ITT: We act like we're in ResetEra

ITT: We act like we're in ResetEra

Attached: resetera.png (640x360, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex!


>off by one
Fuck mods for deleting dubs

Reported for toxic behavior

Banjo for smash!


I love playing video games!

hey guys let's post screenshots of Yea Forums and obsess over everything they say

so just a regular Yea Forums thread?

I enjoy videogames

Why make a thread dedicated to this when you can just go on literally any thread on this entire board and see the exact same thing

Let's talk about my vagina and how it makes me a superior being to men.

panel van recommendations?


oh god please have sex. with me.

>USER HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY BANNED: Downplaying harassment against women, minorities, junior account

Come on guys, why can't everyone just get along with each other?

User Warned: Drive-by posting, downplaying misoginy, racism is not an opinion

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You're all banned for toxic masculinity

I wouldn't know how to, I don't use it. What do they act like?

I have an opinion that is not streamlined for the occult status this website inhibits

at least crop the screenshot instead of making fun of yourself

reported for calling "vagina" a mutilated dick, comparing biological men to biological women is sexist and you just want to infiltrate feminist movement.

There is literally nothing wrong with hebephilia.

just got my adams apple shaved, any tips on how to sound more female?

I've hijacked a worldview that was not meant for me.

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Based first post y'all, mods sticky this thread

I love Sony and Mother 3

It was the OP

Hey guys I found this neat trick. If you enter you're credit card number followed by the security key it will end up censored like:

3566002020360505 117

Edit: Okay I got pwned good XD

Every game would be perfect for the Switch! Geno in Smash when?

>Please, join my tranny discor...
Actually, nevermore. This is nu/v/ in a nutshell.

i need to dilate :c

hey guys how am I looking just started hormones and shaved

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Ok guys we NEED to tackle the white men problem, they RUIN gaming with their TOXIC behaviour.


thats reddit

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Enjoy your ban, racist scum.

if we can discuss youtube and ecelebs we can discuss the gaming platform resetera

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It's the same shit just more moderated. Make things anonymous and the boards become similar enough.

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how the fuck would anyone know how to fucking "act like we're in ResetEra."
shit thread and fuck off

just got misgendered today god i hate cis people so much

But... aren't you also a white man?

So much like actual forums

but youtube and ecelebs aren't videogames either

>occult status this website inhibits
wtf, I love secret societies now

you nailed it

ITT: Act like we're *any online community*

Looking great sweety, great effect on the groin.


[User was banned for having an opinion not aligned with the mods]

>66.5% for non-binary races where you are not allowed to deviate or be an individual

I never understood why SJW's were grouped together with commies, but holy fuck, now I get it.

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Omg this so much! I want Pokey in smash xD
And fuck golden sun fans, they're fucking Nazis!!

did you just assume their sexual preference? Reported.

I dunno, I've just been saying all kinds of stupid and gay shit.

more like
[User was banned for having an opinion]

>how the fuck would anyone know how to fucking "act like we're in ResetEra."
Because Yea Forums users constantly post resetera screencaps

>This post has received 2735 likes


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so the other 532 genders shouldn't have rights? Reported.

>says they respect women
>their favorite buzzword is have sex

I don't get it

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>Ugh don't you think these shitlords are JUST AS BAD? I mean ugh come on guys, it's 2019
Based retard


What’s the difference?

I'm gonna go molest real kids and blame anime brb

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Is the joke that Yea Forums does the same thing with Reddit and resetera?

it is all about men getting downranked in the scale, and having women and trans surge ahead. That is their true intention but they won't straight tell you that.

Also everyone I don’t like is a incel nazi trump supporter
dont@me uwu

Making hot looking female characters is disrespectful towards women. Making them look like shit is respect towards women.

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Thoughts on our best RPG list Yea Forumsestera? Are you satisfied?

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You have to add the expiration date as well dummy.

>chrono trigger
>persona fucking 4
>witcher 3
>final fantasy 6 and 7
absolute fucking abhorrent taste and this is only the top 5

Mother 3 should be number one because it stands up for trans people :)


>witcher 3
>makes fun of trannies
>has females that aren't butt ugly


I like videogames
>User banned (permanent): Liking things


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Mod Edit: Women can have penises too

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>GFs sperm

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>Let's have a metathread about resetera on Yea Forums!


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You should be made a mod.

Hang yourself

>both genders
wait a fucking minute

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How do i pass?

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now someone go on resetera and make them act like Yea Forums

>mfw found out shes muslim

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GarnetChaotix - User since 2018 - 572 posts

Honestly, I don't like that we'd dedicate an entire thread to making fun or light of ResetEra. I feel like they are a community of marginalized and underrepresented voices in games and that it's important to give them a platform. I feel like this thread should be deleted.

"Friend codes? We don't need no stinking friend codes!" -Sluggie

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OMG That PS4 looks fanstastic!
I will buy one of those and put it up on my gay pride shrine.

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Just stunning sweetie, keep it up gurrrrl!

if mods were fun they'd start handing out public temp bans in this thread just to actually recreate the average retardera experience

I am here for my mod application.

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but hrt takes away your sperm and makes you sterile so how can that be

You faggots really know how to act like those degenerates it really makes me think.

>vegan diet
>GF's sperm

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The basedest of boys has less sperm than a person literally trying to turn themselves into a girl
let that sink in

I WANA FEEL UR POWER inside meeee


Damn, how can Resetera be so based?!

They don't really respect women. The majority of them are M2F, who were bullied in their childhood. Instead of developing an inferiority complex, they started to blame their gender instead, "Women have it easier", "Women can always make themselves pretty" etc. So they discard all that baggage and hope that changing their gender fixes it, because what they lacked was contact with the opposite gender at the time and put that kind of relationship on a romanticized pedestal. They become narcissistic and infatuated with themselves, as they don't see themselves, but rather what they think a cute female is (which is very low standards because they are the OG incels). They start to surround themselves with people who agree with every of their opinion and won't criticize them, but also motivate them to keep being like this or getting more extreme. It's common in the tranny community to call men or women eggs, to groom them into the same mentality and if they don't, those people get violently ostracized. Similiar if you are a woman and you criticise them, for example because they love to cry wolf and detract from victims for their own narcissistic gain, then they will obsessively harass you ie. trying to get you fired, contacting your buddies, etc. If most members were F2M, then men would be held in a higher regard than women, overall.

As for the sex, it gets even worse. If you are a cis female in those communities and you say that only men turn you on, then they will lose their shit. They viciously hate heterosexuals. Everything has to be GAY or QUEER for them. A good chunk of them even believes that rape between them and a heterosexual is consensual and that they are the victim if you struggle. I shit you not. Their belief of "Have sex" is to rape a straight woman or go to a gay orgy. Men having sex with women doesn't count. It's pretty pathetic to reduce individuals to just sexual objects and that's comming from someone in the BDSM scene.

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[user has been permabanned for transphobia]

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that’s easy, all they have to do is say nigger and they’ll get permabanned

That list is so fucking garbage
also Planescape Torment being anywhere near the top 10, we all fucking know it's one of those games people say they've played and love but never actually played and just bandwagon

based af

>im with her

Attached: goldberg.jpg (1024x819, 86K)

"This historical game has no black people, and that is a problem."
"This historical game puts black people in a negative light, and that is a problem."
"This historical game is up to my modern standards of how black people should be represented, anachronistic of how it was at that game's time, and now I am satisfied until the next historical game comes out that does not represent them enough to me."

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I love the top ten, they pretty much got it right.

Already I can feel your jealous seething.

[user has been permabanned for supporting transphobic and homophobic comments]

>implying that Yea Forums isn't already resetera

>that fucking screencap

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>I love the top ten, they pretty much got it right.

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listen buddy.
i watched a walkthrough. its a good visual novel

this, difference is it's a whole thread of ironically being a dope instead of most of a thread

Hey guys, I think games should be fun and politics arent a big de-

[User was banned for this post. Reason: being problematic, enabling white male supremacy, downplaying the goal of the movement]


How did you know he was a pajeeet?

same as it ever was...

>Hey guys, I think games should be fun and politics arent a big de-

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>Both genders
I am actually triggered.

>P4 at the top
>3 at the lowest position
>1 and 2 not even on the list
Actually based.

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing? If Link turned into a slipper when he got beaten by ganon?

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It's almost like they're underhanded and/or just plain stupid

theres only 1, women are property

ME.... UHHHH.... HUH.....

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fuck pewdiepie he's turning our kids into nazis

What's wrong with Planescape? It and Fallout 1 are my favorite CRPGs. I get really bored with generic fantasy shit, found Baldur's Gate really lame. I played Dark Sun recently though and that was pretty cool.

Hey guise look at this cute pic-

[User was banned for this post. Reason:posting a over-sexualized representation of a woman

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Warned: policing bodies

>as a trans person i found it problematic

What's wrong with Chrono Trigger being number 1? It's the only game I would ever consider a 10/10 game.

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>Nier Automata and Witcher 3 being that high
No way in hell that’d RetardEra, thise games are far too “problematic” for people like them.

Nothing is wrong with it, but we all know the only reason it's not only on the list, but that high is because of bandwagoning faggots. Most people haven't even played it but will fellate it endlessly without actually knowing why it was good.

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DAE think Far Cry 5 should have been about killing those bigoted Drumpf supporters? As a trans woman I feel oppressed every time I walk out the door because those rednecks come swarming in to point their guns at me and the police do nothing but laugh at me when they do it.

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I literally can't comprehend that there are people in this world who think differently than me, this is why censorship is needed.

Anyone that says that is an actual misogynist otherwise they wouldn't be so quick to encourage creeps like me to interact with women.

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>Mass Effect 2

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Sharia NOW!!!! Disgusting women are asking to be raped if they dont wear properly!!!! Kill nazis and ban guns while i use 3d guns to kill idealized nazis, i hate democracy!!!!

I guess. I don't really hear anybody talk about it much anymore honestly even on Yea Forums. I feel like you can say that about damn near any game that's old and popular enough though, especially RPGs which are harder to get into.

Japanese games are fricken vile and need to get with the times, like for real

I bet those cucks on Yea Forums are upset about us again. They wish we thought about them as much as they do us.

I found your lack of a trigger warning problematic, because the word problematic triggers my anxiety.

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[User was banned for kink shaming, non inclusive language]

I'm glad that videogames became more like movies but they still need to be easier.

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Intelligent poster

I played this game when I was a kid, and as a cis hetero male, I recognize the evils I have committed.

By playing Super Mario Bros., I am enforcing the idea that women cannot help themselves, and they require a man to support them. I am enforcing the dangers of murder and poaching, and I am committing a hate crime on a turtle-man because he wants to be with the girl he loves. Princess Peach doesn't deserve a killer like me, she deserves Bowser.

I also find it sexist and transphobic that all of the enemies are male. Could Nintendo NOT be so bigoted for once and actually give us representation for the strong trans females out there?

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Guys (and gals), did you hear Sekiro doesn't have an easy mode? :/ I thought we were past this...

He probably had those boobs before pre-surgery lmao.

3/4 of the story was complete fucking uninteresting trash. I liked it once things took a turn for the worst but most of the game was a snooze fest.

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ironically act like reddit and invite redditors, ironically act like resetera and invite them

the snake bites its own tail the snake bites its own tail the snake bites its own tail

Fuck trash japanese games. And fuck subs. Dubs are superior in every single way.

We need even more trans and PoC representation in gaming.

Sekiro should have an easy mode!! I don't want the gratification of overcoming challenges in MY game!

The identical twin of a trans person is many times more likely to be trans as well. The same doesn't apply to a non-identical sibling. Why is that?

Guys how dare you to pretend PS4 isn't the best place to play? You weebs are really out of control, who cares if we've lost 5-10 exclusives in the past couple of years. Consider yourself blocked

Whats to act like, this place is already full of easily triggered fags.

Girl fetishists are creepy as fuck, god.

oh boy i sure love video games

Lower IQ than the average GIV MOMMY GF PLEASE poster, scary.

This is not the "ITT: We act like we're in Yea Forums" thread.

That mental illnesses are not only an enviromental factor, but also a genetical?

This place is already resetera though. We even have a tranny janitor.

Attached: no, i think not.png (250x250, 91K)

I enjoyed Minecraft back in the day, i don't see how it's cretor current opinions should change this fact


People are genetically predisposed toward getting bullied, blaming it on their gender, believing that women have it easier and going insane as a result?

Just because you can't acquire proficiency to play Sekiro doesn't mean the entire game needs to change to fit you. Imagine buying a book that uses a higher level of vocabulary than you can understand and complaining to the author they need to make it easier to understand

>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST: Skill shaming, harassing women, mansplaining, being correct, junior account

The whole mansplaining thing drives me up a wall tb.h.

>Fatikarp uses Splash!
>No effect!

Can we do something about PC gamers appearing to be fueled by toxic masculinity?

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People get bullied, abused and even raped all the time, without developing a mental disorder - like PTSD - as a result. Obviously if I were to trust your statement and you were to trust mine, then there are risk factors that make you more predestined to develop a mental illness. But why the goalmoving all of the sudden?

Have sex

if the mods had any sense of humour every poster in the thread would be banned

fucking hell

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You know what really grinds their gears? Ignoring their tactless behaviour. If someone says something dumb, just ignore them. It's how you condition pets most effectively and humans being ignored is just as devastating for them. They'll learn.

Did you guys check out what happened to /r/games?

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I know right. Shoving the goldface meme in the face of pc assholes is inefficient. Spamming Epic stealing Steam games threads as the divide and conquer strategy appears to backfire. What should we do?!?!

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why are there so many "mtf" trannies?
for every 1 "ftm" theres 20 "mtfs"
why do the traps outnumber the tranny fujos?

trigger you cis shitlord

You don't need to trust my statement. I can back it up.

>Androgen Receptor Repeat Length Polymorphism Associated with Male-to-Female Transsexualism

>There is a likely genetic component to transsexualism, and genes involved in sex steroidogenesis are good candidates. We explored the specific hypothesis that male-to-female transsexualism is associated with gene variants responsible for undermasculinization and/or feminization. Specifically, we assessed the role of disease-associated repeat length polymorphisms in the androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor β (ERβ), and aromatase (CYP19) genes.

>A significant association was identified between transsexualism and the AR allele, with transsexuals having longer AR repeat lengths than non-transsexual male control subjects (p = .04).

>This study provides evidence that male gender identity might be partly mediated through the androgen receptor.

>Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation

>Combining data from our independent findings with those from past research, 13 of 39 male MZ twin pairs (33.3%) were found to be concordant for transsexual identity and eight of 25 (22.8%) female MZ twins were found concordant. In comparison, concordance between either male or female DZ twins was low or zero (1/38 = 2.6%; Table 5).

MZ=Monozygotic, DZ=Dizygotic

If we look at the second study we see that a third of the MTF identical twins are gender identity concordant. The NHS estimates that roughly 1% of the population is trans. That's an increase of over ~3300%. If the genetic factors in question merely increase the chance that someone who is bullied, blames their gender and thinks women have it better becomes trans then the incidence rate of that course of events must be far higher than 33.3% in normative boys. Implausible.


Being a man is actually harder.

I am honestly surprised every post in this thread is just not "REEEEEEEE".

Im surprised its not deleted yet

Lets unpack this

In order for you to salvage your "being bullied, blaming things on gender and thinking girls have it better makes you trans" hypothesis you must posit that some combination of genes makes this course of events far, far more likely. Likely enough to explain the 33.3% concordance rate. This is why I asked you if some people are genetically predisposed toward behaving in this fashion and, if so, by what mechanism?

>why the goalmoving all of the sudden?
This is not what that term means. I'm asking you questions that pertain to your central thesis: that bullying, blaming things on gender and thinking girls have it better makes one trans.

When you realize Yea Forums is invading Resetera............

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ugh. can we not???

So tired of those racist posts...
As a white guy I can recognize the future of video games lies in the hands of PoC and Women and people of non conforming gender...

I do. I'd show you but the wife's not into that. Nice irish catholic girl.

>illusion 0

resetera is Yea Forums just moderated they have the same nintendo dicksucking as this board they have weebs le contrarian opinion

The ratio depends on the region in question. A 2015 US survey found that there are only slightly more MTFs than FTMs. Pic related.

A 2017 Spanish study found that the ratio is roughly 2.2:1 in favor of MTFs

I can't find a source but IIRC in China there are more FTMs than MTFs.

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Boi do i hate white people
Death to all men except those from diverse backgrounds

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So is Resetera the new DING DONG BANNU?

Based Factchad

If this is how Resetera is like, I like it better than Yea Forums already.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I've never visited resetera so I don't know what it's really like there

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I feel like a lot of the people acting like SJWs on Yea Forums are just bait-posting, because of how many (You)s those posts get.

Idk how to use the site, or else I would be baiting there everyday.

it's pretty funny how mad people still get even knowing that it's bait

Something I see a lot these days is "I know this is bait, but I'm butthurt about this post anyway". What happened to "Don't feed the trolls"?

Nothing, but Witcher 3, Planescape, FF7, New Vegas & Persona 5 are objectively garbasge

>some people are genetically predisposed toward behaving in this fashion and, if so, by what mechanism?

You won't find an answer to that, because mental disorders are a very modern discovery and have so many factors in play. Just as you won't find an answer as to what exactly causes gender identity disorder. So your hypothesis of 'bullying = trans' is moving the goal post, because I've never said any of that.

Just to recap the start of the discussion:
You were asking why identical twins are more likely to turn trans, while regular siblings are not. I said that this is due to enviromental factors and genetical inheritance.

Then you started to go on a tangent from there on, that everyone that gets bullied becomes an incel and later a tranny.
Your assumption is that everyone who suffers from a trauma or has experienced anything bad in their life, will a 100% suffer from a mental disorder in effect. That's absolutely false.

>"Fifty percent of the participants reported no childhood trauma, 27% reported one, and 23% reported two or more."

Eventhough 50% of the participants have suffered from one trauma or more, only 13% actually suffer from a disorder because of it.

>"There are two reasons why most trauma victims do not succumb to PTSD. First, victims vary in their vulnerabilities. Just as not everyone who smokes cigarettes is equally likely to develop heart disease or lung cancer, not everyone exposed to a traumatic stressor is equally likely to develop PTSD."

Perhaps there's also the simple explaination that twins will just stick together and experience everything together, while regular siblings generally lead lives apart.

Feeding the trolls to troll the people who get mad when I feed the trolls. That's why I do it anyway.

Ugh look at this mysogninist objectified design, did she consent to being dressed like that?!?

Girl fetishist incels are the worst, no real woman looks like that, this is setting an unattainable standard! I can't even

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Being a women is easier

>Respondents sometimes provided responses that seemed unlikely, for instance running away from home at a very young age, such as two years old. In the case of responses that were considered unlikely, they were allowed to remain in the dataset.
great data set btw

Why are you necroing a dead thread? I hope moderators ban you for good.

>MOD EDIT: User banned for discussing forum moderation actions. Leave it to the professionals, guys!

Wow look how hot he is!

*schlick schlick schlick*

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I'm not an expert on definitions, but since when does Breath of the Wild count as a JRPG?

(User was banned for the following reason:

If you think ResetEra is a hive mind where people get banned for disagreeing, then you don't need to post here.)

it's like a normal forum. it triggers Yea Forums because they ban people for saying slurs and they actually talk about video games instead of spamming wojaks.

I don't know how people there act.

you'll never be a woman

hi resetera hows the dillation ?

>spams gangweed memes because people are talking shit about Bioware or some other garbage developer

>it's a normal forum

Attached: obfdab.png (1019x271, 41K)

Yea Forums is literally a right-wing ResetEra

>Just to recap the start of the discussion
Okay. Let us do so. Here it is:
In this post you made a great deal of claims about what makes one trans. I asked you to explain how these claims mesh with the evidence showing that transness has a significant genetic component. You responded by saying that just because something has a genetic component doesn't mean that it doesn't also have an environmental component. I agreed and pointed out that the rate of concordance indicates that fully a third of MTF identical twins are gender identity concordant. If genetics merely increase the chance that someone who undergoes the events outlined in your first post becomes trans and genetics don't increase the chance that said person will undergo said events then those events must be *very* common. I said that this is implausible.

You spent the rest of this post fighting a straw man.I never claimed that undergoing certain things is guaranteed to make someone develop a certain mental illness.

>You won't find an answer to that, because mental disorders are a very modern discovery and have so many factors in play.
So, you admit that your initial post, where you presented a narrative of what makes one trans, is nothing but conjecture, yes?

>So your hypothesis of 'bullying = trans' is moving the goal post, because I've never said any of that.
You did in the post I initially responded to.

>Eventhough 50% of the participants have suffered from one trauma or more, only 13% actually suffer from a disorder because of it
What is this supposed to prove? As I have said before the concordance figures only make sense if some combination of genes makes the twins more likely to undergo the events outlined in your first post.

>Perhaps there's also the simple explaination that twins will just stick together and experience everything together, while regular siblings generally lead lives apart.
Is there data showing that this is the case? Can this explain a 3300% increase?

Imagine the most neurotic, sheltered and repressive, virtue signalling crowd of people possible.
That's resetarea.

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And that's a good thing,lefties are all mentally ill anyway.

if that was true we wouldn't be able to even have this thread. Resetera censors anything they dont like atleast on Yea Forums you can argue about why you think the other person is retard

Shh. they'll just deny it

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To be fair, a lot of these designs are fan service as hell because they can’t design anything more interesting than just going “hey she has gigantic tits, buy her game!”

you...fucking... cisgender white male!

i doubt that compared to the shit most of you do and post here. And ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>Yea Forums
>right wing anything

this board is probably the most left leaning on this site

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Mods here don't ban people for holding leftist opinions unless it's an obvious falseflag to make them look bad though.

The majority of people I know in real life who use Yea Forums are lefties.

ironic shitposting is this boards sole purpose

You don't believe that. No one else believes that

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Im gay and I think that this is offensive to pansexual minorities. Kiss your account goodbye.

As a person living in Japan, I can't stand that loli culture is so pervasive in every facet of life. I'm glad that Sony is cracking down on this sick garbage.
[User was promoted to moderator for this post]

I'm saying theres nothing wrong with fan service, also calling out their hypocrisy and double-standards They'll deride and demonize an attractive female character design to death but say nothing or even praise the male character designs they find attractive, its illogical and unfair.

"Rules for thee and not for me"

Wouldn't be a big problem if game devs didn't take this rabid screaming vocal minority seriously

Attached: 1531151688478.jpg (2445x3573, 3.78M)

>User Banned (1 Month): Insisting Yea Forums is a right wing website

Pokémon Gen2 (cuz we don't know the game) should be below Pokémon R/B/Y, because we have the rights to not be called as genwunners by inferior communities ;)

you can't objectify men so it's ok

>[User was promoted to moderator for this post]

imagine the smell

There's no other board on Yea Forums that's more left leaning, maybe only Yea Forums.

No, they just leave up a bunch of shitty waifufag threads that make this board even worse than it already is.

"I respect women and blacks."


I need to douche my shitoris

Fair point


You have to be joking, Yea Forums and/tv/ are the fucking 4th Reich.


no its not fucking retard. No one gets banned here for holding "wrong" opinions

How the fuck do you register there? I'd love to troll them but they locked down hard.

You're full of shit. Yea Forums is the same board that cried about Sarkeesian's dreadfully pedestrian feminism 101 lectures. It's far right.

>trying to normalize Retardera crossposting
Kill yourself, OP.

Ugh how dare the Japanese design such attractive female characters in their games instead of designing what our enlightened Western progressive ideological movement tells them they can design instead

Attached: 1545709979606.png (728x1030, 605K)

Fuck anime

Attached: 1525728457726.jpg (1073x989, 110K)

Most resetera posters are pretty normal, as was the case with neogaf. They just don't post much outside the video game threads.

everyone here is a russian bot incel

Pointing out or complaining stupid batshit crazy extreme feminists doesn't mean you lean left or right. Most people on both sides think they're nuts. Same goes for hating on trump.

Ugh Japan, could you like NOT?!

Attractive fictional females trigger me because I'm an insecure and jealous bitch and/or a pathetic beta male ashamed of his own male sexuality!

Attached: 1551508958495.jpg (744x1074, 153K)

Games without Easy Modes are literally racist and sexist and ableist and Hitler


Hitler was the good guy.

>Most resetera posters are pretty normal


This thread reads exactly the same as every other thr-oh, I get it.

Attached: 1536205220692.gif (207x259, 717K)

The issue is far more complex than that and you know it. You're whining like a child and frankly, it's embarrassing.

Have sex.

wtf she's showing skin on her legs!





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>User was banned for this post

Why can't more games have an emphasis on cuck pride? There's too much toxic masculinity in video games.

I'm just whining like the retardera fags whine about every attractive Japanese design in vidya

Have fun.

Attached: 1552585378995.png (2000x1124, 3.46M)

The cancerous "have sex" meme is from Retardera?

>Most resetera posters are pretty normal

Attached: 1554325360003.jpg (3068x2216, 741K)

Twitter I think.


If it weren't for Yea Forums I don't think I would know retardera exists. You fags belong together.

I like it when there's less games for people to play. It means that we got rid of all those problematic games.

Attached: 234627234572457.png (792x691, 299K)

Sarkeesian is fucking tame lol actual leftists just find her boring since she's stating the obvious

Remember when we had our own memes instead of stolen Twitter memes?

Never been to Resetera or wanted to. I've only heard it's a tranny and SJW safespace. So why the fuck is everyone here so obsessed with them? Same thing with reddit. Holy shit it's like their very existence triggers you people. Stop giving them the attention they don't deserve.

Power fantasies in videogames are a relic of a colonial institutionalized slavery past and a subconscious oppressing factor influencing white males into becoming alt-right nazi sympathizers that's why we should have more walking simulator games instead and relinquish power to the player in order to make him sympathize and walk in the shoes of the oppressed disenfranchised minority that needs more diversity and empowerment in order to relinquish the legacy of colonial era slavery racism sexism ableism problematic and also I suck twenty dicks

(Part 1 of 42)

Attached: 1509479799054.jpg (1441x1133, 444K)

Stop playing dumb.

>you like good-looking females in games, have sex, incel
>fuck you male heterosexuals!
>i respect women

Attached: 1098058092496.jpg (720x573, 41K)

Yea Forums is entirely stolen reddit meme images and stolen twitter meme vernacular these days. Every other post is
>What did he mean by this?
Its like reading a fucking script. Someone posts a butt, you know that the first reply is "IMAGINE THE SMELL!"

Attached: 1534271603485.gif (300x300, 2.92M)

Testosterone tends to make you less of an attention whore. It also makes you at least look like a man if you were a woman, instead of a mtf looking like a pig in drag.

Regardless of whether Yea Forums is left or right, I miss the times when politics weren't such a big deal here.

Quality post

Attached: 140875987289424.png (1080x1920, 1.98M)

Mods banned gamergate

Attached: 1430152928075.jpg (704x441, 49K)

I've been here for like four years, I've seen pretty much every major meme here been taken from elsewhere


>I've been here for like four years
Wow that's positively ancient user! Wow!

oof, i rate your post a yikes!
wow... sexist much?

>It's common in the tranny community to call men or women eggs, to groom them into the same mentality

You see this shit on Yea Forums and /d/ too lately, spreading from /lgbt/ no doubt, looking for unassuming converts to the tranny cult whom they want to trick into believing their fetishes are indicative of them being trans

When you attempt to reason and argue with these faggots that you are not a tranny and just enjoy these fetishes they get upset and passive aggressive calling you a "repressor"

Very insidious lot.

Attached: dd8thwclO1wimxofo1.jpg (1280x1920, 323K)

Imagine unironically arguing like a woman. If you use the have sex meme, you're barely a man.

this "community" was already full of retards to begin with

Gee, I sure do love Bloodborne. Hey, anyone played this game called Bloodborne, anyone? It's the GOAT. GOTG. I just can't stop talking about Bloodborne, Bloodborne. Bloodborne.

Sekiro? Dark Souls?

Get outta town.


Hey... hey, we should all change our avatars to Spiderman next, that'd be a swell idea, wouldn't it?
And then we should put Kratos's beard on it too. That'd be cool.

Hmmm... another BOTW thread... better make a new bloodborne LTTP on one of my alts...

Get something normal like Bell or Rogers LMAOOO

Have sex!

Nice reddit spacing, bro. I can tell you've actually never been to /d/. /lgbt/ is almost half /pol/tard shitposting anyways.

A lot, but not all. I came here when I was a teenaged edgelord. I grew up. I changed. I'm still here because You're Here Forever is not just a zany meme and if I'm here I might as well speak my mind.

One day, you too will walk these grounds… without really knowing why.

So you're one of the those idiots that flooded the site

ugh can we cancel the concept of proof and evidence? I was raped yesterday and when the police asked for proof I just said "stfu troll" and blocked them on twitter

Attached: retardera proof is illogical and sexist.png (1258x180, 41K)

Why is there cake in that urinal?

Newfags happened

Attached: 1521309261732.png (1069x409, 20K)

>reddit spacing
Fuck off, I've typed like this on here for years due to the tiny reply window on 4chanX quick reply and I'm not stopping just cause of your stupid fucking meme.

>I can tell you've actually never been to /d/
I can tell you haven't, go to any gender bender/TF thread, go to any trap thread and you will see what I mean, you have delusional /lgbt/ fags claiming the fetish makes you trans, calling people eggs, starting up pointless arguments that regular posters of the threads are sick of.

Attached: 1552304065899.jpg (607x730, 84K)

>I grew up
Into a faggot?

Niger I MAKE TF porn. I'm in all of those threads. You're full of shit.

yeah in 2011

You fags don't remember how bad Yea Forums was when tripfags posted here all the time,every post was trolls trolling trolls and the worst kind of shitposting.

>$25 has been deposited into your wife's son bank account

Wow, this is better than Yea Forums's list which is just full of shittt PC games made by Slavs

Nah I'll take the old days with tripfags over current Yea Forums with twitter reposts and outrage culture addicts any fucking day of the week.

Attached: i want to go back.png (806x648, 460K)

I think my 3 year old nephew is trans

No one has followed that in the 11 shitty years I've been stuck here.

Turkey goggles

Among other things, but I did not write your post, and thus I pity you for what you shall yet become.

Imagine the smell

That's exactly why I post those things.

>mfw even King_Zell knows about it

Attached: 1473622859398.jpg (1045x1626, 929K)

I look exactly like this. Is it unattractive? I also wear glasses.

If they get hungry..

Enzom is a white man in digital blackface.


unironically based and redpilled

Why did they list Pokemon gen 2 and Pokemon R/B/Y? Have some consistency.

First off, that's not a TF thread you fucking dipshit. Its really fucking obvious which poster you are though because you're the one spazzing out and getting baited.

Secondly there's like one person in there who said "egg" and its pretty obviously a shitpost meant to make people mad. ctrl f "egg" and guess what, the majority of posts saying it are yours.

more like blackpilled


User Banned (Permanently): Oppressing minorities

Please answer my family always says I'm not ugly but girls don't show any interest in me

Hilariously enough I've been banned for racism on Yea Forums before. It is against the rules.

Absolute clownworld.

I like thing
(User was banned for this post; reason: console warring)
I don't like thing (User was banner for this post; reason: hate-mongering)

Ugh why is anime so problematic and backwards and not conforming to my ideological standards!

Attached: avatar.jpg (356x264, 16K)

I get banned for it CONSTANTLY especially if I mention the Chinese

yes you're ugly

It's 2019 and Japan is STILL making attractive women I'm jealous of and not conforming to our superior western progressive designs where we make them all ugly so I can't be jealous of them!


Attached: 1534472725512.jpg (894x894, 347K)

same but I always evade so it really doesn't matter

How do we diversify RTS and Grand Strategy gaming?

I don't know what resetera is, and I hate you faggots for not only knowing what it is, but knowing enough about it to emulate their posts.

Attached: 32a2a877aa020a612f4d829a724dbec5.jpg (236x180, 13K)

Damn, Japanese women look like THAT?!
>enrols to be 日本語 学生

Thank you. FUCK I just need the truth. I'm tired of being in a world where nobody has the guts to tell the truth anymore.


>That fucking downie smile
That's the sort of face you make when you're making fun of you're friend for being an idiot, holy shit.

Attached: 1550533533697.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

If you hate Resetera, then you know what it is.

Well done user, this is a pretty spot on impression.

If you actually give a single god damn about the sexual objectification of digitally animated fictional characters, YOU are unironically the one who needs to have sex the most. Just let devs make their fucking games. You can either play them or you can fuck off.

I have literally never heard of this site except as a boogeyman on Yea Forums.

True. Every bitch/sjw post I assume is satire.

UMMM, NINTENDO? Yikes, this is a bad look. What did us black people do to you to deserve this Nintendo? Why do you have to kick a race that is globally oppressed? You know what blackface is Nintendo, it's been around for CENTURIES and you go and create THIS! BAKA...this is why racism will always be alive. We must call out the abhorrent racism of the Japanese my brothers and sisters.

Attached: tumblr_m3ud1xmtQR1r1n5pqo1_500.gif (500x390, 576K)

all white people should be killed

>Yea Forumsesetera
>le epic bane land XDDD
>right wing
I have no idea how you can believe the shit you're saying. You have to be trolling



Attached: lizzy.jpg (640x360, 52K)

This, there is literally no board more leftwing than Yea Forums. Everyone here voted for Hillary!

All you need to do is change the word "objectification" to "orientation" in your post and you'd get at least 10 (You)s from seething manchildren.

Anyone else tired of the bullshit sexism in gaming?

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>Ryce is a banjofag
>trying to use his FGC insider status to mute off Vergeben rumors
>he knows nobody cares if he said he has no DLC info
make sense

Just because you keep saying something, doesnt make it true faggot

She looks about like someone who would have their gay son's child.

Dead or alive is problematic because I would actually want to scissor the female fighters with my tranny vag

This is the one guys. Trump is definitely fucked and getting impeached by the end of the month. LET'S GOOOO.

that would be incest though
its probably the sons bf thats the husband

You're going to need shit loads of money or a very interesting career to get over that hump that is your looks.

same applies to you. But keep seething.

I can't wait for the meltdown next year

I actually do post there. Wanted to try a classic format forum after only coming here for more than a decade. Since one kept getting shoved in my face I figured why not. It’s not a very responsive community though, it’s a lot harder to actually delve into an ongoing discussion than it is here as most posts are just responses to OPs.

Doubt anyone could guess who but mostly because I don’t post a ton and am not remotely relevant and I avoid the political threads I assume the people in Yea Forumss resetera threads check most.

At first I wanted her to step on my DICK
But now I want her to step on my SOUL

Did you mean Father? And I wasn't speaking about her actual Son being the father, I was saying she looks about how you'd expect someone to look who was going to have her gay son's statement still isn't wrong.

Anime is, like, ugh, so bad.



What the fuck is Resetera and why is everyone talking about it? Who gives a fuck?

Japan needs to do its part in the global community to accept more immigrants and refugees. It's the only way to fix their declining birth rate.

based honest Nips

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english is hard when im sleepy

Fuck drumpf

Fuck Nintendophobes

Attached: IMG_20190404_094913.jpg (379x379, 28K)

I no have much to say for WorldAutismAwarenessDay except that I'm happy with and proud to be autistic and I am happy with self a lot more because of it I thiiink. c:

Also do not discriminate and do not use autism as edgy insults that is very bad.

just cut off my dick

wat do?

Attached: 1552884304122.jpg (600x665, 149K)

I got 5 games banned this past month. I'm so proud of it.

Please tell me no one genuinely talks like that and that this is some parody.

Anyone else love getting people banned for slurs/racism/toxicity?

Seeing that message show up that a player has been dealt with thanks to my report is the highlight of my day

Oh wait, that isn't ResetEra, I've seen fucking Yea Forums threads like this.

From what I've heard they are regressive left SJW trannies that flag anything as toxic behavior if what you say doesn't fall in line with their way of thinking. There is no "free speech" as anything you say will be flagged as toxic.


Attached: Eric.png (509x605, 364K)

>cis hetero male
Some crimes can never be forgiven

Attached: Peter gun.png (382x417, 179K)

| [Op said: ^] |
|ITT: We act like we're in ResetEra |
Idk how though

>reddit boogieman is now resetera boogieman
>because the majority of Yea Forums now also uses reddit as well once they realized it was a useful site to get information
>soon the same thing is going to happen with resetera

Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. - MLK


Nice projection, resetera was always laughed at along with reddit (when it was neofags)

like every other day


give me your epic face boo

You've been banned for virgin shaming.

She is literally invincible. She has falsely accused streamers of rape, threatened to sue streamers, falsely copyright striked videos and channels, and illegally gained citizenship for Canada and nothing has happened to her.

>Imply virgin shaming exist, sex negative hetero patriarchy cultural rape society really hate women for then you can't talk about virgin shaming until rape culture, slut shaming and sex negative society stop exist and maybe if you become good guy somebody will love you.

im gonna need a source on that one chief

In this very thread with hundreds of posters, nearly every one is mocking resetera and their beliefs. You're both seething and delusional.

>Yea Forums is one person, fact!
Saying it over and over again doesn't make it true.

>Pretty woman pic
>female in profile
>MtF in reality

Yeah? Well I miss when they weren't such a big deal in the industry at large.

>Username: SparklingGamer
>Posts: 2497
>Gender: Female
>Pronouns: They/Them

>because the majority of Yea Forums now also uses reddit
why you lie? Nigger faggot

You know where you belong now.

>useful site to get information
Maybe information about the latest insane crusade about to happen against my hobby.

Hello fellow Quebecer

Being a faggot is one thing but being a self-hating whitey that whines about "toxic masculinity" among other fake first world problems is not exactly admirable.

Why is it that nostalgia fags for old Yea Forums hate on WoW classic nostalgia? It's strange.

>I can't find a source but IIRC in China there are more FTMs than MTFs.
That would make sense.

Leftists aren't very good at self-awareness so it's likely they think they're promoting equality while doing the exact opposite of it.

There is no hard right safe space where you get banned for being leftist because they all get deplatformed. It's funny that even seeing one fucking place on the internet where you can express wrongthink (and still be challenged on it) immediately makes the left start trying to draw false parallels though.


Sony giving out free games for PS+ is a goodwill gesture. I wouldn’t mind if they increase the price of PS+ in the future, almost feel guilty that they are charging so low for those services

Anybody have any trap porn? You know, videogame related.

>Yea Forums is right wing

Attached: 157658687564.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

how dare you use that word that gets people killed