Are you ready, Yea Forums?
Are you ready, Yea Forums?
>Mount and Blade can't survive without modding.
>Goes to platform that restricts modding
>implying the devs weren't killed in the failed coup against Erdogan
>implying it will ever come out
how does epiku restrict mods
i dont give a flying fuck. if i had to eat literal shit off the pavement to play bannerlord i'd do it. some chink spyware is really fucking nothing to me.
Fuck it, I'll download Epic if they finally release it
Cant mod through their launcher, you'd have to manually install it into the directory, then take it out and put another one in when you want to play another one.
Practically kills anyone wanting to play a mod, and if theirs no audience, why even mod when you can just do it with warband?
>Goes to platform that restricts modding
the only true answer
Well, that’s another game I won’t play for a while if true
there will be a second coup in turkey if this happens
>mod tools
>somehow the same as the workshop
Better luck next time, insect, but you blew it in this thread.
you mean you have to install mods the traditional way? how horrible
You should stop posting pictures of yourself.
>can't survive without modding
literal brainlet
>paying for game
You have no fucking clue how many people hate that shit by noiw, hell maybe even are scared that they fuck something up by moving files around. Nexus had to get their own mod manager going because people wanted it to be as easy as with Steam, where you just click, and it downlaods and installs itself.
You mean you have to be a retarded shill to argue a worse platform?
kill yourself you buthurt faggot
nah, he posted the wrong image. It should have been one of the most retarded zoomer on the planet. One that thinks a game not having steam workshop is "restricted modding".
>Bannerlord is Epic exlusive
>Call Turkish goverment and say Taleworlds are Kurdish separatists
>makes modding moderately more difficult
>this somehow isn't restricting