>new banners
>April Fools event
>still no Dokkan thread
What the hell guys? You did get them to 100%, right?
New banners
Other urls found in this thread:
I beat all of super battleroad, i have also raibowed all of the F2P LR possible i've lost my main reason to play, but i still put 100 stones on the cooler banner and all i got was future gohan
i just wish i had more SBR stages i have to wait for a new WT or battlefield reset to really have fun again
New player here, did about 4 multis. Can i make a good team out of these? Im assuming using the new Vegeta and making a pure saiyan team, which pure saiyans should i use for it?
i didnt managed to get 1 vegeta, am i unlucky?
>did a single multi roll on Metal Cooler's banner
>got three of him
Did I win guys
Also fuck this AF event, I can't get any god damn drops of the Vegeta one but thousands of Gokus.
Is it worth summoning on the category banner for STR Frieza?
PHY Vegeta
SSJ3 Bardock
SSB Vegeta
Wrathful Broly
Great Ape Tora
These are all pretty amazing PS units, PS also has a lot of good F2P options
Teq SSJ3 Angel Goku, INT SSJ Broly, Coat Goku and Vegeta and the AGL Starterku can all be put on the team if you need filler.
Hold on to your stones for the 4th anniversary and try and summon LR SSJ4's
No. He's an unfeatured unit on regular banners so you always have a chance to get him.
I felt the same way until Kid Goku released, but there really isn't anything else to look forward to but card releases.
The story hasn't been updated in about 2 years, both battlefield and EZA events are mediocre as fuck and not much different from regular events.
SBR is all that's left for endgame players and they refuse to update it so I'm really tempted to quit until something happens for that and comeback stones.
How long until the 4th anni? I was gonna try and go for that SS4 Goku thats featured on Vegeta's banner.
It's in July
July, you can try and go for the Full Power SSJ4 Goku as well though but the LRs are better
Oh okay, might as well then hold off. Also to the user that told me TEQ Vegeta Blue, which one? Both Blue's i have are TEQ, the one from the Vegeta/Trunks giveaway or the other?
How many stones you guys would consider "sufficient" to have in hands on the aniversary?
2500 so you can buy LR Vegetto/Gogeta
Enough to do at least five or six full multis. And if you are F2P, just hoard your stones from campaign and login bonuses, special missions, events, and wait it out. It would be more or less the same concept as every other gacha game, if you try to summon on every new banner, chances are you won't get shit but if you save up you'll usually do well. That's why I skipped on the Future Gohan banner, Hit banner, and Super Buu banners and went all out on the transformin Vegeta one.
Even got him his third dupe from a single.
>300 stones no featured units
I wanted Hit really bad, why is it doing this to me?
He has no usefulness outside 2 sbr stages so you're not missing out on much at least.
>5th year anniversary JP will probably get LR MUI Goku and LR Limit Break/Full Power Jiren
Also just fucking Turles back on the banner Akatsuki you faggots
Not him but that TEQ Hit is pretty fucking amazing, especially when paired with Jiren.
Is the TEQ Beerus EZA good?
He and the LR Beerus together are the strongest rotation on the Realm of Gods AND movie bosses categories.
Beerus EZA>>>>>>>elder god tier>>>>>>>>>awesome>good>bad>>>>>>> trash
I have TEQ Beerus at level 10 for his SA and with two dupes but no LR Beerus/Whis. Will he still be good after being EZA'd without his best linking partner?
>Did 1 multi on cooler
> got a dupe for teq vegito
I guess i have to wait for an eza of him and INT vegito
TEQ Beerus, TEQ Perfect Cell, INT Janemba, INT Ultimate Gohan, TEQ SSB Vegeta, and PHY Kid Buu are the best EZA units in the game.
He will hit like a car instead of like a monster truck.
the new banner is a fucking trap, i get everyone on the banner except the new cooler
INT Gohan is good but doesn't belong on this list, especially when STR Gogeta exists yet somehow didn't make it on.
I forgot about STR Gogeta but yeah INT Gohan is definitely one of the better ones. 80% defensive buff, can always spam super attacks without needing 12 ki, stacks attack, etc...He's better than AGL SS3 Goku, STR SS3 Goku, and a lot of other EZA units.
>.He's better than AGL SS3 Goku,
Hell fucking no
SS3 is a billion times more versatile and fits on way more team while also having 120% def and doing stupid crazy damage, int gohan is ok but certainly not on ss3 goku's level
And what event can you run the both of them on that would actually require effort?
As someone that's used him extensively, his defense is negligible. I'd never want him taking a hit on challenging content. I'd call the SSJ3 Vegeta superior for his tanking and ability to stun, the EZA Trunks and Vegeta for their great support passives, FP Frieza for his synergy and absurd damage on Cooler's category, and AGL Broly for stacking both defense and attack FAR more quickly and to higher levels than Gohan can.
Then there's the problem where Gohan has very few categories, one of them he can't be run on with its category leader, and another is one of the worst categories in the game (of the "real" ones) because its leader doesn't fucking link with anyone.
How do people play this game? The actual "gameplay" of pick one ball to touch each round and sliding team order just doesn't make sense to me.
He's better than 90% of the other EZA units who are all decent to high tier units themselves. Off the top of my head I would say at LEAST he's superior to:
>STR TUR Broly
>PHY TUR FP Freeza
>F2P Coat Goku and Coat Vegeta
>SS3 STR Goku
>SS3 AGL Goku
>INT Perfect Cell
>PHY Future Rage Trunks
>AGL + PHY Ultimate Gohan
>Goku Jr + Vegeta JR
>STR Kid Gohan
>AGL Piccolo (Nail)
>STR Movie 10 Super Saiyan Goku
>AGL Movie 10 Teen Super Saiyan Gohan
>STR Movie 10 Super Saiyan Goten
>more versatile
>Gohan can tank as much with a 40% def buff which has no turn restriction
It's literally fucking bejeweled it's simple as fuck. The gameplay is about the teambuilding and finding units that link well and whose passives work well together.
You can run them both on a Universal Survival Saga one. Or when we finally get that category stage in SBR so the two can be used together because they link very wel.
>Half of those are F2P
>Another quarter aren't Dokkanfest units
>And the remaining quarter you're just fucking wrong about.
Nothing INT Gohan brings to the table can match SS3 Goku breaking 2.5 million attack with minimal effort, because as user said above Gohan barely fits on most of his teams while Goku is a God on SS3 or Goku's Lineage
Different user but I have him rainbowed and even with just a 120% attack leader on a mono INT team, he starts right off the bat with a 1.4 million attack and that's before raising his attack. The bonus that he gives himself Ki and always has enough to get that extra 7th ki boost or more to activate his defensive buff and can always spam attacks is really good.
He does over 2 million rainbowed right away on a Goku lineage team.
>Universal Survival Saga one
The story events are easy as fuck and the dokkan events can be beaten with most teams. Only the hypothetical SBR stage actually matters and who knows when that will happen.
STR Ultimate Gohan does like 2.7 million on Goku lineage team under dual LR SS4 Gokus, and INT one does like 2.1 to 2.2 million. He's definitely within the top 5 to 7 EZA unit tier list.
>Coat Goku and Coat Vegeta
>whales like DaTruth and others claim Coat SSB Goku is better than event STR SSB Goku (Future Saga)
>test it
>only slightly outdamaged and that's if you have him facing a movie boss and only if he has support units massively buffing him do to the mechanics of his SA
>SSB STR Bluku still can outtank another other Goku save the transforming AGL one
Also why do people not even realize the STR one is meant for defense? The only thing they fucked up with him is they should've given him a mechanic where his SA raises his defense or attack.
>SS3 Goku
Not a chance, his atk stat hits around 1.7 million on a 170% lead at rainbow level compared to 1.8 with str SS3 at rainbow and 2.1 with agl SS3 at rainbow not to mention the defensive boost the both of them get.
>Phy Trunks
Trunks hits for about 1.4 million at rainbow and generates a fuckton more damage on Vegeta's Lineage as well as providing ki and links.
Post big dick hp teams
INT Ultimate Gohan goes over 2 million on Goku's Lineage, I severely doubt a 170% leader like LR SS4 Vegta Phy Rage Trunks is hitting those numbers on a Vegeta Lineage team.
>providing Ki
Are you stupid? PHY Rage Trunks is a support unit, INT Gohan is not. They don't do the same thing.
Even with Bulla on a Vegeta lineage/category team on the field, Rainbowed PHY Future Trunks doesn't hit 2 million. Actually even next to and paired with EZA SSB Vegeta, he can barely get to 1.6 million.
EZA PHY Trunks at least makes Hybrid Saiyans finally not a shitty team if you have LR Trunks.
>LR Kid Gohan
He also boosts up the Future Saga team. Then again I wonder how good TEQ SSB Vegeta will hold up with his EZA because INT SSB Vegeta is getting one in the next couple months as well. Who I also have rainbowed. I like him more just because his SA is pretty neat to watch every time he does it.
>still beat the hit event without dropping below 500k hp
I can beat the Hit even with a F2P team that has less than 250k HP, its not that hard.
>INT Ultimate Gohan goes over 2 million on Goku's Lineage
I'm talking pure atk stats. If you count crits/additionals he's still at a major disadvantage just being an int type.
>I severely doubt a 170% leader like LR SS4 Vegta Phy Rage Trunks is hitting those numbers on a Vegeta Lineage team.
I never tested it myself, but I've seen screencaps at that level in ideal settings. Personally, he hits at 900k with 1 dupe but he generates at least another 600k from the support boost.
>PHY Rage Trunks is a support unit, INT Gohan is not. They don't do the same thing.
The EZA makes him a capable unit on his own on top of being a support. You can't pick and choose which elements to count when you're judging which unit is the best overall.
>even next to and paired with EZA SSB Vegeta, he can barely get to 1.6 million.
And he makes the units around him much stronger too. On the same rotation as SS4 Vegeta, he helps give him at least an extra 300k. Add it up and he's at a level to compete with Gohan.
Goku lineage SBR enemies will deal 470k on a neutral SA
Rotations have 3 units so the support is even higher, still nobody is arguing GoD toppo is better than SS3 gotenks because he gives LR goku and freeza an extra 2 million attack
450 + stones for cooler and only got piccolo, grinding out more now
I'm gonna get him r-right guys?
Considering Gotenks himself only hits at around 1.8 million free dupe, Toppo is better given you have the right setup. He can also probably tank better too since Gotenks is a glass canon.
im so fuckin sad bros
fuckin sayian nigger day and i wasted 400 f2p stones when if i was smart i woudl save till 4th aniversery and have like 1000 by then and summon and get the god like units from the vegeta banner
I am still gonna do one more multi after like 4-5 before it goes away tonight. Only featured I got was Bardock and it was 2, in the same summon, and they were both dupes. Gotta get the ss4 but I'll be happy with Vegeta too even though I already have SSBE.
3 multis... got nothing... hopefully more luck during the anniversary, keeping my other 400 stones for that.
>I'm talking pure atk stats
And I'm talking pure damage numbers. PHY Rage Trunks can not hit close to the numbers INT Gohan can. Crits and additionals also makes this worse because Gohan can infinitely stack his SA permanently through a fight.
>I never tested it myself
Go look up videos from Nano, D-Free, or even Datruth, on his best rotation with Bra and TEQ SSB Vegeta, he can not get above 1.7 million. INT Gohan starts off over 2 million even before stacking his attack.
>The EZA makes him a capable of unit
No one denied this.
>You can't pick and choose which elements to count
I'm not. INT Ultimate Gohan is there to tank and do damage, he's not a support unit. PHY Rage Trunks can now do damage and tank okay but he's still primarily there to buff other units. He can not hit as hard as Ultimate Gohan, INT or STR version, he doesn't come close at all even when on his best rotation on a Vegeta family team as INT Gohan does on a Goku family team.
I have a rainbowed GoD Toppo, on a RoG team he can not really tank that well. Where UI Goku, Jiren, etc..typically take double digit numbers, he'll still take 10-15k on average even with type advantage on a dokkan fight.
>Toppo is better given you have the right setup
And that is why you don't count support damage as somthing an individual unit does, it's only relevant when comparing teams not cards.
Cooler is fucking great but his banner is meh
As a f2p Anni has much more value
So do AGL West Kaioshin and STR GoD Toppo. They are great units for what they do, buff other members of their team. If we want to talk about damage, then they are shit. We should be careful in comparing units that do different things with others. And for the record, between the two, TEQ SSB Vegeta EZA made him superior to PHY Rage Trunk's EZA.
I'm not gonna buy stones
Cooler > LR baby
True for me, especially since I have optimal refrigerator team, except cooler
Aside from Cooler Gogeta Blue and dbs Broly are there any "LR level" TURs?
those fuckin april joke units wont drop
and 12 stamina a run? kikes
vegito blue and rose
Your move, atheists
>tfw AGL Metal Cooler with support and his full passive active hits as hard as the new LR SS4 Goku and Vegeta
He's fucking insane and underrated. Also Cooler > Broly.
What an absolute shaft this banner was. Oh well, next stop waifu banner for bulma jr
>no dupes in your Metal Cooler
Why user
TUR AGL Metal Cooler
TUR AGL Super Saiyan Gogeta (new one)
EZA TUR STR Super Gogeta
EZA TEQ Perfect Cell
EZA TEQ Beerus
EZA INT Janemba
TEQ Vegito Blue
Maybe also INT Goku Black
>no lr cell
> it's only relevant when comparing teams not cards.
You gave an overly specific example that doesn't reflect support units in general. Even here, Trunks can be run on a multitude of teams with similar results. If you want to argue about how exclusive certain cards are, Gotenks himself his a DFE and so is Hit.
>PHY Rage Trunks can not hit close to the numbers INT Gohan can.
I can back up my numbers if need be, can you?
>Gohan can infinitely stack his SA permanently through a fight.
Battles last 5-7 turns at most so you're only looking at a 2-300k stack by the end which would average out to about an extra 100k on top of the atk he already has per turn under just the right conditions. It really isn't very much to conisder.
>on his best rotation with Bra and TEQ SSB Vegeta, he can not get above 1.7 million.
He gets to over 2 million when you add support damage on top of that.
>2 million even before stacking his attack.
Again, I'm considering atk stats alone and Gohan is at 1.7-1.9 million at rainbow in raw atk. His additional atk level is far lower than Trunks too.
>He can not hit as hard as Ultimate Gohan, INT or STR version
I don't care about str and I've already explained that you can't overlook the damage he generates for allies when Gohan can't.
>I have a rainbowed GoD Toppo, on a RoG team he can not really tank that well.
And that's most likely still better than Phy Gotenks.
>>tfw AGL Metal Cooler with support and his full passive active hits as hard as the new LR SS4 Goku and Vegeta
Something tells me there is some disingenuousness going on here
When a bunch of people call him underrated every single day and there is a ton of hype behind him pro-tip: he's not underrated
>If we want to talk about damage, then they are shit.
You can't group all of them together and overlook the fact that Trunks can hit just as hard as normal atk boost units now if not more.
>for the record
I don't care.
How badly is farming all the f2p Cooler team going to make me want to kill myself?
you need 500 medals
why do people say the LR beerus/eza beerus rotation is strong on realm of gods?
they and the floating UI gokus aren't ever going to get any ki
>drops are 1 and 1-2
So I'll be playing with the noose already around my neck and cyanide pills at the ready, got it.
>I can back up my numbers if need be, can you?
>Battles last 5-7 turns
INT Gohan on a 120% leader (Super Gogeta) with a friend one starts off at 1.3 million. Under Goku's lineage he's doing over 2 million even before stacking his attack. Additionals will jump that up to 2.2-2.3 in the first turn easily.
>He gets to over 2 million
I watched Nano and DT's video and he can hit that hard even with support units helping him. I doubt that.
>Again I'm considering atk stats alone
And I'm not, its ultimately irrelevant.
>Gohan is at 1.7 to 1.9 million
He's over 2 million.
>you can't overlook the damage he generates for allies
And you can't overlook he will never come close to INT Gohan's damage stacking thanks to the KK mechanic with his SA. Gohan doens't buff allies because he isn't a support. You can't overlook or ignore the fact he can always do an SA because he only needs 6 Ki to do one and will always have that.
I already have 118 from the first time I did the event so with the increased drops this should take like a day or two.
*he can't hit that hard even with support units helpin ghim
Run a lizard team and you'll get more.
>rolled on the Cooler banner instead of the Vegeta one again
What the fuck am I doing I still don't have that Vegeta, now I gotta save up stones all over again.
Rose is so fucking good and aged like wine
Can't wait for the AGL one to get an EZA
>running all 3 160% multiplier TURs on the same team
realm of gods is kino
>Cooler > Broly.
Enlightened poster
i wasted 550 stones in the start of the year and i got absolute dog shit
Only needed a pull to destroy filthy monkeys.
RoG needs a new leader with shocking speed, I want to run the goku blacks in one rotation and the beerus on the other
How about a Champa Vados LR?
>he's doing over 2 million even before stacking his attack. Additionals will jump that up to 2.2-2.3 in the first turn easily.
Show me then.
>he can hit that hard even with support units helping him
He helps other hard hitting units, that's what I've been saying this whole time. A showcase video is probably one of the worst places to check since any other unit will be mostly ignored.
>its ultimately irrelevant.
>He's over 2 million.
It's not unless a unit is super effective against all types. Trunks has better additional buffs than Gohan hands down, making him stronger combined with his support.
>INT Gohan's damage stacking
I can ignore it for the most part unless you can prove it adds a meaningful amount to his atk.
>he only needs 6 Ki to do one and will always have that.
It's 7 ki, that doesn't matter when 12 ki is easy to get in the current meta, and launching a super at 7 ki makes him decently weaker.
>Gohan doesn't buff allies because he isn't a support.
Trunks is both a support unit and a hard hitter, his combined damage is higher than or at least at Gohan's level. Unless you can accept that the support damage is a part of him and actually prove me wrong instead of repeating yourself again and again, I'm done arguing.
How can Mai even compete?
>ditching the blue gogeta/vegito pairing
don't be gay
being able to do that is literally the most fun thing in dokkan
>launching a super at 7 ki makes him decently weaker.
not him but he doesn't "super early" he get extra ki so he will always get a 12 ki multiplier
I've tested it myself many times and at 3 dupes, he hits at 1.6 million with 7 ki and 1.75 million with 12 ki and raw atk. I'll show you if you want.
Please tell me this team can fuck up SSJ3 Goku's EZA
>dupeless units
>>dupeless agl/int/phy units
The chances of getting a good general pool SSR are extremely low if you're a longtime player, there's no problem with singles unless you're holding out for the microscopic chance of an amazing one like Broly or str Freeza.
no one likes nuge/ita newfag
If you pick an angel golden freeza lead and replace phy str and agl f2p coolers it's possible.
Will test it if you give me a team
you''ve done nothing but make me sick of him posting this every thread for months
too slow for me
>EZA int gohan at free dupe under Goku's family linked LR ss4 goku and 1 SA stack
>EZA phy Trunks at free dupe under Vegeta's family linked with LR ss4 vegeta not including support
How is this even a debate? trunks is miles better
Is that phy cell good?
I've got Geter done, but I still need 3 more gokus
I'm starting to feel like the coolershillers are the same ones who shilled phy ff cooler super hard before he came out and ended up being decent but no one ran him
it's just a vocal minority of coolerfags isn't it
Yea Forums (((d*scord)))
Come join frens
people will keep pulling for saiyans even if the other cards are better.
Why do you think RoG is so popular?
Just because almost no one runs U7 doesn't mean pure saiyans is better
>Show me then.
STR Ultimate Gohan on Goku's lineage with Spirit Bomb Buu saga Goku and LR Bee Pan = 2.8 million with support (without Bee Pan's active skill with it, it goes over 3.2 million), 2.2 million without support.
INT Ultimate Gohan = 2.6 million with support from Bee Pan and her active skill. Need I really go on more here?
>He helps other hard hiting units
Which is irrelevant when comparing his DAMAGE against INT Ultimate Gohan if you had been paying attention, user.
>It's not unless a unit is super effective against all types.
By this logic all units in the game suck compared to INT Super Gogeta, STR Super Gogeta, and transformed UI Goku because they ignore or disable guard. Crits exist for a reason. So I will not agree.
>Trunks has better additional buffs than Gohan hands down
No he doesn't. Gohan gets an unconditional 80% attack buff in his passive thanks to his EZA and a virtually permanent 40% defense when he has more then 7 ki.
>It's 7 ki
I know, he gives himself 5 ki, he gains the defense boost of 40% when he gets two more ki, and he will always super attack anyways when he has 6 ki or more.
>launching a super at 7 ki makes him decently
Nope. Also INT Ultimate Gohan's ki multiplier is 140%, PHY Rage Trunks is only 135%. And most of the time you'll have him with 10 ki anyways, 3+3 from Ki leader gives you 6, he gives himself 5 Ki and has shocking speed for another 2 ki. And he has FB which Trunks doens't have.
>Trunks is both a support unit and a hard hitter
And he doesn't hit that hard even with his new buffs. He's better suited as purely support who can tank unlike AGL West Kaioshin or GoD Toppo but his damage numbers are shit.
>his combined damage is higher than or at least Gohan's level
It isn't. You lost dude. Gohan can tank as well as PHY Rage Trunks can, he hits harder and hie spams his SA, period over and over. That's why you changed your tune to "well he makes others hit harder" despite it just being a comparison between them.
>3 dupes
Try again when you have him rainbowed.
His SA boosts his attack by 50% each time. I don't think you understand how with like +6 AA or more, he's going to always be out-damaging Future Trunks in comparison.
Baseball Yamcha's drop rate is hot fucking garbage goddamn
you have to do the missions over and over to gain him from mission rewards
he's under the radar to most global players because thinks the hot units are just the Goku, Goku Black, and Vegeta or Vegito and Gogeta units
also what's wrong with FP Freeza?
>complain about too many gokus and saiyans
>it's literally just coolers and friezas
If it can clear level 31 it can stomp level 30
Dumb gohantard
The Int story event Yamcha, not the two from the dokkan event.
>with support from Bee Pan and her active skill
>Which is irrelevant when comparing his DAMAGE against INT Ultimate Gohan if you had been paying attention, user.
If you had been paying attention, you'd know I've been arguing about the unit overall from the very beginning.
>By this logic all units in the game suck compared to INT Super Gogeta, STR Super Gogeta, and transformed UI Goku because they ignore or disable guard. Crits exist for a reason.
My point was that using the base atk stat for all units won't make much results because results won't be skewed in most cases. Crits don't matter either since duped units are on a level playing field because of that.
>No he doesn't.
You're a retard. In an optimal setup, Gohan will have level 15 crit and 6 aa compared to Trunks at 15 crit and 11 aa.
>his damage numbers are shit.
Again, you're a retard if you consider anything above 1 million shit.
>You lost dude.
>having your head this far up your ass
>That's why you changed your tune to "well he makes others hit harder"
Go back and read my first post retard.
Wait how the fuck do you get mutliple of the same cooler with different types?
The bottom left path never has and never will make much difference.
A 12% chance won't even go off in the majority of battles.
They have their type in their name so you can use all of them at the same time
Ex. PHY Metal cooler (PHY)
They're named diffrently
Metal Corra [AGL]
Metal Corra [STR]
Saving for bulla the chads choice.
>hunting unfeatured cards
Whales choice
So why doesn't this game have a general on /vg/? The One Piece game does and that's dead as fuck
>The bottom left path never has and never will make much of a difference.
The stat boosts do from the hidden potential system, upper right gives an extra boost to SA or general attack damage, bottom left has to do with maxing out either extra HP regeneration from same colored Ki orbs or boosting efense. So they do matter.
So to recap, at no one is EZA PHY SS Rage Trunks going to match EZA INT Ultimate Gohan.
Actually yeah, i rainbowed both of them and they are acually really good. however i did 2 pulls on the cooler banner and got the shitty int golden Frieza, INT Baby and potara kafulia or whatever her name is. Honestly these fucking dokkan fest banners should at least give a guaranteed featured SSR. shit like that makes me mad. i guess i'll just save for the anniverssary like a i should have being doing.
Pic unrelated
Because it fosters autism and people stop talking about the game.
Usually when the dummies start discussing the anime or characterfagging the threads stop popping up to curate the shitters.
>The state of Legends
I'm fucking angery
What did they do this time?
your leaders are
>PHY vegeta as a pure sayans leader
>That agl nu broly as a secondary leader that can be EZAed
>SS3 bardock is the leader for the SS3 team.
>that teq ssb vegeta< the one with a copy, can be EZAed as well.
just admit you don't want a general because certain posters will get identified after a short time and become a living meme in theme just like in every other /vg/ general
>FGO ones; Gilfags, Jetfags, etc...
yeah that chick. at least now i can compelte both my potara and peppy gals team.
>TEQ Hit is pretty fucking amazing
Would be if he wasn't fucking extreme
>The stat boosts do from the hidden potential system
Show me the difference an extra 420 atk makes then.
>bottom left has to do with maxing out either extra HP regeneration from same colored Ki orbs or boosting efense.
That doesn't matter.
>Used to be able to buy a guaranteed new unit no questions asked for new UST banners
>Replaced by a ticket that has an over 50% chance to give you an old sparking, and not even a good one it's shit like the original SSJ Goku and Pikkon
>On top of increasing powercreep at alarmingly quick rates
Don't talk until you have him rainbowed.
this makes me so ma
>Jiren is without a double the "big bad" of the ToP arc and constantly shit talking, insulting people and doing bad shit (even if it is for his universe's survival)
>Hit is a stoic guy who just wants to do his job
>make Jiren a super type
>make Hit an extreme type
so dumb
Don't talk until (You) back yourself up with a credible calc or video.
If you beat the SBR stage of peppy gals 20 times you get a pretty good LR goku
Why summon on this trash ass banner when Goku Black is next
how many times do i need to beat SBR to get the LRs? i only beat it once and got some trophies to spend on baba's shop.
>one kills people for money
>the other is just a rude asshole that cares a bit too mucha bout reviving his master
seems fine to me
I kind of found it refreshing in a weird way how there was no adjustment period like with Piccolo or Vegeta, Hit just thought Goku was a rad dude and decided to be friends. I can't recall that happening since Tenshinhan.
>post a screencap of his attack with support on his best team (Goku's lineage) with nearly 2.7 million attack
>still waiting for evidence of Rage Trunks doing even 2 million
(You) first, faggot.
You get the star emblem thropies for every first time clear.
You get a single copy of the LR journey to the west goku for clearing 20 stages (can be the same one multiple times)
>Really needed a new Green unit
>Decided to dump 6k crystals on the banner hoping to get that sweet Goku
>Got Rildo and Vegeta but no fucking Goku
>Can't even buy him from the store
2nd time I've pulled on an UST banner and got every single new unit except the one I actually wanted. It happened with Ultimate Gohan and now it has happened again. I know I shouldn't complain since I got Gogeta in one multi but god damn I need better greens since Bardock has been powercrept to hell. Also what the fuck are they doing with Legends anyways? The game used to be fine but right now it's such a shitshow with massive powercreep in every banner and terrible overhaul decisions.
Imagine a world where we got manga Jiren's character in the anime version of ToP. Over half that fucking arc could be fixed by blending the two versions together.
Transforming Goku Black is over-rated and the only good thing about him is that he has a better banner, as a unit, he's shit compared to Metal Cooler. And good luck waiting to see him transform into Super Saiyan Rose, it will never happen 99% of the time.
>post a screencap of his atk with support
>with support
Not credible, that doesn't even prove it was his first turn and you didn't use atk boosting items. The strength he outputs is what's being judged.
>his attack with support
>won't count the support trunks gives to LR ss4 vegeta as his own damage
Gohan and his fans are poop heads
>Not credible
Only because you are retarded.
>that doesn't even prove it was his first turn
Your problem, not mine.
>use atk boosting items
Because the other retard was first trying to compare their damage compared to each other, not the buff Trunks gives to other units, you mongoloid.
How long until they run out of things to rehash for Dokkan and end up going full Heroes?
Also if you could read I gave you the numbers for INT Gohan both with AND without support but you are too stupid so please fuck off at this point, talking to you is like arguing with a wall.
We STILL don't have a Youth Gohan Dokkanfest, they've got plenty to milk yet, though I'd love some crazy shit like SS4 Gohan or SSG Bardock
>have 115 stones saved for INT Goku Black
>still hasn't come out yet
>because you are retarded.
>Your problem, not mine.
Thank you for going out of your way to show that insults are the only thing you have left to argue with.
>Because the other retard was first trying to compare their damage compared to each other, not the buff Trunks gives to other units
You can't even read either.
>I gave you the numbers for INT Gohan both with AND without support but you are too stupid so please fuck off at this point, talking to you is like arguing with a wall.
You never backed your numbers without support, by all means give an argument you can't support. That's all I wanted.
We've been over this, he's a literal HITman. Jiren should be extreme too though.
Already calculated them at free dupe they are less than 300k attack apart but Trunks has higher defense and buffs monster allies.
>Free dupe Gohan on goku's lineage
30,758 def before attacking
43,061 def after attacking
>Free dupe Trunks on Vegeta's lineage
always at 68,085 def
*give up
Why do people misunderstand this concept so bad? Months of calling Cooler underrated and calling Black overrated. That's not how it works, everyone is aware of how good they are and aren't.
Used my last 50 for cooler and got this shitter, is he good?
I'm seething about my 500 used stones
Don't forget STR Gogeta.
>is he good?
best tank in the game
He's essential to Buu arc sbr and has a great leader skill for battlefield.
he is the best tank and dodger in the game. it wasnt a bad pull thats for sure
He hits over 2 million no matter what on his first SA on a dual 170% leader (LR SS4 Goku) category team: source, second ratio was INT Ultimate Gohan + STR Great Saiyaman (25% to attack and defense) and first SA was 2045726 with SS4 Goku floating. And that's without having Bee Pan or her active skill or better linking partners activating Power Bestowed By God.
>Thank you
For proving you wrong over and over? Gladly.
>left to argue
Wrong, being obstinate in your case is your problem, not mine just because you can't handle Rage Trunks as far as being a tank or damage unit can not compare to Gohan even before he stacks his attack with his SA.
>You can't read either.
Nah, don't project your failings at me faggot. Just because you first argued (and failingly at that) that he can compare to Gohan in damage numbers then strawman'd an argument to make the tangent about the boost he does for his allies isn't my issue because that wasn't the original subject of comparing the two of them.
>You never backed your numbers without support
I did. I explicitly stated INT Ultimate Gohan's numbers both with and without support units on his best rotation on his best team, which is Goku's Lineage since that's the only team that has him functioning with a 170% attack leader. You failing to gasp this isn't my problem.
Now eat your L.
Jesus you two whiny faggots, I'll test it myself just to shut you up. The Gohan is a 90% but if it gets near 2mil anyways or else comes nowhere near that should still give you the info you want right?
Gohan with Dyspo for Fierce Battle and Infighter links.
>and the original debate was about comparing their damage against each other
What is your point?
>using RoG
>go to Boss Rush
>Have Vegetto Blue with one dupe
>have him paired with new Gogeta
>Hirduegarn never stops dodging
>Vegetto gets to full power
>1 million on normal attacks and he did 2.4 or 2.5 million on his super attack
Shit was fuckin wild.
>not using dokkan calculator sheet
There is a reason why the gohantard is not replying to me.
>2 bad pulls
I actually want to die
>dokkan calculator
Holy shit you are a retard.
Lmao at this pathetic guy trying to poison the well now.
>can't seem to pull a dupe for INT UI
God dammit. I just want crits and additionals.
Oh shit
1.79. No support, first super attack. He can certainly break 2mil in that case, if I were able to get Pan or Bee Pan on the rotation.
>+ STR Great Saiyaman (25% to attack and defense)
Still meaningless.
>Just because you first argued (and failingly at that) that he can compare to Gohan in damage numbers then strawman'd an argument to make the tangent about the boost he does for his allies
I'll spell it out for you then.
>Trunks hits for about 1.4 million at rainbow and generates a fuckton more damage on Vegeta's Lineage as well as providing ki and links.
>he generates at least another 600k from the support boost.
There was never a time when I wasn't considering his support to other units. It's your fault if you misinterpreted what I said and ignore half my posts.
>I did. I explicitly stated
Your words are not proof no matter how much you want to stretch them out to be.
>their damage
Do you really need an in-depth explanation about how a unit who is buffing LR ss4 vegeta and str ss4 goku or LR Trunks and rage vegeta by 30% generates more damage than a unit who only averages 300k attack more on his super but buffs no one?
new hybrid leader when
>using dyspo because gohan has no good saiyan attack links
The absolute state
what's wrong with str ult gohan
is it his links?
120% is usually enough to get your dick off the ground
That stat is exactly what I've been saying he's at this whole time with no support. Thank you for going through the effort.
>what's wrong with str ult gohan
Nothing he can break 3 million with support while making your team immortal
banner in 2 weeks has her featured with guaranteed featured ssr at 30 stones
I'm about to hit 1000 f2p stones and I just break my saving streak just for her, she's so stupid good man.
Saiyan Lineage is his only ki link and he's missing Super Saiyan so you're basically fucked unless you run him on Goku's Lineage.
So it's his ki links, not his actual attack. He seems like a good all-arounder to me.
Shocking speed is one of the most common links in the game.
Less than 48 hours until the dumbest shit
Wrong thread
wonder if dokkan will do a heroes banner after cooler...
Discounting his links, he's really good. The only other problem is that Hybrid Saiyans and Buu arc are 130% atk which really limits him.
It's pretty rare these days, especially on Gohan's teams.
Dokkan is weird about not doing crossovers for other games' release. Keyword: release. Not later like they did with FighterZ. Just don't understand it, it helps both games.
>Still meaningless
Still wrong.
Do I need to ad naseuem repeat myself that this is irrelevant to the fucking subject of directly comparing what Trunks himself does as a damage unit vs Gohan? Because it seems like it.
>Your words are not proof
Neither are yours, you mongoloid subhuman faggot. Stay mad.
Are you really so stupid that you keep ignoring that I said that's not the tangent being discussed? It seems that you are. Because I don't care what Trunks does for other units, the conversation was always and originally about how much damage he himself does vs Gohan.
You are also a moron. He has Shocking Speed, which is one of the best Ki links in the game aside from PfB and he's also not only a tremendously hard hitting unit but also a great support unit because everyone gets an unconditional 50% defense buff and most of the time Gohan will also have GUARD activated meaning he tanks no damage even against AGL types.
>It's pretty rare these days.
No it isn't.
True, I'm glad it didn't coincide this time since Beerus' eza has been delayed twice already and I'm famished for it
OiAF wishes it had this much variety
Hybrids saiyans literally runs on shocking speed, only LRlets complain
>Saiyan Lineage is his only ki link
He has shocking speed also:
>that meme of HS teams lacking ki
Finna bouta do Yamcha's event with a full Bejita team.
>Do I need to ad naseuem repeat myself that this is irrelevant to the fucking subject of directly comparing what Trunks himself does as a damage unit vs Gohan?
I don't care, I was never arguing on that subject to begin with. You're the one who kept obsessing about damage alone when it was you in the first place that said that Gohan was superior instead of a harder hitter.
This will be my last post entertaining an absolute idiot that somehow can't understand the meaning behind the words of others.
The damage a support unit generates counts for their personal APT newfag.
If Hybrids saiyan had a different named leader any rotation would hit harder if you put Trunks instead of int gohan in it, trunks generates more damage period.
This guy really needs an EZA. Since Dokkan likes to sometimes do random ass EZA's, he should be one of thos top candidates for it.
>and most of the time Gohan will also have GUARD activated
really would appreciate the game told me it was active BEFORE having to decide to throw him into danger
>no saibaman
>no tien
>hits harder than UI goku on optimal conditions
>supreme tank
You fell for the facebook meme idiot, future gohan is top 5% DFE
>only LRlets complain
This only applies to Hybrid Saiyans and of course not everyone has them.
My mistake, but unless you're running a support or several LRs, he will still be lacking in ki.
There are way better support units for Hybrid Saiyan category teams then EZA Rage Trunks, retard.
>LR Bee Pan
>STR SS2 Great Saiyaman
>I don't care
Not an argument.
>I was never arguing that subject to begin with.
Lie to me more baby.
>This will be my last post
Good, hopefully you fuck off and never post again you brainless sodomite.
you don't judge how good a unit can be by the average shit box
It was pointless anyway because apparently you don't face fuckin yamcha. What a low effort event overall.
>or several LRs
LR INT SS2 Gohan will almost always get off an SA thanks to his Ki+2 from non-INT orbs and Ki+3 from INT ones, no matter what. LR AGL Goten+Trunks give themselves a lot of ki so they usually well get off an SA and weirdly PHY LR Super Saiyan Teen Future Trunks does share some Ki and attack links with STR Ultimate Gohan as well. You only need a unit like the WT SS2 Great Saiyaman or Bra to make sure everything stays good.
Do you really have to click node by node on Hidden potential? just got to Rank 50.
>>STR SS2 Great Saiyaman
Shittier links, some don't even give ki and have the same or lower atk buff
>>LR Bee Pan
Don't give defense shittier links, one time active skill averaged over the number of turns still puts trunks on top.
Not to mention EZA trunks boosts LR trunks to the limit.
You truly exposed yourself, maybe check the wiki before making such a dumb post.
You can unless you're arguing on which setups are best. His usefulness will vary from person to person, but it's safe to assume that most people won't be able to make the perfect team.
GS gives 30% to attack and defense and Ki+2 to without any conditions and debuffs enemy attack. He's a monstrously good support unit.
>check the wiki
Yes go check it.
brody you don't even realize how much easier you have it now
The reward GS Gohan gives the same passive for allies that the EZA PHY Trunks does? Ki+2 and attack + defense of 30%. Only difference is Gohan is only for Super allies while Trunks is meant for category teams specifically (hence no super requirement). GS also Extreme type enemies def by 50%.
Not sure how you can call that shitty. Even the wiki considers him a top tier and essentially support unit for Hybrid Saiyan teams.
I was only talking about Gohan himself. He doesn't have the best synergy with most other units on Hybrid Saiyans, but of course it can be worked around with a support unit.
*and an essential support unit
Well at least i think i can get used to it, at least it seems that its really worth it. What people usually favor? extra attacks or criticals?
criticals, unless it's a non ss4 gogeta, then additionals
in case you didn't realize you don't have to go one by one for every single node, only on the ones you have to choose which one you want
>shittier links
>some don't even give ki
The new SS2 GS gives 30% to atk + def, 2 Ki to all allies (Super types only) and lowers enemy defense by 50%. On top of that his links are very good:
>Golden Warrior
>Shocking Speed
>Prepared for Battle
Hybrid Saiyans either have one or two of those Ki links. So there's a reason why he's rated as an S on the tier list.
Yeah i'm walking faster now. Just took a while to get used. Thanks for the info. Full crit then
depends on the unit, but usually crit.
additional if it's a gogeta that ignores type disadvantage or some sealer/stunner
evade only if it's a support or a tank that isn't made to dish out damage and only to avoid it. though 3 dodge doesn't hurt your damage much and can potentially save your ass
Are there actual shitters here who have Ki issues with their Hybrid Saiyan teams?
ok I'm having a massive brainfart, where is the dokkan butoden 8bit song from
i dont remeber the last tiem i had issues with ki. all my units get at least 8 to 9 ki and i only dont get to 12 because i wan to let nukers have their way or use 11 ki specific supers.
oh, it's from dokkan battle lol
had the music muted so long i forgot
Good links but trunks has shattering the limit royal lineage and dismal future over him
Trunks also buffs allies on super, the only requirement trunks has is running another vegeta's family units, if your hybrids saiyans teams doesn't have bulla or another trunks I don't know what you are doing
>debuffs enemy attack.
He lowers enemy defense which is a useless mechanic.
He is good but the damage on SA and defense he has compared to EZA trunks means he doesn't make the optimal team specially when his dupes are relatively hard to get.
3 replies and even then that is only one out of all the other supports he mentioned.
teq vegito blue is better with additionals
GS is top tier for HS as a support unit for a reason and also Bra, whose one of the very best units in the game.
>shattering the limit
That link sucks if it replaces FB.
>Ultimate Gohan never supe-
How to spot lucklets
Pretty much my exact team except I don't have LR Goten+Trunks so I run either WS Great Saiyaman SS2 or STR Rage Trunks instead.
>That link sucks if it replaces FB.
>extra 2 ki for LR goten& trunks or LR trunks sucks
You are a little slow
You keep forgetting EZA trunks gives you higher team hp a fuckton more defense and can actually hit decently on his own
SS2 GS doesn't even have FB
I'd rather have an extra 15% attack activated then +2 Ki if have to pick between those two links.
He has both PfB and Shocking Speed though and Golden Warrior, that's 5 Ki right there.
>SS2 GS doesn't even have FB
He gives 30% attack and defense, I think he's okay. Also are you expecting a WT unit to have FB when all of them have the same Hidden Potential system as regular F2P cards? He's already a blessing as he is, dude.
lowkey best team of all time?
You guys DID pull cooler on your first multi, right?
Ha, multi
I only had 50 stones so I could only do one multi and got my third TEQ #17 dupe and nothing else. Which sucks because I thought when you just get Krillen on the summoning animation that's a guaranteed feature unit but I guess not.
Because black is a below average card and I have LR trunks and mai + every other card on his banner
None of the hybrids LR have golden warrior
EZA trunks give LR trunks 7 ki
>He gives 30% attack and defense
So does EZA trunks
>Also are you expecting a WT unit to have FB
No he is the one that mentioned that link when i pointed out Trunks had STL over SS2 GS.
He is good but not as good as a level 140 unit.
you know what. i am going to do a single. hopefully it is a good unit. i want at least cooler or piccolo.
>None of the hybrid LR have golden warrior
I never said they did? I said a lot of HS units have golden warrior and either PfB or SS.
Enjoy your R Burter
When does transforming super buu come back? I want him. Or a garlic Jr alternate leader
Kid Goku banner.
>Hercule on top of Buu shows up.
honestly i've been getting a lot of good units on singles. when the anniverssary starts i am going to do singles only unless the banner costs 30 stones.
>last week have the same luck
>Just Vegeta
>Super Vegito animation/fusion
>Pull transforming Vegeta
Its a nice thing.
>4 multis on Cooler
>best pull was PHY Cooler
While I'm glad to have finally picked him up, it still burns. I'll just save and try to hope for Black.
Figures I'd get the shaft though, I had nothing but luck on the movie banners.
>130% atk leader
soulless: the team
>have the shadow dragon leader but dont ahve enough units for an entire team.
Listen to dan dan then delete your post
>dan dan
literally whom?
dan dan kokoro hikareteku uncultured swine
I find Pure Saiyans, Freeza Clan, Realm of Gods, and Android teams the most fun to play as.
>one dupe away from having Omega rainbowed
>got SS4 Gogeta rainbowed thanks to last dupe on the transforming Vegeta banner
>have AGL SS4 Vegeta with two dupes
>have STR SS4 Goku with two dupes but he isn't on SD and don't have TEQ SS4 FP Goku
I almost have the perfect SD team but god damn they should've given EZAs or new Nouva and Eis Shenrons during the 4 year anniversary so we could really have the team bolstered with the new LRs.
Eis needs a dokkan awakening first, he could be a great debuffer
don't know what you're talking about bro but I assume it's some weebshit
tru u win
one of the few "soul" teams
GT opening, no wonder you are calling it soulless you never seen it boi
is EZA TEQ Beerus good if you have him with only two dupes and no LR Beerus/Whis but plan on mainly having him on your Movie Boss team?
>1000 stones spent on Sayain Day banner
>Not a Single Evolving Vegeta
if you have someone with shocking speed he is aight
haven't watched that since I was a kid and even then wouldn't it be in english or some shit?
I usually these guys for shits and gigles mostly.
also, how about this for a SBR peppy gals team. I just got the caulifla.
the second most soulful GT opening is the brazillian version.
now this is SOUL
Someday you will understand
i ahve some mono types but i dont have enough units for them, like my extreme str. i ahve enough for only 5 slots.
I want to hope you're lying but I was almost there, spent 600 to get transforming teq frieza lol and didnt even get the goku within the extra 200 I had for him
>there are """people""" in this thread that build for reddit optimal teams for this piss easy baby game
What if I use mono category teams?
PHY Majin Buu saga is fun
Why does STR have so many god damn AoE units
optimal meme teams help the newer anons to know which cards are the best/more versatile
Good luck beating SBR with the "characters you like" type teams
Just started today, did I pull good?
>LR ss3
Good but won't carry you very far without a category lead
yeah actually, however no decent leader besides that phy trunks and for that you need his EZA. that LR is pretty lucky pull though. keep going until you get a decent enough leader to tackle events. else just get f2p leaders like that STR cooler on the cooler event, he gives ki, atk, def and health. it is a small boost but your entire team benefits from it.
If this mother fucker doesnt get a God tier awakening I'm gonna be pissed, 6 total copies of him so far. I'm going to be able to 100% him off of banners alone
Holy fug sorry bro. I would have given up at that point but I understand why you didnt. Hope you at least pulled some LRs on that legendary summon
Same reason PHY has so many units with Extra attacks and INT/TEQ have so many nukers
Agl gets dodge...
Yeah, SSJ3 Goku, Majin Vegeta, and Bardock
I was fully expecting to pull agl broly. And I have not.
>check my summon history
>last 350 stones haven't had a single DFE
>not even a single featured unit
>literally every summon has been outdated unfeatured trash in the final slot and nothing else
>2 multis
>Piccolo and Jiren
Gonna pull 2 multis on Black's as well
AOE isn't the same as a certain type like STR or TEQ having built in crits or AGL and PHY having extra additionals or INT having dodge.
Damn you get fucked and he showed up for a featured SR.
Monkeys and lizards should work together.
>Omega shenron has an EZA that gives genkidama kid goku
>there's also a fucking vegeta junior EZA
wtf, i ahve been gone for too long.
>ToP events already all out
>no room left for a new one
We are still missing Jiren desnudo
Should I use 30 stones to fix my dupe buffs for my rainbow teq gf for his upcoming EZA?
>saiyans on the left freeza race on the right
>Dokkanfest hard hitters, LRs and supports paired
This pleases my autism
I thought featured SR rates don't effect the featured SSR ones?
He'd get a new stage on his already existing event and there's no reason for those medals to awaken Bergamo.
How about we wait for all the details on the buff?
what the fuck are they going to do with his leader skill?
They don't, but watching summoning videos before it seems like very rarely you'll get a combo for a featured SR.
I've got high hopes and I really need to replace his dodge too.
I'd imagine the leader being something like Teq ki +1 or 2, stats +120%.
Nah dude, there's a ridiculous amount of AoE units for STR types.
>Movie #6 STR Piccolo
>Majin Buu (Fat) STR one that got a dokkan awakening after the transforming Super Buu banner dropped
>STR LR OG Broly
>STR Arale
>STR Perfect Cell
Like a big chunk of them are mainly STR types.
the 70% leads got 4 ki 100%. I expect 1 Ki and 130% at least
Is it worth rainbowing the f2p metal coolers? They seem decent
If you have super broly/turles/metal cooler/angel golden freeza or plan on getting LR super baby 2
Dew it
They can clear boss rush 6 no items even under an LR cooler army lead.
>Original Ki+3 and ATK +5000 leaders became Ki + 3 and 70% stat leaders
>Ki+3 70% leaders now become Ki+4 100% leaders too
W-what are they going to do when they get to the 100% and 120% leaders, guys? Just think if Akatuski decides STR Janemba has to be even more OP then INT Janemba.
>about to try the new cooler challenge.
>Decided to try out the shadow dragon saga team
>Added the wrong shenron as leader.
fuck me, i also ahve 2 str units in this.
don't worry you will die before you get to the agl phase
2 ki 140%
3 ki 150%
LR metal cooler fucking sucks if you're using him as a floater
They need to make new dokkan fights at least 5 phases long.
I don't see them replacing the 120% leads with objectively better leads for a long while, at least +100% had a precedent with all the 90% boost units and special cases like the Broly/Gogeta banner non DFE cards.
Lr cooler and sucks should never be on the same sentence.
Fuck off Truth, not everyone is rocking a rainbow full LR team like you.
He is right though, transformation units need it.
No, I don't want farming a stage 11-20 times to take even longer than it already does.
They can just add a new difficulty that gives more medals.
Not him, but having even a halfway decent category team trivializes all dokkan events. What they should do instead is scale back events to be as difficult as the +3000 and 70% leads were at release.
2 year anniversary fucked the game.
Anyone remember taking on STR Broly with kid buu leads ?
Can they please add in a turn off transformation animation/cutscene? Every Dokkan event boss ever, just having to skip through a cutscene every time they break out the "THIS ISNT EVEN MY FINAL FORM", and then another, and another, and another until you finally kill them for good. And then go the same process again 11 times to get 77 medals for whatever character your trying to awaken.
Nah fuck that shit. I'll take todays Dokkan events over bullshit like Cell who was practically unbeatable.
I only started playing a month or so before SS3 Vegeta released, but I remember way too well the pain of farming str Beerus medals from his event with int 13 leads and the Baba shop int Gohan.
You had int turles, general blue if you were lucky the cards that stopped his regen
>run him as a floater on movie bosses
>barely does over a million
>never gets any ki
>if you're health isn't at 100% he gets even weaker
phy final form cooler is better
It was annoying, but there were lots of ways around the difficulty like stunning, sealing, and nuking which no longer matter. It would add a layer of depth the game has lost over the years.
Think about it this way, when was the last time you struggled to complete boss rush?
If you don't have him rainbow and you don't care enough to link him with another freeza family or shocking speed unit then that is your fault.
He does a lot of damage with addiotionals and is only surpassed by LR Goku and arale as far as free to play cards go.
show SBR wins(with proof, no mods)
>mfw actually lost to the fucking cooler dokkan event with a revived warrior team because lr majin vegeta has no defense and the multi cooler phase attacks 10 billion times
That was such a good ad, they really knocked this anniversary out the park. It felt like not just a GT theme, but a theme of the real life era it came from.
It was still an extremely small pool of cards to beat him. Hell General Blue wasn't even that easy to come by and neither was Turles because of how bad the SSR rates were.
I'm fine with all the difficulty being in SBR.
>multi cooler phase
love it, best ost and much more entertaining than the transforming vegeta fight
I have him with 3 dupes, as a floater phy cooler is better and running the golden frieza as another support is necessary with the double beerus rotation
with lr cooler floating you can never give ki to him and beerus and just barely doing over a million damage ONLY if your health is max when he happens to show up isn't good enough
>Just pulled one last Single
>Screen Cracks
>It's INT Tirles
if his attack stat is 1.2m and he gets 2 300k additional normals the it's jut not "over a million damage"
If you are not gonna optimize him then don't put him in, try running LR beerus as a floater.
SBR is completely different though, where boss rush was a challenge because of how long a single team could last, it's just dumbed down to stat wank there.
i lost it too but damn that is a really cool event. i was stupid of bringing my shadow dragon team that is not even complete. Gonna try with either pure sayans or Ressurected warriors tomorrow.
Only if they decrease the amount of medals/runs you need to do. At least make it like Prime Battle medal drops. Otherwise n*ck the heck off.
>summon animation where screen shatters and Goku thanks the dragon balls
>suddenly Oolong interrupts and wishes for panties
Is that good or bad?
it isn't 1.2, it's just barely a million
phy cooler with 3 dupes is a consistent 1.2 million and you don't have to worry about his attack or defense dropping if your health happens to be low when he appears, and you don't have to worry about giving him ki either and can fully optimize lr beerus who is the far better unit, plus he can also additional like lr cooler anyway so there isn't much of a point
>run lr beerus as a floater
are you fucking retarded
Double cracked screen means Dokkanfest or if it's a LR banner then LR.
IMAGINE wasting stones on any banner and not wating for the 4th annivesery where you get 3+1 all the time aswell as the banner beings filled to the brim with god like units
fuck me
it's like you don't want him to work
He can attack up to 4 times PHY Coolers is not even comparable.
Haven't ran the numbers but I'm not too sure about a dupeless LR Beerus being much better than a rainbow LR cooler
>>run lr beerus as a floater
Almost like you know LR cooler as a floater is better than LR beerus as a floater
I only wasted stones, because Evolving Vegeta probably won't appear again for a while, and the only unit I want is LR SSJ4 Goku.
>Despite a good amount of stones, I was never able to pull the Supreme Oppai of Time
It still hurts, I'll have to wait until like, November to even have a shot at that unit again.
you dont want both LR ssj4 goyim? you can run them on shadow dragons together
So bets on whether JP or Global will get a Heroes banner with the release of the new Super Dragonball Heroes banner?
JP gets a banner every November, as that's the anniversary of SDBH, so with a new game release they might get a new banner.
Well, I was about to say no, but
Just shown the that the LR Vegeta Banner will have LR Gogeta, which is the only character I need to finish my main team.
By November we will have the mindbroken time loli.
>Saved up 600 stones for Broly
>get an extra 150 stones during christmas or whatever
>have a ton of discount banners and free pulls
>probably pulled like 20 times
>Not a single copy of Movie Super Brolly
>Save up another 200 stones
>Have a mostly Frieza team
>Pull 4 times for Blue Coora
>fuckin get a bunch of PHY Buu
What did I do Dokkan-san, do I not play you enough
This from some new story/mission? Or just the new game coming out? I have no idea how to keep up with SDBH.
>tfw i pulled broly and goget as f2p
dude they are about to release at least 5 new sbr stages look at the absolute monstrous units we got in jus the past 6 months.
I spent 1000 fucking dollars on transforming vegeta banner and only pulled him twice and the int vegeta ONE FUCKING TIME.
Got him one more time off jp reward stones tho.
>haven't ran the numbers
I'm shocked
>40% and 7% crit chance
>fits on all her teams perfectly
>perfect oppais
Is there a better support unit?
>have every unit on both banners except for jiren, lr gogeta and the old ss4 goku
>don't give a shit about yet more spic fanfiction rehashing
fuck the anniversary
It's the next saga they are doing. There are two different stories happening in Heroes. One is about the Super characters fighting Punished Zamasu and a bunch of OCs. The other is about the time patrol characters fighting demons.
>1000 fucking dollars
Quit this game if you didn't mean 1000 stones.
70% of the time
>Is there a better support unit?
Turles kid buu EZA Vegeta...
*blocks your path*
take your random passive and gtfo
I will do one multi per new dokkanfest and that only from here on out (unless some random limited time thing like Heroes), should still be over 1000 by the time it gets here.
For a game series that supposedly makes a lot of money, it looks so incredibly low effort.
Don't forget, the only reason why people run LR beerus is because they want to use the EZA one.
He was not strong enough to carry the other 4 before, LR Bojack cucks him.
it uses models from a ps2 game, literally 0 effort
why are their desings so ass?
probably because they want to run it on cheaper hardware as well.
Only 20% of that is random so it averages out to 34%.
West Kai offers no ki and only fits on RoG.
you're a cockhead!
Good thing I didn't mention the kai.
When you're forced to constantly make new designs not all of them are going to be winners.
Turles doesn't give any crit buff, Kid Buu is stuck at 30% atk/def only most of the time, and EZA Vegeta Blue only offers 30%.
Are you forgetting supports are more than just thier passives?
They all outdamage her even when you include support to other units, turles has insane links.
I think they can handle using an engine that isn't 15 years old.
>Goku refuses to drop
>shafted on the last few banners
Getting real discouraged right now
You know JP got around 1000 f2p stones during that celebration, right?
meanwhile the pc requirements are still high(compared to the actual level of graphics)
I guess if you want to consider their own damage too sure, but her links aren't bad at all and you can't undersell the potential of giving a crit chance to units who wouldn't have it otherwise.
Does anyone know where is this from?
o fuck the pic is all blurry and shit. i'll try to take another
That looks like promotional stuff from the Japanese RoF release.
Really tempted to pull on the Wicked Bloodline category banner. While most of the units are meh, the STR Final Form Freeza is pretty godlike.
OK let's try this.
I know, but I want to know from which game that goku card is from.
Don't ever summon on category banners, the units are all unfeatured normally.
Ask yourself how you'll feel when 30 stones gets you an Int Metal Cooler.
Thankfully I already have the superior Towa design rainbow'd.
>I was never able to pull TEQ Towa before she was removed from all banners
That pic is still too blurry to tell, but the card could only be from Heroes or the Super card game and I don't even think that exists in Japan.
never mind, it is for dragon ball heroes as well.
i didnt see the logo in the back.
The card is for Dragon Ball Heroes, you can see the little circle with the hand icon, which shows you how to position/activate it while playing Heroes at the arcade.
>still blurry as shit
I can tell you that the females on the right is massive idol group Momoiro Clover Z who did the theme song for RoF.
Actually a pretty dope video, much better than Evolution.
Do you keep your special skill upgrades after awakening/dokkan awakening?
my camera is kinda ass and theres no option to adjust the resolution so it is either blurry as shit to ake it less than 4mb or make it decent looking but the file size is bigger than 4mb.
they are usually improved after dokkan awakening. the only thing that can change for the worst are links.
You mean the potential system? Yes, how cruel would they have to be for that not to carry over? It's the same card, just awakened.
The game never fucks you over on things like that, even if say, you have an LR at SA 20, reversing it back to an SSR/TUR (Which only has a max SA of 10) won't erase those 10 SA levels when you bring it back to an LR, it keeps track.
Nice, thats pretty nice of them. Also makes you hold the transformation on simple/easier cards to evolve it.
Thanks for answering!
>Dokkan battle
Well what's the backstory, where'd you get it from. And did you watch the video? I forgot how cool it was. Everyone who hasn't seen it should watch it. An unironically good live action interpretation of DBZ with a music video budget.
>Fire Emblem shit
i lvied in japan for a year during an exchange student program and watched this in TOEI's cinema in shibuya. they were giving this ou for free.
I used to live around 4 to 5 blocks from there so i would go to arcades everyday, eat a bunch of shit and walk around everywhere to see places.
Would Dokkan be better if it had more supreme kais of time?
maybe, might as well add at least one unit of each.
>Still had 3 additinal attacks coming
>Even if they were all normals it adds up to over 4 million
Yeah I'm thinking he is based.
Maybe if they made a new loli Kai as the What if (video game) category leader.
Do those last 2 dupes make a lot of difference or can I keep saving up for another LR Uub dupe?
no they didint
>700 atk and 6 SA multipliers boosts
3rd dupe is still pretty big, unless you need Uub for SBR or some EZA go for the fridge
The how did I end up with over 250 red coins after it?
being this new!
did they really? because i am really hopping they give us lots of stones.
Of course they did
7 daily stones 2 double top grossing, three fuckin EZAs and tons of events and missions
highest grossing month in dokkan history by a large amount
I don't care for the atk stat and at the moment, I don't need either to beat anything. I'm just wondering who would be more useful in the long term for EZA, SBR, battlefield, etc.
Oh fuck, how many medals do you need to open all paths on the Coolers and awaken him
I got my first dupe for Uub for dokkan battlefield, getting an additional attack lower stack seems pretty useful
500 medals fren
Oh ok
You ARE saving for the 4th anniversary, right bros?
Only 119 DS :(
>42 gifts
I'm angery now
Why bother? I'm gonna get cucked either way.
500 or something like that. that's a lot of medals but apperently they are all worht it and the vent will stay on for quite a while.
no. i was weak and spent on the broly and transforming vegeta banners, also on coolers banner. however i am not spending anymore since i only got shitty units.
the 4th anivverssary cant come soon enough. by then ill probably have like 300 stones maybe more.
I have him at the same level and he's pretty nice, but battlefield and his sbr stages are all a complete joke for me now. I have the same problem with Cooler so it just feels like a waste to spend gems on them when something new could come or I could just buy sa fodder or stamina.
>not even close to 2500 stones
>FeH finally got tired of being BTFO by FGOchads
>has to try bullying Dokkanbois instead
That's like punching your retarded brother in the head. Not cool man just let me pop the colorful balls
First thing i bought
Do it, good value for WT and for when you don't feel like playing.
Be strong and hoard your stones
They're just awakening medals and senzus haha
I wish you luck fren
Be strong and good luck on those future pulls
GT Nonsense? No thank you.
I would've had more but I spent 280 on the transforming Vegeta. At least I got em.
>your retarded brother
Is it really like that at all when Dokkan constantly rakes in more money? It ranked no. 4 in sales among in Japan last year, and no. 1 in sales among anime mobile games in America last year as well.
>He doesn't want to be able to make a Goku's Lineage or Vegeta's Lineage team
>Not even Seekers of the Dragon Balls or Artificial Lifeform
No, I'm too weak for that.
I'm starting from now, I won't spend a single stone until 4th year gets here.
Hopefully we get the 350 mill download celebration sometime after that, because I'll be able to get a decent amount of tickets from that.
I'm at the point where I can practically do 3 tournament rounds with a full stamina bar, but I'm really interested in buying str SS2 Gokus to feed to my agl one since I still haven't gotten close to beating Buu arc SBR despite a nearly perfect team.
Its been nearly 2 years since the 120% leaders first came out, once they finish the 70% and 100% leaders, they'll do them. The biggest question is if Akatsuki will do the same sort of thing for the actual category leaders after that.
I want to say it wasn't worth it, but I spent a good amount too hoping I could finally get the last DFEs I actually care about before saving for 5th anniversary.
nice try fgocuck
You get like 1000+ free stones from special login bonuses, campaign event bonuses, the new events, and that's not even factoring global like japan will hit top grossing at least ONCE for even more dragon stones.
Every 12 max stamina is another hour you have to ignore your phone I'm currently at 216 stamina
Also this is my Buu arc clear, hope it helps.
You ARE going to summon on the Vegeta banner, right guys?
The 70/100% EZA meta will only last until the end of the year so I don't doubt they'll get EZAs too at this rate, but it doesn't make any sense to give the 100% leads overpowered leader skill stats when the 120% leads are still featured on banners unlike the 70% ones.
We still don't have garlic............
Why did this unit not receive an EZA for this event?
Seems like it would have been the perfect opportunity.
>Don't have transforming Frieza, SSBE Vegeta, Turles or LR Gogeta
>But I also don't have Transforming Goku, Jiren or AGF
>Have a dupe into my LR Vegito, plus Transforming Vegeta, Bulla and some other cards
I don't know. Help.
Aside from Majin Vegeta, my team actually seems a lot better than this. I just have no idea how to get past the second battle or even the first one without the perfect rotation of Saiyaman/Ult Gohan and Hercule/SV.
As for the stamina, I have so many good units now that I no longer care to grind out every unit I can and WT only lasts 2 days so you have to use stones for stamina refills.
>Missing all SSRs but PHY Gogeta
Which means I'll pull that AGL Trunks ad nauseum
>not Pinnacle of Rage Goku
Opinion discarded.
What if they change the banner around for GLB like they do almost every damn time JP has a God-Tier banner?
IMO sealers are a must.
I'll tell you my rotations
My Vegito (no dupes) with SS1 gotenks (3 dupes)
Friend Vegito with LR saiyaman
Floated Teq Vegito (2 dupes 15 dodge) LR MV (no dupes) Eza Goten ( 1 dupe)
Best advice I can give is focus on defensive units, most of the damage comes from the Super Vegitos' counters so ignore stuff like EZA SS3 or LR goten and trunks.
>have every card except lr gogeta
>lr vegeta is shit
fuck this gay banner and fuck goku's too since I have everything there except for jiren and the old ss4 goku
call me when dbs broly comes back
>>lr vegeta is shit
I think you mean the 3rd best card in the game.
LR Vegeta is stellar, dude. Even at his weakest he's hitting as hard as the Broly you're dicksucking.
What are the top 2?
how come I never see gameplay videos of this game, just dumb cards
>LR Vegeta
What did you mean by this user
LR Goku
LR Goku and Freeza
>barely gets above 2 million
>leads a shit category
>spic fanfiction form
he fucking sucks ass in all aspects
I'm not falling for another muh 100 turns before full power faggot ass unit
for a summonable LR that is pathetic
My current team is Vegetto, Saiyaman, Gohan, Hercule, EZA Gotenks, and str EZA SS3 Goku because there are no agl type enemies to hinder him. I hate putting Vegito in a position for counters because he's too vulnerable to super attacks and even my rainbowed sealtenks can't take a hit so all I have to seal with is Saiyaman.
I can make it through the first battle if I can stack Saiyaman's and Gohan's defense boost and rely on Hercule, but I have no idea how to take on 3 enemies at once with this setup. Should I take Baba just to guarantee they all get sealed or hope for some perfect luck?
>2 million is bad
>Vegeta's Lineage is bad
>SS4 is bad
I'm sorry user, that's 3 strikes.
>Shit category
>Has units like Transforming Vegeta, SSBE Vegeta, Bulla, LR Trunks, LR Majin Vegeta and more
>Shit category
Is it even worth getting into this at this point?
>barely gets above 2 million
>for a summonable LR that is pathetic
Nigger that's harder than LR Black, Broly, Trunks & Mai, Trunks, Majin Vegeta, Bardock or even the fucking Gogeta and Vegito LRs are going to hit on turn 1, you're a fucking retard.
is this a good pure saiyan team?
Leader: Transforming Vegeta
SS4 Vegeta
SS4 FP Goku
UI Goku
AGL Turles (the good one I think)
and FP Broly
My phone isn't charge atm so I couldn't take a screenshot
Yes this is pretty good
Even Pure Saiyans is busted with lower leader percentages because running both of those LRs with Turles and/or Paragus is nuts.
It should work fine. The SS4s should go on a rotation together, they link very well and make each other better by a factor of ten. The Turles is the good one if his passive is a support and he has a buff transformation. If he turns into an Ape it's the wrong one.
>>barely gets above 2 million
on his first turn and not rainbowed sure, active skill and build up multiplicative with supports means he averages the 3rd hardest hitting spot
>>leads a shit category
4th hardest hitting team in the game wtih tons of free to play choices and variety
>>spic fanfiction form
At least it's not vidya shit like ss3 bardock
What kind of shitty team are you running Majin Vegeta on where he hits that soft? I've been using him on my Pure Saiyans team and he consistently gets anywhere from 2 million to 3.5 million attack.
New player here, should i save my stones for the aniversary(when it happens?) or roll rn in some banner?
Wait to start until July and then reroll until you're satisfied.
literally wrong
try actually playing the game sometime you retard and quit sucking off every shitty rehashed unit they shove out
goku is fucking boring but good, vegeta is shit
>Guy that does not play the game and does not understand a unit telling a guy that does play the game and understands a unit that he does not play the game and does not understand said unit
>all I have to seal with is Saiyaman.
2 sealers feels needed to me, PHY buutenks has over in a flash to link with some SS3s if you have him
IMO nurse chichi is the best item because it allows you to build Vegito's passive while taking no damage.
Keep the str gotenk sealed buu saga has a ton of HP so a super from piccolo or gohan won't kill you the last fight is easy as long as you keep the SV sealed and positon one Vegito on each rotation. Idk how I feel about LR Mr satan though.
Yep, it's the one with the fruit buff
Thanks anons! I also have LR Broly and the AGL Broly EZA but I don't know if they will be good on the team
Save for July. The two Lineage banners + the Baby/GT Trio banner are nuts, if Global keeps them the way they are. Also Dragon coins will be implemented.
>no luck with transforming Vegeta
Fuck me
>Fuck me
Sure thing
>Also Dragon coins will be implemented
Please Explain.
I mean, it's a good team but it'll be better with that unit
Literally my team
I would swap out UI and put in LR Broly and have the rotations be ssj4s and the brolys
The 120% leaders are featured on banners because they aren't on the premium red or blue stones. Look at the old units that USED to be the original god or demigod leaders for their mono type corresponding to Hero or Villain units; the original TUR STR Broly, INT Ultimate Gohan, STR Gogeta, INT Janemba, PHY Kid Buu, AGL Super Saiyan 3 Goku, etc...as soon as they were confirmed to get EZAs, one by one they dropped off. Trust me, they did it with the pre-% based leaders, and now the 70% ones, the next stage is confirmed to be the 100% no Ki ones like STR Perfect Cell, TEQ Golden Freeza, PHY Goku Black, INT Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, and the new leader units being Ki + 4 and 100% to stats like with movie STR SSG Vegeta and TEQ SSG Goku kind of tells me their happy to keep pushing the power creep for this stuff.
Teq fused Zamasu better not be the last one to get his EZA
Come the 4th anniversary, summons will grant coins that can be redeemed for certain banner units. It's a bit of a reason why everyone's been holding off on pulls until then.
Every 50 stones on dokkanfest banners spent is 10 red coins. Every time a dokkanfest banner comes around you can use red coins to get a specific card from the banner as long as you have enough. Dokkanfest LRs are 500 coins. I think regular dokkanfest units are 400.
what do don'tunderstandthegamemechanicsbutspeakwithsuchauthorityonthetopicfags mean by this?
>At least it's not vidya shit like ss3 bardock
or literal spic fanfic like goku blanco kek
Every time I brought phy gotenks with me, he always lost me a huge chunk of my health just from normal attacks and my free dupe buutenks would be even worse. How did you get over this?
>nurse chichi is the best item because it allows you to build Vegito's passive while taking no damage.
You only get 2, so where did you decide to use her?
>Idk how I feel about LR Mr satan though.
I was talking about the int one who can dodge, tank, and stun. He's honestly the only unit I feel is reliable at this point.
I'll try replacing str Goku with phy Gotenks and see how that works out.
Gohan Blanco should have been the April Fools unit
dragon ball super should have been revealed to be an april fools joke
>No event for SDBH:WM
>The 120% leaders are featured on banners because they aren't on the premium red or blue stones.
They have purple stones and now coins too on top of that.
I also can't overlook the fact that categories were created in order to prevent type teams from ever reaching boosts higher than 120%. I can't see them going back on that idea since they've put all their effort toward it for the past year and a half.
In the first 2 fight you don't have to keep gotenks on rotation if he is gonna get you killed, I used my damage reduction items on the turns he is on since he had the lowest defense. You can always float him if you have one enemy left, expect on the first 4-5 turns of final fight.
>I was talking about the int one
My bad he is great, wish I had him, he should basically have the same function as my base vegito with dodge so float him
Gl user.
Alright, I'll see what I can do with this setup, thanks for the advice.
two years, they have a shit ton of dragoball stuff to do, 5 movies left, no full power gods of destruction, no great priest
We haven't gotten a single good Future Trunks DFE unit either.
So those who didnt manage to farm this Lr vegeta, never ever again?
>forgetting the GOAT