What are the odds he'll appear in 3?

What are the odds he'll appear in 3?

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Well, he died, so...

Handsome Jack died, yes
But what about timothy his double

so what dated internet memes will they reference in borderlands 3

dab taunt
floss dance
"okay now this is epic" quest
someone will mention drumpf
thanos reference

End boss is named Drumpf and is orange
something something immigration good
more tranny characters

etc etc

Timothy is out slaying pussy.

His doppleganger might be in it. However I'm more worried about how they will ruin the characters from Tales. One of the few good things Telltale ever put out is probably going to have the characters torn apart to push some retarded agenda.

I just want Fiona to show up since we've already seen Rhys from Tales.

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Her and Ryhs are just going to be quipmasters and act nothing like they were previously characterized.

My whole issue with that is how can he really die in a universe where the New-U stations are canon?

They aren't canon. They don't exist within the universe.

Hate the New-U stations in lore. Shits kind of dumb. Or at least having the corporation whose minions you're fucking running through being the ones that own them.

Like it makes no sense. Either don't have them in lore at all, have them as some kind of magic bullshit, or something else. In lore they just don't make sense with characters dropping left and right, when they could have just been brought back or something.

She may be a bitchin' vault hunter herself hopefully

Doesn't his mind get transfered to Rhys head? Rhys also appears in the BL3 trailer...

The cuckold confirmed on a stream that despite constantly being referenced they aren't canon.

I hope he doesn't. They killed him off perfectly in TFTBL. Jack was a great villain and all but now we need new ones.

>inb4 the new villains are Jack's children

I'm dreading that, but yeah, probably.
It's pretty likely, given how she interacted with Athena in Tales. I would be happier with her needing to get by through glorified charisma skill-checks, bluffing, and so on, because that just plain fits her well, but if she's going to be in a proper Borderlands game that wouldn't give her much to do since all the agency will be in the player characters' hands.

now imagine she's a DLC Character for when the game comes out

Yeah, in some way, shape or form, he's definitely in.
He's one of the biggest reasons why Borderlands is so popular.

Then she'd become my new insta-main like Gaige did, though with Gaige it's just because I love summoners.

Buttstallion as one of the vehicles.

Randy already said that he wont return in 3 and neither will Scooter but we may get mentions.

I'd love to get an update on the Jack doppleganger though.

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>constantly referenced in-game
>not canon
what does that even mean

That they are a gameplay contrivance only and despite being mentioned constantly do not exist within the universe the game is set in. If this were a book New-U stations would never be mentioned basically.

>he doesn't think the ECHO eye is gonna be in 3

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>caring about any of this shit after the garbage fire 2 and presequel were

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I get what he meant, what I'm saying is it doesn't make sense. Thats like having one of the characters popping up in-game not being canon. Just because you sucked at explaining shit in-game doesn't mean you can just write it off as "non-canon" on a stream.

Like, your entire universe is inside of video games, you can't write it off.

I just hate it when someone fucks something up and then tries to write it off "hurr its actually not canon and doesn't actually exist so just ignore the glaring holes in the lore please and thank you"

Oh make no mistake. Its more retarded than Mass Effect 2s "Heat clips are just better okay now shut up faggot" approach to lore.

dab's definitely gonna be in there somewhere

>garbage fire
2 is fun and tps just got axed so it didnt get the rest of its dlc

Iirc you kill him in that mission to get the holowatch in BL2.

That was a different double

Yo so I have been playing Borderlands the Pre Sequel recently but today an update got released but whenever I try to update it a message pops up saying that the update is locked. Anyone else have this issue?

In that case I have no idea, he'll probably be an npc offering a single side quest that'll amount to nothing.