Boomers Had a game and movie of their pop icon

>Boomers Had a game and movie of their pop icon
>Millenials had a game and movie of their pop icon 50 Cent

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Pewdiepie game confirmed

I could see someone like Ninja having his own game.

Pewds isnt too much of a sellout

Army of Two: Cartel staring B.o.B. and Big Boi
>B.o.B. when he release The Adventures of Bobby Ray

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>he thinks zoomers will ever have someone as influential as MJ in their lifetimes

NOTHING compares to this.

Zoomers had a Pewdiepie game that featured a lot of other streamers in it, like Markiplier or something.

Really? How come i never heard of it

Undertale now fuck with your shit thread

Preemptive post before brainlets screaming "MJ was a pedo" arrive

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>t.seething kike

Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).

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I'm only posting ITT to say Billie Jean is the best song

There will never be another celebrity on this earth like Jackson, for both good and ill.

Assuming these tapes are legit these are one of the saddest and most surreal glimpses into the life of a major celebrity. The biggest fucking superstar in history chatting up some literally who about deeply personal matters especially concerning his loneliness and isolation from others and his desire for a real actual human relationship. I think whether MJ was completely innocent or actually guilty you cannot deny he was a deeply troubled individual.

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Are you an idiot? Millenials were the ones playing Moonwalker. Holy shit.

Golden God "Bad" era Michael was best Michael

Are you an idiot? Moonwalker was in 88, aka gen x.

Gen X is early 80s

Michael Jackson was still largely relevant in the 90s. The game came out in the U.S August 24, 1990. Are you underage? I think you are because it's very clear that you weren't fucking there.

The game came out in the 90s and late 80s (release of the film) is Gen Y.

Lil Pump is gonna be the protagonist of GTA VI

Pewdiepie literally has his own game

>are you underage for not membering tbe 90s?
Are you a fucking moron who doesnt know what year it is?

>its another "retarded mj fans scream and spam over shitposters saying he was a pedophile" episode
can you fags fuck off already?

>Not remembering the 90s
Yep you're underage. Most people remember the most popular shit from their childhood years and things they liked from their childhood years.

Smooth Criminal was the shit. Watch that music video and the coreography.

That's when the last of gen x were born, but the "kid culture" of gen x lasted till 1989.

watch that video and tell me that the person who could conceptualize, choreograph, and perform that whole thing had the 'mind of a child'. It is lunacy.

Zoomers will have several games and movies of pop icons from boomers and millenials, redone "ironically"

Have sex.

Zoomers unironically don't have icons. Boomer and millenial icons were known by everyone, including their parents. They were everywhere, part of the cultural zeitgeist.

Zoomer icons are those random rappers you only hear about when they get arrested or shot. No one knows anything about them or their music, no one has ever seen their face, only zoomers.

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media moves too fast now for zoomers to have quality pop icons, music, or media in general. With the dawn of the internet and information getting faster you cannot hold things in memory anymore unless they're backed by megacorps who flood th market, or you have an exceptional product. This is why shit like "i can has cheeseburger" lasted years compared to ugandan knuckles.

Everything is flash in the pan, nothing marinates in the human collective conscious any more.

I loved the intro video.

The AVGN megaman video game was pretty good.

>i-i-i-f you don't like my shitty 80s overdone pop nigger your a zoomer!!!!!
Every thread, and it never loses.

>big boi
>zoomer icon
boi stop

Ariana Grande was in a Final Fantasy game.

With boys

He had no "mind of a child"

People close to him kept saying how intelligent and mature he actually is and the whole "Kiddy Jackson" is only him acting that way when children are around.

One the one side he simply liked to spend time with children because they wouldn't judge him and didn't care about his status as the most famous person on the planet and on the other end he simply wanted the kids to have an enjoyable time because he himself never had a childhood and that is a thing with tortured him even on his deathbed.

Exactly, he was a goddam genius. I bet the real truth behind the accusations was that he tried to help out the child stars that was getting railed in hollywood to get away from that and they got pissed.

Zoomers have their game
Its actually kinda fun, exactly like Game Dev Story

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Also doesn't help that most suck. They aren't creative, they doesn't have any lasting starpower and they don't really appeal to people beyond their little niché.

>Oñe of the reasons he became a monstrosity of plastic surgeries is because he didn't want to look like his dead

Jesus christ. Imagine going so far as chamging your whole race just because you hate your dad

Yeah, imagine people changing their sex because they hated their dad.
What a crazy world would that be

Are these confirmed real?
It's too surreal to imagine the biggest fucking star in the world talking to some literally who woman about mundane topics.

Doesn't matter if you're legally not underage anymore.
The cutoff year to not being a underage faggot here is like 96 or something.

mfw not a virgin nor single

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Nigger people born in 2000 can post here. Retard

Literally just say he was a pedophile in these threads and you get all the (You)'s you want my angry twitter boomers, its amazing.

If xxx had lived longer would have had a sick game


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zoomer here my idol is kanye west, does that count?

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I had it with your momma last night

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You still don't belong here and Yea Forums would be better if it somehow managed to ban everyone born after 1990.

Did Ye ever make that video game about his mom going to heaven?

Lady Gaga is rumored to be in Cyberpunk 2077, so that's something for zoomers.

nah it got scrapped unfortunately

Okay grampa. Have fun being out of touch

Cringe, actually fucking cringe.


Wow its almost as if their human...

>he bleached his skin
Viligigo made his skin white. It's a genetical illness and his grandpa had it as well. He only used tons of makeup to make the remaining dark spots white as well in order to not look like a total wreck.
>he even changed his hair
An accident during the Pepsi spots caused him to lose his hair
>he changed his nose because he hated his father
He went through surgery because a black person with pale skin looks very weird and he didn't want to be ugly. He overdid it because things can never look right in his situation. His ex-wife Presley said that after the sex - which was great by the way - he always stormed out of the room to fix his makeup and didn't want her to look at him before that. MJ really really fucking hated the way he naturally looks.

Man aristotle was right. Musicians have an uncanny power to influence and instantly be cult of personalities.

MJ has a cult of devotees

>lady gaga

Are you telling me my boy MJ was good at giving the dick? Based.

>His ex-wife Presley said that after the sex - which was great by the way
How pathetic are Micheal Jackson fans to the point where they shove in the fact that he was supposedly good at sex? Jesus.

your boy MJ was especially good at giving boys the dick

with how hard boomoids suck off him off to this day, yes.

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The boulevard press kept claiming that MJ was a virgin, that the kids aren't his and that he has no penis/balls/sexdrive while his first wife, security guards and other close contacts kept saying that his sex life was perfectly heterosexual and normal.

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amidst all of the shitposting no-one will notice this youtube link

>50 Cent as Millennial pop icon

Yeezus BTFO

I miss 90's phone long conversations. Now it's all virtual, on smartphone.

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>this thread
>all this dick sucking
the absolute state of MJ fans, name me a worse fanbase then MJ's fanbase besides Slayer.

I remember 911 but I'm a zoomer

Their human what?

You are like a little babby watch this

you're pathetic

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>I don't want to die before having a normal relationship with a woman
>I never had a real loving relationship

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That is shit, has nothing to do with the topic, and the game was also shit because of shit controls.

Literally /ourguy/.




>and the game was also shit because of shit controls
Shit nigga, this is the first time I read someone here not liking psi ops


Looks like he was right. Maybe should have added something about ESL.

tfw no moonwalker remake

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I wanted to like it but the controls were gamebreaking.

If you like Michael Jackson and his music you are literally worse than furgin incels
Kill yourself

You're an actual fucking idiot if you think not liking an 80s popstar makes you a zoomer.

can you comprehend being the literal biggest superstar on the planet with billions of dollars and STILL being so utterly alone and devoid of meaningful human contact. On top of this his oneitis Diana Ross rejected him. Seriously no wonder he fled deeper and deeper into a fantasy world

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>Presley loved him but she wanted him for herself and stood in the way of his career - she also didn't want children

>Rowe was just a golddigger who gave birth to his kids in order to get a paycheck for life

Not even close to kino as this

Gonna listen to Jam and Remember the time just to spite you.

can this ai say anything different besides the programmed phrases

seething diddle apologists

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>posting literal facebook pictures.
the absolute STATE of MJ fans, the absolute state!


MJ dodge a bullet.

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>the FBI found nothing
>the FBI have NEVER covered anything up and are a trustfull source
Yikes and Spookpilled


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Only one: the game

Yet to be released though :(

Shane Dawson makes movies all the time.

>Millenials had pop icon 50 Cent
>Comparing 50 Cent to MJ

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>This entire thread
You wanna be startin' something.

Dirty Diana > *

shut up

MC Ride, hes just not as main stream assecible, but he and his associated acts have already changed the face of hip hop quite alot.

waiting for the xxxtentaciaon movie

Youd be even more lonely than usual. You couldnt trust anyone and everyone wants a slice of the pie

Nipsey deserves it more.

50 Cent was unironically a huge deal back in the mid 00s


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Why do Americans worship billionaire pedophiles? This one isn't even Jewish.
Not vidya.


tfw mj's bedroom was bigger then a 2 story house. My house could fit inside it.

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Why do so many people believe in a documentary that offered nothing new ,has so many holes in its story and has its main victims allegation come out as literally false?

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Hopefully nothing. There ain't a single damn performer out today that deserves it.

Because THEY FEEL!

Literally nothing to do with the topic at hand but thanks for your contribution anyway.

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It’s because the internet has caused an oversaturation of media and everything is disposable because every minute of every day something new is released

Everyone says MUH VILITIGO yet there’s no pics of it and it does not make your skin that white

literally in the autopsy report retard.

Imo after watching the doc I don’t believe Robson because he seems opportunistic and that he wants to get more attention since his career is dead.

But Safechuck seemed legit to me. The dude seems hella torn. Robson felt like he was acting the whole time and it was annoying.

If you're that easily persuaded by emotions than here's MJ six weeks before his death heavily sedated and slurring his words talking about how he wished he helped children more.
>"That will be remembered more than my performances. My performances will be up there helping my children and always be my dream. I love them. I love them because I didn't have a childhood. I had no childhood. I feel their pain. I feel their hurt. I can deal with it. Heal the world. We are the world,Will you be there,The lost children. These are the songs I've written because I hurt. you know I hurt."

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Why is this a thing and how did i not about it?

>Driving hundreds ot thousands insane just by standing

The fuck, was he really this popular back then to warrant that?

Was Michael Jackson shotapilled?

His tragic story, hits songs, eccentrisim,charity and extensive media coverage made for a perfect recipe for a giant cult of personality

Are you kidding? I don't think any modern music artist is even comparable to MJ at his height. He simply was all that powerful ONTOP of being talented.
Which is why you see the media still trying to take him down now and besmirch his image postmortem