How to destroy the hype for your game in half a second

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Other urls found in this thread:


wow I have to download another launcher, this is a fucking hate crime

>being loyal to valve for some unknown reason

valve isnt owned by chinks


>hating malware from a hostile foreign power trying to carve up your hobby
>for some unknown reason

Attached: 1547232463387.jpg (863x867, 284K)

>vocal minority thinks they are going to make a dent

you're right, it's owned by kikes.

literally what game

Don't worry user, it'll still release for PC in 2020. Probably March or April.

That's right, right here.

Attached: gear.png (370x350, 163K)

who cares it's just a launcher

>haha if i type this in caps people will think its silly

>13th month
what the fuck?

>thirteen months

Attached: peak america.jpg (598x800, 127K)

Please read it again, you seem confused.

>WHOA I'd rather give my money to the kikes at valve instead of the chinks

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>thinking you're so special that your online privacy is important

literally who gives a shit if they steal your porn preferences

Fucking americucks.

>being loyal to anything or anyone
lmao fucking cucks

>Yea Forums is mad they cant play a fucking BORDERLANDS game

Attached: kitty.jpg (691x641, 52K)

Steam steals you info too. And grocery store cards and every business in the world. Even your bank sells off your personal info to marketing agencies. You’re up in arms about having to double click something because you have never had to deal with conflict in your life.

You don't matter anyway.
It's the devs who matter.

americans have been conditioned to think this way since birth

How is the EPIC launcher malware ? Did you just throw a random buzzword like a moron ?
>carve up your hobby


>All of a sudden this is about america

Epic Games Store is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Chinese Malware!

because only americucks can be this big of faggots towards a fucking game launcher

At least Steam doesn't outright tell you they'll exploit your info in their ToS.

>hostile foreign power
I love this. Retards get scared about chinese botnet while the chinks have no jurisdiction in their countries and never will. Meanwhile their local governments are spying on them 24/7 and will be able to arrest them for wrongthink in the near future.
B-b-but CHINA BAD !

is it better if they just do it behind your back?

I understand wanting games day one, but on Yea Forums of all places, is this really a fucking thing? Never pre-order, never full price, not to mention it's a fucking borderlands game. You always wait for the GotY edition for the full god damn package. What the fuck dudes?

And why is lying better than truth?

They don't give a fuck about screwing over PC players 90% of their sales come from consoles anyway PC is just an afterthought.

Man americans are fucking retarded. There's no 13th month. Fuck the nigger who decided to put months first in date.

>Yea Forums is mad they cant play a fucking GEARBOX game

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>date format

What the fuck is the 13th month?

>never buy


fuck you and your 'metric' system faggot americans do what they want however they want whenever they want, now that i have your attention randy's plan is to get people to buy on console and then 6 months later on steam he wants the double dippers not the epic games customers, and fuck the queen too!

if you were hyped for borderlands to begin with, you're a cringe manchild.

>Breaking a monopoly

Pick one, retard. Epic isn't giving people incentive to use their platform with better service. They're gobbling up every fucking game in sight to force people to use their shit platform.

But you already knew that you fucking shill.

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>giving a fuck about borderlands, one of the most soulless franchises ever
okay. yeah they're scum but holy shit

>never play

But they do just that...



nah son, its means its free on piratebay



Hey buddy I just wanna say that
The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Holy kek is this real?

Yea Forums is zoom babbies now they are nostalgic for when they were 12 and played bl2 after school while drinking mtn dew game fuel and eating dino tendies.

They are giving them a better rate. Thats literally all it takes. People keep throwing out those 40+ features that steam has that epic does not but not even a tenth of the steam population even uses a tenth of those features. People say shit like the mods, or steam trading cards, or other shit that literally no one uses since other alternatives exist that do it better or its completely useless.

If they weren't so useless then the devs would just stick to steam but they would gladly trade that giant list of usesless bloated shit for an actual wage.

Actually sweety it's the publishers.

tbqhwu 250 isn't that heavy. i am 6'3" and with a bit more muscle and/or fat i could probably hit that and look relatively normal.

Yikes, that projecting!

Fuck off "better rate"
They're literally giving these publishers millions of dollars on top of the lesser cut to get their exclusivity on PC. If this keeps happening, piracy will rise and the cycle will repeat itself when someone makes a platform where everything is available again.

Since I don't live in USA, I don't know how that would change to me.

Borderlands is a hot garbage series that isn’t worth full price even with friends. I’ll wait for it to go on sale like I do everything else. I’ll also wait for the exclusivity to go away

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>250 kg isn't that heavy
>I'm 6m
Holy fucking shit you are a landwhale

There is always RAGE 2. That is basically BL3 but with better vehicle stability.

Attached: oh really.jpg (1361x2048, 879K)

Europeans are very childish and get triggered when they see dates specifically in the American format.

So why do they need to make exclusivity deals? They know that their platform is shit and no one would use it otherwise.

I'm not denying that steam is not perfect. However, steam became popular due to its costumer service and not shady practices.

If epic wants people to use their launcher then they better start offering solid service rather than locking down games for an indefinite amount of time.

As it stands epic launcher has a ton of security issues where people get hacked, as well as scanning people's entire system for shit it has no business looking at.

>i am 6'3" and with a bit more muscle and/or fat i could probably hit that and look relatively normal.
If you are 6'3 and weigh 250. You are a fat fucking fatty. Don't bullshit or make excuses fatty.

>turns out Steam cucks are exactly the same as console fanboys

M-m-master race right boys?

Attached: 1496945633563.jpg (634x1019, 75K)

Better to be fat than a twiggy faggot

itt Yuropoors seething

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learn to read and use measurements

i dont think the idea of epic store is bad but the fact that its owned by chinks makes it impossible to support it

Damn new fate looks like that?!

i don't weigh 250 but if i did i would be normal fat and not nearly Wal-Mart cart fat.

Why do chink shills never use this word properly?

Attached: indie_shitdevs_v2.png (1638x3316, 742K)

Actually that would be around the medical definition of obesity level of fat.

Judging from all the butthurt chinks replying, I'd have to say this poster is indeed based.

so a little better than the average American, exactly like i said

Fat fucking pigs the lot of you.

Attached: Heh heh.....HEH..gif (500x349, 906K)

It's probably just the epic spammer. You saw the catalog earlier?

post your belly

>industry hates pirates
>hmm why don't we make it so you have to install 20 different launches onto your computer, that'll stop piracy!

That’s a bmi of 31 which is in a the obese category. Unless you are fucking jacked than you are a fat fuck. I’m 5’10 and at my worst I was 235 it was pretty disgusting.

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>all this shit
so that is what life in a kosher folk controlled 3rd world shithole looks like

>tfw short but fat
>tfw I could probably eat some anons if I wanted to


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Its a principle thing. Nothing new though as game devs sell out all the time.

>caring about borderlands

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this kind of shit happened with Metro Exodus around two months ago, of course people are getting upset regardless of what game it is

Valve drones are the greatest faggots in gaming and they just got exposed
Just a tiny glimpse of competition and the fedoras start going off

Dude you're a fucking fat cunt get help

you know i can't really relate to someone 5 inches shorter than me

Everyone itt excluding me is a faggot.

The only game that I'd even consider playing that switched over to epic is metro

>not a pc gamer
>not having to worry about the epic games store
consoles may be shit but I least chinamen wont be spying on me

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can you read? serious question.

Just quoting the Epic Store boss

Who cares, it's saving me money anyway, I don't want to download another launcher so I'll just pirate it instead. It's their own fault they won't get my money because they won't cater to me.

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>tfw had to lie to my friends about enjoying this dumpster fire with them 3 years ago because i didn't want them to feel bad
just pray to god that epic doesn't snatch a good game, because phoenix point is the only one with potential

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tiananmen square tiananmen square tiananmen square tiananmen square tiananmen square tiananmen square tiananmen square

Epic vs Steam debacle is what Consoles have had for decades

imagine being that much of a baby
it's like you want to be a woman or something

>not a pc gamer
Then your opinion is irrelevant in all aspects of video games and life.

epic meme, bro

pirate it, seriously, i don't condone it but exodus port is dogshit and afterthought and the game generally a step down from 2033 and LL despite having more budget and 5 years development time

6’3 isn’t even that tall get off your high horse tubby

Id rather let CIA have my data than ch*nkoids
T: europoor

can u get help ? fat fuck

and your game would be pirated. Cope harder.

No one is going to Epic for the better rate. Publishers are shoving games there because they're getting a fat payout and a minimum sales guarantee because they have no faith in their products' ability to actually sell.

If the cut was all it was about, and Discord store would have have Steam out of business years ago.

yo fuck this shit. any company that forces exclusivity is a big NO from me.
guess i'll have to play on console then.
t. reddit

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>90% of the stores are completely literal whos
Stop pretending Steam had any real competition

A nation looked at that and thought, yup that makes sense, let's adopt that.

But consoles have the most exclusivity

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>i-it's not competition if I say so
How many of these does Valve fulfill again?

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I don't really understand people sperging out over things like this. Why does it matter where the game is downloaded? It's not like you pay for the stores they sell them on.

Personally i don't have the epic store downloaded but i wouldn't really mind if a big title came out i liked on there.

FUCK EPIC. and fuck these jew publishers selling out.

low quality bait

What a burden it must be on your shoulders to be forced to download a free launcher.

higher than your horse

so... no

Anyone got Tim Sweeney home address ?
I just want to visit him :)

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Epic games is the reason why pc gamers shouldn't be hype for any game anymore desu

For countries that aren’t third world shitholes that actually participate in international commerce and business, yeah, it makes sense.

I shall. Piracy wins again.

you will never be a real woman, rotscrotch

Oh, you're one of THOSE types
>I don't need freedom of speech because I have nothing to say
>I don't care about privacy, I have nothing to hide

Attached: 1551807227008.jpg (241x300, 58K)


You know how they say in your native site, big YIKES.

Pretty much this.
I don't trust Epic, especially after how many times as of late Tim Sweeney has outright lied or gone back on something. Also there's the whole launcher being actual garbage thing.

Why go apeshit over exclusive games? It's not like you have to buy new hardware or anything. Yet, you guys are losing your mind like any console fanboy. At least they have a reason to bitch.

Epic running out of those v-bucks?
Could only afford 6 month exclusive this time.
How can anyone support a store not even devs want their games on.
They litterally have to pay devs to put games on it

They're paying for exclusivity, not paying just to get them on at all.

This kills the shill.

War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages

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based, look at the seething slants

They had a 15 year headstart on brainwashing manchildren across the globe.


Attached: TheSween.png (899x788, 282K)

This meme doesn't work because posting it won't cut off my internet.

Attached: 02-winnie-the-pooh.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 25K)

This doesn't work.

It's desperate, seething Valve drones we're talking about here

he's talking about pounds you retarded euroshit

give it a few years, anons

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If anything you'd have better luck trying this to EU posters in a year or two.

>i don't condone it but exodus port is dogshit
How the fuck does a PC centric series run poorly on PC

Everyone in this thread should go kill themselves

our governments are extremely interested in reminding us constantly of all the bad things we've (they've) done so this doesn't work

LMAOING @ buttblasted insectoids

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Honest question, not memeing.

How will the west stop the Bugmen menace?

The chinese locusts are slowly devouring everything.

lmfao you stupid Chink that shit doesn't work on Americans. Way to miss the whole fucking point

Attached: chinese kill phrase.png (932x451, 509K)

We entitled manchildren are going to BOYCOTT and PIRATE the game then!

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Also it was clearly console first, given how it was Microsoft who showed the reveal for it.

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MS has always backed the series though. Why would things change now?

>say something not entirely negative about Epic
All of the online retailers are cancer.

Pre ordered :)

I wouldnt care at first but it’s literal malware


i dont have to download shit tho

Attached: 1.png (192x200, 5K)

You are fucking disgusting, I'm 130lbs and I don't get how you faggots can get almost twice as heavy as me


Attached: chadd.png (368x545, 174K)

Literally every reddit faggot who uses steam:

I’m not loyal to valve, I’m loyal to anyone not making money off fucking Fortnite

I feel like 551 pounds is quite light if you're 19'6"

how do I lose weight Yea Forums

Nah, the money isn't going to the developers the publishers and CEOs are taking the extra cash epic is offering under the guise of being good for the developer.

Obsidian, for example, is getting no benefit out of the deal but 2k is raking it in with Epic and now again with Bordeelands

Absolutely based

We keep our governments on a shorter leash than elsewhere though, when it comes to internet stuff and things like bandwidth caps, throttling, roaming etc. Article 13 was a fuck-up because the Swedish MEPs pressed the wrong button (not making this up). Hilarious but we'll destroy it as soon as any detrimental effects start becoming apparent, such as major services shutting down their EU operations for fear of not being able to manage the content filters.
Literally nothing of any consequence will happen, don't forget we're here forever.

Sorry i dont live in burgerland or in england so i like the things as they are. If you dont think the last year china moves are dangerous you are a fucking brainlet. Educate yourself.

Stop eating. You can chew gum to help ease the hunger pangs.


Attached: neck.png (351x745, 142K)

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then explain how

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Fast. I would fast for 3 days straight, then eat whatever I wanted on the fourth day. I was at 210 lbs in February last year and went down to 165 by August and have stayed there since.

That's retarded. The proper way to lose weight is to micromanage your intake.
Eating 0 calories will literally kill you

Even if you do have something to hide, really, who gives a fuck?

Some guy at some cloud firm is laughing/jerking off to new shit everyday. The annoying ants that plagues my bathroom are more of a priority than whether or not some l33t hacker obtains your phone number and email address.

But Steam is my friend!~

Should have know it's a lie. Years don't have a 13th month.

is epic games online only

Meanwhile at Valve

Attached: Screenshot_20190403-185651_Reddit.jpg (1078x1145, 649K)


Looks like he has down syndrome

>We keep our governments on a shorter leash
Keep telling yourself that.

dear god. and here I thought reddit was chock full of epic shills

People on this live a very secured and mundane life. They have to create sort of artificial conflict or they may in fact kill themselves due to the monotony.


Let's see Valve drones defend this one

>chinks have no jurisdiction in their countries
tell that to Canada and Australia bud


What's there to denfed? Valve is giving devs money to finish their games and release it whereever the fuck they want. If anything it just shows once more how stupid it is to support Epic over Steam.

Attached: 1554330320024.png (613x979, 77K)

should get some Chinese Chalk and mark the corners of your bathroom, shit works wonders.

Exclusivity is very profitable.

Zelda and Bloodborne has proved that.

China can do whatever the fuck they wants in america, they have their full debt and nobody can say no.

If you're retarded enough to suck valve cock, you're retarded enough to want to play a Borderlands game.

You'll crack and you'll buy it, maybe not day one but you will.

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I don't know why consumers are such cucks these days. They act like Steam is so great because they gave them good deals years ago. Who cares? Fucking Gamestop was buying games back for more than they cost a few years ago, but you don't see anybody that cares about them going bankrupt. I don't care that people hate the Epic store, but if people unironically have loyalty to valve they are retarded.

>Vavle pays devs to develop their games independently and not lock them into any exclusivity deal
If any that makes them look even better then Epic who do the opposite, especially since they just pay publishers for the most part and not trhe actual dev teams.

Epic is just a shitty version of Steam, there’s literally no pro for using the Epic Games Store


>you'll buy it
as if

>literally pay to make game NOT exclusive and lets devs make a game for whatever platform they want

>Valve is giving devs money to finish their games and release it whereever the fuck they want.
So you're saying Valve is giving developers money to make sure that the game gets released on their platform? I thought Epic was bad for doing that?

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BL2 made sure that I won't. to this day I don't see what my friends like about it. It was more a tour de force for me to play it trough with them.

loyal to who now?

Attached: epic isnt just throwing money at shit and praying for marketshare no no they are healthy competition (1268x1257, 268K)

eat less calories then you use

>release it whereever the fuck they want
>So you're saying Valve is giving developers money to make sure that the game gets released on their platform

Attached: 1418356094828.gif (500x300, 992K)

yes. online only

... but no cloud saves

>there’s literally no pro for using the Epic Games Store
The pro is that i know trannys cant make autistic profiles, groups, "curated store selections" and profile pictures while using the Epic Games Store.

Reminder: When someone complains about EGS's "lack of basic features", they're trannys that are upset they cant do this.

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>No bloat
Good enough of a reason for me.

Upset over nothing.

This is just opening another launcher which is probably the hardest thing you've done in your life so you have to make this some fabricated conflict. You probably have your jimmies rustled over spyware that you already have on your phone, websites, and other programs and lack of features that you don't actually care about and will be implemented within the year. You're no different than those obese fags demanding mcdonalds bring their food trays to them or that they have a personal chauffeur in walmart. I can't believe there are this many fragile people.

>I go out of my way to find shit to be upset about
>better install the shittier store to not being able to search for it
Your retardness is showing Chang.

>reddit gif
Its weird, none of these developers chose NOT to release their game on Steam though?
If they were getting money to release the game "wherever the fuck they want", why did none of them want to release on every other platform besides Steam? Its their choice if they dont want to release on Steam.

Seems like Valve would have been pretty upset if they did that.

>We keep our governments on a shorter leash when it comes to internet stuff
>when it comes to internet stuff
As opposed to the US? You have bandwidth caps and throttling, laws against net neutrality, all your ISPs are basically some form of duopoly or monopoly in like 98% of the country halting net infrastructure maintenance and growth, and deep packet inspection to catch piracy so you can be fined exorbitantly disproportional amounts of money by private corporations for downloading an episode of Star Trek or a video game. We have none of that.

>this lie still being spread
Most of the American debt is owed to American citizens.

Join the 40%, tranny

>when you realize Yea Forums is being invaded by Valve drones from reddit

Attached: veddit.jpg (1154x879, 267K)

Dude your country is in china's hands. Deal with it, when they full colonize africa the rest of the world will be too.

>>reddit gif
>cahng proves once again he just crossed the wall 2 weeks ago
It's getting tireing to read the same shit over and over from you. Get some new "insults" for future threads.

Oh, yes, they totally have no interest in promoting VR on their platform. Totally.

Holy fuck you're retarded, take your reddit gif back where you came from

Oh hey, it's that Valve drone from the other thread earlier who still can't type because he's literally fuming lmao.

I mean to be fair, I haven't bought a game at full price in years. Mostly because I'm stingy as fuck and that games come out buggy as hell on launch day.

Epic Store? A better name is Beta Testers Store.

>reddit gif
Yes Chang, reddit can be used as an insult. Now you just have to learn when it's appropriate to not make such a fool out of yourself.

>give VR devs an advance on their sales in order to offset the risk associated with early VR
>give them a source of funding in the hopes they will turn down exclusivity deals regardless of which VR platform they end up making it for
EGS shills are a special kind of stupid.

Well when are you leaving then?

to be fair, if your from america you are fucking retarded if you think you have any privacy

If you don't take this opportunity to stomp Epic Game Store into the dirt you're going to really regret what they do when they begin to sink their hooks into the industry proper.

This is their courtship phase. I know it's fun to see Steam sweat, but if you wanted to back an actual good platform, give to GOG. Epic is not your friend, they don't care about you. They are EA-tier.

>spyware that you already have on your phone, websites, and other programs
Yeah and you know whose fault it is? Brainlets like you who says "uh i dont care about my data" "my government is spying my telephone who cares?" "the world is shit but i dont care it will become more shittier". You are uninformed and passive scum and i can bet you live in america, cause you fit the profile.

Really nigga? This is your refute to Valve drones?

Attached: 501.png (735x541, 27K)

i refuse to use a platform that "benefits developers" over customers. You assholes deserve to suffer in subpar conditions if you think DLC, microtransactions, and unfinished games are worth 60 dollars.

Attached: ugleh.png (556x388, 228K)

Yeah, when its appropriate, like when some fucking retard is using a literal reddit gif with its shitty framerate, piss filter and yellow text?

Read this very, very carefully Chang. Take a dictionary if you need to understand the more diffilcult words, just stop acting like a complete fucking retard.

Attached: [...].png (615x131, 12K)

Get fucked steambabby

I always knew Yea Forums was full of reddit faggots who permanently have Gabe's cock up their ass. This just proves it.

>literally starts off saying exclusivity is bad
>"Hurrr Se3 VoLvO dOo et tuuu!!!111

Attached: 13251321343.jpg (960x960, 104K)

>newchang really doesn't know what a reddi

you don't actually care about that or you would be boycotting those things as well.

>n-n-no strings attached we swear!
Keep gobbling that corporate cock like the good goy you are


Attached: silly filename.jpg (960x544, 16K)

>carve up your hobby
Being able to get any game on any platform was on of the key advantages to PC gaming before Epic decided to console it up.

>newchang really doesn't know what a reddit gif is

Attached: 1552915330663.jpg (991x902, 60K)

what does this have anything to do with steam?

Yeah i dont know what a reddi is you illiterate fuck.
You're embarrassing yourself, just go back to plebbit already.

I care but i cant live like a caveman not using tech. At least im not spreading around emo bullshit "uh i dont care". There is necessity and there is passive misinformation.

>Gabe said exclusives were bad so paying devs to keep games on Steam is a good thing!
There you have it gents, Valve drones have come full circle in hypocrisy.

>when faced with overwhelming evidence he resorts to claiming it's false

Attached: 1554066545312.gif (500x296, 466K)

>believe whatever Sweeny says who's known to lie his fucking ass off
>but dear g*d don't believe anything from Gabe because...

Attached: 1553897065738.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

>he knows what a reddit gif is
You should probably go back there, then

It's misinformation that's been spread for a good 20 years. Go research the debt and you'll find out it's indeed a lie, one that exists only because people parrot it without actually knowing a damn thing.

Calm down Liu Wei. Just try to not be as obvious in whatever thread you get send to next time.

Attached: obama-laughing.jpg (1024x576, 126K)

You're too obvious

250lbs at 6'3" is overweight. It's not even obese. In fact statistically, it's a better BMI than over half of all Americans.

Fuck Gearbox for stealing money from Sega. Fuck Randy Pitchford for being a faggot. How does this company thrive?

Oh Chang, now changing your position won't save you from your blunder. Better luck next time.

based, you can smell the seethe off those yellow eyed bastards.

Attached: Capture.jpg (728x848, 48K)

>when faced with overwhelming evidence he resorts to claiming it's false
I guess you have to believe that Metro Exodus sold 2.5x more than Last Light did on Steam then.
>not a corporation
Ah i get you, you're illiterate

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From 1 hit wonders

>there are people in this thread that defend epic by thinking valve is the only competition.


>They are giving them a better rate.
Giving WHO a better rate?
Not you, the fucking consumer

>admitting to being a fucking dirty game developer only interested in money

Fatty mentality, youve got body fat for a reason forehead. Live off of it for a bit

Have you been to China? It's pretty fucking shitty there. Plus the people are assholes.
So, yes, China is bad.

>tfw u don't really care and just come here to shitpost.

>b-b-buh but this person lies too!
Who said anything about Sweeny?

>paying devs to keep games on Steam is a good thing
>when Vavle is paying them to avoid that from happening
It just never stops with you fucks. No matter what evidence you get presented, you wil ltry to twist and turn it around until it fits whatever the great party wants it to be.

Attached: ron-swanson-head-shake-gif.gif (220x146, 100K)

>kg shitposting
>13th month shitposting

can eurotrash get the fuck off of our american website?

>"those games have viruses!"
Hi mom.

Im happy they are giving me a reason to pirate

>n-non-no-no my piss filter large yellow impact font 10fps gif isnt from reddit! its from here! im not the newfag you are! Chink! See? Chink Chink Chink
Absolutely embarasssing

Attached: 1470183241624.jpg (580x518, 34K)

Buy it on consoles then PCfag

You're a garbage human being.

while this is true, the tencent shills aren't any better. pc gaming in general is a reddit meme.

>Valve is paying devs to not have exclusivity deals
We truly don't deserve them

Attached: 1380708237e.gif (400x272, 512K)

Reminder that the Epic Store won't be around in 2 years. It exists solely because of the Fortnite playerbase that is ALREADY starting to dwindle as more flavor of the month battle royales are being released. Buying anything on their store is basically just renting shit until the store goes down in the not so distant future.

Are you an anti-vaxxer as well?

So just Borderlands? Because I wish Battleborn had killed them off.

>Epic is just a shitty version of Steam, there’s literally no pro for using the Epic Games Store
What about the ability to play EGS exclusives. And don't pretend nobody gives a shit a bout those, if there was nothing of value there, people wouldn't be losing their shit and making 20 threads whenever a new game is announced

Keep going some more Chang. You're just digging yourself deeper and deeper.

Attached: 1553333607641.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

Are you retarded, the US is the only place who does this, and in international contracts we use DD/MM/YY

t. international corporate lawyer

>Epic is making more money than Valve

Attached: Epic.png (930x480, 498K)

Holy shit do people actually believe this? The only person that would read this shit and think "HOLY FUCK TRUE PROVEN BASED" is someone that has zero grasp of the english language.

40% ownership by definition is not a majority ownership, which means they cant try and do anything that isnt approved by the other 60%

>maximum jew profiting more than a non-jew
>company must make more than literally the biggest gaming market in the world
really makes you think

>exodus sold 2.5x last light
Woah you mean a game which sold 64K copies in it's week sold 2.5 times that in the next release? Did you know Steam has 500K copies sold?
Mcdonalds is a corporation yet they are not privately owned and operated in the same way as Valve. Corporate would be jews in expensive suits and no product knowledge trying to figure out the best way to scam you. Personally, I just don't equate them to be the same thing.

Attached: 1553517228844.jpg (800x800, 41K)

Did you get that one off r/gifs too, zoomer?

tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square tiannamen square

He's been responding to everyone and crying Steam drone for attention. Quit responding to him.

You should only support major stores that don't take a single percent of a game's profit. Prove me wrong.

>Epic has billions and will never go bankrupt, so them taking even 1% is disgusting and greedy
>same with steam, years of selling hats has made them immune to bankruptcy. Why not just host the store for free?

And don't give me crap about muh stockholders or muh profits. I don't care. As a customer, your job is to bend over and suffer for my amusement.

Attached: 1551830120185.png (278x248, 55K)

Because barely no one is using Steam anymore besides third worlders and chinks.

Attached: Steam userbase.jpg (1280x1232, 193K)

Pretty much just borderlands. Everything else they've made has been bad or steady.

You mean no one watches people play vidya aside from gooks and 12 year olds.

>first plebbit
>now zoomer
kek, but please keep going, my sides will thanks you.

Attached: 1553275686250.jpg (880x720, 115K)

Yeah, I saw that, that's disgusting.
I'm going to play though my free copy of Borderlands 1 Enhanced.
I never had any intention of playing 3 regardless

Attached: Sailor Moon - 01 - The Crybaby Usagi`s Beautiful Transformation.mkv_snapshot_10.35_[2019.01.04_00.20 (540x480, 57K)

You're fat mate

What is fasting, retard? WHAT IS KETOSIS, YOU FAT FUCK?

Goddamn I love GameJolt. I found so many hidden gems there

>its another borat and mustafa derailing the thread just because some dumb date format
I love how eurocuckolds seethe over the dumbest shit americans do

Attached: 1552747310552.jpg (1024x972, 137K)

Wish they'd go harder on it. But sadly its not about funding for most, just greed.

>Did you know Steam has 500K copies sold?
Redux has 5 million sold, good try though
>Corporate would be jews in expensive suits and no product knowledge trying to figure out the best way to scam you
You mean like how Valve refused to offer refunds for 14 years until they got fined? You dont equate them to be the same thing because you're a blind goy, but jews are jews

>40% ownership by definition is not a majority ownership, which means they cant try and do anything that isnt approved by the other 60%
Only an absolute brainlet who's still in grade school and has no grasp of any corporate structure whatsoever would think that 40% is nothing. Holy fuck, I do hope you're just baiting and not really an adult who's this fucking retarded.

Attached: No, not the insects, no bugmen here sir.png (776x498, 60K)

I remember thinking I was just gonna pirate anything that's exclusive to the Epic Games Store but I've yet to see anything on it interesting enough to pirate.

Epic is literally free market capitalism working as it's intended. Competition directly involves levering your advantages, epic's ability to moneyhat, valve leveraging the fact they forced everyone to install steam with HL2, etc.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I mean, who else goes to reddit? Who else goes to reddit to take "reaction gifs" done in their shitty format?

This is still so embarrassing for you but its still so funny. Keep going kiddo.

Attached: 1456369464660.jpg (1000x875, 119K)

What is this, Shitlands 3?
Who actually had any hype for this awful game in the first place?

Has to be bait. It just has to.

>non jew
>takes 30%
Righttt. Before Epic started this shit people were rightfully shitting on tue blubberous fuck

>Eating 0 calories will literally kill you
What do you think we evolved to store fat for you fucking retard

Attached: 24342334.jpg (1268x1380, 239K)

There's levels to jewery.

Steam only had first party exclusives, also exclusivity is an anti-free market practise.
But let me guess, you're merely pretending to be retarded.

Article 13

>redux sold 5 million
Even further proof that Exodus sold like shit on EGS
>equating no refunds to Valve jews when it wasn't an industry standard and the fact they stopped doing yet still holding it over the mantle

Attached: 1553029747923.jpg (640x640, 62K)

>This is still so embarrassing for you but its still so funny
Oh if your insectoid brain could only grasp the irony.

Attached: 1553538783688.jpg (801x451, 34K)

>That picture

Carbs are to blame. Fat satiates much easier than carbohydrates, meaning these low fat diets that got pushed hard on society led to people eating more than they needed before feeling full

>Wahhh, stop pointing out my hypocrisy!

Nothing wrong with keeping your own IPs on your own platform. Just don't bribe others you had nothing to do with to stay away from others.

Attached: 1544916253927.gif (548x401, 192K)

The free market has more dimensions than front end store to consumer.

I'm sorry that your concept of economic theory is none existent.

Why? because you don't like it? cry me a river son, leveraging money has been how many industries got one over on their competitors. The system encourages it.

What has Valve / Steam ever done that's been so bad?

There's only a few examples I can recall; the "paid mods" from ~5 or so years ago, and their customer support being pretty terrible for a long time before they implemented their refund policy.

So again, why does everyone hate steam so much? Please explain in detail and provide evidence for your arguments. As far as I can tell they are the best and most dominant store because they created the best experience and the best storefront with the most features. Epic has simply failed to do this, and launched a barebones store. It's not 2006 anymore, so launching a barebones store like this and forcing your way into the market is not only incredibly awful, but the paid funds to developers / publishers for exclusivity rights is anti-consumer as hell and should not be supported.

The funny part is for epic shills, if Valve was doing what the EGS is doing right now they would be up in arms. People have a right to be angry that they're denied the ability to play their games on a platform of their choice, especially when we're talking about third-party games. It's one thing for Epic's store to be an alternative choice for gaming, that's fine, competition isn't always bad, but what it is now is the antithesis of that.

Not that user but what makes you say he or she doesn't? I still don't use Faceberg, only have anonymous twitter accounts (mostly be able to save videos and light trolling) and don't touch Discord with a ten-foot pole because better alternatives exist for all of these. I don't even buy into Apple's "we care for your privacy so much we don't even cooperate with the FBI"-spiel and fuck Apple for using electronic sweatshops anyway.

It may not work as a boycott but I'm still better off.

I seriously cannot imagine how fucking retarded you have to be to claim that with 40% of board seats (IE 40% ownership), they can do ANYTHING with Epic that the other board members do not want to do. They cant even get Epic to NOT do shit they want.

You are severely mentally challenged.

>as he makes a retarded non existant comparison and gets called out for it

Attached: 1553978776303.png (250x242, 79K)

What fucking hypocrisy? That Valve pays devs to develop their games independently and not lock them into any exclusivity deal? If any that makes them look even better then Epic who do the opposite, especially since they just pay publishers for the most part and not the actual dev teams.

>when you realize voting with your wallet does nothing because the vast majority of consumers don't give a flying fuck and just want to play video games

Anything I do is meaningless so what's the point. I'll just keep pirating shit.

Attached: 1500498312278.png (1080x1920, 602K)

Welcome to Foucault.

>2.5x 1 million is somehow "sold like shit"
>it wasn't an industry standard
It was though, software companys had been forced to do it for years
>and the fact they stopped doing yet still holding it over the mantle
They "stopped" doing it because they would have lost more money if they kept trying to fight it
The system they gave us was the bare minimum, only giving people TWO HOURS to refund.

You're such a fucking brainwashed goy jesus christ.

What irony? I wasnt the one that posted a gif clearly from reddit?
Hopefully shame catches up to whatever you call a brain and you stop embarassing yourself soon.

Attached: 1456369559718.jpg (2000x1612, 230K)

>You are severely mentally challenged.
>he says when he can't comprehend the most basic ways on how a board of directors operate
You should stop projecting your own mental inferiority onto others, Cheng, it makes you look even more desperate then you would otherwise appear.

Of our foreign-owned debt, China has the largest yes but it's a fucking drop in the hat compared to how much the US government owes its own people.
Also China buys our debt to peg their own Yuan to it to increase its value. Since they also rely on the West to buy all their cheap fucking exports (which are cheap because they're shittily made and the value of the Yuan pegged to the Dollar brings the cost of exports down), it is the complete opposite of China 'owning' the US. Without the US China's economy would take a dump. Their currency would plummet in value which would drive up the cost of their exports which will then not sell because why spend more money on shitty goods when you can spend roughly the same money on quality goods.

>What has Valve / Steam ever done that's been so bad?
Muh Half Life 3

>muh epic!
Just pirate it you mongoloids. Not like anyone here is actually going to pay for a fucking Borderlands game. Borderlands? More like Boringlands.

>"b-but the princip-"
This is Yea Forums, who gives a fuck. I'm three clicks away from watching Chinese """people""" getting consumed by an elevator.

Valid point, but then you immediately start sucking Gabe off again. Have you forgotten paid mods? And don't parm this off to Bethesda, Valve allowed it and set it up. Or that time you could look into people's private account details on Christmas. Or the fact that valve only put in refunds after 14 years because some franco-german mutts in Belgium got pissy.

Yeah? Every platform has them. I can't get TF2 from GOG, I can't get Half-Life on Discord's store. This is a timed exclusive, so you'll get it on Steam eventually

tianamen square, chinkie, winnie the pooh et cetera, because I know you motherfuckers are gonna shit your pants and call me chang.

Let me break it down for you, ill bring it down to your fucking child like mentally capacity

Jake can vote 6 times, and wants to buy an apple
Daniel can vote 4 times, and wants to buy a banana

The fruit with the most votes will be brought, what fruit will be brought?

Refusing refunds for 14 years, only to give people a gimped system
The gimped workshop, which they were going to try and force paid mods into
Control over your game library, taking a game back whenever they choose (Excluding blatantly stolen keys)
Having infinite money yet games get either no or really shit updates (R8 Revolver in CSGO, Nothing but cosmetics for TF2/DotA2, Artifact)
Having infinite money yet no updates for Steam which have been promised for 10+ years
Having infinite money but no revolutionary quality of life changes for Steam, only "social" bullshit

The company that first forced the shitty DRM platform on everyone.
They are the company that popularized lootboxes and gatch system in the western market.
Over and over again have they been in legal trouble for basic consumer right laws.
They killed communities with their shitty Steam chat and such.
They made modding, patching and etc. braindead easy which made most of the zoomers using Steam tech illiterate that can not even install a game by themselves, and thanks to that people are no longer getting the "first step" into how modding works which is why it's barely a thing today.

Steam is a bloated software you are FORCED to use to play so many games, because they are exclusive to Steam.
I have no idea why zoomers worship Valve so much.

>he really doesn't understand it
This shit might work in your grade school class, which would explain why you have to resort to it and think that everything else follows suit, but sadly that doesn't apply to the real world. But don't worry, maybe one day you manage to reach the mental age of an adult and can start to live with the rest of us.
Godspeed till then, you will clearly need it.

Attached: 1552682136144.gif (640x360, 3.93M)

have sex

>updates for Steam which have been promised for 10+ years
Please list them. We have the UI update coming soon and they already showed us what it looks like so there's one thing down.

>What irony? I wasnt the one that posted a gif clearly from reddit?
Yeah, you're not able to grasp it. Thanks for the laugh I iguess.

Attached: 1553019019823.png (800x800, 763K)

>he STILL doesnt understand it
My god you are clearly so fucking far gone, how do you even breathe?

Attached: 1434134606993.jpg (582x600, 294K)

>he STILL doesnt understand it
>now he tries to turn it around just as he learned in his first debate class
Darwin be with you, that you don't forget how to breathe.

Attached: brie laughing 2.gif (268x270, 2.76M)

The chat/friends update was about 10 years, and it got rushed out and is unoptimised as shit
The store/ui revamp, the longest of them all, only got shown when Epic started to pull people away, how about that?
We're still waiting on an overlay update

Because 2 companies fighting for exclusivity hurts not just consumers but other storefronts. GoG is struggling rn even with a 30% cut, other stores may disappear if this act kicks in.

>you should accept a shitty business tactic just because it's allowed
>I'll literally defend scumbag money tactics even if the market crumbles

Attached: 1552349719855.png (791x400, 62K)

>he's still defending his reddit gif
Maybe when you're here for a bit longer, you'll finally learn and laugh at how clearly retarded you're being right now.

Attached: 1433958835634.gif (240x232, 1.46M)

>being okay with a company that buys up exclusive deals when the product was already offered on another platform then removes the need for the developer to allow reviews to try and silence the pissed off fan base from voicing their opinion

At least Valve leaves the review options on the user end instead of the developer end. Epic can fuck right off with that shit.

>He still cant comprehend that 6 is greater than 4
My lord, i cant imagine how many times you must have received severe brain trauma.

Attached: 1434137218209.jpg (592x394, 25K)

That's a feature of the free market. Again, don't hate the player, hate the game. Don't want this shit to be allowed? then attack the reason it's allowed, don't try and turn it into an issue of moral character.

But China is bad. Are you fucking retarded? Even the Chinese hate their own shit hole country.

>you should accept getting fucked in the ass because everyone is not not locked up in individual cells

Free Tibet
The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
The Tiananmen Square Massacre
The Anti-Rightist Struggle
The Great Leap Forward
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Human Rights
Multi-party system
Taiwan Formosa
Republic of China
Dalai Lama
Falun Dafa
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Nobel Peace Prize
Liu Xiaobo
Winnie the Pooh

Attached: methode%2Ftimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2Fa9434fca-.png (685x385, 306K)

>he's still unable to grasp that his grade school world isn't the same as the cooperate world
I do hope that you're still in grade school. Being an adult this retarded shouldn't be possible.

Attached: 1552618763508.png (458x428, 318K)

>only started to do a UI update when epic pulled people away
Why in the fuck would a response to devs pulling exclusivity be a UI update? Do you see a correlation between these somehow? If anything their cloud system changes reducing costs could be a sign of trying to do something to lower their percent, but it's never going to 12% with their structure.

>Even the Chinese hate their own shit hole country.

The CPC is the most popular political party in the world with their own people. Especially in rural areas.

>popularized lootboxes
That was EA and their shitty fifa series

>How about we make a system where this system isn't possible?
>no we should trust in the goodness of people's hearts!

>he's still defending his reddit gif
>Maybe when you're here for a bit longer, you'll finally learn and laugh at how clearly retarded you're being right now.
The newfag is really not baiting but simply clinically retarded.

Attached: even the bugs laugh at you.jpg (400x217, 9K)

Fortnite is the definition of capitalism. You're not a commie are you?

See you in 2020 BL3 .

Attached: 1418065644456.jpg (640x640, 95K)


Popularised, not started

>>he's still defending his reddit gif
user, do you even know what you're saying or are you just out for (you)s?

>The store/ui revamp, the longest of them all, only got shown when Epic started to pull people away, how about that?

Yes because I'm sure a UI update that Valve has been talking about for years was actually just shat out in two months in response to Epic

What the fuck do you think the whole point of this is? Consumers are using the free market to voice their discontent towards one of the service providers in that market. Working as intended, there's a lot of PC users mad at Epic. The intent is to either get them to improve their launcher and business practices or die off.

>in the corporate world, 4 is actually greater than 6
Hahahahahahaahahaha holy fuck stop posting save yourself the embarassment

You're doing a piss poor job.

Holy shit you actually believe they said redux and not vanilla last light? Retard

>he still doesn't know how a board of directors work
Hahahahahahaahahaha holy fuck stop posting, save yourself the embarassment.

Attached: kekd.gif (281x484, 173K)

>forced to do it
Proving my point

came looking for this post. have my upvote.

You wrote Valve popularised lootboxes retard. Reread your post

I've been following your exchange and user, you're the one who has some severe braindamage.

Attached: benefit.jpg (300x392, 33K)

europoors everybody


Holy cringeola, what is up with Steam droneolas?

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>brought to you by coca cola
best part

Hi, chink shill

Attached: 1554226625057.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

But that's not what Epic is doing???

2K = Take-Two = Rockstar

Lemme guess, all future Rockstar titles will be Epic exclusives

Not like we have control over the millions of drooling illiterates

I want Valve will make a come back one day.

Attached: 14343199476950.jpg (250x242, 7K)

>Being loyal to Tencent because you like taking chink cock in your ass

If it was on both clients, I wouldn't give a shit.

>>reddit gif
Lets hope you two dumb faggots have just been baiting for the last fucking hour.

Attached: yuki la 4chan archive search.png (464x572, 112K)

this shit, deal with it Steam

>n-nono-nono-nonono! you cant call out my reddit gif!
>you're the retard! not me!
Whatever you say kiddo, heres a gif you can use next time that doesnt out you as a redditor straight away. Took two seconds in google

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 2.2M)

lurk moar

You also have no control on the free market dealings of people with capital, however they do have control over you.

>tumblr gif
Even worse, my point is still proven.

Rockstar have their own launcher though.

Its not like their lives would be in danger otherwise or anything. I mean what country would use its military strength against its own people?

Fuck the Reagan era

Attached: 1530559528662.jpg (749x708, 113K)

>he STILL doesnt know how a board of directors work
Hahahahahahaha holy shit, clearly braindamaged. Again, you can look here for an explanation thats more suited for your fucking pea brains.

Tencent has 40%, simple as that. They cant make any fucking decisions at all without the board agreeing with them, and if you honestly think that the fucking Goldstiens over at Disney and Epics EIGHT other owners would let Tencent do something to ruin their investment for any price well over 10x what they paid for their ownership you're clearly more retarded than i thought, then again you think 4 is greater than 6.

Attached: 1549892508382.jpg (810x688, 217K)

Steam doesn't restrict game devs from generating steam game codes and sell them anywhere they want without giving Valve any cut. Epic obviously does not do this, they forbid all sales outside of their own store.

Attached: Vivian.gif (700x600, 872K)

I know a few guys who moved from China, there was a joke they had at university. "Whenever we threw a party no one worried about cleaning up, because the party members would do it"

The party is popular, it has a lot of critics, especially in the cities. But that doesn't take away from the popularity and a lot of the good image the party has.

Based people with vague understanding of economic history.

They didnt say which one, until proven otherwise it could be either
Yeah, they did. EA created them with the Fifa bullshit, TF2 popularised them with the crate/key bullshit.

250lbs max is a shitty chair. A healthy ~200lb guy could sit down a little too fast on one and the dynamic force could easily exceed 250lbs.

tf2 used crates but they changed the way they work to make it more like Overwatch, which popularized the modern loot crate

Lootboxes were popular before Overwatch, Valve had two three games with the system.

They said last light, not redux. If they sold 12 million units magically they sure as shit wouldn't need to be vague with numbers and I'm 99 percent the game wouldn't of been forgotting so quickly

Literal retard date format
>not small-big-biggest

Imagine not wanting to give more of your money to the people responsible for delivering the product and less of it to the man in the middle.

Attached: Screenshot_20190403-204936_Firefox.jpg (1015x723, 287K)

Attached: how to tell time.png (622x482, 22K)

Then condemn console makers too instead of signaling out Valve as the sole reason.


>number too hard for grug read
>grug call date dumb for ego

>GamerGate has a game selling platform now
What? How?

It's funny, the entire time Tim's been active on twitter he's never referred to Valve as a monopoly. Yet retards keep spouting this line

Attached: Screenshot_20190218-111128_Firefox.jpg (1071x630, 193K)

Cope harder chink shill, check your Photoshop before posting Propaganda

Attached: Cope.png (1148x876, 110K)

Dumb americans trying to justify dumb systems, what next, a chart on how to convert to microwave time? It makes more sense to say the 1st day of the 2nd month of the 3rd year instead of the 1st month's 2nd day in the 3rd year. 1/2/3-2/2/3-3/2/3 is much better than 2/1/3-2/2/3-2/3/3

Based Change never have the freedom to speak, try mocking Master Xi like Drumptf

>dumb americans
>"just can't let my ego be defeated nope!"

lmao most of this shit is in the books. You niggers are trying to prove some imaginary counterpoint by posting some reverse meme that doesn't work in the first place because at least we can google this shit. Like imagine thinking googling "Edward Snowden" and "Guantanamo Bay" is going to get our families executed

>Epic's paid shills immediately jumping on every thread about their bullshit exclusives with the non-arguments
Seriously though, how do I get into this on the side?
I want some of those fortnite bux Epic is throwing around.

Attached: 1545993751735.jpg (240x210, 6K)

It is the 5 cent army, 5 cent for each topic you discussed. So it is like 10 to 20 dollars a day. Or maybe all the shill here is Muslims in concentration camp doing free work.

When you are talking do you say
"October 25th, 1978"
"The 25th of October, 1978"

>Why should a gamer use your store?

+1 social credit to you

Winnie the Pooh 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

I don't give a shit about developers I want my games now.

Developers can go die in a hole after I receive my product.


Attached: 1478749314474.png (498x497, 324K)

>not an argument
Retard, you cant justify your own system so you just project the fuck out instead you sperg, literally lmaoing on you rn, whats muh freedom worth when you can't even use a proper measuring system, let alone write dates in a straightforward manner?
>inb4 not American
dont care, Americans are literally the most egocentric faggots on God's good earth
The latter. Whislt either wording is fine, on paper, dd/mm/yyyy makes more sense systematically

Does this really shut off Chinese internet? I don't get it.

Also why not not mention the Warlord Era, since Hearts of Iron is banned in China for depicting China as being a separated nation instead of single unified state

Attached: Warlords_1925.png (890x687, 311K)

>buy our product americucks!
It's true, the dogeaters are mad.

Attached: 1553697956788.jpg (500x508, 37K)

USA created video games

what did china created other than dog kebabs?

I'm still hype, i'll just be playing for free until next year


Lmao at all these shills pulling their hair out trying to make us use the chink store.

Attached: 1553750166737.jpg (703x688, 82K)


Not an argument ggez *dabs on your pwnage*

this but unironically

Attached: DMNU8XsUEAEh9fm.jpg (500x375, 52K)

they put trump in the white house user
do you seriousl expect then not to sell games for a small price if they want to?

On my gaming platform of choice, Valve certainly is the worst offender in this case.

It all started from this post

Attached: im-japanese-recently-chinese-con-artists-tried-to-contact-us-with-31147132.png (500x336, 77K)

Autistic child

Im over 9000 years old get memed KID

Tim wants the whole PC market to change but he's gonna have to go beyond that if he ever wants that.