ITT: unpopular opinions

ITT: unpopular opinions

Smash is only popular because of the characters and being a nintendo exclusive. If Dragon King was released without the nintendo characters it would've never got a sequel. No one's actually interested by its gameplay.

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People care about the gameplay, but yes the primary reason people got into the series at all was the characters. I think your example would work better for Eyes of Heaven.

>Smash is only popular because of the characters
No shit, Sherlock. That was the entire draw of the series. People just stayed for the gameplay.

The Epic Store is a great thing for the industry and if you're really more concerned about having to click a different launcher for your games then you're an asshole.

Smash's gameplay is fun as hell, but it's very possible it never would have gotten the market penetration to be remembered if not for the IP.

Most of Nintendo's other games are pretty bad though, almost all are carried on IP alone these days.

Correct. Which is why third-party characters are a mistake.

Third party characters > nintendo characters

combining elements of baseball/ basketball with fighting games was genius. Smash is the only fighting game that bothered to evolve past SF2 which is why its one of the few FG's that still has a healthy + growing player base.

I'm also concerned about receiving a worse service than Steam in literally every way.

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>Smash is only popular because of the characters
How the hell is that unpopular?

People like to pretend there's more to those games than the characters

Yeah, it's a WIP. Most of that shit doesn't matter though.

The biggest issue with Epic is the sheer amount of malware that comes with it. Nobody cared when GOG launched its own launcher, as they were an ethical company releasing ethical software. This point has been hammered home so hard that the only reason. I'd assume you were posting this is if you're baiting or trying to strawman others.

Refer to this.

It's not that I'm complaining about, no one is. I don't wanna install chink spyware. fuck off paid shill

>Which is why third-party characters are a mistake.






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There is more. It's a fun party game. Probably would have it's own characters if they didn't put Nintendo characters in it.
And they themselves would be Nintendo characters now.

FF7 is tedious and dull.

Tencent doesn't own Epic.

What malware specifically?

Arcade games were the first iteration of microtransactions for vidya and things have only gone par the course.

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you don't actually think that stop lying

Button mashing is bad game design. Uncharted with it's option to hold down a button to pass QTEs is a vast improvement.

God like 80% of all JoJo games are half-baked shit, if it weren't for the ungodly fanservice that attracts the fans they wouldn't sell nearly as much

The core issues of Skyrim can't be modded away. It's always gonna be kinda shitty, unless you manage to build something on top or alongside the core gameplay, like survival or puzzle mods

you have shit taste faggot

I do though. Nintendo IPs are all generic as shit and none of them are any good.

timing QTEs themselves are boring as fuck and should just be used VERY sparsely, there's really not much fun nor investment in pressing a button when prompted to. At least with mashing a button you get the sense of working towards something yourself

There is nothing wrong with the Epic Store and it is not malware/spyware. There was a thread up earlier today that completely BTFO of all the conspiracy theories surrounding it.

To recap that thread:
Steam does the exact same thing with Discord. The reason why the EGL is in your browser is to establish that there is an Internet connection. About the only shady thing is that Epic did root around in someone's Steam info like they do for Discord, but even then it is Valve's fault for being lazy cunts (as per usual) and not properly encrypting their files. Pcbros are fucking insufferable and anyone that still tries to argue this needs to fuck off back to Rddit.

And it would've flopped harder than arms.

Smash as a series is stale and redundant even if you compare it to normal fighting games.

>it's valves fault that epic chose to access files they shouldn't have
I'm no expert but I don't think valve is responsible for epics choices.

Why do you even care about Smash then? It's a Nintendo game for Nintendo fans.

they're a geno/isaacfag who see relevant third-party characters as a "threat" to their literal who's chances of ever getting in.
what they don't realize is that neither of them would ever get in even without third-party characters. case in point: nintendo did a ballot for japan only to help them choose fighters for melee back in the day, and geno unironically got less votes than goomba and koopa troopa.

>the stars are the most important part of an all-star brawler
guys, give this man a fucking PHD right now

>but even then it is Valve's fault for being lazy cunts (as per usual) and not properly encrypting their files. Pcbros are fucking insufferable and anyone that still tries to argue this needs to fuck off back to Rddit.
I don't understand this logic. Would you also consider it acceptable for the Epic launcher to root around other unencrypted files on your computer? For example, what if it searched through your documents and pictures to get an idea of what kind of games you might be interested in?
Is it the user's responsibility to encrypt all of their files, always? Or should the service provider be expected to not access files that aren't directly pertinent to the program's operation?

>this entire post
I'm not even supporting those lost causes, I'm just saying that prioritizing guest characters when there is Nintendo representation that needs fixing is a sin that needs purging.

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I told you, you need to stop bringing up that nobody puppet character. Any publicity is good publicity. Even if you're having fun shitting on Genofags, you're still perpetuating discussion centered on him.

third-party characters aren't what's stopping sakurai from fixing kirby's representation. his own ego is.

There isn't anything to fix. Kirby is complete.

All 3d zeldas are garbage

t. Sakurai.

In my docs? No. That is personal info that would get any company in trouble while I could give less of a fuck if Epic knows that I had 1500 hours in TF2. I've never been advertised to in any way. As for file encryption, yeah. Kinda important when personal info is in there.

they aren't all garbage, but they are all inferior to 2d zeldas.