Which franchise should get the musou treatment next?
Which franchise should get the musou treatment next?
Super Bros
Make a Nintendo Warriors instead.
Have a few Mario characters, Link and Zelda, Marth, Samus and Kirby.
Advance Wars
'Which franchise should get the musou treatment next' should get the musou treatment. If every version of this thread was a character we'd have more than WO4
Sonic the Hedgehog
Unironically Mario
Would love an Avatar: Last Airbender warriors
Kirby could be legitimately kind of fun.
How come none of the switch warriors games support online or multiple switches locally? splitscreen is too jank
I could dig it
skeletons flooding the screen with dork-rock covers of classic Castlevania songs blaring
as long as it doesn't become a repeat of Judgment
This one
Kingdom Hearts / Final Fantasy
Seiken Densetsu
Monster Hunter
Mega Man
As long as all these are playable characters it would sell
pokemon warriors
>it would sell
Please. Castlevania games don't sell.
This. It's kind of a no-brainer.
Playable Regirock, Buzzwole, and pic related and you got a deal