*does absolutely fucking nothing*
*does absolutely fucking nothing*
Other urls found in this thread:
*still end up being more relevant to the plot than fucking Lucia*
Just you wait, Lucia will be very much relevant when Uroboros rises again.
I'll wait
>women are useless
wow shocker
Only in this game
When you realize DmC had better story than DMC5.
They have a DLC coming up with these two soon
and real life and everywhere else too pretty much
I'll wait forever if I must
go to bed tameem
The story wasn't about them. They were just there for fanservice. They'll get their expansion.
So like always?
Lady did nothing to actually eliminate the threat in DMC3, she only got in Dante's way and killed some fodder, what she actually was further Dante's character development into being actually focused on ending Vergil's plan.
Trish in DMC1 didn't do anything for 80% of the game, the other 10% was her showing her true colors then remaining 10% was being Dante's sheild and helping him with some energy recover to seal off Mundus.
After their debut games Lady and Trish are pretty much sidekicks to make way for Dante to do his thing.
Every single thread about females, this retard comes running in to cry and whine about his nonsense.
you might be confusing me with someone else this is my first rant against w*men of the day
Are you ok there man
>there more than one person who posts the exact same garbage
That's even sadder.
Seriously why do you incels hate women so much?
Are you a roastie? You do sound like one
Speaking of relevance, what was this guy's deal again?
He would look cool as Dante son DT in male form
Probably a stray nin toddler
its not fair they get all the good looking guys just because they have a vagina
They are doing their stuff in the background.
>what she actually was further Dante's character development into being actually focused on ending Vergil's plan.
So she was important then. A character doesn't need to beat bosses or be strong to be a major character.
>Trish in DMC1 didn't do anything
Literally kick started the plot of 1. Far more than what she did in 5.
yeah a lot of people hate w*men and recognize the faults with them, you shilling for them actually makes you an outlier
And what makes you think we care about your personal problems.
uhh youre one person so you should be using "I" not "we"
I actually thought Vergil would be in the bloody palace release but i guess not. Maybe he actually won't be a playable character.
No I agree with him, so that makes us we. But I think you incels are funny so I don't mind that much
but trish and lady are really good boss fights in this game
Vergil is playableI'm not talking about V
>No I agree with him, so that makes us we
uhh theres only person shilling for women bro and thats you
>But I think you incels are funny so I don't mind that much
idk but i find you incels that shill for women even more hilarious
I will never forgive them for not letting me play as mommy Lady again. You're dead to me, capcom.
Obviously being set up for dlc
Okay, lol
He's right, at least DmC ripped off They Live and Futurama and The Crow and everythig they could, and in the end there was some (stolen) substance there
What the fuck was that DMC5 story, nothing fucking happened and 3/4 of the game is spent climbing a fucking demon tree
No idea how it lasted 20 missions, you could tell the same story in 4-5
you cant fool me bro i know its you
Same as always desu. Lady had like 5 minutes of screen time in 3 and trish had less in 1. Special editions aside side characters have never mattered in dmc.
I hope we will get some new DLC
i don't understand why Yea Forums started to tell that we don't get any dlc anymore after the stream from the other day
And the result is that DmC has no consistency whatsoever, it was a mishmash of ideas that they thought were 'cool' with the hope that they'd work together. As it is, DmC has no identity on it's own because you are constantly comparing it to other movies and even to the original franchise.
I for one wasn't so much of a fan of DMC5 story, but to say DmC's is better is an overstretch.
but Lady does make me hard
how the FUCK do I deal with 3x Fury in BP
Looks like someone's got mommy issues.
Sin dt bro
Like eating pizza in Dante’s place. Thank god Morrison came in to crush their dreams of keeping the place.
Wow, just like 1 and 3!
Like all women i am right fellas?
Lady was pretty much the main character, plot wise in 3. Trish has always been useless
At least Lucia had more story importance in 2 than Trish had in 1 or 4.
Surprised how much a stupid joke such as this triggered that many people. Guess i'm really stuck between racists /pol/tards and SJW virgins.
I'm just waiting for sfm stuff
>he doesn't know
Trish should just turn evil again, it's not like she has anything interesting to do
I wish she looked like that ingame instead of the tranny face we got.
good I don't want the story to focus on them
Reminds of me that one episode in the anime where they run into each other in a store.
Kill yourself.
But she does not look like a tranny the fuck
Yeah i do have mommy issues as in i want a mommy gf
Good, fuck tranny and trash.
Also this.
Tbh clearly the main girl of this game was Nico, Trish and Lady are there only for fan-service.
She could swallow you whole with that serpent jaw.
>prominent brow bone
>man jaw
>man nose
yeah its a tranny
You make it sound like they did anything in DMC 1,2,3 o 4.
They literally exist just to prove that Dante's not gay
but dante is gay how else could all that yaoi fanart exist
Mommy and sis issues.
>tranny lovers are wojak posters
You just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole
maybe because it's the truth
Lucia had such a good design. Too bad she's trapped in such a lousy game.
>pic related is a tranny
Are you retarded?
you must be gay to not find Lady attractive
if she aint a tranny then why she look like one HUH?
ahaha this webm is great
>that webm
this can't be real, right? even retarded people play better than this
Not him but the SFM stuff we've gotten so far is really "ok" to god awful. Really wish the overwatch fags would do some, their stuff is godlike. I might even commission some stuff i'm so desperate
Are you seeing the same i'm seeing on Rule 34? Nico animated ones are the best right now though
Shit man, you might have a point, I guess pick related according to your logic is a girl
Why did they need to do anything?
I'm not looking for nico, i've only looked for lady so far
imagine being this obsessed with trannies
When are these lazy cunts gonna get fucked so they leave this place forever fucking Yea Forums is a shithole with those landwhales trying to defend their crap
gooks are insects and female insects have penises while males have vaginas so yeah that is a girl
she'd be more attractive if she was naked
IMAGINE seething over this post.
Women have done absolutely nothing of worth in their entire existence meanwhile men have built civilizations and everything in this world.
Never understimate Americans.
Well, I guess. But there is a difference to a woman and to a mother. Without mothers we wouldn't be here, she carried you inside her fucking stomachs and you kicked her from inside while you were a baby, imagine how fucking scared she was. Go and hug your mother's anons, they don't have more time to live than you, say them you love them before it's too late.
>millennials talking about achievements
>Literally have a mommy wife I love
>She will never know every time we fuck im imagining it.
Its something else user.
well which generation would you say deserves to talk about achievements?
>Literally the same as being proud of pissing, taking a shit, and cumming
Without your father you wouldn't have been born either.
In DMC3, Lady just got her ass kicked over and over, with her only real victories being over the weakest mooks in the game. I'd like to note that in the time it took her to defeat a handful of Hell Prides, Dante finished an entire mission. And then in DMC4, she did absolutely fuck-all. Why the fuck did you expect things to be any different in DMC5?
And Trish? Trish never did anything. She spent 95% of DMC1 doing absolutely nothing. She wasn't even around in DMC2 or DMC3. In DMC4, she spent most of the time either doing nothing or making things worse.
Why the FUCK would ANYONE expect them to do ANYTHING in this game?
Because women hate incels.
Its called a vicious cycle.
>women are useless
>half this board are suicidal because tfw no gf
I always wondered why Trish hogged the Sparta Sword when Dante could have always made better use out of it.
Based antiboomer poster
i'm not even a mutt but I can see from the webm that those aren't murricans
you're fucking stupid
lay off the lolis
so you're saying a woman's worth is only to be a man's cumdump?
Dante never needed it until DMC5. Trish, on the other hand, nearly died to some falling rocks, so clearly she DID need it.
preach my nigga
>dude i'm totally saving the world by discussing the racial quota of shitty videogames and superhero movies for 5 year olds that, despite me being 30, I take very very seriously
You're a millennial too.
>dante steals both of their weapons
>forces them into keeping his buisness running instead of selling it off
What a dick
Is this pic implying there's no feminist or multiculturalism pushing millennials?
>Lady did nothing to actually eliminate the threat in DMC3
She literally pulled the trigger.
After he was beaten and lost all his power.
>never underestimate the most powerful country in the world
>Yfw we eventually get playable Vergil, Lady and Trish
>Six playable characters
>And Co-op bloody palace
Is it too much to ask for a whole new Vergil/Lady/Trish campaign? I would pay good money for that.
Never underestimate how retarded burgers can be.
Even worse than nothing. They were stuck inside two demons for seemingly no reason other than to be rescued. Trish I can somewhat understand, but what makes Lady special? Even if she's talented she's still a regular human.
I hope the reason we didn't get coop BP is because they have to tweak enemy amounts/boss properties because otherwise it will be too fucking easy since the whole thing is easy for one person.
Imagine Vergil but he summons 2-3 clones depending on how many coop partners you have.
Based and redpilled.
>your shitty literal who country is terrified over a bunch of retarded burgers
Datamines strongly suggest they are going to be playable and a Ladys night DLC with Lucia was listed. Do you not understand that it takes time to make content user?
>vergil but he's on turbo mode
Die roastie
>and a Ladys night DLC with Lucia was listed.
Source? I thought they said they had no plans for additional DLC before the game came out. Vergil is probably slated for the SE since he already has a moveset (and he's released for every SE), but Lady/Trish don't.
She has priestess blood
>Trish & Lady go on a shopping spree
>both send their bills to dante
hey, sounds to me like he's just learning a thing or two from them! :P He's using his brain! be proud!
>tfw 30, bald, circle-bearded and wear glasses
And I can't even stand those wide-mouthed fucks.
Have sex
You know what to do, keep your beard short, wear contacts, and get buff.
They will receive karmic retribution in their next life when they have to live in the aftermath.
Astigmatism of my left eye means I can't wear contacts comfortably, but thankfully I only need this shit for reading. Fuckin' A on the other stuff.
ordered the game
Can you switch styles here like 4 or you can only bring one like 3? and do Rebellion/Sparda/Dante has a single skill tree or do you still need to buy the skills of each one making you not waste orbs on the first two and focus the upgrades only on Dante?
Lady wasn't completely useless.
Lady small ass is cute and i want to use it as a pillow and maybe bite it
Figures you're here as well.
Not 100% true desu. Every man needs a woman to provide them with affection.
at least they made it back to the right bench
I'm 29 and never had sex or gf. Why? I'm not a fat basement dweller either. I work in HR so I'm good at talking to people.
Based ignore the cucks
I wonder how people who really believe this look like. Do they get sex ? Hmmm, I wonder
God I wish she was a tranny
Seriously, what is even the point in having those girls in the game? All they ever do is get fucked by Vergil and then turn into monsters. I guess they do indirectly give new weapons to Dante though, so there's that.
kind of looks like a DLC bait t.bh
God, I wanna fuck Nico
No you dont...
Yes I do
or 99% of female NPCs in modern games for that matter.
DMC 5 felt like a love letter to the fans after DmC:Devil May Cry. So from that perspective it makes sense to include 2 iconic characters from previous games. Considering Trish/Lady had mocap done and had actual lines though it seems like a waste of money for how little they were used. Still disappointed we got shitty discount concept scenes instead of video of the mocap
You either die a virgin or live long enough to see yourself become the tranny.
Good thing that they know their place. One weak link in the chain and they're going to need to save drowning people too.
I loved DMCV, loved every character interaction, that's why I'm so disappointed with the story
we finally have the Vergil redemption arc, Dante is back and cool as ever, and Nero is a perfect example of punk MC, and yet we have such a lame story
Lady and Trish are used just as some gimmick to revive old bosses, and the story itself revolves around Vergil while he's always in the background
it's like playing the prologue of a more, vast game, just without the main part
DMCV is like MGS:Ground Zeroes
>DMCV is like MGS:Ground Zeroes
Well thank god it's no Phantom Pain because I'd rather have a glorified Ground Zeroes than anything that came after it.
Considering the game is about Nero coming to terms with his fucked up family you'd have thought Lady would have had a little more to contribute than one meaningful line of dialogue. Heck, even Trish can relate to the game's message since her only real family member is an evil demon king that she betrayed after a few hours.
her hair looks so stringy and nasty
A strong jaw means good breed material. Only trannies think bottom looks better because its about as warped as their perception of beauty and reality.
>and the story itself revolves around Vergil while he's always in the background
They also completely ignore the fact that Vergil is singlehandly responsible for the deaths of probably millions of people (Nico said the effects of the tree where " happening everywhere").
>>Vergil redemption arc
>fucks up an entire city
>sucks blood dry from thousands, if not millions of humans
>unleashes a gigantic hellish tree that's traveling over the world
>"hey Vergil, are we on good terms now?"
>"I just need to find another way to satisfy my power autism. We're good until then."
Some redemption story right?
Have sex
I hate women because I've had relations with them, not because I haven't. They are emotional vampires.
i have
don't ever post my dead wife photoshopped ever again please
He wasn't even redeemed. More like everyone just let it slide when it came to temen-ni-gru and the qliphoth. Not one person even mentions all the people Vergil has killed and no one has an issue with him eating a giant fruit of blood. Still hoping we have some kind of closure in the SE
with you? no thanks
based and redpilled.
Always laugh when people say manjaw because I have a weak ass chin/jaw and my kids need to get those genes from somewhere.
Strong jaws look good on everyone, so long as it isn't a hapsburg/jay leno jaw
bros how do we put a stop to incelCHADS?
Have you ever worked before? Woman don't do work they just sit around talking to one another and get paid the same as the hard working men.
Yea Forums forgot what people look like from watching too much anime
Yea Forums (((d*scord)))
Come join frens