>wanting to play TES Online because Morrowind
>this is how a silt strider looks
Wanting to play TES Online because Morrowind
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Skyrim did it better.
ESO art designs and overall models suck dicks.
That is because they more or less just updated the textures.
OP's image is fucking disgusting
>Skyrim did it better.
Now thats a phrase I have never seen post before.
you must not come here very often then
it looks like cartoon carictures of what the races and their cultures actually look like.
they completely butchered the argonians with the whole aztec shit
Fucking souless and awfull. DELETE IT PLEASE.
Almost SOULful
Why? You can apply that to pretty much everything in ESO.
Why is everything in Elder Scrolls so fucking brown?
the design of this thing is dumb from the beginning sooooo
The giant mushrooms, netch and silt striders are the reason of why Morrowind was unique.
Morrowind was influenced by Dune, hence the giant bug and desolate landscape.
>morrowind = papercraft poorly made cosplay
>skyrim = gundam armor, too bulky
>eso = mandalorian armor, it doesn't even belong to TES
comfy solstheim
>Silt Striders don't look the same almost 1000 years in the past
True, though the environment is so fucking good at times, at least compared to the wow shit I'm used too
forget that. i cant play the game because the classes fucking suck, let alone how the game looks, then those assholes made the game canon to top it off.
That's funny considering Skyrim has the worst writing in the series bar none.
At least Skywind models are made by people who actually cared about Morrowind aesthetics.
I like the explanation that ESO takes place in a dragon break, hence all the player characters running around being heroes concurrently and affecting the world in similar ways.
Its got that WoW cartoon style.
Would live to see more comparison pics like this
Looks like shit.
Except ESO and Arena and Redguard and the phone games and Battlespire.
So no. You are far off.
Why the fuck won't they back port these models to OpenMW? They could actually do some good there.
You're right, Skyrim manages to have slightly better writing than phone games from two decades ago. I suppose I'll concede that.
I wanna see the redoran armor + watchmen helmet with those graphics.
I like Skywind designs.
Minotaurs look so much better than in Oblivion.
And the other things. Thank you.
>want to have fun adventures in Skyrim
>but every dungeon and encounter is mostly the same shit
That's just not true, not sure why you'd write blatantly false posts. Then again, arguing with Skyrim babies has been an exercise in futility for almost a decade now.
That seems pretty dumb op's pic makes the landscape looks like it's trying for a realistic look. Wouldn't dumb cartoon armor clash and look even more terrible?
that helmet probably is the best piece of armor ever created I don't know why it looks so fucking cool
Don't have many but seeing Seyda Neen again was really sick
>an exercise in futility
That must be your middle name if you think ESO and Arena have better writing.
because ZOS artists and animators are terrible. Welcome to the most bland, ugliest looking version of The Elder Scrolls ever (except for the mobile game, which is by far the ugliest)
Misty haze has more soul.
ESO has the best writing in the series. Thanks to no Emil.
ESO is the worst mmorpg ive ever played my biggest issue is the boring ass unimpactfull combat
Is eso worth picking up for the 10 bucks? I played the free 5 day trial on steam and it was better than most MMOs I've played. And the playerbase is actually active in NA. Is endgame fun? Do I actually get to play a role in a dungeon or do I just play dps?
It is, until you realize how silly it is that it looks exactly the same as it does 1000 years in the future.
I can't really interact with you if you hold the opinion that Skyrim did literally anything more competently than any other TES game, so you win by default.
An exercise in futility might have been an understatement then.
The proportions of the character models in Skyrim always look weird to me, not sure what it is.
the leveling is quite nice in TESO its refreshing to have random quest dialogue be worth listening too. enjoying it rn for the first time in the game's history. feels a lot smoother than it did at launch. the business model and skill system is still irredeemable though, i wouldn't actually recommend the game to anyone.
i dunno, someone trimmed the mushrooms and stole the fence
Is TESO any good?
I figure it's just a historical town, surely in ES3 there is a placard about it and notes that all the town's people are actually just actors.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt you know.
Clockwork City is the most KINO location out of all of elder scrolls, Sotha Sil has the best writing there is.
Not really.
It's really good if you're into the lore, I believe it has all the books from the other games plus additional ones
As someone who has never played these games, what's wrong with it?
I think it's the best TES after Morrowind.
Why does the armor from a 2002 game made by an at the time tiny Bethesda making their first fully 3D RPG have more detail than the equivalent armor from modern games with a billion times the budget?
What specifically makes it not worth purchasing?
>It's really good if you're into butchering the lore
>posts a loading screen/wallpaper implying that this is how ESO looks.
ZOS shill detected
Divayth Fyr is pretty based.
artistry by limitation gave way to cheap effort by coasting on success
No, that was oblivion and skyrim
even the ones which haven't been written yet?
>It's really good if you're into the lore, I believe it has all the books from the other games
And you couldn't just read those on a wiki because...?
Most of those armors are already 3d models with textures waiting for their Skywind implementation.
I want all those beautiful re-animated designs for my OpenMW FUCKING NOW.
dragon breaks
That picture perfectly illustrates what is wrong with TESO's art. Morrowind's, despite being almost 20 years older, looks more realistic. TESO looks like a cartoon.
you can do that with all tes games, they all have shitty gameplay anyway
So can you become a vampire or werewolf in TESO? What's it like?
What the fuck did they do to his armor? And why is his body so feminine?
>general mmo shitty quests
>boring PvP
>no real incentive to even be an mmo
>boring, bland art style paired with the horrible world design makes it feel like a generic game rather than Elder Scrolls
>basically no reason to explore
I dont know why there are so many people defending it honestly.
The Stormlord and Daedric Lord armors have been backported to Morrowind recently and they look fucking great. I hope it starts a trend of people bring Skyrim armors to OpenMW. Imagine if we got Immersive Armors integrated into Morrowind.
This is mine old screenshot. All new locations look pretty. Vanilla looks like shit, yes.
it's still edgy black and red spiked armor, just slightly different
ESO in its entirety is non canon so no
You can be both but not at the same time. I haven’t been either but both get their own skill line. Being a vampire is more of a passive state that gives you stat modifications depending on how long it’s been that you’ve drank blood. Werewolf is a transformation that expires after a short time
Elephants look exactly the same as they did 1000 years ago
But some of them are actually fun.
>Elephants look exactly the same as they did 1000 years ago
>what are mammoths
ESO has better quests than any other MMO I've tried, though that doesn't really say much. Exploration is just false, you can find lore books/guild line books, skyshards and dungeons and shit everywhere.
Not elephants
>what are mammoths
all dead several thousand years ago
Its quests are the same as every every other MMO. Go to quest marker, wait for the group before you to get finished killing boss, kill boss yourself.
>during the 11th century
user i don't remember mammoths fucking shit up in the battle between the mongolians and koreans
>ESO has better quests than any other MMO I've tried
It was the same boring "go kill x amount of mobs for 50 gold"
>Exploration is just false
Not when I played 2 years ago. The entirety of Daggerfall and Hammerfell were linear as fuck.
ESO has better quest than Skyrim. Like a lot a lot better.
overreliance on lighting to do the work for you > see every shitter amateur game dev using unreal engine
There's very few 20 boar asses quests, though. Most of them have small self-contained plots like some dude running away from his family where you have to find his corpse in a cavern with a bunch of notes trailing up to it, I'm more invested in that sort of thing.
lol no
Mammoths were extinct long before then.
How similar is it to past elder scroll games. Like what content was removed/added gameplay wise?
>muh funny jester quest! haha so random!
skyrimlets should be shot on sight
Hi, Emil.
can i uh
can i read that
You can't multi class at all. Spells are also even worse than Skyrim.
Gameplay is MMO-lite, you can play it in first person competently which is interesting for an MMO, and you can loot cupboards and pots and everything all over the world. Isn't there a free trial now?
what do you mean?
vanilla zones look like shit compared to Elsweyr zone?
Seething /tesog/fags
is this readable?
Vanilla zones look like shit compared to every single post-release content.
>120gb gaem because its all voice acted
>buy the game and all expansions... haha you still don't get half the content thats more cashshop DLC
>combat is literally spamming m1,1,m1,1,m1,1,m1,1 the skill/progression system is retardedly bad.
thats every CRPG quest ever if you dont want to pay attention to the context and character dialogue. TESO at least frames quests with the best context and character dialogue of most any other MMORPG. unfortunately your own character is almost entirely passive though and you can barely RP or make decisions for yourself.
ok Emil
how can you both not cite Oblivion as having the worse writing? it was fucking awful
Is there? I didnt know there was. On what platform?
so they haven't updated the vanilla zone models?
aren't 90% vanilla zones anyway?
the only post release being Vvardenfell, Summerset Isles and soon to be Elsweyr
Nah, it's treasures for the crime system. There are like thousands of these things.
There are more abilities for melee and bow but the spell pool is incredibly tiny and unvaried. Pretty much the only spells you can learn are destruction and restoration, with a couple conjuration spells exclusive to one class. The physics engine is also completely different so you can’t consume 1000 skooma to run at the speed of light or jump really high. Guards are unkillable so you can’t go on a murder spree without careful consideration on where town guards are located.
There is a much bigger mount variety though most of them are exclusive to the crown store. There is also a larger pool of armor looks from which to choose but a lot of them require grinding and praying to RNGesus to get
Looks like it lasted until today
I consider them both on par. Though Oblivion tries its fucking hardest to ruin tone throughout the entire game.
Its crazy how Yea Forums went from bashing the fuck out of this the year it came out, to dickriding it
>the only post release being Vvardenfell, Summerset Isles and soon to be Elsweyr
Craglorn, Hew's Bane, Gold Cost, Imperial City, Orsinium, Morrowind/Vvardenfell, Murkmire, Clockwork City, Summerset
Leveling is a chore, nothing can hurt you after a few levels.
There is a small, dedicated /vg/ general that really likes to make threads here and shill the game.
Same shit happened with Skyrim, people rightfully hated it initially until the 11 year olds turned into 19 year olds defending it today.
>that's what get's me aswell
people have a different opinion on an online game that has been updated for 5 years!?
and people here have come to peace with SWTOR now
whats your point?
shame that so much content still is in vanilla zones then.
Also the fact that Seyda Neen was an Imperial settlement and shouldn't of been there in the first place.
But TESO never cared about lore
>shouldn't of
It's not like the main team cares about lore though
>muh CHIM'd jungle
Todd would do the same fucking thing if he had a chance. Seyda Neen is a fanservice.
I dear. I have made an extremely common grammatical error!
god I hate oblivion and skyrim so much
>I dear
>want to replay morrowind
>dont want to spend 40 hours modding
new mgso equivalent when
Well, that one was warranted.
It takes, at most, a fucking hour.
>he was like, ah, go ahead, go nuts
Judging by Dragonborn, I don't think so.
Dragonborn is still fanservice though. They call Septims for Drakes, Kaarstag appears with the ghost troll, the former imperial commander is there, Raven Rock still exists now as a redoran colony after Solstheim got handed over to Morrowind by Skyrims king. Bonemold armor too, Neloth appearing, Netch's, one Silt Strider etc.
But they at least go out of their way to change stuff to suit the new age.
Just look at Raven Rock.
Neloth and the Silt Strider are a bit much though.
im going to be sick
>''realistic'' limbs for rough terrain, grip and dynamic movements
>thick body and stable straight limbs, usable for fishing, mining, or woodcutting related jobs. Naturally for the violent environments
>>Nuthesda and You
>only cathumans can be streamlined with different traits, not in game though, too far
>the thing that made Morrowind peculiar to me, (creativity and refreshment) is not allowed in any other TES games
Another fetcher with a shit thread.
''You’d best take a guild guide to the next town. With a smell like that, a siltstrider wouldn’t carry you on its back''(Google, Reddit, w/e shovelwareTESgame).
what are you even saying.
unironic schizophrenic ITT