Which franchise should get the musou treatment next?

Which franchise should get the musou treatment next?

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Super Bros

Make a Nintendo Warriors instead.
Have a few Mario characters, Link and Zelda, Marth, Samus and Kirby.


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Advance Wars

'Which franchise should get the musou treatment next' should get the musou treatment. If every version of this thread was a character we'd have more than WO4

Sonic the Hedgehog

Unironically Mario

Would love an Avatar: Last Airbender warriors

Kirby could be legitimately kind of fun.

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How come none of the switch warriors games support online or multiple switches locally? splitscreen is too jank

I could dig it
skeletons flooding the screen with dork-rock covers of classic Castlevania songs blaring
as long as it doesn't become a repeat of Judgment

This one

Kingdom Hearts / Final Fantasy
Seiken Densetsu
Monster Hunter
Mega Man


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As long as all these are playable characters it would sell

pokemon warriors

>it would sell
Please. Castlevania games don't sell.

This. It's kind of a no-brainer.

Playable Regirock, Buzzwole, and pic related and you got a deal

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