NO ERPers allowed edition
When will they improve the cutscene animations?
NO ERPers allowed edition
When will they improve the cutscene animations?
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe soon, the last couple of patches have used a much wider range of facial expressions
get dabbed on and deleted
What happened to the last thread?
Tranny Janny deleted it, literally no degenerate bullshit in it and it got deleted anyways. I was enjoying that fatigue system video, fucking hilarious.
BfA sucks seething jannie friend.
Youll get over it eventualy.
>walk up to player
>stop and turn 45° in place
>activate stock “explaining situation animation”
>bow animation
>turn 180° in place
>run off
>Thread was completely fine and on-topic
>Gets deleted anyways
Can somebody oust themselves as power-abusing any more obviously than this?
Assblasted blizzcuck janny is at it again, quick, praise classic wow.
why the fuck does it still take weeks to gather allied seals and why the fuck are there still rewards from ARR that cost 1k+ of the stuff
holy shit I'm mad
I could understand a lock, but why the fuck would they delete a thread?
Webm unrelated. For whatever reason you can playback a lot of various cutscene-only animations whenever you please in 1.X
This is why it keeps happening.
If you want these to stay up, you have to fly under the radar.
>Implying the WoWfag wouldn't just scour the catalog looking specifically for any mention of the game.
>mods are giving shota bunny boy fag death now
Masked Carnivale gives a shit ton.
>Turn whole body to face you
>walk in
>turn 360°
>walk out
More people need to see into the minds of 1.0 devs
>trying to level
>doing potd
>bored out of my fucking mind
>some absolute mouthbreather runs into a room with 8+ enemies and wipes the duty
Simply ebin.
Thanks for reading my blogpost I'm done playing for today.
I guess just making a general thread when there's a general thread already on /vg/ gets the thread deleted.
I think I'm gonna try for Necromancer title.
okay well how many epic threads are up right now? BL3 threads? fucking wow threads despite their being TWO generals?
potd was really mind numbingly slow to level. Did they improve it recently?
fuck does it really? Do i need to go full autismo to do it each week? I don't have anywhere near all of the spells for BLU because its a stupid fucking meme of a """""job""""" but if its doable with a handful then I'll bite
I have every job to 70 and I never touched potd except twice. daily roulettes, beast tribes, challenge log, and squadron missions are all you need. if you're that lazy then fire up a bot to grind for you.
>Mods will action us but not the erp avatarposting no game discussion allowed vg thread
If they want to be rid of us they know what to do. Yet they still persist.
Getting about 1 level per 51-60 run as a level 25 THM, with earring + ring + rested exp, though I doubt those work for PotD.
i bought the game and dlc's but never redeemed the code and just played the trial up to level 16 farming enemies in the beginner forest region as a monk big bulky dude.
Probably play in the summer when I'm back from uni, any tips? I originally bought it because my ex-gf played it a lot but we're broken up now and she was going to help me.
>When will they improve the cutscene animations?
Never ever
You'd think that be dropping PS3 and 32 bit support that they'd have no excuses but I'm sure there's some bullshit reason as to why we'll still do nothing but nod in Shadowbringer cut scenes.
*nuzzles buldge*
You can probably clear most with just basic damage spells of each type
There was no excuse for it even with PS3/32bit, when FFXI regularly still does better cutscenes than ARR.
Follow the MSQ religiously.
Everything is locked behind it.
Skip cutscenes if you dont like it but you still have to do it.
Also blue quests are for unlocking things, do them too.
Man, fuck roulette queues are so slow as DPS especially low level.
PS4 limitations.
What does dropping 32 bit support have to do with animations. The reason why the cutscenes are so simplistic is so they can be made quickly and therefore there can be a lot of them.
>Hate hunts
>Want the ARR/HW mount speed increases
>No way to get seals without doing those God damn hunts
>The only other way is to do a duty for a job I have no intention of ever unlocking
Fucking Hell....
Party up with 1 tank or healer. Your queues become instant. It's stupid easy to find people to party up with in Novice Network.
Do you think you're engaging in civil disobedience by not playing Blue Mage? Get a grip.
Keep in mind the speed increase is only for land based mounts, to catch them up to flying speed, so I would advise only getting the ARR ones.
What bot would you recommend?
>Do you think you're engaging in civil disobedience by not playing Blue Mage?
No? I never had any interest in BLU before and making it a "Limited Job" made me lose the last little bit of interest I didn't even know I still had.
Dunno why that didn't quote you
sasuga hallmonitor-kun
What the hell is wrong with his cat?
thanks :)
She has autism
Please dont bully.
Nothing. She is the only intelligent cat in this misbegotten world.
Sorry for the late answer.
I'm not new nor can I mentor so I don't know how I'd get into the novice network again.
It's a crazy time when I have to come to Yea Forums to actually talk about vidya games.
Does anyone want to do PotD 100+ or the higher floors of HoH?
Oh, she had a white tailtip without having to fuck her regular hair with highlights.
How is alphascape?
>I'm 8 levels above my story quests
Playing on a double XP server was a mistake
There was a bunch of avatar faggotry, that's why it was deleted
Gotta stop the problem when it sprouts instead of allowing it to grow
sorry man, im doing maps
yeah, you'll be like level 55 by the time you hit the steps of faith
You haven't subbed in a while you can get back in the novice network as a returner.
Free: self made scripts and macros
Paid: MMOminion
No it wasn't, that just means you won't have to stop and grind and can just focus on the msq
It just means you wont have to stop and grind for xp in the mid 50s and 60s.
The point of playing on a double XP server is to speed level crafting and gathering while saving gil and time.
enjoy your 90k
Can I tag myself as a returner somehow? Last time I had it it disappeared after about 15-20 hours of playtime.
lalafell limitations
The gunbreaker reveal video shows him using custom animations and walking, so hopefully soon.
there should be cgi cutscenes throughout msq like classic FF games
returner is a limited time thing. once you're out, only way you can get back in if you're not a new player is to become a mentor. the crafting+gathering requirements are really easy.
Know any good way to self make a fishing bot? I can't figure out a way to detect a controller vibration or movement of the fishing rod
I'm doing 12 aquapolis per day because of a specific orchestrion roll. Hi
That will cost you .5 of a dungeon and one raid boss
Feelsgood to have nothing to do but eureka for the next months
Sure, do you have experience reaching floor 200 in potd?
All the requirements are really easy.
i'm ok with just i dungeon/patch
No, all my groups always got bored beforehand.
most xi/v/ threads devolve into seething about trannies and the /vg/ threads so it figures the one time the shitposting is fairly low it'd get blammed
eureka could have been this
so exactly the same?
What tank is the most fun for dungeons? I don't want to tank anything bigger since I main healer.
>people saving those webms
Do I need to make more or something?
logos become extensions to weaponskills and spells. NMs are unknown level opposing forces. the area is a zone instead of a instance now.
Could've been what retard, your image just shows people fighting a fucking monster which is already what Eureka is.
you never even did pyros faggot.
F in chat to the Limsa aquarium.
Any, PLD's Clemency makes it a self-healer and it's got high enough defenses you're likely never gonna die, WAR lets you unga bunga and gives you a buff for doing so in tank-stance, DRK is more oGCD and health-drain reliant but is not much more complicated than PLD
MMO generals belong on
war is okay too, but only if you have inner release and having to storm eye during pull is ass cancer to me
I believe they used mocap for some Solus animations, we might see more of it in the future.
This is why they must be purged.
So, after a long time I resubscribed and right know I'm about to finish the heavensward content (I think). Do I need to purchase stormblood or can I just wait for shadowbringer?
shad will come with sb yes yes
You can wait for shadowbringers and get stormblood if you wish.
Stormblood if you want lv. 70 now, ShB if you can wait three months. We're in post-expac downtime so you can blast through it now, check key resellers if you want SB cheap.
crystal tools engine
luminious engine fork
It's all going to change in 5.0 but WAR has a tendency to get TP starved during mass pulls unless your DPS is good or you have a BRD or Melee DPS paying attention to tact/goad you.
PLD can run into the same issue but at least you can flash to hold aggro if you run out of TP
DRK is probably the funnest to do dungeons with since you rely on MP to spam AOE abilities and you have multiple ways to generate plenty of it yourself. However, if you aren't paying attention and you try to chainpull with little/no MP and you mismanaged your cooldowns, it can be a pain to re-establish threat on large groups.
You can wait, but you wont have SB untill ShB launch.
Imagine getting Yuffie's name and be a catboy
But would I get stormblood content if I get shadowbringer? or is stormblood content something that I don't want anymore? since people will start doing the new shit and only that.
it's a catgirl, caboys didn't exist in 1.0, the good old days
>Someone invited me to a NOVICE hoohah
>now im in a NOVICE chat thingy
What does it even do? I was too lazy the read the text and everyone speaks german :(
Expansions are linear, you can't access Shadowbringers without going through Stormblood content first.
the main story quest is linear, you are required to go through the story to reach the new shit.
when shadowbringers is released for real it'll start coming with all previous expansions for this exact reason.
shit game
its the world chat for the game.
Good game.
Luminous can't into windows.
It was made for noobs to ask questions and get answers. In reality, it is a chat channel for retards with the bk crown
shadowniggers edit when
Ah fuck. I gotta to look for that exit button
cant you just use Equilibrium for your initial aggrohold and swing right into Storm's Eye by the forth real input? The overheal aggro is no joke. By that point your pull is done 2 buttons in(3 if you OP for good measure I guess), its just you managing who you want to slap around.
Who dark/breaker here?
miqote tits and ass
Only if the DPS are either garbage or use diversion (which is usually). I can almost always get away with doing path and equilibrium straight into IR decimate. For example, in the first pull of the swallow's compass I don't even overpower the guys after the iron giants. If you actually do have good DPS then thankfully they'll have diversion for all the pulls you want to do that in most dungeons.
Also, overheal does not generate additional aggro but it's still really good: Healing 10k hp while missing 0 generates the same amount as if you were missing 20k.
You figure they'd have added an optional Savage version of the Yojimbo fight just to give some people something to do.
au ra tits and ass
What do I spend all this Mendacity on?
Stop trying to shill this stupid bitches art. She's literal garbage at drawing.
>use diversion
fucking never.
I meant DPS are usually garbage
You can just lump in DPS that do good damage but don't use diversion as garbage too
i agree
hate private mods
Sorry, if you don't use diversion then you're garbage. This isn't up for debate as it's a clear conclusion based on mathematical facts. You won't get any more replies.
I just leveled all my DoH to 50. what?
Fuck off with your shitty bait retard
get them to 70.
>dont use your aggro management
>get mad when others dont do their aggro management
Do your job you dicklet you doing one extra aggro combo does not bring the entire raids DPS down.
aggro is you're responsiblity not mine : )
if you want to do more damage play dps
Thank god most DPS are too stupid to do an AoE rotation or understand/build their substats. I like being lazy and using EQ for my hold while I line up that beyblade.
How though? Just power leveling like I've been doing with leves or whatever?
Do Moogle quests and then Namazu quests you tard
I use it almost purely because forcing a tank to use his aggro combo more than is necessary is rude and unfun, I would rather be a team player than ruin my tanks day
Moogles, deliveries, and lots of spreadsheet autism I guess
Figures. Guess I have to work to get that Gil.
>trying this hard
That's gonna be a yikes for (you)
Moogle and Namazu quests are basically free exp and you unlock extremely useful crafting mats purchasable from the shops for ranking them up. It's stupidly easy.
oh boy
This. Losing aggro and getting a dps killed will not make up for the tiny bit of damage you already have so little of.
T. Tank main
Excaliber/Aegis Shield Zeta? Or Ragnarok Zeta? Already have pld anima.
t. has never actually been in a high performing static.
I'm in a group that has cleared UWU and is progging UCOB. We typically all get purples and maybe high blues on our worst performing days in savages.
DPS that don't use diversion aren't allowed to exist here because it brings the raid wide DPS Down.
Tanks that use tank stance outside of opener will get kicked because it brings the raid wide DPS down.
Try doing content outside of duty roulette before forming an opinion.
Stop samefagging your 100 word essay due next week tier bait
>do 5k dps on tank
>let the 3k dps rdm that didn't diversion die
no loss
why is this such a meme? on both sides even. just use the combo or just use diversion? just be a good group member lmao
based, a dps that doesn't diversion is a problem that solves itself
Is it too late to start running Savage? I was away for a while but I'd like to fight some shit. Alphascape V1.0 doesn't look that hard
Yes. Everyone who's capable of clearing already did it and doesn't care anymore. Just wait for 5.0 and jump in on Eden right away.
>just be a good group member lmao
Yeah, that means using diversion as a dps and doing as much damage as you can as a tank to make the run go faster
It's all basic obvious stuff but shit posters have clung to this issue to act like smug faggots for attention
Maybe their parents never hugged them as children or something
tfw no raven haired hime gf
I never use Diversion if there's an AST healer. I find that they're more willing to give me cards if my threat is higher.
Thanks, thought so.
I want it...
The necromancer title...
>admitting to being a retard when I was giving you the benefit of the doubt
Stop posting
nobody's talking about savage raidtranny
Savage Raid Tranny will be my new band name.
I cleared o4s right before echo hit like a month before echo hit before cleared o9s-o11s before recently. o11s before echo.
am now in a static that hit m/f enrage after 3 hours of prog.
while it is true that it's easier to clear early on, there will always be competent players that have returned to the game looking to clear late.
I have a feeling the people saying "all the people that can clear have already cleared" are the PF traps. It just takes a bit more effort at this point in the expansion pack but still definitely doable
>Tanks that use tank stance outside of opener will get kicked because it brings the raid wide DPS down.
Nice fucking try faggot you're not fooling anybody.
How does he do it? The "don't use diversion" shitposter always racks up the replies.
>I have a feeling the people saying "all the people that can clear have already cleared" are the PF traps. It just takes a bit more effort at this point in the expansion pack but still definitely doable
The problem with that is that you need to find the rare static that's just getting into things late, when the fact is that most people still running those early fights are just incompetent.
>pick up tank
>play it like a dps
>cry and whine when asked to be a tank
I hope diversion gets deleted because of you faggots.
that already happens, that's why they had to lock accessories to classes.
>cleared early and want to farm all the sets, but pf is spooky
Imagine being so shit that you need everyone to use diversion.
i'm going dark skin bunbreaker
was going to use an eyepatch too but lolnoheadgear
the people that constantly find excuses to not do content are the worst
>dont wanna raid because everyone has a group already from last tier/expansion
>dont wanna raid when tier is unlocked because "itll just be replaced by next tier's gear anyway"
>dont wanna raid when the final tier is unlocked because "itll just be replaced in the first level of the expansion anyway"
gee just admit all you want to do is log on and erp or something, no one's judging
I still remember the salt over that. People would keep DPS accessories equipped the day before the servers were taken down before Stormblood launched to protest. Are there any autistic spergs still having them equipped?
It's fine if people don't do savage, but the retards that don't and shit on the people that do are the best. Enjoy your shitty 24 mans where the difficulty isn't the boss fights but the fact that 90% of the party, including you, is retarded and dying to mechanics you've been seeing since you stepped into the first dungeon.
I never said it'd be easy but if you want to actually clear savage you can no matter how late in the expac
also this. absolutely nothing wrong with not raiding in this game because there's actual side content to do unlike WoW
Same fagging, if you're sitting by your pc and have a cell phone you can easily fake a bunch of stuff
not that I've seen.
I'm still so fucking mad that they undid the best change in the game by making damage scale off STR instead of VIT.
Fuck all they had to do was change weakness to just a general damage down
Now were gonna see level 60 gunbreakers with no vit cause they're all using str accs.
What is it like pugging raids? Recently left my static because I don't want to commit the time to it anymore, but I was wondering how well pugs usually clear content? I might pug raids for ShB.
i think you're tinfoil hat may be on a bit too tight user
Tanks were legit using 270 Alexandrian strength accessories in Deltascape. They were giving up ~20% of their HP pool for a ~2% DPS increase. It only stopped once SE basically admitted defeat and started putting a bit of Strength on Fending accessories.
I thought its only helmets that we won't be able to wear.
It's fine if people don't do savage, but the retards that don't and shit on the people that do are the best
all of xivg
Learn to spot traps parties quick or spend thousands in repair bills and wasted time. People expect to be carried through most content and do the absolute minimum to get by for their clears or free loot.
Because he's right. Tanks are meant to tank, healers are meant to heal, and DPS are meant to DPS. Diversion is completely unnecessary if everyone is following their role, which tank shitters refuse to do because they think going from 2000 to 2050 is a big deal.
And not putting enough STR on it in question, so that we're back to 3.0 penta-melded crafted accessories which people bitched about due to upfront cost requirement to not be a shit tank.
Join a static, pugging is just a headache. Best example would be when I joined a party doing o11s panto 1 and I think in 10 pulls we cleared level checker 1 time.
i've heard multiple things, some say just full helmets, some say nothing except ShB artifact gear. hard to say for sure since translations can be ambiguous, for now i'm just assuming the worst.
>I am literally too good for the party by pressiing 1 button
Tanks if the dps purposely make the run slower just let them take aggro and watch them die
>everyone should follow their role
>have an ability literally labeled as a role action
>don't use it
Bought Skip for ARR and HS MSQ and currently at 60 (I played both missions but I lost my account and I bought the game in Steam when it was on sale)
What I am for with Stormblood?
I just said I don't want to commit time to a static, I just got out of that.
Honestly if you were in a Panto 1 party and they couldn't clear level checker in the first few pulls, you have only yourself to blame
If diversion gets deleted then Square should just make it so only tanks can generate enmity so you crybabies can have an even easier time hitting 1-2-3 and 1-1-2-1-1-2-3-1-1-2 :^)
More of the same.
Would you Nashu a Mhakaracca?
He's baiting, ignore him and move on with the slutposting and memeing as usual.
>2000 to 2050
is this worth checking out if I haven't played since early 2017
>Learn to spot traps parties quick
Honestly this and you'll be fine. A static is preferable but uh I've pguged a lot of fights
your fault for staying past the 2nd level checker wipe.
this is going to sound elitist but if people are all grey parsing and we're gonna hit enrage I don't give the party a chance. if people fail easy mechanics I don't give the party a chance. I cleared o11s in pf and I had to put up "3 wipes before panto 2 party = disband" and had previously blacklisted over 30 people from other peoples clear parties for trapping.
If you're the type of person that's overly nice and wants to "give every 15 chances"
Never stick your dick in crazy
Any gay males that play females characters here? Or do you just play male characters?
> "give every 15 chances"
"give everyone 15 chances"*
you can perform outside of your given role, you have the tools to do so
Tanks can heal themselves
Healers can do damage
SMN and RDM can raise, the latter can also cure
DPS can heal themselves with role actions like bloodbath and second wind
DPS and healers can also cull their aggro generation, some can even half it, as ROLE actions
you literally cannot refute that they shouldn't do any of these, they can and should use all the tools at their disposal to perform at their best for their team
also, if healers could only heal, there would be an exodus of healers because 90% of the time, nothing ever happens, as a SCH I can literally just cast indom and rely on fairy heals for expert roulettes, if I couldn't do damage there would be literally nothing to do
Hes right you know. Dont act like tanks do comparable dps to a tank. And if you are losing aggro to a dps only pulling 4k then theres something wrong with you. Dps stance only or no
>When will they improve the cutscene animations?
I don't know why
FF11 has more unique and better animations
I did notice that there are some unique animations in the allied beast tribe quests. Can you fucking believe it? I'm positive that is just because another team is working on them
>Dont act like tanks do comparable dps to a tank.
She's not crazy, she's retarded
You could pound her ass and tell her you're looking for clues and she would happily let you do it
Why not just play lala?
>Replying to it.
Statics are just coordinated trap parties. The player quality is no better and it's harder to find one than it is to find a pug, making it harder to leave.
Don't like 'em.
I do more damage on tank than 90% of dps, and i'm going to shirk your ass if you get an attitude
I'm not a tranny so no.
gonna be a girl forever user
viera male will be tall and manly, the child viera they showed off were concept art for just that, children, you can't play Miqo'te or Au Ra children now can you? end this meme
mocap is expensive and more taxing on hardware. 1.0 has way better cutscenes because it was practically all mocap.
People seem to forget the design of everything is slap it as hard and fast as you can. Roles are just given shit to do it better or handle aspects to slap it harder, faster, consistently better.
>replying to the reply
Imagine turning vidya into an obligation.
What's the best way to power level DoL? Leve's? Or just farming nodes?
I want to see normal mode raids removed just to spite the kind of people who actually give a shit about them and take them seriously
>my wife’s son and I just killed kefka!!!
Eat shit
>crystal tools engine
That's not crystal tools
That's a prerendered video
It's too hard to figure out who's actually gay or who's discord gay nowadsys.
I just spam leves. They're easy, quick, and give good XP
Except for fishing leves, those can go to the flames of fucking hell.
I didn't know that. 11 doesn't use mocap does it? Why can't they just do that.
or better yet get the guys they use to do the allied beast tribe quest
Reminder that avatar fagging like this is against the rules and why threads get deleted
What's wrong with fishing leve's? I'm planning to level that up first. Is there a better way than leve's?
Leves ideally boosted with commercial gathering manual.
The fuck? Who reacts that way to clearing a normal mode raid?
90% of the playerbase.
>one person makes one post in a 600 post thread
>fuck it, nuke it all
>why threads get deleted
What does that mean? I don't use discord because social anxiety.
Animated by hand.
Nigga how do you get social anxiety from text
A surprising amount of people. I joined a friend’s FC and they all treated normal mode 8-mans like fucking ultimate.
Damn what episode of DBZ is this
That's how the blizzcuck mod will justify it
I knew about it being a shit party, I was just playing around with my DRG rotation during level checker, so I didn't mind it that much. It was just an example of how trash it can be.
In the end he's going to waste a lot more time trying to pf instead of doing it with static, if only you could prevent people from joining your party with grey in Chaos.
Isn't it required to use mics?
There are unironically people in my fc that don't do 24 mans because they claim it's too intimidating and a lot of mechanics.
This having the most casual playerbase in the west isn't a meme.
you're in for a lot of disappointment. JP is the only region that pugs successfully. The really dedicated pugs clear week 1-2, after a month the average pug group has the tier on farm to the point where using the raid finder and clearing with randos is common.
Mining and Botanist leves just spawn a bunch of nodes around you, you just have to mine the shit and move on. Easy and quick.
Fishing leves have you go find specific fish to turn in. It's much more RNG based. Its not worth it at all because I just end up getting the levels I need trying to catch the damn thing for just one of them.
my god its great
what t hey are doing with xiv is a fucking embarrassment
To use Discord? No.
Yes, can you do them cross server? I haven't played in awhile. I'm on Sarg
or you can buy the fish and just powerlevel to 70
>getting disconnected from the data center a couple seconds after loading into a dungeon
So you're just saying to forego the fishing leve's and just grind out the levels on fish? Thanks for the tip.
It's one of the only two cutscenes from XI I ever see posted. You know why? Probably because the rest isn't that great and this is cherrypicked, as usual.
>Punches fist
>Steps forward in anger
You couldn't when cross data center stuff was first introduced but you can now, yeah. I'm on Primal however.
So? There is literally nothing in xiv that can compare unless its old 1.0 cutscenes, and even then I don't recall anything that looked that good.
Pretty much unless you personally know 7 people who trust to run with you.
I doubt the elitists will help even with a newbie bonus and everyone else will be shit.
>*dabs on your thread*
This is now an ERP thread.
remember that eu's fanfest lineup was so tepid because yoship considers eu the 'artistic' DC uninterested in combat related stuff.
with femroes? no thanks
xifaggots need to leave and make their own thread
you coming here to shit up good discussion because your game is dead gets fucking old
It's not xifaggots
It's retarded doomposters with stale copypasted content trying to stir shit for attention because that's the only way they can feel something in their boring lives
Tired of this shit
Quick question: New to the game and I just finished my storyline for my starting city state. Where do I go to get the other 32 levels I need to hit 50 on my class? And what do you do to level all the others up to 50 if you complete their quests?
that's an elezen innit
>That much production value.
who's shitting up discussion? if you're talking about the cutscene he was posting something relevant in the discussion.
Imagine the low testosterone.
body is far too masculine
>Probably because the rest isn't that great and this is cherrypicked, as usual.
Adoulin has about 100 cutscenes, and half of them are of the calibur in this webm, the rest are general canned-animation talks with NPCs....with better camera work than modern ARR still, because camera doesn't involve anything beyond a bored director.
Keep doing the main story retard, it'll answer all your questions
There's a lot more story to go through. A lot more, enough to last you to 70. If you're having issues with EXP you should try grinding dungeons.
>I just finished my storyline
No you didn't. Just keep doing the quests in the top left corner. Also do the blue ones with a + on the icon.
yep there's the other cutscene people post
Post logs
hey wow it's literally the 1 other cutscene always reposted.
Is this how Hrothgar were made?
Look at the top left corner of your screen
DAILY REMINDER for parse fags and raid trannies
Getting orange parses will not make you a woman.
Chopping off your dick will not make you a woman.
HRT will not make you a woman
Ultimate and savage content is autistic shit and is not real content. Everyday until they get it bros
Pure onions
Don't mind me, just making sure this thread rises up.
now post a xiv cutscene that isn't from 1.0 that compares
rent free
LBG community should have never accepted the """T""".
imagine being more concerned about casualshit like cutscenes instead of things like the quality of the combat
3.0 DRK
I agree. they shit up everything.
Benchmark when? I wanna get comissions of my hrothgar showing his taint.
you just finished the tutorial.
Two quests you should pick up asap:
Rising to the Challenge, in Limsa Lominsa
It Could Happen to You, in Uldah
Also talk to the Smith npcs you find pretty much everywhere if you haven't, you can get some useful gear and a awesome ring
As a literal faggot I completely agree. Don't lump me in with those mental cases.
Savage is absolutely content though and the way raids are meant to be if you're not a shitter. Git gud, user. Even bad players end up clearing via pugs.
>can't post anything because all XIV cutscenes are trash
oof, nice try at moving the goalposts though
play in ARR for a little while
>people used to be friendly
>people used to be patient
>people used to be mature
>people used to explain boss mechanics before pull
play in Stormblood
>game has gone full wow
>players have gone full wow
>everyone just run in and pulls, leaving newcomers no chance to even ask for boss mechanics
can't wait for vanilla wow release so those children hop onto the next big thing and leave my game alone.
>*insert gobbie gibberish here*
Have one of the more laid-back CS from the game's third expansion then.
>expecting people to explain the same mechanics they keep reusing since arr
Fuck off to your own thread, shitposter
It's amazing how BfA being so shit would also bring down the quality of FF14 with all the refugees
>tfw played on and off in ARR
>tfw will run in and pull everything
if you want me to stop, type something out during the trash fight before the boss or something or I'm pulling once everyone has crossed the purple line.
The sprout button next to the chat toggles it on and off.
ARR launch and the several months following it was the most fun I've had in an MMO in years. A shame what happened to the community.
I'll simply stop healing at that point, and wait for the inevitable votekick by impatient children like you so I can go back to botting and steal all your money via market board.
Welcome to an MMO where as long as you have the minimum gear, you can pretty much eat every mechanic from a boss and not die, and they're all otherwise telegraphed well in advance of happening anyways, after being repeatedly used throughout the content leading up to that point.
I only bother explaining shit if people ask in the dungeons 49 and earlier.
>no one says anything
>run in and pull boss
>healer stops healing
>thinks I'll get kicked
Like I said, you need to simply speak up and say something or I'm just gonna pull. I'm not gonna do a ready check before each boss
>Yoshida white knights will defend this
I don't get your implication. Yoshi knows how to make a good game and he's a great choice for FF16.
stfu i still remember all the bitches who joined t4 parties and dropped just to skip 3 for their buddies, they still did that 2 MISTAKES OR KICK bullshit you see now
Should I resub right now or finish shadow of Mordor?
What's the problem?
how about no? I play this game and even I can admit the cutscene quality is laughably low
11 talk belongs elsewhere.
>Next mainline game would be getting the fuck away from the high tech modern crap
Am I supposed to be mad about this?
That doesn't tell me anything still. Tell me what your problem is you memeing faggot.
Fuck off phonefaggot.
t. Tanaka
>you live in a timeline where you might get an ff16 set in ivalice with a big focus on action and good gameplay
Think the implication was they'd wait for themselves to get votekicked out so they dont need to waste 'their' time with an 'impatient' tank. Granted it's a bait response anyways.
I don't even play 11 anymore, we were discussing cutscene quality and you just can't accept that ARR onwards have terrible cutscenes, there is no need to be mad
>90% of the playerbase has never touched a ff game in their lives
>most only play because wowfugee or to be a catgirl
>Should I resub
>t. Yoshi-p
I never want another mainline FF to be Ivalice focused. There'd be too much "It has to be FF!" familiarity crap in it that XII barely skirted the line on. It should just be its own FF:Ivalice series.
That doesn’t answer my questikn
You haven't explained what the problem with Yoshida heading the team is.
No shit they're bad. But leave 11 discussion elsewhere. It doesn't belong here and leads to mass shitposting.
Disgusting. The only good FFs were turn based.
You would think with how often they port FF games everyone would have played one by now. Especially FF7-X that has been on so many systems now.
Who even plays this crap anymore but casuals of the highest caliber?
I'm not going to tell you. I'm just going to laugh at you.
Too bad. Yoshida has said he wants a return to fantasy and a focus on intense action. Turn-based has gone the way of the dodo.
ff15 event in a couple weeks.
Includes a 4 seater car mount
250k mgp at the saucer, idk if they'll bring it back to the saucer after or if it will go to the mogstation.
All the other times they've had this shit it went back to the saucer (at least those minigame machine furnishings did) so I don't see why this wouldn't
Obviously you as that’s why you came into the thread to spam.
Show bussy
Only 200k for the car
20k for the hairstyle
10k for the card
>enters busy thread
>"lol casuals who even plays this"
>contributes nothing
>retarded anime girl pic
Low-quality post you retarded nigger. People like you should get banned.
>Yoshi-P heading FFXVI
Best timeline.
>make a joke in Orbonne about how Cid was laughably overpowered in Tactics
>someone asks why I called him Cid
>tell him that was his name in Tactics
>"whats tactics?
Man I'm OP and I kindly exile you like the ERP faggots. Get away from here Jenova tranny
>japanese wow
>aka babys literal first mmo
no thanks, add hardcore content for hardcore gaymers such as myself and lock out everybody who does not commit to the game or put some time and effort into their character or stay away with those disgusting threads about this sad "play 30 minutes per day and still be able to achieve everything, wagecuck" excuse of an mmo.
>No tank stance allowed!
Lmao my dude good luck in adds in UCOB you idiotic meta whore
Show me your UCOB clear.
The real issue is actually japs don't have good pc.
Thinking about starting this. Anything I need to know if I wanna be a paladin?
please answer honestly
does this game have good, mechanically hard raids or at least interesting story?
are healers or any other form of support useful? can they fare off solo, not completely solo of course, but least somewhat?
how severe is mentally ill people infestation?
if I create a cute character with intention on just playing the game, will weird people approach me with weird whispers?
are there non-mentally ill 4chins guilds? there pvp?
Shut your fat mouth, I don't have to prove anything to you.
It does though. You know what doesn't? The DPS hitting one (1) button.
I hate these people so much
>tfw found out a few are my friends
why in the FUCK would you play the FOURTEENTH game in a series you know nothing about? When you can easily play the other games free or very cheaply? What the shit?
This entire game is just a FF fanservice themepark, so why the fuck do these shitters come from no where?
>game is 95% cutscenes
>and its motherfucking final fantasy
>lol who care casul xd
Because it's the only half decent MMO on the market? Are you a mouth breathing retard?
My group has cleared both Ults and in multiple spots our MT uses tank stance to make everyone else's lives easier for a particular period, before switch back to DPS stance. The DPS checks in both those fights are not A3S-prog levels of strict.
whatever you say, key point is that I wish the cutscenes weren't as stunted as they are now, I can't think of a single cutscene in this expansion that impressed me, maybe the fight with Zenos in Rhalgrs Reach, but that's it.
I'm not asking for every scene to contain motion capture, I know that is expensive and taxing on lower end hardware, but come on, not even a nice fight scene every now and then? Or characters reacting that isn't just standing still and occasionally dropping a slight emote? I liked how Solus moved when he was chewing the scenery.
Yes to all of it.
I'd love another Ivalice game. Its better if its not a mainline FF
>mechanically hard raids
>interesting story
yes, starting with the first xpac. pacing before then is dreadful.
>mentally ill people infestation
rare at the top.
>approach cute characters?
>non-mentally ill Yea Forums guilds?
yes but its trash and nobody plays
Free trial up to level 35 and free base game with Twitch Prime.
yes, compared to WoW (another one I have raided extensively in) fights are mechanically difficult and complex but highly choreographed. smaller number of fights overall though. the hardest bosses i have ever beaten in mmos are all in this game (Ultima, Bahamut, Brute Justice). the story is outstanding.
obviously they are useful, healers are the only "support", bard machinist & ninja are support-oriented DPS but everything is all about doing damage. even tanks and healers in raids should be optimizing their damage output. this is one thing that sets XIV apart that I like an awful lot. you can do the entire main story on a healer no problem
pretty bad, depends on server, but can be mostly ignored so whatever
only if you play on server known for ERP like balmung
never join a Yea Forums guild, seriously, never do it
yes, but its dog shit, don't bother
>waiting on anti-Garlean expansion that will certainly show Thavnair and Dalmasca
>get Bizzaro ARR instead
What the fugggg
>he unironically types out things like kek
feel free to return at any time
>NO ERPers allowed edition
Is it even possible to discuss XIV without the interruption of thirsty lonely people with low standards?
I see some discussion in this thread, but only after a lot of posts were deleted.
>does this game have good, mechanically hard raids or at least interesting story?
Yes to both of those. The story is by no means 10/10, but pretty decent for an MMO. Picks up at ARR post patch quests, Heavensward was good, SB was bad. This games savage fights can be very challenging and well designed. Ultimates are some of the hardest content in any MMO's
>are healers or any other form of support useful? can they fare off solo, not completely solo of course, but least somewhat?
Yes healers do good dps in this game unlike other MMO's
>how severe is mentally ill people infestation?
Absolute meme. If you are constantly running into these people, it's probably you.
Although if you are the type that's absolutely triggered by the fact that LGBT friendly FC's exist, maybe not the game for you. at least don't fucking post about it here like the other tards. They exist, just don't join them if it's not for you.
>if I create a cute character with intention on just playing the game, will weird people approach me with weird whispers?
no. Unless you have an RP tag on.
>are there non-mentally ill 4chins guilds?
Depends on server, stay away from the RP ones, otherwise about what you would expect from an online game
Dont be a waifu fag
nah fuck nu ivalice and what ffta did to it
i wanna see your clear man don't blue ball me like this
You don't need even one rare spell for masked carnival. It is brain dead easy once you solve the puzzle part of each fight. You will need to make sure you have a decent range of elemental damage for optimal results and some spells make it far easier like self destruct.
tactics isnt fun
So which eu worlds have the most english speakers?
>2:46 on the paralysis debuff
Authentic Eurekan experience
FFTA is a fictional world. They can always do their own shit and follow-up on say, Vagrant Story/FFT's take on the world.
Did you forget to save in another slot before Riovanes?
I forgot a yes to pvp
im surprised you didn't make a wiegraf joke like the other tactics shitheads
it's not bad by any means, but as ff spinoffs go, it's decidedly mediocre
XIV puts its action in the actual fights.
Raids are challenging but they're also very linear with little variance.
Once you learn the rhythm and how your class dances to it, you can pretty much go on autopilot.
>if I create a cute character with intention on just playing the game, will weird people approach me with weird whispers?
This only really has a chance of happening if you AFK in or around the Quicksands. It's like AFKing around Goldshire Inn then complaining when people whisper you asking to e-fuck.
>Admitting to being a shit bucket
Imagine the smell.
it became the real ivalice in ff12 and ffta2
>sub humans were extinct in fft bro
no mention of them anywhere except moogles
The thing about final fantasy is the games are unrelated to each other. Yes of course there are references such as Cids, Chocobos, crystals, recurring monsters, etc. But you don't have to play 1 to play 2, You don't have to play 4 to play 5, and so on.
The French sure love moogle
I started XIV because I was looking for a solid MMO to play. Not a WoWfugee, just itching for an MMO.
Normally I like JRPGs but every FF game I've played since then had intensely boring gameplay. I quit IV and VI and only finished V.
Literally the only problem with this is if Yoshi doesn't bring Soken along for music.
>does this game have good, mechanically hard raids
All the highest tier raids are entirely mechanics, DPS checks are almost all relatively lax and only one high end raid has extremely high damage output. However right now everything but the two Ultimate difficulty fights (Unending Coil of Bahamut and the Weapon's Refrain) are completely outgeared and are given an easy mode buff that gives +10-20% damage/hp/healing output since the new expansion is coming soon. You'll probably have trouble finding a group that wants to do them with the buff off and lower level gear too.
>interesting story?
Overall yes, but it does have a major slog early in the 2.0 (A Realm Reborn) storyline and after the 2.0 finale (Ultima Weapon). And I'm talking 150+ quests of sniffing chocobos and picking flowers level of slog. They've said they plan to rework that story into a more concise series of cutscenes at some point, possibly in the upcoming expansion, but it's not confirmed exactly when yet.
>are healers or any other form of support useful?
Healers are necessary and you can solo everything in this game since all the aspects that require multiple people have matchmaking systems in place. Healers have faster queue times than DPS as well. All the solo-only content/questing is braindead. Healers have respectable damage output themselves.
>mentally ill people infestation?
Depends on the server. Steer clear of Balmung and Mateus if you want to avoid the weird ERP types and Gilgamesh if you want to avoid the "toxic" failed tryhard types.
>weird whispers?
Maybe occasionally, but you can just click their name in chat and blacklist them so they can't talk to you. If you're on a degenerate server like Balmung or Mateus it's more likely to happen, but the game has a "search comment" you can set if you're on a server like that, just put "no RP" in it if you start having that problem and people will leave you alone.
don't eb catgirls they will cheat on you
>are there non-mentally ill 4chins guilds?
There's Golden Ratio on Ultros. They're less mentally ill and more just shit at the game and never get anything of note done other than shit on the GAF/Resetera guild.
Uematsu sadly will fade away soon. Soken is the successor of FF music.
I'm not a big fan of IV or VI either but I can recommend VII and X. The 3D remake of III is also pretty nice as a more classic style JRPG.
>literally just split the servers between baguettes and krauts
excuse you I cleared ultimate..
There's worse, I met this today in a guildhest.
Those are the two variants of Yea Forums guild
>Full of degenerates but also top tier players
>Full of alright people but also terrible players
>ERPers allowed edition
saw a fella on my precious Lamia running by the name of Xxninjaxx Ninjutsichi
no points for guessing the only job he had at level 60
i wonder what he's up to these days.
yeah with 7 other people who weren't from ZR
the degenerates fc don't have top tier players however
You're right, but the top tier player FCs do have degenerates.
what did hideo kojima mean by this?
Shame it's not Mizuta.
right thanks guys
What if Y'shtola is in smash bros
I mean yeah, but they arent Yea Forums guilds
>hildibrand fucks hot c@girl ass every night
what did they mean by this
>are there non-mentally ill 4chins guilds?
guy who introduced me to his guild was from here, but most of the guild itself doesn't come here
take from that what you will.
reminder that your precious 'final fantasy' was basically remade in WoW's image in ARR, after it failed hard as an XI clone. Even literal wowfugees have more claim to this game than you do _____xd_____
>Male Cat
Why do Male Cats attract the worst people?
It could be worse. Imagine being a fan of a series of games with a huge underlying plot connected between each game, and having your threads flooded with retards who skipped 5 of those games to start the series with the 6th and worst one because it started the arc about a bunch of schoolchildren with mechas.
because they are almost universally played by fags or fujos roleplaying as fags
I think julyen would be relieved if he did, she might get some real goddamn grandkids.
shit taste
it was better than many of the mainline titles, including7
>fucking your pet
that's a concept shot from between 1,0 and arr iirc
12 is the best main series game
7 isnt bad, actually quite good, but its way overrated... maybe the most overrated out of any video game
it's not even more overrated than ff6, ct, earthbound, oot
I have already completed 2 relics, just 3 more to go for all the main classes I play. Feels good to almost be done.
>12 is the best main series game
To this day I still don't understand how people legitimately hold this opinion.
How much would fanatics or (You) pay a person in order for their OC to be drawn like pic related?
>does this game have good, mechanically hard raids?
I'd say so, though I guess that's a matter of personal taste.
>are healers or any other form of support useful?
After the first xpac yes.
>how severe is mentally ill people infestation?
Honestly it's worse in these threads than it is in the game. Something about Yea Forums attracts a LOT of desperate homosexuals.
>if I create a cute character with intention on just playing the game, will weird people approach me with weird whispers?
Can't say, sorry.
>are there non-mentally ill 4chins guilds?
Unfortunately no.
> there pvp?
Yes but it sucks.
This is a furry game now.
Only furfags are allowed to post here.
thats a solid 150, 100 minimum
I thought I was in /tesog/ for a second. Everyone pretending a Khajiit expansion means furfags are welcome.
> maybe the most overrated out of any video game
Not when Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, and Skyrim exist.
No more than 80 bucks
I still don't know BotW got rated as highly as it did. I want to chalk a lot of it up to shiny-new-console syndrome, despite the WiiU release being a thing.
It could be worse. Could be PSO2's cutscenes.
I paid $50 to have my char drawn in a dakimakura pose in a proper size
Had it printed but since its shipping from China its taking ten years
I personally would not pay anything because I don't especially want a drawing of my character, but if I was to commission that artist for whatever reason for a picture of similar quality I'd expect to pay around 150 dollars.
And painted like this?
Like 5 bucks
You know how girls sometimes hang out with fat/dumpy chicks, so that they look good by comparison?
Well, BotW is compared to other Nintendo/Switch titles.
BOTW has flaws but it's still legitimately a masterpiece and the best current example of the open world adventure genre. I suspect most of the hate it receives is just a reaction to the crazy amounts of praise it gets.
Are MS duty worth doing?
Nah, the best open world adventure is still Morrowind
(user has replied to your post)
>tfw you've always liked beast races
>tfw get thrown in with furfags
It's a terrible kind of feel.
I consider them fundamentally different styles of game but yes Morrowind is one of the best games ever made.
I prefer Gothic 2.
Every race has their degenerate clique. You can't escape them.
For exp? Definitely.
That is also better than BOTW.
can't wait to blacklist and kick on sight all of the hrothgars
You know what I think?
He simply talks too much.
But you didn't get that from me...
I cant decide if I should resub or wait until closer to the expac..
5-9= play dqxi
Just assume that all headgear will not be displayed at all so that way you cannot be disappointed when ShB launches.
>Every race has their degenerate clique.
What about Dwarves?
There goes my life
So uh what rotation am I supposed to be using with Bahamut?
I've been seeing a few different versions, some where you use your OGCDs between every ruin 2, some where you should use Ahk Morn right away, some that use Ahk morn right after the first fester without it's own Ruin 2, some that just use three Ruin 2s in a row without OGCDs, etc.etc., and
Most of my qualms with the game is the lack of variety in content to do, and how most of the world is empty, unless you really count korok seeds as something other than pointless filler. Also that the graphics aren't anything special given how much that aspect of it got praised also for whatever reason.
You want to have 3 festers in bahamut phase, maybe an addle, and a tri-disaster in there as OGCDs. You want to have 2 Akh Morns. You don't want to double weave much because you want to take advantage of Wyrmwave. That's about it.
>empty, boring world
>awful combat
>retarded enemy AI
>copy/paste 'dungeons'
>terrible 'physics'
And here's an example of terrible 'physics':
Oh and talking ghosts are stupid.
How the fuck do I go about looking for a static.
erp with someone in one
party finder usually has groups recruiting, or you can make a thing saying you are looking
there's also a discord for it
there's a subreddit for it too
He probably meant male dwarves.
I just joined a group that needed a sub and then they asked me if I wanted to join since I was a better player than the missing person, plus he was absent too much.
wtf bros why is malboro full. quit playing the game and go wait for the expansion
You're probably better off waiting until 5.0. There should be a month or so before savage starts after launch and a ton of groups will be recruiting then.
Even though it says it is, a login queue doesn't necessarily mean the server is actually full, it means the login server is backed up trying to process many concurrent requests.
you'll know you're doing it right if you get 11 wyrmwaves in your battle log per bahamut, 10 is acceptable. There are technically many rotations you can improvise if you understand how bahamut's ai works, in practice most people will end up doing similar things. You can work it out yourself or just steal the information from the balance discord's smn channel.
I think we're a preferred world and a lots of newbies and wowfugees are rolling in. Plus people returning to get shit done before Shadoowbringers.
everyone changed, new voice acting studio
Yugiri goes quite for a long time because her voice actress got murdered
Dude, they changed nearly everyone's voice in HW.
Along with literally everyone else. Urianger had one of the biggest downgrades though.
Look at PFs for people recruiting, but also just pug. pug until you run into a group looking for members. That way you can see what statics are like as well as the static you may join.
just click cancel and click on it again
9 times out of 10 you will instantly be able to log in
Dont forget the one that was in a car accident and the one that ironically got diagnosed with skin cancer, that role is cursed
Shouldn't user start looking now for a group now? People aren't waiting for 5.0 to drop to plan for ShB raiding.
>tfw you resub and remember your current goal is to farm 300 HQ mythrite sand for levelling crafters and your mild autism demands you pick up where you left off
>186 left to go
Why did I do this to me?
His voice and many others are significantly better in HW.
10-15 people in queue doesn't mean servers full, their servers just can't handle more than 20 people trying to log into a server at one time so they force an arbitrary queue
Because you hate yourself
ARR Urianger is Gideon Emery who also did Balthier. HW Urianger is fine but he's no Gideon Emery.
give me the essential macros and option tweaks for a more enjoyable experience
just completed my SMN glam, thank fuck. Now I don't really know what to do outside of grind MGP for that regalia
remove pop up numbers from the mobs
I'm almost done guys. Imma finish RDM then I only need to get WHM and AST to 70 and I can start the real endgame crafting & gathering
the only one you'll ever need
cant wait for alpha hrothgar mpreging miqo'te rp
>remove pop up numbers from the mobs
Hey, just in time to grind them all to 80
Soon as the sever changes get Balmiggers off my data center
i'd level up healers, but the changes to CS make it so boring