What did Tropico 6 mean by this?

what did Tropico 6 mean by this?

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Americans killed well over a million civilians with their bombings in Europe and Japan and went on to develop the first nuclear weapons.
Remember, if there are no indiscriminate bombings of civilians, then you are not fighting the US.

It's accurate no matter who you think was the good guy in the war.

When are they going to make another pirate tropici

There are no good guys in war.

Holy shit everyone who worked on this game should starve to death

What's wrong with it?

It's true that's what makes it funny

Nah, I don't think the devs are commies

Well they're from former comie countres

that's pretty good actually

Thats hilarious

This series portrays everyone as a highly exaggerated stereotype. In 4 you could pick a character trait called "Ugly" which would give you a bonus when negotiating with the Middle East. There's a mission where your miners get trapped underground by an earthquake, the Chinese offer to sell you a superdrill to get them out, and if you buy it your miners get trapped even further underground because it was actually made cheaply and poorly

based and redpilled


Kek, that's actually pretty good. I might need to pick this game up.

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that's pretty funny and completely accurate no matter which side you are on, or which side you think is the evil one
lmfao I'm actually shocked something like that is in a game in The Current Year +4

most people who have experienced communism are against it

Pretty based if you ask me. The only thing missing are quotation marks next to evil.


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How is the game anyway? Last one I played was 3 or 4 (which were basically identical)

It's essentially Tropico 2 + Tropico 4

>"Ugly" which would give you a bonus when negotiating with the Middle East
doesn't it specifically say you look like a camel or something

Also basically identical

Is it only me or is the economy far more sink or swim than before? It feels like as if you go negative its really hard to crawl out of.

Is this game cracked yet?

>what did Tropico 6 mean by this?
That war is necessarily evil. As is patriotism.

stop seething tranny

I played the 5th game and it felt like a lot of the dialogue was very tongue-in-cheek, I wouldn't read too much into this.

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would like to play this but 5 was really disappointing and 6 is pretty expensive. still worth it?

>that mission description for better red than dead

Too real.

>highly exaggerated stereotype
>Chinese equipment is made cheaply and poorly
where's the exaggeration?

>punch Nazis! kill Nazis!
>but don't bomb Nazis that's bad

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Are we just going to pretend civilian killing and torture isnt a commonly practiced thing all throughout history, even by other powers in ww2 and up to today?

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This dick is too big!

*Unzip penis*

i guess the message is that german civilians were unlikely to be nazis considering it was the nazis that were evil and oppressive towards them, right? so bombing them is wrong

What description

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This is accurate. I think the Nazi's were obviously in the wrong but do we just pretend that WW2 wasn't full of firebombings and the deaths of innocents?

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There is no necessary evils. Only blatant abuses

The whole nationalism guilt thing pushed on western societies (particularly America and unionised Europe) makes people blind to that kind of thing. This is a country where a huge percentage of the population is obsessed over slavery happening in the past while ignoring that in parts of the world that exact same kind of slavery and much worse is still happening today.

It means in a a war everybody is the bad guy

t. someone who lost a war

"You're so ugly, they call you Moses – because every time you step in the lake, the water parts. You don't have any mirrors at home – they all committed suicide. When they introduced you to your future wife, who was blind as a bat, she ran away screaming and swam the whole ocean just to make sure she'd never encounter you again. Despite all this, your likeness to a camel wins you some unexpected affection."
Constant Effects: -5 respect with all citizens
1 Star Effects: +10 relations with the Middle East

>nation a invades nation b
>nation b defends
>it turns into a war
>nation b is just as bad as nation a

While it is very similar, it's probably the best Tropico out yet. It has some decent additions

>doesn't look like trump

All countries lost a war at some point, retard

I always start with spamming mines and it seems to work. trade routes are very important too

So much this.

It could just as easily be referring to the London Blitz and the V2 weapons and referring to the Allies as evil.
It's a funny fucking joke, I don't know why OP was upset by it.

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t. european

gee who knew germany invaded england

Not mine.