Yea Forums is ironically defending Borderlands now that its a Epic Store Exclusive

>Yea Forums is ironically defending Borderlands now that its a Epic Store Exclusive

What the fuck happened?

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First time encountering Gearbox shills?

Where the fuck were you back when BL1 was shilled? it was the earliest instance of actual marketing (someone doxxed some jackass intern at Gearbox)

Nowadays its mostly ironic shitposting

Stop gobbling Valve cock. They deserve everything that's happening to them over how they let shit in Steam the last couple of years

Nigger have you not heard the term "shill" before?
The insect people in particular use them in droves.

Be grateful that the Epic folks are doing an extended beta test before it hits Steam.

>They deserve everything that's happening to them

as in?

chinks and shills

There are a lot of shills and newfags that remember borderlands fondly because it was part of their childhood.

It's for irony.

giving consumers freedom. Not allowed here in china

The worst fate a chink can think of; crossing the road safely or even not being whirred by an escalator
The horror

Shills and chinks. They are allowed special access to the internet past the firewall to shill for their corporate overlords to continue using the web.

Borderlands is a fine game, Epic isn't. Fuck 2k and I hope by E3 they fucking reconsider. Who wants to play an achievementless Borderlands?

it's a great confluence of gearbox/blands shills and epic/tencent shill chinks

Killing off single player franchises, making cheap skinner box multiplayer games, tried making paid mods a thing, fought legal battles to prevent you from being able to refund, banning games

>fought legal battles to prevent you from being able to refund

Fake fucking news, if anything Valve FORCED publishers and developers to issue refunds.

Kill yourself insectoid

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>Yea Forums defended dlc when everyone realized it was shit
>defended lootboxes when everyone realized it was shit
>defended EA when everyone realized how shit they are
Just contrarians coming out of the woodwork

>killing off single player franchises
>making cheap skinner box multiplayer games
someone doesn't know what a skinner box is, random loot drops like in csgo are not "skinner box' you fucking retard.
>tried making paid mods a thing
they are bethesda now?
>fought legal battles to prevent you from being able to refund
[citation needed]

i've always borderlands. go outside more, man.

>valve doesnt ban games
>"wtf valve letting shit games in"
>valve bans games
>"holeee fuck censorship censorshippp!!!"

Gearbox viral marketers have always been here newfag

wow, shitposters want shitposting ammo? color me surprised

Yea Forums deletion when?

As someone who never subscribed to console wars to begin with, I'm struggling to see why this matters to anyone but the relevant places of business



holy shit the delusional, they were sued by countries and FORCED to do it

>they are bethesda now?
You're a dumbass. steam is their platform and they implemented it on their platform, they could have saud no to Bethesda if it was their idea

Gabe even defended it himself


the shilling will never stop until Steam is dead

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Ubisofts paid shills are actually decent even if you can tell theyre shills immediately, why can't other companies hire good ones?

boringlands being liked and hyped on Yea Forums is even worse, even my normalfag friends think its garbage

Principles go out the window when it's something you actually want. Gamers behave exactly like drug addicts. Bitch and complain but always buy.


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Fortunately, at the rate Epic's going, their shill budget will run out when fortnite starts losing steam

>being this dense

Valve don't care about you, Valve ONLY started giving refunds after they were taken to court

it's already losing stream since Season 7 and Season 8's sales are lower than ever.
>but muh twitch
it's 90% from one guy


worst char on the show

There was backlash against Steam back when it was new too (forced online, necessary to play HL2, buggy mess, slow downloads, resource hog etc...). Of course most of Yea Forums is too young to remember that.

But since gamers have no impulse control they all installed Steam and a few years later they were praising it.

The exact same shit will happen with the Epic Store.

that's not Deanna Troi

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Valve never paid third-parties to exclusively release their games only on Steam in an attempt to crush competition

how did they get away with it bros

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The insect playbook is so predictable, it's fucking pathetic.

Worse they tried to give no refunds to consumers

Ironic you are saying others are predictable

Because Valve back then actually had first party games people wanted to play. Then after that they effectively became the standard for online gaming and every other PC game released exclusively on Steam. People even cheered when games like Dark Souls were ported from Windows Live to Steam.

Epic has Fortnite and that's it.

But my point isn't that the Epic Store isn't shit, it probably is, it's just that I can't stand the Valve dick suckers. It's the same shit. If gamers had a brain they'd be pushing for less DRM and more choices. Remember when you could self-host servers for mulitplayer games? Remember when you could buy a physical copy of a game that wasn't just an activation code for some e-shop? Good times.

i know, those conniving romulan bastards trying to keep technology exclusive to their nation

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The thing that depresses me the most out of all of this is that this Steam vs. Epic debacle only adds to the rampant flamewar shitposting that has ruined this board, and won't go away for a very long time.

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I am a little confused why we're comparing the Epic Game Store to the Steam of years ago instead of the Steam of now. It's not like Epic fucking Games is some plucky developer trying to take on the big bad corp and needs more money to actually pay for employees to integrate now standard features for a PC storefront/platform

>what is Uplay and Origin

I don't see anyone praising these shit launchers and i don't think Epic is going to be much different than that giving it's already failing to deliver half of what Steam does

>People even cheered when games like Dark Souls were ported from Windows Live to Steam.
Have you fucking used Games For Windows Live? Literally anything would have been a massive improvement

Just filter anything Epic related.
It's clearly one person making all these threads, as they constantly spike at certain times of the day and after that nobody gives a shit.

Because people that worked at steam years ago are the same working at steam today, and those people don't care about consumers

It was only a matter of time before every AAA developer left Steam because of Live Service games.

Sooner or later 2K games will have their own launcher and both epic and steam will be out of the picture.

I could give zero fucks about live Service AAA games.

It's the money hatting indie games that makes me a bit mad. But at the same time I don't really care if I have to wait a year to play any indie game epic buys. I wasn't going to buy any new indie game for 2+ years anyway because even indie games have fallen into the rut of a game not being complete until years after release and at that point it's always cheaper anyways.

To be honest i don't care about Blands at all
I got the first one with a GOTY edition and enjoyed it a lot with some friends
I got Borderlands 2 on release for free when i bought a new 660ti, played it with the same friends but never bothered to finish it, we got bored halfway trough
I got Pre-sequel in a humble bundle and lasted less than 30 minutes

But the franchise is loved for somereason, both normalfags and Yea Forumsirgins want a proper sequel, and nobody cares for the ebin store since x1337x works fine

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Welcome to Yea Forums, the board of contrarianism. Everything good is bad, and everything bad is good.


>fighting legal battles to stop refunds is good

>and those people don't care about consumers
Yet somehow Steam is still just about the most consumer-friendly digital storefront (GOG is probably the only thing that has it beat)

Deanna Troi isn’t know for just fucking Data and dying to the tar monster.

>Sooner or later 2K games will have their own launcher and both epic and steam will be out of the picture.

Bethesda tried that and they already came crawling back

Deanna if known for saying "I SENSE SOMETHING BUT... ITS TO VAGUE FOR ME TO TELL YOU ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY USEFUL" at least once per episode and speaking in the same condescending tone with every single sentence, as if she's explaining something to a child

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oh nono

>Valve got rightfully shit on for the paid mods
>They deserve to die now
Are you a feminist? Wait, Chinese are feminists?

>>EA got rightfully shit on for the killing studios
>>They deserve to die now
Are you a feminist? Wait, Chinese are feminists?

I was three weeks old when this first aired

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>Yet somehow Steam is still just about the most consumer-friendly digital storefront
Blizzard store works pretty fine, it just has very few games. The rest are all so bad it's laughable. That said, Steam is about as far from consumer friendly as you can get.

How is Steam not consumer friendly?

BL1 was THE shilled game back in the day. It was probably the game that made Yea Forums realize literal unironic paid shills were here.

>That said, Steam is about as far from consumer friendly as you can get.
What's bad from a consumer perspective about current-day Steam? Critique Steam as it is now

>ha ha that sure got me some replies ha ha

Where was EA ever mentioned in my post?

How is steam consumer friendly? The closest thing to caring about consumers is the review system that is basically shite.

Curators are a total joke too.


you don't own any of the games

Insectoid chink invasion

Answer his question.

this TIER

Attached: Remember this epic stream. Get out Reddit tranny Discord normalfag. and newfag TIER.png (1280x720, 473K)

I can't answer a retarded shill, sorry. Fucking steam babies.

fuck epic

fuck romulans

and fuck the janitorial officer

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Absolutely seething. Answer the question or fuck off

Everything. All steam does is sell you games. After that steam stops giving a shit.

Right back at you, stop gobbling Ebin cock you hypocrite.

logical fallacy

>No actual answer

Imagine choosing to be a janitorial officer in a post-scarcity society in which financial compensation is irrelevant.

Who hurt you?


Trash goes in the trashcan user

>wait 6 months
>buy borderlands 3 on steam
>it actually has DLC, content and patches by then

Give me one reason why playing on day1 is better.

I hate borderlands. Take that flaming turd epic, take it.

How soon do you think it'll be cracked? And will it be possible for cracked clients to play online?
The only think I know right now is that I'm preordering the Captain Scarlett special edition, if you catch my meaning.

Hey shill, can you tell me why epic is anti consumer?

Hard mode: Saying exclusives isn't an answer.

>ad hominem
You can't answer it can you.

i cant be bothered to download yet another game platform
and i hate the Chinese

dont forget price drop and season promotions

> whats 2+2?
>hardmode: the answer cannot be 4

I've had nothing but good experiences with Steam Support. My only complaints are that they don't offer phone support which isnt really a big deal and that you can't transfer games to another account which kind of sucks

>Don't answer with any facts

>can you tell me why epic is anti consumer?
>Hard mode: Saying exclusives isn't an answer.
-Doesn't generate free keys for publishers to sell to third-party stores (which can compete on price and give you better deals)
-Charge customers for using certain payment methods instead of eating the cost themselves like any other company would do (and they'll never do cash cards since they can't eat 10-15% loss of revenue with only a 12% take)
-Ironically, doesn't allow Chinese customers to buy games from their store

That was easy

Isn't Pitchford in trouble for having underage porn or something on his flashdrive

One of those will just bring back zero drm games, the other is extremely common for literally everywhere.

The final point is massively pro consumer.

soiny would have put a light ray over her chest

word has it that his replicator is configured to produce only hot pockets

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>The final point is massively pro consumer.
>People not being able to buy games in a region is pro-consumer
U fookin' w0t?

So I can't help but notice that you are from Asia as everyone else hates asian gamers with a passion.

>you are from Asia
But I'm not. You asked for anti-consumer points for why the EGS is bad and I provided some

And you're wrong because not allowing asians to play is a massive plus to anyone who has ever had to play with asians.

Honestly, lets just wait for ea to buy epic and back to Orgin we go.

>implying it's not Randy himself making all the threads

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poor randy

he just seems so out of touch, like a grandpa

wasn't this from him dropping a flash drive or thumb drive filled with weird porn shit then some hotel staff finding it and pitchford freaking out about it