Apparently there's an 8 pages long preview of VtM: Bloodlines 2 in the April issue of PC Gamer. Does anyone know where I could find the digital issue for free? I don't usually follow these types of things so I have no idea where to look.
Apparently there's an 8 pages long preview of VtM: Bloodlines 2 in the April issue of PC Gamer...
Other urls found in this thread:
that appears to be the may issue
Yeah, I just realized that myself. Whoops.
gameplay when
Just read the 20th anniversary edition and Lore of the Clans, what should I read next?Is Becket's Jyhad Diary canon?
Where do you want to go?
Read the revised Clanbooks. It's far better material. I wouldn't really recommend Beckett's Jyhad Diary to anyone, but that's just me, I didn't like it.
found the first page
They still make a physical magazine? Wtf for?
I think it's only for the US and UK, the rest is digital.
Magazines have a "publishing date" on the cover that's usually a month later than it's actually released.
This allows for them to stay on store shelves for longer without customers dismissing them as "old".
So a magazine with May written on the cover will typically be released for sale in April.
Yeah, and I just saw it releases tomorrow, on the 4th of April.
Wow, a city gangrel is retarded. Who'd have thought.
Not the text's intention and you know it
It's much worse than that though. That character there is based on one of the writer's IRL friends, a gay muslim deep in the closet. This was written, I think, in some weird way of supporting the faggot, but it just comes off so fucking off-tone for the whole setting.
Rudi's one of the tamer ones, really
Register on the Mobilism forum, it should get uploaded there sometime tomorrow.
They also make Damsel sound like an underdog tough girl to be respected and feared and she's equally brain dead. This is nothing new. Just another dumb anarch.
Not equivalent in the slightest and you know it
Damsel is made to sound like a retard, this one is played straight.
Glad we agree
this is what counts as 'cool' at WW these days
Thanks, I'll keep a look out there.
These are all concept artworks from that failed WoD MMO, they were just used for the V5 book because they didn't want to spend more money.
WW has always been a bunch of cheapskates. they'd pay artists like $50 for illustrations. used to work in the 90s since people were just glad to be a part of something as nerdy as WoD, but it got worse each year.
artists got better, but WW stayed greedy. I guess they're now using photographs? incredible.
Bzt wrong
Away from here!
Not wrong at all. Go and watch that World of Darkness documentary where they talk about the WoD MMO and showcase gameplay they didn't show before, along with concept art.
So what you're saying is they liked this concept art so much they used it twice
the old books had a unified look at least, this is just a clusterfuck of likely recycled materials like says
Yep. Pretty fucking retarded.
if there's no tracksuit brujah gopniks in BL2 i'll be disappointed
It's a shame that even Tim Bradstreet's art degenerated over time and he's now solely working with photographic manipulation/edition/photoshopping, rather than drawing like he used to.
jesus christ I completely forgot about that
>cancelled 5 years ago
I kind of wanted it.
its sad how punks nowadays are mostly hedonists and sissies RPing as punks. I met some people that LARP vampire some years ago. They mostly use the game to do ERP online. Its fucking disgusting. The game is dead because its fucking lame. The punk scene died. They could get some coolpoints with the kids being becoming the new punk (alt right or some other shit) vampires are cringe nowadays. they are not cool anymore
this drawing is in the new sourcebook too
We all wanted it, user. If anyone could have made an interesting WoD MMO, it was CCP. Problem was they weren't willing to lose EVE subs over it and when push came to shove, WoD and Dust got canned.
I know, but it dates from way, way back. I think it might have been in the very first edition of the core book. I mean, fuck, remember when they had Bolton do the covers for clanbooks? Shit was absolutely great.
so did devs explain why Bloodlines protagonist was such a klling-machine with an 8th gen power level and Andrei noticing it or are we just to assume it's just Caine buffing protag's blood power from the shadows so he does Caine's bidding with him still in hiding
if so why would Caine even get involved, unless the Gehenna was a real risk this time and he wanted to avoid it?
>if so why would Caine even get involved
Who the fuck knows what Caine's motives are?
I think it's implied that he wanted Lacroix to die for the sin of diablrie. Which is fucking ironic now considering that's probably going to be an integral part of BL2
Bloodlines creators
only thing that's known for sure is that protag's sire was not a 7th gen, considering how easily she/he got executed, so there had to be some kikery going on behind the scenes and it was well-hidden kikery since in the whole game only Andrei noticed it, not even Strauss did
Probably how much you experienced in such a short amount of time, or just the fact that it's a video game and it would've been boring keeping you at your starting powerlevel for most of it.
It's not even implied Caine is in the game. Caine being involved at all is Fannon.
The cab driver is Caine. It's what the devs intended, only White Wolf tried to retcon it later because they wanted Caine to be stuck in a cave or something somewhere else. That's kind of stupid though, because it'd be like going into every individual story someone told and trying to tell them they can't do that.
>Caine being involved at all is Fannon.
no? rosa talks about the dark father, PC malk's dialogue basically confirms it, devs intended the cab driver to be caine.
WW pussied out, they accepted BL1 events as canon but then made up some random clown malkavian character that 'pretends' to be caine? the fuck
is it known what happened to based Christof Romuald?
also, do vampires gain power while in Torpor? because that would make Christof a pretty powerful player considering he is almost 900 years old 9th generation vampire
if you look in the game's files you will find it to be stated outright
it's also indirectly confirmed by boyarsky in an interview, he also mentions caine being the one who sent you the emails.
i quite like the book of nod
That's lame, it should have been Grout. I bet Caine can't even use a computer.
>he also mentions caine being the one who sent you the emails.
Have a link for that? That was always my interpretation, I didn't like the one that said it was Grout sending them since he was basically a sadistic doctor and had no reason to warn you for your own safety, and probably didn't even like using computers.
Jesus. Just beat the game. I dunno what the general consensus is but the endgame is horrible. I want to replay as a different clan but holy shit I don't want to go through that again.
>probably didn't even like using computers
he did record all his audio logs on gramophones so you're probably not far off the mark
In Grout's audio logs he says he misses insane asylums and wishes his patients would stop resisting his torturous experiments so much. That doesn't seem like the kind of person who would go out of his way to keep warning you for your own safety. He also says he misses things from the past and probably wouldn't even want to use a computer. Caine being like 200k years old and driving a taxi shows he can probably adapt a bit better.
I think the messages came from Caine but not that they were actually real emails. Skelter says that vampires can share feelings like that if they share blood, so I think the emails were a metaphor for that.
>he didn't just noclip + invincibility through the final segments
The ~ on my keyboard dosen't work so I cant bring up the console unless theres a way to change it to another key.
how come it seems like so many people are bashing the player malk now? because some journalist said the game wasn't sensitive enough about mental illness? most dialogue responses are just a little wordplay and giving people nicknames, but people are acting like it's all "holds up spork"-tier. most of the time you don't even have to choose the whacky responses that occasionally because you have multiple options.
So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?
>tfw no playable tzimisce
>tfw no tzimisce gf to dominate me
I might've fake news'd a bit, on a re-read he's kind of vague and fooling around. But he does say Troika had an internal vision, which I'd say confirms that at least cabbie=cain, since that's how he's named in the game files.
>Was the Cabbie intended to be Caine before White Wolf changed it in the Gehenna book?
>Well, we had our version internally, but it's WW's IP, so they get to decide what is canon. I'd like to think that everyone is free to make their own decision about whether it was Caine or not. I personally believe it was Tim Cain, but that's just me.
>Who was writing the emails "from a friend" to the Bloodlines player?
>See the Caine question above.
Go to the cfg folder where you installed Vampire, open autoexec.cfg, and add this line without the >
>bind "key" toggleconsole
but change key to whatever button you want it to be.
Caine makes the most reason, he's always in the background and only steps into the light towards the end of the game. Especially when you consider his parting words.
And the first email is something like "the pawn is moved"
The only hole in this whole theory is that why would Caine bother doing all this in the first place? but fuck it, it's caine he can do whatever the fuck he wants. You can take it as a kind of a metaphor, the player's actions are ultimately all guided by Caine's unseen hand--everything that happens in vampire society is the work of the elder(s).
>gay black muslim feminist progressive revolutionary
I always thought it was simply how much you grew in such a short theme (because of your adventures), still staying inside your generation boundaries.
>The only hole in this whole theory is that why would Caine bother doing all this in the first place?
He's done a lot of shitty things but at other times it seems like he actually does care about his "children", so he probably didn't like what LaCroix was doing and wanted him gone.
Although I suppose it could also just be a way to symbolize the player's own potential thoughts or instincts about what's going on. Kind of like Lumine Hall in Earthbound if you've played it and remember that part.
yeah I don't get it either. I think there's a bunch of asslickers running around and changing the history.
There's perhaps a total of ~20 of occurrences in the whole game where you could chalk up the PC malk's behaviour/dialogue as "fishmalk", and most of the time it is only an option. Out of hundreds of dialogue options, the vast majority of them are just wordplay, metaphors, purple prose, in-world references, RL references, etc. it's great since it obviously required some effort to make work.
If it were a bunch of l0lRanDoM dialogue, nobody would care about it.
I hate every single one of you faggots forentertaining the notion that caine would do anything that isn't immediately and obviously apocalyptic on a global scale when he returns.
Gonna try this thanks. I played a Tremere first time around. Gonna go for a Malk next.
BJD is general stuff and pretty good if you can deal with the more annoying fonts.
Malkavian Revised Clanbook is a mustread
Read the Revelations of the Dark Mother
>Q: If you could... Would you make new music to Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines? Like adding new musical scores to diverse [sic] the current amazing music already in the game? / Did you use any music samples when making the soundtrack?
>Rik Schaffer: I couldn't. That music wasn't even a game score. It was an album. I'm not that guy, or in that place anymore. I was broke, living on a couch, out of rehab and jail and living in Hollywood. Basically a character of the game.
pack it up boyos, Rik won't be able to channel his suffering into the next game's OST
Just Drive!
But Caine never left, he has always been active he's just too much of a faggot to do anything until God has enough.
Wormwood was the best Gehenna ending
shows up and dies in one of the gehenna books IIRC. Along with everyone else, it being gehenna.
Oh god I just imagined the outrage if that got published today
Odds that they fuck this up are above 50%, I just hope whatever they make has enough side missions to distract from whatever fucking catastrophe the main plotline is.
I think we can all agree that no matter what, Yea Forums is going to hate it.
I kind of went through something similar. Once in a while I'll still be able to make something that I really like, but I spent so much time creating that I just want to enjoy what others have done more now.
Sounds good though.
i've never even seen the first edition and i only read the Gangrel clan novel, but yeah, those covers are pretty good
i loved the old clan illustrations the most, don't know who drew them
they were cartoony but really expressive
So you're saying we just have to destroy his life? I know where I can get some heroin.
I played tremere and I was basically god mode by the end
I bet the game is going to give you the option to do a diablerie.
>tfw no tzimisce gf to dominate me
>so did devs explain why Bloodlines protagonist was such a klling-machine
it's a video game
I fucking love this image though
He's powerful because he gets forcefed XP. Did you play Bloodlines? Notice there's other stats besides generation. Despite the regurgitated Yea Forums bullshit you've internalized, generation isn't the be-all and end-all of a character. There's absolutely no evidence that Caine engaged in any generation fuckery. That's purely an innovation of Yea Forums thought up years after the game came out. These threads are fun, but please take what you read with a grain of salt.
That's a conservative estimation of what he'd need
>8 pages of virtue signaling
Do you even know what a thinblood is? Shit is ghoul tier.
Don't open it
Thinbloods are significantly stronger than regular Ghouls.
And even if so, why would that be a problem outside of not being able to wank to your powerlevel
Someone in the last VtMB thread complained it took him 90 seconds to kill Gimble but I didn't get a chance to respond there. You just need to Blood Buff and alternate which direction you hold while melee attacking so he doesn't keep blocking. The tutorial tells you that if you hold the same direction while button mashing, the enemy is going to block more, so just hold forward for a combo, then hold left for the next combo, and so on.
Also saw someone say that the Malkavian whispers were only added in by the Unofficial Patch, but they were in the base game too. They just don't always appear at the same time and which one you get seems random, so each playthrough will actually be different with that.
So, the preview will show new screenshots, UI elements or what?
I remember 14-ish years ago making the classic "I'm going to make a smooth cool guy who doesn't need to fight" mistake, rolling probably the least combat effective Toreador humanly possibly, and getting utterly stomped by Gimble repeatedly until I learned to cheese the combat system as hard as I could.
>mfw seeing newer players 3-shot him to death with starter Tremere blood magic
the classic
>not being able to wank to your powerlevel
>as a vampire
Probably not going to stay a thinblood, you know
I read this as Mary Sue
>Game turns out to be good and is a commentary of how crazy both sides have become
>/pol/ sperg raids Yea Forums and resetera spergs the fuck out
This is the future I want
That sounds like pure cancer.
Does blood boil work on every enemy in VTMB 1 or does it have same limitations as sucide and vision of death?
I'm sure a game being written exclusively by extreme leftists is going to be very nuanced.
I know and it would be amazing shitposting for me
You're probably right but a man can dream
>Wormwood was the best Gehenna ending
can someone explain all the endings including wormwood
sooooooo.... any scans yet?
>how crazy both sides have become
Name the last time this happened in any popular public media, let alone a game.
Kinda, although it doesn't automatically kills bosses, but it does a good deal of damage on them.
Fuck it looked so good, why is CCP so retarded.
The cunt Yea Forums has a problem with was put in charge of a bunch of side quests though.
Blood boil is the only thing i wanna play tremere for but if its shit im not gonna bother
Wormwood is basically that page + this one before it.
Just read Gehenna if you want the others
>Hey let's sacrifice our future projects to save a dying decade old game! Surely putting all our eggs in one basket won't screw us!
Is this company run by complete morons?
>always wonder why Gimble is strong enough to fuck up a vampire, even a fresh one
>not a ghoul
>find out about the Slasher splats much later
>oh, mystery solved
>look into it again later
>first printed 5 years after VTM:B
I'm torn between saving this for shitposting purposes and not wanting it infecting my ssd with vampire aids
It's not underwhelming, I'll tell you that. Also you get a sweet new haven with a nice bar and big bathroom.
Good coverart
Well then it's hack writing, either way it fucking sucks
I liked Wormwood but Tremere's (failed) redemption arc and the Garden scenario were pretty good too.
Friendly reminder that trump will win in 2020 and that MUELLER HURRIED. MAGA
That is pathetic bait.
He will by default if nothing else. But yeah I really hope he thanks Rachel Maddow in his victory speech
He gets mentions in the books here and there. Last appeared in Beckett's Jyhad Diary.
How would the game be ‘too’ sjw?
>The game is entirely about helping oppressed vampires to reach equality in the camarilla
>Final boss is the supreme patriarch, Cain
>Music is all hip hop and rap
>Cant create a white character
>Can kill Trump in the game (he is a random npc)
>Retarded plot about Cain being behind Brexit and surge of conservatives and alt right etc
I'd rather Caine appears as gay and is the reason why AIDS happened
Ham-fistedly attempting to apply human gender and race based politics onto vampires, like the infamous gay muslim black vamp who fights for the female vampires for some incomprehensible reason.
holy shit, a gaming magazine still exists?
You just looking to get offended, faggots?
>extreme leftists
It isn't being written by anarcho-communists, user just regular virtue signally neoliberals, the type you find in most big corporations.
Perhaps Caine was fucking with the 7th gen sire?
Hard virtue signally neo liberals. The regular kind don’t get into shit like the Chechnya incident.
Care to explain? Slasher?
Can anyone confirm the rumour that the game requires access to your webcam and will lock you out of the game if you are a white male?
Super-natural serial killers like you would expect from a Slasher movie, like Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers.
Some people pray for Gehenna.
Perhaps an ultra powerful roundsquare was influencing the sire? Perhaps Los Angeles was replaced with an alternate reality where CRAZY LOGICK has taken over?
Vampires dont poop
He lives near Hollywood. It’s already close enough to hell
Regardless people will shitpost about it.
how is it you've somehow made yourselves more obnoxious than SJW's?
Basically what said. They are serial killers that either started killing because of some supernatural event like a possession, seeing something that broke their mind, or came in contact with the supernatural via their killing, so maybe their murders drew the attention of a malevolent entity etc. They are considered a minor splat, small fish in in the broader context of the world of darkness and likely completely ignorant about the existence of other supernaturals. Stronger than regular humans, and dangerous for fledgling vampires if taken unawares, but otherwise irrelevant.
>VtMB shits on Bush and Republicans regularly while never shitting on Democrats
>no one cares
>Source material VtMB was based on has a female black, lesbian Muslim vampire so badass she convinced the Assamites to change their "no women allowed" policy, as well as a genderless Tzimisce who was originally an Afircan male, but frequently is a woman
>no one cares
>VtMB literally features a faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill led by a Hispanic who lived during the Great Depression fighting against the objectively evil wealthy elite LaCroix, while Strauss is basically a non-entity
>no one cares
>Mitsoda says one of the themes of the game will be technology vs tradition and the devs will probably take a stance on it
>b-b-but muh Rudi
was literally confirmed not to even be in the game
Ooops, I meant lol
I don't know, I don't see anything about Vampire in the May 2019 issue. Am I doing something wrong?
This has to be a satire... r-right?
>Vampire in the May 2019
I think you got the wrong month m8.
I see what it is, it's the UK version in the OP picture. You can see the pounds sign in the bottom corner. And that's issue 330 and this is 317
They need to virtue signal that they're woke and down with the oppressed mentally ill underclass
Don't get your hopes up for bloodlines 2
Interesting. Thanks.
Caine doesn't want the world to end because of God's Curse of Cain faggot
he will do whatever he can to prevent Gehennna, Apocalypse and other dumb shit just to spite God