"Stuttering Craig" discusses Death of ScrewAttack and retrospective.
You guys have any thoughts?
"Stuttering Craig" discusses Death of ScrewAttack and retrospective.
You guys have any thoughts?
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No. Stopped watching during 09.
Stopped when he got rid of Handsome Tom.
>bought for deathbattle and then discarded.
Damn fucking shame. Hard news and sidescrollers podcast were kino. Craig Chad and Jared perfectly bounced off each other. Retrofag, Dudebro, and RPGfag is such a good combo.
this desu
maybe if they'd used more divisive SJW politics to bait gamers into hate clicks they'd still be around.
>tfw I thought the guys at Screwattack were the coolest and I fantasized about being an intern when I was in elementary school
Stumbling upon this thread, I had forgotten exactly why I stopped listening to the ScrewAttack podcast, but reminded me. Yeah, gotta say, that was it. The Stuttering Craig and Handsome Tom duo made it a fun show.
Didn't it just become a solo-show after Tom left? All of the energy was gone.
What did he mention about Tom?
what is gonna happen to deathbattle
How come this guy is still relevant after he back-stabbed his former friend and co-worker out of the site ownership? I guess he'd have to kill babbies live on camera for people to finally wise up and open their eyes.
Who the fuck cares about Death Battle.
Everything RT touches turns to shit. Even then there were strengths with Craig. GameAttack was actually pretty nice when it still had Chad and Sam. Really good banter and dynamics. When they left to get absorbed by RT all Craig had was the Loudmouth Normie to bounce stuff off and now GameAttack is pretty much shit. Its obvious Craig has talent to bring to the table but all he has for foundation now is a floundering twitch channel. Imma listen to some of the early podcasts for a nastolgia trip.
Craig comes off as incredibly desperate to me. He's constantly trying to plug GameAttack (which is terrible) and compare it to old ScrewAttack and stuff. Their viewership seems pretty damn low, so it's understandable I guess. But it's a bad look
DeathBattle still exists. It's literally the only thing that exists now from ScrewAttack. But you shouldn't care because DeathBattle is and always has been complete shit
>deathbattle is shit
which one was it user?
Rooster teeth, is like a new machinima. They ruined cowchop, screw attack, and funhaus.
I always wondered whatever happened to those guys
How did they ruin CowChop? They've been doing the same shit for years still. Though not sure what's gonna happen now since James left.
I remember all the hours I spent watching Screwattack's top 10s and Video Game Vault introducing me to so many old NES and SNES games I never played
>tfw most Mario Party After Dark streams are incomplete or not uploaded on YouTube
>see thread
>look up handsome Tom
>he went to ThatGuyWithTheGlasses
Oh noooooooo. Cant any good mid-early internet stories end with at least peaceful ends?
When Screwattack was just doing nothing but DeathBattle, they got bought by RT. Craig still wanted to do old SC shit so he made GameAttack, Chad and Sam would still be around to shoot the shit bit then that stopped because RT I guess.
The things is, Game Attack is not growing whatsoever. It's been at 100k subs for over 2 years. What he's doing right now isnt working.
They peaked when Destin was still hosting Hard News. That was my main source of video game news for a long time. Then he left and they changed hosts a few times, and finally they ended up with that faggot shawn who was always virtue signalling, dog whistling, and in general being an SJW asshole just like all the other gaming websites at the time.
Screw Attack at its peak was like a 90s / early 2000s gaming magazine and it was great. Then they became just like all the other sellout gaming urinalist websites and I lost interest.
>realize I never saved some SA stuff I liked
>whole shit ton of stuff is private now
Death Battle is such a cancer.
Those were some of the best streams I've watched on Screwattack, knowing that they are lost to the void is highly upsetting.
Literally who discusses literally what?
avgn is the only reason they ever had any relevance
This. Although shit was still good while ProJared was in the seat. Worked well as a piece in the machine, unlike now where he's being forced to burnout from all the low effort high volume content in the normalboots slave mine.
The funniest/saddest thing about him was when he announced he was retiring the Nostalgia Critic. In the video he stated that there was nothing more he could do with the character, that he has done every movie that he was nostalgic for, and that he wanted to move on to new projects.... then next week he was about to doing Nostalgia Critic again and that's when he hired the girl and black guy to work with him on the show.
It's pretty pathetic. His viewership only likes Nostalgia Critic, doesn't give a damn about anything else he does, and forced him to just do more Nostalgia Critic.
handsome tom was the soul of that site
but they couldn't recapture the magic with the game heroes
Shit I forgot Game Theory jump off on ScrewAttack. God fucking damn, shame to see the garbage that SA produced be all that remains of its relevancy.
>destin is still living it up in San Francisco working for IGN after all these years
Has he been the most successful? In that he doesn't need to resort to twitch streams to stay relevant?
>That he has done every movie that he was nostalgic for
Thats more his fault considering he insisted on having weekly videos, compared to James who released videos on a much slower rate so he didnt burn through all the obvious bad games at once and also could work more on them.
On the same note, how is Mega 64 still alive. They have had the same fans and subs for like 10 years now. No growth
Wait, screw attack were known for other things besides tricking AVGN into signing with them
underratedly sadly this
GameAttack is some of the most uninteresting LET'S ALL SHOUT AT THESE TOTALLY WACKY (but in reality not really) GAMEPLAY MOMENTS let's play garbage. At least that's the gist I got from the little I watched. Used to like Craig, but he's just cringe now.
ScrewAttack used to be my favorite thing to watch on Gametrailers back in the day.
>They peaked when Destin
no they peaked long before this
Mickey and Jose were decent enough but the more and more interns they brought in, the most it was about business and not friends discussing video games
Side Scrollers was a great podcast back in the day
>main channel is a ghost town
>last vidya related upload was 10 months ago shilling for that gatchashit SMT game
>only streams now
>Final Fantasy V and VI probably never ever now
he was also on the #kickvic bandwagon and LOOK WHERE THAT WENT.
Stay true to yourself and other will follow - attitude
Bigger impact was probabbly shutting out Game Theory. Craig was the reason MattPat could give the Pope fucking Undertail.
Their fans are suckered into constantly buying merch/attending Game Days.
What's the current situation now?
i miss when i used to be happy
Without question he is. Destin originally left to be a community manager for Runes of Magic, which seemed like a retarded move. And then Jose left for the exact same position - I guess after Destin left that, but I don't know. Jose is a video producer for something now so I guess that didn't pan out. Corey was a flight attendant at one point, I think? But she doesn't really use public social media anymore so no idea what she's doing now. Jared barely does anything anymore
Craig started GameAttack, which is bad, and mostly everyone else is either associated with that or RT. Lauren works for Funimation, and Chad was doing stuff with her on some podcast or something occasionally but it's not mentioned in his bio so I guess he stopped doing that
they were genuinely funny and actually had personality to their content.
Unironically what did ScrewAttack even do that wasnt Death Battle? Promote Blue Apron?
drop that faggot.
99% of influencers are slimy and weird.
Have sex e-celeb dick riding losers
absolute fucking SOUL.
These guys are fucking pathetic, literally donation whoring every day. Just get a real job already, it's embarrassing. I don't have a problem with struggling streamers, but these guys literally have a studio and editors they can barely pay for
for anyone that wants to relive stuff, the screwattacklive channel is still up and a lot of the newer sidescrollers episodes are still up
nah Funhaus are still /myguys/
Clip of the week, Top 10s, Hard News, lots of other skit-based content, and hosted other third-party shows like AVGN and Talking Classics.
They helped this absolute god gain popularity.
Yes, you have to realize that if you found out about ScrewAttack after DeathBattle started, then you saw it as it was dying. And if you found it after RT picked it up, then it was already dead.
>a lot of the newer sidescrollers are up
Wait do not fucking tell me the old episodes are lost to time? Please tell there is some way of grabbing the Craig/Tom and Craig/Destin/Chad stuff.
I've been tolerating his pussywhipped sjw antics for a while now but he's been doubling down on it lately as he lets his "main" channel die and plays more and more crap like that fucking awful SJW VN with piss poor voice acting and tumblr art on the letsplay channel, I've refused to give any views for that series.
That channel isn't growing either.
Leftism is a terrible mental illness. Usually people grow out of it eventually but sometimes it just sticks with them.
10k per month with patreon
Is he the only Yea Forums approved E-celeb?
You could argue it died the moment it became "The Death Battle" channel.
Not related to SA but if you want something with the same "feel" as tom-destin era SA, this is as close as I've found. Any other suggestions appreciated btw.
ScrewAttack was good. I don't remember how, but I stumbled onto them pretty early. The first time I saw Death Battle my thought was "this is fucking terrible". Apparently I'm wrong though because it eventually devoured the entire company.
This is a NintendoCaprisun board
also sseth
Nope, it was always terrible. I never even got through a full episode of it - knew it was trash from the start. Can't believe it became so popular
Everyone likes autistic powerwanking and crossover hypothetical fights.
Captain S
until the main actor got some defect I think
Doom Guy vs. Master Chief. Dumb niggers bending to microsoft jew overlords.
all the liars were found out including the one who started it all, vic needs to get his jobs back now as well as seek wrongful termination,harassment and libel suits against all who betrayed him including most of the VAs in the community
Based Johnny not falling into stupid skit shit and just focusing on the games.
Yeah I can't wait for the completely honest take on how it happened from the guy that sacked Handsome Tom
screw attack has been dead since he fucked over handsome tom. i could not care any less.
There's this Sidescrollers Podcast Episode where you can tell he and ProJared had a fight with each other beforehand about ProJared putting his channel content on ScrewAttack, and when Jared said no he quit referring to himself as ProJared on Screwattack. You can see Craig glare at him from across the table, and Jared was out of the website that weekend.
>crossover autism
>who would win autism
>company war autism
>sprite fights were a popular thing
>being mad at one of 3 times Death Battle was right.
i only knew it because of AVGN for a bit
In all my days on the internet I have never seen a more beggar channel than GameAttack.
Sometimes I'll watch some content just to laugh at how desperately they're begging for money and likes
He does do the occasional skit though.
But it's not that obtrusive or too common
>He won and GamesLife got revenged
He has some autistic fits from time to time and he's a Sonicfag.
Funhaus quality has rapidly declined in the past year. Even they do not care about that channel
Too busy trying to do other projects
Not to mention repeating the act (to a lesser degree, but a repeat nonetheless) to ProJared years later
Yeah it's incredibly pathetic to see him practically groveling for attention. Love every time he claims to have been a trailblazer for daily gaming news and anything else
Can I get a pic related on the Handsome Tom thing?
The video game vault and hard news were great. Also AVGN.
They have one project right now. I think it's still good.
I unironically want to kill off Yea Forums before /pol/ just because of their shit memes
same reason Homestar Runner is still alive.
They never betrayed their audience and it's still funny
sneed harder
can't remember exactly what year it happened, but basically when screw attack was finally really taking off as a business, without discussing it with his co-founder handsome tom, craig registered the site and company under his name only, and didn't give tom a say whatsoever. hard talks were had, and basically tom gave craig the middle finger and half the interns left with him to make their own site, which sadly never gained traction. after that craig said a little piece on the forums and then they pretended that nothing ever happened and shit got more and more sterile as time went on.
then nearly every reason to go to that site, which were most of their content creators, had moved on to their own thing or just disappeared. deathbattle was like all they had left bringing people there, and no one gave enough of a fuck.
go jerk off to your impotent power fantasies somewhere else, pal
i watched till death of gametrailers. then i grew up and realized how cringe and unprofessional they are
They also have branched to Inside gaming, which is already resorting to the b team to host. They have also said multiple times that they are losing interest. The only good videos bow are the semi spontaneous ones where they dress up and fuck around
Ironic shitposting will always be worse than shitposting, faggots
Goddamn the Rekieta streams are fun
Cant they just use the name screwattack now?
Same way Funhaus got Inside Gaming back?
Guru Larry's big start was with Screwattack during it's extremely early years
Stopped watching all together around 09 or 10. It feels like the Blockbuster of the internet
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.
Every time Ryan is on screen I feel like taking an hour long shower
But the only person whose time is being considerably taken up by that is Lawrence, and I fucking hate Lawrence in regular videos. He's good at gaming news and I'm glad he can't be in other videos
James and Elyes are busy writing for that other shitty project too. They have been missing in a lot more videos
step aside, video game losers
The true Chad of Cinemassacre coming through.
I watched this from time to time then one video one of these retards shat on Ridge Racer 4's OST and i knew these faggots were no longer for me.
It was that asshole that always wore a hat.
Didn't he quite the internet for good? DESU he probably got off well considering how much the rest of the former TGWT alumni are doing
Only really watched the stuff that got hosted on gametrailers, together with AVGN episodes. Craig & Tom Top 10 lists were always fun to watch, but after Tom I slowly stopped watching them.
yeah and it's almost done. I don't think it's a big deal. Unlike every other channel, I actually like the B-team at FH
I like the guys enthusiasm when he's talking about something he enjoys. Same with Silverman.
Wait GT was with Screwattack? Fuck that must of been when I stopped watching
Jesus christ
Seems like it was a shitty situation but I find it hard to blame two unperfessional guys from acting unprofessionally. Listening to those clips I can see how people would be upset at Craig but looking at it from a business standpoint. That situation would happen exactly like that only more sterile and removed in regular business.
Well at least he's good taste
ScrewAttack died because Craig is a dirty kike to everyone until they realize that they can be independent of ScrewAttack. Craig didn't plan for a future of people being self-funded.
Whats with all the makeup on this faggot? Who the fuck even is this?
>Stays with Channel Awesome just for the 2% extra views and shits and giggles and openly mocks Doug Walker
Larry is hilarious
Pretty sure Craig and Tom are over it as well. Last I heard they're cool with each other again.
I miss when he was the person commenting on every Youtube video and not Justin Y
No social media presence. 0 content with any known affiliation with him for 5+ years. All I can find is this youtube comment.
Used to tune in daily, I can't really remember when I stopped watching, I think it was around the time death battle got introduced.
>2 restaurants
Shit, that's almost as risky a venture as quieting your job and becoming a streamer. I hope it goes well for Tom, he was a cool lad
Handsome Tom and 8-Bit Mickey were some of the only reasons to watch those shitty TGWTG Anniversary """movies""".
Also Spoony pretending to be an actor.
Found Handsom Tom's LinkedIn
Seems like he's doing good. I'm not hating on Craig but it is good to see at least 1 person from SA is doing good.
>Game Attack
>ScrewAttack opened it's own game store of the same name ten years ago
>Lasted less than a year before going under
>Quietly never mention it again
>Decide to use the name later on hoping no one remembered
>Was in 5th or 6th grade when I found out about ScrewAttack
>My brother and I's mutual friend was the internet gaming dude that knew about Newgrounds and GameTrailers
>He showed us all sorts of shit
>Got addicted to watching ScrewAttack and especially AVGN, whom I still respect to this day
>Top 10's, Vault, and AVGN are all contributing factors as to how I got into old school gaming and playing shit from before my time
>I would even say that I owe my overall love for gaming to ScrewAttack, and they're the reasons why I got more and more into gaming
>Remember when they opened their video game store in Texas and wishing that I could go to it as a Floridian
>Can't remember when exactly I stopped tuning into their content, but I think it was around the time that Destin left, which by then more and more people were leaving and it just wasn't the same anymore
I think I came in after Tom had already left so I don't really know what happened there. I know that people give Craig a bunch of shit, but I still generally like him and recognize him as one of my old internet cultural icons. It's sad that RoosterTeeth chewed them up and then spit them out, while the only shit they got to make was Death Battle, and I never cared about that shit. The internet's a vastly difference place from what I grew up with.
Actually it was the following January after Demo Reel crashed and burned and then he put out the "Review Must Go On" video where he brings back the character an amends the "cut off" dates on "nostalgia" just so he can review whatever whenever citing his bullshit self asked question "but can't something be nostalgic the moment you finish watching it for the first time?" It's clear he was always gonna fall back on it for when inevitably whatever he did after would shit the bed hard.
He really was. Heard he settled down with Perfect Liz after he left SA and they made babies together.
Spbp. His wife is hot too, good for him.
Very similar story to me.
>You now remember the feud against Mega64
Shit was great. Plus thier stuff like gaming news and Top 10 were great.
Worked better in terms of views anyway. Higher quality means people still watch Jame's old shit to the day, critic not so much.
Craig exposed his ass. Handsome Tom was too lazy.
Cant really say i'm sad cause I haven't watched them in 10 years probably.
wish they didnt set every video as private. i want to go back to those years. the internet sucks now. i want my wasted years back
Nobody's perfect, user. You should hear him try and tard wrangle on the commentaries he does for other channels with other, much more autistic guys.
Died when hard news died
I hated every single one of these f'n jewtube partner groups. Always have. Every single one of them.
What was good?
>"I'm Stuttering Craig"
>"And I'm Handsome Tom"
>Metroid remix plays
Meme purposes
>41 minutes
sum it up for me plz.
god i miss screwattack so much
>tfw me too
>the salsa eating contest where ben almost died
It's just a bunch of nostalgia talk with a few SA people popping in to comment.
they didnt die
they rebranded to death battle
the channel is now 100% death battle and collecting $$$ for throwing a dart at a board with 2 fictional "fighters" to see "who would win"
>Death Battle depicting an absolute unit who runs around at 60+ MPH while carrying a fuckton of heavy guns as a slow tank is "right"
Halo zoomers need to die
>[Thanks to Craig from ScrewAttack for the tip]
Why was craig a rat fuck?
He's always been a rat fuck even before Zuckerberg'd Tom out of the company. Said he couldn't help out the guys monetarily who wanted to make another season of Captain S but asked they make one regardless.
Stopped watching when craig fucked over tom but at least tom ended up a business owner with a family so it all worked out.
>Death of ScrewAttack
Good, I've always found this shit autistic as fuck
>tfw i was young and always thought he was cool
Yeah but why is SA dying?
You're not alone, user. I think it was around 2011 or 2012 when the mutual hate train against shits like Irate Gamer died that people slowly started to realize that people like CA or SA honestly not all that different or as angelic as our nostalgia wanted us to think. Around then is when the slow exodus began and rumors starting pouring how far from perfect they were. Dude may not have been perfect, but the parts of him that were passionate about what he made are everlasting.
-Sale of screwattack, Craig is a bit bitter but doesn't regret it because it allowed him to pay employees what he thought they deserved
-brief history on starting the site. Craig really enjoyed working with Tom. Talks about some of his favorite moments on the site.
-addresses Deathbattle. Thinks it was good for screwattack but Hopes those who remain there will not be stuck making it
-several interviews of previous screwattack members (Chad is my favorite member after this)
So that's that I guess. Aside from AVGN all the gaming shows I watched in high school are dead. Anyone else remember Epic Battle Cry? That was my shit.
how so?
God, Craig is such an ass. Only like 10 minutes into the video, he's already shilled GameAttack like 3 times even though it's supposed to be about ScrewAttack. And he talked about loving Ben, "but I hope he isn't doing Death Battle in 5 years. 1 year." Such a bitter, backhanded compliment. Can't just be happy for him.
And there's cringe editing on the video to boot
It's already dead. The SA channel got rebranded to DeathBattle
I still remember the video where Craig explains why Tom left Screwattack with the other employees. It was recorded and the screen was all black. Craig wanted the grow the company and apparently Tom wasn’t doing anything to reach out to other companies for partnership and what not
Craig conveniently leaves out that Tom wanted register the company early on, and Craig wanted to wait and grow it first. Then one day Craig just registered himself as the head of the company without discussing it with Tom.
for the most part I remember that was the explanation at the time, but I always felt it was bullshit. I still believe what Craig did was underhanded, especially if they were suppose to be friends who started SA together. Regardless, I will miss it along with GameTrailers. Both sites played a big part of my teen years. They will be fondly missed.
>that time Craig called out souljaboy to play him in COD
I can't believe I ever thought that was going to happen
In their last video they mentioned something about removing old videos from youtube due to algorithm fuckery and content ID going wild with flagging, and that they'll upload them to roosterteeth's website.
Never forget what a piece of shit Craig is
That was a highlight. They even did what Solja boy did in his video. Pulling all the games off the shelf.
It would have been funny if it did happen.
>Ether a faggot rapper gets stomped by a fucking nerd
>Or faggot rapper stomps fucking nerd.
Win win.
Everything is canceled, absorbed into RT or is deathbattle.
I remember when top 10's moved to The Know, then they kicked out Nervous Nick, rebraded to Inside gaming and look at their most recent one
Honestly sounds like one of those Watch Mojo vids where they just sound like they're reading from a script, which is every video.
For comparison
t. "Handsome" Tom