dialogue"
My first reaction is to say that's an edit, but knowing Dobby I wouldn't be surprised if he completely missed the fact that he was being damned by faint praise

its crazy how his writing style and sentence structure so clearly indicate he's constantly at battle with himself

>Feels sympathy for James Gunn
>A pedo

I forgive him because he made Super

how can he play as peach?


I'm not convinced he isn't an AI construct technocratically developed to disgust as many people as possible

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He has a REALLY inflated ego.

It would be fun if you could read it in both ways. Missed opportunity.

wow Dobson that's pretty transphobic

He’s actually kinda right for at least the bottom left comic.

what kind of pathetic person looks around on twitter for tweets from random nobodys to post on Yea Forums

Why is there barely anything new posted in these threads? It's always the same twtittercaps years back.

ONE cares about his art, he's just bad at drawing. He can't help it.

Don't inflate his ego any more.

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People bitching about pop culture using big words like nazi or mysoginist just want to look smart but they can't dig in their own ideas. Basically because they're parroting ideas that aren't theirs in the first place.
But it's easy to disarm them: just ask them to elaborate or being concise about some point and don't fall for their taunts.

The game is fair, he should git gud.


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But James Gunn is actually successful

it took me about half a minute to figure out the position of everyone's body in the picture.

I sor of agree. I like the look of the game, but it's not the kind of thing I'd ever play.
In that sense, it's "wasted" on me. Yea Forums doesn't realize that people can have different tastes, or that people can have opinions without making demands.

can someone link his latest comics?

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>Steven universe and mlp
of fucking course

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> Son of Dobb

>How bad could your life possibly be when a shitty movie is the only thing that supposedly gives you joy

To the extreme far-left, these "shitty movies" are their equivalent to a religious experience.

>Dobson is a kind person that posts his poor opinions to show to the whole world that at least there's someone else in the world who's worse off than you in every single positive trait possible
At last I truly see

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What's wrong with it? I'm in Bongland and there's a taco bell down the road that opened relatively recently.

>which hasn't really become a cult classic
>Urusei Yatsura
What in the fuck am I reading?

I can't speak for Bongland since I'm an Amerilard, but Taco Bell is the kind of food you get when you're a hung over college student at midnight who just wants to eat something cheap. It fucks with most people's stomachs because it's so greasy, but it's fucking good and nothing is more comforting than getting a Crunchwrap Supreme for $4 when all you want is something to fill you up.

Nah Dobson is right here. I get that some people find enjoyment, but I couldn’t just hop online and play, or even unlock em all in like 30 mins. I’m already okay at the game, I don’t need to try out all these characters right away.

Well he's still bringing happiness to someone.

He keeps showing people his drawings and they keep telling him to stop

who doesn't masturbate?

He's truly a saint. I know I feel better as a person knowing that at least I support myself and own a house. God bless Dobson

The joke is clearly intended to be on Dobson, though. But it's like the opposite of a back-handed complement. He jokes that he is out of touch, while giving hinself a pat on the back for being superior.
The clerk isn't supposed to be an asshole, more like a plebian.

Does people tell to kids to kill means in America?

Agreed, such games are designed for the emotionally artistic.

hello where is the joke

>boohoo harassers got me banned
>but announcing death threats to the president that's not harrassment

>Does people tell to kids to kill means in America?

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>This is merely a suggestion
Which one is it Son of Dob?

>Does people tell to kids to kill means in America?
Put me in the screencap, mom.

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If you want a stomach ache, go for it
Otherwise eat the steak or chicken only, no ground beef, rice only, no beans, and avoid any cheese or dairy.


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Jesus fuck, that's the most condescending and patronizing shit I've read all fucking week. Tell me he got shit from the other SJW, please.

Isn't that basically a tracing of some other picture?
Also, isn't drawing someone being stabbed in the throat and then sending it to them not considered a death threat?

>out of all the characters they could have shilled they chose the alcoholic cunt

>Sequelfags unironically used the prequels as an argument that Rey wasn't a Mary sue

nobody gives a fuck about your capeshit

>Also, isn't drawing someone being stabbed in the throat and then sending it to them considered a death threat?
Whoops, correction.

It's likely just boomer complaints, because old Sher-ra looks better than nuShe-ra and frankly they are kinda right
Having this in mind it only makes him more of a hippocrite, because he defends this change while throwing shit at Nintendo whenever he has the chance because Mario isn't from Brooklyn anymore and both his bully and Link are blonde.

The part that makes her a Mary Sue is also how instantly everyone around her loves her.

Todd would be the kind of fat fuck who would see the store's shutter gate half down and roll under because "you're still open."

Do you guys have the chicken nachos over there?

They needed a Super Girl/Wonder Woman.
Just because Marvel/DC aren't making new characters, doesn't mean that they don't still copy each other.

i knew someone who worked at taco bell and said the same fucking thing. it must be universal.

How the fuck do you so blatantly misuse such a simple word? What a fucking troglodyte.

No it was retards like thequartering. Boomers don't give a fuck about She-ra.

I haven't worked at Taco Bell in a decade.
Oh it's universal.
You seriously think anything at Qdobas, Chiptole, and or Taco Bell isn't freeze dried until it arrives?
Every bean or rice is dehydrated, then it's given bunson (coffee HOT water), stirred, then put in a warm cooker for 30 minutes before put on the line.
Meat precooked, in bags, put in bin, put in warmer again for 30 minutes.

Qdoba at least prepares their veggies (fajitas) and some other stuff semi-fresh.


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>they took the white blonde girl for their feminist icon even though there was a captain marvel which was a black woman before her

that's funny because i have coworkers and half sisters who believe sjw shit is retarded and just a bunch of liberal hokeypokey
my mom thinks they are just whiny lazy people who just want things handed to them

I fixed this boring mess

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Unappealing gameplay format to you maybe. You're not the target audience if you want your surrounding environment to move down to your level instead of being thrown into a challenging environment to be pushed to reach the levels of others who managed to complete it.

The talent and artistry wasn't wasted. You're just incapable of appreciating the art for what it is.

Is Dobson the worst case of emotional sunk cost ever?
Countless people have told him over the years, in great specific detail, how he fucks up and how he could improve. There is no way he doesn't know exactly what his faults are and why people hate him. Does he simply think he's in too deep and may as well keep going full retard for the rest of his life? Why? Why does he persist?

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Sorry I had Todd Howard on the brain.

I assumed that it was nostalgia fueled rage. I admit I didn't follow that much the outrage and just saw the redesign in some threads, desu I would be a bit upset if I was into that in the first place.
>Boomers don't give a fuck about She-ra.
Wasn't she as popular as He-man?

Time sunk fallacy
Liberal self delusion
with Trump Derangement Syndrome
along with continuous Victim Complex Personality due to his excessive retardation spewed on social media.

>directly in front of him
>3 o'clock

why is captain shemale making jonathan joestar's pose

>Regular Cuphead player has to go through each animation to learn the patterns and get better. They become more intimate with the animation as a result of looking for specific attack tells
>Easy mode player sees it once and moves on

Hm I wonder who will come out with more appreciation of the art?

Mario was never from Brooklyn, only in that godawful movie

To be serious for a moment.
The guy prolly fucking hates himself, must be shit being him. Its his own life and his own choices that has led him here tho. I think its a mix of being a content layabout (for some undeserved reason), and being committed to groups of people on the internet that hate self improvement as they view it as a violation of who they are.
Son of dob is just an eternal failure, not because of his art or his beliefs. But, becuase hes completely unlikeable and weak willed.

He's simply a retarded, broken and hateful person with zero redeeming qualities at all. Like I'm certain EVERYBODY on Yea Forums has one quirky little personality trait that would score them friends, but Dobson is just a fucking void of nothing. He's a human enigma, something that should be studied in the dark confines of a lab to figure out how it's possible for a sentient monkey to fuck up this bad. It's like he takes perceived ideas of things that would make him "likeable" from internet cliques, and every single time he's stunned and surprised that nobody buys into his theatrical play of lies.

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Is it even worth mocking Dobson at this point?

The biggest problem with Dobson that's he just can't accept criticism. Not that he he doesn't want to, but that he just physically can't, he wouldn't be able to if he wanted. The part of his brain associated with learning from mistakes is just broken.

Yes. Always.

My first Sociology lesson

user, Dobson is a target so despised that he can (and has several times) unify Yea Forums, Resetera, Neogaf, Reddit and Tumblr. This golden goose of venting utter resentment only shows up once every few hundred years. You don't just ignore something like that.

yeah that Star Fire outfit was bad, Harley is now and will always dress like a whore. BUT DONT TALK SHIT ABOUT CATWOMAN. That's her best outfit

nobody cares

Funny, because Harley Quinn didn't rise in popularity for years until those skank outfits went public and every basic bitch continues to wear it on Halloween every year.

9000 hours in GIMP

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Is Dobson blue bear (does it have a name?) the new sonichu?

He's been a lolcow for a long fucking time. He's always been a less interesting CWC, but shares a lot of things with him.

whats he really talking about then?


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What the fuck is it about Twitter screencap threads that ensure they get bumped enough to get 300+ replies?

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Get off Yea Forums Dobson.

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whats an appealing gameplay concept for cuphead?

what the fuck is up with cwc hanging out in an abandoned insane asylum, btw

>be one of the shortest people in my group of friends
>still two inches taller than dobson

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Legit question, user. What's in the ground beef? I like to get chalupas from there every now and then, never gives me any stomach problems. But if there's some right nasty shit in there, I would like to know straight up so I can just stop eating them.

Reddit refugees don’t like talking about video games.

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It's Judith beheading Holofernes. It was a very popular subject for renaissance painters. The most famous version is probably Caravaggio's.

Attached: 1280px-Judit_y_Holofernes,_por_Caravaggio.jpg (1280x967, 229K)

ye, new isent the right word, should be;
has the Dob usurped the title of "currently most profitable lolcow"?

how do people even find out about their brothers?

"Dobson" and "profit" just don't go together in the same sentence

If you're the Bong talking about it, you will be fine as American fast food places tend to be better outside of America as they have to follow some form of standards.

>I have to go to goybook to find new Dobson shitposting material
FB just doesn't have that format that lets retards spew whatever dumb shit they think of so quickly for the internet to see. Shame.

Nope, different user entirely. I'm in burgerland, Texas to be exact.

he just has an inflated ego

me on the left


The guy who draws OPM is actually a fantastic artist.
He either shits those fast or the artstyle is intentionally ugly so it's not a hassle to draw

the staff

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Well you're fucked.

Just tell me what's in the stuff, please.

What ever happened to Dobson? What's he up to nowadays?

mad cow disease

My sister in law always guaranteed that it was real meat, but I remain unconvinced. It can't possibly be food.

>cucks being cucks
Nothing new really.

i dont get it, did tom prestom ever talked about link?

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Released this last week kek
Like past controversies, he traces everything to look like he can draw. And and like the past, the joke here is that there’s no joke nor punchlines nor any surprises

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Lots of filler, not much actual beef. Unironically filled with s 0 y and cheap dog food ingredients.

Where is the powergirl cosplay one?

Ah, so no worse than your average fast food burger, sounds like. Still, trying to cut down on shitty fast food, so I guess I'll avoid them some more.

Thanks, user.

Remember that this fucker was unironic liberal antifa and still managed to get banned off of twitter not once or twice, but 3 times

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What a fucking piece of shit, i hope someone murders dobson already.

I mean, technically since she's powered by one of the stones this might be possible
Also the artwork isn't that bad

Ian Brandon Anderson

>That bottom right panel
What the hell was Dobson meaning by this? That he really thinks that the average woman is a closet lesbian that wants to be railed by Captain Marvel?

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Since when did pursuit of excellence become something problematic? Why are these communist cockroaches sprouting up again?





Dobson legitimately does not think women/gays/whatever that disagree with him are true women/gays/whatever

This is better shown when he was ranting about Plebcomics, who he fully knows is a female. He absolutely refuses to use feminine pronouns because in his mind, she can't be a "real" woman.

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Where is he posting this shit now that his twitter is RIP?

Nah, people legit hate Dobson too much to even give money ironically to him, it's not like CWC where at least Chris has his fans and does fun shit, Dobson is just an idiot

Not when you win.
Just win, solves the problem of being frustrated.

He doesn’t even try to come up with "complex" conceptual ideas. Just the most inclusive ideas anyone can come up with. As an adult like himself (really, he should be somewhat wise ar this point of his life), this is very bad. Someone needs to teach him to read a book or something. This is primary school level of thinking


>tfw 5'4

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Tumblr, and even they hate him.
I even posted his shit on furfag discord occupied by literal trannies and unironic socialists and even they hate his shit.

Wtf is even his audience anymore? Who does he pander to?

What is a strawman?

>his whole patreon is 16 people

holy shit lol

because both of them have an incredible need to share details of their life with the internet.

btw, CWCs brother has a youtube channel, barely any views and people in the comments mainly laugh at him because CWC literally gets more money via patreon than he does

Evidently dobson buys the shitty food all the time judging from his physical health

Himself and to "Piss off the haters", and even then people just mock his dumbshit.

So is the joke that the guy on the left is him?

>arbitrary needs

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>it doesn't appeal to me personally so it's squandered!

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He really can't let go of his lesbian fetish, can he?

Also, the guy looks just like him except for the Deadpool shirt.

I was beginning to have long thoughts, question myself, analyze the world and many other philosophical acts when I was 16.

Dobson, please, for the love of god, GROW UP. I meant it literally, to GROW THE FUCK UP. Lord, no wonder people love to call you "manchild".

You've been hit by
You've been struck by

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You don't look autistic

Excuse me, gentlemen.
You weren't planning to close this store without restocking your copies of Skyrim: Bethesda Edition, were you?
Because that would be a damn shame.
[across the street, a competing retailer has coincidentally burst into flames]
Do us both a favor. Buy some copies and stock your shelves with them.

Attached: IMG_1094.jpg (316x327, 18K)

Cuphead isn't even the most hardest Runandgun out there, and most of the difficulty comes from certain design choices mainly surrounding the projectiles.

in my first few days of having Smash, I invited a friend over to my house while I was shopping. Told him he could play Smash if he got there before I did.
He had unlocked three characters when I got back. And he's never owned a copy of any SSB game

>dislikes negativity
>always spreads negativity

How hard do you have to miss the point of an entire comic strip to make this kind of assumption.

He knows perfectly how to make a good comic, but he's bad at drawing.

Dobson is a fucking retard, but holy shit do you know how to read because that's not what the tweet says.

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WTF is this? Nester was all about top of the line graphics and whatever was new.

And why the fuck would he care about Links hair and Mario not being from Brooklyn when both those things weren’t even canon IN THE NINTENDO POWER COMICS THAT FEATURED ALONGSIDE HIM.

Like, the Mario comics early show he isn’t from Brooklyn, and links hair is blonde. Fuckin hell Dobson.

yea we need ban these faggots.

>a pedo


Attached: ceasar.jpg (460x258, 62K)

This, it should be an instant ban

Everyone rightfully shat on this article, but Son of Dob ate it all up as usual. Apparently he hates ponies now too.

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What the fuck am i reading

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Or that one comic where his lesbian pirate kicks a woman out of nowhere and then threw a hissyfit when a trans woman redrew his comic to have a positive about acceptance message.

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>mfw he got banned from twitter

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Dobson and people like him SEETHE at anime avatars because it's almost always a sign that the profile has no real life info attached, so people like him cannot try to get you fired over mean things you say online

Oh fuck my face I'm an enormous faggot and I suck dicks all day.

>Instead of drawing a pony, he just scales down an image of one he got off google
I could understand that shit for the poster, but come on, is it really that fucking hard to draw a simple pony on some one's shirt?

No it doesn't because again, she mary sues her way out of it despite Wanda being a fucking witch, could fend off Thanos for a bit while destroying the Mind Stone (and Vision), and has character development.

And she still got dusted despite being powered by the Mind Gem as well.

You are reading about the life of a man known as the Son of Dob, the most pathetic being of this world.

That's some of the most brainlet thinking I've seen. The same mindset as the brainwashed retards in any given dystopian novel.


the fact that dobson drew this is very disturbing. Like if a woman drew it it would still be annoying and untrue, but the fact that Dobson drew this underaged looking girl having lesbian lust over captain marvel is fucking creepy

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Time to go down the rabbit hole that is Andrew Dobson

>Lock up the store for the night
>The front door is locked, and past the door is the very visible metal shutter gate
>Retards still come to the front door and knock despite all this when they see me
>They ALWAYS pretend they can't hear me and motion for me to come and unlock the door so we can 'talk'
I've had some people literally just stand there and watch me for 5 minutes until I just turned off all the store lights and waited for them to leave.
Working any form of retail or fast food should be required so you know how fucking shitty people really are.

kill yourself

>implying anyone wants to talk with Dobson

>I'm not digging the controls
but smash had the same control scheme since melee.

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The Barnes and Noble near me had Urusei Yatsura

This is actually kind of sad, his own creations haven't brought happiness to any kind of audience, partly because they're shit and partly because all Dobson does now is draw comics about stuff that makes him miserable, see here
So he has to watch videos of people joyously reaction to things that Dobson wishes he could create

The idea itself isn't that bad for the con goers, I've definitely seen some dumb shit people do
>Making my way through the massive crowds
>See a girl in a pretty nice looking cosplay
>Guy is walking after her, asking if he can get a picture
>She politely says that she's in a bit of a hurry to make it to the next panel, maybe if he spots her later
>Autist spergs out and aggressively tells her "Just stop moving, it will only take a minute!"

God I hate moeshitter weebs so much.

Kate Leth is a bit of a cunt, yea

Attached: Kateandhersugardaddy.png (800x892, 418K)

>futbol to stupd to know periodic table
>"ugh why math so hard"

>Son of Dob

Attached: isthisniggaserious.jpg (439x373, 38K)

It has gone off the rails in the best possible way.

Delete this shit right the fuck now

>Is Dobson a sexual predator trying to disguise himself as an "ally"?


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>#BelieveWoman you fucking shitlords, if a woman says that she's being harassed then she is!
I always love seeing this happen to the people who insist that women would never ever stretch the truth about this stuff

His art isn't bad, too bad he is kind of stupid.

Attached: get-a-load-of-THIS-guy.png (429x241, 94K)

This is reaching a tipping point. Why are people getting so upset about "difficult" games?

Man why am I not laughing? Why do I feel so bad for him?

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Careful, don't want some one to post the juicing room

I wonder how the Conrade dude is doing today.

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He definitely has a lesbian fetish, and his old inflation art at times did border on snuff, but it was in a more cartoony kind of way. The lesbian fetish is fine, but he presents it in a progressive "i'm with you sister" kind of way. Like referring to the squid tv hosts in Splatoon as "happy lil lesbians" and some Peridot X Lapis art. It all has a veneer of him being an ally

I honestly don't believe you when you say he has fans. I would believe you if you said there are fans of his political position sure. Can there actually be fans who would frame his comics or pay him on patreon or something I don't believe it.

Isn't Captain Marvel an allegory for authoritarianism in the comics?

>If you can identify with a pony you can identify with a white person, Tyrone
What did Dobson mean by this?

The villains being cast as hilarious incompetents really ups the stakes, huh? I really felt the fear when sputtering fool #5 made a move against PROTAGONIST.

Wow what a faggot

>Dobson thread
>No masks
Come on, you were supposed to be better than this Yea Forums

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I have a strange feeling that Dobson would hold absolute contempt towards any media that portrays white men in a positive light.

This. If he can't ad hominem you, he can't argue

Showoffs are just the tripfaggin attention whores of real life

I hate twitter threads

Good thing Dob ain't on twitter no more

From the stuff I'm seeing on amazon, they look like they range from $10 to $30 +S&H

>"nerdy" "ally" actually just tring to use his position to knock attention off his very un-ally actions

Fuck SJWs, but I'm glad they're smart enough to see through this bullshit

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Scratch that, well kinda, the jester one is around the $30 dollar range, but I'm seeing some with feathers and all that going for more than $500, (made in Italy)

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this is so fucking true, i know your pain brother

>Having taste this shit

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Well, Mario´s voice actor says that when he auditioned he was told he was playing a plumber from brooklyn (or did he said the bronx? I am not sure) with an Italian accent, so take it for what it´s worth.

It's really sad how we aren't viewed as people, merely servants you can yell at.
>Closing time is 6:30, lock up right on the dot
>A minute later as I'm cleaning up a girl comes and sees the locked door and shakes the doors and immediately yells at me "You're not even closed yet!"
>Look at my phone and tell her it's 6:31
>There's a brief pause where she clearly knows she's in the wrong, but instead of apologizing she doubles down and yells "It's only been one minute!" before she storms off
I cannot fucking fathom getting mad at a worker for closing the store on time

>He can't help it
Read the Mob Psycho manga or at least go through tome 1
He got really fucking better at it like holy shit

Why does everyone post the same tired old Dobson shit, did he go dark and stop drawing or something?

no hes still around...just on facebook now he actually just posted everyone to name one movie that has a female hero as the lead to try and prove a point.

I agree with those comments on Twitter, you should be easier to play in every way.

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But Todd, I don't own the latest Skyrim and can't play it

how about the doritos tacos? those stuff are the shit

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I dont care what you think, it's not made for you.

just imagine she has a cuphead box instead.

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What the fuck did you say?

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What's the correlation between wanting a baby easy difficulty and being a leftist faggot?


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This. We joke about Anime avatars being scum, but they take that shit seriously.

He has an audience on Facebook though.

>People actually get off watching PoC being happy at some movie
There was a guy on Twitter who talked about how he only went to see Spiderverse to look at some black kid enjoying the movie. These people have fucking problems.

Wasn't that guy a troll though?


He might have been, but those people really exist.

Oh no doubt.

Yeah that's the thing about Dobson. His art isn't actually that bad. People don't hate his art, it's him. It's all him.

Someone post the FAT edit

>a furry lecturing ANYONE on ANYTHING

I legitimately love the fact that furry fandom exists, because we can more quickly identify who should be force fed lithium and anti-psychotics.

he should just kill himself

doubt any journos even made it that far lol

>That animation demo reel he did
It's so sad that so much potential got wasted thanks to them being such a piece of shit.

>says the ugly no talent bear

Holy shit that's my pic

>My free time is limited and valuable
>any thing about dobson valuable

What the fuck does he do all day? I unlocked everyone in two days playing through all the classic modes, I liked it that way because it didn't make it feel like a chore like it would if I saw the 70 fucking characters I'd need to play ass right from the start with no reward for doing it

it's the marketer's only idea when it comes to a female-led movie, and for some reason a few folks honestly buy into it

ok, this one made me mad. what a colossal fucking faggot.

Attached: 10 out of 10 it's okay -IGN.jpg (1024x504, 94K)

It's fake

I don't know where the white guilt propaganda is coming from.

A recent poll reveals that more whites want reparations for blacks than black people.

>it's fake
prove it

Who is that big titty temptress in bottom left?

No, it's a game designed for people under the age of 40 who still have the hand-eye coordination to play such games, just as us geezers had when we played Battletoads pre-America Online & perfected DKC 2 pre-Youtube & Gamefaqs. Shea & Bear are just old farts who can't "good" anymore.

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would this be better as a holographic trading card instead? faggot go home

You don't see this guilt in any race in the world either. Just the whites.

No matter how easy your game is to play, somebody with a blog will find it frustratingly difficult and hate you for making it.

What in the actual fuck was he thinking?

wait a minute
that card

are 181cm considered manlet?

he had assistants on mob

>>I don't know where the white guilt propaganda is coming from.

it starts in schools

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it’s hilarious how he clearly doesn’t understand the basic message of butterfree leaving ash. oh the irony


just tight dress
ex wife of tom cruise, forgot her name

>>It's not really a bad idea, right?

it sounds like something autists would need in a special ed class, unironically