This is starting to get out of hand

This is starting to get out of hand

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Other urls found in this thread:

uninstall them all and open qbitorrent
Its time to fight back against this shit

Where is the bethesda, Uplay, gog, and Launchers?
It is also never about the Launchers in general. It's about Epic specifically buying up exclusive rights to game they didn't fund or make just so they can keep it out of the hands of anyone. That and nobody wanting to use that botnet spyware.

Not really.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (284x187, 4K)

>LOL JuSt DoWnLoAd ThE fReE aPp GuYs
right, and have my memory usage shoot up like nobody's fucking business
and don't tell me to just log back in and out over and over again because fuck extra loading times

Attached: f6d.gif (480x336, 867K)

Even Steam alone is too much for me these days.
Started cracking all my legit steam games so I wouldn't have to launch that piece of shit ever again.

Gonna need a launcher launcher at this point

OK, so I unironically haven't pirated games in 10 years but am considering going down that route again. What are even the best ways to do it safely these days? Has it changed much in the past decade?

Forgot Uplay



yes. miners everywhere

what are you, stupid? just download the game

Best torrent site is 1337x, best torrent uploaders are FitGiri and IGGames
It's usually piss easy, not much has changed. Use Qbittorrent. Use a VPN if your ISP cares, but honestly you don't have to most of the time. I haven't used a VPN and have never had a problem torrenting.

>all these launchers
>install game on steam
>it install its own launcher

Attached: Caveman.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Competition is good when it benefits the consumer, but so far Epic has not done a single thing beneficial to the consumer.

(((Competition is good)))

I wish it could be this simple

>run game shortcut
>launcher starts
>"Yup, you bought this game, enjoy."
>launcher closes
>game starts

Oh that's good lad.

>competition is good if it's directly fucking over the customer by removing his choice while providing nothing in return

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I only ever got shit from my ISP for torrenting crash bandicoot trilogy, so I started using a VPN for all activision stuff

Where's your GoG Galaxy and Uplay clients?

Delete steam and only keep EGS then? Steam is iirevelant these days

For you, it is

Red and basedpilled

How else are they going to get anyone to download their launcher? People already have all their games and friends on steam so being slightly more convenient to use isn't going to work.

Don't forget Rockstar launcher.

>not using transmission

By providing a better service.

Attached: Bootlicker.jpg (480x360, 32K)

>have to click maybe two more times
wow this is literal genocide

How exactly? Providing exclusive content?

>and wait a few minutes for login and loading times that eventually add up to hours

>In 2019

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Name 1 good game on Epic Store

maybe he likes SC2 custom games

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (45x66, 7K)

>Actively supporting one of the worst game companies ever.
>Literally nothing worth playing on this launcher.

>Epic Games
>1-2 games worth playing for now.

>Actively supporting one of the other worst game companies ever.
>Virtually nothing worth playing on this launcher.

>Tons of shit worth playing. Ten-thousand tons of pure shit that isn't.
>Pushes tons of anti-consumer shit.

What the fuck is wrong with your PC that it takes more than a minute to login to a game launcher

Absolutley based

Attached: Lol.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

>having to move the mouse three pixels to the right to start my game
For how long will gamers endure this oppression?

Please explain how multiple launchers fucks over the customer.

this is starting to get out of hand

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In what way, pray tell?

honestly i'll just wait for the one year wait for epic games to come to steam since it takes that long for a AAA game to be finished after launch nowadays.

We get filter for those it doesn't work anymore.

What about steam is anti-consumer?

>competition is bad
I too want the jews at Steam to own everything. Fuck EA and fuck the chinks am I right ? LMAO !

I only have Steam, GOG, Battlenet and Uplay and I rarely use Uplay or Battlenet and GOG is DRM free so I have no issue. Have no reason to get Bethesda's since they are on Steam, and no reason to get Origin. Only reason I have Uplay is I got a bunch of free games.

That's a good one for 1st April.

Looking back it was really only a matter of time until this happened. The exact same thing is happening with video streaming(Netflix)

>>Pushes tons of anti-consumer shit.
That's hilarious you had to use this as a point when Epic is genuinely the worst offender

Have you heard of our Lord and Savior, Playnite?

>The exact same thing is happening with video streaming(Netflix)

And TV and movie piracy is making a comeback because of it. Exact same thing is going to happen for PC vidya

>Pushes tons of anti-consumer shit.
Are you fucking high? Especially compared to everything else you listed Valve is like a fucking saint

I only use one game launcher

Attached: Capture.png (79x21, 1K)

I can smell you from here.

Still have to have the other apps running in the background

>having proprietary launchers installed
good on you


t. zoomer

>utorrent in 2019

Yeah I've got 300 accounts scattered all over the internet. It's really getting out of fucking hand.

fuck ubisoft, this is why i pirated far cry

>By providing a better service.
gog already does that and it ain't working for them

but if he folds the licons to make more space how well he read what they are?

>Bethesda caved and is going back to Steam
>Uplay games are all on Steam, you need Uplay installed but they show up in your steam library, I for one have no reason to have the shortcut out
>Gog downloads individual executables
>Itchio games suck
There you go

>it ain't working for them
>second most popular game distribution platform

and league of legends launcher is the third most popular?

every launcher fucks over the customer because their mere existence has cucked pc users out of actually owning their games physically.

Not at all.

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>And TV and movie piracy is making a comeback because of it
How do you know it ever went away and is coming back?

I thought that was only for linux

no steam no buy

*epic* gamers rise up!

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Uninstall uTorrent right now and install qBittorrent. It's for your own good.

looks better than uTorrent. Thanks.


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I know you are joking but that already exists and I use it

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Thing is ISP doesn't even really give a shit either way. They aren't the ones tracking the torrents, they just get notices from elsewhere. They can't do anything if you just ignore the letters they send. Most of them know that you torrent but don't bother sending the letter cause it doesn't make a difference.

>out of hand
learn how to organize your shit user

Yup. As are the threads about it.

>not just picking one launcher and then consolefagging it.

I only have for Overwatch and SC1.
Most of my other games are on Steam.
I have never bought anything on Epic and only have it installed for the 2 free games each month.
>EA Origin

>click Game.exe
>game doesn't launch
>launcher pops up
>asks for log-in information
>test 16 trillion combinations of your go-to password, as well as a digit, a capital digit, a handwritten letter from your childhood love, a crow's beak, one classic novel in Spanish, your first born son, an undercooked letter, three frogs' teats and a lease on your soul
>finally pass the log-in requirements
>you have eight thousand, four hundred and thirty five login attempts from China
>please verify your login attempt through your Email
>dig through fourteen years of internet history to find out what throwaway mail you used for the client
>sell the other half of your soul along with your firstborn daughter's virginity in order to log into the E-mail
>finally log onto Company#143's launcher
>preparing to update Launcher.exe...

I mean, who wouldn't want to spend $50-$90 on a bluray player and then download a 5-100 gig patch day 1 anyway?


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They have it for windows

>trusting tencent on your computer
>trusting chinks in general
kill yourself

must be good playing games on military hardware

Who's going to make bloated games whose sole purpose is to fill up your hard drive so you don't install other games and make enormous day one patches because they can't test their shit if every game is owned physically?

where do you download torrents from?

nice try fbi kun

You are a pirate!
1. Most start off with public torrent trackers which is fine except for software containing executable files. Even if most malware is crypto miners, there's zero reason to take the risk.
2. With games, you can be ~97% sure that a "scene release" of game on a large public tracker can be safe because of how many people have downloaded it and checked it with all kinds of scanners. 100% would be better, no?
3. This is (also) why we have "private trackers". But they take the "private" part seriously!
A. Search duckduckgo for websites about trusted private trackers and which ones are open for registration without an invite.
B. Visit the site and try to sign up, use a secondary e-mail address if you're worried about spam.
C. If you're in, great! Read the site rules, and how to watch your ratio. Your ratio is how many GBs you download divided by what you upload, and most sites require that you keep this number near or above 1.0 so for every GB you download ideally you'd seed one or more GB back to other peers once you've downloaded the torrent. This is to prevent "hit-and-run" and to prevent torrents from dying. (If every one would keep seeding every torrent to 1.0+ ratio, no torrent would ever die and would always remain available forever!)
D. However, many of the better private trackers, require additional verification before letting you join. This comes in the shape of an "interview" through IRC chat. Think of it like a job interview BUT FOR PIRATES! So fire up an IRC client (or use any of the linked IRC webclients) & connect to the listed IRC channel on the listed server.
E. Be patient, it can be a while before staff will get to you, be friendly and honest, don't worry, they won't ask you for your real name or hair color, they're just checking you're not a filthy land-lubbing copper, and that you will seed your torrents as best you can!
F. If none are open, I'm afraid you'll have to hunt for an invite, or be patient and wait.

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Don't answer, it's a fed or corp agent fishing for links to shut down.

imagine using torrents in 2019 and not just downloading everything from Gdrive

As if that shit isnt blatantly obvious to find.

i'm not i swear, i used to buy every game i played but i'm getting tired of the business (also more games i want to play that i can afford)

Well the 12-15% cut deal was a good start then they went full jew.

Yea sure retard, people will dump steam and their 2000 game library for some launcher gimmick.

>Nintendo gets a pass when they buy exclusivity rights

Attached: bayonetta 2.jpg (2000x1000, 928K)

no don't you get it I'm hackerman the NSA can't google the way I do

That's different. Nintendo Funded that games development because nobody else wanted to do it.
Epic payed a publisher money so they don't release it on anything else. They didn't fund the game.
It's Tomb raider and Xbone all over again. Nobody liked that shit.

There's a reason private trackers can remain operational for 10 years or more you double baka. Of course the FBI knows about TPB, it's all the other trackers they're interested in.

Private trackers benefit from the fact that they are also overseas

Why do these even need to exist. Why can't game studios just publish there own damn game to where I can click an executable and it just works?

Torrents can't be modified. If it's a scene release from a trusted source that's 100% free of malware (other than the game's own phoning-home code, which every release group advises you from blocking the .exe in your firewall).
Anyone can upload infected shit to Google and post the links somewhere.

games as a service

None of those offers games as a service. They are just being a middleman retailer. Handling sales and returns for the game studio.

You can launch all GOG games without installing Galaxy, just the game's own exe. You can even run most games on Steam from their own .exe files but people unironically like doing it from their library and want to keep track of how long they played, cheevos, use the overlay browser, or benefit from cloud saves or any of the MP services.
That is why Steam and GOG are the only real digital video game storefronts.

Because its a long term investment. Publisher owned launchers (Origin, Bethesda, blizzard, etc) save them money. Instead of giving steam/epic/etc % cuts of all their sales they are only have to pay the upfront costs of hosting a service.

The biggest risk of this is when you start doing your own store exclusivity you will lose out on sales from bigger stores. But gamers are extremely fickle and cave easily.

Mobo manufacturers don't put backdoors onto their chips because sales would immediately plummet, and they can just hoover up the data from all the shitty smartphone apps people install on their phones anyway. China is economically dependent on exporting sound hardware and its economy would promptly collapse if people lost trust in their stuff because some nerd took apart a new motherboard and discovered a spyware chip or backdoor and submitted it to WIRED or Tomshardware.
The whole lenovo scare was debunked, but now it's being used to say "Yes install our software, don't worry we already had backdoors into your PC anyway" which is false. Software by and large needs your explicit permission to run on your PC or 99% of everyone's CPU and GPU would be cryptomining all day every day.

>Mobo manufacturers don't put backdoors onto their chips because sales would immediately plummet
meh, wouldn't be so sure about that, intel did and nobody blinked an eye

Why the fuck do you have origin?

Go look up SNK heroines debacles, literally paying NISA to not release the PS4 version in the west

Nobody liked that either.
There was no point in time that doing this shit was acceptable by anyone.

just pirate. when your internet goes down for whatever reason, you'll be grateful you did

>epic games launcher
hello there zoom zoom

*blocks ur path*

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Literally torrented Sekiro last week
No regrets

Destiny 2 and black ops 4

He was asking for reasons TO download Battlenet user.

Destiny 2 is fucking amazing now though

old version of launchbox because its the only one i could find that was preimum on google. its good but alot of niche stuff you have to set manually.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

their suport foruns are dogshit

my nigga

>press start
>type in game
>click game
Apparently this is some monumental task for valve cucks


>Destiny 2

It's honestly the worst loot-n-shoot going tied with Anthem.

How about the fact that you couldnt refund games for 14 years and the system we have now is still completely garbage that only allows you to refund a game if you have a play time under 2 hours?

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the whole thing. once i needed help because steam wasnt working on my laptop it took them a week to tellme to turn it on and off again

>owning blizzard games
>playing fortnite
>playing call of duty

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another service vulnerable to hacking

>Competition is good when it benefits me

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>using outdated exploited software
enjoy your rootkits

you don't know what "as a service" means it looks like


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It’s not that bad. Your argument falls apart when you tell blatant lies. It makes it hard to trust your opinion when you have already talked utter shit.

protip: you can add desktop shortcuts for your games

No shit, you fucking retard. Who do you want it to benefit? You want companies to benefit more through competition?

Why the fuck do I care about some mega corporation? The developers are salaried anyway. They get paid the same regardless of how much of a cut the publisher takes. No idea how people are so retarded to think that if a game doesn't sell X amount of copies then the people that worked on it won't be able to pay rent that month.

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>not a single euro simulator game
what. the. fuck. Explain yourself Krautman

If you make a game that tanks do you expect to be retained for another game? You think a great series is a series because nobody buys the first?

You're being fucking retarded. Don't be fucking retarded. Your fucking retarded logic is like saying you should steal candy because it's already made so the candy makers have to keep making candy because they already did. Or a car. Or anything else. I mean hell, why pay a mortgage? They already built the house. Just go live in it.


Why do I give a shit about a company that makes shit video games that don't sell well? Congrats retard, you just explained capitalism.

If you make a shit product, people don't buy subsequent products from your company.

It's like when people were cutting the cord because of the cost, now they have to subscribe to four or five services to watch what they want.

>fighting back
against what you pathetic piece of shit? stop making excuses for wanting things for free.

clearly the both of you are retarded and this is a reddit-tier conversation.

>Earthworm Jim 1 & 2
>Earthworm Jim 3D
Not based

fucking nice

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don’t worry, MCC will soon come to steam

Install tixati instead.

I got the image off Google

One launcher - Steam

One China - the RoC

I just use Playnite.

Steam might be one of my least favorite launchers though. I have too many games on it and it feels bloated as hell. I wish there was a Pure-Steam or something that dumped all the cards, achievements, and social networking shit.

Attached: isawthedevil.jpg (1902x1026, 129K)

>mention literally anything negative about Steam
>b-b-but Epic Store

>Platform wars
>On PC
You're pathetic and DRM is cancer.

just use the discord launcher, it will open and close your launchers and put all your games into one library