The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with Earth

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with Earth
>You've been chosen to survive in a nuclear bunker for the next 50 years until the surface is habitable again
>You only have enough time to bring one video game with you
What game do you bring, Yea Forums?

Attached: bunker.gif (519x501, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>is on a collision course with Earth

>The sun has fallen out of orbit

Attached: cherry bad.jpg (675x625, 72K)


sun falling out of "orbit" would either mean

1. everyone freezing to death instantly
2. everyone burning to death instantly

Fuck off Christ cucks

Fallout 4

Nah, I'm good at home thanks

Attached: solarpanels.jpg (1024x685, 166K)

The Sun orbits the galactic center and the solar system it so nothing should change really except us drifting away from the Milky Way

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit

Attached: 1353181495346.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>Sun has fallen out of orbit
American education, ladies and gents.

Attached: 1549661871062.jpg (714x960, 131K)


Attached: 1336944160684.jpg (700x468, 57K)

Honestly? Minecraft.

fuck off, newfags
>inb4 merely pretending

Spot the newfags

Just move the earth to where the warm is.


>falling for aeon old pasta
back you go

Attached: 1498383871966.jpg (911x848, 60K)

Earth is getting turned into molten slag right down to the core in this situation, but ignoring that:
My folder of Doom mods, maps and source ports. Its more than any one man could play in years at this point, and some even turn it into a different game entirely. I'm practically cheating.

>Because you don't know one obscure reference you're a newfag
Cringe gonna have to do a 360 and walk away, am I right my fellow oldfags xd

>50 years
>one video game
I'd honestly rather die along with the rest of humanity. No point in living a life like that.

Attached: 1452307153471.gif (245x246, 1.93M)

>Can't touch my portfolio for 50 years

Attached: 1517791990828.gif (317x317, 79K)

>he fell for the meme

Honey Select

>all these faggots saying the sun doesn't orbit anything

it orbits the super massive black hole in the center of our galaxy you stupid brainlets

Post that shit again, user, I lost he original image.
Planet Puzzle League

terraria probably

dorf fort is too autistic for me


and that black hole is getting sucked in by your mom's gargantuan asshole

>newfags falling for oldfags pretending to be newfags

I remember this pasta
It's still pretty good

Create a realistic scenario then, retards.

My mom lives on this planet so that makes no sense as the super massive black hole is thousands of light years away from us.

Your stupidity is palpable, your adolescence laughable. Do not speak to me again because you are unworthy of my time.


you can’t survive in a bunker if the sun is coming, nigga. The whole planet becomes dust

>there is only one black hole in the entire universe

You are retarded.

The earth doesn't orbit the sun, rather, it orbits the center of mass of our solar system, which just so happens to be in the general position of the center of the sun.

everytime with this thread
every single time
bunch of retards dont catch on to a very obvious joke
bunch of retards bother responding to the not-getting-the-joke retards
bunch of retards pretend to not catch on to the joke
bunch of retards successfully bait other retards
and then theres retards that bother posting a game at all in a thread that will absolutely be centered around retards flinging shit at other retards

you're all stupid

Attached: 0DdgkYc.png (415x483, 341K)

the amount of tranny newfags ITT are hilarious

That's what the bunker is for you idiot.

Not really related, but anons, watch These Final Hours. Great movie.

based as fuck

You specifically said ''that black hole''.

>Sun moves an inch because
>Every living thing on Earth is burnt alive

Bayonetta. She'll just kick the sun back to where it's supposed to be.


>a very obvious joke
The joke sucks dick though

ah, yes a 2012 facebook meme, prime newfag filter my duder. U tell them we sure are epic winning here.