Dark Souls 4 but in modern day
Dark Souls 4 but in modern day
Already done with MGS1
The Surge 2 will do that
lmao what the fuck? Did you even play MGS1?
What are those pics from or are they just random concept art?
>he doesn't know about Tokyo Souls
I hope it wouldn't have those cel-shaded graphics. Anyway the idea is poor. We've already had 3 dark souls games and a proto-game (demon souls). The world has told the story it wanted to tell. I'm not on board with the endless remakes thing. What exactly could a "modern day dark souls game" offer ioutside of the setting? ?
this is why fan babbies ruin everything
There's a ton of anime to pull from for that type of setting. Could be awesome.
By the way you are phrasing that sentence, you actually think Dark Souls is hard?
A modern setting would feel too familiar to complement the mysterious atmosphere that's central to the series.
>in modern day
No thanks.
Nothing was implying that you turbo tard
Looks and sounds dumb.
>Dark Souls 4
Someone forgot about papa death
Only if the developers failed to add anything that makes it mysterious. It could definitely be made mysterious. Suppose it had a BLAME! feel to it, or The Evil Within, where everyone in Tokyo appears to be missing, the whole world seems disjointed and isolated, and the player can just barely discern what happened based on indentations in the ground and in buildings. Was it earthquakes, was it meteors? What are these bizarre constructs I am seeing? How long has it been since civilization was wiped out? Was it aliens? What is that in the sky? Where did these things come from? Am I seeing something that exists outside my mind or only inside it? If done right, I think it would actually be even creepier than the Souls games ever were.
How would it even work when everyone uses ranged weapons nowadays
I guess they could make up some in-game explanation for it
Nope. All of that sounds stupid.
Well, the way you saywrite it makes me wanna play it.
Like ranged in DMC, a lock on system.
We already in the Age of Dark. A "modern day dark souls game" is just every day life in modernity.
The duality of man.
The dude agreeing is just samefagging from his cell phone.
Knives and daggers have never ever gonna out of fashion. They never will either because they are so damn handy for hundreds of things, including fire. But imagine finding a cell phone store and looting all the old Samsung razors. Congrats you now have lethal throwing weapons.
Age of Dark would be a better name than Dark Souls 4
High-frequency blades
Including fite*
Fuck you, autocorrect. Dont twist my meme words
So they'd have to use sci-fi technology which doesn't exist? That's not "modern day"
>samefagging from your 4g
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Something like Bloodborne? Or make it ammo be rare as fuck. Or don't implement guns at all
sounds comfy tbqhwyf
Holtzman shields.
Maybe using some bullshit reason to firearms not working anymore.
And when the chaos reigns the police and military would go full riot gear because that's the only way they could try to enforce order.
>technology which doesn't exist?
>he doesn't know
Whoever makes this pictures should kill themselves.
nah I'm good
Put conspiracy or supernatural stuff like The Secret World
OK, no, that's just gay
Even for the fictitious world of souls games
Here's your ranged weapons, bro
>The Secret World
Published by EA.
it's a terrible idea.
Fuck that, give me Roswell Souls.
It's a great idea, but far more difficult to pull off. It's way harder to make modern settings seem strange and mysterious than settings of the past or future.
What are some games that currently exist that have a similar sort of feel?
It's because past or future is unknown, just make a empty ghost tokyo with some eerie shit like 2 suns, strange buildings,, abandoned enviromennt, etc. Make it surrealistic and creepy
Ooof looks really lame. Better luck next time.
>It's a great idea
based on this thread, its not. All the plot could amount to is a Megami Tensei clone.
Literally LET IT DIE.
The next From Software game is already confirmed. It's Mesoamerican/Aztec shit
>Mesoamerican/Aztec shit
looks and sounds whack
oh fuck no. Tell me it ain't so.
Nigger don't do this to me, I want a good mesoamerican video game so bad.
Holy shit someone got on my sci-fi souls idea
If firearms don't work anymore then something bad has gone wrong with the laws of physics which means there are bigger things to worry about.
yeah that's totally it. No way more than one person could independently come up with this idea.
Yeah Tokyo Jungle was rly cool lmao
Set it in Japan. Now firearms and ammo are rare, especially if some sort of apocalypse scenario has happened.
Actual retard
Aside from the fact that the Souls series already has a solid character building system and great combat: a wide variety of level design a near limitless array of boss designs possible and something fresh after just undead medieval mobs.
This will be the next Bloodborne, both in tone and in quality.
>just undead medieval mobs.
t.never got past undead burg.
>it could offer more souls shit, but look lamer
Hard pass
ranged weapons is the main weapon
melee weapons are secondary
>It's way harder to make modern settings seem strange and mysterious
Looks pretty strange and mysterious to me
I like the idea but will never happen because From Soft are a bunch of hacks
Not my fault your imagination is absolute shit, retard.
Naw that’s gay. I want it to be like the future specifically something like cyber punk or Zone of the Enders.
I feel it
Make this thread until it happens
How's The Surge 1? I need my souls fix
Where is this from? Deracine?
>after just undead medieval mobs.
did you get past undead burg? there us much more enemy variety than “medieval mobs”
I was waiting for someone to say this
>lit streets
>strange and mysterious
Maybe try leaving your house
Yeah. There's a lot of Bloodborne references that the devs later said they went overboard with and apologized for as they are not currently working or have plans for a Bloodborne 2, however they said nothing about this book suggesting a potential sequel in a similar vein.
>Not wanting to fight Quetzalcoatl on top of a ziggurat under a blood moon
Get outta my face, nephew
Yeah placing a game in the modern setting in which we live in requires a vivid imagination. Sure thing bucko.
It would to make it interesting, which your mind is apparently unable to, brainlet. Must be fun to have aspergers.
It would be interesting to autismos who have never walked around like this user proclaiming literal lit streets to be strange and mysterious.
ghost towns are strange and mysterious nigga shut up
Ah, now I see that mysterious = badly lit. Truly my basement is mysterious as fuck.
>being scared of an empty street
Yikes and pussypilled
nigga i am scared of ghosts or thugs, yes
Dark souls but with poorly lit streets and thugs. That's quite an impressive imagination you have there. Has From hired you yet?
i pray their next game is armored core or outer space
Regular enemies are harder than in Souls, bosses are easier.
>SMT 3 already exists
when are you gonna get it out of your head that games in japan are BORING
go jerk off to naked drawn japanese people elsewhere you disgusting untermensch
When the fuck is from gonna make a new mecha game?
Range based gameplay.
Shut it kid. Go play your innovative MOBA or BR games.
Bro you just lack imagination. Get this, we can have poorly lit streets, you can wear a flat bill, and you can attack things with a stop sign.
yeah dude a dark souls reskin is super "innovative"
I know right. Not enough fat black people and transexuals.
like effeminate men and stick women are better?
classic bugpeople apologists
>Patrician answer
Bitch, did you read a bit about Aztec mythology ?
Fuckton of nightmare fuel with weird ability and massive thirst for blood.
Pretty much the ideal setting for a Soul game.
>like effeminate men and stick women are better?
They are 100% better.
>Tfw you see the tank
if only Let It Die didn't have the fuckawful f2p monetization model
Could use the Fae's mechanic from WoD.
Monsters and shit exist right next to us, but aren't real enough to be perceptible or interact with us in normal time.
When normality is low (few people around, area is already considered to be spooky, etc) they can with some effort become nearly real for a short time, enough to kill someone / fuck up shit around.
Imbuing yourself with some irreality (by holding some talisman shit or getting a benediction from a priest with actual faith) allow you to see and interact with all monsters. It also mean all those monsters can now attack / use magic on you with efforts.
Very convenient from a lore perspective, because it justify monster sighting only ever having very few witness and being short.
It also justify monsters being very weak when it come to damaging the real world / normal people, but being a serious threat from the player.
I would love a Dark Souls game but after the technological revolution of mecha and stuff has passed and people have fallen back to ye olde days with old rusted mecha sitting around.
The closest we have is Let it Die
Just tailor gameplay to emphasize accuracy instead of dodging or parrying.
It’s great. Awesome aesthetics, combat is fun (you can chop off specific limbs to get their specific armour sets), story is interesting and unique, and the maps are cool and challenging. Make sure you get the DLCs with it as well, one of them had a theme park map which is really funny and cool and ties into the story nicely.
sauce? Google image and sauce nao give me nothing.
>Macuahuitl as a weapon type
Sign me the fuck up
>i want a game with mecha everywhere but you don't actually get to use them
Why are you shilling this shit so hard to pretend like its popular?
Essentially yes, the game you posted comes close but the idea of a world I had in mind was more like Nier Automata as in you can tell that there was a society at some point and they're just not here anymore for whatever reason.
Maybe scifi styled bosses that were from that long ago period that you have to fight against or something like that ?
that's what ds2 was supposed to be
and what ds3 was supposed to be
ds2 and ds3 shouldn't have ever been made, the quality literally just declined with each sequel
Sounds alright but I just want a good new game where you can pilot mecha, preferably with optional first person cockpit view.