Is it possible to be good at fighting games without being asian, black, or having autism?
Is it possible to be good at fighting games without being asian, black, or having autism?
Yes. White people don't play fighting games. Peppery Splash is the best gg player in NA and he's white.
I would like to think that they didn't take puzzle game fans into account...
Race has no baring on capacity for improvement, so yes.
autism master race
i only smell bad, im actually a really nice guy
People didn't seriously think it was RTS did they?
>the genre with the most mindgames and pattern recognition has the smartest players
who was dumb enough to doubt that though
people smart enough to realize that article doesn't exist
asians are white
Are whites asian?
I play melee, of course I'm smart
>Are whites asian?
some asians are white
Extroverts > introverts
Multiplayer > singleplayer
I thought we'd all know this by now.
blacks are white
yellows are green
reds are purple
violets are blue
>having autism
So there's hope for me yet!
puzzle games are largely reflex and processing patterns at all levels
at a competitive level, fighting games require you to visualize multiple outcomes on the fly
Honorary aryans
I hope not. Most RTS games boil down to about 5 strategies.
"mindgames" in the context of fighting games is just a fancy word for rock-paper-scissors type guessing games. nothing particularly high IQ about that
You need really high IQ to play quake.
fighting games, fucking retard, not goddamn party mashers
>nips conduct a study
>the genre that nips dominate in turns out to be the smartest genre
What a coincidence!
>Have autism
I cannot use GG/UNIST/KOF or Tekken by this logic can I? You'll call anyone I mention autistic won't you? I might have mild autism and im decent im not sure never got tested.
So you mean I by default have a 1/3 chance of winning a tournament the moment I pick up a fighting game? I'm surprised so many people have difficulty just winning with those odds.
This, fighting games players look smart in comparison with other people in Japan who play gachashit on their phones, of course.
>Is it possible to be good at fighting games without having autism?
There are a lot of top players who are dumb as bricks though. Maybe not the toppest top but people like KBrad and Marn are lovable idiots who can threaten and gatekeep the best of the best. Being competitive doesn't require high IQ it just requires commitment and persistence. Sure it helps but its not end all be all.
I don't want to list Mike Ross because i honestly believe hes a high IQ clown.
It's not real you donut
I didn't say mind games are all there is to fighting games.
>A measure of "intelligence" based on how quickly you can recognize patterns
>A "genre" of video games based on how quickly you can recognize patterns
I wish I could get to the level where you start using your brain in a fighting game match, but I can't even hit confirm and execute dash cancels to pull off the combos everyone is doing
I am practicing, but its gonna take months before I can consistently execute BnB's in training room, let alone real matches. Fighting games are cool
isn't this just turbo autism
Don't fall for it user. Play games for enjoyment, not for frustration.
Get the new SamSho when it's released, it's all fundamentals, no combos.
who honestly believes this?
you can use your brain at any level, and the only way to get good is to start doing that, john choi is a man that was so fucking good he could beat most players in sf4 with low forward fireball, a basic ass ryu
Only a select few tards. Most racism is ironic racism
I probably will because of that, it looks really interesting and a good middleground
I agree but its also a matter of wanting to participate in a game being able to execute what others can do, but then choosing to play the game in your own way. At least that's how I want to think about it, also combos are cool and feel nice to execute
I mean to even try to compete with Tekken pros, you have to know at least the frame data of like 1000 different attacks.
I can't think of another genre that requires this much time and learning to to just be above average.
ofcourse a fighting game website would report that fighting game players are the smartest
There is no point in trying to be good at fighting games, since it literally takes years of practice and even then you won't leave any pools, so just enjoy the fun in playing online and maybe landing a cool combos to win a clutch match.
You retards don't honestly believe that pro level players have the frame data of 1000s of different attacks memorized, do you? You just need to know the basic frame data, not the exact specifics, i.e. a heavy kick is approximately this many frames across the board for every character.
You still need to know every single move, mix-ups, set-up and cheap shit of every character, so you can't get surprised by anything. On top of that years of experience so you have fought every single character with all possible strategies hundreds of times.
the people that dont have literal decades of legacy skill, frame data is a good tool for people that dont have that to learn more quickly
I don't think it's necessarily that "fighting game players" have the highest IQ, but when you have a competitive scene that capitalizes on 1v1 rather than group play, it's far more restricting skillwise then most multiplayer game genres. If RTS were still huge, you'd be hearing the same thing about
Don't get memed by retards, pro players aren't exactly the hype that people give them, they make mistakes as anyone else, just look at NCR 19. Also that it takes many years if fucking retarded, the same way how 10,000 hours to learn something is also retarded. What you have to do is actually 1. Stop spooking yourself, 2. Pay real close attention to what you do, don't waste unnecessary time and always dictate the fight.
My gf is skinny white angloburger and based, agrees with me whenever i go on the occasional racist sexist rant. She plays for honor a lot and is a fucking wrecking ball with almost all of the characters, routinely destroys people without resorting to sweaty tactics and i am always impressed.
So yes its possible. Unless she has autism which is possible.