Predict the Metascore Yea Forums

Predict the Metascore Yea Forums

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98 probably

96, you'll see it in this picture by the time the year is over

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97 and it'll deserve it
Most of the people on Yea Forums bitching about it will have not have played it.
It will be called a "movie game".
There will be comfy multiplayer threads.
Fans will be satisfied and stormfronters will seethe as per usual.


last two digits of my post number


94 on rotten tomatoes

Why the fuck are GTA IV & Halo rated so high?

9.7 critic score, 4.6 user score.


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Literally, unironically paid reviews.

I have a feeling Yea Forums will drop the "she's uggo" act the instant SFM of her getting dicked comes out.



How many of these games do you think actually earned their score based on Quality & didn't benefit solely from Paid review scores?

All the Nintendo games have true scores. The rest are paid for.

where is tony hawk pro skater 2?
there are a ton of games that have higher scores that aren't in that pic

95+ most likely
I have a feeling you'll get some contrarian reviewers that will knock off a few points just to be different and to get his site clicks. I think Polytranny did the same thing with the first one.
But you'll also have the opposite where people will score it too high because of le diversity and inclusion.
If it takes the first game and improves upon that then it will be a solid 90-95 type of game imo that doesn't matter, as should no one's but your own.

GameRankings was used for the older games, since MetaCritic doesn't fucking account for all of their reviews. Leaving their scores innaccurate
> GameRankings: Pro Skater 2 (94%) (28 Reviews)
> MetaCritic: Pro Skater 2 (98%) (19 Reviews)
It doesn't even make GameRanking's top 50, therefore any older game that scored higher then 94 on GameRankings would have a 95-97 on MetaCritic


The press seems to be catching onto the Sony formula of average game with stupidly high production values and Naughty Dog's internal crunch culture gets brought up again (Even though the press massively snubbed RDR2 over it. GoW had developers still in the office at 2;30am trying to finish it too. Sony has notorious death march culture but no one was willing to rock the boat about it compared to Rockstar)
First one was the only time polygon was right because the shooting and stealth were both shit and they called it out that just because a game has good story and production doesn't excuse game mechanics being bad (And multiplayer being full of microtransactions and P2W) before everyone accused them of being paid off to give it a 7.5

That kiss alone means it will be graded on a scale of 90 to 100

This, All of the Classic Nintendo games except BOTW & SMO were genuinely amazing at the time of release.




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They managed to make two girls kissing look ugly.

96 or 97, it won't get lower then this but it won't get a 98 either since that's reserved for Zelda & Rockstar now

What is your favorite Mario game in this list?