Attached: BL3 collectors eddition.png (1007x566, 384K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no dlc playable characters

Attached: season pass.png (1202x607, 327K)

Who the fuck cares, bordelands was never that popular

>$250 collectors eddition sold out
>never popular

you people are fucking delusional, the game sold over 3m copies in under a year

Attached: Borderlands.png (1313x44, 12K)

Is it really? Proof?

This. And if it did they probably made like 5.

Almost every Collector's edition is sold-out for the sake of re-selling it at almost double the price on Ebay you dumbasses.

Attached: 1476332762457.jpg (627x626, 28K)

Why spend money on VAs, animations and character models when you can just swap a texture on a gun and retards will pay for it all the same


That's a pretty good CE, how much does it cost?

Too much for being an Epic exclusive

Attached: dabfast.gif (524x399, 46K)

Well it’s obvious they will add DLC characters in the future.

>all sesons pass dlc
does this mean there will be dlcs not included in season pass?

>Comes with the game
already better than RDR2 special editions

it happened on BL2 so yes

>paying for borderlands

Attached: 1548395954314.jpg (413x413, 77K)

Yes. Characters and skin packs and possibly level cap boosts.

Can you crossplay between PS4 and Epic? my brother from another state wants to play with me on this but can't do splitscreen

i'll probably buy it day one on epic so i can play with all the good gear before it gets nerfed then just but goty edition on steam

>Can you crossplay between PS4 and
when it comes to anti consumerism Sony is much much worse than epic

>still riding their butt stallion meme shit
I wonder how many fortnite references BL3 is going to have.

consumers will never learn. this is why the industry has gone to shit beyond the point of no return.
see you on the other side user

>referencing things from previous installments in series
wow just wow
i cant even

Just because it was 2 doesn't mean this monkey cheese meme was ever good.

They didn’t include character DLCs ever in the previous season passes

>implying they won't reference the badass BATTLEBORN instead

To be fair, they barely make any of these

why wouldnt they
there was a BL easter egg in battleborn

No Burch, not buying

Attached: anthony burch smiling.jpg (512x512, 35K)

It doesn't appear to be sold out on the 2K store but Gamestop is, but Gamestop is also going bankrupt soon.

>Can't main best girl

Garbage game.

Attached: IMG_20190330_231506.jpg (800x541, 108K)

Mechromancer was the preorder bonus for 2 though, also Aurelia and Jimothy were put into the season's pass for TPS because they only made the single story DLC before getting canned.

Attached: Borderlands2_PremiereClub.jpg (1440x768, 523K)

The presequel's season pass included Aurelia and jack

>MFW shes a replacement for Kreig.


Attached: 1506923713283_scared_yeah.gif (500x375, 98K)

Burch is not even involved, he left like years ago