It's just a port machine

It's just a port machine

Attached: switch.jpg (764x430, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nintendies will buy anything

>People make fun of it for having no multiplats
>It gets multiplats

Its a mario and zelda machine you fucking retard.

>port machine with all of nintendo's games

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name a console that isn't

Yeah one that lets me play dark souls on the bus without looking like an asshole for bringing a laptop on the bus.

All consoles are port machines that port from devkits


I don’t know i’m playing octopath and it’s a shame it didn’t release on any other platform. Probably would have boosted the games popularity a little

I'm ok with because it's also a portable machine

This. Söyniggers coping hard.

Multiplats from last gen that already had GOTY editions release before the switch was even announced. Where's DMC? Where's Sekiro? Where's Kingdom Hearts? Where's Ace Combat 7? Where's REmake 2? Where's Monster Hunter World?

pick a straw man and stick with it.

PC isn't a console

OP Samefagging

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Are you pretending to be retarded?

switch can't run those games


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The Switch's success continues to traumatise Yea Forumsbrats.

On my PC. Switch + PC is the best possible combination.

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Cherry picking
Seeth more tendy faggot, your brand will be extinct after this gen

It's an Indie machine, which is perfect for handheld and the fact that a lot of indies are better than AAA.
Oh and the Nintendo exclusives

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I don't give that much of a shit about framerate unless it's looking like an all-in-one toaster trying to run Crysis at max settings.

>It's just a port machine
Finally, a PC competitor.

> Best Selling PS4 games
> 1. Grand Theft Auto V (19 Million) (Port/Multiplat)
> 2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (15 Million) (Multiplat)
> 3. Red Dead Redemption 2 (13 Million) (Multiplat)
> 4. Call of Duty: WWII (13 Million) (Multiplat)
> 5. FIFA 18 (11.8 Million) (Multiplat)
> 6. FIFA 17 (10.9 Million) (Multiplat)
> 7. Uncharted 4 (10.3 Million) (Exclusive)
> 8. Horizon Zero Dawn (10 Million) (Exclusive)
> 9. Spider-Man (9 Million) (Exclusive)
> 10. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (8.4 Million) (Multiplat)
> 11. Fallout 4 (8.4 Million) (Multiplat)
> 12. FIFA 16 (8.2 Million) (Multiplat)
> 13. Star Wars Battlefront (8 Million) (Multiplat)
> 14. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (7.5 Million) (Multiplat)
> 15. Battlefield 1 (7.2 Million) (Multiplat)

just like the extinction of good Sony games?

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Zelda, Mario, Smash, and..?

Pokemon which grosses over 1 Billion dollars each Gen, Pokemon Gen 7 alone grossed more money then Sony has with any of their franchises in their entire history of making games

>why can't this glorified Nvidia Shield run these games that Pro consoles struggle to run at 1080p 60fps, let alone 4K 30fps, and also require a fuckton of GBs of memory
Gee, I wonder why?

Metroid, Star Fox, Splatoon, Fire Emblem
do you really want to play this game because I'd be here all day

>la noire
>resident evil 4
>kingdom hearts 1, 2, COM, BBS, DDD
>dark souls 1 and 2
>Shadow of the colossus
>Both Batman Arkham games
>uncharted 1, 2, 3
>God of war 3
>Yakuza 1 and 2
>far cry 3
>sleeping dogs
>burnout paradise
I can go on, but I’m getting bored.
Basically, cope.

I love mine. I've missed dozens of games over the years that I've gotten to play for the first time but anywhere I want.

>your brand will be extinct after this gen

Silly Sonyfag living in a fantasy world.

Let me spell this out for you.

The Switch's success is the tipping point in a paradigm shift in the gaming industry. The way people WANT to game has now changed. People now WANT convenience. Dockable devices and streaming services on multiple devices are the future.

The gaming war will wage between Microsoft and Google. Nintendo will happily do their own thing. Even if Nintendo gave up on hardware and became a steaming service, people would still flock to it for their amazing IPs like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash and more.

What can Sony offer? NOTHING. They have few exclusives. They're basically a black box for 3rd party devs to release games. Now that black box is no longer needed. Physical media is no longer needed. Sony cannot adapt. Its over.

The PS5 won't be a complete disaster but it will sell modestly as gamers shift away from hardware.

You will kick and scream because you know I'm right. After playing Switch, I can never go back to traditional consoles ever again.

So long Sony.

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>you can play Tropical Freeze on a handheld
>this is somehow a bad thing

Funny because i don't see any Sony games in this picture, lots of Nintendo & Rockstar though

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>Mario Odyssey, Smash Ultimate, Octopath and Xenoblade 2 are ports
Even calling BotW a port is a stretch because the Switch and Wii U version came out on the same day. If a game's PS4 and Xbox One version came out on the same day, would you consider the Xbox version a port of a PS4 game?

Metroid Prime 4 is unlikely to even launch on the Switch, development was completely canned and Retro Studios are now developing it from scratch
Star Fox, where exactly? that weird Atlas game doesn't count at all
Splatoon 2, sure I'll give you that
Fire Emblem looks bad, be honest user even FE fans think it looks like jank

This user gets it. This is why sonycunts have been in meltdown since stadia was announced. This is why Sony themselves immediately starting doing damage-control Nintendo-style directs. When Microsoft go big this E3 with their streaming plans, Sonycunts will shit this board up in a panic. The writing is on the walls.

Video game streaming will never take off.

The Last of Us II will have a 97 by the end of the year

Consoles are just shitty pc's that only serve one purpose.

Posts ignored by Sony fags because they got served and they know it.

>Video game streaming will never take off.

It is inevitable. It cannot be stopped now.

Where the fuck is the Wind Waker HD port?

People shitpost about "muh nintendo bonus" but noone seems to talk about the rockstar bonus. Also Halo shouldn't be on that list

I'm pretty sure even normalfags will hate 2 second input delay

A fucking janny better delete this post I swear to God!

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Daily reminder that the consoles Nintendo makes are pure dogshit
The games are great
They need to go 3rd party already
Literally no excuse

>point out Switch ports and it's valid criticism
>point out PS4 ports and it's cherry picking
Both consoles have ports and both have good, original games. See .
Also, neither PlayStation or Nintendo are going anywhere next generation.

And that's a good thing!


>we’re rapidly approaching a future where the Switch will have every single game ever to exist
>Snoyboys think this is a bad thing
Why WOULDN’T anyone except a diehard fanboy or corporate shill want an all-in-one console that has the best of every generation?

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Is the Switch being a success still getting people mad? It's been two years give it a rest.

>After playing Switch, I can never go back to traditional consoles ever again.
I agree with this, but there's a very simple solution you're ignoring: the PS5/all other consoles can just become Switch-like portables with docks. Portable power and battery technology are at the point that a portable can offer a full console experience with no drawbacks. Consoles are never going to come close to the power of a PC, so there's no reason to keep up a power arms race when it can win by offering convenience features like portability.

>inferior versions and last gen ports
>b-b-but its better because its portable
>despite games running like shit in portable mode
I use mine as a home console for exclusives because performance in portable mode is a joke
Literally any port is better on pc or its original platform, using the switch as a port machine is only for drones with no other gaming device

Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Mario Tennis, Smash Ultimate, Arms, Daemon X Machina, Astral Chain, Bayonetta 3, Octopath Traveler, Fire Emblem Warriors, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Yoshi, Kirby, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Metroid Prime 4, Pokémon Let’s Go, Pokémon Sword/Shield, Breath of the Wild (it released simultaneously on a dead console, it’s as good as an exclusive), Luigi’s Mansion 3, Mario Maker 2, Mario + Rabbids, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Super Mario Party, Travis Strikes Again. Xbox in its six years wishes it had half that many exclusives. Dumb troll.


listing unreleased games is disingenuous, especially a game like Prime 4
surprised you didn't list SMT V, another game that's likely years away

You're severely underestimating how much power it takes to even run something like the Switch
A portable console with the the power of a base PS4 would burn your hands off and run out of battery in an hour.

This, GTA III & San Andreas were the only groundbreaking Rockstar games. The rest were all garbage.

PS4, it's only thanks to PS4's success that gaming was revived, PS4 is the true home for all games

Uhh, how? How many existing/future release Xbox games are there?

>It's doesn't have these specific games therefore it doesn't get multiplats

I guess PS4 is a port machine cus it doesn't have Cuphead

Port Wonderful 101 already you fucking shits

Sorry you missed these
Apparently sonyfags can’t read either.

So ? It's a portable port machine, excuse me if I take the train for an hour each day.

because they're fucking years away, and we have no idea what the state of other platforms will look like by then

Nobody wants to buy a Wii U OP

If you could replace the Rockstar garbage with other games, what would they be?

absolutely delusional
normies care about more than exclusives
normies want fifa/cod/fortnite/aaa cinematic game machines
ps4 is the best console for normies which is why it sold the most this gen and still outsold the switch last year
portability in the west is dominated by mobile,and samsung/apple have that locked down
no normal person would play switch on their commute
people also want home gaming machines and streaming will never take off in the us because they have shit internet
nintendo make niche products for people that are not regular well adjusted members of society, sony's customer base is far larger
theres a chance xbox might beat sony next gen, but that's their only competition and would require a wii u tier fuckup on son'ys part

That's one of the games that are not going to get ports it depends too much on the wii u gamepad, a sequel seems more likely

>your brand will be extinct after this gen
Nintendo has enough money in the bank to release several failures in a row and still be fine. Cope.

This is how it always goes.
>Nintendo releases flop
>Yea Forums laughs and huffs their own farts for a few years instead of playing vidya
>Nintendo releases another homerun that makes up for the flop and then some
>Yea Forums cries and rages on the internet all day instead of playing vidya

Vice City is superior to both III and SA, fuck off Jamal.

Well so long as millions and millions of “not well adjusted” people keep buying them (you’re full of shit btw) Nintendo ain’t going anywhere

>Chrono Cross
How the fuck, I thought that was one of Square's black sheep.

>so far

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> GTA IV (98) for Panzer Dragoon Saga (94)
> GTA III (97) for Shadow of the Colossus (91)
> GTA SA (97) for Zelda: ALTTP (95)
> GTAS V (97) for SMT DDS2 (82)
> RDR2 (97) for Metal Gear Solid 3 (94)
> Halo CE (97) for Castlevania SOTN (94)
There, i fixed it

Nostalgic millennials and manchildren are not well adjusted
I never claimed there were going out of business, just that they will not replace the sony/microsoft duopoly in premium gaming for normies
Learn to read nincel

It's only hated by Trigger babbies & brainlets who couldn't understand it. Everyone else loved it & considered it a masterpiece. Even Yea Forums loves Chrono Cross

Just about everything you said is either warped or lies or bitter jealousy.

>nintendo make niche products for people that are not regular well adjusted members of society.

The Switch has sold nearly 40 million units in its first two years - outpacing every other system this generation by more than 20%.

Causals buy Playstation because its the default 'game box' option in their eyes. That won't be the case going forward. They won't need that box anymore.

Have a think.

Deus ex
Smash ultimate
Fallout 2
Replace halo with Doom
Replace RE4 with RE3

> Thinking a Company with a 100 Billion dollar franchise & over 1 Trillion dollars in Revenue will ever die
Cope more, Pokemon is getting a Cinematic Movie universe. That alone will add well over 30 Billion to Nintendo's profits


Handheld Ports >>>>>>>> Console Ports.
Why is this hard to understand?
Why are people simply incapable of accepting that being able to play a port anywhere is superior then playing a port, again, with slightly better graphics, again, on a console, again?
You just keep repeating the same fucking buzzwords and plug your ears when the actual advantage of a port being portable gets brought up.

>It's only hated by Trigger babbies
Then I'll keep assuming it's shit.

>Even Yea Forums loves Chrono Cross
Well then it's definitely shit.

The only reason to be upset over games getting ported to PS4/Switch/PC/etc is if you're a retard who sells your old consoles and have to rebuy old games every time.

You reek of Facebook.

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> Replacing RE4, despite it being most influential game since Ocarina of Time
Kill yourself, that just invalidates the entire list

>They won't need that box anymore
They get more utility out of a ps4 than they would a switch considering they have mobiles for portable gaming
Its the default game box because it has fifa and most aaa titles which the switch lacks and xbox shat that bed
Unless the new switch has better performance than the ps5 and has the games normies want ps5/xbox whatever will continue to dominate
You are seriously out of touch with what the majority of the console market wants

Reread my post dumbass

This. Normalfags can't even be assed enough to read up and learn how to make their own gaming PC, who fucking expects them to tolerate two second input delays?

Fuck off zoomer, that game turned the franchise into a generic action zombie game for years


Every single game since it's release has copied mechanics from Resident Evil 4, it's objectively more influential then any game released since 1998

Not even current gen ports either
It's like laughing at nindrones who only own Nintendo consoles. They don't mind playing 7th gen ports because they've never played those games before anyway

>You are seriously out of touch with what the majority of the console market wants

You're out of touch with reality. 40 million in two years. Why? Because there's a shift in the industry. Its been building for more than a decade and Nintendo are simply ahead of the curve for the moment.

the switch is the perfect companion to a gaming PC, even if we're just talking about nintendo exclusives it's worth a buy.
like seriously, we're almost to the next console generation and I think I can count the number of PS4 exclusives I'm interested in playing on one hand, and now that MCC is coming to PC there's literally nothing worth buying an Xbone for.
the portability also means that it is by far the best way to play multiplatform indie games that aren't demanding on the hardware.
and the best part is that when the switch is discontinued, you now own the best hackable piece of hardware for emulation since the PSP.

Most games are shit now, it makes sense if they copy that game

You don't belong here. Here, let me redirect you to where you belong Basedtendies

Breath of the wild
Spaltoon 2
Super Smash Bros Ultimate

And once animal crossing comes out it will be a 10/10. Also Astral Chain looks amazing. You clearly aren’t a Nintendo fan so it’s not for you and that’s fine.

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idk about you but last gen games on the go is actually pretty incredible as a selling point. best thing is the games are largely 1 for 1 ports, not the meme that is vita with watered down versions of killzone and uncharted

Imagine being autistic enough to go through the thread quoting that many posts because you're mad that Nintendo is doing what they've been doing since the 80's.

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i wish

SeeAnd go back

COPE: The Post

> I think I can count the number of PS4 exclusives I'm interested in playing on one hand

you say that, but I can do the same for the Switch; I don't have it yet but all I'm interested in is Zelda, Mario, Splatoon 2, Smash and that's it
granted that's less than what I like on the PS4, Persona 5, Bloodborne and SotC


SeeAnd go back

I love Nintendo, I love the Switch, and I love Platinum Games, but Astral Chain looks like the most contrived, boring weebshit ever and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
If you showed me Anarchy Reigns or Vanquish for the first time I could tell you immediately that they were by Platinum Games. Astral Chain looked and sounded like a generic JRPG until the very confusing developer reveal.

I said go back

>best selling exclusive; Uncharted 4
>10.3 million including bundles
>pic related
>not bundled
>not even half the user base size
>three exclusives selling better than it

Attached: botwsales.jpg (559x223, 25K)

Reply again, virgin. lmao

>Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2

>nu-Animal Crossing
>anything more than a forgettable 7/10
You could've at least listed Mario Odyssey or Xenoblade 2


I've fucked more chicks than you ever will, Nincel

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>Xenoblade 2

someone post the webm

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BotW is good, but Splatoon 2 and Ultimate are shitty rehashes. Just like Pokemon and Animal Crossing will be. Astral Chain also looks like generic Platinum trash.

>any of these games
Why are Nincels still posting here after I've already BTFO them?

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>Ultimate is a shitty rehash

what did you expect, for the game to be 3D?

I get 32.27 million cumulative lifetime sales to end of 2018 looking at wikipedia
Why? Parents buying devices for kids and grown men reliving their childhoods
The switch cannot compete with traditional consoles in the home space and cannot compete with mobiles in the portable space
The shift in the market is going to increase mobile share, if you want to look at portable gaming compare switch sales with smartphones and get back to me

this pic isn't accurate at all

I’m not into xenoblade and yeah fair enough mario was pretty fun I’m just forgetful sorry.

>nu animal crossing

Wut? You need help new leaf was the best in the series the next one will probably be great and if not then big deal I will just keep playing new leaf.

Don't expect Nincels to expect anything good out of their toddler games. Move on.
>Nincel admits he still lives with his parents

Yeah I'm not saying that the number nintendo-exclusive of games is gigantic, and I think there's a legit conversation to be had on which console to buy first if you don't own a gaming PC.
but if you do already own a gaming pc, the switch compliments it incredibly well, the only reason I could see leaning towards a PS4 is if you think you're 100% uninterested in nintendo exclusives, you'll never play it in portable mode, and there's something on the PS4 that you're desperate to play (or if you play fighting games, player populations are generally higher on PS4 and the only cross-play fighting game I know of is SF5, but chances are if you're into fighting games you already own a PS4 anyway so....*shrug*).

I said go back

You are clearly depressed get yourself on an antidepressant.

>muh webm
>too lazy to post it

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More like an overdose of antidepressants so I can dab on his pathetic grave when Sony keeps winning.

Not an argument. Hope you go see a therapist soon. Maybe help you enjoy life again.

what kind of magical thinking do you have to have to think that you can tell anybody on an anonymous messageboard to get out and actually think they'll follow your directions?

Enjoy your ban.

>has anime pictures saved
So this is the power of Basedtendies

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Mature gamers play their indie ports and dont care about what others think of them!

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Why do people like flame wars? I like Sony and Nintendo.


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>normies already have the latest smartphone for portable gaming
>switch loses to ps4 for home gaming
why would your average joe buy a switch? Nostalgia is the only reason I can think of

>Port Wii U games
>Later release DLC for them but only for the Switch version.

Fuck you i’m not buying Captain Toad again to play it with a worse control scheme just for the privilege of buying more content.

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It has more high rated 97+ exclusive made specifically for it than Sony has had in its whole history(0) and level with Microsoft in their whole history(1). Its only been out for 2 years. If you include zelda well then that's another one but I know you people won't include zelda because it's also on Wii U and cross plat games are unacceptable to shills unless it's for Sony like with P5 for example.

I'm honestly afraid of nintendo reaching their comfy zone.

Don't get me wrong, I loved oddyssey and breath of the wild, but the same thing happened in the Wii, they realeased zelda and mario galaxy and then a bunch of ps2 games of shitty shovelware because everybody was buying a wii.

I fear this because they haven't even announced anything big since mario oddyssey, even though i like smash ultimate, maybe i'm just entitled but i don't think it took the same amount of work to make Smash bros for Wii U after Brawl, than it took to make Ultimate after Smash 4 Wii U.
We're also getting a lot of recycled stuff and the few new games that are not amrio or zelda are average as fuck.
Mario tennis? Kirby yet another sidescroller? Yoshit stopped being good after island? what the fuck nintendo.

>Vita gets ports
>Switch gets ports

Why are Nintendofags so disgustingly hypocritical?

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This, the only port I want and I am still waiting

Literally nobody complained about the vita having ports.
Also Nintendo fans aren’t a hive mind, dingus.


>The switch cannot compete with traditional consoles in the home space and cannot compete with mobiles in the portable space

Uh ok bro.

Attached: BTFO_Returns.png (1080x640, 77K)

>apple sold 10 million more iphones in the last quarter of 2018 than switches nintendo has shipped over its entire lifetime
nintendo is a small fry in the portable market lmao

they just need to give us the IPs we care about
people have been begging for a Pikmin game for a ridiculously long time now and it's still nowhere to be seen, God knows what's going on with that

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This exactly, Nintendo doesn't have a bunch of studios that always have to be making something like Sony, Nintendo EAD are more like Japan Studio that go years without making games, are split up into much smaller teams and never really do shit, Nintendo can just rest on their laurels now making Pokemon games once a year, and 3DS level games, it's already happening , Wii 2, Nintendo + Casuals= hell. Sadly Switch was a huge success off the bat but never earned it ,it never even reached it's stride, it never even had a game, it was shilled so massively by terrified Nincels that Nintendo would have 2 hardware failures in a row and casuals ate that handheld shit up

this was the most npc reply i ever read.

>Don't get me wrong, I loved oddyssey and breath of the wild, but the same thing happened in the Wii, they realeased zelda and mario galaxy and then a bunch of ps2 games of shitty shovelware because everybody was buying a wii.
Most of the shovelware that ruined the Wii is now being shoveled onto mobile phones. I wouldn't worry about it.

Quit moving the goalpost, you dumb troll shit. Either it doesn’t have ports at all, or YOU PERSONALLY don’t like the plenty of exclusives that are all very different and by different developers that clearly exist. This isn’t an Xbox situation where there is an objective lack of exclusives. Switch has been out for only two years and has plenty, with lots on the way. Perhaps you need to ask yourself some tough questions if, instead of playing on your platform of choice and enjoying them, you feel the need to go after a console that clearly isn’t for you when you have plenty of other options. Just because you blew your allowance on a console you regretted isn’t our problem. Next.

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The soitch is a failure fuck you don't make me find you nigger reee

And either the ps5 or xbox whatever will beat that record
Its almost like more people are gaming now than when the ps4 released
In terms of experience the docked switch falls far behind

Ironically without virtual console as well

you clearly haven't looked at the "indie" section

>The switch cannot compete with traditional consoles in the home space and cannot compete with mobiles in the portable space

You don't fucking get it, do you? The Switch is NOT competing with anything. Thats the point. Its offering something no other does - CONVENIENCE. Thats why its selling so well. Because THAT'S what people WANT. And it will continue to drive all avenues of consumer entertainment.

Traditional consoles are dead. They're not needed - or wanted - anymore.

Reddit absolutely loves the PS4 and aside from a couple nintend hits generally dislikes the Switch

Nice cherrypicking.
I can do that too.

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Because the switch has these things called exclusives

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They'd be better off making a new F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus, or Punch Out.

Thats what i bought it for

Cause it calls out your stupidity?

And that's a good thing. Seriously, the Wii U had some of the best games of last gen, and if they can find new life on the Switch, all the better.

Am I supposed to want to look like an androgynous japanese fucboi?

>uses the basic bitch emoji

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Are you being serious right now?
You better not be.

Thos entire list is shit. The only exclusive worth owning is Everybody's Golf

Compared to what you do look like, yes.

Let’s just move that goalpost...

>the Wii U had some of the best games of last gen, and if they can find new life on the Switch, all the better.

This. I never owned a Wii U and Mario Kart 8 is one of the best games of the entire gen. It would be a travesty if that game died with the Wii U without people playing it. Its fucking amazing.

Read my posts properly you dumb nigger
That convenience is a total meme considering mobiles dominate portable gaming and everyone has one
Traditional consoles provide a premium experience and the switch competes in the premium market as a device exclusively for gaming
The ps4 outsold switch in 2018 so it seems they are still wanted to me lmao

>paid promotion is the same and candid photo

Apparently Apple sold 46.89 million in Q4 2018.

The man pictured is practically worshipped in Korea.
Huge celebrity.

>You look like a manchildren
>OH YEAH? *shows pic of a faggot*

How is this moving a goalpostS? I think both persons look retarded.

>The ps4 outsold switch in 2018 so it seems they are still wanted to me lmao
Only because people traded in their PS4 for a PS4 Pro. Soon people will be trading in their Switch for a Switch Mini and Switch Pro and their sales will shoot through the roof.


It is a candid photo. One of his friends took it and posted it on twitter.

A huge celebrity paid to promote a product

>That convenience is a total meme considering mobiles dominate portable gaming and everyone has one

Yeah the Switch will never take off. Its just Nintendo fanboys who are buying it. Thats why it outsold the Wii U lifetime sales in just 10 months right? Its going to flop any second.

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Are you actually comparing sales of a dedicated game system to a multipurpose thousand dollar cel phone?
Do you actually want to look this retarded?

Switch ain't getting pic related anyway. I could see Switch get the DMC HD Collection and maybe 4SE but highly unlikely for 5.

Surprising Switch is getting Sniper Elite 2 and 3.

Attached: devil-may-cry-5.jpg (500x706, 99K)


I was just answering a question. I didn't make the original post.

Hey, kids! Have you ever wanted to pay double for already-existing games so you can play them on a system that barely runs them?

Well the Nintendo Switch is for you! That's literally all it is!

Buy it now for the exact same price as real consoles, for some reason!

Attached: mario-microphone-nintendo-hd-720P-wallpaper-middle-size.jpg (970x776, 42K)

Thank god.
I asked the original question as in “are you seriously making this comparison?”
Not if the number were serious

That's cute. that you think gaming is alive right now in this husk of its former self.

>launch aligned
That's like comparing movie takings and not adjusting for inflation
Never said it will flop, just that it will never be the top video game console because normies want aaa titles with high graphic fidelity in their main console
Do you think I want it to flop or something? I'm still waiting for atlus to give my fat ass smtv
I doubt a switch revision will match the pro/x this early into the console's lifecycle

>no Xenoblade X, one of the best Wii U games, because the Switch can't run it

portable was a mistake, I'm sick of Nintendo's gimmick consoles after the Gamecube

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Its hysterical how traumatised and threatened you are by a cute little console.

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>ps4 sold 17.7mil
>switch sold 17.3mil
>both according to offical documents linked to in the article by the respective companies

>Never said it will flop, just that it will never be the top video game console because normies want aaa titles with high graphic fidelity in their main console

You have it backwards. Normies don't give a fuck about graphical fidelity and probably don't even know what the fuck FPS even means. Normies just want to play fun and engaging games CONVENIENTLY.

Thats why they always opt for the plug-box-into-tv-put-in-disc option rather than fucking around with PCs.

And now they don't even need the box. The Switch offers them the convenience to game on their terms and that will shortly be superceded by streaming services.

Nintendo dominating Japan.
Nintendo dominating America.

>it-its ok guys! Sony sold 300k more in Bulgaria!

As a final fantasy fan, keep these ports coming. I need 8

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Switch is objectively stronger than Wii U in pretty much every way. Every port from Wii U has had upped resolutions and FPS. Take a look at Wolfenstein, Warframe, or Hellblade and tell me Wii U could run those. You’re about two years late on concern shilling, cockboy.

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those games ran at 60fps on even the worst machines until the switch came along. How can you possibly praise something that lowers the resolution to 720p and craps out at 25fps? Unbelievable.

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>Literally nobody complained about the vita having ports.
So you were still on ribbit back then uh?

Normies don't care about fps but they like pretty pictures and believed the ps4 is 4k meme
They want a high fidelity experience that requires minimal effort and in this regard the ps4 beats the switch and pc
If streaming isn't going to be a massive fucking joke and then why don't people stream to their portable devices? switch is irrelevant as well

Is that fucking KPop?


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tetris 99 isn't a port

>If streaming isn't going to be a massive fucking joke and then why don't people stream to their portable devices?

Because the future isn't here yet. But the Switch is symptomatic of the paradigm shift in the industry. People are moving away from traditional consoles. They're simply not needed and can't cut it anymore. Christ, the disc drives on PS4 and Xbox are utterly irrelevant - the medium can't keep up with the demands of the tech, they simply dump the game on the harddrive and run from there. Is the PS5 going to have a disc drive? Seriously? Are you fucking kidding?

>Christ, the disc drives on PS4 and Xbox are utterly irrelevant

Majority of video games are sold physical.

>Majority of video games are sold physical.

Yeah, thats why Gamestop posted a $700 million year loss. They are DEAD. Physical media is DEAD.

Again, its because of CONVENIENCE. Why bother having a fuckton of bluray movies taking up shelf space in my house when I can just have it all virtually on streaming services?

Its the same for gaming. There will still be hardcore enthusiasts - much like the rise in Vinyl records. But they will be the minority.

People want physical disks and cases despite there being pretty much nothing on them and the game being a joke without a day one patch
If anything the rate in improvement in phone spec will dominate switch and eventually the other consoles
No way the switch pro can keep up with how phones are improving
In the long term I see people casting games from their smart phones to tvs using a chromecast type device
>inb4 that's similar to the switch
the switch doesn't do social media bullshit and isn't considered a necessity of modern life

Gamestop is dead because they're retarded

Amazon, Target and other stores don't mind selling physical videogames.

ok you're just fucking retarded
people are buying physical games just not from gamestop

>Amazon, Target and other stores don't mind selling physical videogames.

Companies who sell things other than video games. Hmmm....

doesn't change the fact physical outsells digital

what does that has anything to do with your argument that physical media is dead?

already got more exclusive this year than on your system lol

That’s a nice incoherent dribble, but the fact that the majority of video game sales on consoles are physical still stands.

Do you know gamestop opens
Do you think people would buy that for the price of a new game? are you fucking stupid?

Physical media is dying. And will continue to die. The same reason Bluray hasn't outsold DVD.

And thats ok. We don't need it. Shhhh. It will be ok.

opens their games before selling them*

Considering the hard drive space on the switch I think you do need it

That’s hilarious, not an american here, why would they do that?

Here's something to consider. Did you know that the reason digital downloads cost the same as physical releases is because high st stores like Gamestop held a gun to the head of the gaming industry and said if companies sold digital downloads cheaper they would refuse to stock them?

Now take physical media out of the equation. Take physical hardware out of the equation. Think about how good the future is going to be instead of being scared by it.

Reggie Fils-Aimé will personally announce the new expansion for Mario Odyssey. This announcement will be announced at the next Nintendo Direct on April 8. This photo was taken internally. It will be done by Reggie it will appeal to nostalgia and remind you of the good times you have when playing Mario games. It will contain easter eggs of Mario Sunshire.

Attached: reggie_expansion_pass_mario.jpg (800x450, 25K)

The switch really is a port machine.
It ported the PS4's library a while ago.

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>Mario Sunshire

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They use the box for display, so they remove the disc for security. Also, employees can take the discs home to play them.

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Not totally.
Is a $300 machine that let's you play direct date predictions and a smash dlc character assumption.


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So if it gets multiplats, like Doom 2 or Wolfenstein 2 or Mortal Kombat 11/Dragon Ball FighterZ, it's "haha, how shit, also this game is crap and doesn't count lol :D", but when it doesn't it's "NO GAMES, FUCK THE SWITCH, THIS ONE PARTICULAR GAME DIDN'T COME OUT SO FUCK THE ENTIRE SYSTEM, EVEN IF IT HAS OTHER TITLES"?

Damn son,
Switch Console 299
Switch Pro Controller 89.99
Wii U ports $60
Memory cards- $99.99
Resident Evil Remastered 59.99 (*game not on cart 60 gig download required)
Switch Online $20
Switch model 2 fall 2019 $350
Cardboard 79.99
Switch GameCube adapter- $60
Pokemon 59.99 X 2= 119 . 99 + tax
Amiibos 13.99 x40= $1687.66
Avoiding the Shitch meme entirely- Priceless

>he doesn’t know he’s on Yea Forumstendogaf

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>No poptarts
3/10 see me after class

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This isn't a fair comparison. Sony doesn't make games.

Just like the PS4 full of HD remasters some years ago, now at least they have 4 games.

And people said 599 U S DOLlArs was bad, Jesus Christ , Switch is literally paying out the ass for old games, PS3 had free online and MGS4, Switch has no games

it is
it's a very fucking good one too

You could play most of the game on the game pad. They could work around the couple of times you needed two screens.


>Yea Forumstendogaf
>meanwhile, I've been banned 3 times recently for hurting snoy fee fees.

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No, if that were true we wouldn't be getting all these Wii U ports right now.

I wouldn't have an issue with the ports if they would hurry the hell up with showing off some games so the constant stream of ports and port begging got annoying. I've been waiting to see Bayo 3 since Game awards 2017 and I still got nothing.

The only correct answer

yes, keep me giving (You)s, whore

same, feel free to report me any time, sonygaf.

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Yeah but retards like taking games on the GO because they are mentally in grade school.

Probably because those "ports" are barely fucking playable.

That would be great, except that they are porting games from the previous gen, I already had Doom, Skyrim, Wii U games, Skullgirls, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 0, Dragon's Dogma, Saints Row the Third, Xenoverse 2, Minecraft, Payday 2, Diablo III, Stardew Valley, Crash N sanity, Rocket League, Hollow Knight, Shovel Night, Sonic Mania, Undertale, Final Fantasy V through IX, Super Bomberman R, Shantae games, Cuphead, Axiom Verge, Gunvolt, Cave Story, Dragon Quest, Lego Worlds, Oceanhorn, World of Goo and Rayman Legends what the fuck do I play on this thing that I haven't already!?

Give me Yakuza, give me Resident Evil 2, give me fucking GTA V at least

>what the fuck do I play on this thing that I haven't already!?
If you had and played all of them, you're in the 0,1% and vastly misunderstand the appeal of porting titles to new system. Fun fact - in its first two years PS4 had more games ported to it than the Switch. Every system gets ports first, so the devs can test the water, learn how everything works, and gauga sales and how much cash to put into developing exclusive titles.


>It's just a port machine

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I got the 'ol 3 day for starting a no text thread with this pic. Snoy janny literally seething over videogame news on a videogame board

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Have sex

WRONG we have a bout a billion Indies too LMAO