So what class are you going to pick
So what class are you going to pick
>tfw no I AM THE LAW
you don't pick a class, you choose skills from either the solo, techie or netrunner tree
I'm still disappointed, and pissed that they bothered with a voiced fucking protagonist in a first-person RPG of all things
Major disappointment incoming
I'll probably go with a "social" character.
Always good to see a Cyberpunk thread on Yea Forums
one with sunglasses
I'm going to a loner corpo agent who uses only a katana in battle. I know I'm a badass. OC do not steal btw
I am going to be a newsman or an information blocker/ hacker and go full cyber noir P.I taking photograps of dirty deals and extorting corps for money... oh wait, you canĀ“t do that.
CP doesn't have classes only backgrounds/roles that provide a single special skill besides that you have access to any skill with any character.
something that lets me make a pure COOLBUILD
Necromancer obviously
So a rockerboy?
I don't like that dialogues are in first-person. Doesn't that severely limit the cinematography? What's the point of keeping first-person perspective in dialogues if your character is voiced anyway?
Arcane mage
As much as I hate the sunlight and the fact that it has a car that you can drive around like it's some kind of a fucking GTA, I have to admit that the visual design of that car is super cool.
>What's the point of keeping first-person perspective in dialogues if your character is voiced anyway?
CDPR are retarded and thought a voiced protag in a game with character creation made sense, since all they know is their Mary Sue rough-voiced protag
Dark Knight
Every protag is a mary sue in every game.
I've got a meeting at 11, a sync-up at 12, lunch with the secretary at 130 and some 'work' at 3.
>What's the point of keeping first-person perspective in dialogues
Because you can have eye implants and you can scan not only the person you are talking to but stuff in the environment during dialogue
Everyone complaining about the lack of all 9 classes is just exposing themselves as shitters who never ACTUALLY played the pen and paper game
The only difference between the classes was the one(1) inherently special skill to each class. The rest you just pulled from a general ability pool for all characters. You could make a Nomad who was just as tech-savvy as a Netrunner, but they wouldn't have the Interface to bend the Net. Or a Media who was good of a combatant as a Solo, they just wouldn't have the crazy reaction time from Combat Sense.
Netrunners, Solos and Techies were the only classes that really mattered anyway, the rest were more "jobs" for role playing purposes.