I'm still pissed that Joker is the ATLUS rep and not the absolutely based Demi-Fiend.
I'm still pissed that Joker is the ATLUS rep and not the absolutely based Demi-Fiend
Other urls found in this thread:
>not hero
It should be Jack Frost you secondary fuck
clearly you're all mistaken
there was only one right choice
Jack Frost, Flynn or Joker were the most likely choices.
Jack Frost is ideally what it should have been but in reality Joker was the only one with a real chance. I honestly think Joker is the best one from a gameplay perspective anyway because of the persona and am happy they chose him over others. Although I hope they implement it well and not just make it a clone of Zelda's phantom or whatever it is.
Honestly, if Joker can change his Persona to Jack Frost and Alice instead of just Arsene, then I'll accept it as a fitting SMT rep and won't have any complaints. Would be cool to also see an iconic end-game demon like Lucifer, Vishnu, or Metatron, but Nintendo probably won't let Lucifer or Satan into Smash.
Well since I'm on my first Nocturne playthrough, I'm inclined to agree.
>bunny autist
>not based Abel
I'm disappointed in you user
What's with all the SMT threads lately
Has Demi Fiend even been on a Nintendo system? I know that P3, P4, and P5 Protagonists have the PQ games as far as appearances go for Nintendo systems.
Who had it worse? Hero or Aleph?
That's an inconsistent argument considering Cloud's first appearance on a Nintendo console was a GBA spin off of Kingdom Hearts. Keep in mind that Sakurai was also considering either including Bartz or Terra before he opted for Cloud due to Cloud's higher widespread popularity compared to his other FF counterparts. Sakurai probably also utilized this same line of thought when choosing which SMT/Persona rep he'd choose to include in his game.
He's on the 3DS in Apocalypse's DLC, but that barely counts.
>Even a series as niche as SMT has been dragged into the eternal escapade of Smash autism
This is why we can't have nice things.
you mean persona.
>says the guy choosing the fucking mascot
No, I mean SMT. When Joker was added to the Smash Roster alongside Persona, SMT got dragged into the shitfest as well.
And? What other notable character from the SMT series would attract hype you troglodyte? Outside of Jack Frost, perhaps Lucifer, Demifiend, Flynn, or maybe Pixie, I don't see what other characters would work. Jack Frost is the best option.
At least I know who the mascot is you idiot
Tell me. Do you still feel human?
As if there's any acceptable rep that isnt this magnificent man
Best boi
Too busy keeping humanity from constantly shitting itself and waiting for a time when they'll finally stop schwarzwalding themselves. At least he has a friend to keep him company.
praying for smtv to not be cancelled
Why would it be cancelled? It's just that the members of Team SMT are a bunch of incompetents that can't push a game to save their lifes
Imagine if it was Morgana who was the playable character
interesting pick, I've been wondering who else could be in Jokers moveset besides Arsene (his signature) and Jack Frost (series mascot), who else is deserving of a spot in his moveset?
SMT V isn't cancelled. You guys can be quite pessimistic sometimes. If anything it's just Persona 5 all over again. Months without updates, no release date for years, etc etc.
Nah SMTV is cancelled
It's more like they don't want to advertise shit until they know it's close to actually being done, after the fucking clownfest that was P5's development with all the delays. It's pretty obvious the first couple of trailers was only because Nintendo badgered them to inflate the Switch upcoming games count.
Basically this. This is nothing new with Atlus really. We'll start getting actual information on SMT V when the game is close to completion. Until then though, it and Bayo 3 are vapor wave.
they are still looking for a messias,
Orpheus Picaro and Izanagi Picaro to dab on Door and Chad for not making it in
>not both as alternate skins
Pixie's a no-brainer. I want to say Alice is too but I don't know what she'd actually do gameplay-wise since the Final Smash is guaranteed to be All-Out Attack so no Die For Me?
Present. Yuzu a shit.
What the hell is she wearing? Those shoes are weird.
Yuzu is the perfect onahole made for dumping your seed into.
Here's your demi-fiend bro.
>not Amane
I hate how these cool ass outfits are stuck in the shitty dancing games. Literally why?
Her too
Why not Nanashi or Flynn since they're actually on Nintendo devices?
kill your friends
>Anime swordsman
How about no. At least Demifiend or Jack would be unique.
Nanashi is less an anime swordsman since he can use any type of weapon. Plus he can fight in a different way since he's empowered by Dagda.
Flynn is totally an anime swordsman though.
I said Alice since she's basically an SMT original demon and has a lot of appearances in the series, but Pixie is as recognizable and iconic to the series too and appears in even more games. A tiny fairy that's known for being one of the weakest demons with only Dia and Agi is probably not too interesting for gameplay though. Other candidates could be maybe Pyro Jack, Cerberus, or Mothman. Anything from a religion is probably not a great fit for Smash Bros.
She could have something based off Mudo, Megidolaon, then I guess they'd have to be creative with a status ailment move or maybe even Concentrate.
Raidou III when?
You mean Demi-Friend?
Why do people use "anime swordsman" as a disqualifier? Like a third of SF4's cast are shotos and I don't see people complaining there.
>demon summoning
>not unique
Let's be real here the only characters that had a chance to be in were Joker, Yu, Door, Aigis and Jack Frost. If you thought anything else would have a chance of being in you were fucking delusional. No one else is popular enough or just well known enough to be in as a rep.
At least they recognize SMT exists with Joker.
He does have both a Demi-fiend skin and a Flynn outfit with a gauntlet
It's not a disqualifier but they certainly aren't the best picks possible.
I can respect that
Man of taste
>It's not a disqualifier
It basically is because it's a way to shut down the argument
God I love this SSSSS tier GigaChad
I miss this guy drawing stuff
>Ponytail Futaba will never be in the main game
>Ponytail Haru will never be in the main game
>Hair down Ann will never be in the main game
My dick is sad.
SMT has been in this shitfest since SMT IV vs Persona 4-Persona 4 Golden
Persona fags want SMT to become another high school simulator SMT fans want hard hitting moral choices not donut steel forced waifus
Yeah no.
I just want all sorts of megaten music in smash.
I think Pyro Jack could work, but it would be cooler if it was a demon that used an element not as well represented in smash
Thanks I hate it
>Abel can't crack a joke or else everyone gets pissed at him
>Meanwhile Bunny can autism all he wants and everyone is totally ok with it
That's some bias right there I tell you.
He drew a lot of Aigis and I liked the way he drew her
b yurlungur laser
up b fire surt
side b loki illusion
down b helel reflector
final smash mara master
You will get P5 music only
dumb punching bag
That's because DeSu 2 is objectively a meme game and is no way close to DeSu 1 in terms of story quality.
i don't get it
Isn't he exclusive to Akechi?
>A tiny fairy that's known for being one of the weakest demons with only Dia and Agi is probably not too interesting for gameplay though
Weak demons are always the best ones because you can min-max their stats out the ass and fuse whatever you want onto them. They're also guaranteed to be non-spoilers, and also likely to be reasonably well-known and popular since every player will encounter them early into most games.
True but I love both games so I don’t mind.
Sakurai has already said he hates the P5 soundtrack and will be putting more 3 and 4 music in.
What's not to get?
why is she shutting him up and why are they hiding
>mfw Joker brings no SMT stuff with him and the series is completely snubbed
Good, P5 wasn't very good compared to P4's and P3's or at least wouldn't fit a fighting game.
Yoshimitsu for some Hassou Tobi
Place your bets!
Best Nocturne song for smash
Boss battle
Fierce battle
Battle theme (Town)
Wanna get into SMT, which game should I start with?
Prepare to see stuff like "Joker from the Persona Series"
>let's have sex in public but let's not show our friends because that's embarassing
I only have the outdated one, if someone wants to post the updated one then please do.
>Hard hitting moral choices
I want some SMT4 music as well
It´s not about it being embarrassing, it´s about the thrill of doing it in public without getting caught.
Joker is SMT rep, not just Atlus. Persona is mainline now.
Never since Raidou is Kaneko's baby and Kaneko left Atlus.
Nocturne if you like classic difficulty.
SMT4 if you suck at video games.
It's just public sex without being caught
I love you for reminding me about this masterpiece but I also hate myself for forgetting about this masterpiece
God B2 is still so fucking good.
>He does have both a Demi-fiend skin and a Flynn outfit with a gauntlet
wait what i need to see demifiend
>ywn pump and dump Yuzu all over her Yuzus
Why even live?
Already posted ITT
Choosing to get fucked in the ass by angel, demons, or telling them both to fuck off is infinitely harder than
>Do I pick the waifu with blonde hair or brown hair?
>this makes it into smash
SMT4's soundtrack is the only part of the game that is undeniably 10/10, no debate.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
You can't just make up lies
But it isn't, neutral is always the right choice.
But he’s nothing but Lucifer’s cocksleeve.
Please refrain from posting any more hoyboys. This is a complaining-about-smash-reps thread.
I still think Aleph is my favorite protag
Says you, fence sitter
Just to suffer
Not him but
>Do be nice
>Do I be an asshole
>Do I just say .....
>Do I side with the angels who want to turn everyone into the same looking potato with no free will?
>Do I let demons take over the world?
>Or do I do the only non retarded thing and punch everyone in the dick becuase both sides are retarded?
I love SMT, but come the fuck on these are not hard moral choices
I love demi-fiend but his last relevant game was on the PS2.
He didn't have Sakurai Bias to get there like Pit did, so his chance of getting in was basically nill.
I do want him to show up in more SMT games though, as a bonus boss or something else.
Still kind of want to see him in Persona to see him just level up his human side with a Persona.
Just have it as his post Freedom ending self.
I literally can’t
fuck the rules
Why is his mum so hot
then I'll post best boy instead
I can because it's actually 11/10
>Implying Nocturne story isn’t Botched and the story hasn’t been expanded on
Depends on the ending.
Freedom basically has him say "Fuck everything, can I have my life back?"
Leave smash bros to me!
I too enjoy punching everyone in the dick
I got fucked over into law once and instantly regretted it
Why can't Joker have an alt for Flynn or something
Now that I turned gay, Demifiend is kinda handsome.
>instead of FeMC it's actually Flynn who some people thought was a girl
Would be funny
Why does Nocturne get all this hate
I predict the alts will be
Whatever the persona 3 guy’s name is
Demi fiend
Vincent from Catherine
Joker in all white
It's a sony exclusive game in a series mostly on nintendo systems
>when Persona 4 was coming out
>Atlus hasn't shown off any news!!! It's canceled!!!
>when SMT IV was coming out
>Atlus hasn't shown off any news!!! It's canceled!!!
>when SMT IV Final was coming out
>Atlus hasn't shown off any news!!! It's canceled!!!
>when persona 5 was coming out
>Atlus hasn't shown off any news!!! It's canceled!!!
>SMT V is coming out
>Atlus hasn't shown off any news!!! It's canceled!!!
You think you would fucking learn by now.
Oogabooga where's Maya
To be fair, Flynn is a very pretty man.
user please it's been 2 whole years I'm dying here
Nocturne being the best in the series in terms of various things and having the best Spin offs and Memes it breeded a lot of contrarians for it
People are finally waking up to it's flaws
Persona 4 was released a few months after it was announced
It’s turn based pre memes darks souls that can be even more straight up unfair
>Nocturne being the best in the series in terms of various things
Like what?
Didn't do anything wrong
>ponytail's a flynn alt and flynn has his demons appear with digital code and blue squares instead of the blue flames from persona since they can't use a pentagram obviously
I'd laugh but it's a pipe dream.
Fuck off with your console wars.
Really hope no one is dumb enough to believe this. He's just a idiot who didn't use buffs
Success breeds jealousy
Haters are literally contrarians who are coping with Nocturne's superiority.
Because it was a beta test for DDS.
Being the only Fully 3D SMT that’s main line
Literally having the Best Dante
And various things
It’s really obvious
Hero since he gets backstabbed and dies in a cave all alone. His whole life is literally a tragedy and none of it was his fault.
Atleast Aleph gets to be Jesus and actually reform the world to whatever he wants.
I admit I did like a lot of things about DDS.
Wished Nocturne had the Magatamas work like the Mantra system.
SMTIV's concept art made me wish it was an entry that got a fully 3D home console release
I just wish DDS wasn’t in such a legal shithole where they can’t make sequels nor port it to other systems
>Implying most of the people here are even SMT fans
>Implying most of the people here didn't start with IV and are freaking out about a lack of news as if it's anything new
Better in IV
>Literally having the Best Dante
How does this make it better than other games?
What happened?
at least I started with SJ though I never beat Mem Aleph because fuck that boss
Most of the time, but strange journey and nocturne offered a neutral ending that was pretty accurately portrayed its flaws
>How does this make it better than other games?
It’s the Cherry on top
Fusion mechanics
The way you build your MC is the best in the series
Better in SJ
>Fusion mechanics
>The way you build your MC is the best in the series
All these are better in Final
I’m kind of on the fence about this
I love this concept art but I remember my austim wouldn’t let me enjoy nocturne nor P4 because none of music was Neo-classical music
I wish Strange Journey got the full 3D treatment it deserves
Aleph dicksucking is real. He needed hitomi and Lucifer to even scratch YHVH and he couldn’t even kill him properly like nanashi and ended up suffering in hell for eternity as smt3 confirmed.
I've seriously never liked SMTfags and I have yet to understand why they hate Persona outside of the fact that it trumped the main series in popularity and find social links retarded. Otherwise both series are weebshit. At least Persona manages to be entertaining and knows how to switch up its settings though. I hate how "elitist" the SMT fandom acts when none of the games are remotely fun and more than anything are tedious. You act like alignments are some "deep" mechanic when in reality they're nothing more than dumb questions that result in the same old boring ending results. You're telling me it's been a decade plus and alignments still hardly effect anything more than the ending? What a joke.
I actually started with Devil Survivor, funnily enough. Thought the box art looked cool and decided to try it out. I became hooked on it and tried out the rest of the series thanks to it.
Something about the orginal creator having a fallout with Atlus and refusing to work with them nor give them authority to the DDS copyright
It’s been in limbo for over a decade now
>Lucifer's cocksleeve
Demi Fiend is the best. He would be less cool if he was the rep.
It's no debatable, IV has the best ost in the series. Nocturne is just a empty waste land with bad worldbuilding. Soemthing thay II and IV manage to convey better that's also in a destroyed setting with very few people.
SJ won't ever become a full 3D title because it's a niche dungeon crawler.
I see you're an enlightened man, enjoy your stay ITT
What flaws? SJ neutral is the best ending and you keep all your powers in Nocturne
Meet the most powerful SMT protag, Doomguy
Where's the fiend love?
Will a official mainline SMT game finally have a really good Law rote?
The only really good law rote is on devil survivor, with Amane.
SMT II. That's it
>Bad world building
The entire point of the game is to create a new world nigga. I prefer Nocturne's lack of plot over any of the recent titles like IV. You get to explore the world without being bogged down with unnecessary dialogue from your team mates and do whatever you please.
>Nocturne is just a empty waste land with bad worldbuilding.
wow i wonder why
have you played the fucking game? and what does that have to do with the ost? 3's atmosphere is great by the way. you'd know that if you played it.
your post is retarded and i want you to take an iq test.
It is especially with 4 Only Apocalypse only came close and that’s stretching it
If I ever got rich I’d pay Atlus and FromSoftware to make a 3D Strange Journey Redux and keep it ball bustingly hard as possible
Yasuda has some nice semen demons
We might get him as a alt costume
dante and raidou being in any game makes it a 10/10 by default
>Literally having the Best Dante
DMC1 Dante > DMC2 Dante
The absolute best
Not at the same time sadly.
Thats not a fucking excuse to have shit worldbuilding. You learn a lot about the Tokyo Millennium or the various shelters in IV. You don't learn shit about anything in Nocturne. Regardless Nocturne's lack of plot isn't a good thing when the writing isn't good in the first place when all the human characters act like literal retards
I'd like to see how they'd translate the feeling of the dungeons into 3D.
I wonder if they have an artbook for SJ or Nocturne. I know IV and IVA do, but only IV got a english vers to my recollection
it is dmc1 dante, just wearing dmc2 dante's clothes
>over anything else
I sure hope you mean just design wise
>Better in SJ
Nope, too much backtracking, also they recycle music and aesthetics way too much
>All these are better in Final
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Final has identical fusion mechanics as IV and they are both barebones. Nocturne has sacrifical fusion, mitamas, moon phase-based fusions, none of which are present in IV. It has has demons exclusive to evolution, incentivising you to do it, while IV has demons exclusive to extremely low RNG chances which is just plain retarded and hardly gives you anything to increase your odds unlike SJ
Demon Whisper is so much more bland and casualised compared to magatamas. Plus the stat system in IV/A practically forces you to minmax because you have no VIT stat and 3 attacking stats (when you only need one), and the fact that the stat cap is so high leaves you lightyears ahead in power over your demons no matter what
I wish I were the demi fiend. I would stay up as late as I wanted to EVERY NIGHT! and I would punch every cat I saw right in its stupid cat face
Looks wise I’m not crazy I’ve played all the games 2 only saving grace was the look
Yes he does
So, what are your hopes for SMT V Yea Forums? I hope there's more of an emphasis on exploration, and overall I really need Atlus to make heavier usage of 3D. Instead of being restricted to a mini map as they use in most of their titles, I want to be able to explore the world to the fullest in a completely 3D environment. I guess you could compare it to IMAGINE in a way.
Nobody reply to this.
>spend whole game unfucking your shit up
>lose countless lives in the process
>lol everything will repeat in a few years
>>>no flaws
So it's okay to have barely any worldbuilding because how it takes place. The atomsphere isn't good in the first place. Its fucking boring. There's a lot more atmospherics elements in watching your hometown get nuked in 1 since you actually experience daily life and hanged out with your human party members. It has nothing to do with the ost those are two different things, IV just has a better ost.
PxZ3 with megaten reps for Sega when
I want it to be good and to stick to the working formula, the same way Dragon Quest does.
I hope they don't cater to casuals who only care about graphics and the game being 3d to be immersed.
More voices Demons and Better emphasis on Demons populating Certain City points
Of course
style with substance in terms of the aesthetic/visual flair of the game.
I kinda like having an overworld map dude
You posted nocturne for example, imagine actually walking across all of that desert, would be tedious as shit
Besides that I'm just hoping we can get some good dungeons.
>Thats not a fucking excuse to have shit worldbuilding.
Again user, the entire premise of Nocturne is aligning yourself with a Reason and forming a new world from the barren wasteland that is the Vortex World. Of course the world building is going to be dim. Even then there's a lot of information about the Amala Network and NPC's discuss the world with you.
> Regardless Nocturne's lack of plot isn't a good thing when the writing isn't good in the first place when all the human characters act like literal retards
Nocturne's lack of plot is meh. You get to jump right into the meat of the game and explore the world at your leisure. Unlike recent games like IVA where your partners are constantly on your ass about the smallest of things and you're overly slogged down by plot exposition. The only thing I do agree with you on is the human characters. We needed to see more exposition into their mindset and philosophy instead of meeting them once or twice until they summon their gods. You saw Chiaki, Isamu, and Hikawa a handful of times throughout the game and it truthfully wasn't enough to get to relate with their Reasons.
>posts the man who became demifiend’s cocksleeve
The objective DMC tier list is:
> 3>1>5>4>2
DMC3 Dante is hands down the best.
I rather just get into the meat than waste too much time with the forced waifu Mom telling me to brush my teeth
How does paying more attention to graphics and 3D immersion equate to them catering to casuals? That rhetoric is flawed.
One is obviously way, way more weeb and embarrassing than the other.
It's the game where you can go on dates with PNG files and they all tell you how special you are.
Every single thing you said about alignments pertains to social links as well, they matter even less than alignments do. Nice multiple endings in Persona. Oh wait.
Just like a dumb Persona weeb, you ignore all of the gameplay. And SMT has better gameplay. People want to play a game, not talk to teenage girl tropes. Fuck off.
Nobody acts elitist, it's just that you babies are embarrassing.
Git gud.
I just want to see a city full of demons, no humans whatsoever. Also more half human, half demon characters. That's always my favorite aspect of SMT. Humans slowly losing their humanity and becoming more demonic was neat from a character development point.
Have we come this far? Lol @ Yea Forums
This shit even isn't that, no idea why people post it like it's super hard or something. At least post the new shit in SJR becuase some of that shit was real cancer.
I think his point is that they shouldn't sacrifice the story and core gameplay to put more effort on graphics
You have a point, but of course there'd be elements like fast travel or other ways to speed up travel. I should have used IV's map as an example.
Those would still be bad because it's mostly empty streets
Of course there should be a balance. I don't want them to throw most of their time into graphics instead of focusing on the other elements, but the game should still look good regardless.
top left quadrant of Eridanus 1 isn't bad if you actually make a map, but if you're casual it's literally just a teleporter maze with poison, in a game where you can only save and return to heal at specific points.
>I just want to see a city full of demons, no humans whatsoever.
Just get a remake of SMT2 and go into makai.
I fucking loved that segment.
Music was fucking great
Plus the 25th aniversary mixes
The patrician's atlus rep is pic related
It wasn't even that bad if you had a pretty memory, but Womb of Grief gave me cancer for some of bullshit they put in there.
I don't know. IV did make use of the jumping mechanic to navigate areas. They could have potentially expanded on that more.
>Nope, too much backtracking,
Barely at all. SJ has more complex layouts and alt routes and optional areas. Nocturne is 90% empty space
>Final has identical fusion mechanics as IV and they are both barebones.
More in-depth than anything from Nocturne
>Nocturne has sacrifical fusion
Which was cool concept but terribly execution. You had to wait until NG+ to even use it fully since you could always go over the level cap you had at that point. Nevermind it's only good for accidents.
>moon phase-based fusions
Might as well be a form of Special fusions
>It has has demons exclusive to evolution
Demon evolution isn't exclusive to Nocturne
>while IV has demons exclusive to extremely low RNG chances which is just plain retarded and hardly gives you anything to increase your odds unlike SJ
Yeah true that was dumb
>Demon Whisper is so much more bland and casualised compared to magatamas
Whisper actually incentives the player to keep they demons instead of just throwing them away as fusion fodder immediately so you can access to buffs faster. Magatamas are terrible and don't even provide the player with optional builds styles. The unlearned skills on magatama are hidden and you never have a reason to switch unless you look up a guide and know what kind of magical skills they locked in physical ones and vice versa. Even in Final you have dex, str and magic oppose to physical and magic and magic has a cap. So Nocturne has zero builds but the one you are forced into.
>the fact that the stat cap is so high leaves you lightyears ahead in power over your demons no matter what
Applies to Nocturne but not Final. You have much more skills and demon combos you access too so you aren't running a one dps then three buffs/healers like Nocturne. Shit like imposing stance or critical eye doesn't even exist in Nocturne, hell the luck is literally bugged.
>don't reply to truth
In SMT you always get blasted in the ass by the supernatural.
Choosing does basically nothing.
Who are you even supposed to choose, the demons who are blasting your ass or the angels who are gonna blast you in the ass.
It's just one big assblast.
Why does Fatlus suck so much at making proper dungeons? The heavy abuse of teleportation and warping segments are unnecessary. Then you have Persona 5's dungeons which are overly cluttered with dialogue and are borderline easy to complete.
So something that's applies to every ending. That doesn't change the "cycle" shit doesn't matter since humans will always rise up to the challenge.
Is the SJ remake the definitive version of the game? I want to replay it, but not sure if I should drop $20 on it.
>got to fuck a demon
Real man
What's your thoughts on the 90's dungeons or something non megaten like EO
>the entire premise of Nocturne is aligning yourself with a Reason and forming a new world from the barren wasteland that is the Vortex World
And they didn't do a good job at that.
>didn't even devil trigger during the fight
It for sure adds a lot to the games and ending, people just didn't like the new girl. All good beyond that though and I didn't mind her .
>SMTV has a terminal app
SJ dungeons are great. Way better than previous games
>SMT 2
>Getting remade ever
user.. I.. Agree with you honestly. It only needs some quality of life updates like a bottom screen map among probably fixing the overworld, and we'd be good. The chances of that happening are slim though, so meh. I love the concept of the Makai though, and I hope they utilize it more in future SMT games. I'd rather sit around the Demon Realm than experience Tokyo and the same old areas like Ginza, Ueno, Ikebukuro, and etc repeatedly.
Yes fixed the bias ending (besides super netrual) of the original and the new dungeon is great. You can save everywhere though which is a downside l
I also want law aligned blade runner city in too.
2's my favourite setting in mainline personally
What impact does she have on the game? Is she just a story element?
Is perfect as of IV:A because of how they updated the Compendium
Has been improved drastically with the Smirk and Skill Affinity aspects.
What else do we need to improve on? It feels like they have nothing left to do. I guess giving more demons their own signature moves. I liked that.
Perfect tits
For the neural route mostly, I could spoil what she is since it's kinda dumb if you wanted.
Forgot pic
Literally nobody complains about world building in Nocturne. The "worldbuilding" is helping the character of your choice fulfill their Reason to remake the world. Otherwise there's fuck all world building to be explored in the Vortex World. It's literally just Tokyo in a wasteland.
Adding skill inheritance rules + affinity wpuld be GOAT. Otherwise you just need to add vit
And armpits
Which isn't a very good thing because that's one of the most important parts of building your fantasy world.
I really wish they did more with Alignments in this series. The choices to align yourself with one aren't particularly thought provoking or engaging half of the time, and most people at this point go with the alignment choice they choose for most of the games, or play through every route. There should be heavy story divergences between the routes you choose. Like new areas being unlocked, or new events occurring that alter the world beforehand. It's why I liked SJ so much.
Yeah, having no inheritance rules was totally broken. I think the skill inheritance in P5 is perfect.
>you will never lick Yuzu's armpits
Demi-Fiend and Joker are about a good choice as one another. Demi-Fiend's from the most popular SMT game and he has a more distinct moveset compared to a lot of MegaTen protagonists because he breaks the mold of being a sword-user with a gun, his only real issue is that the game he's from is a Playstation exclusive. It's pretty much the same deal with Joker being from the most popular Persona, he doesn't have as many memorable moves as Demi-Fiend because his Persona's do the attacking, but his style of summoning stands out more and so does the way he moves seeing as he's so acrobatic. If I had it my way Raidou would be the one that's playable, just because I like him the most out of all MegaTen protagonists, but I do think Joker is the best choice followed by Demi-Fiend, and if representation was what was most important than The Hero would be the only viable choice.
>'Final has way more depth'
>all these features and depth from nocturne? lol u didn't need it anyway
>i love having less fusion depth than a NES game from 1987
Never reply to me ever again
>Whisper actually incentives the player to keep they demons instead of just throwing them away as fusion fodder immediately so you can access to buffs faster.
Because everyone did this in nocturne where recruitment was harder and more limited, where evwry demon has a shitload of level up skills and the potential to get very good skills from them, when every other demon could evolve
nah you hang onto your demons in Final where demons hop in to your party for free, can bring other demons along with them when doing so, can give free items and money in the process, have up to 48 slots in your stock, have 4 learnable skills max, have very few demons that can evolve. Yep, definitely want to hang onto them instead of easily downfusing with a cheap slime from the compendium and getting the demon whisper skills after one battle.
>Even in Final you have dex, str and magic oppose to physical and magic and magic has a cap.
That's the problem retard. If you go STR in Final, you only ever use 3 out of 5 stats. In Nocturne you use 4 out of 5 and not only that but it can be more beneficial to put points in VIT or AGI at times which is never the case in Final. You might as well use only 1 stat, and if we do this you can keep dumping points into that one stat for the entire game because the cap is 999. Try to do this in Nocturne and you will quickly hit the cap (assuming you're actually able to progress with 0 points in VIT lmao)
Mostly because they didn't give the characters enough depth, which was my only real complaint as I mentioned. Otherwise, most people shoot for the TDE when playing Nocturne these days. It's basically the definitive ending anyway even though it's full blown Chaos.
So, kind of like Devil Survivor did? I actually feel like the routes were pretty good in that game.
>Start up SMT4A for the first time
>Nanashi is a boy
What the fuck? I thought he was a girl all this time.
You can crossdress too
Wrong. It should be Chrom.
Be honest, Yea Forums, would you damn the world to demons for a chance at that ass?
I see people say that, but what's the source for it? I've never seen any evidence that Kaneko has any particular affection for Raidou over the other games. A Raidou game with good combat would be a dream come true though, even if I don't expect to ever see it.
It hurts
I think most people who have played SMT 2 can agree that the Tokyo Millennium, Valhalla, and the Makai were some of the best settings in SMT honestly. Everything else seems boring in comparison, except the Schwarzwalt.
>Jack frost is only an alt costume
The other ones look amazing but I'd be sad if that's all he got
Ho's this snowman demon?
why has nobody translated the GBA versions of SMT I and II?
they look SO much better than their snes/ps1 counterparts
>Is perfect as of IV:A because of how they updated the Compendium
It's still barren mechanically. The convenient searching and filtering of IV:A combined with the depth and restrictions of Soul Hackers would be perfect.
Frankly it was always gonna be Joker. The only characters that even had a chance were Jack Frost or the SMTV hero. I mean shit P5 has 2 upcoming games, you think Atlus is retarded?
He is from the Persona series though.
>SJ dungeons are great. Way better than previous games
I liked most of the Sectors in Strange Journey to a degree even though I struggled for a little while with Eridanus and Grus my first time around. Fuck the Womb of Grief especially. I hated how gimmicky that place was.
Without a second thought
Great dancer, though.
>Bring back VIT (maybe)
>Make Physical attacks consume HP instead of MAG again
I seriously don't understand why they changed this. I liked the risk/reward aspect of it and STR is always the way to go. Making Physical attacks cost MAG was retarded as shit.
Spoil it please.
It's the most popular so it attracts contrarians, same thing happens with Persona and it'll happen with SMT5 because it's going to attract a decent amount of attention, if not a lot of attention, just by virtue of being a new game in a series that already has a very sizeable following.
Bring back Zoma's from Devil Summoner and perhaps give demons personalities again. I don't think many people liked the Personality and Loyalty system though so nevermind.
>not being the one who makes the summoning program
you know I would.
It doesn't need sequels anyway, who cares?
Here's your Satanael bro
There is more than just Mainline, you know. Aigis is probably the most well known MegaTen character because of the sheer popularity her design, whether or not you'd like to admit it.
is it that hard to do?
the translation itself was already done in the iOS version
>wild card so can do persona swapping
>can speak so personality
>artists will flock to her
Would work
>not the PS1
Too bad iOS is unplayable due to software updates. Least we got the visionary item stuff
You mean definitely. 3 out 5 stats being single purpose attack stats is retarded. I unironically believe they should bring back INT too for demon conversation and maybe megic defence too
Was it hacky to save Spooky in NG+?
>real name's Masahiro Sakurai
Oh I get it now
Th new girl Alex is your daughter form the future that came to kill you to stop from fucking up everything and getting the world destroyed. Both Chaos and Law are fucking stupid and she thinks you are stupid and will fight you for siding with those sides.
Which SMT game lets me dab on Persona and Trannies
I hope INT can affect NPC discussions too
Thought she was just lucifer's daughter (with Lucifer being the Mom) and she wasn't Doom Guy's kid
You're right, that is dumb.
Soul Hackers
Early game has zombie trannies, you can't even recruit them normally, you can only kill them
Yuzu was such a slut. I'd really like a Devil Survivor remake with another artist on board instead of Yasuda, and the story being a bit more serious. Characters like Midori really blew my high when playing the game.
>SMT IV vs Persona 4-Persona 4 Golden
Why the bloody fuck would anyone pit these two against eachother? The only good thing about SMT4 is that it's difficult, but not the good kind of difficult so it's only a plus to elitistic contrarian faggots who just want an excuse to shit on Persona 4.
Guess who your wife was? is heavy implied you were her father in the true neutral route
Jack Frost was never a realistic choice
its like expecting Tetra and Bandana Dee because how "safe" they are
or a fucking Metroid, as you can already see the second and third series antagonists of Metroid got in.
add the fact MegaTen is all about summoning demons, so its pure respect to choose out the most popular protagonists to represent that.
rosterfags must be seething Nintendo isn't playing safe any more because they cant blame Sakurai for everything.
A lot of that is just dishonest. SMT doesn't have strictly better gameplay, it has different gameplay because they're two different series that set out to do different things, and even where they have things in common one isn't outright better than the other. I'd say the fusion is better in Persona, for example, because SMT1, 2 and 3 all have very unrefined feeling fusion to some degree and IV and IV:A are great as QoL goes but that they put no restriction on what skills a Demon inherits it can make the game too easy at times, especially in IV. P4G and 5 have a better system where some skills are locked to a Demon but you still have the choice to transfer some over, but then you have things like dungeon design, which outside of IV and IV:A, is pretty much always notably better than what you see in Persona for dungeon design.
S. Links offer a link between both sides of the gameplay and give you something to think about and engage in outside of the dungeons, which is all they're supposed to be and they mostly accomplish that just fine. They are an entirely different system compared to alignments and the two aren't comparable at all. And to say Persona is shit on because it's "way more weeb and embarrassing than the other" is dishonest considering nobody, or few people at least, concocts this SMT vs. Persona rivalry with DDS which is just as "embarrassing and weeb" as Persona if not moreso. The same could be said of DeSu as well. SMTfags absolutely act elitist when it comes to Persona and you're blind if you can't see that. You don't have to like Persona, it can be "too embarrassing and weeb" for you, you don't have to like S. Links, but to suggest that the reason Persona is the one MegaTen that SMTfags will always shit on and act like they're above it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it also happens to be more popular than other MegaTen games is just not true, and both the SMTfags and Personafags who partake in it are annoying.
5 Dante is better than 4 Dante by virtue of not having black facial hair alone.
At least more cheat options for high INT runs
DeSu, Nocturne, Strange Journey and Soul hackers
>SMT1, 2 and 3 all have very unrefined feeling fusion to some degree
What a meaningless statement
>all these features and depth from nocturne?
What depth? Nocturne fusion is terrible. Half the demons are really shitty and literally just fusion fodder. And there's only like 90 demons. Its pathetic.
>Because everyone...
Of course you did, unless you are bad which you clearly are as the only skills you need are buffs since everything else is pointless filler garbage but the decent talk skill
>where evwry demon..
Just like future games. Evolving wasn't a good thing in the first place
>nah you hang onto your demons...
Only after constant convos
>can bring other demons along with them when doing so...
Yes and? Nocturne gives you free demon recruitment with shit like deathpact to bypass the poorly designed negotiation.
>have up to 48 slots...
Yeah unlike Nocturne you will be switching demons back and forth since they are actually useful.
>have 4...
Why are you lying?
>Yep, definitely want...
It has triple compendium costs. Not such a good idea.
Isn't Nocturne fusion so great you make Daisoujou and fog breath and you win?
>If you go STR in Final, you only ever use 3 out of 5 stats
So? More build variety
>In Nocturne you use 4 out of 5...
Wrong. Luck is a bugged stat. Agi isn't necessary when the buffs modifiers are so high and since the AI is so braindead broken they don't dispel buffs above +2. VIT is worthless since the agi mods are so high and the Magatamas give stats you don't need to pump anything into it. Wait a second, that's only one stat you pump into. What a great building system. Let's not forget how magic is garbage so you only have str and a handful of small skills leading to no replayability or builds.
>which is never the case in Final
Yeah except for the fact that luck actually works in Final, and agi is important since the modifiers are nerfed.
>You might as well use only 1 stat..
Then die in a sec
>(assuming you're actually able to progress with 0 points in VIT lmao)
Very easy considering hard is a joke and agi buffs are broken
The mirage designs were pretty cool desu
DeSu had some pretty solid routes because you actively influenced everything.
>Choose to kill a specific character or group of NPC's
>Another character refuses to join your party later down the line
It was pretty neat. I guess what I really want to happen is for your alignment to influence more events earlier on in SMT games instead of coming into play around the endgame to epilogue point. Every alignment has exclusive dungeons, equipment, or events that take place to make each play through feel more unique.
Or maybe people are blinded to its flaws
I want a new SRPG
I just love post-post-apocalyptic settings like that where the world's started to rebuild itself in some way and you get a bunch of segmented communities rebuilding in different ways. If they ever do remake SMT2, I wouldn't mind if they did more with Daleth and Gimmel in some way, especially Gimmel seeing as he was underutilized, in my opinion.
It was just an example of something they have in common with one another, the point of the post wasn't to talk about the fusion systems and I was already on the verge of going over the character limit.
Congrats you didn't address a single point I said and decided to make up some bullshit of your own
4babbies are an embarassment. Funny how that applies to so many franchises.
>He doesn’t know the orginal title for persona 4 was Shin Megani Tensi: Persona 4 and so many persona fags were absolutely dying for a sequel meanwhile PS Vita vs 3DS debates were at an all time high
It was a bloodbath and the fanbase still hasn’t really recovered
Not really a problem with skill affinities. Also there's no risk/reward system with physical skills. Its impossible to miss attacks and str is still the best stat in SJ (well dex for IV) and beyond.
>It was just an example of something they have in common with one another
But that 'something' is ill defined in your post and I really don't understand what you're saying
I really hate the Wild Card mechanic in the Nu-Persona era. It's just another way to make the MC special when it's completely pointless. Why not allow everyone to access the Velvet Room when they too have Persona's? Being restricted to their signature Persona sucks.
I do think there's some truth to that as well, but I don't believe it having some flaws is the main reason it receives more criticism than a lot of other games in the series. There are games in the series with more flaws that don't receive as much criticism, Nocturne gets the limelight more, attracts more discussion as a result and attracts more criticism as a result.
Yes I did. How about you read? Oh wait you can't since you are a pathetic Nocturnebabby who actually thinks that shit game is good
I thought blasted tokyo's concept was cool and amala, but damn if the setting for 2 isn't just the GOAT
>nocturne haters are this fucking retarded
Can’t wait
>inb4 they add a new waifu to it
Then again, Desu 1 didn’t get a waifu route so who knows?
>Bringing back INT
I think that'd be solid, but let it be used for more than demon negotiation. Like for instance you have a high enough INT stat and you gain the ability to repair scrapped weapons or gear to turn it into rare equipment. In general having stats effect the world beyond combat would be nice.
does anyone else hate how they ruined the atmosphere in final? you were this badass samurai who knew nothing but the way of the samurai, discovered a dark city and fucked everyone up with his 12th century samurai skills and futuristic digital demon capabilities. then you tread through the same shit in final and it's not the same. plus it is a cakewalk in comparison, especially with that special room of demons you can buy who already have luster candy and shit on them
Better be on Switch.
Should've did something like with PQ with sub personas or went back to 1/2 with affinities.
Would've been even better if you could fuse stuff onto party member personas to just boost their stats/give new skills like a glorfied mitama
Why didn’t they call this game
Persona X FE???
SMT fans didn’t appreciate getting a pop star simulator when they expected at the least 3D SMT IV with Fire emblem shoehorned in
>Funny how that applies to so many franchises.
Name three (3) franchises that this applies to.
>no argument
Yeah tell me more how good building the MC is in Nocturne. Oh wait all the stats are worthless and all the skills but focus and the couple of attacks you get are pointless. And the great fusion which has nothing to it.
I don't mind the atmosphere change. Makes sense if you think about it
>rookie samurai explores lost and ancient old world, except it's actually pretty familiar to the player
>rookie demon hunter who's used to this setting does odd jobs until shit ramps up
Predict the ridiculous comments that'll be slung around by casuals and Persona fans upon SMT V's eventual release.
PS Exclusive
*Coimg to PC
>Jack Frost was never a realistic choice
>The series mascot was never a realistic choice
Do you know how retarded that sounds? That's like saying Pikachu isn't a realistic choice.
But he beat Lucifer himself, taking a form stronger than he had in Nocturne I might add.
>ended up suffering in blah blah blah
Fanwank, no official evidence. Disregarded.
DeSu 2 did though.
Admittedly I didn't mind femYamato and liked how the game let you call out how fucking dumb it is.
Freshly made armpits destined for licking.
How did Atlus get away with this and the monster that's literally a dick's head in a country where dicks need to be censored? Clearly they're not hiding it, iirc in Persona 5 the dick head monster has lust in it's name
>an OST’s that’s easily forgotten as a stand-alone piece
I’ll never not be mad about this
I want armpitfags to leave my thread or have sex
I doubt any of you even play SMT seriously. Go have sex for once and then come back.
Will they fix the bad combat?
It better be on fucking everything
Then better do nothing but make the graphics better
That’s it I wanna journalist seeth about Mot
The random skill inheritance in P3, 4 and Nocturne just leads you to re-roll over and over to get what you want because having too much freedom could make the game too easy, and it ends up feeling worse than both the P4G and P5 fusion system as well as the IV and IV:A one as a result because it encourages you to go through a lot of busywork because you can get what you want but it's going to require a lot of backing in and out of a menu which is just annoying. SMT 1 and 2 just feel like there's not much need to put a whole lot of thought into what you're fusing, which is mostly because they're both kind of easy, especially 1, but because there's no skill inheritance and each Demon has a pre-defined skillset, you don't get any of the customization you get from fusion in the later games and the whole process is a lot less fun as a result, you never get a situation where you have to put together a Demon that's perfectly suited to dealing with an encounter you're having trouble with or anything like that. Even with Persona being easy there's more fun to be had in the fusion, because even if you don't ever really need to put a lot of thought into your fusion, that the game allows you to put together a Persona that will be really overpowered and plow through everything makes the fusion process itself a lot more involving and rewarding, compared to SMT 1 and 2 where a lot of the time fusion was something I only bothered with to clear space when my COMP was full.
>instead of Yasuda
But Yasuda is great
>have sex
Nice /smtg/ meme
I feel like the lighter atmosphere and tone in DeSu2 actually made it more easier to swallow compared to how depressing DeSu1 can get at times. I just hope that if they add in a new character it doesn’t clash with the narrative and tone of the games.
Pokemon is exceptional
it was Sakurai's idea to based off inclusions on the anime.
add the fact the N64 wouldn't handle transformation characters, so Pokemon Trainer had to be an offscreen case.
and keep ignoring my Metroid argument.
Atlus needs to hurry up and port P4G to literally anything that isn't vita so I can emulate it
ol rabbit keeping it real
I don't play Atlus games, but these are the only 2 characters of theirs I recognize. Also that one bear looking thing from Persona 4. Don't know his name.
They should rework how fusioning works and let you pick inheritance and scrap the random teleporter dungeons. Other than that, Nocturne is literally perfect.
Can someone redpill of on SMT compared to Persona? I've heard it's pretty much like Persona but just the dungeons and no social links.
Also what should I play first? Can I start with the 3DS games?
Bunny was absolutely based, honestly. Hate how they made him a little bitch in the anime, though.
Alrighty nigger I'll even reddit space so you can tell the difference between paragraphs at least because telling the difference between sentences is too hard for you
>Half the demons are really shitty and literally just fusion fodder. And there's only like 90 demons. Its pathetic.
None of this has anything to do with the mechanical depth of the system. And you are making shit up, all demons are useful.
>Of course you did, unless you are bad which you clearly are as the only skills you need are buffs since everything else is pointless filler garbage but the decent talk skill
Yeah how do you get you get these? By levelling your demons, exactly. And again you are making shit up, magic is useful for getting more press turns, passives like life and mana surge are useful, of course you already know all of this since it applies to IV as well but you are shitposting right now
>Just like future games. Evolving wasn't a good thing in the first place
Nocturne still has the most evolving demons even with 4 has more demons total than it, and every demon has at least 3 skills learnt by levelling and 8 at most. IV/A has 1 at least and 4 at most.
>>nah you hang onto your demons...
>Only after constant convos
what does this even mean? You just randomly state a game mechanic to pretend to have a point. wtf?
>Yes and? Nocturne gives you free demon recruitment with shit like deathpact to bypass the poorly designed negotiation.
You need specific skills (which you said are all useless) to do that and they only work in certain situations. Scout+ works 100% of the time
>Yeah unlike Nocturne you will be switching demons back and forth since they are actually useful.
Making shit up again. How are demons not useful in nocturne?
>Why are you lying?
Name one demon in IV/A with 5 level up skills
>It has triple compendium costs. Not such a good idea.
Nocturne does. Not IV/A unless you buy the dlc. Also, 100x3 is still cheap
running out of fucking space
SMT is a dungeon crawler through and through. Combat and dungeon traversal are much more harder and require a lot more thought. Storytelling is very minimal and usually in the background; it really only exists as an excuse to get you out in post apocalyptic Tokyo.
Have sex originated on Yea Forums then carried over to Yea Forums and now /smtg/ is dead because some samefag keeps spamming have sex there. Seriously though
Have sex
>Dark souls of persona
>Nocturne is literally perfect.
>can't transfer skills in fusions without constant re-rolling
>unlearned skills on magatama are hidden
>enemy AI is retarded and never programmed to dispel buffs and debuffs +2
>physical skills are fucking garbage in the early and mid-game
>Demons in stock don't gain exp
>late game enemy encounters have no HP so you can just blast them away making the game even easier
>Magic skills are shit in the late-game and magic damage has a CAP
>Agility is insanely broken, it's why Agi buffs are so good
>luck literally does nothing, stat doesn't work
>stats are all non-existent thanks to powerful STR magatama that gives VIT which means you only ever pump points into STR
>can't swap out demons without a skill
>very little in the ways of customization or builds, do the same thing every fight just battle loops over and over with physical skills
>majority of bosses are brainless gimmick shit or piss easy slugfests
>hard mode is terrible, all it does is increase shop prices by triple and increase enemy damage, literally that's all it does
>Demons in stock don't gain EXP without a skill
>shock and freeze last until turn ends and not until something hits
>moon bonus crits are the worse idea in the world. The moment you get it unless they block physical you are given free turns
>dungeons are a chore to get through, many are trial and error teleport shit meaning the player can make no educated guess and succeed, which is bad game design
What was Atlus thinking when they created DeSu 2? The more lighthearted plot, tone, downright ripping off Evangelion with the alien creatures. It was so weak after how powerful DeSu 1's ending was. Abel becoming the King of Bel after defeating Babel, blowing Metatron back and saving Tokyo, it was all so good.
The 3DS games are a fine place to start. It's not really like Persona without S. Links, it's structured entirely differently, the combat is very different and it's about a post-apocalyptic setting or the threat of one, among some other differences. The most common ground between the two is that the Demon/Persona designs are the same and they both have Demon/Persona fusion in them.
>we will never have Abel as a smash rep who kills everyone with breakdancing
*record scratch* needs to free us from this suffering already.
Fuckssake stop getting me into this shit
>So? More build variety
Using and balancing points between fewer stats is more variety?
>Wrong. Luck is a bugged stat. Agi isn't necessary when the buffs modifiers are so high and since the AI is so braindead broken they don't dispel buffs above +2. VIT is worthless since the agi mods are so high and the Magatamas give stats you don't need to pump anything into it. Wait a second, that's only one stat you pump into. What a great building system. Let's not forget how magic is garbage so you only have str and a handful of small skills leading to no replayability or builds.
spicy memes breh. I'm just gonna claim that luck is bugged in IV/A as well and you can't prove otherwise. Also I liked how you shit on magatamas because you don't know what you get without a guide but then talk about stats assuming you know everything about the game mechanics.
>Yeah except for the fact that luck actually works in Final, and agi is important since the modifiers are nerfed.
Prove that luck actually works. What 'modifiers' are you talking about? I've never missed in IV/A with sukukaja up so why bother with AGI? oh wait I didn't and did just fine
>Then die in a sec
Please remind me what stat in IV/A affects defence
>Very easy considering hard is a joke and agi buffs are broken
the old pretend you're good at video games while talking like a complete scrub
A Yea Forums classic
Here's a pro tip. SMT is for edgy third graders who think the games boil down to killing your friend. Go play Persona 3 and Persona 4 again, they're infinitely better than anything SMT has to give you, bar Strange Journey and Soul Hackers.
Jack Frost will never give you the slushie pussie
deal with it whiteboi
Where is the Toki and Asahi porn, as a matter of fact dump all your lewd SMT images here. Fuck this thread.
2 actually has skill inheritance
I actually like Persona but fuck your bait.
Why is rabbit so based?
I still like Abel better
A temporary solution, though, and he goes through eternal suffering for his troubles.
Was the Anguished One actually Lucifer?
Are you sure? I just played it last year, but I don't remember it having skill inheritance at all. Again though, fusion was an afterthought for me in SMT1 and 2 because I didn't enjoy it as much as in other games in the series, so I wouldn't be too surprised if I just didn't even pay attention to that.
desu I'd literally let the world end just to get one lick of them pits
Despite the weaker plot I still prefer to play 2 over 1. It plays a lot better and I like 2's cast better in general despite being walking tropes, but 1 has stronger individual characters.
I also liked how you could permanently kill off party members. Just wish they didn't lock you out after a certain kill count.
Raidou, Demifiend or Flynn would be so much better than the J-drama character we got. All because he appeals to screaming black people on YouTube more.
I want a Raidou Kuzunoha XL game
Just to remind you guys that the girl that appear with the main character during the SMT V trailer will most likely be the goddess of that game. It's going to be SMT 1 all over again. Nuclear war and all that.
I really like the DeSu2 cast but literally no one can top best boy Atsuro.
>In an interview, Kaneko said he liked to make the SMT protagonist basic human beings with nothing special about them
>SMT 1 protagonist is the reincarnation of Adam
>SMT 2 protagonist is an artificially created android Jesus
>SMT 3 protagonist was actually just a normal high schooler, but Lucifer just so happened to take interest in him and turned him into the Demifiend
>SMT 4 & Apocalypse protagonists are actually reincarnations
What did he actually mean by this? None of these fucks are normal people. The Strange Journey MC is probably the sole exception, as he was really just a random marine with high tech equipment.
>last full 3D game was a Ps2 game
The state of SMT fags kek
Fuck off Ryan, last warning.
Based and Cutepilled.
>Especially on a horse
What did Bunny mean by this?
Bayonetta fucking dies to REJECTED right?
I'm pretty sure I'm right.
did anyone else read the smt4 spinoff manga? i liked walter's a lot but haven't gotten around to johnny's yet
You mean heroine
>SMT 1 protagonist is the reincarnation of Adam
nice fanfic breh
>SMT 4 & Apocalypse protagonists are actually reincarnations
Reincarnations of normal people
Especially Flynn's case, he was some random CDF goon that just seppuku'd himself for masakado
He has autism, please understand.
>SMT 1 protagonist is the reincarnation of Adam
While true he is more or less just a normal guy with no special abilities. Him being a reincarnation of Adam exists solely for thematic and story purposes, it never made him actually important.
>SMT 3 protagonist was actually just a normal high schooler, but Lucifer just so happened to take interest in him and turned him into the Demifiend
Demi-fiend genuinely does fit this category. He's a normal teenager who has his humanity stripped of him with no idea why or how.
>MC special when it's completely pointless.
It’s for gameplay balancing. I don’t wanna have another P2 situation where there was no reason to swap personas besides fusion skills.
>nice fanfic breh
Are you retarded or just never played the game? They literally address this in the game and various interviews.
Don’t listen to this faggot
SMT is much more about dungeons, demons, buffs, and debuffs while requiring a smart approach outside of Bumrush the enemy
Continue bum rushing
Buffs and debuffs are a bit overpowered
A couple buffs turns a battle from 40 lbs of rape into target practice vice versa a couple debuffs on you makes you 1 shot potential
user.. I.. SMT V is going to be Nocturne 2.0 though.
>The MC starts off as a basic high school student with his friend akin to the beginning of Nocturne before the conception
>Trailer immediately shifts to Tokyo in a desert wasteland getting swarmed by demons
>Flashing demon eyes in the trailer akin to Nocturne's opening title
Rewatch the trailer again.
I do wonder if the goddess thing will be relevant in this game though since it was a thing in IV, although it truthfully wasn't that important.
Your a normal person for how long in Nocturne?
Even if 1 was the reincarnation of adam, he still was a normal fucker outside of it.
Though 3 and 4's interesting. Despite lucifer's interest, it's not like the humans who survived the conception didn't become demons by the end anyway, and 4 still has that normality since outside of the gauntlet, reincarnation didn't benefit flynn that much. Nanashi, yeah you got me there, his past life as akira led to Dagda's interest in the first place
Why did Atlus add such random replies in the game? I like it to a degree, but it really killed the mood.
>None of this has anything to do with the mechanical depth..
And as stated that "depth" is pointless. Adding features doesn't make it complex if they aren't executed right
>And you are making shit up, all demons are useful
Unless you think fodder fusion is useful since they give instant access to quick buffs like fog breath and war cry, they aren't.
>Yeah how do you get you get these? By levelling your demons, exactly
No you get them from fusion since that's a way to quicker buffs. You literally want to fuse a preta since they come with Sukukaja.
>magic is useful for getting more press turns
On demons, not on the MC. The moment you get focus it folds into physical AOE spam and they can come with this shit automatically.
>Nocturne still has the most evolving demons even with 4 has more demons total than it
And evolving isn't a big deal. It's as pointless as skill changing and only 24 demons can evolve in the first place. Also no IV has more demons that can evolve.
>what does this even mean?
You said that demons can freely jump into your party, but that's only after you talk to them mutiple times and have them in your party once.
>You need specific skills
The decent talk skills yes. Scout does not work all the time without a setup that's deathpact, the one of two only good skills
>Making shit up again. How are demons not useful in nocturne?
Only the ones in your active party are useful. The ones in your side line that are going to be used are shit you buy in the extra dungeon. In final you will always be switching in and out especially when the massive skill pool you have.
>Name one demon in IV/A with 5 level up skills
On you were talking about that. Nevermind. Thought you were saying only the skills you can access are 5 in total during battle.
I beat neutral route and didn't hear anything about that
It's for the better honestly. It would have been cool to see a mainline protagonist or Jack Frost, sure, but I honestly attracting smash autists would just make the fanbase even shittier then it is.
Imagine licking those armpits
>I didn't play SMT 1 the post
Nice try, play the game before replying user.
>Reincarnations of normal people
They're still reincarnations though. Especially in Nanashi's case since he was the king of Mikado in a past life.
Only IS does that
Mc has actual autism, no bully
That’s even worse. Just let their persona have those moves.
>Nu-Persona era
He says this while in P2 your base personas where so good that there was no reason to swap them out unless you wanted to use different fusion spells.
Is jonathan's even translated/scanned? I remmeber reading part of walter's through a dump a few years back. Might read the rest.
Gina's cute.
Sometimes I wonder if Bunny has actual autism or he just likes fucking with people.
It should have been Nanashi.
For like 10 minutes tops. You travel around the Hospital as a human before Tokyo gets sucked into the Conception.
>That’s even worse.
Which idea
Join the light
Why does Atlus have such a boner for rehashing shit from their previous titles? It's ridiculous. Of course a lot of new elements get added to the games, but still.
>Persona 3 is essentially Persona 1
>Persona 4 & 5 are basically the Persona 2 duology
>SMT 4 & Apocalypse are reboots of SMT 1 & 2
>SMT V is about to be Nocturne 2.0
He actually said he never thought the genre would work in a video game but Persona 5 does it really well. He absolutely loves the game.
>wanting the virgin demi-fiend instead of the chad Godslayer
>Persona 3 is essentially Persona 1
>Persona 4 & 5 are basically the Persona 2 duology
None of these are true or even close to the same
>Persona 3 is essentially Persona 1
>Persona 4 & 5 are basically the Persona 2 duology
>SMT 4 & Apocalypse are reboots of SMT 1 & 2
>SMT V is about to be Nocturne 2.0
user, why did you think Lilith cared about him so much?
Lilith was Adam's first wife according to Judaism. Her rebellious nature and desire to be treated as equal caused Adam to abandon her. After that God made Eve from Adam's rib which made her inferior to him.
In the plot of SMTI Lilith has grown to miss Adam (the protagonist) and desperately wants him to join her side in the chaos alignment. At the very beginning when you meet her in your dream she swears to always be by your side.The entire section where she captures the heroine to be executed for conspiring against Goutou was so that she can remove her (Eve) from the protagonists (Adam's) life.
>Wears a hoodie with bunny ears
>Runs around an apocalyptic Tokyo getting invaded by aliens saying dumb and inappropriate shit
He definitely has the tismo.
Meant for
Good I want nocturne 2
I personally hope it’s too hard for game reviews so they constantly Reeee about it giving it free advertising
>Using and balancing points between fewer stats is more variety?
Fewer stats? Both games have 5 stats but they aren't good in Nocturne
>I'm just gonna claim that luck is bugged in IV/A
Well you would be wrong. Someone made a mod for Nocturne and looked into the games files and found out it was bugged. Crits and aliments are fixed. Luck doesn't work and agi has a insane modifier.
>Also I liked how you shit on magatamas because you don't know what you get without a guide but then talk about stats assuming you know everything about the game mechanics.
Because skills and stats are two different things. It's why you pump only into str
>Prove that luck actually works
Play the game without luck and you can clearly see it affecting mutiple different things.
>I've never missed in IV/A with sukukaja up so why bother with AGI? oh wait I didn't and did just find
You would be wrong as the stat percentage in apocalypse mode is cut by 100, so you miss all the time.
>Please remind me what stat in IV/A affects defence
It doesn't need a pointless vit stat when you have armor.
the old pretend you're good at video games while talking like a complete scrub
It's true
Literally everything about the new era Persona titles is a rehash of elements used in 1 and 2. Tartarus and Nyx were ripped straight from Persona 1 as a premise for 3. The concept of facing your Shadow and having a shadow equivalent as a plot element was taken from Persona 2. Igor & Yaldabaoth in P5 were essentially the equivalent of Philemon and his game with Nyarlathotep in P2. The SEBEC Quest from P1 was rehashed in Persona PQ. Seriously, don't act like they don't reuse plot elements.
He was picked by Lucy
Bit of both.
I'd rather just have more Raidou XIV, Raidou XL was cool though.
This is some real stretching, holy fuck
>SMT 1 & 2 remakes never with updated QoL aspects
That sucks, they had some nice plot points.
I like his game but I hate this faggot’s face.
>I personally hope it’s too hard for game reviews so they constantly Reeee about it giving it free advertising
I don't want to see another Sekiro case happen on this board anytime soon.
If it's anything like Nocturne it's going to be easy
For a never-ever-will-happen SMT2 remake, I'd want a sidequest where you try and fail to stop Raidou XL from abandoning his body and traveling back in time.
*rings bell*
They exist though, that's what the ps1 versions are.
They will probably never be translated though.
Play P1 & P2 again and pay attention to the story this time zoomer.
>SMT 4 & Apocalypse are reboots of SMT 1 & 2
Soft retread =/= reboots
I’m mixed.
I hate it but I can’t deny fucking everyone and they’re mother knows about Sekiro now
I even got meme’d into buying the game and I don’t even like FromSoft games
Wtf huh????
Where did you even get this info?
I wanna lick those pits so bad
>Beast Eye
>Beast eye
>Beast eye
Literally use buffs. He can't touch you.
How the fuck does Yuzu have so many Pitfag fan art?
Imagine slobbering all over them
Persona 5 has a DLC SMT IV outfits
Meanwhile persona 5 Dancing has a Demi-fiend skin.
Google my friend use it
Do you think Atlus will ever show love for their spin-offs again or nah?
Always exposed and she keeps talking about it how sweaty she is
>Niggers on Yea Forums still find Nocturne "hard"
>When Daisoujou exists
>When you can abuse Dark Might & Bright Might to completely cheese any boss that doesn't resist, absorb, or repel Physical attacks
(Lol) I do wonder if they'll make bosses Physical resistant in the remake to prevent people from cheesing the game though.
Why does spinoffs need constant games? They had a good run. Made new shit.
Her outfit practically fuels it.
>SMT V is about to be Nocturne 2.0
It will and it’ll be obvious design wise
walter's was completed about a year ago (if you're interested i really recommend reading it) & i don't think jonathan's is done, only 6 chapters are up but they're translated.
I mean shit we’re getting persona Q 2 in June so why not?
I just want a new 3D Strange Journey Atlus damn
SMT V being Nocturne 2.0 was obvious from the get go. Did you even watch the trailer and see the comparisons?
>I just want a new 3D Strange Journey Atlus damn
Not happening bud. SJR came out last year.
What if we play as the girl
Make new spinoffs then, most of the stuff now's a spinoff of a spinoff
We've seen a ten second trailer that tells us nothing.
Watch it again.
I do like they are including a female tag a long so now niggers won’t complain about Muh Femme-fiend
I hope it’s pick your character then the opposite sex character just sticks with you til the end
I know just let me enjoy my sad delusions
Yeah, this tells us nothing other than the fact that it's an SMT game.
If anything she might be another heroine case like Beth. She looks like a friend more so than a FemC, but who knows.
user, you this doesn't mean anything. It had fucking Odin in the end of the teaser trailer. That could mean that something else if he is involved.
Man I'm glad if they are adding human party members back.
user, stop pretending to be ignorant. There's obvious parallels between V and Nocturne. I'm not saying V is going to be Nocturne in a new coat of paint, but I wouldn't be surprised if they retread a number of elements from said game.
>no love for DDS
It was good.
I can't believe gale fucks a futa in two lifetimes
Jesus christ he died in a cave-in, not in a fucking cave. Please stop spreading this scandalous lie.
>there are people don't like Yasuda in this world
Sounds like something the millenium would say
We need more anti-gravity tits in this world, tbqh.