You guys ready for your gpu prices to increase again?

You guys ready for your gpu prices to increase again?

Attached: 1953066.png (480x728, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Bitcoin mining
>using consumer-grade GPUs

it's not 2012 anymore, pretty much all Bitcoin is mined via ASICs. We'll only see GPU price spikes if Ethereum or some other meme currency goes back up again, but considering most cryptocurrency lost over 75% of its value, it's probabll not going to happen again.

I was watching it rise all day

How do I buy bitcoins?

What happened?

Fuck i sold everything last weekend

You're correct but more interest in bitcoin drives more interest in alts which then gobbles up GPUs.

Do people actually spend BTC on things?

I still don't understand what the fuck cryptocurrency actually is.

>lost 5000$ in the Quadriga exit scam

Attached: 1553813791176.jpg (263x195, 13K)

Attached: 500full-igor-bogdanoff.jpg (500x500, 30K)

what even is a bitcoin

The inverted yield curve will fuck this economy and set these prices right this year

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>Today’s gain was probably triggered by an order worth about $100 million spread across U.S.-based exchanges Coinbase and Kraken and Luxembourg’s Bitstamp, said Oliver von Landsberg-Sadie, chief executive of cryptocurrency firm BCB Group.
What are the chances this is the supposedly dead CEO of QuadrigaCX who did not fly to India to fake his death one week after drawing up his living will and testament but because Indian hospitals are renowned for treating Crohn's disease and are certainly not infamous for faking deaths and selling fake death certificates?
>One of Canada's largest cryptocurrency exchanges has been granted an order for creditor protection in Nova Scotia Supreme Court, following the reported sudden death of its 30-year-old founder, Gerald Cotten. The company's lawyer, Maurice Chiasson, told the court QuadrigaCX wants time to search for roughly $250 million Cdn in assets left inaccessible after Cotten's death
Yeah I'm thinking it's him.

North Koreans laundering large amounts of money to buy nuclear equipment on the black market

Nothing to see here

Does crypto have a single non-meme use yet or is it still startups scamming people with "white papers" about tokenization to earn 5 million in an ICO

>mystery order
They even use Wall Street market manipulation tactics, fucking kek

No but I'm ready for my lambo

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He bought?

Attached: dompeet.png (374x319, 68K)

how much can i sell a R9 290 for?

I'll give you a limp handshake

only brainlets buy video game gpus to mine with

>semianonymously transfer money to different countries without paying exchange rates
>semianonymously purchase contraband over the internet
As the demand for contraband (weapons, drugs, sex) is inelastic, there will always be a use for crypo and it will have a floor price. That said, bitcoin has been static around $3500 for a year, so that's probably the floor, and anything more than a few percent gain from that is a bubble.

i feel bad for anyone who fomo's into this rise

Totally not laundering

t. coinlet