What PC mods would you like to see that improve the game?

What PC mods would you like to see that improve the game?

Attached: 544195-RD2.jpg (768x432, 35K)

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>law overhaul
>running in camp
>postgame arthur
>choosing whatever weight/hair you want without waiting
>all guns on person
>restore the cut mary beth romance

I can actually open the back door of the valentine secret business

keep dreaming lmao

>law overhaul
Yeah what exactly is wrong with the law in the game? I haven't played it. Do cops recognize you even while wearing a mask etc?

>Do cops recognize you even while wearing a mask etc?

It's extremely volatile
>bump into prop
>civilians begin screaming and calling for help

>press button to get on horse
>civilian is within 10 feet so the button contextually switches to "choke the shit out of this guy" instead

>shoot guy the the absolute middle of nowhere
>random horse rider is spawned just over a hill, sees you from 300 feet away and immediately spawns a dozen armed lawmen

>Cut Mary Beth romance
I fucking KNEW there was more there. No reason for her to be as lovable as she is otherwise. Any proof?


>including second love interest for protagonist Arthur Morgan. According to Rockstar Games' co-founder, Dan Houser, this second romantic storyline just "didn't work".

I have no proof it's Mary Beth but IMO her relationship with Arthur and her kindness compared to every other gang member absolutely cements her as the most viable possibility.

>being able to travel to new vegas as arthur

dumbest thing with rdr2 was that you weren't suppose to complete all challanges as arthur

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It was gonna be Sadie. Because there is a glitch where she will leave the camp and follow you around saying different voice lines. She warms up to you over the course of the game. And Mary Beth liked kiernan

how and why is it worse than gta v

More horses and the ability to own more than 4 at a time, I hate that arbitrary restriction when there are like 90 different breeds/colors and I want to collect them

>new vegas

oh fuck wrong game

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horse penis physics for humans

What's the best playthrough? I keep flip-flopping and reloading a Chapter 2 save because I can't decide how I want to play. Low honor asshole until diagnosis, then pure high honor, or what?


Attached: 111.jpg (900x820, 124K)

>Someone attacks you
>Literally not allowed to defend yourself in any way or the cops start attacking you
>Cops just watch you getting shot at or getting punched without doing anything
GTA IV and V had cops who actually arrested people who attack you

Holy shit. That's less than BoTW

It wouldve been Sadie 100%

Mary Beth is totally a QT though.

Can't really think of much that I would want to change, in terms of improving the experience presented by the vanilla game itself. Recreate RDR1 inside RDR2 and have it so the epilogue transitions right into it I guess?

How much of that five hours was getting to the missions?

Mother fucking GRAVITY GUN nigga
Pick up people, horses and wagons with telekinesis and throw them into eachother / over the mountain. And the law doesn't suspect a thing.

I wish I had a cooler webm of a gravity gun mod, this one was kinda weak because it would pick up multiple objects at once. If you set it to just pick up one object you could throw it around with incredible force as it rubber-banded around trying to reach the point it was supposed to be held at

Attached: Gravity Gun [GTA IV - Script Mod].webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Being immortal, i just wanna jump from cliff and shit.

It's not. The law system in RDR2 is flawed and weird for sure but it still is the best and deepest from any Rockstar game.

Improve the walking speed.

It's gonna come to PC. But it 100% will be an Epic exclusive.

No, you just need to understand the rules of the system. If a stranger attacks you first (meaning they become a red dot on the minimap just because you got in their personal space or something), you are 100% legally allowed to pull them off of their horse (as long as you don't steal it) and beat the shit out of them. I usually wait til they get back on their feet and knock their gun out of their hand just so they don't have it anymore, then KO them. If it's in town and you're only using fists, the lawmen will appear and shoot back at your aggressors for you. Just don't hit them again after they're KO'd or its murder. Anyone who sees the unconscious bodies of all the people you've beat up just goes "Damn, not my problem" because it was self defense and you just used your fists

Attached: Chuck Norris.webm (800x450, 3M)


Was this patched in? Because last time I played, the cops would do nothing when someone punches you, while arresting you if you punch back

Seethe harder, So(n)boy.

this + cut unnecessary animations like the looting, like holy shit is annoying

No, it's always been like this. Fist fights are legally fine as long as you don't swing first. The cops shouldn't intervene to protect you with their guns, Arthur can handle himself and it would ruin all the cool bar fights that R* encourages you to make happen.
The sheriffs of towns like Valentine will run you out of town for a few minutes if you "defend yourself" against too many people in one night and there are unconscious bodies everywhere. Cops in mores civilized areas like Saint Denis are real pricks and will arrest you for the slightest shit, like insulting someone and not promptly apologizing is "breaking the peace"

Attached: just walk away.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

An alternate start mod similar to Fallout/TES games where I can play as a random guy and do comfy shit in the wilderness.

How come when you knock someone out, they only wake up and stumble off like a third of the time? Usually they lay there forever, like you put them in a coma and left them to die (which is basically murder). You can beat someone up outside a hotel, sleep 18 hours in it, and come back out and their body will still be there but it'll be dead and rotting.
Usually only tough guy cowboys get back up, but even they never do if you KO them with that 1-hit-KO punch that comes after you disarm them