Thread about videogames on Linux!
Why haven't you jumped ship yet, Yea Forums? It's a lovely system!
Thread about videogames on Linux!
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because I'm not a hipster faggot
Me neither! You don't have to be a hipster faggot to use Linux.
because I'm waiting to buy another SSD to install it on
Because proton needs more updates
That is true, but consider this: if you install Linux and Steam on it, Valve will see that Linux user count is growing and updates will come faster!
Proton is lazy Valve shit. Nor do I want to go through the hassle of setting up a printer or other hardware/software without using Lunix forums. Until 75% of Lunix werkz as intended with little to no terminal usage then I will be sticking to Windows
>Valve will see that Linux user count is growing and updates will come faster!
Since when have Valve EVER updated shit in a timely manner except when the community holds a gun to their head?
just get a mac already
You don't have to use forums for setting anything up. Ubuntu does it all for you.
Thanks to Ubuntu more than 75% of Linux is already accessible via GUI.
Valve loves money, and if they'll see that Linux people make them money they'll support it more!
Thank you, but I enjoy Linux more
>I enjoy Linux more
so why use a DE, and one that simulates os x at that
Because I can run it on my hardware with no hassle.
Nice meme.
>Valve loves money.
You sound like a shill or a teenager that just discovered Lunix. CS:GO makes Valve plenty of money but some fucktard decided to make it, a game infested with cheaters already, F2P with the ability for F2Ps to go premium after a certain rank. Oh, and thousands of people use SFM but it is still a nightmare to work with and they haven't touched it in years
Chances are that guy is running a meme distro with insufficient documentation and confusing non-GUI tools. It took me a single Google search, which stated "Ubuntu printer", to find official Ubuntu documentation which referred to a working frontend to CUPS and HPLIP.
Valve have pushed Counter-Strike to free-to-play because they were certain enough about their machine learning-based anti-cheat system and Trust Factor.
SFM doesn't make them any money.
>Can't post the interjection pasta anymore
fuck this shit
Still an issue and once again you give another stereotypical Lunix answer of "wrong distro"
>Valve have pushed Counter-Strike to free-to-play because they were certain enough about their machine learning-based anti-cheat system and Trust Factor.
Which failed as anyone could have seen
>SFM doesn't make them any money.
Nor does Linux give them that much of an upside in the market. It honestly seems like the lazy cunts want the community to do all the work
You loonixfags know that you can just set up a vm with gpu passthrough and play on windows while doing everything else on linux right?
stallman is a nu-male nintendo fan
>you give another stereotypical Lunix answer of "wrong distro"
Yes, I do, because there is no better user-friendly distribution that will "just work" than Ubuntu. I've linked an objective reason of why it's better. Availability of software is entirely the distribution's responsibility.
>Nor does Linux give them that much of an upside in the market.
It will long term as Microsoft continues limiting consumers by their own ecosystem.
>That oil setup
I know you used a blueprint you faggot
I jumped ship but it gave me issues with emulation.
Specifically, I have a 120hz monitor laying around and I wanted to play shit on it with black frame insertion enabled, but I have all sorts of problems with that. Specifically the problem I get the most is the fucking screen tearing at the top for some reason.
That was without even trying other games. The fact that Windows can still deal with obscure shit and configurations without much trouble keeps me there. And that input lag is a concern.
Yes, I did. It's quite a nice and balanced setup actually, I've got it from I can link it if you want.
thanks gatekeeper
>5 different retailers for vidya
>limiting consumers
>lunix has a shitty version of WINE through Valve, a company that has made fuck all in quality in years
k bud
Why bother playing if you're just gonna use other people's work?
Is the whole Windows 10 fiasco not "limiting consumers" enough?
Eh, I am but a filthy casual. That's how I prefer to play.
Already did, I'm quite surprised how well Proton works.
What fiasco?
thanks again for telling people the only way to play and have fun with the game
real talk autismo, maybe people just want to check out the new changes and not worry about puzzles in 0.17
Did I tell him to stop?
No, I called him a faggot for being a faggot and you're an even bigger faggot for defending taking all the work out of Factorio
At least he admitted to being a brainlet while you're still in fuckin denial
Well you are clearly such an important person that you don't have time solving puzzles. Have you considered watching a youtube playthrough instead?
Telemetry, MSStore, updates that delete files in the Documents folder, constant "UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 10" during 2015/2016 is enough example
Seconding . I haven't been limited in anything other than pointless ricing
A single oil rig doesn't indicate that my factory has everything pasted from I've done many oil rigs and they all sucked, so I decided to use the one that would suck the least.
OP I gave it a solid go when the Steam support was going full force about 6 months ago. In general it works pretty well, but it inexplicably fails for some lesser known (non popular) titles. Maybe in another couple years
Is this Ubuntu budgie? Fuck gnome, hail the king KDE but i still want budgie in kde
>updates that delete files in the Documents folder
Ah, I see you didn't even read why specifically that happened. That doesn't limit customers, those are bugs. At worst, 10 keeps some exclusive games (which there are maybe like fucking 6 or 7) but limits next to nothing. You can play plenty of games of old with wrappers, even. I don't see where your "limiting customers" thing is coming from. Limiting them from what, from moving to a different platform that doesn't support half of its software natively? What can I play on your thing that I can't play on Windows 10?
Hipsters use win10 and brag about not caring about being monitored without figuring out how to disable the nonsense.
Never heard of it
Never used is other than when I downloaded Halo Forge for shits and giggles
Literally never happened to me or any other customers I had when Windows 10 was just coming out at my old IT job
>Upgrade to Windows
And you could easily ignore that and flat out disable it if you so chose. But too many retards either said yes not knowing what they were doing or never disabled it
Lemme add in a few that Lunix-tards like to throw around
>Office will be subscription based
Only Office 365
>Windows 10 will be subscription based
Dead meme but was still perpetuated
>Microsoft is spying on you
Nope. They use some info that you fill to cater adds to you and that's it. They are more trustworthy than Apple or Google
>Windows is gonna throw out Sys32 to corner the entire gaymur market
They would never throw away all the work they have done with millions of corporations of all different backgrounds just to make some hot pockets their bitch
Am I missing any?
Yeah, it is prone to failing on its early versions. Glad you at least tried!
No, that's GNOME
You can use a more technically sound operating system.
denial for what? take the stick out your ass
you are the biggest faggot in this thread for telling people how they should spend their time
Because my card doesn't have supported drivers.
Your denial of being a brainlet
You are a faggot and a brainlet
And I still never told OP to STOP playing like he's playing Im just ragging on him and you are a brainlet for not realizing it
I bet you got bullied in school too pussy boy
>technically sound
Almost every distro has more bugs and crashed than Windows has had in the past decade. You really must've downloaded Linux this past month or 2
God damn what a garbage thread. Hipster claims for everyone.
>Why haven't you jumped ship yet, Yea Forums?
I like Solus but had to boot into Win10 too often for work. Also now that Windows has non-trash multidesktop support I don't miss Linux / MacOS as much. That was my main complaint before.
>ms doesn't spy on you
You'll never be a dev or sysadmin Pajeet, stop shilling.
>hipsters having the brain power to install an os let alone knowing there are more than 2
Half my games didn't work with Proton.
It was better at browsing and such but muh vidya.
Nice counter-argument, memelord
>You can use a more technically sound operating system
Yeah, so technically sound they haven't figured out how to make a fucking compositing manager that isn't taxing and has 20 broken DEs instead of a decent all around one that doesn't lag like ass.
I swear to god it still shits the bed when it finds a multimonitor setup with two monitors using different refresh rates. How is that technically sound? It requires fixes for everything. It's 20 fucking 19 and I still have to disable triple buffering on an RX570 to make KDE not stut-st-stutter like a little bitch. macOS and Windows figured this out long, long ago.
Hobbyist OS it is, for you waste more time trying to make your shit work than using or playing it.
Yo give me a link for the shill job. Shit looks easy.
Care to give a proper working distro that can support 75% of the software or hardware Windows can? Not evens hilling. You're genuinely retarded if you prefer to do things the hard way with mixed results. Not my fault you;re a mouth breathing retard that gawks at something more complicated than he can understand on the surface level
>Hipsters use win10
this is your brain on /g/
>people actually defending windows 10
>using steam