Will it be the first good vidya film?
Will it be the first good vidya film?
Other urls found in this thread:
>square wastes millions again on a high budget film
>Literally a minute apart
If there were any DQ title to make into a feature film that is probably the best one.
They'll pick Bianca, and that's a real shame
It's weird. That's actually a good idea for a DQ movie, but I'm... not really that hyped at all for it.
the CG is too western/korean
>that artstyle
Why not just go for toriyama's style?
no debora no buy
uhh is this a fancy trailer for a dq5 play?
humans look like shit but the monsters look AMAZING
why do these things always change the designs?
i wasn't even sure this was dq5
like this is supposed to be bianca
>Those human designs
Why not just stick with Toriyama's artstyle? Is this SE wishing they were western movie makers again? The monsters look great though.
Looks okay. I guess they opted for a semi-realist look to the movie instead of Toriyama to avoid making it look too much like an extended cutscene from XI. A bummer. The cutscenes from XI look gorgeous while faithfully adapting Toriyama's designs to 3D.
Literally, what were they thinking?
I have a playstation emulator and downloaded a dragon quest VII rom, is this an okay place to start if I've never played DQ or should I get more emulators to go back and start from original DQ?
Dont start DQ with 7 just fucking dont, 7 is hated by many fans, its extremely slow and designed on purpose to make you roam for hours looking for invisible items
Start with 4 or 8
So japan is finally sticking it to America in CG movies, especially with Toy Story looking shitty.
Implying this movie will even be shown outside Japan in theaters
This doesn't look like it will have the children in it. Why the fuck waste the story of DQ5 if you don't include the time skip? The protagonist turning to stone and seeing his children after he awakens is literally the best part of the game.
Thanks for the reply. Is there a difference between the NES or the DS version of IV that you know of or can I emulate either?
God, I'm so fucking tired of that Dragon Quest theme. It doesn't even fit the action shown at all.
DS is more user friendly has less grinding, its the first DQ game chronologically to remove forced grinding from the series in order to progress, it also has a new fifth chapter with more story
NES has the classic factor but you cannot control your party members in chapter 4
Best version of 4 is PS1 but its only in Japanese
If you end up liking DQ come to the general in /vg/ sometime
I don't really see the hate, but I played the 3DS version which wasn't as annoying.
>If you end up liking DQ come to the general in /vg/ sometime
There's a general now? I got into DQ four years ago, but every time someone attempted a general it died pathetically.
>Best version of 4 is PS1 but its only in Japanese
I would prefer the ps1 version because I love ps1 but unfortunately I don't speak japanese. I'll probably start with DQ4 on a DS emulator and then maybe try 8 after. I can pretty much guarantee I'll end up liking DQ though because I'm a long time FF fanboy I just never owned a console with DQ games in the past (not counting dragon warriors 7 on ps) so I never had the chance to try them.
Well yeah the 3DS version gives you a radar for the shards, nowhere near as bad.
Horii just had a MYST high when he made 7 and thought that just wandering around the map was amazing by itself
Weve been struggling for a while but we have managed to keep it alive for months now
The sword is giving me Skyrim's Steel Sword vibes for some reason.
>Final Fantasy has had three movies and they're all shit.
>Dragon Quest is about to blow all three the fuck out by just adapting a good game.
>Non-Toryama artsyle
The Japs are going to hate it.
Best part of the game was when the protag's dad had to get hinself killed
Of course it will are you dumb, in Japan trailers dont spoil the entire movie you know
Nah. They'll watch it anyway. They're used to adaptations being different.
>Will it be the first good vidya film?
not the first, but I'm really looking forward to it
cg is actually impressive, the monster that gets released from the jar looks awesome. Wonder what the dream world or the underworld will look like...
Listen, Miike's video game movies are a great time, but don't call them good.
Advent Children was great, what the fuck are you talking about
7 is probably the worst one to start with. If you really want to see how the series started play the gbc/snes version of 1, plus playing through 1 makes 3 way more rewarding. Other than that start with 4, 5 or 8
This movie was pretty good. I thought the animation was off putting at first but I quickly got used to it.
It really earned that R18+ rating 3/4ths of the way through the film though. That 20 minute hardcore rape scene with Bianca was hard to watch.
Looks like the kind of garbage I'd expect from Disney
>make a vidya movie
>of dragon quest
Literally why
The story is the last thing I care about in DQ
Why they turned Bianca into Astrid?
Go back to your smash thread plantfag
Dragon Quest has such an amazing soundtrack. It's sickening how good the Japanese are at original scores when looking at the majority of our own video games. Hearing this theme in the trailer is enough to make me nut.
No, the angry birds movie already exists and is based.
Is it made by Visual Works?
WHAT HAPPENED???????????????????
You are joking right, I fucking hate AC
this, bianca lowkey looks like elsa in that disney ripoff style
I'd fuck her though.
Not only does this look like a good video game movie, it looks like a good movie in its own right. And i say that as someone who has never played a dragon quest game before (but intend to eventually)
A Ni no Kuni movie is coming out soon and i feel the same about that.
t. horse
The monsters look pretty cool but it just seems wrong seeing Dragon Quest without Toriyama's art style. I guess maybe his style doesn't translate to 3D very well.
t. Smash rosterfags
I mean DQXI is just that and it looks pretty good
The musou games look decent too
How to Quest your Dragon.
>Pankraz' death now fully voiced
I am not ready for these feels
>horse rape scene fully voiced
oh I sure am ready for this boner though
>In 10 to 20 years Dragon Quest will either die or move on without Toriyama's art, Horii's direction or Sugiyama's music.
>Will it be the first good vidya film
>implying the first MK movie was bad
Where's Deborah?
I'd be fine without Sugiyama's music at this point, he's losing his edge rapidly. Just like Sakuraba.
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
My eyes are watering
I love Dragon Quest V so much
This looks so good
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
I really hope it's good
Please don't mess up Square
Holy fuck
not canon
Not canon
Oh my fucking god imagine everything fully voiced
Every bit of the hero's life
Slavery and stone statues and all
I am really not ready for these feels
in a grave hopefully
Who's he gonna marry? Probably Bianca right? She's deffo canon and best girl. They can't have him marry nobody, too important to the plot. The only middle path they could possibly take is having him impregnate both girls.
Good idea
How are they going to manage to fit the entirety of DQV into a single movie?
There's alot of important shit in there.
I dont hate those human designs t.b.h
And V was a good story so as long as they dont rush the fuck out of it it wont be bad. The audience needs time to get attached to Pankraz before they kill him off. Also the slavery timeskip is very important for Harry's character.
I hope they dont fuck it up and there's proper hard times and suffering in the film and it's not just glossed over for the good parts of the hero's journey.
He's going to marry Bianca on the big screen right?
Bianca IS canon.
I'm still going with my idea of him impregnating both girls at the same time in an on-screen threesome sex scene with fertilization x-rays
maybe they're going to split it in 2
they didn't show the kids at all
It's gonna be condensed but I think it could still be great
It's possible this movie is just part 1 of the story and part 2 will be post timeskip.
ooooohhh I like this idea
Considering it's DQ it'll definitely make enough money for a sequel
And considering the Japanese, there'll probably be a popularity poll on who the hero should marry
Take out all the JRPG grind and the story can be told in like half an hour.
>DQ is my favorite game series
>hate that it's 3D animation both because it betrays the series standard and because I don't want the Japanese anime industry to die
>the non hero is the focus of the film and he talks
>design looks like How to Train Your Dragon
Not digging it.
Will Jami be in it?
The ending of the movie could be right when the kids uncurse their dad, so the movie doesn't end on too sad a note and sets up a sequel.
It really does look like How to Train Your Dragon huh
I'm still gonna watch it, and I can't help but be extremely optimistic, but I'm a little less extremely optimistic but I'm still extremely optimistic and holy FUCK I love Dragon Quest V so much
will be a masterpiece if canon childhood friend ending
>and because I don't want the Japanese anime industry to die
Out of your control m8.
Anime industry has been dead since the '80s bubble burst, the only remaining profit to be had is making quick and dirty waifu of the month adverts for figurine collecting NEETs.
Broader all-ages audience loves that Pixar shit.
I just played XI and I'm hype about this
I want to play the rest of the games, which ones should I try?
sucking off old men for money
for 3d play 7 or 8
for 2d play 5 or 6
>I don't want the Japanese anime industry to die
Considering the current state of things its probably doomed to die outside of shounen shit eventually anyways
>Anime industry has been dead since the '80s bubble burst, the only remaining profit to be had is making quick and dirty waifu of the month adverts for figurine collecting NEETs.
Oh look, another armchair Yea Forums lurker who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Anime hit its financial peak in 2006. And despite going down, is still making 10x more money today than it did in the 1990s, let alone the 1980s.
>Broader all-ages audience loves that Pixar shit.
Yes, and Pixar films also break box office records in Japan. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. The problem isn't that I dislike Pixar or Dreamworks films. It's that I don't want Japan to fall into the same hole the western animation industry has. Where they only make a handful of super expensive films and shitty TV shows. Despite your ignorant view of the current anime industry, it is making easily 10x more shows than the western industry per year. And with more variety. There still are fantasy, scifi, action and etc shows being made each year in Japan, despite your ignorance on the subject. But if Japan starts making $200 million dollar CG movies, there won't be enough money to make any new shows, moe or otherwise.
>there won't be enough money to make any new shows, moe or otherwise.
Sounds fucking great
most likely
Will the west care? Sadly I doubt it
Dont worry too much Doraemon went back to 2D after their 3D one, made by the same guys in charge of this one funnily enough
>Anime hit its financial peak in 2006. And despite going down, is still making 10x more money today than it did in the 1990s, let alone the 1980s.
Cool. Whycome they don't make cool OVAs anymore? Why is it exclusively waifu of the month schlock and LN adaptations?
What if this is the thing that finally breaks Dragon Quest into the west, when even Nintendo doing big advertising campaign for IX on a system that printed money didn't?
Because those make more money?
Kill yourself
>that artstyle
Its already a disaster. Would have been 10/10 if it looked like this
This looks like the most generic, boring, shitty weeb trash imaginable.
Jeesus christ plz let this be as good as it looks
Which is my point. Anime is dead.
>Whycome they don't make cool OVAs anymore?
Because making TV shows is both cheaper and more profitable. Then they make OADs with the BD release of the show. All that aside, they still do release the occasional OAV.
>Why is it exclusively waifu of the month schlock and LN adaptations?
It's not, as I already pointed out. They're making scifi, fantasy, action and even fucking horror shows. You're just too lazy to go on a site and look them up.
I wish death upon you, an embarrassing death that your parents have a hard time talking about
man if i were to pick up any mmo it would be DQX
where's canon girl\
>making scifi
Waifus and LN adaptations.
Waifus, LN adaptations, and Waif LN adaptations
>and even fucking horror shows
Edgy waifus and edgy LN adaptations
>anime is making more money
>anime is dead
Damn whyd they have to do this game, them feels when mufasa dies
Hey ma, I posted it again!
>profits are a measure of quality and worthiness
>Older anime didn't have waifu bullshit
Friendly reminder that Dragon Quest Builders 2 comes out in three months.
that's what I said
Looks like that character from How to Train Your Dragon now.
>in Japan trailers dont spoil the entire movie you know
You retarded? Japan is fresh from basically having the entire Broly film hot takes on the trailers.
Doubt it. If it didn't work for Fire Emblem then it's sure as hell ain't happening with Dragon Quest.
People usually forget that, while the franchise got guaranteed reps for Smash from Meele onward, that wasn't enough to help it get mainstream attention until Fire Emblem Awakening happened AKA the game where the devs started pandering to the casual & otaku crowd to such extent the franchise has never been the same ever since
Heroes marry either demure princesses or childhood friends. Not haughty hags.
Deborah is irrelevant.
Can't unsee
childhood friend is best end
The whole damn trailer looks like it and you just now can't unsee?
For the animation companies who have to pay their bills yes, very much so. You can join Myazaki in his rants about anime being a mistake somewhere else.
she's both of those things
I agree
>7 is hated by many fans
Wrong just fucking wrong. The real issue is VII is the worst place to start for Dragon Quest. Its arguably the quintessential experience, but its best left for when you've experienced the rest of the series to some extent.
>How to Train Your Dragon Quest
Oi user, remembah that toime we sauwr a ghost?
>profits are a measure of quality and worthiness
>but I also think all anime are the same, despite evidence to the contrary. So its a loop you can't correct me on!
But Fire Emblem became a success in the west with the last two games. And Dragon Quest VIII, IX and XI have all also sold more than FE did. You're only proving that both succeeded.
The only idiots who think DQ isn't successful are Square execs who think every game needs to sell as much as Final Fantasy, with 1000x less marketing and support. These same idiots think Chrono is a failure.
Not that guy, but no one ever says this. They just say it's worse today.
Didn't watch the trailer, just going off that picture.
t. bootlicking corporate cocksuck.
Some of us have actual taste.
It seems to be pushing really hard he is the hero in this, either the twist has been undone or unlike the game the story will try harder to make you think he is the hero first.
So what is the dynamic of Square-Enix anyway? I hear conflicting reports between being Enix guys with access to Squaresoft series to "yo, fuck Enix".
Its Enix money, yes, but most Enix suits are actually kinda worthless so Square took over slowly. Imagine it like Maxis taking over EA.
Now that I have, holy fuck. The human designs all reek of Dreamworks pictures.
Monster designs look pretty faithful, but that just makes this weird disconnect.
Shit localization has nothing to do with the character itself, your fault for playing the DS version.
>Not that guy, but no one ever says this. They just say it's worse today.
Plenty of people say it. Also, people only think its worse today because they're blinded by nostalgia googles. The fact is there's more moe shows now because there's 7-8x more shows being made each year than there was in the 1980s.
On top of that, most nostalgia friends aren't even comparing all 80s shows to today. They're comparing the 10-20 shows they love to the thousands of shows that have been made since. There was the same ratio of bad shows in the 1980s to today. 90% crap, 5% decent, 4% good and 1% excellent, exists both in the 1980s and every decade since.
So stoked! Looks so good, loving all the improvements over DQB1.
>Deborah not even teased.
Fucking lel, can Deborah fags ever stop losing?
>Shit localization has nothing to do with the character itself
Are you an idiot? The translation is everything that makes up a character. By altering her dialect and the content of her dialogue, you change her entire personality. She went from a normal girl in the Japanese game to a cockney hick in the English version. That's the biggest possible change you can make.
What are some shitty toy commercials with a bunch of cute girls from 80s Japan?
I wanna say it might have a chance of it being good.
But at the same time:
>Presumably dumbed down story with Hollywood-esque decisions to make it far appealing
I already love how they had to "adapt" to something slightly different even though Akira Toriyama's style is highly recognizable and has already been adapted to 3D in several forms.
Yea, I'm thinking Erdrick is in. Better luck next time Banjies
Might actually be good
>And Dragon Quest VIII, IX and XI have all also sold more than FE did.
Only in Japan and I will never argue that. As far the west is concerned tho, the only DQ games that have reportedly sold over 1M is 8 & 9, while the last 2 FE game have sold 2.1 & 2.8M units worldwide (in japan both games barely sold over 450K iirc). And while I would love to say DQ 11 managed to be more than just "another cult classic" thanks to the PS4, the fact Squeenix made no mention whatsoever of it's international release in their Q3 fiscal year document makes me worried it might have flopped here
Pro Tip: Everyone got horse'd, the overall story doesn't change regardless of whom you pick.
>not the superior VIII
It looks fantastic, especially the monsters. It even comes out on my birthday, which is neat. I'm excited for it!
Fucking brainlets.
DQV got the most re-releases and remakes out of all DQs so far, it clearly is one of the most beloved by the nips.
I don't spoonfeed.
Doesn’t make it better
I’ll never get to see Red/Garuda’s glorious titties animated
>Needs to have a movie and have DLC to even get recognized outside Japan by extreme casuals
It's so weird how DQ fans also fluctuate between "I love it" and "I hate it" in regards to certain titles. Not that a franchise isn't devoid of having disliked games, but not to the point of hatred.
Literally any mecha show. The genre that literally got its start as a toy commercial.
>le horse meme
have sex goo virgin
>DQV got the most re-releases and remakes out of all DQs so far
No, that's Dragon Quest III with 7 re-releases. DQV has gotten 4.
>it clearly is one of the most beloved by the nips.
That's arguable. DQIII and V seem to be tied for this according to polls.
Huh? 2 is the only one with unconditional hate towards it, 7 is long, some people like that some people hate that but its a consistent complaint.
This is DQ5 not 3 you retard
Also DQ fans want slime
>No, that's Dragon Quest III with 7 re-releases.
Are you seriously considering ports? DQIII does not have 7 re-releases.
Can someone explain to me where there is a literal mountain of smut around this pairing?
I've never played DQV and the only DQ games I've played are III and VIII but I'm well aware that she fucks this horse-man in about 1000 doujins, games, and random images often involving her ending up pregnant. Like does the game tease this or is this something the fans came up with on their own and it just took off?
>III and V
Easy to see why they went with V then. III's a great game but it's not exactly character driven. V is extremely character driven and basically the polar opposite, and it's longstanding fandom and appeal means it'd be much better suited to a movie format.
It looks like HTTYD
Why? With Erdrick I can use all the iconic spells and play it like I play the game, what does Slime gives outside of being the thing DQ-hating normies seem to be the most okay with? Fuck them, give me fanservice.
The horse kidnaps her
Is that simple
You seriously want another guy with a sword over an original character like smile? You are crazy
They probably went with DQV both because it is the most loved narrative by fans but also because it's Yuji Horii's favorite. And Yuji Horii is one of the few developers who gets the freedom to do whatever he wants. Since his decisions have yet to ever lose money.
>Are you seriously considering ports?
Yes? That's still a re-release. And if you're only counting full remakes, than DQV is tied with IV. With three versions each.
bad guy kidnaps her, horse is ordered to guard her, faggots immediately think the utter worst things
>another sword character vs a unique mascot
smash is a mascot fighter so slime is more suited to get into it
besides there are huge amounts of different versions of slime so a transforming slime could easily work
>Can someone explain to me where there is a literal mountain of smut around this pairing?
Bianca is easly the most popular girl in DQV, so she will have the most porn, the issue is that there is an even in the game where whichever Wife you pick will remain captive for a long time under a recurring mid-villain, a horse humanoid Jamiel/Jamir, that event really inspired all netorare artists out there to make porn out of it, Bianca gets the most out of it because she is popular but that event happens with any other wife pick.
In games where you can recruit slimes, they usually learn spells and shit. You could also find a way to include references to rocket slime or include the usage of the countless slime variants out there.
DQIII is gameplay first and wouldn't support a movie.
there's literally no indication of anything of the sort happening, she gets kidnapped and is guarded by the horse guy and you save her, that's it
Also horii utterly despises any reference or joke about it like that
That's fucking it? Jesus Chist I thought maybe this was Japan running with one of Toriyama's patented inappropriately sexual jokes placed in what is otherwise something for little children like the puff-puff stuff and goku taking Bulma's panties acting surprise she has no balls and then Bulma unknowingly flashing Roshi her bare crotch. But really it's just Japanese taking something out of literal nothing.
posting best girl
>But really it's just Japanese taking something out of literal nothing.
That's how their porn usually goes tough, thousands of doujins and whatnot of characters just being cum guzzling sluts even if it technically doesn't fit the character, most of the time artists just wants to take a design they like and put into some situation it would generate easy faps.
Monsters dont even have genitals to begin with
Only the female monsters do
Tits to lure and kill humans better sure, but no vajayja
i love that MC is a two-handed sword wielder. good shit.
We already missed out on Jack Frost because of faggots like you. I want Slime.
In my experience if it's the same pairing and the same situation over and over a thousands times over again and again I usually expect it to be based on something that's actually there and not something Japanese porn artists collectively constructed themselves.
Like I get random images can happen anywhere, that's normal, but when you hve doujin after doujin doing the same thing across pretty much every artist? I would have thought there was more to it. Usually when you see something like this it's a scene that teased the audience and put the idea in their head without actually going there.
I don't know about that
roadshow is literally the japanese term for opening night
Dreamworks despite the memes have actually some variety in human faces.
Although DQV is the most infamous example, heroines getting raped by villains and monsters is a pretty popular thing in most DQ doujins and fantasy themed doujins in general.
and it's garbage
remove witch
I mean canonically, they are born from magic, they dont reproduce sexually.
I think his point was that the shitty localization ruined her character, and I do agree that DQ localizations are generally shit and and the people responsible should be barred from localizing or managing localization for life, but she did like to reminisce in the Japanese version too, though it never really bothered me.
Yeah, that's normal, but what I'm saying is when it's the same match up in the same location with the same premise every time I usually expect it to actually come in some way from the source material. Not a shared mythology developed entirely from the porn artists themselves.
Like obviously they didn't all come to the same conclusion themselves they have to be inspiring eachother's work. Now I'm kinda interested in tracing the lineage of this meme over the years, which artists were responsible for adding which pieces to the mix.
Gelda/Geruda, not Garuda. Just sayin', but I feel your pain.
Opinions, that kind of stuff floods the Comiket marketplace because there are people buying it so a sizable group of japanese nerds like this stuff.
he's using Pankraz's sword user
>Erdrick is just another guy with a sword
DS DQ generation really impresses me with how dismissing they are. To this day one of the things that make me the most hyped in DQ is getting Roto's sword and armor when it's available as a secret item in the game.
Pic related is the symbol of Dragon Quest, and it will always be.
He did say he'd remove Jami if he remade V again, so it wouldn't surprise me to not see him in the movie.
And here.we.go
>Like obviously they didn't all come to the same conclusion themselves they have to be inspiring eachother's work.
Do you seriously think there's a deeper meaning to this? There's just a market for it, the Bianca and Jamir situation just gets milked because it is fucking Dragon Quest so people will flock over to buy doujins out of it.
These people are legit deranged.
just because it sells doesn't mean it's good, it's easy money and braindead levels of thinking
Can someone explain to me in the same vibe as why this particular character has so much vore in pixiv? I swear to god it's getting to the point most of of her art is nothing but that and I wanna fucking know why
>just because it sells doesn't mean it's good
It sells because it is good in someone else's eyes, that's the point.
Why do you people frequent that site when you hate it?
Well it HAS to be better than Final Fantasy Spirits Within (anyone remember that SE movie?). But seriously it does look watchable MUCH more so than Pokemon Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution (the CGI remake of Pokemon's first theatrical movie).
I don't even like Dragon Quest and this honestly interests me, then again I am sick and tired of the CGI films Disney, Pixar, Illumination, Dreamworks, and Blue Sky make.
Same reason they frequent Yea Forums.
she has a rather large mouth in game and in art so people think that about her (?) i'm not a degenerate so I can't say
What the fuck is up to going to Retsera just look for this shit? Do you people love getting angry or what? The day Yea Forums became THE place to discuss twitter screencaps and or screencaps in general for comments from other places it became 10x worse than it already was.
Will they fuck off about Sugi already.
Doesn't this game have a bunch of bad stuff happen if you don't marry the blonde one?
Only in the snes version
Only in the SNES and PS2 version, Bianca's situation was smoothed in DS version if you don't pick her.
No. That's a myth that's been debunked.
>No Debora
>tfw Resetera is cheering this
Another butt blasted Deborahfag, music to my ears, when you faggots realize she is irrelevant? Even if Flora/Nera isn't canon at least she has a sizable fanbase, that's why she appeared alongside Bianca in Dragon Quest Heroes 2, but Deborah is meaningless, no one but you whipped bitches care for her.
Flora never liked that other loser
she's literally far nicer to you by the end of the game than she was in the beginning and she's not even that bad unless you're a sensitive soul who can't deal with a little banter
It's the hilt
You forced yourself to believed that, pussy whipped fag? Deborah literally does not change towards the Hero, she only admits to the children she kinda loves him.
>Looks like the kind of garbage I'd expect from Disney
Disney's animated movies are for GIRLS. If you're a boy? Disney has nothing for you my friend. Maybe cheapquels like more Toy Story or more Cars or more Frozen....which actually is more Disney Princess Shit for Girls. Disney is garbage.
>a little banter
I see a woman can treat you like shit and force you to sleep on the floor the fucking honeymoon like the fuccboi you are, and you will force yourself to believe it was "the bantz".
take a shower
the slime.
What's there to pick, there's only the canon choice.
>Do you seriously think there's a deeper meaning to this?
No, I still don't think you quite understand what I'm saying despite the fact I've made it abundantly clear. Try rereading my posts.
What's the big brain level of thinking when it comes to porn of video game girls?
>tfw the movie has a puff-puff reference
What happens to Bianca if you pick Flora in the SNES version then? Is it much different than the DS version of events?
People will call Bianca a boring pick simply because she's the "default" childhood friend one. Her personality is really nice and interesting though, I find Nera to be the real boring one and Deborah is fun but if we're thinking realistically she's not ideal.
Nothing happens to her. She just goes back to her farm.
>he likes the fanfic that made Cloud emo
talk to her before the final battle with Nimzo
>would rather have his wife be a submissive cumdeposit or a hillbilly who believes in ghosts with no thoughts of her own rather than being confident, strong and doesn't take shit from no one if it's not right
Being Flora's sister, there's a chance she'll make a cameo when they visit Flora's house, it's perfectly understandable that Debora wouldn't be in it since the original two are iconic. Speaking as a Deborafag.
What Myth? Bianca literally has no choice in life other than keep mourning her dead mother in the backwoods you find her as an adult in the SNES version, she remains there forever with no prospect in life while the DS version kinda makes it so she has a big social circle there and might be happy soon enough as there are plenty of men who are interest in marrying her.
Bro. I beg of you. sauce?
>She just goes back to her farm.
Did you speak to her after she went back in the SNES version? You don't seem to know what you are talking about.
>What's the big brain level of thinking when it comes to porn of video game girls?
I think you know.
The Myth is she becomes a prostituted bar maid.
Bianca has all the best attributes of both Flora and Deborah, combined into one girl. It's actually kind of unfair and makes her out to be the best choice. People end up disliking her because this makes her out to be the forced choice and the perfect girl. But I'd argue they made Flora out to be the perfect girl, which is why I find her boring.
Bianca was the tomboy with a heart of gold. And adding Deborah to the mix didn't make her less of that. It just added another extreme to make her even more of a balanced choice.
user, they're clearly too uncultured to even know what bolognese sauce is if they don't understand why Deborah is the best.
Where the hell did you get that from, the issue here was the guy asking if Bianca's life turns sour if you don't pick her in SNES version, which does happen, she reamains a lonely sob alone in that shack unlike Flora who will get pushed into marrying the retard.
You got a sauce brother?
>hey remember when we went ghostbusting
Unless you mean Disney has nothing for us in the future, you better not be talking shit about The Lion King. I'll throw hands over this.
Don't bother, it's all NTRshit with one page of Debora vanilla at the end. Art is good and that's about it.
The comic is NTR, but at least it has a happy ending.
Tony doesn't know shit, otherwise he wouldn't have been capped like a retard.
Even as a vorefag, I have no idea. Shit really sucks though, I wish she had more vanilla stuff instead.
I wanted the Toriyama design. But I'll watch it anyway.
>defending the poltergeist-slayer
>tony got capped
>random blonde
Why do they pretend like they played the game or know anything?
What the fuck? DQ movie without Toriyama artstyle isn't DQ!
This is for anons that want to get into the series but don't know where to start.
Toriyama's style is kinda minimalistic in details regarding faces and eyes, these 3D movies are always trying to flex expertise in details so going for another style happens a lot. Saint Seiya is a great example of it, looked absolutely nothing like the source material because everything had to be super detailed to show they could do a high budget CGi movie.
>this dude's DQ doujins are exclusively vanilla
have sex
>Mega Retard
okay cop
atta boi
fuck, he got us...
I play DQ with my kids, as pretty much everyone in Japan does. Your move.
>It's a "Dragon Quest adaptation without Akira Toriyama's artstyle" episode
What's with the tumblr faces? Complete with freckles and red noses. How did this happen?
And that's why 3D is bad. Animation is a funny thing where less is more. A character made up of just a couple circles and a face can actually portray more expressions than a super detailed 3D character trying to look like reality. People are finding this out the hard way with Disney remakes like Dumbo and The Lion King.
The best 3D movies end up having rather simplified designs, because the people like Brad Bird who make them understand that less is more. The films that try to have a thousand points of detail in every frame end up being so busy, the viewers mind just checks out and doesn't notice anything. Their minds actively try to simplify all the details.
That one was great, based Riku Sanjo. Went from there to writing Kamen Rider, what a champ.
You think this is bad, wait until you see the Illumination Mario film coming soon...
NTR as in horse or NTR as in fatty?
What are you trying to imply with your example? Dai No Daiboken was a huge hit in Shounen Jump, has 20 million lifetime manga sales across 37 Volumes.
we want to appeal to a wider audience
How did they get Sugiyama to allow them to make synth af versions of DQ music
At least Mario and pals already look cartoony
Maybe they're planning to localize the movie in the future and that's why they ditched the anime style? Idk
if it was toriyamas style, i think people would read the title and assume its a dragon ball thing and spread negative word when they dont see goku.
its probably better if this doesnt look like that
>they ditched the anime style
How the hell is those big eyes, small noses and mouths not anime style, it's just a different style than Toriyama's.
>When I die somewhere
>Go wait for me at my grave
>You taught me love and courage
>My best friend
>Don't cry--let's try
>I won't forget you
>That's right: thanks (thanks)
>Dragon Quest (Dragon Quest)
>And we'll let the laughers laugh
Anime is doing better than ever internationally. There's no logic in getting rid of anime. Let alone Toriyama, the most popular artist in the west.
Most Toriyama stuff that isn't Dragon Ball is seen as a Dragon Ball ripoff by casual western observers.
This is an actual problem.
>Let alone Toriyama, the most popular artist in the west.
Only Dragonball is popular in the west. Other stuff by him is nowhere near as popular outside Japan, case in point being his actual break away hit Dr. Slump, a giant hit in Japan, a Dragonball cameo in the west.
i think that has to do with toriyama quitting DQ after DQXI
>i think that has to do with toriyama quitting DQ after DQXI
got a source for that amigo?
seems legit
he did an interview way back when the jap version of DQXI came out and stated that he was tired of doing the designs
there's only so much he can do without it getting repetitive
he only did the main character designs for DQXI everything else was done by the square DQ team
I dunno, this just doesn't really excite me. I even think DQ5 is one of the better games to make into a movie, but I just don't feel much about it. Also I have a distinct feeling they're gonna make this part 1 of a 2 part movie.
But some of his other works have also been popular. Like Chrono and Dragon Quest. Saying they're a failure because they're not "as popular as Dragon Ball" is the same dumb thinking SquareEnix has been using for three decades. And that led to them limiting the marketing and support for Dragon Quest.
If SquareEnix had played up the connections to Toriyama and marketed the series more, it could be just as big as Dragon Ball. See the catch 22?
Haha eat shit faggot, you bandwagoning Smashfags keep pushing this shit even though DQV's hero is the one people actually care about, and this movie just further proves it.
>he did an interview way back when the jap version of DQXI came out and stated that he was tired of doing the designs
He's said this at the end of literally every game. He said this about Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest IV and Dragon Quest XI and Blue Dragon, etc. He keeps coming back to Dragon Quest though because of fan pressure.
He never mentions quitting
Different time, before the DB boom, it caught on for other reasons.
The art is actually a problem precisely because people think it's a copy instead of the actual Dragon Ball artist.
Let's be real, if Toriyama could have stopped working back in 1992, he would have.
The CGI Doraemon movie was really good though, so I have high hopes for the DQ5 one.
he keeps doing less each time so at some point he won't be doing anything anymore
this time he only made the main characters
>But some of his other works have also been popular. Like Chrono and Dragon Quest
Chrono Trigger's success in the west has little to with Toriyama, Dragonball was on its baby steps outside Japan when the game hit the SNES, and Dragon Quest in its early days of localization even changed Toryama's art for some generic shit even though Dragonball was already well known.
>if Toriyama could have stopped working back in 1992, he would have.
Earlier than that, he was already rich when he finished Dr. Slump, didn't even need to do Dragonball.
Yes, I agree. But again, fan pressure keeps bringing him back to work on past projects (and probably a stack of money). There's also the likelihood that his assistants are doing the work now. Which would explain how his style changed so much with DQIX and on. His style has evolved over time, but nowhere near as big of a shift from DQVIII to IX.
why post art of a never ever game
do you want to make me suffer?
Pls come back to /dqg/ chenbro
You are contradicting yourself, bub. Chrono Trigger came out after Dragon Quest, even in the west. But it is true that those games before Chrono Trigger came out did replace his art. Which was a bad decision. Not only because his art would later become popular, but because the best selling games on NES had already used anime art.
It might actually come out over here, though not fully.
I remember reading an article about Yuji Horii talking about DQX and how its the only mainline DQ never released in the west, and he expressed interest in releasing only the single player part of DQX overseas, because of it having a good story or whatever.
Because it's a good example of how the art looks in DQIX but I didn't have a good IX image.
oh yeah I remember that
I don't even know since such compromise would be good or not since I could use a proper MMO to nolife
>but because the best selling games on NES had already used anime art.
Such as? Can't recall a single japanese NES game that relied on anime visuals which didn't have its cover completely altered in the west. You talking about Super Mario Bros?
>Wanting to catch up on nearly 7 years worth of MMO content
You're a mad man
no, she doesn't look as disgusting compared to how to train your dragon
They need to pretend they know the game so nobody can criticize them for whining about a game they haven't played.
well I'm complaining about a long running series of jrpgs on a monster taming leaflet board so I consider myself not quite right in the head
Zelda 1 and 2 both used the original art in the manuals
Kirby's Adventure
The Mario games (including NES Open, Dr Mario and such)
Granted, a lot of these were a fusion of western art and Japanese art. But the point stands that the west wouldn't have been turned off by "cartoony art" if Dragon Warrior also did it. Especially when they were hyped as hell for actual cartoons on TV for those same products.
>first good vidya film
No, because the Super Mario movie was good and you can't convince me otherwise.
dragon quest is pretty based
Dragon Quest X actually has a rare oppertunity. If they released it in the west as an MMO, they could release it as something we never see. A COMPLETE MMO with all it's expansions and content, all at once. Something a lot of MMO fans wish they could see.
Of course Squenix would rather release them delayed in expansions. But it's their stupid fault for not releasing the game years ago when they could do that. Especially after seeing the success of FFXIV and it being ported to PC.
my cousin died from autoerotic asphyxiation while looking at chinese cartoon characters. what can be more embarrassing than that?
>in the manuals
Dude, covers were the issue and you relying on Nintendo examples shows pretty damn well those were exceptions used perpetuate the stigma they had back then "Nintendo is for children" so using animated visuals that could be seen as too cute was nithing out of Nintendo's field. The point stands, anime cover art simply did not pass through the west untouched in the NES days and some of the SNES too till it finally stopped.
>The point stands, anime cover art simply did not pass through the west untouched in the NES days and some of the SNES too till it finally stopped.
I'm not arguing that point. I'm arguing that they didn't need to do this. As can be seen in the late NES period when covers started to feature the actual art and didn't see a decline in sales. The idea that kids wouldn't buy a game if it had a "cartoony look" was stupid from the start. Since kids specifically were buying every piece of Mario/Zelda/Sonic/whatever merchandise that looked more like the cartoon they were watching on TV. If they had brought over the Dragon Quest anime and merchandise and pushed it, it would have done better as well.
>A rich girl or some random blonde
So why wasn't he banned for downplaying a horsecock rape victim?
dying at your computer with all your 4channel tabs open.
This better have subtitles.
Dying with your dick in your hand looking at loli porn.
Looks great, voices could use some work though
They won't release it period.
He explicitly said not to do that, stupid dog
>tfw you're one of the few people who liked Legend of the Sanctuary
The redesigned armors and cosmos were the best thing about it.
>He thinks Dai no Daibouken was designed and drawn by Toriyama
Point at this pleb and laugh.
>no Deborah
It's automatically shit just because of that
That is the complete opposite of what he thinks. Reread the post.
Yeah, I did.
Laugh at me instead.
Designs look pretty Westernized, but not bad. Toriyama's style would've looked like trash in CG so I'm glad they changed it.
Toriyama's style looks great in CG, what the fuck are you talking about?
They probably changed it to avoid people confusing it with something Dragon Ball related.
Post Jump Force Dragon Ball characters.
the whole trailer reminds me of it
Nothing looked good in Jump Force
>If you end up liking DQ come to the general in /vg/ sometime
Holy shit you guys are still alive?
I haven't visited since DQXI came out.
I was sure the general would be dead by now.
How about you just look at DQXI's CG intro instead.
this is the year it gets announced brothers, i can feel it.
not only is it a classic adventure, but it's also an emotional roller-coaster
Makes sense. It'll also be easier to show it in the west without people thinking it's anime.
They look like dolls, user.
DQXI looks beautiful all around.
DQ I could also be adapted. The story is simple, but the hero's struggle and the constant battles could make it work.
>and dont forget about sugiyama
kinda hard to when you wont shut up about it
Shit taste.
I don't see how they look like dolls to you. Do you think the CG in the movie looks like dolls too?
Who cares about the west?
>A COMPLETE MMO with all it's expansions and content, all at once.
Sounds like bad business, considering MMOs seem to make money by keeping people interested for a long period of time through constant updates and expansions, which generates subscription fee money and more publicity through the people playing it for such a long timeframe.
Is it based on DQ5?
Where the Hero isn't the Hero and shit?
Dairy Queen general will survive! DQB2 and DQXI S will probably keep us alive for a good while
What's inside this chest?
clearly not the government
no, but it's cool to see nips making cg movies on par with dreamworks and such
delicious pepperoni titties
cast and staff list
protag's name is Luca
have sex.
Godspeed user
>wtf the teacher gave you a higher grade
Copied a B and made it a A+++.
Well, it's not like it's the first time a Western studio has blatantly ripped off something from the East. I bet if Tezuka tried to sue Disney over The Lion King he'd win in today's political climate.
>winning against Disney's lawyers
Hah, no. The only company that even comes close to be able to have lawyers good enough to touch Disney is Nintendo.
That's more of a D-
>I bet if Tezuka tried to sue Disney over The Lion King he'd win in today's political climate.
Today's political climate hasn't made Disney any less powerful. Jungle Emperor will forever be helpless against The Lion King.
Which is why SE won't do it. But at the same time, baiting people with expansions they only play for a month, then unsub again until the next expansion isn't the best plan either. MMO developers need to go back to the old style of MMOs where players developed their own content and stayed subbed for years.