Anyone want to group up and play?

Anyone want to group up and play?

Attached: Borderlands-GOTY-Remastered.jpg (1920x1080, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:

downloading as i type this.
fucking loved zombie island and secret armory.
they were great. i hope they reworked the skills a but since they were kinda boring. probably just gonna pub a bit.

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the port is actually good
the code monkeys gearbox outsourced it to did a great job

I own the original Borderlands but i don't have the enhanced version what gives

im also downloading it right now. trying to get a group together since i hear this game is more fun with people

>I own the original Borderlands but i don't have the enhanced version what gives

restart steam. it should be in your library called Borderlands GOTY Enhanced

its like lost planet in that regard. its more fun with people but back in the days it was the most fun with friends while hanging in ts or vent and dicking around.

>tfw installed the game
>wondered why it ran like shit and didn't have any of the qol improvements I read about
>I accidently installed the wrong one

kill me

Restarted 3 times already, guess they are slowly pushing it out

Confirmed, i have it now.
Thanks for the heads up user.

How does the update work if I already own it on steam? I just started reinstalling it, but it doesnt say Game Of The Year Edition.

i did the same shit. doesn't help that they renamed Borderlands 1 to Borderland GOTY. Like why even touch it if you're going to release a whole new thing?

stop installing the old one.

The one you need to install is called Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. It should be in your Library. If it's not there you need to completely close out of Steam. If it's still not there you need to wait.

Don't install the old one.
Look trough the library, it's called "borderlands GOTY enhanced"

>Ruined the inventory with a slightly less shitty version of 2's ui

Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019-04-03_14-56-21.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

I don't think I ever played Mordecai in the original. Does he still work if I don't want to use snipers?

If i remember correctly he was all about headshots and his bird

How did you get so much money when it just came out?

you can import characters

Imported my BL1 save

Probably imported character.

He does. You just use his bird and any gun you want. That's what I did.

So any big additions or changes or is it just a texture and model swap

its very buggy so far and they have ruined the inventory and shop menus.

Did they keep the head popping and dismemberment? I remember being disappointed with the downgrade to generic death animations in 2.

the last boss apparently has been reworked and there seem to be some new quests repeatable quests in the dlc areas. but thats about it.

Yes. I am chopping heads and enjoying blood fountains.

It actually seems like a really good remaster. I'm impressed.

I need to know. Did they add aim toggle?

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I had to restart steam for it to pop up, they also renamed the original into "Borderlands GOTY" wich trick a lot of people.

Welp apparently this goes for all shops as well. I sure do like scrolling through a bunch of identical pictures just to find the thing I want.

Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019-04-03_15-12-02.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

No, thank you.

Nice. It might seem like a petty thing, but I'm glad they kept that stuff in.

Wow voice chat is garbage

Did they fix the DLCs?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reddit

What was broken?

I cant find a single good thing with this, they should have just had it as it was originally with an added inspect button or some shit. Trash ui

Does the remaster have higher system reqs?

Is it like Diablo 3 with guns?

Launch GOTY version, I restarted steam 20 times and it didn't show until I launched GOTy got to the menu then backed out

The plot makes more sense than in D3.

No fast travel locations made the Knoxx dlc fucking terrible to play

>renamed midgets
Should have renamed them manlets

Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019-04-03_15-26-53.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

Yes. 4GB vram.

Can't use the save file from the first one? I know I backed it up to steam's cloud. Don't tell me I have to download the original, back up my save and maybe import it to the Enhanced folder?

Oh. I got 2...

There is an import character option on the main menu.

I killed one named 'midget' a little while ago.

Nothing comes up though

are you playing the enhanced version???

Yeah. I clicked on import character and nothing comes up. I can't find my local files but I know it was in steam's cloud.

What are the additions on the remastered version other than graphics?

You tricked me, you troll man. Trolololo fuck me.

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Hmm this is in the claptrap dlc. I never played it in the original but these looked the same to me. Guess its a different enemy type.
I don't know if there is a way to download your stuff from the steam cloud without downloading the game. Possible it might download them if you just start the downloading the game. Alternatively check in steam's userdata folder.

4player split screen
a minimap
golden chests


No thanks I'm not an enormous faggot who uses Reddit

Are there more hat accessories other than the defaults, like BL2?

Oh shut up, Yea Forums liked Borderlands before you even knew what Yea Forums was.

The Destroyer is reportedly faster and spawns parasite drones to Second Wind off of.

>killed Nine-Toes with two headshots
Mordecai stronk

Holy shit the revisionism in this one. It literally started the whole "shill" word

Their names change in the second playthrough.

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For those with console versions, can you remap the buttons to how BL2 and TPS had it?

>Holy shit the revisionism in this one
The irony is palpable.

Can't find this on steam

fucking newfags I swear.

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>"it will be epic"

I could swear it was Borderlands 2 that this happened with and not 1. Time flies when you're shitposting.

this is the worst post on Yea Forums right now

>4 threads at the same time counted as shilling back then
Damn, that's crazy
Nowadays we have like 10 DMC threads up at once and no one here bats an eye

I cannot be the only dipshit who installed the standard version by mistake


>gets blown the fuck out
zoom zoom

>Nowadays we have like 10 DMC threads up at once
hmm? I'm only seeing one

I remember.

He must have been talking about when it released
He's right, but anyone with a brain knows that Capcom shills here
It was incredibly obvious with Monster Hunter World

Anyone post a webm

>threads that actually discusses the games and to this day make OC
You probably had an aneurysm when RoR 2 released

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You're right he's completely wrong.
It's what started the "viral" word to the point it got banned and we had to post the guy from TTGL

I never played the original, but bought it apparently at some point, so I downloaded this shit, played it for like 2 hours, and it seems really dishonestly linear. Enemies that are in areas you're not supposed to be in just take basically 0 damage from your weapons. Kinda stupid. I noticed it first with the bonehead guy who gives you the ability to get cars, if you go right to him, he's basically invincible cause he's 4-5 levels higher than you. you're forced to go to the mission board and do that shit to get another 2-3 levels so you're a bit closer, and suddenly, even with the same guns, he takes triple or quadruple the damage he was before.
Happens again in that crystal cave shit, you're basically just roped into going only where they want. Which is shit. Why bother having the areas open if you don't want me to go there until you say so?

isn't shill and viral basically the same? so he's half-right

If there a list anywhere of what actually changed? A patch notes of sorts?

Nice upgrade gearbox

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I will say though, I got some sniper that does 800% critical shots, that was incredibly fun. Nice seeing all the gibbing.

I'm gonna roll a new character and have fun and you can't stop me.

>zoomed in far vs barely zoomed

>game running off integrated graphics for some god forsaken reason
gee thanks

Different FoV?

>20 MHW threads up at once wasn't shilling
Come on, user

uhm, guys? we are supposed to hate this game now, because of the epic boogieman


if i buy og borderlands now, will i still get the goty edition?

is there a fov slider now?
pls respond


Imagine trying this hard to not look /new/

it got released, what the fuck did you expect? It's not even hard to find actual shills nowadays since they're blatant

Attached: shill gets called out.png (1073x2731, 993K)

I'll add you, can't play at the moment.

Btw, is it even safe to post your PSN id/xbox name on 4chin??

reinstalling it right now

Attached: borderlands.png (516x398, 77K)

pls respond


No, bitch

you must have the same fps settings or it will lag for everyone but the host. so if one of your friends doesnt have a 144hz monitor you must lock it at 60. Kinda defeats the purpose of a remaster now doesnt it

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shit, i aint paying 30 dollars for an old ass game

no, yesterday was the last day, you should have gotten the regular edition for free like everyone else (which also gives you GOTY remastered)

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Just bought the handsome collection which apparently comes with 75 keys for something or w/e

Should I even use them?
I just want to experience the game as it was, not blast through with legendary ultra weapons from level 1

Gold Keys open a Chest in the central town that resets once you take the Loot out. Loot is always Epic. Never Legendary or anything else. Additionally, the Epics are usually outclassed within 10 levels.

So save the keys for endgame?
I dunno

you don't need the keys
if you get stuck and you don't to do side quests use a couple

Save them for when you hit Lv. 69 (the max), because unless they added a UVHM where everything scales, nothing will ever go past I think 64 except Crawmerax.

I could never get into the borderlands but the changes make me want to play it now. Could be because I just finished Bulletstorm FCE.

My only gripe with BL2 is the retarded scaling in UVHM. It forces you to use slag and coop.

I mean I like coop, but I want to fucking grind solo and this shit is impossible unless you're either gunzerker or gaige anarchy. Krieg can do it but its 90% just meleeing in a goddamn loot n shoot game

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they are pretty pointless IMO, you can easily farm loot goons for easy purples and legendaries

>Not editing in more keys so you can roll for good purples every now and then

>Playing Mordecai
>Try my first golden key at 10
>Violence revolver, Gearbox Legendary three-shot blast damage that instagibs
Now this is Funslinging

Holy fuck this is awesome, I would play 1 all the time with my older bro back when I was in 2nd grade. Its installing as we speak

The worst part is giving enemies health regen. What the fuck were they thinking?

Anyone up for ps4 version? I have handsome and bl1 on ps4, pc too but prefer comfy console on sofa

Just wait for it to go on sale in a couple weeks

TPS did UVHM best. Enemies are cranked up, but not to the point of total absurdity.

i agree it is retarded but it is totally doable without cheesing it with anarchy/sal.
all you need is slag and to have on level gear. every character is viable for mobing if you do that

Who do you main

>bought the GOTY an hour before they gave me the enhanced edition for $10
Never really played 1, hope it's good.

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>Why bother having the areas open if you don't want me to go there until you say so?
If you have higher level friends you can go anywhere and leech exp

ur mom lmao

You can buy it now and still get them all too. I did.

i agree with other user, TVHM is superior in level scaling then UVHM

>manlet tears

>17 years old

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Reminder, go to t-bone junction as soon as you can fast travel. Farm the the 4 weapon crates without activating the atlas assassin spawn for LODSEMONEY and use the ammo vendor to buy ammo cap upgrades

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>making the game as easy as possible

>lvl 21 gun still corrodes better than any of my level 40 guns
How the fuck does the DoT get calculated in this game?

Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019-04-03_16-31-10.png (677x471, 248K)

Raising your ammo cap doesn't make the game easy

The magic of Borderlands I, where legendary? weapons are actually legendary.

Legendary weapons actually meant something in this game instead of being useless after 5 levels. And elemental procs were actually worth it, instead of being nerfed to shit in 2/TPS.

When this game starts it auto-detects my onboard GPU instead of my actual graphics card

how can I change that shit

smash ure onboard gpu into pieces

Wait, how do you get the 75 keys? I have none.

>still bugged title to 'crux' instead of plague
Oh, gearbox you silly billies. At least the fun glitches are still in.

>game starts by crashing
Oh. Good.

>toggles aim


Or just chest engine in cash and save fucking time.

>Wait, how do you get the 75 keys? I have none.
Do you own either BL2 or TPS? you should get 75 if you do, iirc theres also a shift code out there for BL1

so what are the qualifiers to acquire this one for free? i got BL2 and TPS, season passed.

>tfw remembering lilith before the writers threw her under the bus for 2/TPS

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BL1 would be what gets you BL1 Remastered. But I think they did the shitty other games too so those are just 4K dlc packs you dl. If you owned BL1 you got a different game (remaster) in your library for free

I do, I looked at the gold box and it said zero keys

Nobody likes TPS though. It wasn't even developed by the main studio besides having Burch go full autism on the writing

Shut your foul whore mouth, TPS has the most fun gameplay. It just is so poor in content. Give me another story dlc

No sorry I'm not going to reward 2K's shitty business practices.

Anyone willing to send a poorfag a psn code to pick it up?

ay matey! I still got bunks free! want to join ma crew? Grog flows free!

nothing changed for me besides the name in the games list. is it because I already had it installed?

Still looking for an answer on the remapped controls question. Yes or no?

its the worst :)

nvm the enhanced version just poped up
>have to re-unlock achievements
meh. did they at least add a FOV slider and will my old saves work?

yes and no

it's the best

>console version
Nah senpai, its a fps. The one thing Yea Forums is understandable about is that fps's are played on pc with m+kb

CE is for bitch ass manlets, first. Second, you also get to roll for legendaries for when you make it to that level req.

show thighs

yes and yes
you can import old saves just fine
don't listen to this tard

>Not yet released
What did they mean by this?

fucking nice

Don't make fun of disabled bros


you could always add that with config editor. not sure why you'd want it tho

Sony doesn't even make psn codes for games anymore, only PSN cards

Here you go. Bloodwing is as useless as ever.

Attached: Bloodwing is retarded.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

Case in point, I just rolled a fuckin' double from the boat chest

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I've been replaying it and he's fucking useless, always remembered it differently for some reason. time for a respec me thinks

Abandon the retard bird. Embrace the mashers.

Alternatively play siren like a real chad.

So do people want to play together? I've only played single player 100x alone, never played multi, I think it'll be fun

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but I fucking love snipers

got me a nice toxic revolver and explosive pistol for the CQC, both dropped within 20 minutes of each other, fucking dope

How do you join pubs?
Should I reach a certain level beforehand?

Anyone on PS4 having a problem where trophies don't show up on your trophy list?

fuck you

>all these weapon types
>no shitty gimmicks
>explosive actually being great
>all elements being pretty useful
Fuck, it's so refreshing after 2

When was the regular version free?

krieg---->slowhand/heartbreaker+flame of the firehawk

Like 5h ago, but not really free
If you bought the base game you also got all dlcs for free plus the remaster, base game was never free tho

How are we supposed to play with each other when posting our IDs on here will get us doxxed and hacked

actually change that to axton -----> avenger(tediore build) or even the hail

if you post your id im gonna send you pics of me wearing thigh high socks
I'm very hairy

u wot

since gamespy went down until a week ago or so, you could mount a mini ISO of borderlands and it would give you the steam copy for free (since there were DVD copies of the game before it was put on steam)

>join online game

>not babymaker and plasma caster

Attached: activated dog.jpg (773x1000, 599K)

Who should I play? Haven't played since the 360 and played the nigger.

>not metal storm and onslaught axton with anygun

On xbone right?

Goddamn dogs have tiny brains

siren if chad
mord if virgin
roland if non-white
brick if absolute fucking retard

Ah, ok. Thanks. I did not know that. Now its like 35 bucks and I can only find the Goty version. Gotta wait for a sale I guess.

>making BL1 GOTY
>its now under BL2 on the list
>still adding another version of the game

i mostly agree but weapon proficiency was and still is a shit mechanic

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brick it is

>siren if tranny
>mordacai if autist
>roland if chad
>brick if absolute fucking retard


Is Mordecai a good solo class? I've never played any of the Borderlands and I remember getting this game for free or like a $1 at some point. Installing the GOTY Enhanced edition now and would love a build for Mordecai.

Can somebody post a comparison pic between the original game and the remaster?
I played the game with a cracked game but I was thinking in buying this one because of the remaster

No, his bird is useless. Roland is the best for solo players because pulling the turret out is like having another soldier on the field :D

Brick for chads
everyone else for virgins, gays, minorities etc

Proficiency and badass rank are both shit systems. Just bake the power gain you can expect from either of those into the skill trees and we're fine.

left is base game
right is remaster

Attached: file.png (496x473, 381K)

>golden chest in fyrestone
still weirds me out seeing it
does the golden key exploit work? i only got 75

actually quite good for body size, truly retarded animals are chickens , ostrich, Rhea....

The game is easy enough as any class, but if you want to melt things while being hard to kill you play Lilith or Brick.

literally just cheat engine 4bytes it

>borderlands 1 now runs on a newer direct-X than borderlands 2

I still don't get this.
>DoT effects are good in 1
>Make them worthless in 2 and the only ailment that's worth it is Slag which they then make mandatory to do good damage in stupid-high levels
>Not even stacking boosts via Gaige middle tree or Maya right can make them worthwhile

Ah, the Vitrolic Crux, one of the best shottys

Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019_04_03_15_33_45_983.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Slag ruined everything. And Burch

For anyone wondering:

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
Processor: Intel Core i3 530 @2.93GHz/AMD Phenom 9950 @2.6GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 660, Radeon HD 6970
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: Directx 9.0c

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
Processor: Intel Core i3 2105 @3.1GHz/AMD FX 4100 @3.6GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 760, Radeon HD 7850
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: Directx 9.0c

Some bastard tricked me before so there...

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Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019_04_03_14_50_20_002.png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

You chose well.

Despite the glitched car it kinda looks like shit still...

damn, had to check if this was really Yea Forums and not r/gaming

Sounds like you're a shitty bird owner. I remember just hopping through levels constantly throwing Bloodwing out as she procs explosions through shields and instagibs everything ever

Catalyst Gaige can kill enemies with DoT at op8.

>poorfag asshurt the game hasn't been cracked yet



Not that user
It has been cracked since 15min after it released

how do you get golden keys?

Should I bother shelling 30 bucks for the PS4 version?

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Attached: BorderlandsGOTY_2019_04_03_15_34_48_155.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

Buy BL2 or TPS

my mouse feels like shit no matter what i do. anyone figured out a fix? feels like mouse acceleration tried changing it in an ini but no dice

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So I have re-download the whole game right? I thought it was it just gonna update the original but I guess not.

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They're your NEETbucks, do what you want with them

>tfw remembering angel before when she was just weird rogue ai before the writers literally killed her in bl2

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yea i dont know why they fucked with the original at all, instead of just adding the enhanced edition

lmao get dabbed on

So, besides graphics, do we have an idea what have they added/changed in the game?

Is Blaster Brick still as hilarious as it used to be?


Looking forward to playing with you folks, just dont ask me to voice chat.

I have a detestable lisp and foreign accent.

spoonfeed me

>tfw remembering all the good times as Shotgun Roland and then they killed him off in the worst way possible


that's hot
u got a nice ass as well?

+ Skins
+ Heads
+ Gold Keys and Gold Chest
+ Some new guns?
+ 4-player local Co-Op
- No more LAN connection play
- Latency is tied to frame rate online so if anyone doesn't have a 144 hz monitor, everyone's going to lag like crazy unless you lock it to 60 FPS
- Basically just a "Sorry that BL3 is an Epic Store exclusive" release


from the store page:

>What’s New
Visually Remastered: The improved lighting, textures, and character models shine on PC. Enhancements apply to the base game, as well as all add-on content.
Quality of Life Improvements: Significant updates to the game’s supporting systems allow for a smoother overall experience. For example:
-- A Borderlands 2-style mini-map, which you can toggle on and off, has been added to complement the original compass
-- Substantial improvements to the inventory system—such as allowing you to “lock” weapons or mark them as “junk”—simplify item management
-- Items like ammo, money, and health now auto-pick up from the ground
Rewards Ready: With the addition of the SHiFT player rewards program, you can now use Golden Keys to unlock special in-game items and rewards. Returning SHiFT users who’ve played Borderlands 2 or The Pre-Sequel on PC will receive 75 free Golden Keys, as well as two randomly selected all-new weapons, for their first newly-created Vault Hunter.
Added Firepower: A new set of six named, custom-skinned Legendary weapons make the base game’s arsenal even deeper. Beat bosses or gather Golden Keys for a chance to collect ‘em all.
Badder Boss Battle: In direct response to fan feedback, the campaign’s final boss encounter has been adjusted to be more engaging, challenging, and rewarding.
Cosmetic Customization: For the first time, you will be able to customize your Vault Hunter beyond simply selecting a color scheme. Each of the four available characters has five brand new cosmetic heads unlocked and equippable right from the start of the game.
ALL DLC: Didn’t own any Borderlands DLC? Now you got it all! On BOTH the original game and in Borderlands: Game of the Year Enhanced!

I doubt it

It's hairy but its got a nice shape ;D

What's the consensus, is it better than 2?

I don't like it either

Attached: Borderlands 2019-04-03 23-31-36-91.jpg (3840x2160, 1.7M)

The real beauty of Blaster is that all the explosive damage bonuses applied to any Exoplosive Elemental Weapon

Give Brick an Ogre and a Blast Hammet and watch everything around him die dramatically

>god tier S&S corrosive shotty
I can't believe they traded this maufacturer out for bandit/scah shit

>want to play and nostalgia w/ anons
i guess i could pirate it or some shit but most of my memories are of pirating it and playing through lan w/ other anons. even back then i was a poorfag.

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>giving that cuck any of your hard earned dosh

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>two randomly selected all-new weapons, for their first newly-created Vault Hunter.
tf i never got those only the keys

does the PC version still not get local co op?

>wander off path slightly, enemies are just a few levels above
>do like no damage to them and die in 3 hits

Well they sure want you to not go off path


Attached: BorderlandsGOTY 2019-04-03 23-24-25-52.jpg (3840x2160, 1.88M)

>what is cover

Borderlands released back before any of the memes had taken hold, user. If you own it on steam you got the remaster+all dlc free which is a breddy god tier move imo.

but the game is shit

Bitch I did like NO damage to this lvl 9 beast when I was 5

Top kek you are not me

7/10 game

I've only played 1 for like 30 hours, never beat it but dont remember how far I got either. 2 I played the shit out of but barely touched the dlc and never went over 50. its kinda overwhelming with how much shit's in the games

Every level is a 10% difference in damage dealt and taken.

>Helena Pierce gets killed in some audio log that is mostly Jack laughing about it
Almost like the writer of BL2 didn't even care about the first game......

but i got it as a free update

I need to know this.

It's amazing Jack himself turned out as great as he did.

Mostly the voice actor, I think.

>Eridians aren't even mentioned in 2 except for a few lines with Tannis IIRC

I dont belong here anymore

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Is it worth playing solo
i dont want to buy it.

10 years is long enough for nostalgia to kick in.

I hope they added the surprise loot midgets to the game

Seeing how you had to ask, don't bother.

>there are people old enough to come here and brag about how "awesome" and "epic" BL1 is, and how its much better than the video games of today
Yikes, time for me to leave this place

The VA improved basically any good line Jack had. It actually made Burch pissy

cant we just all stop pretending the games are fun and start posting siren porn?

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Bl 1 is the best game in the series though

Well, I was 19, the world was simpler, and I enjoyed games a lot more, whether they were great or just mediocre. Especially with others.

Now I'm 28 and a wagie who still can't afford his games. Seeing people want to group up again to play a game I enjoyed makes me want to do the same. If anything, I feel like *I* don't belong, either.

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Maya level 10 Add me boys.

All I want is some Amara lewds
Where they at
link me 'em

Is mouse accel on in this? There's no option for it and my mouse feels fucked even on low sens.
Also I'm surprised they didn't make the weapons smaller on the screen.

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Kinda makes me wish Destiny 2 and Anthem hadn't bombed so hard.
I really enjoy the loot shooter kinda genre.

The voice actor made lemonade with a shitty script

people were nostalgic for MGS1 in 2008

I got no minimap, and no FOV slider.

Those two games are complete shit and have no soul. Or a campaign for that matter

Attached: acc.png (644x238, 16K)

You downloaded the wrong game
Its GOTY Enhanced, not just GOTY

Destiny 1 was kinda alright. Played it on PS4.
Just eventually had nothing to do anymore.

Anybody getting characters in BL2 and TPS who aren't actually talking after the update? As much as I would enjoy Janey being totally silent, it is something of concern.

Yh Destiny suffered heavily from being a game that you can only really enjoy with friends and they also made it so there's no lobbys or matchmaking for raids, was fun if you were in a clan discord tho.

Only if you have friends to play with. Don't get me wrong, is still fun in single player, just not as fun. If you have played it before, you know what to expect.

Have you maybe used any other voice languages for the games before? Might be related, I've had to go back and reconfig some settings I've gone through before to get them all working again when updates used to roll out and break my npcs, too. Deleting those specific config files and letting Steam/the game regenerate them might work too.

didnt work for me

Attached: 1518043254629.png (214x213, 87K)

Noone's added me yet?

Attached: 1546522147339.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

Why make your PC produce wasted frames? At least cap the frame rate to your monitors refresh.

Attached: Bsx5mu9.png (645x525, 288K)

Works on my machine. Either you fucked up with basic instructions or there was nothing wrong to begin with.

>they didn't give us the element system from BL2
yeah x3 is better than x2 but where are the fucking percentages

We're all playing the more fun game atm. I might play 2 after I beat this again.

>werks for me

How is berserker? Been way too long since I last played borderlands back in the day on xbox.

I meant Lilith FUCK.

Attached: 1533913861697.jpg (601x648, 39K)

Downloading BL 2 UHD pack

i like aim toggle also because whenever i hold the aim button i press to hard and it's harder to aim with all this friction

even better frametimes

>being a frame rate fag

It's the best.

I feel nauseous half an hour into playing this. How do I fix it?

increase FOV to 110

Borderlands 1 GOTY Edition on Amazon for $7.50

get it, restart steam, you have the remastered edition. Borderlands is $20 on steam if you never bought it.

wait, you can still get the free enhanced version by buying the original? I thought its gone

>buy BL1 GOTY
>get enhanced edition added
>refund GOTY

just got borderlands 2 goty for 4 euro, is 1 good?

Yh especially since it just got re-mastered, where the fuck have you been?

Yes. As long as you have the original key from the original batch of GOTY editions.

I'm not sure how many Amazon has left.
technically you could.
unsure, finding out soon

I just checked and the setting was false by default for me. Maybe you need to adjust the sensitivity difference between noscope and scope? Beyond that I have no idea what could feel off to you.

Attached: ded.gif (499x293, 1.85M)

Anyone know the new shift codes?

How's the Pre-Sequel? I'd it makes a difference I liked the first two I have somebody to play with.

Sucky console player trying to send my PS3 characters over to PS4. The characters are saved to cloud but the PS4 isn't finding them. Advice?

How do i even import my BL1 chracter?

Pre-Sequel probably has the most entertaining skill trees and overall classes if you can put up with the writing.

I have £5 in my Steam account, how much is BL2 if you own the base game?

I was hoping BL1 would be super cheap, but no.

There's a very clear import option user

Attached: 1509135668187.png (500x336, 270K)

Can a legit copy play with a pirated copy in co op? I have the game but my friend doesn't.

>installed the standard BL1 instead of the GOTY enhanced because I didn't look in my library
I deserve to be riddled with brainlet wojaks.

Attached: 1552071591235.png (419x456, 407K)

It's £5 75% right now if I remember.

Can't play this game at 4K borderless. Everytime I switch to borderless it just changes itself to a 1080p window even though it still says borderless in the menu.

Which isn't working. It just says there's no save data to be found.

they are both GOTY ,one has enhanced at the end of the title. I did the same thing few days ago assuming the regular would get GOTY+enhancements

why is this shit so choppy? it's awful
and they fucked up the mouse acceleration pretty badly

Yeah, I'm dreading driving back and forth across that map a hundred times.

Just get the collection, it's like £3

Especially driving to the prison where they randomly block the road and make you walk.

.t no taste
Knoxx was the best hands down

i'm reinstalling 2 right now, does it still run like shit on newer cards?

>just pulled a legendary ammo regen revolver out of a random-ass locker
fuck's sake I have like 250 hours in 2 and haven't seen a legend in any goddamn weapon chest, let alone a locker.

ryzen 7 1700 + 1070 = running like shit
9700k + 1070 = running smooth as silk

Also found a lvl 25 caustic revolver at level 13 in a random locker. It wasn't that good either way.

They changed Angel to look like the one from 2.

it's CPU bound
and you better disable physx m8

Get your eyes checked

For me, its Gaige

Attached: borderlands_2_gaige_by_jeux422-d6gagq3-519.jpg (1017x1017, 584K)

Man of culture.

Names change in second playthroughs
Although I guarantee that they'll be changed in 3.

r5 1600 and 1060 6gb here, how fucked am I?

It was good, but you have to admit the lack of fast travel points was a boneheaded decision on their part and made travel more tedious than it had to be.

Why play 1 when 2 is much better?

Can I buy the original cheap right now on steam and get the upgrade?

I still have an i7 4790 and a 980ti and it runs at 160fps

Acid is actually good in BL1.

>Steele was a siren
Please tell me they made her the final boss instead

You mixed up something there, user.

Attached: dum nii.jpg (800x600, 163K)

No. The best you get is when you fight her Claptrap-controlled corpse in the fourth DLC campaign, except she has no powers and fights as a reskinned Atlas assassin.

Uhhh acid guns are essential to 2 seeing as how it's the best way to kill Loader bots

>that one higher level bandit on the other side of the wall in Fyrestone who will fuck your shit up proper if you step over the line

2 is better in just about every single way.

2 is better:
>weapon designs (arguable)
>level design
>playable characters

The way loot is generated, the manufacturer gimmicks, the loss of weapon types/maufacturers/options, the fucked damage and enemy scaling, the writing are all worse.

It's inferior in:
element mechanics
class balance
weapon balance

>interacting with anyone from Yea Forums outside of this echo chamber
No way, fag.

Played for a few hours
>quest markers for multiple collection items bug out in multiplayer
>quest tooltips bug out in multiplayer
>map fails to load after travelling
>new-u zoom/warp effect plays after dying without new-u particle effects
>ui for inventory still shit
>texture loading still fucked at the start of the game
>some guns becoming invisible after switching to them
>fight for life mode being stuck in the third person fall animation, unable to shoot switch weapons or commit sudoku
Last one is pretty gamebreaking desu, and this was just in the space of three hours today.
Really hoping for a day-1 patch, but it does look pretty nice graphically

did you somehow miss the dozens of laughable nostalgia threads for halo 3 and mw2
why'd it take borderlands for you to come to this revelation


you should be mostly ok, when you get to that city jack built you might get some shit FPS

>it's another remaster that introduced problems the original never had
thank you randy, very cool

I'm surprised how well 2 and TPS hold up graphically. The use of lighting and color is gorgeous, the cell shading has that certain style that ages well, and the PhysX is really cool and my 980 can still hold a solid 60fps 1440p with it turned on.

Lmao, whatever you say, Randy. Just give some more Shift keys

I'm thankful that both 2 and TPS have an option to disable the cel shading, or that you can at least do it from the .ini files. The game looks much smoother without them.

Is this a rare achievement or something? I have the vaguest inkling that it was when I got it. It's been so long.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (952x81, 17K)

who has BL1 shift code

Can you unlock more heads?

It was originally earned for playing online with a Gearbox employee or with somebody who had previously obtained the achievement.

I think it got changed to having to play online with two other people at once.

Thanks man. I remember that shit popping up on my xbox copy one day with some friends and everyone flipped their shit. Ah man ha oh god I have memories of friendship.

I am going to reinstall this shit.

Attached: 1554174738316.gif (300x250, 31K)

>start playing
>kill 5 skags
>quit playing
God, now I remember just how much of a brown lifeless snorefest this game was


The first hour of every Borderlands is garbage.

Finished downloading it and now I have performance boost.
I can run the game at 2k/150fps without any trouble

Who should I play? Leaning towards Lilith or Brick

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Did I do badly on refunding TPS, then?
Because that slow-grav shit and the annoying as fuck dialogue just got the best of me and now I'm just waiting for the refund money to be available.

how did you DL it?

Did they change the audio mixing? Guns seem to sound like they have more of a kick to them in this version.

TPS easily has the worst beginning, but it does get better.

Lillith, just all around smooth gameplay, SMGs and elemental damage is so satisfying.

>Game crashes after a few second General Protection Fault
>Look online
>This was in the original too
>The fixes don't work

Awwwww shit

we live in a universe where borderlands 1 has better settings and runs in a higher DX level than borderlands 2

Both are great. The only downside to Brick is that most of his insane gun damage comes from kill skills, and Lilith is straight up busted.

we also live in a universe where you don't post your cute thighs for me to wank to

Oh, well, in any case I have it family shared, so all I lost was some cosmetic shit for BL2.

Left click on the game's name in the list and went to search if there's more DLCs in the store

Sure im on xb1 now MDent

If you are going for just one playthrough then probably lilith. If multiple start with brick

>game keeps using the intel GPU even when I tell it to use other GPU

Anyone playing on the Xbone?

Online matchmaking is horrible for some reason I can't connect to anyone using the browser.

thanks M8

Does every new character start with legendaries or only your first one?

Attached: 2b7.png (600x845, 575K)

I started with two, a shotty and a rifle

I thought they were releasing remasters of all three games, did I dream that?

The other 2 are just a free texture pack dlc.

>new borderlands stuff
>thread on Yea Forums talking about lobbying up
fuck i still remember when TPS came out and I was drunk out of my mind talking about how i wanted to explore and not just rush the game.

Which seems to bring its own problems, such as character voices no longer being audible.

Oh alright then, thanks

what are the new legendaries?

Firstly you're not a bitch
Secondly they never fixed his speed bug so he's also fast as fuck

start a new character to find out

>missing the point this hard
did you even play the game user

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I'm having fun, lads.

Attached: Sledge's Shotgun.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

I like everything about the remaster except for these fucking menus. Jesus christ what were they thinking.

so I have to pay full price to play borderlands remastered now?

well that sucks

Attached: 20190404010734_1.jpg (2560x1440, 429K)

I only picked up, cause I wanted to play as Doppleganger Jack. I see it as DLC, like that Death of the Outsider.

I actually love this image.
Also the first thing I noticed during this scene is that TK's gun actually has hollow barrels now.

>install texture pack
>everything looks the same or worse
>guns are missing glow effects

Morticai keeps calling bloodwing a boy in this game

>been playing presequel for the first time
>jack actually sounds like a pretty great guy
>looking out for the player character, worrying about the moon's innocent populatiob

Am I being rused or is Jack actually a pretty cool guy? And if so, what the fug happened to make him dickass evil in 2?

Increase the FOV till it still looks ok and nausea stops. Normally at around 80+, depending on screen size, it will get better.

>he doesn't know
bloodwing came out as trans in bl2 user, his new name is bloodwig now

>most fun gameplay
If not for that lo-grav shit. Fucking hell, I can't remember a game making me want LESS movement up until then.

Finish the game.

People give the presequel way too much shit, it's not that bad.

>In-universe reason: Bloodwing's species switches genders as it matures
>Real reason: Somebody (likely Burch) forgot that Bloodwing was supposed to be a boy


There's some retarded shit about the species changing gender halfway through their life.

I bet it was actually some retard writer didn't pay attention and just called him a her and made up some bullshit excuse after he found out he fucked up.

How is performance?

1070 is running it maxed at 1440p with no frame drops. Doesn't seem any worse than the original for me.

(Borderlands GOTY Enhanced btw, want to see if I can play it on my aging toaster)

If you can run bl2 at max, then you can run this at max
You might even get better performance here rather than in bl2

installed texture pack. notice any difference?

Attached: Borderlands2_2019_04_03_19_57_29_395.jpg (3840x2160, 1.42M)

This happens to some species in nature, its not some scifi bs, BUT definitely not for birds

fucking burch

Does any sound come out of Moxxi's mouth?

my penis

this kills the newfag

I dunno man the gayshit being shoved down my throat is sorta standing out. I do find the aussie culture charming.

So it's basically the same as the original release? That's good news.

I preferred the original Borderlands to 2 but it really needed a mini-map and a few interface tweaks, so this seems make it worth a replay.

What should I go for? Anything in particular that synergizes well?

If you can't run it, just turn down DetailMode to 0 and call it a day

Forgot pic.

Attached: 20190404020100_1.jpg (2560x1440, 760K)

I got a gearbox manufacturer legendary revolver called Violence that I assume is a new weapon
How the fug do I find out what the flavor text on it does?

what the fuck that UI is fucking nauseating. can you make it smaller?

Siren and SMGs
Mordecai and Snipers
Roland and Solo
Brick and Shortbus

Go for the blaster skills and get some explosive weps

>Manly Tears

holy fuck

Why is Roland good solo vs others?

Turret takes aggro, class mods are mostly healing or group ammo regen. Just an overall well rounded character.

Fuck, I didn't even notice.

I only played through this game single-player. How does co-op work?

oh my

i agree, which is why i prefered playing TPS. The humor was retarded however the scalling was much better and freeze/lasers are way better than fucking slag. i am glad they are removing slag from 3 but i am also sad we aint having any lasers in bl3 either.

I've only played 1 & 2 without the dlc
Would it be worth getting the remaster for 1 and the handsome collection just for the dlc and pre sequel?

>he doesn't know how to pirate dlcs to use on your paid game
But go for it, handsome collection is worth buying rn because of the price
I would wait on BL1 though, unless you really want to coop with randoms
I bought the handsome collection and my only regret was the amount of shitty and/or useless DLCs


Anyone know if they fixed the farmory in the remaster? Really hoping they didn't since it is the only farming spot i actually know.

Is melee focus brick viable?

Anyone have any ideas yet if the cel shading in the remaster can be disabled like 2 and TPS?
I know it's part of the artstyle, I just like how the game looks without it way more.

>they modified the final boss of BL1

Don't think they fixed anything mate
Wouldn't be surprised if people start getting that bugged talk to dr ned quest

is it called Borderlands GOTY Enhanced in my steam library?


Secret armory of general knoxx is like the greatest thing ever, user.

Find >DefaultPostProcessName=WillowEngineMaterials.WillowScenePostProcess
Change to
Save, read-only
There you go
Yeah it is
Nothing was fixed

How do you use cheat engine to get extra keys in?

thanks, ill download it now. does it have matchmaking for missions?

Same as BL2, which is kinda shitty imo


can you still use willow tree to mod weapons in?

No, it breaks your save
Only way to do it is by editing OG BL1 saves then importing it

Kek the draco is orange now but it still lacks the title and red text

>maliwan eriduim weapons dont have the purple glow anymore

only played bl2 on split screen, whats it like

Theres like a level difference it searches for, might be 5 idk
Then it tries to find people closest to the questline you're in
Works like that on matchmaing and server browser, I don't think you can disable those filters
Its nice when there are many people playing, but horrible later on when the games dead

so i should try now?

The remaster lets you customize your own controls, so yes.

if you wanna coop with randoms yeah
all BL games are alive right now because of the announcement, so its a great time to play them all online

thanks, appreciate your help.

anything to make you happy qt


what do the new legendaries do?

>Play Mordecai and spec into Revolvers
>mfw I finally find a Shotgun Revolver

I legit used a shotgun revolver from Playthrough 1 all the way until the Finale where you fight against Atlas troops in Playthrough 2and found an even better one

Attached: 1544896171092.png (927x907, 973K)

Reminder to set your profile.bin to read-only so you can have unlimited golden keys

Attached: CTF (19).png (1280x720, 818K)

Speed bug?

Why did Slag ruin 2 and TPS


Use your ability JUST before you get downed, then kill someone to revive yourself and there you go
IIRC you can't use your ability again otherwise it'll remove your 1.5x speed
You can also use your ability then quickly open the inventory, gotta keep trying until it works

Attached: 15579810.png (511x509, 320K)

Nigga you are LITERALLY the single most retarded person on this planet, that has ever and will ever exist, if you truly believe that Capcom does not shill their shit fucking games on this board. MHW and DMC5 were easily the most shilled games this board has ever seen.

Slag isn't even in TPS

So in 2 they introduced slag element. When an enemy gets slagged, they take more damage from non-elemental damage.
Non-elemental being the kicker, because it invalidates other elements, especially in UVHM where it's mandatory.

I remember not liking the borderlands series, and then i started playing online. It's how it's meant to be played. Drop in other peoples game get loot, drop out.

They fucked with damage scaling and drop rates, hard. Purples coming from every badass and boss
No-one asked for this

I love Borderlands, the whole series, been playing for years, but im going, right now, to spam negative reviews with multiple accounts on multiple platforms, and there's at least a drop of decency still left in you, dear fan of this game, you should too do so.
Make them understand that we will not accept their shit any longer.
Review bomb all 3 of the borderlands games, dlcs too, EVERYTHING.

Attached: 1554324556817.png (305x379, 270K)

what was your favorite glitches in the borderlands games?

axton speed glitch
evil smasher
jack wrist laser

>new lilith heads are just hats, no actual hairstyle change
that's kinda sad

very late but yes, bird build is very durable
>shoot as normal
>get low hp
>throw bird, get behind cover
>look at an enemy until you hear the screech, hide until BW delivers a full health bar to you

is brick melee viable?

heard the remaster removed lan support :(

>tfw all I have ever known is roland and axton

Does this actually work? It doesn't fuck up other stuff?

Looking forward to Moze, user. A goddamn mech seems like the perfect evolution to turrets.

based and gaigepilled

it does work and it doesnt fuck shit up
I'm doing it rn on my game, even went online with randoms just to open some chests for them
Just relaunch the game whenever you want your keys back, your save won't rollback, only your golden keys