Why aren’t you letting lower skilled players into your club, Yea Forums?
Why aren’t you letting lower skilled players into your club, Yea Forums?
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What's with all these faggots trying to force developers to change how they designed their game?
Darksoulesk games without the difficulty is like Gta without the violence
fuck off, if you can't get good because your special snowflake ass can't put some effort go play other game
What club?
It's a singleplayer game.
wtf Sekiro is the easiest of Souls
Because even handicapped gamers can play games just fine, people who want a lower entry are casuals who arn't going to buy or play the game anyways even if they got what they want.
I mean, doing some hackjob optional main menu prompt that gives you a global -50% damage taken modifier is not exactly the most complicated thing in the world, is it?
As far as these things go, asking for an easy mode is actually quite banal. But if you're playing on PC you can just cheat.
Last time I checked, games in general are supposed to be challenging. Not an interactive movie where you turn off your brain and press buttons mindlessly. That's unironically how most people perceive video games, which leads them to misunderstand the point of them in the first place. Gaming journalists are no different.
don't buy the game if it's not for you.
Faggot why the hell are you even buying a game known for its difficulty if you want too no effort your way through the game in the first place?
Because they’ve already been here for a decade and a half and their incessant demand for easy validation has casualized or erased the core gameplay every genre I liked
FPS games are barely hard let alone imaginative anymore
RPGs aren’t really that hard anymore either
Because if you're not going to take a hobby seriously then you don't belong in it.
right? you don't see me complaining why pan's Labyrinth isn't filmed in my native tongue.
>If I drove my car to the finish at a marathon it’s the same thing as running it, we both got to the end
>Why aren’t you letting lower skilled players into your club, Yea Forums?
There are valid and intellectual reasons as to why an Easy mode could ruin a game's experience. The truth is that I'm autistic and fuck normalfags, it makes me happy that there are things you can't enjoy.
Why are games journalists so entitled?
They're allowed in the club solely as cock polishers for people who play games correctly. If they ever try to have an opinion about anything they will be thrown into the feral dog pit for our entertainment.
I agree though
Why should they? If you aren't interested in getting good at the game, then you aren't interested in playing the game. Find something else to do.
As game "journalists" have been saying for the past decade, don't like it don't buy it.
>game set around parrying, defending, and instant kills
How are they supposed to make an easy mode out of a game where you already kill enemies with one hit without destroying the core mechanics of the combat (like making enemies block less, etc.)?
I am bad at dark souls games. I am the loser that people tell to git gud. I know this. I get why people like the games, but I know that they're not for me, so I don't buy them. After 6 games like this, you'd figure that the people as bad as me would figure this out.
This motherfucker isn't driving where you're running, nor is he claiming that he got exercise by driving his car. He just got to see the same scenery as you. What a shit analogy.
Hard turn based rpgs are not particularly fun
If you play games and beat them you're now in a special club that doesn't let shitters with no patience in. I dont make the rules
>I don't play action games
>but they should cater to me
I'm not. But the whole "talking about making developers change how they design their game" sounds like a little bit of a weird argument. Don't we do it all the time in every thread in this place that calls a game bad and we talk about ways it could be fixed? Is that really all that different?
What makes him entitled to see the same scenery I did without caring enough to appreciate it as much as me?
Fuck me americans are retarded.
Literally autism.
There is no reason to not have an easy mode in any FromSoftware game. It will expand the playerbase and allow more people to enjoy the atmosphere of the games, and the hardcore fans can just play the default mode. Games used to do it all the time.
The reason Yea Forums doesn't want an easy mode is because their autism can't comprehend letting somebody in their secret club of people who has finished Dark Souls with a perceived lower amount of effort, like they could actually measure that anyway.
The problem is that nobody actually cares if you're in it. It's a video game, you don't receive a fucking medal and a massive pension for it. It's just smug autistic satisfaction.
Same faggots who say it's wrong to make ME3 devs change the endings.
Infinite revives.
People as a rule are stupid user. Some games are not for everyone, such as I have never been much for the FPS genre because it is not for me, other people can enjoy their halos and CoD's and battlefields and the like, but I just don't play it and I respect that. It's not my say as too how the genre goes because the game type isn't for me. Some people simply need to learn and understand that.
Because ur a casual faggot!
>everyone around you dies
literal babies
Shit dude I didn't know we were videogame journalists.
If they were were ever to do this I would want choosing easy to passive aggressively insult the player.
I like how in RE2 (1998) Normal is selected by default and you have to scroll to Easy and the text turns green.
It's subtle but the developers are basically saying "Here's the game we made, and here's the little baby version we included for little babies like you."
it is an action game, the entire selling point of the genre and the games in question is difficulty.
If you want to enjoy it, literally get good.
Nevahr forget
"Make it easy so people who don't play video games can play it" is roughly the diametric opposite of "How could this game be better?"
>getting this mad you cant beat a game you're going to sperg out all over the anons that did
Actually bad games =/ Games that weren't made for you.
I review games for a living and don't get it, could you slowly run it back for me?
>fuck normalfags
right on brother.
But why? Just let the user adjust their experience to their liking.
I wouldn't play RE if there wasn't an easy mode. The only game I didn't play on easy mode was RE3 because it gave you too much shit right away.
I still want to work for things I just don't want to double the time killing zombies if I can help it.
>not a single fromsoft soulsborne game has ever had any difficulty option
>only indirect choices through covenants etc. that exclusively served to make the game HARDER
Clearly, you aren't the target audience for this game. The developer has a vision in mind, and it certainly doesn't involve a difficulty setting, or else they'd have fucking implemented it now over the course of like 5 fucking games. You're not entitled to any game pandering to you. How the fuck are these retards "journalists" tasked with writing about video games. Fromsoft games ain't even hard
get a real job
What does that have to do with this topic?
>mfw just beat O'rin honestly
yeah I used the stealth deathblow but I took her 2nd dot like a warrior
Being hard is kind of the point of these games though. Smashing your face against it repeatedly, pushing through, and feeling that satisfaction when you beat a particularly challenging part is central to the experience. Taking difficulty out removes the core of the experience, if you don't want to be challenged then just look up the cutscenes on YouTube or something
Games don't necessarily always have to be for everyone, and if this sort of experience doesnt appeal to you, that's totally fine, just don't bitch about it and try to force them to change how they do things
Anyway, this is all a moot point because miyazaki literally doesn't give a fuck and will probably design the next one to fuck with journalists even harder
I'm actually not concerned with an easy mode. I've yet to play Sekiro, but I don't expect it'll be impossible for me, but I would like to see a Fromsoft game with an easy mode just to see the tryhard fanbase lose their minds.
Did you just step out of the 80s? There have been super easy games, super hard games, and everything in between for decades.
>That's unironically how most people perceive video games
After the 7th gen, I doubt it.
The point I am making is the people who oftentimes speak of how too fix the games actually play the games and want too make them better. The people who push for easy mode are people who have not put the effort too actually beat the game and are simply salty about not instantly winning. For example skyrim is a buggy glitches mess and people acknowledge that, and they talk about how too make that a better game cause they have thrown the time and effort in too see these problems. This is not the case with easy mode complaints.
Hot take:
Everyone claiming that devs should add easy modes for games are babying disabled players and are in turn disrespecting them for implying that they can't play a fucking video game normally.
At this point it's a fucking historical document. If you don't understand this image you need to leave.
>163k clicks
they know exactly what they're doing
Sure. But the following posts saying things like "Add a bigger variety of weapons, make Elizabeth actually do something more than just feeding you ammo/health pickups, provide more variety with plasmids" is pretty similar. In both cases posters are asking for things to be added. I'd argue that the main difference is journalists are actively framing their demands as a request to developers while people on Yea Forums are engaging more in hypotheticals.
>The problem is that nobody actually cares
>"easy mode" gives you infinite revives
>journalists kill NPCs all around them and miss out on huge portions of the game
Yeah, this is a bad analogy even though i'm against easy modes
Easy mode actually did ruin a game for me.
I was burned out on smt iv apocalypse when I reached the egg, and I didn't care to continue.
If the game wouldn't have an easy mode I would have been forced to put the game down and continue once my interest would return.
But since it had an easy mode, I could blast through the ending with zero effort, ruining the entire last part of the game just to get it over with, which I regret now.
You could of course argue that I was a casual by not having the mental fortitude to just let the game rest for a bit before going back to it.
I'm getting huge flashbacks of Journalists talking big shit to Mass effect fans after many of them demanded they change the ending of mass effect 3. They were saying don't tell a studio what to do with their art. Big fucking irony huh
unironically git gud
easy mode already exists
its called watching a lets play ;)
I wish games would tell you which mode the game was designed around. Sometimes normal mode is janky and unbalanced, and sometimes hard mode is.
I didn't play Path of Exile for a long fucking time because of it's forced "Normal" mode that had no mobs, the skills were boring, all of it was so fucking boring that I wouldn't get through to the actually fun content. Even if it isn't forced, game development is zero-sum: Time spent on adjusting difficulty modes is time not spent on making the game better.
With you, just a little less spergy.
I said a little.
>miyazaki literally doesn't give a fuck and will probably design the next one to fuck with journalists even harder
Based, glad he's taking up the Itagaki mantle.
Btw does anyone have that FUCK YOU ITAGAKI comic?
Why are people so insistent for an easy mode? Do they look at that game as some exclusive big boy club that they want to be a part of? Good grief.
These kinds of people who're asking for an easy mode should realize some games aren't meant for them. That's why there's a variety of games they could play.
Fromsoft memed themselves into a typecast developer, and blue checkmarks always need something to whine about
If you play every single game you play on Easy I don't know what to tell you desu
Lazy shitters who want to achieve what everyone else has without the work. They want to brag and say they beat the hardest game ever, even though they’ve played so few actual hard games.
Because they don't really want to be a part of it.
Resource management is literally the point of the game. If you don't have to do that any more, the game isn't even Resident Evil anymore
Why are they wasting so much the with this? Don't they have a journalism job to do?
Who even cares? More choice is better. I'd rather an optional easy mode than have a single, diluted difficulty in an attempt to make the game accessible. I don't care what anyone else picks and I don't see why anyone else should either.
>single diluted difficulty
lmao you're retarded
Nobody is actually thinking this way, there is not one person out there who wishes the game was easier so that they could say they beat a hard game. You've just invented that person in your head and it doesn't even make sense.
Hard games always have ways to make the game easier, its called learning how to play the game and not being a little whiny bitch.
>series known for its difficulty
>wahh game too hard
i have played through a few games on easy/normal when i was feeling impatient and tired and felt like if i got stuck on a part of the game for longer than 10 minutes i'd quit the game, and i honestly wish i hadn't played those games at all because i didn't feel like i had accomplished anything which is what i usually look for in games. so yes, easy mode definitely ruins the experience.
i don't think more options are better, i'd rather more games had one "intended" difficulty where difficulty goes up and down depending on the challenge, with bosses naturally being hard to beat etc.
I explicitly don't want to choose a difficulty option my first playthrough. The presence of a choice messes with my autism and I'm never sure I picked a good one, or if I'm cheapening the experiment by selecting something too easy.
Then play it on a harder setting.
Watch YouTube or just cheat.
Why insists that devs waste time changing their game?
Just don't play FromSofts games if you think they are too hard :)
There, easy.
Then drive the track when the marathon isn't in progress. i.e. watch it on youtube
Or cheat codes, or Youtube playthrough.
Don't play it on easy mode then, it's that simple.
I'm in favour of gatekeeper as a general rule.
you just know these journalists don't actually give a fuck and just make these articles because they're proven to get clicks
Seriously, what's the point? These games don't have engaging stories, at best it's a loose and incoherent plotline that doesn't really matter much. There's zero point to the game if it's not difficult. This isn't God of War with 15 hours of exposition and cutscenes and 5 hours of gameplay.
Game developers shouldn't include easy modes, it invites retards to buy their games.
I don't have a problem with their difficulty, but if you have a problem with easy mode then don't play it, play it on a harder difficulty.
Being 2 easy was part of the game being shit.
Lol. Why would you play on easy? Literal movie mode.
You could make it a 90% damage reduction and it wouldn't change a thing if they dont bother to learn the mechanics. Itll merely buy them a few extra seconds.
That's exactly why devs will include easy modes, it sells more games.
And retards always outnumber smart people, which means games start being catered to them.
i watch movies as they were intended to be watched, books intended to be read, so i naturally prefer games that only have one difficulty mode, so i know it is as intended. i suppose if they added easy it wouldn't be a problem if they made it clear it was made for normal (even though that's already in the name)
however, i know there are a lot of people on Yea Forums who like the souls games because normies don't really play them that much so it's "theirs". lots of people on Yea Forums obsesses over fanbases and don't want theirs muddled with plebs and ruin it.
Did you not understand what those words mean or what?
Developers with integrity like From Software won't dilute their game out of pure greed.
No. FromSoft respects their fans and doesn't want to insult them by thinking they need their hands held through a game.
I picked easy on dmc5 because I had not played a dmc for 10 years and once i beat it i just didnt feel like going back to it. I'd much rather not have a choice.
it never made it better either
>an easy mode
No reason to invite retards
you ever play an action game on easy mode? it's fucking boring. I played Devil May Cry 1 on easy before and the boss fights were a literal joke. I could just tank all of the damage, stand still and mash attack buttons until it died in 30 seconds. if they want to ruin the fun of overcoming a challenge then not only are they in the wrong hobby but need to take a good hard look at themselves
I can guarantee anyone Souls as a series would not sell as well with an "easy mode".
It needs the veneer of intense difficulty so casuals buy it then have phantoms carry them through. That fuels interest, therefore sales.
There's nothing to indicate that appealing to casuals directly would have either helped Sales or marketing. Even if the world-building and environments are great, it's lacking in the handholding, character-driven cutscenes that people who want easy modes actually like playing.
It's not principles, it's literally money. Having a distinct, separate easy mode would be a net loss. It's not a true AAA title, it's not Skyrim, it needs that word of mouth and infamy and that only comes from being different.
Can't you read the sign? It says
They should make a easy mode that turns the game into a fucking walking simulator. Have it remove every single enemy, boss, item, NPC, and all other content, and have a custom ending that mocks the player. Now everyone can easily beat the game and those faggots who use disabled people as shields can fuck off.
Bethesda openly insults their fanbase and the fanbase lauds them for it.
If you need an easy mode that just proves you can't learn anything, all it is learning the mechanics and options and trying out different strategies, but people are lazy and want their reward for free. You're a failure of a human being if you can't learn and adapt.
Stop making this fucking thread, jesus christ get a job.
Either play it how the creators made it, or move on and accept it's not for you. There are plenty of low skill, pop music like, Transformers Movie of games.
Don't go fucking crying because you are challenged by William Shakespeare, Raymond Chandler, Mark Twain, or Dostoevsky. Just find the stuff that is on your level and move the fuck on.
Disliking turn based is the mark of a normalfag they require constant stimulus
I want Miyazaki to stop beating around the bush and just do a straight horror game.
>allow more people to enjoy the atmosphere of the games
You'd literally be removing the atmosphere so how the fuck does this work
I'm waiting for an explanation of what kind of Easy mode they have in mind. There's many ways to make an Easy mode. How much coddling is necessary? How many of the mechanics need to be changed to acommodate?
Not at all. Vast majority of their fans have left by now. I used to be a fan too but Fallout 4 was the final nail in the coffin. Most fans are no longer fans.
Do you think having easy mode unlockable through a cheat code would work?
Then it's not explicitly one of the options available unless you look it up, so it might not affect the marketing, but would still placate casuals.
That's all well and good until they change their mind from increased pressure from fans and journalists. I don't even pay attention to any FromSoft games and this news has now reached me so it's clearly snowballing. You can chalk that up to the fact that people who play Dark Souls or Bloodbourne or whatever always harp on about how it's a game for 'real' gamers. Now you've got people desperate to say they're 'real' gamers wanting to change the formula. In effect, you brought this on yourselves.
It's the age-old Yea Forums effect: You go around telling people Yea Forums is some edgy hackers club and you'll get retards who think they are in good company.
It ruins rhythm games you pleb
difficulty is not the atmosphere.
But that's exactly what's happening with these Journalists. If they don't care about the "hardcore gaymer" cred they would have just moved on. Instead they latch on to a game specifically made with a hard difficulty in mind and then ask for the said game to have an easy mode. What is the logic in that?
Many of them bring up the assist mode in Celeste, which has customizable options, but most importantly, just full invincibility.
Games by definition should be a challenge, nothing more, nothing less
>I can guarantee anyone Souls as a series would not sell as well with an "easy mode".
It factually wouldn't. Demon's Souls was only successful because the game was not only unforgiving if you fucked up, but also punishing. The only reason it was such is because when the game was being developed, the producers pretty much confirmed that they weren't getting shit for funding, and that the game was a developer passion project until release. They figured that if the game was pretty much doomed to fail, they could do whatever the fuck they wanted. So rather than help players who died by getting them back into place, they instead stole their primary currency. Rather than have multiplayer solely for co-op, they introduced the opposite, with drop-in PvP being random and unpredictable. This meant that the game was made explicitly to be considered asymmetrical in terms of combat viability, and functioned directly against whatever notions of "fair" a consumer might have wanted.
Five games later, and their original moneymakers are nowhere to be seen, while this game series and its derivative spinoffs and "spiritual successors" make more profits than your typical AAA game. The only people complaining are the same limp-wristed fag journalists who refuse to learn how to play a game in the first place.
The lack of an easy mode has never ruined a game either
It most certainly is in a game like this, there's no "atmosphere" beside it. There's no reason to play a game like Sekiro if it had no challenge, you would get literally the same experience from reading a plot summary.
it obviously has for those that found it too difficult you moron
In truth any developer that doesn't develop the game to operate at optimal conditions on the "normal" or "medium" setting is dumb.
>full invincibility.
The undermines if not outright invalidates an entire mechanic in the game.
>Entire point of game is to give you the satisfaction of coming up against an insurmountable challenge, teaching the skills to overcome it, and then continue building until you feel like you've grown as a player
I genuinely don't understand how these people don't see the irony in this nonsense. You may as well be calling for french films to be reshot in English or demanding that musical instruments feature assisted playing modes.
Journalist subhumans are particularly mad at this game because it doesn't give you an option to summon other players to beat bosses for you like in Dark Souls. They actually have to use their worthless bugmen brains to accomplish a task, something that's nearly impossible for them with how genuinely low IQ they are.
>in a game like this
no, that's wrong. the atmosphere lies in the themes, the visuals, the setting, the voice acting, the music. a combination. there is a lot of atmosphere. a difficulty setting is not an atmosphere toggle.
>allow more people to enjoy the atmosphere of the games
You mean the atmosphere that you feel roaming a dangerous world full of strong enemy that make you unconfortalbe to explore said world? Because im sure with an easy mode you will never feel the same atmosphere, you will just slash through every enemy with no fear or anxiedy of dying, ruining your precious atmosphere you are really desperate to feel.
Not every game is going to appeal to everyone.
>iit entitled gamers
This is my favorite one. Literally seething at a cripple.
Also, isn't it weird that for all the fire from casuals that Sekiro is under we haven't seen that many videos of people raging? I've only seen that one where the autist breaks his controller.
>everyone who defends easy difficulty is white and male
Is it because they've lived their entire lives on easy mode?
I'm not convinced yet. I swear I saw so many normies on Youtube on saying they now hated Bethesda but still bought their obviously piece of shit F76. I asked why the hell did you go and do that... no answer. Pic related.
After they still writing articles on this shit?
it would be more appealing to them if they had a difficulty setting, which is how it would improve the game for them.
but you are seemingly unable to accept the existence of people other than you, and their opinions.
No, that's not what's happening.
>If they don't care about the "hardcore gaymer" cred they would have just moved on
You say this like it's a straight up fact, that there could be no other reason for wanting to play Sekiro besides hardcore gaymer cred.
These people just want to see cool animations, environments, characters and stories without having to try very hard, but still trying a little harder than watching it on youtube. That's why games like The Last of Us are popular
I'm a white dude and I think it's ridiculous.
The game already has an easy mode
They just have to earn it and work for it so it'd be effective
Developers shouldn't waste their time intentionally ruining their game for the retards who can't learn how to play. Optional or not its a waste of time, fuck stupid people who feel entitled for developers time.
Not only that, it would invalidate the primary component of the game's plot.
>the atmosphere lies in the themes, the setting
Both of which heavily rely on the entire mechanic of death, resurrection, adversity and improvement, which is exactly what I said about the difficulty being integral to the atmosphere
>the visuals, the voice acting, the music
These are not reason to play video games. Watch a let's play or a movie.
Also, read what this guy said
There is NEVER any pleasing these people. There IS no endgame. Let's say, hypothetically, Sekiro gets an easy mode. They remove the AI entirely, and buff your damage into the millions; everything is killed instantly. It STILL won't be enough, because at that point the game still demands a modicum--doesn't matter how small--of attention from you. Attention that could be ableist, or whatever. The only way to "win" would be for Sekiro to have never existed at all.
I wish these people would stop getting attention.
>fuck people
yeah i already gathered that
I bet those fags go to a thai snackbar and complain that the food is to ospicy. I can only hope then iether from or anyone else starts to lsiten to them.
>These are not reason to play video games. Watch a let's play or a movie.
Not him but this is a bad argument, the sort of thing someone who can't understand abstract, minimalist or conceptual art would say because they think art should only be expressed in one way.
Interesting how no one brings up how 99.99% of video games are disrespecting the existence of blind people and need to have a mode that can be played through sound alone.
Turning god mode on ruins gameplay and makes a game boring. Everybody who's ever entered a cheat knows that.
Nah bitch.
They won't change shit because the fans still want challenging games.
Those are the kind of guys who go out to play football and then complain that the others play unfair if they're too good since they've been playing in a club for years.
>These are not reason to play video games
in your opinion. there's also a lot of things in a video game that is not atmosphere.
you are unable to understand other people's point of view, that's all. and using that as an argument to why you don't want an optional easy mode in the game makes no sense.
It most certainly is atmospheric to step into a zone where the enemies are suddenly way tougher or higher level.
>there are some games that do not involve skill checks, and exist purely as an experience, or to tell a story
>all games should be this way
>playing a game is a “club”
Nah, fuck you. Diablo 2 on Hell difficulty has a different atmosphere to other difficulties.
If they wanted an easy mode during development it would have been in the game to begin with.
>fuck you
Easy mode does not eliminate the hard mode, brainlet
Learning how to play better had never ruined a game
For him it might, maybe he's too insecure and know he would give up and play on easy if it was an option. He doesn't want to be teased.
And the addition of an easy mode wouldn't change that one iota.
That’s proper grammar you fucking ESL moron
Easy modes shouldn't exist. Games should be played the way the developers intended, if someone can't handle that they shouldn't play it.
It's still wasting time and resources balancing fights for brainlet/reflexlet mode.
Reminds me of that journo who complained about a game's shitty ending, only for someone to reveal that if he played on a higher difficulty then he'd get a better ending.
Well too bad for you, you're not king of the videogames.
What value do challenges and skill checks have if every retard that selects "I only want the story!" or "Narrative mode" gets to bypass them entirely?
You guys are so fucking pathetic. All of you. God damn nerds
Do these 'journalists' also demand Tolstoy release picture books of War and Peace because they don't understand the language used and that's an accessibility problem?
Now that you've said it I am amazed no one threw this bait out earlier.
Neither are you, casual shitter.
It's not a waste of time if more people buy it. That's the complete opposite of a waste of time, that's a sound investment.
I'm disabled and I want easy mode in games. Also stop using disabled people as a shield for your shit if you want those glorified bloggers to stop doing that as well.
You're not wrong. These fucking nerds Piss me off.
One of the big arguments for it is that it lets games become more accessible to the disabled. But they fail to realize that games, by their nature, aren't made to be completely accessible. Outside of text adventures, the blind will never be able to get the full experience of any game, people with disabilities that affect their legs won't be able to play DDR as-intended, and so on.
Now, it's not bad for developers to want to make games more accessible, both in terms of easier settings and more accessible options like color-blind modes, or companies like Microsoft to put out those customizable controllers, but it should be up to the devs. If they don't have the time or money to do it, or if they feel easier modes diminish the type of game they want to make, then they shouldn't be pressured into doing it. That said, I would be all-for easy modes in games being added/renamed as "Journalist mode."
Ah, the same argument that one who wanted artists to cater to their preferences would make
to be fair, you're assuming that there aren't developers who intend to put difficulty options in their games.
Sure, that’s a better argument. Anyone having bad reflexes does not make me a bad person, fuck you. A game should reward skill, not innate abilities. I actually don’t know which Sekiro rewards though, I don’t have it and I was able to platinum BB and DaS despite having the reflexes of an 80 year old.
If only there was some place that people bad at videogames could go to watch someone beat the game because once you make it as easy as they want it's the same as watching a video.
to trigger fromfags into eternity
Didn't know I was talking to a shareholder
Hey, don't get mad at me. I completed Battletoads, I just don't have a superiority complex over it. Games are increasingly being made with more options for casual players, that's just a fact.
They don’t have value anyway, it’s a fucking video game. Do you think Chess is worthless because you *could* just knock over the other player’s king and not follow the rules at all?
Tolstoy already has easy mode for you, it's called in English.
You're right, walking simulators do exist after all. The difference though is that it's being argued that an easy mode wouldn't compromise Sekiro's atmosphere when it in fact would reduce it to a purely audiovisual experience, which unlike with walking simulators it's definitely neither designed for nor anywhere near the complete experience.
>you are unable to understand other people's point of view, that's all.
Keep telling yourself that. The problem is that their point of view is based on mistaken assumptions, leading them to make uninformed claims about the game's actual nature, atmosphere and the experience it tries to offer. It's no different to claiming ripping half the pages off of a book doesn't have an effect on its atmosphere.
>Games are increasingly being made with more options for casual players, that's just a fact.
And its a bad thing.
>I completed Battletoads
I bet you used savestates.
Reflex can be trained you know. Most older people suck at games because they're too busy wasting away in their banal office jobs
Hey. To the Gatekeeping folk out there. Your world is going away, no amount of screaming will bring it back.
Anyway, I'm sorry if gaming was the last place you could hide from accessibility. Your club house IS changing. For the better.
Sekiro isn't even hard, but I'm glad every single option to cheese from games was taken away from casuals. No summoning, no overleveling, no hints, nothing. Git gud or git out you fucking shitters.
sounds like you're the one who's triggered
and you wasted $60 on a game you cant play
Do you honestly believe you have an argument?
Exactly. So you can't call the inclusion of an Easy Mode a destruction of the developer's 'original intent' if you didn't value it in the first place.
Yeah but only to an extent, you can still be in a position where you’re fucked
Based, pretty much my exact position on this.
Any human can beat Sekiro given enough time since the whole game is just about reacting to the enemy movesets once you learn them. Video game journalists are not human so their opinions don't matter.
I'm just telling you how it works. You can get mad at me for pointing out the truth or you can make peace with it. Those are the only options you've got.
I'll preface this by saying that I've beaten Sekiro, and every other From game besides Demon's.
When I played GoW, I played on normal and couldn't for the life of me beat Signrun. The rest of the game was a a breeze, with the exception of some Muspelheim challenges.
Anyway, Sigrun was kicking my face in, to the point where I just put the game on Easy to face her. As expected I beat her on the first try, altought she absolutely destroyed me on the previous 20 normal tries. It was a complete joke.
It felt hollow and cheap, like I robbed myself of a great experience.
>bUt JusT CoNtroL UrSelf user
It's not that easy. While playing Sekiro, I often had this creeping feeling that "I'll never beat this boss" or "I'll never be good enough". I'm sure a lot of people tought that while they played. And I GUARANTEE that I, or they, would turn down the difficulty, or summon (pretty much the same thing) if we had the choice.
But we don't, and as such we are forced to learn and practice, or give up. The feeling that I had when I finally beat Sword Saint was exhilerating, and I would have robbed myself of that if I could pick the path of least resistence.
The creator of Celeste chimes in. What do you think?
I'm so very sorry for you
>I bet you used savestates.
It was 1996 and I didn't have a computer.
>Keep telling yourself that.
i actually keep telling you that, but you refuse to understand. it's fine.
I think his game sucks and his willingness to ruin its mechanics for SJW points is pathetic.
I'd disagree
Something like Dragon Age (as a popular example) or Original Sin 2 or shit where you can get creative to overcome and issue and theorycraft builds and shit is pretty enjoyable.
The fun comes from figuring out what weird synergy can be used effectively
The exact same value they had before, making you feel good about yourself, just a little less so if for some reason you actually care about the fact that other people cheated.
Being horrible at playing a video game, does not mean the game should bend over and let you pass because you dont want to fucking try at it
The exceptional shittiness of ME3's ending should not apply to any other situation. From's games being difficult doesn't retroactively ruin the other games of the series
Game Journalists spend their lives having to play and review games in order to write about them. They've got review quotas to meet and they don't want to have to waste hours on one very difficult game when there's other shit they need to get done.
I'm just telling you how they see it.
>making you feel good about yourself
You forgot
>preventing you from progressing unless passed
>validating every other thing you've done in the game to strengthen your character
But since we're going with the "NOTHING HAS VALUE, IT'S ALL JUST DOPAMINE" argument, why are you posting here? Why do you want an easy mode? Why not just squat in an abandoned building and inject heroin? Clearly nothing matters and all value is made up, so it shouldn't be a problem.
>Games should be played the way the developers intended
Ever seen John Romero play Doom? Most devs know every nook and cranny of their games and can play them in a much more engaging way, but then when the release date is approaching they have to dumb them down for the retards who will play them for maybe 8 hours.
Celeste's gameplay is intertwined with it's narrative, so I think having an assist mode at all is a huge disservice to the product.
But he made the game, so it's his choice I guess.
Its the same fucking argument, the ending to ME3 was shit and them re-doing it doesn't negate that nor should it be expected for the exact same reason Sekiro shouldn't change.
Creators vision and all that jazz
>preventing you from progressing unless passed
>validating every other thing you've done in the game to strengthen your character
These are still there if other people can cheat.
For example, people cheated in every previous From game, and you never even think about that fact.
So where were the game journos concerned about including the quadraspazzed when motion controls were the big meme?
Oh, did they just not care because motion control games are super easy and casual if your arms work good?
Why would you apply to become a games journalist if you're not interested in playing games and reviewing them? I realize making journalism about the gaming industry is different, but those guys shouldn't really be let near an actual game review to begin with.
The issue here is that Celeste isn't particularly hard, like Sekiro.
This assist mode shit only seems helpful if you literally have a learning disability
How about a compromise:
Games can have easy modes but they will only be released after the launch date. No review copy sent to journalists will have the option.
You see we have this funny thing in society where we don't regard things gained through cheating as legitimate, or having value. But you guys are clearly struggling with that concept, so I don't expect you to catch onto this.
>World of Warcraft
Yeah, but if people cna cheat, then they have to live with knowing they cheated.
All these dickheads asking for an easy mode for Sekiro could cheat.
They could watch a lets play or just download a mod to make themselves invincible.
But if you make it an easy-mode, they suddenly feel like the developer is validating their incompetence
What would be funny is if they added an easy mode and normal mode. Then, when you scroll to easy it scrolls back up to normal. There was never an easy mode. I can see the game journalists now scrolling for hours!
Cheating is an unintended version of the core gameplay experience.
Its been said before but the trend towards adding easy-modes has pushed developers to just cut out the middle man and make their games' core gameplay easier to appeal to the masses.
Easy mode inclusion has progressively made nearly all games easier.
This. Colourblind mode, rebindable controls, support for custom controllers, subtitles for the hard of hearing, this is the kind of accessibility that people should be campaigning for. But being shit at games is not a disability. Anyone can beat Sekiro if they're willing to put in some time. The reason journalists want every game to have an easy mode is so they can blow through them in 6 hours and write their shitty day-1 review. Reminder that all those 10/10 reviews for Phantom Pain were written by people who used the chicken hat.
>You see we have this funny thing in society where we don't regard things gained through cheating as legitimate, or having value
Sometimes I forget I'm talking to teenagers on this site. Carry on.
>try game
>give up and make a thread on reddit about how difficulty ruins video games
Why do people hate challenging themselves so much nowadays?
What's wrong with a little bit of difficulty.
Solving a puzzle isn't fun either, if the solution to said puzzle doesn't require you to think.
>play the game on easy as a kid
>turns out I wasted my time
what is LGPE
>b.but MUH handicapped gamers.
This is literally how low they are willing to go in the Kotaku comments to try to make the game easier for themselves...Like literally what the actual fuck does some cripple have to do with you getting an easy mode. These shitters need to be gassed.
>is roughly the diametric opposite
it really isn't, cut down on the hyperbole there, autist
>doesn't understand why people value things that are "made up"
>doesn't understand that cheating removes all value from a person's action
haha, this is a fun thread
Like I already tried to explain, I understand perfectly well why want an easy mode, technically I haven't actually even been arguing against that in this case. I've been trying to make you understand that, as I said right in the beginning, the difficulty is the key factor of the atmosphere and removing it would be like removing the air from the atmosphere. You seem to disagree but mostly you've just been avoiding the actual subject and arguing beside it instead, and when pushed about it you're now just running away.
If you're trying to say that some people would be satisfied with just a walking simulator version of the game, yeah, I don't doubt that. That would be a completely different game, though. The whole bigger picture argument has been about people clamoring for an easy mode in order to be able to experience what Sekiro has to offer, as if it's being denied from them, hidden behind the difficulty.
It's not hidden. That is the experience.
It's not always as straightforward as that. They may love the idea of being able to sit down with a game and enjoy it in their own time but news moves fast, deadlines are always approaching and there's a shitload of other things to do. You need to pay the rent and this one game with its lack of continues is holding everything back.
Journalism is a thankless task, it's a lot like being a defense attorney for people you know are guilty. You have to talk and raise discussions about things that people feel strongly about and will read and share. This is why anything SJW-related goes through the mills constantly. People will read it and agree, people will read it and disagree; either way it will be shared and read by more people - that's a journalistic success.
You may not agree with what you're writing about, but if it provokes discussion then you can rest easy knowing you've done your job. People will blame you, maybe even send you death threats while pointing out your hypocrisies - all without knowing how the system works.
Ok retard
Git gud, scrubs. Once I was like them, then I got gud. That is the way.
They don't care.
slowing the game down? dude what the fuck
Dark Souls does have an easy mode, as do all the Souls games and Bloodborne to an extent.
It comes in the form of co-op, and overtuned starter weapons or things like the Drake Sword. It's always been there as leg-ups for struggling people, without ever explicitly telling the user they're doing baby mode.
The thing is the "journalists" i.e. people who comment on games despite having 0 understanding of them, don't realise this and genuinely think that a literal menu is the only arbiter of challenge that can exist in a videogame. Souls HAS easy mode, it's weaved into the game just like literally every other feature like online, lore, "extras", even some options are in the game itself. It's right fucking there they just can't see it, which is the point.
Souls games have an easy mode: using online guides and summoning help:
if you play easy mode
your opinion and feedback towards mechanics and how the game feels as a whole is now forfeit
you're not allowed to comment about any of these things
but you still will
It's genuinely fucking insulting to think that because I gots me some janky limbs I shouldn't be able to enjoy overcoming a challenging experience.
I simply cannot respect anyone who cries about difficulty.
I am absolutely shit at video games, I have no reflexes and a very low iq, and yet I was able to beat literally every game I started on any difficulty if I just kept at it and kept trying for a little while.
I died many times, but eventually I would always succeed, so why can't those crybabies to the same? It's just a game.
>technically I haven't actually even been arguing against that in this case
then i suppose we have nothing more to discuss
how are you going to enforce this
Maybe that's the issue. You don't have any of those things if you're playing a pre-release copy.
Grow a spine
You're implying it's on the consumer to demand better conditions and less strict deadlines for game reviews, instead of the people doing the fucking reviews. I know pretty much every publication try to have their reviews ready the second embargos lift, but the buck has to stop at the people being pressured into writing shitty reviews because they had to meet a deadline. Whining about not having an easy mode is not a solution to this problem.
But most games nowadays are too easy.
They won't stop ever so we have to do it too or have it forever used against us.
watch tim pool talk about how clicks work. this wasn't read 163k times.
The thing about adding an easy mode is not that it takes away the normal mode from the people who want to play like that, the issue is that all these journos and retards will play the game on easy and realize that it's not a cinematic experience, boring and too easy, and they will shit on the game thinking they actually got the same experience as the normal people.
Shameless shilling.
It's amusing to see people say "it's just a game" and then turn and fume when they can't beat it like journos are doing. I'm an absolute retard when it comes to strategy games, yet instead of crying about it online I just play whatever appeals to me. I won't like or excel at every game I play, and that's okay.
Enjoying overcoming “challenge” that doesn’t get you any reward is a disability in and of itself, it makes you easy to dupe into wasting time and money on pointless “accomplishments” with simple advertising.
If I really have to explain that, I'm telling you to stand behind your arguments and finish what you start instead of slinking away the moment you see an opening
They really are RetardEra. Its like their users are proud of being legitimately stupid.
He clearly likes the game, just isn't good at them. Just because you're bad at a game doesn't mean you don't like it. You obviously just don't like strategy games.
In this post you can see the redditor mentality, and the same type of mentality that makes western gaming so shit.
i have already written my arguments, you don't understand them. i have no need to continue replying top the likes of you, since it's going nowhere.
i guess my times is more valuable than yours.
Fuck that. I say make easy modes DLC then just charge casuals extra for it while disabling all trophies/achievements when they use it.
watch a fucking movie then? That person obviously doesn't want to PLAY a videogame.
>can't git gud
Just watch it in streams or jewtube, journobro
hot take: things like that are subjective. It's not like we only criticize stuff that is objectively bad. These people simply think they would have more fun with the game if there was an easy option, that is an opinion on the game, just like "Dark Souls would be better without a swamp level" is an opinion. Both are subjective
>You're implying it's on the consumer to demand better conditions and less strict deadlines for game reviews
Not at all, I'm just saying it's a problem that exists. Games Journalism doesn't pay well and you're expected to do a lot for nothing purely because 'You should want to do this'. You'll find this in a lot of jobs "You should want to do this" is just code for "We're not going to pay you well and the conditions are awful".
Games Journalists are dispensable because employers and publications know that there will always be fresh meat willing to do it for free to get a foot in the door before they end up in exactly the same position.
>Whining about not having an easy mode is not a solution to this problem.
You say that, but it is. They whine, games accommodate, they finish the game in half the time, get the review done and dusted and the pressure is off. That's exactly what they want.
We were already at the tipping point with DeS or DaS.
Soon, the progressive types will be demanding a "skip gameplay" mode for those who just want to experience the game without gameplay
>i have already written my arguments, you don't understand them.
The only thing you did was say "difficulty isn't atmosphere" and then list a bunch of stuff you count as atmosphere. You didn't address even a single thing I said in response. It's pretty fucking difficult to understand your arguments when you make claims and refuse to defend them when challenged.
It's always the right-wingers who complain about videogame difficulty though.
that already exists. it's called western aaa gaming.
>into your club,
That's really the entire argument, isn't it?
That's the only way your argument makes sense.
>We can't have an easy mode, because that will let in the COMMIE LIB SJW KEKS
Because otherwise, there is literally no argument.
It takes zero effort to change damage variables
You've already played HUNDREDS of games with difficulty settings, it it hasn't bothered you once.
You *have* to result to identity politics, gatekeeping and /pol/ retardation, otherwise your argument has no air in it whatsoever. That's what's stupid about the whole debate.
Because it *IS* about identity politics. Just not about SJWs.
It's about you. It's about how you feel about yourself. You attack the idea of difficulty settings with no argument, because you feel threatened by the idea of difficulty settings.
Because the idea that someone who *doesn't* spend every hour of every day playing video games might get as much or more enjoyment out of said video games than someone who does, that idea threatens your self image.
Because if Johnny Nobody can extract as much value out of your game as you, then what's the point of you? What was it all for?
We can't have easy modes, because then we'll have to confront the fact that we've allowed our own self worth to be dictated by video games, and that's too painful to deal with.
Demanding an easy mode for reviewers would bias their review to the point it's not actually representative of the experience the game provides to the consumer at all. If you think this is a good thing I think you've lost the plot entirely, the idea is to make game reviews better, not worse.
Wherer did the alt-right thing come from? What the fuck are normies smoking? holy shit.
>Just play it on hard. Even God of War has a hard mode.
What global internet commury is built around God of War's hard mode or any other games hard mode? Nobody gives a fuck about a hard mode in an easy game.
This is exactly the truth of it.
>tfw don't even enjoy Sekiro but now have to defend it publicly to spite liberals
Are you saying leftists are all disabled and can't play video games?
what's exactly the problem with that. Just put it in the menu that it's equivalent to cheats and not the way it's intended to be played. If you don't put too much work into it, I don't see how adding this is a negative, unless the dev is some hipster trash that is all about
>muh vision
>What's with all these faggots trying to force
>Game developers dumb down their games
>Suddenly more people can play their games
>Wow we're making good returns, I guess people like dumb games.
>Future iterations become dumber and dumber at launch, no easy mode even required.
>Truckloads of cash
>focus most of your budget on graphics so the simpletons are even more impressed
>Call of Duty becomes best selling series of all time
It's literally the timeline of gaming history. Nothing good comes from making things easier for people. Every fucking tutorial now has "PRESS UP TO LOOK UP". The shit is pathetic.
This kind of shit is a result of the "Anyone can do anything" fairy tale bullshit taught in schools now
Kingdom Hearts 3. I know what you're getting at, I'm just saying.
We just need GIRLFRIEND MODES in every game
How could they do an easy mode for Sekiro? The game is just about positioning and timing your parries. They can't lower their HP because you already kill enemies in one hit.
I love how Alt-Right literally just means regular ass person now.
The Eaton Center should be more accessible.
Red Dead Redemption 2 literally allows you to skip entire segments of gameplay if you die three times.
Yeah it's fucking weird, they're demanding to be able to enjoy the experience which they already can in all its glory and at the same time change that whole experience to dumb it down. From games are known for having very little exposition in terms of cutscenes so what the fuck do they want to actually experience?
>I'm going to be a phony to show how those phonies are wrong
Nobody here can actually explain why a game would be worse off with an easy mode.
Anything 1 pixel right of authoritarian left is alt right.
Nobody - no dev team or developer - should be fucking bullied into changing their game because some people have hurt feelings. Fuck off.
Why attack me? I'm not a games journalist. I'm just telling you how it is. If you want to make games reviews better, make conditions better for the reviewers, it's that simple. If you think you could do better under the same conditions then go for it, abandon your day job and start changing the world of games Journalism through your leet Dark Souls skills.
Sekiro without the themes and mechanics about Death is no longer Sekiro. It's a Samurai game with weird ghost looking guys and characters who are doom and gloom in a world without doom and gloom and DEATH.
>Has never played Skyrim
>Gamers are so entitled, just fucking buy from the Epic Game Store!
Also Journalists
>Make your fucking game easier for me I don't give a shit I am entitled to an easy breezy game I can beat by pressing a button and letting it play itself!
i cheated through dark souls 1 and loved the setting and atmosphere. I am a self professed dark souls lore expert and my friends constantly ask questions and are amazed by my knowledge
People are lazy and want to entertained while exerting zero mental or physical effort. Their ideal Sekiro would be a semi-interactive movie with occasional on-screen prompts via QTEs and BamHam combat to advance the plot forward.
>this fucking argument yet again
>Nobody - no dev team or developer - should be fucking bullied into changing their game because some people have hurt feelings. Fuck off.
I hope you see the irony in your post.
I'd argue easy modes and varying difficulties ruined WoW. But thats a long path with many sins.
Knowing other players attained glory encourages you to get good and keep playing. Knowing you can faceroll all content just kills it.
No, here is the argument
>developers can put whatever difficulty settings into a game they want, that's what they've been doing for years
>developers should not have to cave to vocal minorities and journalists demanding an easier difficulty
Just as we argue against censorship, localizations, and journos generally being enormous faggots, this is entirely an issue of "Mr. Journo wants it, so fuck him."
On one hand, he's right. An easy mode has never made a game worse.
On the other hand, he's a fucking casual for crying for one. Easy modes are for women and children who lack the physical reflexes to actually complete the game. He should be embarrassed to post something like that with his name attached to it.
all you had to do is play as a sorcerer
Real men post on Yea Forums, home of the feminine penis.
I hope you die.
We need easy modes that call the player a bitch at every opportunity for selecting it back. If game journos want their easy mode, give it to them. But have a big pissbabby watermark on every screenshot they take and cut straight to black then credits when completing the game after the penultimate boss fight.
So here's my question about all of this. I don't really have anything to say about the game becoming more inclusive or not by being easier, but my question is...if you want to see the game, but can't beat it. Why not just watch a Youtube or something?
And if you don't wanna watch a Youtube version, why do you want an easy mode? If they added an easy mode, that'd just be a pretend version of the real game, just like watching it on Youtube. So what's the difference? Legitimately what is the difference between watching the game on Youtube and playing it on easy mode except that one exists and you can do it right now?
It was us all this time bros.
>It takes zero effort to change damage variables
just changing damage variables without properly rebalancing the game around those changes is a terrible approach to difficulty settings, and people complain all the time when games do it.
jrpgs often do this in reverse with their hard modes, and you end up getting the annoying dilemma where normal mode is too easy and hard mode is so ridiculous that you wonder if they even playtested it. it's the lazy way out and shouldn't be encouraged.
decrease damage you take? That would be the most obvious way I can come up with. Of course there is also stuff like doubling gourd charges, but shitters are going to find a way to still call it too hard after that. And more damage would still do something, just not for the most basic enemies.
I honestly don't think it would be very hard to design a "cheap" easy mode. Sure, it wouldn't be balanced, but those people just want to kill everything without dying either way.
>He doesn't know
>Buy game
>Put it into console
>Turn it on
>Inside the game in less than 10 seconds
>No updates day one, no downloads, no accounts or subscriptions or dlc
>No difficulty settings, gameplay designed and finely tuned to be played as is
>Difficult yet rewarding
>No controversy, no bitching, no social media campaigns, just magazine articles to get you excited
I want to go back bros
>hi, we'evbe released this game for this demographic
>uh... why?
>so, uh... play it, then
>Gamer: I would love it if there was a game that was nothing but hardcore and only the most dedicated players could beat it. That would be so cool.
>From Software: Here you go.
>Casual Faggot: No! You can’t have that. You are not allowed. Hardcore games are immoral! Change it now
You are literally the reason we can’t have nice things.
so people that play Sekiro without dying play the game wrong and don't get the real experience?
Again, fuck off
I'm pretty sure plenty of games do this. I can't think of any names but I KNOW there's games that stop before the final boss on modes lower than normal. And IWBTG and I think Wolfenstein The New Order mock you pretty aggressively for picking easy mode.
Deus Ex is probably the most diplomatic version of it, where easy mode is "Tell me a story." but the hardest mode is "GIVE ME DEUS EX," implying anything lower is not Deus Ex and thus, not the richest experience.
If I do, it won't be of irony.
>Because if Johnny Nobody can extract as much value out of your game as you, then what's the point of you?
How and what Johnny plays videogames has nothing to do with me, the actual issue is that the claim that removing the difficulty from Sekiro wouldn't change the value you can extract from it is just factually wrong and makes it obvious you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what game you're talking about
I love how these threads have been relatively free of shitposting. There's hope for you faggots yet.
Beating the game without dying is technically impossible because the first boss is unbeatable.
This whole conversation makes me want to pursue video game creation again and make them really difficult just to send a fucking message.
Remember when the game would chide and harass you for playing on Easy mode? I miss that shit.
People have been bitching about the damsel in distress trope for ages, dude.
Did I hurt your feelings?
You're not seeing it. Or more likely, you're being intentionally obtuse.
>nothing but hardcore and only the most dedicated players could beat it.
Why do you want that? So you can beat it, and be the most hardcore and most dedicated.
But why do you want that?
Do you see the problem?
No, they've learned to play it correctly
This. It's not the fact that people want an easy mode that pisses me off; it's the fact that people are saying anyone who enjoys the game is elitist and immoral.
I just wish I could play a single fucking game without some California troglodyte dragging politics into it.
>You're implying it's on the consumer to demand better conditions and less strict deadlines for game reviews
>Not at all, I'm just saying it's a problem that exists.
>If you want to make games reviews better, make conditions better for the reviewers, it's that simple.
Really? Sure could've fooled me. I literally argued that those improvements would have to come from the inside of the industry, and now you argue people who read game reviews should start their own publications just to give games journalists good conditions.
If you took that as an attack then you've got some self-esteem issues.
>start changing the world of games Journalism through your leet Dark Souls skills.
Not like you're above some condescension yourself it seems. I'm done with this because it's clear you're just an industry shill in any case.
it's not about removing the difficulty. You could still play the exact same game. After all, you also have the choice to make the game harder
The last one I remember is Prinny 2 where the icon for your health that's usually a scarf on normal mode changes into diapers. And extra platforms that make jumps easier look like baby blocks. The mode is even called Baby Mode.
And that was all the way back in 2011.
The media class are always fops, god knows you have little to boast about, especially since you AREN'T from America. Who ever you are, we make your shit fucker.
>How and what Johnny plays videogames has nothing to do with me
Then why do you care about a game mode you will never touch, and will never affect you?
I know, but still, you can beat him if you're not an easy mode casual
He wants to be an internet tough guy because his life is a joke.
you only die in a cutscene. The boss is totally beatable an ign journalist did it first try.
You are literally racist against crippled people for wanting that. What if a Sekiro player had no arms and no legs and only a head? Did you think about THAT you elitist piece of shit!
Fire emblem fates.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
>Why do you want that? So you can beat it, and be the most hardcore and most dedicated.
>But why do you want that?
To feel the satisfaction of beating a challenging game? I just want to play fucking video games. Go suck Freud's cock, you fucking psychology major failure.
>the fact that people are saying anyone who enjoys the game is elitist and immoral.
Nobody's saying that.
They're saying your insistence on the idea that YOUR way is THE ONLY WAY to enjoy a game is elitist. Which it is.
People want hardcore games because they're hardcore gamers. Its really not hard to understand.
>you want to play video games because they are fun
>but why do you want to have fun?
>new Sekiro update
>start the game
>"Would you like to change the difficulty to Easy mode?"
>"Great! You shouldn't feel pressured to challenge yourself! Please enjoy our more modern and inclusive experience. - FROMsoft
>game loads up
>enemies are highlighted bright red
>quest markers present on screen
>checklist in top corner of HUD
>enemies cannot block
>you take chip damage
>you have infinite revives
>when you kill an enemy "Good job!" pops up on the screen
>bosses have one third the health
>"You did great!" when you kill a boss
>game continues as such until the end
>final boss is set to the standard difficulty
It would be great
There's nothing wrong with elitism in this context. There's literally nothing stopping anyone from beating a hard game but effort.
>Skip boss fight
That's like the most fun part...
>Industry shill
Oh user, you flatter me. I'm not sure what I have to do to become an industry shill, but I'd hazard a guess that pointing out poor working conditions in said industry is not the way to do it.
>your insistence on the idea that YOUR way is THE ONLY WAY to enjoy a game
It's not my way, it's the developer's way. They made the game, not me.
>You could still play the exact same game.
That's what I meant about factually wrong: it would not be the exact same game at all, and thinking otherwise is the fundamental misunderstanding of what makes the game, down to its core mechanics
Never said I did, I care about people making factually wrong claims about said modes
Why is it so hard for people to accept that they are not entitled to be "good" at everything?
finna time to make a list of these fucktarded arguments.
>nobody cares, beating a game isn't an achievement!
>it's a video game, it should be accessible to all
>when has an easy mode ruined a game
>an easy mode will expand the community
>it'll increase sales!
>hardcore fans can just play on normal difficulty!
>I'll be allowed to experience the game I PAID for like everyone else!
>games should be inclusive
>caring about beating a game is for manchildren!
>more choice is BETTER!
>an easy mode doesn't affect me if I'm played on hard!
>playing a game is a "club"
>Easy mode does not eliminate the hard mode, brainlet
they're just testing to see if they can flex on FROM yet
>try to talk to others about a game
>i talk about how hard the game is because I played it the way it was designed to be played
>non-stop trash talk from losers that played it on easy mode
Its already bad enough without throwing in easy mode shitters. Anyone who demands an easy mode for a game that is all about difficulty needs to fuck off.
>but m-m-muh enjoyment
If you don't want to play a game as it exists, play a different game. No argument exists here other than whether or not you are a small faggot or a colossal faggot.
I'm a hardcore gamer and I have no problem with my games including an easy mode. It doesn't make any difference to how I enjoy the game.
Not everyone plays games to be a part of a special club. Sone people enjoy the journey.
And yet, you're the one throwing a shitfit at the idea, and From hasn't said a word.
>Posting mr baldy 10bux.
He's a chronic fucking liar.
The fact that you put in the work to beat a game with no safety net is an essential core part of the experience. Adding in a safety net kills a fundamental part of what these games are.
Insisting that an essental element of the game be removed for your sake just comes off as selfish on your part. It’s like saying that a bed and breakfast should be added every hundred feet to Mount Everest and then saying. “Well you didn’t have to stop at the bed and breakfast on the way up.”
You literally kill the significance of climbimg Mt. Everest by even having the OPTION to stop at a bed and breakfast on the way up. How do you faggots not understand that?
>And yet, you're the one throwing a shitfit at the idea
I'm just posting in this thread? Where did I throw a shitfit?
I absolutely can't comprehend it. It's genuinely puzzling to me. What makes people drop games? Like, you paid the money for it, you had to have at least a basic interest in it to purchase it in the first place/ look forward to it. Why would you drop it permanently? Why is it so difficult for people to just play it and persevere, and learn? Is it because I grew up playing games, and i'm a giant nerd loser? I never really was exposed to many 'hard' games like souls, and was acclimated to games where, if you smashed your head against them enough or quick-saved enough, you'd make progress no matter what. So having a game where, if I didn't pay attention and learn the enemy movements and stuff, I COULDN'T progress was a refreshing and interesting experience to me.
I really don't get what makes someone drop something, even if they get mad. I'm sure normies have committed to much more actually difficult and mentally-taxing things like raising a child, or working a dead-end job for years of their life. The challenge of these games should be meager in comparison to the greater effort those pose. But then they stomp their feet and cry when a boss kills them three times. It's confusing.
>Playing video games is a right
This is where we are, isn't it? We have so much comfort that this is where we are
Okay cool.
Now explain WHY they're fucktarded arguments.
so you think Sekiro in normal mode would be completely different because you saw the option "easy mode" in the main menu?
Do you have anything that can back up your "factually right" claims? Because right now you're just going nu-uhh
>souls type games gimmick is that their hard
>People want an easy mode
God I hate gaming journalists, I understand that I am not that great at souls type games so I don't play them. Its that simple.
I'm not gonna force someone to play a game they clearly don't care enough about to learn.
And those people will either appreciate or ignore any hypothetical easy mode.
>it's the point
The whole "ruins the experience" arguement means nothing because it's (you) who experience the game. To some, just witnessing the story, the dialogues, the lore, the characters, the immersion or even how smooth a character move or how many options they have is enough satisfactory experience. It's subjective.
Saying it goes against the dev's vision is a shallow arguement: things as simple as turning off the sound, setting screen to bright, changing original dub VA or exploiting a specific aspect of gameplay can also ruin whatever experience the developer had in store for the players. That never stopped people from doing those things. At the end of the day, no one loses anything from adding an easy mode. The only way easy mode is not an acceptable option is if it takes valuable resource and development time from the intended difficulty, which is rarely the case.
Funny how the exact shit happened except we end up with people worse than dudebros.
>if you don't agree with me you're a giant crying baby throwing a tantrum
Very mature mindset on differing opinions. Where did you graduate from?
>I just want to play fucking video games.
So do the people who want an easy mode, but that offends you autistic neck beards to the core for some reason, despite the fact that you can easily ignore its existence and play on the default difficulty setting.
which game has it ruined?
>The fact that you put in the work to beat a game with no safety net is an essential core part of the experience. Adding in a safety net kills a fundamental part of what these games are.
That's incorrect.
ENJOYING THE GAME is a core part of the gaming experience.
Different people enjoy games in different ways.
Some people might enjoy the game in a way you wouldn't, and vice-versa. Skill has literally nothing to do with it, unless you want it to.
How long until the gatekeeping in the job market is abolished as well?
Some people dont have the time or the ability to learn the skills required for some jobs. Why should these people be barred from getting jobs they want just because they dont have the time or desire to go to college or trade school. Why should I be barred from being a nuclear technician just because of some alt-right racist secret club mentality about having a degree?
>so play it
>so don't play it
>easy mode
how would you make it ?
the parry mecanism should be rng auto parry or a 'if no input, parry' ?
a easier stealth mecanism ?
how would it translate to ng+
The people who want an easy mode want a participation trophy. They don't want to actually put effort in but still get the same reward.
I don't have to faggot. Giving sunlight to the dumb shit spewed by people like you is a more enlightening goal for me than to argue with a brick wall that has objectively shit opinions.
>dude lmao like why do you even need to bluff in poker just make sure I always get all the cards and that I win!
Because a game is supposed to be fun and sometimes the game is shitty enough to not be fun. You might have no capacity for understanding what it means for something to not be worth the time because it's not fun, but others do. I played Metro Redux and after about 3 hours I realized this game was stupid and a piece of shit compared to the first one so I dropped it because it isn't worth the time.
There are multiple aids to climb Everest. You can get a guide to take you all the way to the top. They literally exist to make the experience easier.
It's a challenge. If you don't wanna be challenged then mod the game, if you can't mod the game then get the fuck out.
Will Yea Forums laugh at me if I played Casual mode?
You're goddamn right.
Yeah, like mk11, all right wing
so you admit it is about your secret club and you don't want people that are worse than you to be able to beat the game.
And again, it's not about the normal gameplay being removed, it's about offering an option. Are you offended when games have a colorblind mode? Or when there are overpowered weapons?
I beat every Souls game btw
>so you think Sekiro in normal mode would be completely different because you saw the option "easy mode" in the main menu?
What? No, I think Sekiro in easy mode would be a completely different game, and whether I see it as an option or not has absolutely nothing to do with how I would experience normal mode.
Challenge that can be overcome is the driving force behind the design of the game, so yes, removing it would take away the entire basis the game was built on. Claiming that it wouldn't affect the experience is bizarre at best.
>there are four to six different threads about this
Alright is this really a big thing or is this just twitter sperging?
>souls type games gimmick is that their hard
It's not and never was.
>Hidetaka Miyazaki: I have no intention to make the game more difficult than other titles on purpose! It's just something required to make this style of game. Ever since Demon's Souls, I've really been pursuing making games that give players a sense of accomplishment by overcoming tremendous odds.
I think it's as simple as dmg modifiers. You do more and take less.
Sekiro is structured both narratively and mechanically around the idea of player challenge and dying repeatedly. Kuro's line about you having died more than once in his stead would have fallen flat if there was nothing that could make you die in the first place. Sekiro's world being harsh and unforgiving wouldn't come across as strongly if you could waltz through everything as if it were a power fantasy. That may sound like I'm exaggerating easy mode, but if the idea is to accommodate as many as possible through difficulty settings, how easy enough can easy mode be?
Narratively Sekiro wouldn't have the same WEIGHT if played on Easy Mode, players could choose to accidentally fuck the game over for themselves with difficulty settings like accidentally picking Hard Mode in an RPG which just bloats everything and forces you to restart the game on a more reasonable difficulty setting because you can't be having with this bullshit. At that point you're better off having a single degree of difficulty rather than trying to accommodate everyone, while nobody can tell for sure what difficulty setting they will even end up liking the most.
>L M A O like why do you WANT to work out and get big muscles if I PERSONALLLY CAN'T
crossfit yourself
I remember when game journalists called us all entitled for wanting mod support and shitting on DLC practices. It's funny to see them react this way.
>For the better
do you fuckhead still not get it? I am not saying that an easy mode would be great, it would definitely be an inferior experience. But if it's an additional mode, everyone else can still play the normal mode unaffected. Easy mode only affects players that play on easy and those are the ones that aren't going to care much about balance
>miyazaki taking credit for how from has always made games again
Answer me this.
What's the difference between asking FromSoft to add an easy mode that they didn't intended to be in the game (because, y'know, it's not in the game) and watching it on Youtube?
> just twitter sperging?
just Yea Forums sperging
Kill yourself
You are the reason why WoW is fucking shit for pandering to casual fucktards like you
So what you're doing
And I hope you're aware of this
Is throwing up a list of effective arguments that you can't argue against, and calling them stupid for no reason other than the abundant evidence that you can't argue against them.
Way to go, champ.
if someone calls Sekiro impossible to beat I just think that they are retards
the game is broken
you have so many items and artifacts that you can stun most enemies
I'm sure you can beat most bosses just running to the right that's how I beat Owl
if you want to finish the game you have the option to be cheap these people just don't know it because they play with their brains off
Okay here's the key part you're all fucking missing
>the developer choosing to put in that mode because they felt it necessary
>games journos and people who don't actually play videogames crying about it hard enough to get what they want make the dev cave and do it
gta without violence it is then because souls games really arent that hard
>mfw journalists probably ironically get a greater sense of pride and accomplishment from buying rootboxes than from overcoming challenges
So what you're doing
typing out a post
like a fucking retard
Way to go , champ
To answer for him, personal engagement. Watching a game get played rather than doing it yourself robs you of the "you did it" feeling.
>I am not saying that an easy mode would be great, it would definitely be an inferior experience. But if it's an additional mode, everyone else can still play the normal mode unaffected.
When the fuck did I say otherwise? I responsed to the claim that an easy mode Sekiro would be "the exact same game" when it's completely fucking untrue, that's it.
Because it's dumb, if you cannot complete the game as it was intended then you should either better yourself or die. This is the same shit that was happening with entitled cunts and the fire department a few eyars back. Niggers like you wanted 4+ years of backpay for the job they couldn't actually perform because they couldn't pass the tests, and they wanted to be hired on full time.
You have no business being a fire fighter if you can't do the work, just like you have no business playing this game if you can't be assed to improve to complete it.
Easy mode does ruin a game, because either higher difficulties are adjusted around it, resulting in shit like bloated and lazy modifiers, or if it higher difficulties are the basis, the easy mode ends up being unfulfilling.
It is, he says it right there, except it's not a "gimmick" it's a core element of what makes the game, the game.
Then don't play easy mode
I agree. What the hell do you lose by someone managing to finish a game despite being unworthy of such an honor? What harm is done to you by letting people with shittier reflexes or physical handicaps get to the end of a game? I'd understand if it was multiplayer and you were forced to stand stock-still while a one-armed kid lines up a headshot on you with his foot to keep the score closer, but it's single player.
The only legitimate reason I can possibly think of is being an achievementfag and not wanting your gamerscore being diminished by someone who accomplished an easier version of the same objective, but I seriously hope you're not one of those subhumans.
Kill yourself
And here's the part YOU'RE missing
>We all fucking know this
>You're acting like we want to kill your parents
Devs should add an EZ Mode to games. To let more people enjoy them.
And authors should make a "simple language" version of their books, only using the top 100 words of their language. To let more people enjoy them.
Sports teams are literally founded on the basis of "getting good", only the exceptional play. Instead the requirements should be reduced so that normal people can join in the teams. To let more people enjoy the sport.
>What harm is done to you by letting people with shittier reflexes or physical handicaps get to the end of a game?
None, they can still do it, all they need to do is try
sure it wouldn't, but I think that the losses through that would still be worth it. Witcher 3 is easy as fuck on every mode below Death March and plays itself below normal. But I guarantee the game would have sold half if it only had one hard difficulty to begin with.
And after all, there are still players that beat the game without dying. Are those also getting the game wrong?
read again fucko. I said that Sekiro on normal mode is the exact same game, even if easy mode is available. Not that playing Sekiro on easy would be the same experience
lol I beat every Souls game myself. I just don't care about muh secret club
No, retard. It's more like this.
Normal, well-adjusted human being
>Man, this game sure is cool, but I really suck at it! Too bad I have a job, girlfriend and other commitments and don't really have the free time to spend hours upon hours improving at it. If only there was a way for me to continue experiencing it at a more leisurely pace.
>Here's an easy mode.
Overweight, autistic neckbeard who's entire identity revolves around his precious vidya
You're dead on here. The people complaining about the easy mode (complaining specifically, I can understand defending the concept) have no intention to play the game regardless.
I think there's a pretty large rift between casuals and hardcore gamers that extends beyond difficulty.
Traditionally, games are a set of rules. A game is played by working within those rules (or limitations) to victory. Maybe through puzzle-solving, raw skill, reflexes, ingenuity, etc. etc. Winning the game is innately fun, because, well, that's what a game is. This is, ultimately, what separates the hardcore from the casual. It's not the content, but the perspective. Games are fun because games are fun, and there's nothing more to it than that. Doubly so, hard games are fun, because the rules are stricter and thus it is more satisfying to overcome them to victory.
I'd wager casuals don't view games like this at all. Games are just a thing that 'happen', like an experience Rules are nothing more than inconveniences for the REAL fun, you see. The reward is not the game itself, but the audiovisual sensation. Maybe it's the story, or the music, or the unlocks. So then anything that stops them from this experience is outdated, unnecessary, or unfun.
I don't believe there's anything wrong with being a casual, or enjoying easy games. Everyone is a casual in some way. Foodies probably scoff at McDonalds. Gearheads probably scoff at my 2004 Honda civic. Fashionistas probably scoff at t-shirt and jeans. And that's okay. There's this weird insistence upon accessibility in games that really isn't prevalent in other hobbies, and I believe it stems from this disparity. There's nothing wrong with playing Beer Pong with your buddies, but for that same group asking for do-overs in Chess because "they can't enjoy it" is in bad taste and frankly, childish.
This isn't true. It's slow but popularity does slowly errode what a company used to do
Dark Souls and Demon's Souls used to have threatening invading, weird game design choices like black tendency and other players being forced into being a boss.
They toned all this down for Dark Souls 2 and 3 when the original got mainstream appeal. I actually like Dark Souls 2 and 3 but they are a lot less imaginative. I give Bloodborne as pass because I really like it's setting but it also doesn't do much differently mechanically like Demons or Dark did.
I love the part where people compare playing Dark Souls to working a demanding job for a living, and then flat-out refuse to see the irony
there are people claiming that fromsoft might start pandering to these people and change their future games fundamentally because of the outcry. i doubt that.
How about you demonstrate that you don't need crutches like stoplights and lay down in the middle of the road? That'll show everyone how hardcore a gamer you are.
What's important is that you're fighting the stereotype of neckbeard. Which is totally relevant in this case.
>robs you of the "you did it" feeling.
How does an easy mode that wasn't intended by the developers (again, because it wasn't in the game) not do the exact same thing?
If Sekrio had shipped with an easy mode, I'd be 2000% fine with that. But this debate comes up every time a FromSoft game comes out and every time the next FromSoft game comes out, it ships with only one mode. At this point I think we can be fairly certain that it's not something they're interested in.
But the fact that it doesn't exist means asking for it is asking for a version of the game that's lesser than the normal version and thus doing what you said, robbing yourself of the feeling of accomplishment. At that point, an easy mode is basically the same as watching a youtube playthrough but pretending you're the one that's playing. Either way, it's pretend.
You should put more effort into your shitposting, I almost didn't reply
>If only there was a way for me to continue experiencing it at a more leisurely pace
They aren't experiencing the same game, they're playing a watered down piece of shit that was only added as a cynical cashgrab to get money from idiots like him.
Is this a case of these people being really annoyed that they feel they are "gated" out of a community due them being casual-tier?
What's the point of mentioning alt right people on Resetera? Not like they'd be there
Based strawman
>What harm is done to you by letting people with shittier reflexes or physical handicaps get to the end of a game
Because it fundamentally changes the experience of the game retard. Difficulty isn't just "lol just change sum numbers around dood" it's more involved than that. Games like Devil May Cry 5 and later Darksouls titles do that right with modes and NG+, most games do not. Simply inflating a health and damage value or cutting it isn't sufficient for a proper difficulty mode and requires time and resources you should spend elsewhere. All for waht, a bunch of retards liek yourself can feel good about beating a game on an easier mode? Why the fuck are you buying this game if it's not your kind of game in the first place? If you're just starting for the first time, why can't you just learn the ropes and get good like the other 4 million players who bought it did? No you want an easier mode because you're too lazy to do it, in a game you don't even have a passing interest in.
Fuck you.
I am starting to realize that it is quite sad that I spend so much time here where the majority is >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I need to leave
You mean this?
>it's not about removing the difficulty. You could still play the exact same game.
Not my fault if you're that godawful at expressing yourself, next time try to form your sentences so that they're not completely ambiguous
Ever heard of a condensed book, or literally any leagues outside of the professional level? No, of course not, those fell out of favor before you were a gleam in the eye of several potential fathers.
Just have easy mode end after 30% of the game. Games journos get their wish, and still can't review the entire game without playing it as intended.
If only it was as easy as "here's an easy mode". The way From games are designed, the only way they could give out an easy mode in any good amount of time would be between two unreasonable solutions: Litter the game with rewards and make the game's upgrades absurdly front heavy, or essentially remake the entire game where every encounter is changed completely to account for any angle of approach to be simple to do regardless of context.
maybe you just suck at reading. Do you need an easy mode?
I think your post can be summed down to that casuals see video games as passive experiences like movies while hardcore gamers find them as challenges they can work on like a person who enjoys getting better at a skill like drawing
>If only there was a way for me to continue experiencing it at a more leisurely pace.
Unfortunately there's not, improving at it is the experience
Then stop being a nigger and play a game that's meant for you, instead of demanding a game to bend knee to your passing interest you lazy entitled piece of shit.
Little bitch gonna cry? Better beg for an easy mode for suicide LOL
Dragon's Dogma first launched without an easy mode and it was probably the greatest gaming experince of my life.
But then these diarhea sucking casual faggots cried and complained that the game was too hard. I even went on the official Capcom website begging them not to change it but Capcom finally caved and put in an easy mode that lets you switch to easy mode at any point in the game.
I was so unbelievably pisssed I still haven't gotten over it. And the funny thing is I don't even think the easy mode helped sales because the game fell off the face of the Earth for years until the remasters.
The moral if the story is never give in to these casual faggot crybabbies. They are worse than ebola-cancer infested AIDS.
A condensed book isn't the same as a simple language book. Condensed is just editing, simple language requires basically a full rewrite.
We do.
I have.
I've spent thousands of hours in Soulsborne games over the last decade.
I, personally, wouldn't touch an easy-mode (Except maybe on DS1, just to see how it'd be different).
I'd just like to be able to talk about the series with my friends, without having the conversation dictated by a bunch of try-hard spergs who scoff at the very idea that someone could take more than two attempts at Vicar Amalia
How is this forcing?
kh3 was easy as fuck and it sucked because of it
I honestly can't wrap my head around the reason. I was waiting for the guy you were talking to come in to tell me to fuck off but that isn't happening, so I can only shrug since I'm not going to cover for him.
It's sad that casuals have memed gatekeeping as a bad thing.
>completely ambiguous
How the fuck did you not understand that? NOT removing the difficulty. NOT. NO change to that difficulty. There is no ambiguity. You could still play the same game. There is no way to get that confused, literally.
are you autistic? What is your problem with the easy mode being added to the game? You can still play the other modes.
Kill yourself dipshit, doubly so if this is your shitposting routine. If you can't devote time to your hobby to get better at it, then pick up something else, you'd demand god make drawing easier if you could you lazy piece of shit.
The article is advocating accessibility options in games to accommodate people with physical disabilities. Trouble is, I can't think of what options they could add that would accomplish that- Sekiro isn't a game that seems particularly affected by this problem. It doesn't require lightning fast reflexes or complicated button inputs. It requires sound judgement and decision-making.
This writer is essentially just taking advantage of disabled people to try and get an easy mode added to a game he is too incompetent to play or too impatient to try and learn. That's pretty fucking sleazy...
Your friends don't play the games currently? An easy mode will convince them to start?
They've been banking on their reputation for difficult games since the PC release of Dark Souls. No way.
You brought up Devil May Cry, a series which has an easy mode, as an argument about why easy modes are harmful and shouldn't exist. Jesus Christ, do you even play video games, or do you just like bitching on the internet? Besides, you're focusing on "laziness". Even if we agreed that it's a problem to be solved (we don't), I'm arguing about accessibility.
physical disabilities can be pretty diverse. Generally, just making the game easier is a last resort of types, because what else could you do to make the game easier for someone that can only use one hand for example?
>It requires sound judgement and decision-making.
Games journos don't have that.
And yeah it is sleazy of them to use the disabled. But they've also used every other group or identity they can to get their way so it's expected.
This come to mind.
actually this post was too harsh, sorry. Don't kill yourself user. Forgive me?
Game starts on Easy Mode, you have to hit up the Bell Demon for normal and then hand in Kuro's Charm for Hard.
>But I guarantee the game would have sold half if it only had one hard difficulty to begin with.
You'd be wrong and a nigger. Darksouls sold millions, bloodborne sold 5 million, this and the other souls likes sold in the same ball park. There's no correlation for what you're saying to reality, most games until recently never had a difficulty mode.
This is exactly it. The only people who have a problem with an easy mode are people who take personal pride in beating difficult games and use them as a barometer of superiority.
I've completed loads of 'super hard' games and I don't see the issue in an easy mode. If I play a multiplayer game I'm very good at against casual friends then I'll play half-cocked so the experience is fun for them. It'd be childish to utterly demolish them constantly and then tell them to git gud; they're not playing to be the best, they're just playing to have fun and that's fine.
Imagine caring this much about video games. Unironically slit your own throat with a rusty knife, you worthless cunt.
I mean he's technically right, an optional mode has never actually hurt the game. But I dont really like the distinction, Id like for it to be implemented into the game, like...
Dark souls Grinding.
>without having the conversation dictated by a bunch of try-hard spergs who scoff at the very idea that someone could take more than two attempts at Vicar Amalia
you're out in the world getting accosted by random "spergs" while talking about video games in a public setting with friends?
what the fuck
I already realized I went too far and apologized. again, I'm sorry, just got a bit too angry in the moment.
Fair enough.
>>Here's an easy mode.
You missed the part where the devs aren't saying this and are known for not pandering to people who want an easy experience, and then you're blaming it on the fans.
Nice strawman, though.
>Jesus Christ, do you even play video games
Do you? You ignored the rest of the argument and cherry picked the easiest thing you could fight, just like in real life you take the safest easiest route, because you're a dumb lazy nigger.
That's a subtle burn. What game is this? Some zelda knockoff by the looks of it.
World of warcrafts group finder and raid finder, each made the aspects of the game they worked in far easier.
And basically undermined and destroyed the sense of community in the game because it made people disposable.
Easy Modes are only a problem when retards complete the game on that difficulty and believe that's all there is to the game while writing off the game as boring, and then making up some excuses why harder difficulties aren't even worth trying even though it would fulfill their desires if they put some damn effort it
I see this all the goddamn fucking time with arcade games where plebs keep creditfeeding games designed to be beaten with an 1cc in mind, but because they believe starting a 30-minute game over from scratch each time you lose all your life is for autists they'll just creditfeed through it in one hour and then leave a shit review saying the game is too short and too easy
I don't really give a shit how people play their games but don't go around bullshitting that you've 'beaten' the game by paying your way to victory
As did I. I apologize.
>most games until recently never had a difficulty mode
wut? That is simply wrong. it was never that all games had difficulty modes, but they were around through the 90s, possibly earlier and obviously in the 2000s and 2010s.
Aside from Mikiri counter, better healing, and heal on execution, I wish I had just saved all my skill points and pumped it into this
Mien negro
Poorly designed Multiplayer mode =/= Single player optional mode
People were already disposable. Especially certain specs and playstyles. Actually it got to the point that only a handful were even accepted and in some cases whole classes got the shaft. Thinking back on it, I'm glad that community is dead now.
I'll never be as worthless as somebody who shitposts on Yea Forums 247 hun.
All mine btw
Who are you to dictate other people's experience? It's their private enjoyment of the game, not yours
but WoW is a community based MMO, Sekiro is a pure singleplayer experience. You can't compare that
Then I suggest you don't just suddenly change the topic from being able to extract the same value regardless of difficulty to me being able to experience the same difficulty, which had absolutely nothing to do with what I was arguing about, and complain that I'm having trouble following your half-expressed train of thought
i'll drop a game if it turns out to be shit. forcing yourself to finish games you hate because of the sunk cost fallacy is a great way to end up making yourself bitter and jaded towards the whole hobby.
of course, there's a big difference between a game being shit and a game being challenging, though.
At this point, it's more like,
Normal, well-adjusted human being
>Man, this game sure is cool, but I really suck at it! Too bad I have a job, girlfriend and other commitments and don't really have the free time to spend hours upon hours improving at it. If only there was a way for me to continue experiencing it at a more leisurely pace.
>*doesn't release an easy mode*
Normal, well-adjusted human being
>Man, this game sure is cool, but I really suck at it! Too bad I have a job, girlfriend and other commitments and don't really have the free time to spend hours upon hours improving at it. If only there was a way for me to continue experiencing it at a more leisurely pace.
>*doesn't release an easy mode*
Normal, well-adjusted human being
>Maybe after six games with no easy mode, I should consider the notion that these developers probably aren't going to start putting them into their games, for better or worse.