PC gamers have never experienced such a masterpiece

If I were a PC gamer, I would be laying down on the ground in the fetal position and sobbing in a puddle of my own urine as well, it's okay to admit defeat. So much for that superiority of yours, when no PC exclusive will ever look as hyper realistic as this game. FAGGOTS!

Attached: This intimidates PC gamers.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

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>muh realism

Sad that this game didn't do well and was short to beat
Such great potential and there won't be a sequel

Graphics don't really matter when the game is absolute dog shit though.

I'm burning my laptop as I type. My fingers are currently in agony as i thrust them into the fire to type how sorrowful i am

Thought this was a flop?


Attached: Ready at Dawn developer.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Yes, filthy PC rat! Drown in the tears of your defeated brethren. Suffocate on their defeated farts!

Keep making excuses nigger, you just never played this yourself. The mechanics are SMOOOOOOOTH! Just because we get a locked 24 fps doesn't mean it's automatically dogshit, in exchange for the framerate we got 4d chess. The lore is deeper than your mom's asshole.

someone post the manual

WTF I love Sonyflix now!

but its not shit.

Is this actually good enough to watch a playhthrough of on youtube like it's a movie or is the story also shitty?

The Bouncer was better than this shit

Attached: Bouncerbox.jpg (220x312, 29K)

Battlefront looks better

I saw few screenshots, so it isn't too far from playing it.

You do realize its just the shitty cinematic filter that makes the game seam like its more impressive than it acualy is.

Like try watching Shrek at 480p on a bootleg cam and the blurry messy piacture will hide the fact its CG and make it almost look like its real.

Attached: 2789442-3660072350-TheOr.jpg (1920x800, 182K)

No it doesn't.

Attached: 272cv7I.jpg (2951x3000, 753K)

It's not fair bros, why do snoytards get to keep this masterpiece for themselves

Attached: 123987365754.png (633x758, 16K)

No it's not.

It was a cool movie desu

>muh cinematic experience
good ridance

Attached: 1545426537201.png (718x643, 245K)

Art direction, graphics and the sound design was stellar. Shame that it had a rehashed QTE boss as the final one, among other things like the lengthy as fuck cut scenes.

No, that was pre alpha footage you fucking nigger.

No, that's not how it works.

Better and longer cope fag.

I played The Witcher 1, you never will though :^)

yes it does

Attached: the-order-1886-screenshots-3.jpg (1920x800, 157K)

No, the graphics were terrible.
I will, but I don't want to because Witcher 3 is better.
No it not.

Isn't this the game that final boss battle is a reused boss battle from earlier in the game?

>Shame that it had a rehashed QTE boss as the final one

It's also the game with the best graphics any game ever had.

Even if that were the case, why would it matter if the game isn't any good?



Attached: 1553464314249.jpg (1534x1440, 770K)

>Witcher 3 is better
lmfao this is the taste of someone who praises The Order, you embarrass your favourite game little child

The hype around this was hilarious because not a single word was said about it when it came out

yes it does

Attached: SW_Battlefront_(Endor)_screenshot.jpg (1920x1013, 903K)

hue hue

>Graphics Fag

Attached: 1539266161699.gif (88x128, 103K)

Attached: crysis33.jpg (3840x2160, 3.76M)

>I will, but I don't want to because Witcher 3 is better.
I had never heard of the game in the OP and I came into this thread with an open mind thinking maybe it will be good and wanting to learn more, then I saw this comment and have decided not to listen to you on anythign

i literally finished this pos in one (1) session while with my friend. the cutscene were so long and boring we would use the downtime to roll the joints

I used to be a pc gamer til it took a shit and i haven't been able to save up to build another one. It is the superior gaming experience though. Most games are better on PC imo

That being said is this game any good? I have a ps4 still that I bought on black friday a couple years ago. Seems like I remember people shitting on it.

IT IS THE CASE. Show me one game with better graphics. And it is good.
No, YOU cope, because you can't experience the pleasure of playing this game.
That's just propaganda
No, that looks like shit compared to The Order 1886
That also looks like shit compared to The Order 1886.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

No user, I ain't biting, there isn't a single person in this world that will genuinely defend that piece of shit

Attached: Mj0u4Ts.png (640x265, 9K)

Op here, you're all just salty that you never played something as beautiful as The Order 1886. When you play it, you will change your mind.

a masterpiece of shit

Attached: ap,550x550,12x16,1,transparent,t.u2.png (413x549, 108K)

Op here, I love sucking cocks

so this is the power of Yea Forums

Attached: This also intimidates PC gamers.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

I played it could not wait for it to be over it was boring as fuck.
Generic TPS set in a world you cant even explore. Its barely worth the 15$ i payed of it.

But it's the best looking game ever made.

Attached: kinorizon.jpg (3840x2160, 2.55M)

More like brownest game ever made.

Attached: Far Cry® 52018-7-18-17-53-10.jpg (3840x2160, 2.09M)

You wanna play that shit motherfucker?

Attached: This absolutely kills the PC gamer..jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

Such wasted potential, it was a good film but if they made an actual game out of it it would've been so great.

No even the typical bias towards big budget cinematic games couldn't save it from getting destroyed by critics.