...to say something nice about the worst game you have ever played.
...to say something nice about the worst game you have ever played
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LoL didn't steal my kidney
The bromance of FFXV was well done.
Shame everything else fucking sucked
It was a game at least
Something nice
Destiny had some pretty good sky boxes
It was a gift.
Final Fantasy XV
The sound design was tight. The sound of footstep and others were well done and pleasing to hear.
Everything else though? Absolute fucking trash.
Iron Man is a cool hero
There is nothing good to say about Forces except for it is the prime example of a game devoid of any essence of fun or soul.
And yes I played 06. At least that shit was fun.
I can't. Ocarina of Time sucks dick
Dark Souls 1 had great environment and world-building
It had cool parkour.
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel did not came into my house at night and raped my family. Also, it has Slipknot, and that could be seen as a plus, I guess?
dark souls has some pretty cool looking armor
It killed time
MySims , at times , felt like the start of a fresh new franchise - Chicken Little Ace in Action was more of what I wanted as a kid (More Adam West, less Chicken Little). & Muppets Party Cruise had at least like two fun mini games , the one with the car and the one where it was like GoldenEye muppet paintball
I had the choice to refund it
It has sonic characters... It's on DS... I own a copy...
Just... fire the gun already.
Makes for a good mix.
Trice better than any tune in that shit game. Music is the one thing that's usually good in sonic games and dark brotherhood has the shittiest music. It's top 10 worst level of bad.
It'd take too long to list the things I love about The Witcher 3, but ultimately among the games I've finished to completion (and in this case even replayed due to a corrupted save file) TW3 is, on principle, the worst fucking shit I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing from beginning to end.
It's the shining light at the end of the "games as an experience" tunnel, a tunnel I hope to Christ collapses sooner than later.
If I had to choose only one nice thing to say about it, I suppose the Toad Prince boss fight was fucking fantastic, despite the shortcomings of the combat mechanics.
It's always a double-edged blade with this game, though, and while the Toad Prince was a great fight it's relatively short if you're properly geared, and it's virtually impossible to be improperly geared by that point, regardless of quote unquote difficulty. It's featured in a DLC that's locked behind the atrocious vanilla game, the setup for the DLC and downtime spent fucking about to even get to the fight is unnecessarily lengthy despite the whole saga only making up the basic introduction for the greater arc to come, and walking around the sewers with Shani was, like every mission involving walking in sewers with or without an escort, fucking annoying.
I hope 2077 is more video game than pissing contest, but with every new detail I grow increasingly skeptical.
It taught me a lesson. Never buy a game before you read reviews.
I pirated it so it was free at least
Skyward Sword is pretty and I'd like to see the intended visual style attempted again with new hardware