Yea Forums BTFO
Yea Forums BTFO
eeeeeeeeh? ez modo?!?
Nah man, I agree with the devs. I think more difficulty options/choices to customize the experience for the player is always best unless the dev vision is for the game to intentionally be of a certain difficult like Dark Souls/Meatboy
It gives customers more choice that's rarely a bad thing
Imagine being such a wimp you need the game to reassure you that you're not any less of a man for playing easy mode.
Keep crying, dumblr, you're not getting easy mode in Sekiro.
this feels insulting
imagine putting the word goddamn in there for no reason
Was Shadow Warrior a good game?
If you mean the classic one, yeah. If you feel the need to replay doom, bloor or duke nukem give it a try
If you mean the first polish one, yeah. Turn your brain off, keep moving and mow down hordes. It gets very satifying
If you means the second polish one, yeah. They refined the gameplay a little and added weird rpg/looter mechanics, but it turns out fine
What's the matter if it's a choice intended by the devs?
There are games for which this is valid, there are games for which this is not. Stop being incompetent, how about that.
it clearly only allows you to pick that difficulty with a condition: "if by the end of exhausting day" so nobody on Yea Forums or any journalist is allowed
This sounds condescending
Because it's apparently being ablest or something if you don't offer easy modes.
Even though a fucking nigga who can't uses his arms or legs managed to beat the game or whatever.
I think difficulty options are fine as long as the developer chooses to make them. If the dev didn't add more difficulties you should deal with it.
There are some people in my community that have made easy mode versions of games that end up being a waste of time.
If I picked that difficulty I would feel like I can't achieve anything in real life.
>waaaah! I want to beat the gaaaaaaame! But I don't want to put in the effort, that's haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!
People play in easy mode because they put effort in things that matter, like real life.
this is what peak cope looks like
If they're whining about the need to have an easy mode I doubt they put any effort into reality.
>play on easy if you want to feel like a superhero
Yeah no, the people playing on easy are just bad and don't want to take the time to get better. It's okay to be bad, just stop pretending it's anything else
this reads like an insecure bugman wrote it
Sounds like defeatism
Then they are already fucking up by wasting their precious time on vidya.
*works third minimum wage job to pay off debt for genders studies degree*
That tuning and balancing takes time away from the rest of development though, and it's still like asking an author or artist to make their work easier to understand if you're a brainlet.
giga based my friendo
>B-B-B-But it's fine to play on easy mode! I have better things to do anyway!
Then WHY even play games in the first place if you can't even be bothered to play them with a modicum of difficulty?
That is the most condescending thing I have read in a while.
>playing on this "easy for dumb babies" mode is not pathetic, it's not a sign of your inferior skills and patience and basically you being trash as a human being, it's okay, no one can see you picked it
>games are only good if they are difficult
read a book or watch netflix nigger, challenge is the only reason for vidya to exist
>being such a stunted retard that he has to put effort into maintaining his living standards
>life would be better if everything was easy and handed to you
That's literally what your post translates to.
It's 2019, video games are meant to be fun and inclusive. How would you feel if you can't play a certain game because of your gender or race? Think about that the next time you want to spout nonsense.
games are bad if they don't offer any difficulty to force you to get good at their mechanics
That's not false. Life WOULD be better if it was just pure wish-fulfillment with zero struggle.
Games, however, wouldn't.
Video games are not real life, are you autistic?
>if by the end of exhausting day all you need is some mindless escapism
>That's not false. Life WOULD be better if it was just pure wish-fulfillment with zero struggle.
No, it wouldn't, kiddo.
Not what I said at all. Good job with the reading comprehension, dipshit.
So it's for people who work?
cringe and bluepilled
You're just a dumb masochist.
Have you never enjoyed overcoming a difficult challenge?
I think the dividing line between acceptable easy modes is based on how much skill is required to beat the game. and whether it's story focused.
Dark souls for example would be pointless to put in an easy mode, despite what internet autists people play it for the gameplay and world design, items etc. The story is mostly in the background and not engaging making it pointless to add an easy mode just to see the ending since you're essentially just skipping the best part of the game.
I think it's retarded but at this point games like Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem have so many autistic fanboys/girls that never even play the games they could just release a main entry that was a visual novel and lots of people wouldn't even care.
>no argument, just ad hominem
Good job, kiddo. Really showed me what for.
Literally artificial difficulty.
When I make a game, I'll give it an easy mode and call it "Video Game Journalist mode".
It was a simple question. Have you ever felt satisfaction through beating a difficult challenge in a game? Do you understand what that feels like?
>meme difficulty
Hi, newfag.
i hope it becomes a best seller of all time
and your game gets a very low score.
what about you stop saying that and you just do it then?
This. Devs should balance and tailor their game with a specific experience in mind, whether it’s easy or difficult. Removing difficulty options produces a better experience overall.
Back to
can't wait for video games to call me a tryhard faggot for picking hard mode a few years from now
I play through games on easy at first if i knew it's a genre i suck at. Then i turn it up if it's a cakewalk and realise i'm just being really sloppy about it.
don't worry you'll never make anything
No because artificial feelings does not make game challenges real if you play it the way it was.
Damn, I don't see Yea Forums recovering from this one
Thanks, I hope so too.
That's fine. Journalist scores don't matter much for indie games.
These things take time, user. Working on it.
Just you wait, user. Just you wait ;_;
Re-watch the office and leave this board.
>not having an easy mode on review copies that stops the game from working past a certain point
If you gonna bait reviewers you gotta do it right
Why would Yea Forums be BTFO by a game that chooses to have an easy mode by design? The debate is if Sekiro and Souls should have an easy mode, which they have intentionally not implemented because of how the gameplay difficulty is a part of the intended experience. Plenty of good games have easy modes, and that's perfectly fine but on the flipside games should be able to NOT have easy modes and that should be also be acceptable.
This. Hell, it should even feature an original ending that'll dupe the dumb fucks for some hot debates when they get told the retail game isn't the same.
Not to mention the fact that in the case of the Souls games, they technically do have "Easy modes" if you pick classes like the pyromancer and just cheese everything from a distance. The builds you start with (and the stats you add on from then on) will either make your experience harder or easier, so right there, the games have no need for difficulty options because you're basically crafting your overall difficulty for yourself as you play.
>all you need is to feel like a goddamn superhero
Does no one play for the challenge anymore? Do people now play puzzle games to feel smart or do they still play them just to enjoy the activity of solving puzzles?
Fuck this self-insert "I'm a failure IRL so I need my games to make me feel powerful" meme
50 IQ: The Post
To play the devil's avocado here, unless you're deeply knowledged on the game you won't know what the cheap/good stuff is or even how to properly distribute stats for a decent build. Summoning for co-op is the much more obvious solution for difficult parts for sure though. Sekiro is unique in the way that you can't summon or grind for stats though, so bad players will be left with the fact that they haven't yet fully grasped how to play and either 1.Get Frustrated and wish there was an easy mode or 2. Get motivated to be better at the game you're playing and improve enough to progress past the part that was troubling you.
>game has to reassure the player that playing on easy doesn't make them a scrub
>so heavily you have a hint of doubt if it's satirical
Didn't Celeste do this too? There's a degree of irony to games journalists and women loving to use the word "manchild", when they're absolute infantile crybabies themselves.
So why are the playing games at all? What's the point to them?
Why don't they just watch a movie instead? That's essentially what playing games on easy mode is: watching a movie where you have to hit the play button every couple of seconds
Point is, a lot of the From games, at least the Souls ones, are as difficult as you make them to be, and thus having a difficult option something like them would be borderline useless.
>people who don't feel they need to prove anything to themselves
Isn't that a subtle dig at people who fucking suck at games? Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.
i dont care about difficulty levels but its a developers choice if they want to put in difficulty options.
shit like this seems unnecessary and overcomplex. just fucking type easy and the benefits. i dont need a paragraph on why youre a fucking scrub
Yes, that's true
Games are only good if some part of it requires you to use your brain to overcome a challenge
That's the whole point of why people play games at all
Except fun in games is literally the act of using your problem solving skills to overcome a challenge or puzzle
>things that literally will never happen: the post.
Who are you to decide how others want to spend their time?
>I'm a real man by being a videogames playing incel
lol. can't wait till all your kind is wiped out of the gene pool
Who are they to decide how a developer should balance their piece of art mechanically?
I'm not deciding anything but people will continue to play on easy mode and you'll continue to seethe at this even though it doesn't impact you whatsoever.
If you think the games bad because it's hard why are you so desperate to play it
I believe W101 did that and IGN got caught
What are you on about?
I really liked Shadow Warrior 2. That said I don’t think the game would be very interesting or fun on easy.
Guess what nigger? Get fucked
I'm not mad though, if a game has an easy mode because the devs implemented it who am I to say no? Fromsoft has chosen not to implement an easy mode because of how the difficulty is implemented and how they want you the player to overcome that challenge. The only people who are seething about this are the people who have somehow been unable to understand the how and why Fromsoft designs the games they've made for the past 10 years the way they do.
It does impact me. Adding an easy mode takes developer resources, therefore taking time, therefore delaying the release date that shouldn't have been delayed if they had stuck to their initial vision.
Get fucked faggot.
I learned a new word
What does this thread have to do with Fromsoft?
What was the fake ending of review copy like?
Except there is something wrong because you do nothing to earn that super hero feeling
So it’s a power fantasy, it’s escapism
Video games are escapism.
incels tend to forget that real life exists because they don't have gfs and jobs
Its weird seeing adults complain that a market for childrens toys is too difficult for them
It's weird seeing adults take children's toys so seriously.
Meanwhile you cant even put effort in to video games
I'm not sure why Shadow Warrior 2 even has an easy mode when normal is as easy as it is. It's like it's just there for people who are too scared to select normal.
Based, gas all journoniggers
>game is too hard
>im going to partake in a social crusade against childrens games
Apex cringe
People don't want to admit they are essentially playing with toys though. See: the push for games to be considered art.
children toys are for incels, so rip again bro
>play games normally
>whine about games being too hard
It doesn't make an experience better, but more tuned. I wish Pokemon was way harder and I think it's bad that it only has baby easy mode.
>Video games are just toys for children!
>But they should all have an easy mode because I want to play them too!
>They should also be inclusive of all races and all 72 genders!
But that proves the points of everyone saying easy mode in Sekiro is dumb. Whatever that game is in the OP, all the Devs want you to feel is powerful and like a superhero where things can't harm you. They want the consumer to have fun in this kind of way and that is their artistic vision, so if it works then it's great and easy modes and difficulty settings arent an issue.
Sekiro does not share that vision for its players and is not targeting that audience. Why? There are already tons of other games out there that seek to make the players feel that powerful and cool and want nothing but to facilitate that as a bottom line, difficulty be dammed. And it's fine for those games because they should exist but Sekiro and From Software action adventure games under this engine don't need to follow in their footsteps
Ironic coming from a redditor
Easy mode is how you end up with game journalists who can't actually play video games.
Who's whining about a game being too hard? If I see easy mode I go for it, stay mad.
playing with children toys ironically just for fun = functional adult
playing with children toys like it's a serious matter = cringey manchildren
this is a FACT
>Easy mode is one hit kill mode, you kill something in one successful hit, you cant actually die
>normal mode: the way the game was meant to be played.
Just play a different game with difficulty modes if you're too shit at one.
If they didn't make one, then they're not for you
this has to be fucking bait or is Yea Forums this retarded now?
Dont do that. These people dont want compromise.
Could be both, resetera trannies, reddit, and discord invade Yea Forums on the regular to try and AstroTurf the boards. I'm 100% serious.
>B-But if the game has an easy mode, it takes away my epeen!
That's the crux of this whole argument. People who think easy modes shouldn't exist can't just say "I beat Dark Souls" and feel like a big boy for instance, they have to say "I beat Dark Souls on hard" and feel like a massive tool because they'll realize no one really cares, you just look autistic.
I've seen people in this thread claim that making an easy mode takes away developer time and resources, are you fuckers for real? It's so negligible that if I had a hex editor, I could make an easy mode for a game by myself in an afternoon by switching values around. Besides that, do you think FromSoft puts any effort into their shitty fucking games? They have put less and less effort into their games as time goes on and they haven't really tried since the original DaS1, which itself is a barely finished janky mess with a ton of retarded oversights and bad sections in it. FromSoft knows the "epic hardcore gaymur" mindset exists and they've marketed their games on it ever since "Prepare to Die Edition". They know they don't have to put in any actual effort or improve their games at all, they can actively put less and less effort in over time and as long as everybody knows the game is "so totally the Dark Souls of Dark Souls", internet autists will eat it up and defend it with their lives even if the game is downright shit. Because their egos are riding on it, it's a replacement for any actual accomplishment in life by trying to keep video games exclusive.
But let's forget that other people have things going on in life that aren't video games. Forget that some people might not have ever played many video games and would like to get into them but need a more relaxed learning curve. Forget that easy modes have no bearing on you at all (aside from your fragile ego) and discuss all the difficulty wanking around FromSoft's games. THEY'RE NOT HARD IN THE FIRST PLACE, RETARDS. FROMSOFT GAMES ARE NORMALFAG AS FUCK
>im pretending to be retarded
Nah, doesnt work anymore
Look at the cognitive dissonance of this post. He complains that he needs an easy mode in a video game because he spends his time on more valuable endeavors, such as wasting his time on complaining about why he can't have a mode so he can waste his time on a time wasters. Apparently, his little brain cannot accept that this game is not for him, and leave it at that. Such cognitive dissonance. The mentality of a redditor leftist...
Continuing to post a webm that has been disproven a dozen times is evidence of intentional dishonesty, and so i claim your post fake and gay.
Have a horrible day nigger.
>Difficulty levels are just modified damage/healthvalues
>Doesn't open up new enemy patterns/mechanics
How do you disprove a webm? The video evidence is right there unless the game was patched to be less shit. You don't have an argument, that's why you pick out one thing you think you can use to discredit everything I said. Too bad, doesn't work that way.
Are books exclusive because they require learning to read, and then learning a large vocabulary? Requiring hand eye coordination to beat a game isn't a design flaw, it's called making the game a game.
>too tired to play
watch a movie then or play casual games like sudoku.This is like demanding NBA lets you ass in because you can't compete as it is.
Not an argument
>giving them an easy mode
Games should have three difficulties, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard. Very Hard should just be Hard, but permadeath mode where it deletes your save on failure. Normal mode should end half way through the game and taunt the player for being a filthy casual. Prove me wrong.
>imagine if you couldn't play a game for something that is entirely our of your control and that you cannot change
>imagine not being able to play a game because you are literally too shit and too much of a bitch to just learn how the game plays
How are these two even the same? Comparing your gender/ race to attainable skill is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen on this website. This is some troglodyte level argument you cooked up.
People bond on shared experiences. Dark Souls wouldn't be terrible with Easy difficulty options but it wouldn't be as discussed or cherished.
I didn't beat any mega Man games when I was younger. Or battletoads. Seems silly to ask that they lower the bar so I could. What's wrong with trying and failing?
Or maybe people don't think developers need to cower at the demands of fucking losers like you who cannot admit that this game isn't for you. Stop playing. Shut up. You're not special. You are just another fault in individualism.
Easy, you show evidence either from other webms or videos that disprove it. Like the ones that were posted that proved the Spider-man game had realistic SM2 style swinging and not moon swinging like some autistic retards kept lying about.
That's a good idea.
Well, it's going to be a game about killing lots of stuff, so making a casual mode where you cna just run around and do so easily wouldn't be so bad, provided you're locked out of progressing further in the game at some point.
I guarantee I've beaten harder games than you've ever touched, but I'm not going to engage your internet dick measuring because that's not what this is about. I don't want the games to be easier, I'd prefer if FromSoft games were actually good and they didn't half-ass everything while using normalfags that fell for marketing like you as a shield from criticism.
The analogy would be a book being in a certain language but you campaign against it being translated.
>the replies to this post and no one has argued the point yet
copying this for future threads
>but I'm not going to engage your internet dick measuring
Because you cut yours off, mentally ill faggot
Nice schizophrenia. None of you can actually form an argument to save your lives when your shit stance is laid bare.
Who is HE arguing with though? Why would you expect honest replies when you aren’t engaging with anyone?
Why do you think samefagging is going to make people think you are anything but pathetic.
Shadow Warrior was an easy game on most difficulties anyway. It's not fun for the challange, more for the carnage and stupid humor.
FromSoftware games are fun because of the challenge. You take away the challenge, you take away the fun.
Not an argument.
You have to deconstruct my original argument first. You haven't.
What argument?
What does this thread have to do with Fromsoftware?
>B-But if the game has an easy mode, it takes away my epeen
Literally starting with a straw man. The point is that it ruins the experience for the players who would use an easy mode in Sekiro. If nothing about the game mechanics changed and instead numbers were tweeked, people using easy mode would not actually feel the core experiencing of the game because they never failed like others. If the game mechanics were tweeked for everything to accodamate both easy mode and whatever else difficulty settings, then everyone loses because that means the core game is changed to accommodate people who don't want to be challenged while playing the game.
>actually responding
These people know what they are doing
>play game on easy mode
>go on Yea Forums
>tell everyone i played it on the hardest mode
I'll assume you have a short attention span so I'll summarize my points from 1. The need for default difficulty has no objective basis in anything regarding quality, it's all ego
2. Easy modes do not actually take anything away from development
3. FromSoft games use the marketed difficulty to deflect criticism and excuse themselves for lazy design
4. Even ignoring all of this, FromSoft games are normalfag entry-tier titles so even from a stance of ego it's pointless to gatekeep them
Why do you care how others want to experience games?
Part of the *Souls/Borne/Sekiro experience is the feeling of helplessness in the face of something that seems impossible, knowing that there's not an "easy" route available just so you can skip the hard parts.
If I didn't feel at least somewhat anxious about a boss or difficult segment, I wouldn't enjoy beating it as much. Some of my most fond memories in gaming was overcoming the difficulties in games like those.
I think most people complaining that these games are "too hard" just haven't given them a chance... These games are designed to be challenging, but fair. I think just about anybody could be good at these games - hell, even some of the worst players I know can solo the twin gargoyles.
These journalists are just lazy. They don't like playing games because it's their job to do so.
I think women are OK to play Senran Kagura.
Even with the giant titties and asses.
>your points
What points?
You weren’t arguing with anyone, you were literally talking back and forth with yourself like some sort of schizophrenic freak.
You only talked with yourself, not a single argument can be found in your shitty post.
Literally the only difference if hard game gets an easy mode is that women and minorities would get into them too, can't have that right?
This fallaciously assumes that everyone has the same level of skill though. Easy mode to you is hard mode to someone with less experience in video games. My girlfriend has admittedly worked a lot harder than me in stuff like school and advancing her career and extracurricular shit, so she never played a whole lot of video games before meeting me but she's genuinely interested in them and would like to learn now that she has more free time. She struggles hard on parts of games I've never even thought twice about, should I tell her that she has to play on the same difficulty I did or her experience isn't the real experience? Come on
he's saying the opposite
I have never in my life played a game that made me feel like a "goddamn superhero", sometimes the game is fun, sometimes is not, I will never get this whole self insert and empowerment faggots get from playing video games.
>1. The need for default difficulty has no objective basis in anything regarding quality, it's all ego
Except that's wrong. A hard game is rewarding both emotionally because you rose to the challenge and beat it, and in some cases you are awarded items to play with and dominate previous challenges with ease. It's hardly about ego, it's about accomplishing something with your own hard work.
>2. Easy modes do not actually take anything away from development
They can because it means reprogramming the AI to be less efficient and still functional so the game isn't just in some sort of debug mode where the AIs just prance about ignoring you.
>3. FromSoft games use the marketed difficulty to deflect criticism and excuse themselves for lazy design
What lazy design? You need to point out what's actually lazy in their games instead of saying "they're lazy", which is not a valid statement to make.
>4. Even ignoring all of this, FromSoft games are normalfag entry-tier titles so even from a stance of ego it's pointless to gatekeep them
So they're bad because loads of people play them? That's not an argument, try again.
That's because you were born to be a villain.
I see this argument thrown a lot, but in reality people that can't even beat a fucking video game are usually failures at everything they try, that's why they don't succeed at life, they're lazy fucks and there's no easy mode irl.
Also requires more work. Add it as dlc.
If I was FROM I'd add a hard mode and then a nightmare mode then I'd post on the Twitter account: "you were playing on easy mode. Git Gud."
It just ended and went back to the title screen instead of having an epic conclusion cutscene
is this the monster hunter fanboy
I appreciate your post and don't necessarily disagree except with the idea that FromSoft games are hard but fair. They're full of nonsense shit I'll address with this other guy
>What lazy design?
-Gotcha deaths like the rolling barrel in DaS1, the drake bridge, Seathe, the first abyss encounter, etc
-Teleporting pigs and enemies, as well as enemies that lose animation frames to pivot and track you mid-swing in Bloodborne
-Those enemies with the chain weapons that go through solid walls and can hit you from several miles away in DaS3
Honestly the list goes on and on and I hope someone is around to post the webms of all these things, I don't have them on hand. This is without even mentioning classic FromSoft hitbox jank.
>i only play video games ironically
If I was FROM I'd ignore twitter shitposts and just make my games
I imagine journalists playing a RPG and in the final battle the boss shows up with a plastic toy sword dealing 0 damage mocking them for playing on easy
Hell that would be so much fun
>Easy mode to you is hard mode to someone with less experience in video games.
All the more reason to just keep one difficulty balance and let that person play at the same level as everyone else.
For me video games are toys, if the game is artsy it's usually boring. I watch a lot of movies and I have never seen a video game reach the level of any of the good ones.
That being said, video games are really fucking easy nowadays, I'm surprised people are asking for even easier modes, if I'm feeling lazy I go for normal and it's usually not trouble at all, but easy? I always assumed that was a mode for little kids that never held a controller before, you're not playing a game there, you're watching a shitty movie.
>-Gotcha deaths like the rolling barrel in DaS1, the drake bridge, Seathe, the first abyss encounter, etc
That teaches you to not just run out into places thinking it'll be safe. That's not lazy, that's you being stupid and careless.
>Teleporting pigs and enemies, as well as enemies that lose animation frames to pivot and track you mid-swing in Bloodborne
Gonna need evidence of this. I do not recall any enemies just teleporting unless they explicitly had that ability.
>-Those enemies with the chain weapons that go through solid walls and can hit you from several miles away in DaS3
So sometimes the hitboxes clip through walls, so what? That's hardly lazy to have a few glitches. If you know about them, then fucking avoid them.
I get that those moments feel cheap, but I never felt like they impacted the overall experience much. Regardless, the design philosophy throughout MOST of DS1, 3, and BB is damn consistent.
>That teaches you to not just run out into places thinking it'll be safe
Bro come on. What you just said applies to Sen's Fortress, it does not apply to the drake bridge, the abyss, or the mandatory/fake death against Seathe. You're very clearly intended to bite it at these parts of the game and imo intending for a player to die in a situation that's functionally impossible for a first timer to know how to avoid is lazy design. There are better teaching tools than a death.
>Gonna need evidence of this
I know, which is why I hope someone brings the webms. If not I'll scour the archive for them so I have them next time I espouse my tired points
>So sometimes the hitboxes clip through walls, so what? That's hardly lazy to have a few glitches. If you know about them, then fucking avoid them.
Yeah but again, knowing to avoid them requires you to have been fucked over by them at least once. Shit like the enemies I'm talking about breaks the established rules of the game just to make things harder on you, and effectively creates new rules or loopholes just by existing. If people are gonna claim these games are hard but fair, it's not unreasonable to expect more consistent design or quality control.
>You're very clearly intended to bite it at these parts of the game and imo intending for a player to die in a situation that's functionally impossible for a first timer to know how to avoid is lazy design. There are better teaching tools than a death.
Only if you're careless. By the time you reach the fortress, you have some idea that you can't just waltz into places going full tilt. And so what if you die? The only punishment is lost souls. The game is about dying and getting better. If you don't ever want to die, then go play something else where the deaths aren't so lenient.