How can Mass Effect be salvaged?

How can Mass Effect be salvaged?

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ME3 ruined what the first and second built, Andromeda was just the death blow. Let it lie.

Is it weird that I'm going to replay 1+2 then stop there

It's perfectly normal. You could try modding ME3 to fuck so it becomes a different game entirely, though.

It can't after 3. They did their darnedest to make sure it was unsalvageable.

maybe i'll just have my own headcanon that the reapers got beaten and that weird as fuck apartment shore leave dlc party where everyone gets drunk is the last thing in the mass effect universe

there's a mod for that

Start with a remaster of the trilogy, within which you say fuck your artistic integrity and change the ending to leave possibilities for sequels, or you make prequels like one set in the First Contact War, Krogan Rebellions, or Rachni Wars.

Fuck, you could even go a cycle back and introduce a whole new galaxy where you play as a Prothean, maybe one who eventually has a hand setting up Vigil thus saving the next cycle, Javik can make a cameo to connect them.

Nah it's over. Dragon Age is just so much better

Good games come from good studios, Mass Effect is bad for a reason. It will remain so.

Is this satire?

Attached: Bioware Quality Animation.webm (896x504, 2.88M)

it can't. shite effect is dead.


No, truth

Attached: i'm only human after all.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

It can't. Bioware was killed from the inside.

I just watched it, shitty music and voice acting aside, that's simple as hell but way better than what we got

How hard was that for Bioware to accomplish

I'm pretty sure it's satire.

Attached: Bioware Quality Animations 3.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

Wtf that never happened for me

>multimillionaire gamer buys IP from EA/Bioware
>starts own development studio
>make a remaster of the original trilogy ported to the latest version of the Unreal Engine to appease nostalgiafags and SJeWs
>also make a reboot of the trilogy with every game on one, continuously upgraded homemade engine
>use the reboot to fix everything wrong with the games (shit lore, shit characters, gameplay fundamentally changing between games, shit graphics)
>all equivalent DLC from original games free
>replace ME3 horde mode multiplayer with Warframe/Destiny-style pseudo-MMO with heavy emphasis on faction/racial alignment
>integrate this into the singleplayer experience in the form of PVP invasions, Borderlands style drop-in/out coop, and Shepard being able to stumble across ongoing multiplayer operations that he can help or hinder

There's how it can be salvaged. Won't happen though.

By not making every game a massive fucking space opera. I'd rather play smaller in scale story about a crew of mercs or smugglers or whatever doing jobs they need to to get by.

Lmao that's what you get for making an uggo character

Mass Effect got steadily worse with each game. There is no salvaging it.

>Replace ME3 MP
Reapers mustve gotten to you that shit was golden.

Only way it can be salvaged get Casey Hudson, the original writer, a triple A team together then have the game be set far in the future so that Shepards legacy has become a forgotten myth like The Grey Wardens in DA.

>give it to someone else
>make the story pre-trilogy
>allow the player to pick any race they want
>get new character designers in to redesign existing races, and give them female variants that don't look like shit
>scrub all mentions of spectres, seeing as how it was barely even a plot point by 2

What's wrong with them? Mass effect 3 was good until you meet the crucible, Andromeda also did a lot of things right. Perhaps if people didn't shitpost constnaly about the faces you would have been able to see that.
What you mean people actually replay mass effect 1? Willingly?

Is you post satire?

LMAO dude its over 10 years too late for that. EA buying the franchise sealed its fate.

>Reapers mustve gotten to you that shit was golden.

Don't get me wrong, it absolutely was. I have 2000 hours on that shit. It could just use a lot more gameplay than horde mode, and more progression depth than buying RNG boxes.

Even your idea if flawed because even a far off future has to acknowledge the ending of mass effect 3.
>Grey Wardens
>Forgotten myths
Did you even play dragon age?

I am currently, yes.

>ME3 was ruined when you met the crucible
Soo.. within the first five minutes?

This, smaller scale ME thats not about saving the galaxy would be cool, maybe see the geth war through a mercs eyes

Nu-Bioware is gonna die with DA4

I feel sorry for you
No the last five minutes, after seeing how strong sovereign is did you not expect a random super weapon to be introduced? Random super weapon was the only way to beat the reapers because they made sovereign too damn strong

ehh, the gameplay is annoying and generally progressing isn't ideal but the story is fine, I'd rather play than use a save editor to get to 2

1) Side story during main trilogy, possibly after ME2 then going in to ME3

2) All Council races are playable, with specific classes and bonuses available to them.

3) You work for a femtur Spectre on a ship with a stealth drive

4) Explore planets and races ignored by ME3 like Hanar homeworld, Elcor homeworld, Rachni brood, etc.

it can't Drew Karpyshyn was the reason the first two games had a good story.

>There are people in this very thread who believe that is was 3 and not 2 that ruined Mass Effect

It was already dead by the time 3 came along. 2 took whatever narrative coherence 1 had established and widdled all over it in service to waifus and shootan.

>make the story pre-trilogy
No, that's not fixing it, and makes the game feel pointless because you know the looming threat of Shit Writing will make whatever you do meaningless. A How We Got Here story doesn't if where you're going is somewhere terrible.

Come on user. Don't you know that focusing 90% of your game on characters really deepens the plot and the universe?

You give him far to much credit

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>There are people who think the first game was good
A combat that had to be replaced in order to be good and exploration that was nothing but a waste of time and a game that just looks ugly. How did it turn into a franchise with such a horrible start?

All they had to do was say that the Reaper threat had been neutralised by the ending of ME1 and the collector threat was a new adventure for Shep and the gang. Instead they felt obliged to write themselves into a corner from which there was no way out.


most people still willing to discuss ME at this point are just waifufags

None of that is relevant in a CRPG. What matters are the illusion of choice and consequence and the coherence of the narrative, both of which ME1 was very good at.

Besides which ME2 and 3 had shitty Gears of War combat which was very much not worth throwing out the entire lore of the series up to that point.

It's possible.

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If the Reaper threat had been neutralised by the ending of ME1 then why introduced them in the first place?

>Gameplay that takes up most of the game is not relevant
Are you listening to yourself?
Yeah trying to claim that an entire game is shit because of shit animations at cheery picked scenes does sound like a satirical thing to do.

Because they're a Lovecraftian horror that can never be adequately done justice by actually explaining them. Obviously the best course of action would have been to have Shepard just about be one step ahead of the Reaper menace with every new game, with the player never seeing them in their true light. I was just suggesting the modification to ME2's story that require the least change from what they did. Having humanoid Reapers shouting epic one liners at Shepard while he goes and deals with a bunch of daddy issues just cheapened the whole narrative.


I thought I'd say it louder, for clarity. It's an RPG, none of this shit matters. Twitch gameplay is actively detrimental to the experience, especially when it is as shit as it was in Mass Effect 2 and 3.

>the writer who wrote the praised stories of Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 leaves Bioware
>Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda have shit stories, 3 causing a lot of anger among players, Andromeda just disregarded as garbage

Yeah, I give him too much credit

You sound fanny flustered

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Nah, because the Reapers would still be in dark space slowly approaching.

They should have had you stopping more colony abductions and boarding then sabotaging Collector ships - from which you eventually find out they're building a new Reaper optimised to indoctrinate humans so that it can overwhelm what's left of the Citadel defenses and open the relay to dark space.

This is a much better solution than the crap they served up in ME2 and 3.

Sell the rights to Studio FOW. There is literally no saving Mass Effect now. Might as well turn it into what its deranged fanbase really wants.

Seems like all quarian females belong to human males and all human males belong to quarian females

A machine can never be a Lovecraftian horror, Lovecraftian horror means things that a human mind can't comprehend. What's so fucking hard to comprehend about a giant machine that wants to kill organic life?
I'm hearing the talk of a madman, how can gameplay not matter in the game? The awful gameplay of the first game is what makes it the most dreadful to replay
He has written a lot of other works that don't live up to the same standard, he also wants the only writer for mass effect 3. When it comes to the writing of mass effect 3 the only problem people have with it is the ending
>Andromeda just disregarded as garbage
Because everyone decided to shit on the game as a whole because of the facial animations.

And you sound petty

>Might as well turn it into what its deranged fanbase really wants.
And what's that?

Just heartbroken.

Attached: Quality Bioware Animation 9.webm (852x480, 2.14M)

>I'm hearing the talk of a madman, how can gameplay not matter in the game? The awful gameplay of the first game is what makes it the most dreadful to replay

And I'm hearing the talk of a man that doesn't play RPGs, god knows there are a lot of you on the internet. You play these games to make choices within an exciting role. If you want twitch gameplay then play a Japanese action game. Mass Effect may have been an incredibly lightweight roleplaying game, but the illusion that the player had choices and was working his way through a competently written narrative was fairly strong. Are you really prepared to sacrifice all of that just so you can have a half baked third person shooter to play, much worse than other action games on the market?

Everything fucking everything. In space.

I disregarded the animations and tried to play through andromeda anyway and the stories and characters just didn't grab me at all. Nothing appealing about it.

I'm not sure I follow.

Look I'm not saying that we should accept bad animations by writing off the entire game as shit because of them won't do anyone any good.
Seeing how the gameplay got better with each game? Yes I would, furthermore I really don't understand what point you're trying to drive home with the illusion of choice and working through a narrative talk. Does the later two game not have choices? How is the illusion stronger in the first game then the later two?
How about the gameplay? You didn't find the combat to be fun or the exploration?

Bad animations are part of a greater problem that has been plaguing Bioware for about a decade now. The good times are gone. Unless something changes at the top, they're not coming back.

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bring shepard back as a legendary specter in a cold war galaxy, non-council space becoming a bigger threat giving shepard opportunities to do a specter's job

If you're autistic enough, I have an excellent multi-part deconstruction of ME2 (and all Mass Effect games) from Shamus Young to share with you. It explains far more articulately than I can, and as usual with Shamus Young it's quite well written.

This is the first of the Mass Effect 2 articles, the rest follow on from the navigation buttons at the top.

Bioware has never had good animations

Reading a well written critique on something has nothing to do with autism.

It's not the animations people really have a problem with. I just want to go to the way things where before ME3.

Attached: Quality Bioware Q&A.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

>implying they gonna live that long

Guess you're not a biodrone then.

Give it to another developer, for once.
Make Mass Effect 4, dealing with the post-war state of the entire place, with all those races stuck on Earth while tensions grow, maybe throw in some conspiracy shit ala MGS about war.
Make Shepard old, crippled and bitter at the beginning and make him regain his strength and attitude throughout the course of the game, that should make some nice parallelism for the state of the franchise itself.
Basically, make the game an ultimate conclusion to the story of the trilogy and then move on to different, lower scale stuff that doesn't involve the entire galaxy being in danger, including bringing back a focus on exploration and adventure after the focus on war from ME3 and the hypothetical ME4.

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Why was ME the only actual space opera in videogames?

I wanna fuck PeeBee. She's hotter than Liara.

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Ok good idea but I went for control ending, how can my Shepard by old if I died to control the reapers? How can everyone be stuck on earth when I used the reapers to repair everything?

The gameplay was okay I guess but that's not what really drew people to Mass Effect in the first place. It was story and characters. It was some easier to put up with older Bioware games that had pretty bad gameplay but great stories and characters, intead of focusing on gameplay (which still has some jank to it) with a meh story.

Dunno why that is, I put up with Nintendo games that have barely any story at all but fun gameplay all the time But I guess when I play a bioware game I expected a good story.. I mean there's just enough jank (and part of that is animations) to not be able to enjoy the game purely for gameplay.

Stop posting anytime

Oh yeah, that.
Make the destroy ending canon.
In fact, maybe start ME4 with the last push for the Citadel beam so the ending can be remade.

By being put into the hands of developers and writers that actually give a shit about making a good game with a compelling story and cast of characters. I.E anybody but fucking bioware

Dragon age 2 had good story and characters, didn't stop people from shitting all over it.
I got a better idea, let the series rest. The story that Bioware set out to tell was told, make a new scfi ip instead.

>Dragon age 2 had good story and characters

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>dragon age 2
>good story
>good characters
nigga please, that story was terrible. Varric was the only good character to come out of it too.

I swear the way you've been commenting in this thread makes me think you work for Bioware particularly on DA2, ME3, and ME:A

Bioware already outright proved your choices were actually irrelevant, only one ending has any extra after your colored light show and that's destroy.

dateble male krogans

Nope. I did that a few months ago.

Is this Origins? If so, it's completely different to how I remember it.

Just leave it dead, please.
I don't want another Max Payne 3 happening.

I dare you to find good or even decent animation from any Bioware game and post it here. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Here how:
>another studio with no links to EA takes over from Bioware
>we all pretend as if the second and third games were never made
>new studio makes new games faithful to the spirit of the original
This way, stupid things like thermal clips are never introduced. I mean why the fuck did they think that was a good idea? The mass effect field guns made the game unique.

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Replace Liara as a party member and romance entirely with based Shiala

She’s the first asari you mind meld with in the first place and she wouldn’t revere you as this godlike being because you touched a prothathan beacon and probably would fall in love/respect you based on you saving her and being a comrade in arms like her

So...Inquisition had worse animation than Origins?

>we all pretend as if the second game was never made

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will killing hamburger helper fix my game

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A couple hours into the second game made me drop the entire series, I loved origins. Fuck Bioware.

Mass Effect 3 was better than 2. Both were huge downgrades from 1, which was a great if flawed game.

Dragon Age: Origins was the last hurrah for Bioware. Nothing can save it now. The top talent that built the company is gone. It's over.

>I loved origins
Different franchise.

>Mass Effect 3 was better than 2.
>Both were huge downgrades from 1, which was a great if flawed game.
So fucking right. I don't know why so many people think 2 was better than the original.

>Mass Effect 3 was better than 2
At killing Mass Effect off

2 had worse writting but at least the gameplay was actually fun and the side missions didn't felt like a fucking chore.

I agree Bioware died with Mass Effect 2 because it was such a huge step back in every regard. The art style music and story were 100x better in Mass Effect 1. The combat was even more fun in Mass Effect 1 because you had actual variety and you could choose different abilities to level and the Gears of War bullshit didn't exist in ME1. Mass Effect 2 and 3 didn't even have loot.

Hard reboot of the entire setting, don't have Reapers.

>> After the destroy end, the Reapers end up shutting down and dying -- including those hurtling across space, meaning that it is likely that they are about to crash into some populated world that houses a non-space faring race. Congratulations, Shepard! You have caused the industrial revolutions of several dozen new species, and are now thrust into a galaxy that they do not understand with rules that after the Reaper War are still being defined.

Player Character, bottom-rung lieutenant, basically a shipboard intern, is suddenly promoted to acting commander after a peaceful envoy mission goes south as the planet they were going to greet shoots them down. They are in the middle of a civil war, and having the then-losing side obtain the carcass of a Reaper didn't help matters.

The planet, best described as "uninhabitable hellhole" except by the species that lives on it, is a snow-covered landscape of active volcanoes and boiling oceans. The trees have legs, the small animals are smarter than you, the big animals are tougher than you, and the inhabitants of the world are space wendigoes who get stronger by eating alien flesh.

To make things worse, the player isn't even technically a survivor -- the only reason he isn't dead is because the handy Quarian mad scientist was able to put you back together, mostly with spare parts from what was left of the medical bay and probably parts of someone less lucky than you. One of the RPG elements of the game is that you are able to upgrade your cybernetic body with an assortment of weapons and tools that make combat easier -- however, because you are basically just a corpse being ran by a haphazardly put together computer, the more cybernetic enhancements you gain, the more robotic you become and you start losing the ability to make some of the more clever choices further in the game (less likely to negotiate with aliens and such).

It is basically Mass Effect Souls. Welcome to your Thresher Maw.

The first game had the best active game play in the entire series. It is more fun to shoot and kill enemies in Mass Effect 1 than ME2 and ME3 combined together. The dogshit story for the second and third game is just the cement on the top of Biowares tomb, to ignore 100% of the established lore in ME1 just to add reloading was monumentally stupid and unforgivable and that is just a small nitpick. They destroyed an entire series with just one sequel.

They patched this, you tard.

It looks great now.

THIS. Reapers a shit.

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I'd argue the character writing had less memes in ME2, compared to 3, where everyone was a meme of their former self. The N7 side missions, which were compulsory on release to get anything even close to ending that wasn't a complete shitshow, if you didn't play MP. The journal was the worst I've ever seen in an RPG, to the point where, if you dropped the game for 2 days, you couldn't even pick it back up. Bugs. Not like ME2 was free of them, but holy shit, Miranda and Kasumi never once showed up in my original playthrough and that was a common issue on release. Kai fucking Leng. We fight or we die. Rannoch. Reaper motivations. What the fuck is it with that skill system? What the fuck is it with this mod system? What the fuck is it with this loadout system, shit! Dream sequences. Legion died because he uploaded himself. Kai Leng. Javik being the embodiment of Bioware's self-deprecating humour. Javik being DLC. Javik being on-disk DLC. Javik being on-disk DLC that can become available by editing one line in the coalesced file. Casey "there won't be an A,B or C choice type ending" Hudson. Mac "pick a colour" Walters. Star "Shepard, you being here changes everything, but not enough for me to call off the attack on Organics, so you can come back here at any time and pick the best option that you and your kind believe is the right one, just so you can die now for extra drama" kid. Buy our DLC post ending scene. Tali's picture. Fighting Cerberus, Cerberus and more Cerberus. Starring EDI's cameltoe. Gaydan. STEEEEVE. Juevos Rancheros. Crater. Fat Blueberry. Suitrat. Dr. Chocolates. Dr. Baguette. Secretary Chocolates and the Inception OST.

>ME3 ruined what the first and second built
ME3 was objectively better than the second one in literally every single way. People just want to be hipster contrarians.

>ME1 gameplay
>not boring af
yes, i also loved attacking the same space base 9999 times and getting my inventory filled with useless crap

It's too late. The damage is done.

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it's Bioware as a whole who needs salvaging at this point. Have you seen Jason Schreier article ? The whole fucking studio is a mess who needs to be purged and to rethink about what it did


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People will think you are being serious.

Probably should hire Obsidian and remake Mass Effect 3, then pretend that their first attempt never happened. It's the only way.

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it's dead user. cope.

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Let me fuck everybody, the romance options are mostly shit and overrated at best.

don't forger
>cerberus changed from space illuminati to all powerfull micronation who can btfo the strongest armies in the galaxy

It can't, because everything that EA touches turns into shit eventually. Like King Midas, but with shit instead of gold.
EA buys companies and forces them to meet policies in line with their agenda. The result is that an EA franchise becomes more casualized to appeal to normies, but alienates its original fanbase in the process. It becomes very popular for a little while, makes a bunch of money, and then fizzles out as normies lose interest.
Look at Titanfall. Same thing happened with that franchise.

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my face is tired

Both of the endings in 2 are better conclusions to the series than any ending from 3

can't. i don't like Bioware and will no longer play their games.

Who do normalfags always lose interest so quickly anyway? If they have any to begin with that is.
I have honestly barely ever met a normalfag in my life who even had an actual hobby or interest to begin with. And the very few that had some, had hobbies that were always to some club they visited 1-3 times a week, be it dancing club or horse stuff or whatever, never anything else.

They are not in it for the game, just for the "gamer cred".

serious answer: bring back shepherd, return to the rule of cool for character design, and abandon the progressive mantra

Level design has nothing to do with game play. The level design was an area which could have easily been improved in a real sequel, instead Bioware decided to reboot the series with the second game and also consciously decided to make it as shit and unplayable as possible. The "game play" in Mass Effect 2 has no depth and feels rigid as fuck. It is not even slightly fun and the story makes it even worse, why would I torture myself with a downgraded combat system just to be fed a garbage soap opera tier "story".

>The first game had the best active game play in the entire series. It is more fun to shoot and kill enemies in Mass Effect 1 than

You might actually have brain damage. You may enjoy terrible AI where enemies run at you with their backs turned towards you. You may enjoy copy/paste layouts of half of the game. You may enjoy the game placing explosive barrels in rooms where there are no enemies. You may enjoy literal pants on head retarded gameplay, but most people do not.

ME2/3/andro did a lot of shit wrong though and ME1 has the best world building, story, choices, and central theme. It's only weak point is combat and squadmates are kind of boring. 2 had better combat and better squad mates. 3 perfected the style of combat ME was going for.

Please not another Shepard game. Just because the one on ME:A is worse doesn't mean we should never be allowed to get anything else again. I will only accept Shepard in a ME remake and nothing else. I fucking hate eternally returning MCs, let the next game play decades before the trilogy or decades/centuries later.

>buying games at launch

you're the dummy here

I never said that word.

I much rather prefer intergalactical and interspecies conflicts or exploration and crime planets over this damn "absolute evil that will destroy everything" trope and I hate how common that shit is.

And I disagree. Mass Effect 2 and 3 are always a chore to actually play. The game play of those games makes me not want to replay them at all, and the story just ensures that I rarely replay them. I play ME1 once a year and it is a better game with far superior game play.

>playing ME1-3 for the main story and the Reapers
>not for talking to the squad and romancing your alien or human of choice

>tali best girl

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We dont
In fact let Yea Forums make a new game that its mass effect and make every race a different Ayy based on a page
>Tumblr its a bunch of genderless amebas who enforce this to even visitors, Squadmate its an ameba who actually wants to be considerated as a man and wants to run away
>Yea Forums its just autistic frogs clans on a planet
>reddit its an alien race of robots who follow simple patterns
and you can be of any race and the story is different depending on the race you pick

This shit was a wild ride.

Shopped photo
This kills the Talifag.

>and you can be of any race and the story is different depending on the race you pick
This is actually something I want but BioWare seems to hate it. IIRC they first had the idea to make the next game (which later turned out to be Andromeda) about the First Contact War which would be cool as fuck for me but I wasn't hyped because knowing them I assumed that they'd us only letting play the humans which would be boring as shit. Just let me choose the my side.
The race war on Yea Forums alone would be entertaining enough to warrant such a game.

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actual retard found. No one can genuinely fine ME1 gameplay fun. Suffering through it for the story, I get. Playing it because there are no GOOD ways to get your save file to ME2, I understand. Playing Me1 for actual fun and enjoying it? It has to be a mental problem desu

Let it die.

>ME3 ruined what the first and second built,
ME2 ruined what 1 built. There wasn't anything left for 3 to ruin.

>Yea Forums frog type ayy
>all clans
>Yea Forums clan its all about screaming frogs
>Yea Forums clan screams every 5 minutes
>Yea Forums clan also has local forums where frogs join to discuss porn

Dude, you have shit taste and should stop playing video games altogether. Try a hobby more to your taste, like gay sex.

I would love to hear the how.

>shitty shopped photo still looks better than pretty much every other alien waifu
>can just ignore the photo entirely and headcanon a more alien face
>waifuing a character you never see without a mask and caring about what's underneath it

Come on man.

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The only issue I see with Bioware pulling the trigger and letting us make our own character is the outright lack of options to make them look different. With the DA games, Elves are tall humans with sharp ears and face tattoos. Dwarves are short humans with a face brand and bigger noses. Qunari are tall and beefy humans with horns. You can customize all of those races easily to make one you really like.

Turian? The only thing you can do is face paint and carapace color. Krogan could have some crest differences as well as skin and eye color. They could also have some cool "beards" like Drack, so Krogan would make some sense at least. Salarian all look the fucking same and there aren't enough "horn" options you can really do to make them look "custom" same with the skin patterns. Asari don't work because they look like whichever species is looking at them. They could cheap out and make them look human/the asari we see as a player in the canon me games which I guess is alright and at least they'd have some customization options. Drell, Vorcha, and Batarian have zero customization options I can think of meaning everyone would look the same from these races. Hanar, Volus, and Elcor wouldn't make for good playable races.

So you end up with Asari, Krogan, and Geth as playable with enough customization to actually feel like you could make some sort of custom character.

>was so excited that I called out of work to play ME3 back when it was cracked
I should have went to work

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I'm replaying 1 now, but I'm going to replay 3. MEHEM is a godsend of a mod.


Here. I'll say it.

Andromeda was a decent game with bland plot. Most ME fans hate it just because its a step off from the story of Shepard. While I'm not a fan of them fucking up 3rd ending and andromedas story I will always be mad the game was still okay.

only after all the patches tho. And they made it merely okay nowhere near 1 or 2 or even 3 levels

>locked you in to working for the most pants-on-head retarded, self-defeating "pro human but all we do is kill humans" terrorist organization in all of fiction
>destroyed the RPG aspects by turning it into a retarded dudebro corridor shooter with inexplicable chest-high walls everywhere
>fucking heatsinks instead of ammo
>fucking heatsinks instead of ammo in a lost colony isolated for 20+ years despite the ingame lore being that heatsinks only came about during the 2 years that Shepard was dead
>important story choices in 1 reduced to being about what email you get in 2
>entire fucking plot of 2 is a glorified side-mission
>entire companion writing reduced to "everyone has daddy issues and Shepard is Top Dad come to fix them all"
>writing in general is retarded
Why did the genius scientist capable of reviving the dead from a single crispy piece of bone sabotage his entire project?
Why did Miranda execute such a valuable asset without so much as a blink?
Why the bleeding fuck can't I mention Akuze to TIM and tell him to go kick rocks?
Why are my only two choices with the Reaper ship either to destroy it or give it to terrorists who have demonstrated catastrophic incompetence with alien artifacts time and time again, several times within the main plot even?
Why can't I drag it to the Council and mae them stop giving me fucking sarcastic finger quotes every time we try and discuss the Reaper threat?

Christ alive, man, what didn't it ruin?
I'll direct you to a long form analysis by a veteran gamedev because now I'm too mad to continue:

>Turian? The only thing you can do is face paint and carapace color.
That's only because they were lazy shits. Different body types should be standard since even aliens will have bigger, fatter and smaller guys among them, regardless of the species. Looking at Saren shows that there are different sub-races among Turians at least. I remember that they once stated somewhere that Turians were supposed to have different forms and lenghts of head and face horns from time to time but just as with the model sizes and the body types they were too lazy to implement that. I love these long horns the antagonist had for example. An editor should give us that option.
There is a bigger problem for the other races though, as you already said. I can't imagine how to make Salarians or Asari look that much different from each other, let alone fucking Quarians. But as game devs they should up their creativity and design sub-forms for them as well.

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Do you notice that everyone has the same "leaving" animation of
>turn head to the left
>slide offscreen
it's unnerving

>first spoiler
What happend with ME:A's story? I enjoyed the beginning and intent to finish it but didn't play recently.

I agree with this user.
ME2 was enjoyable for what it was, but as a sequel to ME1 it failed hard, and if you can't see that you don't know much about videogames. You can still enjoy it (I kinda did), but it's a downgrade in every way that matters. I'd also say that ME2 story going nowhere it's one of the main causes of ME3's story sucking balls.

To each it's own. I'd personally define it as a bland game with a bland plot and terrible, terrible, terrible characters.

I just messed up when formatting. I'm mad about 3rd. But you could say I'm a bit mad about andromedas story too because of how bland and predictive it was

But none of these actually damages ME irreparably. None of it matters enough so as to not be able to continue from there, or revert what's wrong.

>But none of these actually damages ME irreparably.
Everything wrong with 3 is a continuation of the failings of 2.
Everything wrong with 2 is completely and utterly irreparable, because they stem directly from Bioware's mismanagement by EA.

Worse, ME2 only solidifed everything wrong with EA. The modern lootbox crisis may have started with FIFA 09, but ME2 demonstrated that exploiting whales is ridiculously profitable in any genre.

>But none of these actually damages ME irreparably
Not in theory, but it ultimately did.

>Everything wrong with 3 is a continuation of the failings of 2.
So make a different ME3 and fix them.

>"Many at the company now grumble that the success of 2014’s Dragon Age: Inquisition was one of the worst things that could have happened to them. The third Dragon Age, which won Game of the Year at the 2014 Game Awards, was the result of a brutal production process plagued by indecision and technical challenges. It was mostly built over the course of its final year, which led to lengthy crunch hours and lots of exhaustion. “Some of the people in Edmonton were so burnt out,” said one former BioWare developer. “They were like, ‘We needed [Dragon Age: Inquisition] to fail in order for people to realize that this isn’t the right way to make games.’”

Jesus christ.

>So make a different ME3 and fix them.
Not possible, see point 2.

>Not in theory, but it ultimately did.
In what way?

>try to play ME2
>have all the dlcs, can't play them because I can't connect to cerebrus network
>Communication with the Mass Effect 2 server was interrupted or has timed out. Please try again later.

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ME3 and andromeda happened

Then be happy with the things that it got right, enjoy them and move on.

Ah, yes. Bioware decided to make more games. I can clearly see how ME2 is at fault here.

Yes, bad games. Does the fact they they kept churning them make them less awful?

It completely shat on everything I enjoyed about ME1, I might as well eat literal dogshit with a grin.

Didn't Vetra have daddy issues as well? Haven't played that game. I fucking hate that trope with a passion. It's not only overdone it was never interesting to begin with and most of the issues are generic shit every boring ass experiences in real life like Garrus father not being okay with his new job and the way he handles said job. Why is that even an issue? I think the only father related antagonism I liked was Wrex'.
But considering how many story aspects of 2 are badly copy pasted things from 1 I don't wonder that they attributed the daddy shit to almost fucking everybody due to a lack of creativity.

You can't.

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So the franchise ended for you with one, everything about ME2 is terrible and 3 is ... is it better for you? I don't know. But clearly with ME2 being this bad and ME3 being a continuation of that, surely you had no invested interest in it, then, right?

I- I totally don't want that daki..

Not unless you are somehow invested in these bad games.

>BioWare failing at everything, now trying to make money with Turian fanservice
I am okay with that

It's not even a joke, you can actually buy it. Think it's also a limited time pre-order or something.

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Remake the entire series, start anew

Considering that the end of 3 is shit and bad anyway ME1 should have just ended with Sovereign winning. At least in that case we would see Saren's surprised face when he realizes how everything is going horribly wrong.

They're going to need to make a whole lot more than that to win me back.

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They want to test the waters. The next game will be Tur porn.

>So the franchise ended for you with one
Bioware as a whole ended with ME1.
ME2 and 3, Dragon Age, Andromeda, Anthem et cetera only serve to demonstrate that Bioware has been poisoned to the core by EA and will never make a good videogame ever again.

Mass Effect stings especially bad because as a star-treky space opera it offered so much potential in its worldbuilding, only to immediately devolve into JJ Abrams schlock.
Until Mass Effect 1 happened, no one had even attempted this style of space opera since, what, Star Control 2? incidentally, ME2 ripped off Star Control 2 almost word for word

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So where are you going with this? Bioware was never good? They only ever made one good game?

You have to burn down half of tumblr and twitter in that case. I have even seen Oraka porn.

>So where are you going with this? Bioware was never good?
What the fuck gives you that impression?

>The next game

After Anthem? Are you sure?

Well, maybe just more dakimakuras then.

I have no idea what that is.



The dude at the bar Sha'ira rejected.

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Gameplay becomes difficult.
The player has to constantly make decisions, both on their squad's skillpoint spread, their squad's equipment loadout, their tactical positioning, the use of cooldowns, which targets to prioritise, and where to aim the various terrain-affecting AoEs.
It's not obvious what the right decision is. The player has to learn over time the way various gameplay systems interact, and thus how to use those gameplay systems to win.
If the player is incapable of learning, gets stuck in a sub-optimal pattern and doesn't realise, or outright doesn't even try to learn, then they won't be able to beat the game.
On the flip side, if the player understands how everything works together and makes a whole bunch of really good decisions that all work in synch with each-other, then the player can kick ass a lot harder and a lot faster than average.

Also for fuck's sake, don't shoehorn in identity politics. People who can't stand having their political beliefs challenged are going to be unwilling to have their gameplay understanding challenged, and they're just going to whine and refund your game because it's too hard.

Did we see him in the games?


>Bioware was never good? They only ever made one good game?
Where did he say that?

I've been complaining about a studio I used to love turning into shit irreversibly this entire time.
If this somehow says to you that I never liked the studio, you need to work on your reading comprehension.


In ME1 and ME3. Seemed like he had still no gf in 3

Somebody never took the mako out for a spin. I find CRUSHING the game's pitiful difficulty and Tali's ass to be the saving graces of ME1, plus exploring was genuinely interesting in it like the gas giant hiding an enormous structure in it


I think that's what he's getting at. I'm not sure.

Oh, jeez. All I see is hate and dislike. I'm sorry I somehow missed the love you have for Bioware, that you don't mention anywhere. Anyway, it's too late now. They won't turn this around. If they wanted to, they would have, by now.

Writer changes and Bioware doesn't play. It's games out. They're just to just relying on crunch and brute force. But they're finally dying now. Or rather I should say, their animate corpse is dying, since Bioware died years ago

>Or rather I should say, their animate corpse is dying, since Bioware died years ago
Was Bioware actually reaperfied?

Mass Effect could've been a Star Wars for a new generation. All that potential fucking squandered.

>Oh, jeez. All I see is hate and dislike. I'm sorry I somehow missed the love you have for Bioware, that you don't mention anywhere
Nigger why would I be THIS MAD about ME2 and 3 if I didn't enjoy the hell out of 1?
I even specifically mentioned that 2 in particular threw everything I enjoyed about 1 right out the god damned window.

Your reading comprehension and perhaps overall social skills are below par and you need to improve on that.

Just ignore him

EA is basically a reaper yes

>Post yfw

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>What's so fucking hard to comprehend about a giant machine that wants to kill organic life?
Give it a vagina which is clearly too big to be compatible with any organic life. Never explain why it has the vagina or what purpose the vagina may serve.
There, now your machine is scary again.

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I remember Marauder Shields memes

He died for us.

I always liked this song. Reminded me of early U2.

>get Casey Hudson

U wot. Casey "so videogamey" Hudson is a key reason ME4 and Anthem turned out to be shit.

Getting Drew Karpshyn back id an absolite necessity doe.

>New IP from a studio recently bought by EA is about an all-consuming machine turning people into soup and then congealing that soup into more cookie-cutter machines
>studio subsequently bleeds talent as everyone worth a damn quits over the next several years

Was Mass Effect a cry for help?

wait this doesn't apply to the 360 version does it? Because I just finished 1 and want to move onto 2 because I never played all the DLCs for it

i never played 3

I couldn't finish it. I poo on people who use the "the only bad thing about ME3 was the ending" argument. Poo, I say.

Tali x Garrus is better than Tali x Shepard

>that planet in ME1 that has a giant canyon on the side of it that's from a giant mass accelerated projectile

so fucking cool

i can't place my finger on one thing but something about it seemed wrong, slimy and corporate and almost a totally different game from the 1st
refer to this post

>That side convo in ME2


Writing got way too reddit in the sequels. The humor is 1 is very dry, the elevator banter between squadmates, and Renegade Shep constantly pointing guns in peoples faces to get his way.

I don't even like Tali that much and I agree. The bits we have seen about that love story felt cuter and funnier in my opinion. I also feel like Garrus and Tali also acted more in character in there even though I like certain aspects of Garrus' MC romance.
Garrus and Tali romance with (you) aside, which were still kinda nice, I feel like you could cut out like half of the romances the games gave us without losing anything relevant. Hell the ME2 guys even died shortly afterwards so what's even the point in romancing them? And most options were bland as fuck characters. For a game that gets lots of its hype from romance stuff most fuckable characters are shockingly bad or boring.

Conrad Werner sobbing like an infant when you point a gun in his face is the funniest moment of the entire series

The original was an obvious love letter to pull scifi with it's synth hear sound track and fucking film grain filter

And what a soundtrack it was. Also I don't think theres a single person who played ME1 with the film grain actually turned on

Am I just retarded or something, I can't seem to get this to work after copying the two dll files to the binaries folder and it still says I can't connect and the dlcs won't recognize

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well Yea Forums?

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if i could kill both I would

Save tits

>Also I don't think theres a single person who played ME1 with the film grain actually turned on
I did, three times.

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Kill both, fuck Saren


Let the man jaw die
So you never have to see her 5 oclock shadow later

It just felt right since the first time I played it, as a teen, then I came back to play it again years later and it just felt right again.
ME1 is by far the best Mass Effect, though I would love a series of adventures like 2 in it's own franchise, with the ancient evil a little further removed.

headache man

spacist jesus freak and join her coward grandfather

The raw sexual tension when you talk to Kaiden on the Normandy makes him the ideal choice. I've seen that sequence of Shepard walking up to Kaiden, Kaiden wiping the sweat from his forehead, seeing Shepard, and turning to face him. The lighting in the area where Kaiden is even highlights the sweat on Shepards forehead. God i just want to lick it off

>literally gets his manfeelings hurt when offered a threesome between Shep and Liara

Lmao what a fag

i'd be open to a new MC if it were done well, but for me a significant part of the enjoyment of ME1-2 is Shepard as a character.

Only the permanent death of Bioware can give us a game as good as the original Mass Effect. Current Bioware will never make anything remotely that good again, but as long as they live, other studios will stay out of that market.

If Bioware dies, it's possible another studio will see the gap and make a new RPG in the vein of classic Bioware.

>but for me a significant part of the enjoyment of ME1-2 is Shepard as a character.

That's literally the one thing in the ME setting that does not matter.

Wow, a guy who went Control ending has the most shit taste imaginable. Imagine that.

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alternatively, they retcon/ignore ME3 ending
the far better alternative

>can Mass Effect be salvaged?

Fruit of the poisonous tree. Mass Effect cannot be salvaged because BioWare has burdened itself with a workforce consisting of an enormous percentage of far-left, emotionally fragile, politically narrow-minded, SJW emo millennials who feel it is their obligation to push a political agenda in their poorly made games rather than create a fun and entertaining game of high quality. The best thing that can happen is for BioWare to go bankrupt and for a new, hungry, ambitious developing studio to buy BioWare's intellectual property. Then, that developer needs to task a young, talented, and emotionally mature workforce to go about stripping the far-left politics from Mass Effect and reintroduce the concept of fun back into the game.

>Behold! The creative development team of BioWare.

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Only non faggot idea in the entire thread. based and redpilled

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Slice of life style game where you try to live on the citadel and keep everyone from killing themselves but secretly you're a C-Sec agent trying to find a criminal undercover. You can honeypot people to get information. Or honeydick them.

Attached: qualitybioware.gif (500x250, 975K)

A. You're still wrong
B. Wrong game

Andromeda apparently. I didn’t play it so I don’t know.
For some people it was the 3 kool-aid ending for ME3 though. It even pissed me off and people get mad at me because of how much I don’t give a fuck about anything. When I first saw the ending I was like “well... artistic integrity I guess.” A couple days later still and I’m still thinking about the ending.
An ending like that is maybe fine for a movie. Mayyyyyyybe for a single game. It’s def not ok after 3 games investing in a single character and all the people around them. After all that time it’s damn near like finding out how your own life is going to end and the only control you have about the final outcome is the last color you see before you die is either red, blue, or green.

This x2 but I was thinking a spy espionage plot.

>Reapers must’ve gotten to you that shit was golden.

Jeweler here. Golden confirmed.

The team that made the original mass effect and dragon age games already quit because they were so stressed they had mental breakdowns because of upper management.

I think it was Steve Gilmor that rallied up the original Bioware team and all 12 of them quit, then 1 retired and the rest moved on to a new company called Improbale. If you look at the new engine Improable is creating, you can see a very heavy influence from the sci-fi Mass Effect style.

They're in a better place now.

It can't.

Let it go.

>Aria, you're under arrest.

>Only way it can be salvaged get Casey Hudson, the original writer
Keep him away from mass effect and fire him. Casey is a blight on Bioware and has done nothing but hurt us. He's why we HAVE the ME3 ending.

In as much as it affects the story, you're right. As for the overall experience, the execution of Shep as a character, albeit a blank slate character, was an important part of ME og trilogy

The constant dick-sucking in ME1 got old really fucking fast.

what are you talking about, everyone treats you like an asshole in ME1 and is constantly telling you not to fuck up since you're the first human Spectre

If DMC5 proved anything to me it's that no matter how far in the shitter a franchise is it can be brought back to a state of greatness.

I think their best bet at this point is a full on reboot, because there's really no way they can continue the plotline after 3 and while Andromeda's plotline has plenty of potential the technical shortcomings of that game and the stigma it received has rendered continuing it completely pointless.

I've seen this webm for years over and over and I still don't understand what I'm supposed to be seeing.

Inquisition wasn't perfect but it's not like the animations are consistently awkward and broken like in ME Andromeda.

There's a difference between glitches and poor animations.

99% of the people who played these games never had that shit happen.

>As for the overall experience,
Completely and utterly not reliant on Shepard as a character.
Mass Effect's strongest point is its highly detailed worldbuilding, the Star Trek tone and feel. The setting is strong enough that you could just as easily follow anyone.

The hard shift to character focused melodrama is a big part of what went wrong with the series.

Amazing how we went from Liara's big titted cuteness to this gremlin

the eye makeup or whatever is the biggest problem

Blows my mind how we've gone a decade now since ME1 and somehow ME1 still looks better.

The problem with 3 really isnt the ending. It isnt a good ending because its a bad story in the first place. If the reapers can just pop in and fuck shit up, the entire series means nothing. If the entire series means nothing then the ending will be naturally bad. You could literally remove the reaper threat, keep the main missions intact except figure out a less OP big bad that makes a sliver of sense and it would be a better game.

Of course, the DLC shit also ruined it and online should have never had benefits in the single player game

is nobody going to mention the obvious jersey shore party member who is in the game for no reason

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How did we go from this to "that"?

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if only ME:A was as entertaining as Jersey Shore

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Absolutely based Bioware

the cybernetics part of this idea made me realise that cybernetic augments weren't (outwardly) particularly common in ME despite the amazing tech each species had
really fucking weird
The most I can remember is Saren being half Geth pretty much and Drack saying he had a bunch of cybernetics
what the fuck is happening to that krogan

Ive recently marathoned the series again, and when I got to 3 a sinking feeling went into my heart because I knew what was coming. I really do enjoy the Krogan and geth arcs, the attack on the citidal is alright too. three had really good potential but the literally blew the load way too early for seemingly no reason.

If they never had the reapers come back, they could have mass effect come out like once every 3 years and make it a cash cow. Everyone who made a shepard would buy it for at minimum the waifu bait. But the devs were so stupid that they made the big bad that both games previously made clear that if they came it was game over come.

How Nihilus didn't notice that Saren had fucking metal tubes sticking into out the back and the side of his head is beyond me.

I noticed that when I first played ME1 in 2007. It was funny then and it's funny now.

I bet the lack of cybernetics was just another case of lazy modelling. Like with all the models of this game.
I am also still salty they didn't manage to execute the plan they had with Saren which was making him more and more reaperfied as the story progresses and starting with a model you wouldn't even recognize as being augmented. I have never seen such a thing. A character that isn't MC slowly changing and losing parts in some creepy way the more often he gets wrecked in a fight or something, it would have been great. But Bioware was too stupid to manage time properly so we got a cool design that makes no sense in-game because everyone is debating if Saren has contact with Reapers and Geth or not when he's literally half of a damn cyborg with a Geth arm and standing right before them.

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>no gay gruff Turian romance
Fucking shit, add all this gay shit to everything EXCEPT the one thing that matters. Bunch of retards and stonq women ruining everything.

Nihilus had too much of a hard on for Saren I guess
Reading his backstory Saren is basically the person who made him who he is, and he owes Saren for everything good that has happened, so who cares if he has a few tubes
That aside, you're still right, the tubes were weird
I can see that being the case. Cybernetics in ME might have been a fun little mechanic/equipment progression on top of what was available. Fucking wild how much BioWare dropped the ball on the franchise, from the very start, in hindsight

It's not Nihlus but everyone. They saw Saren during the Council meeting when he joined. In big.
I mean you could try explaining this shit canonically with the Council knowing him for a long time as well as Nihlus who was his friend and that he told them he was just replacing parts he lost during some Spectre business and they believe it because they actually trusted him. They might not know how Geth look like, at least not Nihlus, or Saren told them some bullshit and they believe it.
But the actual explanation is just BioWare being retarded.

Don't. Anyone who still plays this garbage needs to be euthanized.

Real life excuse is that they didn't have enough space for additional models so they scrapped the un-reaperified Saren but didn't have time to change everything else to reflect that.

>Fucking wild how much BioWare dropped the ball on the franchise, from the very start, in hindsight
They have a catastrophal way of organizing, planning and time management. See that new article about Anthem. It got worse later but it was bad from the very beginning. This is shit that shouldn't happen with a "professional" publisher. It's something you might expect to happen with some KS indie games or something.

>didn't have enough space for a few models for one of the most relevant characters
That's even worse than a lack of time.

If i remember correctly Andromeda had the exact same issues (with name, branding, marketing and development time) and ME3 had 18-20 months of dev time too
Clearly this isn't something uncommon within BioWare

In addition to people out of their comfort zone, management not knowing what they were doing or even wanted, using a new engine(Unreal) no one knew how to use, made for XBOX 360 and dealing with its limitations with a team that didn't know what they were doing...

>nihlus would have been Shepard’s mentor if he didn’t die
Would have liked buddy cop adventures even though we have Garrus

>Reading his backstory Saren is basically the person who made him who he is, and he owes Saren for everything good that has happened, so who cares if he has a few tubes
Yeah that would make sense. I kinda disliked how this was another thing that was just never actually shown in the games save for this scene. Speaking of it I always wished Nihlus could be part of your team. I was hyped when I met him the first time since I assumed he would be some sort of mentor to me and I liked the design. More than Garrus actually.
I think it would have been nice not only having a second Spectre on board but even one who is/was the villain's friend and probably one of the persons that know him the best, assuming that Saren barely had any friends. We would actually have a character who has a connection to the shit that is happening instead of literal Whos you get thrown into a story to defeat random evil guy they never met before.

I think you have autism.

Why are you responding to yourself?

Just have a laugh and move on, user. Don't take it seriously.

That would have been dope. Nihilus showing you the ropes, starting you off by getting in touch with his contacts he's made over the years, giving you insight in to what Saren is probably doing.
Even if he's only with you for specific missions, having him around would have been cool, a connection to the universe at large through a Spectre's eyes (something neither the player nor Shepard would know about, so it'd be useful for storytelling).
What a shame ME never went in that direction.

The best thing out of that is the confirmation that David Gaider can really, genuinely, only write complete crap.

They generally had a ton of good ideas, especially in ME1 but didn't know what to do with them. Another thing that would have been interesting with Nihlus in the team would be Garrus' reactions towards him and vice versa. Garrus hates Saren and has a different view on things and he also wanted to become a Spectre but wasn't chosen which could either mean that he would envy Nihlus or see him as ideal he wants to achieve.
Also, a second Turian would have increased the chance of seeing Palaven.

Something I realized on my latest playthrough of 1, why didn't Saren destroy the Prothean beacons on Eden Prime and Virmire after he absorbed the data from them into his mind? He gets fucking pissed when Benezia tells him that Shepard also used the Beacon, so why not just destroy them to stop that from happening?

Well there were bombs on Eden Prime, it was meant to blow up. It's just that our team was stupid enough to get beacon'ed. I can't remember if that was the case on Virmire as well right now.

...what do you think the bombs were for?

it's the second stage of the genophage

By filling in its niche.

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Tali is cute! CUTE!

Genuinely forgot about the bombs on Eden Prime, my bad. I guess Saren was so busy making a medical facility and labs to cure the genophage and create a Krogan army on Virmire that he had to leave the Beacon intact lest he damage the rest of the facility?

>literally just a 3 fingered human
The long hair was the worst part of the design

I reject the mass effect 3 face. She will always be a suited thiccy to me

Finally someone says it. The stock photo was horrible in general but what annoyed me the most was the shitty hair. It felt so cheap, it's literally a colored human (with Photoshop), unlike Asari who have at least some style and uniqueness despite being very human.

Yeah we totally lacked that didn't we? Everyone was just Shepard's beloved follower or random joining guys who did this to gain something and betray you later. It felt kinda inbalanced. Some teacher guy with connections would have made shit more intersting.

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Long hair just makes no sense for a race who stays in suits most of the time

The Andromeda initiative was just a way to get rid of all autistic people from the galaxy before the reapers came by and indoctrinated them all.
The ships were actually supposed to blow up halfway through their jorney to Andromeda.

Mass Effect 2's story was flat and pointless. The characters were okay but nothing special. At least Mass Effect 3 had the feel that the stakes were sky high. The ending was obviously an abomination.

I remember being so excited to play 2 and the disappointment hit me in waves. They butchered all the mechanics and for what? Now we have a dated third-person shooter with nearly all RPG elements gutted.

Thing is, I can't even blame those cocksuckers at EA. Bioware had a lot of creative freedom on 2 and elected to go down this road. What a travesty. The Mass Effect trilogy could be remember like the original Halo trilogy but instead it's a punchline.

>The Mass Effect trilogy could be remember like the original Halo trilogy
I'd rather it not since Halo was always garbage.

the whole andromeda initiative really rubs me the wrong way
The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5mil Light Years away, so logically, all observations are outdated by 2.5mil years unless FTL relays were sent out well beforehand to get slightly less than 2.5mil year old data (but it was never said if this was so, although information was gathered from Milky Way in regards to the Reaper invasion, nothing states those relays were placed/dropped before travel)
And then 100k or so people were sent out based on this incredibly outdated information. The planets may have looked viable at the time, and being generous maybe their info was tens of thousand of years old, but that doesn't guarantee they still are upon arrival (due to natural changes). Turns out they weren't but for different reasons.
Then the entire game, people act like the information on the planets was current when they left, which would have been impossible.
Really fucking fires my 'tism

In retrospect it wasn't even that good to begin with, we're just starved for sci-fi RPGs

I'm sure many would agree Shep was perfectly suited for the intended role and the games were better for it. If Bio wanted to bring ppl back to the brand a Shep return would certainly help towards that goal

> all observations are outdated by 2.5mil years
Actually, they have a retarded explanation for that, saying the Geth used some modified mass relay to make a FTL telescope and used their info.

Reading this gave me a stroke

Sell it to a competent company. And add more Quarian waifus

>Mass effect 3 was good until you meet the crucible
Did you forget Kai Leng.

You salvage ME by just releasing a good new one.

>Mass effect 3 was good until you meet the crucible,
Imagine having this shit taste. Mass Effect 3 immediately shit the bed by retconning what was going to happen after The Arrival DLC, and after that it introduced a deus ex machina in the second mission.

Many people also agree that the only thing wrong with three is the ending.
Many people further agree that 2 was a good game.

Many people are fucking retarded.

what's your beef with bringing shep back?

I played with the film grain once. It was alright but I wouldn't do it again.

I think Joker or somebody makes a comment in one of the games about Benezia's big bazongas. Something about wondering if they never really stop growing.

He's already died twice now. He's been warped into a ridiculous action hero character, the kind Blasto originally was meant to parody.

Bioware never really understood what parody is because they can't write original story to save their lives, but that's the problem they had since KOTOR, and Shepard was action hero form the start.


Based turn all the setting down poster.

>Pretty good first game
>Ok second game
>Garbage third game
>Abomination 4th game

>General Oraka
Holy fucking shit sauce?


You mean how to make another good ME game? Andomeda could've been good if it did these:
- Go easy on the diversity, let players be white, straight and date within their race
- Have interesting villains like ME2 TIM
That's it.

Gief me MAss effect 1 w extra multi-planet spectre missions, for different council space races.

Save Ashley, she is /ourgal/
Kaidan only lives to suffer, let him find peace
