2019... I am forgetten...
2019... I am forgetten
you wish
>multiple daily threads
spotted the sonyfag
April Fools was 2 days go, user
Opposite problem for me, I wanna get through my backlog but after work I’ll turn on my Switch, and there’s Smash.
Then 4 hours have passed.
I smell the ultimatefags coming
Literally someone posted this a month ago ya simp
rosterfags don't actually play the game
I'm guessing this is our latest meme
Smells like teen spirit
restart your shitpost thread and do a better job next time rather than just taking a dumb meme and trying to apply it to whatever game you can first think of
>Bitching because Melee got replaced by Ultimate.
Nah. He's a Meleefaggot.
I can't go back to Melee after Ultimate. Mii Brawler is just too fun.
can some fellow mortal explain the joke to my friend she is out of the loop
>nearly 100 iconic and beloved video game characters with varied movesets, playstyles, and attributes
>play as a mii instead
>he doesn't like Tomodachi Life
>he doesn't like Wii Sports Resort
>he doesn't like Mario Golf: World Tour
>he doesn't like Miitopia
>he doesn't use a completely unique moveset based off of a stigma about a character, and likely uses some other character from a game he never touched anyway
It's like you guys hate fun.
The most important pro players are already dropping the game, just wait 2 years and Melee will have killed it by then. Zoomers that play Brawl onwards have the attention span of an insect, so they will of course get bored by the time.
Tried Go Vacation yet?
>"most important"
>ZeRo who was a lazy piece of shit only playing for streamer bucks because he can't win and didn't do well in a single tournament
>Leffen who was going to inevitably drop it after a couple of months because he's a Melee player
>Tweek, who isn't even dropping the game, but just complaining about "I can't just whiff punish everything anymore guys ;_;"
good fucking riddance. See you guys at EVO when the actually good players start showing up and it breaks entrant records.
About 40 characters are literal whos
I want to be humped by Mii Brawler.
>being in a state to kill anything
I guess you haven't followed the news
>Miis aren't iconic or varied moveset-wise
Christ, I get people don't like them but you're letting your biases turn into outright delusion.
Why DO people hate Miis with such a passion anyway? No other character gets people this riled up.
Because their moveset could have used for 3 actual characters
Shit avatars that are only used for people to make the same 5 ebin Miis, or people actually bland enough to think that any of the Mii brand games are good. Either way, kill yourself.
Imagine being this mad over a generic asian man
It's not really fair to complain about game quality when the Ice Climbers are in of all things.
>I am forgetten
>Literally 5 threads on Yea Forumsright now
Should have said 2020. It's getting 5 DLC characters this year so you'll still have people expecting Smash at every Nintendo direct and rosterfags will still be a thing.
Tweek is a chump. Let me complain about his bad opinions in this thread to fulfill my need for confirmation bias.
Enjoy your new Goku DLC