Worst Final Fantasy characters thread:

Whos the worst FF character?

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Her sister


every npc from 15 like noctis and his gang

the non-generic NPCs of FF15 are kinda trash.

Iris, Aranea? eurg.

Amarant, Quina or Beatrix. Fuck FFIX in general, worst party.

She has been the worst FF character since 2010.

Will FF16 top her?

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also XxSephirothxX

Never played the game, but I do want to impregnate Serah

Look someone answer me straight. Can you see the veins in Sarah's boobs in FF13-2? I dunno if if the texture is playing tricks on my eyes or something, it's hot as fuck though.

They're not the strongest, but Quina's lovable even if they're a comic relief character. Those three are definitely not among the worst in the whole FF series

Worst as in character development-wise, or absolute atrocity cunt kind of worst?

>former - Gogo from 6
>latter - fucking Argath/Algus from Tactics. Most of the cunts in tactics actually

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> a 1997 character
> bad

sweaty, old characters are all good..

Your waifu.

Serah >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lightning


That's not Lyse.

cringeworthy token that could have been a great character

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>Talking shit about Gogo.
Fuck off.

I found him very likeable but his story beats were really weird
Wasn't he literally about to kill himself in one of the cutscenes?


Shit design, shit character