I work at Gearbox time to spill the beans since we’re not allowed to on twitter

I’ve messaged what I’m about to say to several youtubers as protest for the epic games exclusive deal so now I’m telling you all here Incase they twist what I said. I typed on mobile so I apologize for formatting if it’s weird on desktop.

Randy Pitchford is on twitter right now “taking the high ground” as if he had nothing to do with it. Our publisher had no interest in epic exclusive until Randy pushed it and convinced them to do it all because he wants a bigger bonus he didn’t earn. He screams and yells at us over the smallest thing he’s like a big bully almost and you can see that if you watch the press conference with how nervous the others looked next to him.

Borderlands 3 by Randy’s choice is pushing online multiplayer hardcore over the story. We legitimately have our 15 hour campaign done and ready to go but are being forced to make Atleast 50 hours of online stuff for launch. Everything you loved about Borderlands 1&2 is nonexistent in 3.

After the epic exclusive was confirmed inside the studio we were told were not allowed to talk about the issues of the platform on our personal twitters or anything.

So where does this lead us? As rebellion we’ve stolen a build of the game and will upload on the Pirate Bay so you can play the story in 4 weeks if our demands are not met.

We want no epic exclusive. We want better working conditions. We want to work 40 hour weeks maximum as we’ve been forced to do 50+ because of online. We want Randy to stop being a tyrant and take anger management. We want to be Gearbox 2009 again not this malicious working environment that we’ve became.

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cringe larp but still postmarking this thread to say I was here first if it's true

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fake and gay

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>willingly works over 30 hours a week
Lmao you're fucked

>it's another "fake 'leak,' dude just trust me" thread

Show legit proofs or I leave this thread RIGHT NOW.

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Let me get this straight:
Not only are you going to upload a stolen copy of a game to a PUBLIC tracker, you also work for the company. So when they sue your ass, you'll also have no job.

>As rebellion we’ve stolen a build of the game and will upload on the Pirate Bay so you can play the story in 4 weeks if our demands are not met
why tf would some underpaid game devs risk going to prison over some gay internet store controversy lol

>2K had no interest in dealing with Epic despite selling two IPs to them
>several developers have claimed 2K just goes over the studio's head to make these deals
Larping needs to be a bannable offense.

This is fake, but i was here anyway.

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Add me to the screen cap

Randy's into cp-lite.
But also fake and gay.

you're pretty good

prove it

This isn't real but I wish it were

>40 hours a week max

That's cute. That's how you know it's a Zoomer at the keyboard.

I don't know, it's too good not to be true.

>hardcore over the story.
What fucking story you retarded fuck.
B1 and B2 had no fucking story, a barely coherent summary of one at most, its a looter shooter.
Nobody played B2 for its fuck ass retarded writing made by that cuck Burch, fuck off.

Put me on the screencap if this indeed happens also get fucked pedo nigger randy pitchfork

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Probably fake but I wouldn't be surprised if that ended being true knowing Randy, this dude makes retarded decision all the time.

Go fuck yourself you fucking Nigger Jew!! Take all your Borderlands 3 versions and shove it up the ass!!

You had 1 job!! Release 1 full expensive version!!!!

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hey if this is true...

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give us a specific date to check on tpb to see if you're full of shit


if this isn't bait, go kick randy in the taint

Tell us something that only a Gearbox employee would know.

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you tried user but put some effort next time

Only incels and reera trannys care about Borderlands.

BIG IF true

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I don't really have a dog in this fight since I'll end up pirating the game regardless of what platform it's in, but I enjoy the drama so thanks even if it's a larp.

Guess we'll find out in 4 weeks if you're bullshitting or not.

Why not just leak Randy's illegal porn collection to the FBI instead? Get that piece of garbage thrown in prison where he belongs.

At any rate, I'm sure this is fake but I have no doubt that Randy took the Epic bribe for himself since he does nothing but embezzle funds and somehow keeps getting away with it.

Its not real, but it'd be cool if it was.

LMAO, WHAT THE FUCK. What are you, fucking 14? This is as retarded as it fucking gets.
>We want no epic exclusive
Not only is this extremely childish writing, but also Jesus FUCK, i will never believe that any worker at the GEARCOCKS GIVE A FUCKING RATS ASS about Memelands being epic exclusive, since most people who are making games are not playing games at all, except testing their own product. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD.

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Based. Devs rise up!

randy is dum dum

>Reminder that all Volvo has to do is simply match Epic's game cut to scuttle the Epic store's exclusivity deals, and throw it back into obscurity.