Borderlands Remastered


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The remaster looks better

i can barely tell a difference, i guess the remaster is brighter
and finally has a minimap

????? The image you posted clearly shows the remaster looks better

It’s not the remaster’s fault the game’s art style looks like shit

play the original if you want a better framerate

op is seething because of epic games

>borderlands remastered
Literally no one ever asked for this, what the fuck are they doing?

It's because the original's online is fucked and tied to GFWL

I was wondering when the SOULLESS shitters were going to show up.

no, it isnt. fucking dumbass

They added REAL FoV slider, so remaster is infinitely better now.

This. Me and a buddy can run through 1 again.

Looks fine faggot, this might be one of the more faithful remasters out there since it doesn't fuck up the original style and ups the graphics.

Is it going to have a disc release or its digital store only

Since OP is a retard

Is BL2 as good as 1? Should I get it and play the BL2 remaster?

I hope the controller support is improved to feel like the console versions.

Fucking nice, I remember having to do some wizardry like binding the fov change to the sprint button because it would reset otherwise.

I liked 2 more than 1
1 is pretty bland compared to 2

I'm pretty sure they switched to Steamworks for multiplayer hosting like 5 years ago.

What about the pre-sequel?
Should I just get the handsome collection and have everything?

Gamestop or 2K Store only

BL2 is better overall, but BL1 is alright too

Handsome collection is very worth it, especially because it's on sale. Pre sequel is worse than 2 and plays about the same, but in my personal opinion the hierarchy goes like this;
Borderlands 2 > Borderlands > Borderlands: Pre Sequel

Not sherrif fair to compare PC, aren't remasters mostly for console babies that had to settle with 720 or worse at initial launch? Like I can't imagine them ever making an hd remaster of ARMA 3.
I mean if you buy this trash loot spunk you're rarted either way, but still

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>What about the pre-sequel?
It's like Borderlands 2 but with less content, still ok but in my opinion Borderlands 2 is better
>Should I just get the handsome collection and have everything?
Yeah for this price with all the DLCs it's worth it, if you want to play coop with friends it's pretty much a must have

Not that user, but two questions. How does it run on PS4? and does the texture update also come on PS4?

Why do these remasters keep fucking up the lighting so hard? It's one thing for higher quality models and textures, and those look fine here, but jesus christ several of the scenes are like someone put floodlights in the room now.

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fpbp, no need to go on with this abortion of a thread

Is only BL1 enhanced out for now?
Doesn't seem like 2 or PreSequel are already released in their enhanced versions

>fps starts tanking for no reason

who cares you still get to play the original one you own + they added all the GOTY content even if you didn't have any for the original

all three enhanced editions are out on steam

Borderlands 1 > Borderlands 2 > Pre-Sequel

What other series has each installment inferior to the previous one?

Should have linked the time. About 3:40 is when the frames start taking a shit for no reason.

I'm not sure, I'm a pcfag but the texture update is coming to PS4 as far as I know, and on console you have to pay for the re-textured edition of the first game on console

This is all I see, I only got 1 Enhanced?

Attached: 1538677062185.jpg (264x73, 16K)

4K textures incoming today or tomorrow I think


Is anybody else not getting borderlands remastered on steam? I have the updated version of 2 and the pre sequel, but not the first game for some reason?

they're dlc updates

Ah I see, for the other two games it's just updates but for BL1 they made it a "new game" so to say?


um OP please take a look at both pictures again
more closely
It's just DLC for 2.

when will handsome collection start including BL1 remastered?

>but for BL1 they made it a "new game" so to say?
essentially, though to be honest it really just seems like they put the original uncompressed assets in, fucked up some lighting, and maybe put BL1 on the BL2/PS engine if even that much effort went into this

1 has more significant changes that just textures, so it makes sense to have a new executable.

it's out in europe, might be a region thing


I just bought the handsome collection and it gives you access to all upgrades right away

I imagine borderlands 1 has not aged well. I'm sure it's still fun with friends like anything but I have none now so single player bl1 sounds like a chore.

Maybe I'm blind, but I see no difference between these two in that video comparison.

Do people really give this much of a shit about borderlands?
Isn't Gearbox shit?

It's mainly for consoles, a lot of games that get remastered had pretty good PC Ports around the 05-10 era to begin with and the remaster comes out looking worse. Borderlands didn't look anything like the PC version on 360 or PS3 though.

Doesn't the collection not include BL1?

How fucking underage are you?
Borderlands is fucking huge.

It was literally tied to GameSpy though.

It includes everything BL1, 2 and 2.5 aka Pre-Sequel. Everything. Including all remaster upgrades to all 3.

The textures are sharper, the models are a little cleaner (mainly the weapons, look at the SMG comparison for the best example).

Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel had some absolutely atrocious writing trying to make memes of everything, and the gameplay was criticized given how it was basically a loot-shoot version of the same shit the rest of the industry was doing at the time, but the series is still held as the "premiere" loot-n-shoot over Destiny and other competitors in recent history. It's literally the only good thing Gearbox has anymore.

Sorry I was talking about console version. Guess PC gets a better collection

I just want to buy a collection that includes all of them on PS4 with DLCs cause I wanna split-screen

Go back to your piss drinking, Randy.

anybody else having problens starting BL1? the base game still work for me but if i try to open the enhanced edition it say i need to have steam woking to launch

No really, how underage are you?

Borderlands is hands down one of the biggest IP's of the last decade.

restart steam. the remaster is separate from the original for some reason(its called BL goty enhanced)

to build hype for borderlands 3, fix an old game and add QOL features like a mini map and enable 4 player coop and 4k

How does the original look better, with that shitty motion blur?

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last time i played it i didn't have any strange issues,but i played it in splitscreen

are you fucking serious, dude?

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not that guy but really, the normies hold BL in high value. why do you think people have been going "ANNOUNCE BORDERLANDS 3, RANDY" for years

>remaster done by Blind Squirrel Games
>same dev who botched the Bioshock remasters
Says it all. Will have numerous issues that won't get fixed for months, if at all.

I am aware of that, but its no fucking way the biggest IP, especially when Fortnite and Overwatch exists if we're talking normalfaggotry scale

Yes i'm serious, stop being fucking dense.
Borderlands is easily in the top 5 best selling IP's of the last decade. You must be seriously fucking underage if you weren't around for Borderlands 2.

Serious question, why do companies give remasters out to other companies? Why don't they just do it themselves?

Nigga seeYou have to be completely delusional. Support your argument for fucks sake

Because their time is more valuable and better spent on creating new products, like Borderlands 3.

Borderlands sold over 5 million copies on Steam alone.
Borderlands 2 sold over 10 million copies on Steam alone.
Pre-Sequel sold over 5 million copies on Steam alone.
Tales from the Borderlands sold over a 1 million copies on Steam alone.

Console sales would EASILY be twice that of Steam, probably way fucking more. It's a fucking massive IP, always has been, faggots eat it up.

it looks the exact same but the remaster has a few differente light sources i guess making things a bit brighter.

Just checeked >wiki for you niggers, 2008+ franchises
Minecraft (2011) - 154m
Just Dance (2009) - 63m
Borderlands (2009) - 26m
Souls (2009) - 14.7m
Splatoon (2015) - 13.2m bags of dicks etc
Yo-kai Watch (2013) - 13m


Also Overwatch 40+ millions
Fortnite is obviously over9000.

>Support your argument for fucks sake
Less than an hour and Borderlands 3 Collectors Editions are already sold out.

Looks like i dun fucked up by buying the original at a key site right when the enhanced edition came out.

Those Borderlands numbers are old as fuck and don't account for PS4/Xbone etc either.

Not denying its a big IP, but I'm calling your ass out for thinking its even on 10 top considering fucking Anthem, a completely shit game, got more sales by 6 million and that's a new IP.

To further support my argument, Overwatch sold 3 times more than all BL games combined and it sold 10 million in a month alone. Let's not even forget that Fortnite, a free game and a new IP, made billions
And Collectors' editions are always sold out for the sale of re-selling it on Ebay. this happened on every single game out there including Anthem, RDR2, RE7, DMC5, RE2, and fucking MvCI

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Polishing a literal turd

remaster looks so much better with a lot of detail

Borderlands had sold 26 million copies as of 3 years ago, and that doesn't account for all the current gen releases. Overwatch sure as fuck hasn't sold 75-90 million copies you retard.

Watching zoomers be visibly confused about borderlands being a popular franchise is hilarious. Guess that's what happens when you're 8 when the first game came out.

Nigga last year it got over 40 million on PC ALONE. Not even accounting consoles

Do some research next time, randy

>Not denying its a big IP, but I'm calling your ass out for thinking its even on 10 top considering fucking Anthem, a completely shit game, got more sales by 6 million and that's a new IP.
Not that guy but I think he's genuinely correct.
The thing is, in the past ten years there haven't been that many huge smash hits. Just going by this list I see Just Dance, Borderlands, the Souls series, Splatoon, Watchdogs, and a couple others. And most of those have sold way less than Borderlands. I'm cool with that guy not being true, but I would like something more than "well you're probably wrong"

I'd love to hear about the 10 IPs released in the past decade that sold more than Borderlands has. Please user enlighten me and be sure to post sources

40 million and still nobody to play with.

Gamestop wagie here.

Got sent 4 copies on PS4, 2 Xbone, not even halfway through the day and I only have one left for each system. Get your copy while you can bros

it is. retard.

Tribes Ascend remaster WHEN

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>Red Dead
>Battlefield 1
>Any call of duty game since MW
>fucking FIFA after the Ultimate team integration
All these games sold more than the entire Borderlands series (26 million)
you can google sources if you can individual sales.

Your turn, jackass

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I love how you blatantly broke the "10 IPs released in the past decade" rule just so you can continue to incorrectly shitpost about a series.
Seriously I don't even like Borderlands much but you're pathetic.

And I'm not even including mobile games and the two games I mentioned with you (Overwatch and Fortnite)

thinking its among the top 10 big IPs of the past decade, hell even half a decade, is delusion. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you over something this blatant

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They changed to steamworks years ago you fucking pleb

They fixed a lot of shitty bugs on the remaster, so I will take it

Uncharted released 12 years ago. Most of this stuff on your list released over a decade ago in fact. Just admit you were wrong user, it's not hard.

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user most of those were released over a decade ago. A decade is 10 years you see.
Are you seriously trying to argue this when you can't count at all

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>among the top 10 big IPs of the past decade
Goalpost moving. The argument was always that it was one of the biggest NEW IPs. But you knew that, didn't you user

I vastly prefer the first game over 2 and so on so I guess I'll take it

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>"Remastering" a game that runs natively on PC on what remains the most popular operating system
>Spending $0 to recompile 3423424325 lines of C++ and re-release it in a new box and make mild dosh
This shit is so dumb

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compensate the fact that their releasing their new game on epic shit

I liked some of the weapon designs in 1 way more, and I hope they didn't do anything to balance or the weapons itself beyond re-texturing.
I like my Revolvers, I like my Machinegun assaultrifles that last for multiple levels

But the remaster is on Steam.

they literally fixed it like 5 years ago

Destiny is the only game you've listed that is even a new IP in the last decade.
Try again, this time with a little less retard and whole lot more effort.

Why are devil may cuck fans so fucking stupid?

I hope they change em at least a little bit to put them more in line with 2. I mean they don't need super gimmicks but at least make the elemental system less retarded.

But the real changes need to be skill tree ones.

theyre about the same if you ask people. the both have strengths and weaknesses. for example 1 has more guns while 2 has 'more' but because theyre all tied to a gimmick its less. So you can get more guns in 1 and find guns that are strong and to your liking while in 2 you have more variety in gunplay

>elemental system less retarded
>borderlands 2

WOW, it's fucking nothing.

Nigga I don't need that "x3" or whatever to the element and shit, just give me the actual chance and don't make explosive have a chance to explode just have it always explode. On that note, give me the fucking shield recharge delay and nova damage, like jesus there's so much info lacking compared to 2.

thats not the handsome jack collection

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is there a single example?

Anyone else having problems connecting to Shift? I want my damn keys, you apparently get 75 for having 2 and TPS.

I think he means the fact that slag exists

Some shots look better but on the comparison for Dr. Zed why does the remaster lose the natural lighting? Fucking remasters

Nevermind, it suddenly decided to work

>turning up the contract can now be considered remastering a game
oh where did it all go so wrong


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They both look like shit, the remaster just looks like overly bright and saturated shit.

I don't see the point. It's a cartoon. Looks like they turned the brightness up.

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>literally one new IP

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>NEW WEAPONS: There are already too many to count so we added more.
>NEW CHARACTER HEADS: Be as beautiful as mom says you are.
Someone can show some stuff?

Calm down, normie. It ain't top 5 by a long shot

holy shit this sucks

remember back then: borderlands was not a franchise. it was new, it was made relatively cheap, and brought in a fair bit of innovation. loot and shoot really wasnt much of a thing back then. smaller budget games that dont expect millions of sales are in more of a position to innovate than titles with gigantic budgets that need to sell a trillion copies to recoup its costs. the smaller team behind bl1 was allowed to take risks with its design, and it payed off immensely. now that its ballooned, they now have to be extra safe with its decisions to make it as comfortable and appealing as possible, and in doing so lost its original appeal.

for example, the lighting in the zed reveal did a lot to characterize himself and the world around him. i mean, hes a bit of a fucked up doctor doing the best he can with his limited resources and hacking apart a corpse in a dimly lit makeshift shed. the original artists used dimmer lighting to give a specific feeling to this scene. in case youre stupid: its intentionally dark and dingy. the remake just goes YEAH YOU CANT SEE HIM VERY WELL LETS MAKE IT BRIGHTER NOW YOU CAN SEE HIM.

like how little do the people who publish games actually value games and the effort that goes into them? the original game still exists and is perfectly playable. they could have just updated the game with some minor options like fov sliders or whatever with a smallish marketing push to remind people that the game still exists and is worth playing. you dont need to rebuild the whole thing and walk all over the original's intentions and art direction just to get people to buy an older game. holy shit

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Theres like 4 new weapons and like 3 new heads per character.

It's just an extremely cheap cash grab to capitalize on 3. Nothing more. Anyone that has played borderlands 1 before has no reason to buy this.

>it's a Yea Forums screenshots a compressed youtube video and makes graphics claims episode

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>It's just an extremely cheap cash grab to capitalize on 3

Wait, people cant buy the Original 1 anymore? Also damn this shit isnt cheap at all, people that dont had the first one got cucked really hard

>Anyone that has played borderlands 1 before has no reason to buy this.
Good thing everyone that already owned 1 is getting the remaster for free.

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Remaster looks better and IGN video is shit as always

Wait, so I have Borderlands 2 on the 360, can I get the updated textures through backwards compatibility on xbone or do I have to buy the Handsome Collection?

>clearly a spotlight on him
>remaster fixes shitty lighting

thank god

just buy a pc and stop buying physical

for the master race we don't have to do anything other than exist and its auto updated on digital.

you can literally adjust the brightness in options, when I played this earlier it wasn't any brighter than the original. The game looks the same but with sharper/better textures.

Anyone on PS4 having a problem where the trophies for borderlands goty don't show up on your trophy list?

I only use my PC (from 2004) for Yea Forums and Youtube only with no plans on upgrading. You didn't even answer my question

You have to buy the Handsome collection.

Yes, lower graphics usually result in better framerates.

Remaster looks marginally better, mostly the character models. But it's free shit anyway unless you're a console cuck ofcourse.

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I think it's free on consoles too if you have the handsome collection.



Attached: Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Screenshot 2019.04.03 - (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Remaster looks better, aside from emphasizing the inked lines too much. They were not as deep with the blacks on the OG release.

OP being a retard again I see

Attached: borderlands.jpg (1270x673, 103K)

Remaster looks less blurry? Neat.

>No reason
Nigger that's not how codes work

so they just updated the shaders? thats so fucking lazy

>I don't know, let's add 50 extra hair lines!

bl1 is so much better than bl2
so comfy and hands off you, with perfect gameplay like shooting those fucking bugs in the eyes
bl2 is saturated and tedious

i think it looks better and adds more saturation. the models i think are the same, its just that they redone their rendering engine and thats it.

Why gift free OP legendaries, forces me to self restrict to enjoy the game. Retard nu game devs i swear

stop being retarded on purpose, you can clearly see that texture is less blurry and that the model have high res shadow maps

so are the other BL games, yet steamfags are downvoting them en masse as we speaking

And you get your eyes checked, since on the left-half of her hair where the white highlight is, there's a series of extra lines painted in on the '19 version.

bl1 is unsaturated and tedious



it looks either no different, or sharper in the remaster.

it really didn't take much to actually "remaster" this game, considering it was made right at the pinnacle of diminishing returns, but quality of life improvements and sharper textures, more pc options are great. i loved the first game and think the second one was TOO fucking long and boring. i'm happy they did this.


>literally the only difference is slightly better lighting

What the fuck Randy


brightness isn't exactly what im talking about. its more about the spectrum of value on the screen.

i put the previous image in black and white to emphasize the point a bit more. the remake has much brighter highlights and midtones, but the shadows are about the same. this isnt something that a gamma slider can fix unless the game has some robust options im unaware of. the original very much had a spotlight on him, but it could be seen as a bit of the natural light from outside peeking inside a bit. the remake takes this subtlety, throws it away, and fills the scene with very bright highlights.

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>that fucking ambient occlusion in dr.zed cutscene
can't wait for raytracing to kill this cancer once and for all

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Weren't all those intro cutscenes pre-rendered in vanilla BL1?

they still are

Remaster looks better in every way. Sage.

>Downloaded it
>Crashes after a few seconds

why is his arm transparent in the original
did the original artists do that also?

They're just recreating the vanilla BL1 PC experience.

the remasters better, but id assume there wouldnt be much of a reason to buy this if you've already played through them. It doesn't even look like that much of an improvement.