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Post more RDR2 cuties

They are concerned about the players that pay money

Not normal players
That’s why the game is being tameified
People who pay money are typically dull and cannot stand (above all) being “greifed” in whichever way they define it

What happened bitch? Why are you whining?

Rockstar cultivated a P2W environment with GTO by introducing it slowly as time went by. For RDR2 Rockstar tried to go full P2W right out of the gate. So it killed the playerbase.

I put my ps4 back into storage when I saw they made animals invisible so folks don’t feel cataclysmicly butt hurt on the 2% chance someone pick up their dead deer and runs away with it

Take Two only cares about printing money via microtransactions. They couldn't care less how the fans feel about the game or if theres anything fun to do while playing it, and it shows.
The game was only ever going to be good for the story mode, anyway, and if you ever thought otherwise for more than a second, you played yourself.

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This. I knew after GTO that online was going to be cancer. It was never going to be like the original game. Not to mention the shooting feels bad so it's not even fun to fight other players.

Why do Pay-2-win players have an abnormal amount of problem with that?

Red dead online was the funnest game I’ve ever played in the first couple months.

Until... they started removing features instead of adding them

What did they do now?

Isn't the base vanilla game the only one without the downgrade anyways?

Lassos don’t work
You can’t pick up animals someone else kills
It costs a buck every time you kill someone
Bounty hunters are terribly done
Cops no longer need witnesses
You’re wanted every time you do a crime instantly
Servers are empty
Priority lobbies punish players for playing the game
All spawns are reduced so towns are empty

If this is about “geifers” you could of added more content instead of restricting and hurting players. Like allowing people use their money to add bounties and being bounty hunters themselves. Also making lassos effective with no suicide option so people have non violent options.

There’s no jobs or content either
Hunting makes no money and it’s all there is to do

They could of just added more normal jobs and this game could’ve been paradise
Like being a cop. Owning a business. Moving wagons around. Farming. Homesteading. Protecting. Building. Working at restaurants or stores. Trading companies. Banking. Anything. It’s a rich world they’re burning down.

They could've just fucking added invite only sessions and not fucked the game up.

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>giving a fuck about rockstar online games
seriously lads


This so fucking hard

Aren't the free roam jobs still a thing though?

They’re are not enough

i guess its not coming to PC if the online isnt making them money

Rockstar's multiplayer went to shit after Max Payne 3 and so did Cheats.