What games have moral lessons in them?

What games have moral lessons in them?

Attached: morals in games.png (720x410, 122K)

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Attached: morals in games2.png (715x405, 103K)

and what happened to older games that were just about the gameplay? Now all games have moralizing in them

Attached: sunshine hell.webm (712x480, 1.43M)

Thanks, Ted

Both of these are technically correct.
In either case you turn out to be failures and learned nothing from video games.
And that's normal, because video games are toys developed to be dangling car keys in front of toddlers.
You shouldn't learn important life lessons from video games, you should just have fun with them.

You should learn life lessons from your own experiences in life, and the advice of figures that you look up to, or your parents.
If you don't have any leading figure in your life, and your parents suck, then go out there and seek some, or lead yourself by example but remaining humble and aware of other points of views and strive to improve yourself and rework part of you that become defective over time.

All of those games do have morals and that's "Improve your skills."


What kind of idiot do you have to be to get either of those messages from Half-Life or Doom? That Half-Life one is just entirely off base, I don't understand where it came from. The Doom one I could see how maybe someone could come to that conclusion, but its an awful surface level reading of things at best. In the original game the hell portal thing was a freak accident that nobody could have seen coming, in D44M the whole situation was rampant cultism not problems corporate or capitalist in nature. Never played Hotline Miami so no clue if that is accurate or not.

That clip makes me made. The physics engine actually forced him out when he had it.

Planescape Torment