That kid whose mom wouldn't let him play video games because video games are "satanic"

>that kid whose mom wouldn't let him play video games because video games are "satanic"

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>have friend in grade school
>Couldn't play video games or drink soda due to strictly religious parents
>Our parents would promise when he spent the night over at my house he wouldn't partake in those things, he did anyways
>Every time he got the spent night at my house it was like Christmas for him

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You probably set off a butterfly effect that led to him being a bisexual drug fueled heathen

>Have parents lax as fuck
>Literally buy me every damn console up until the Wii/PS3/Xbox360 era
>All the kids from my days who had video game restrictions become video game junkies while I grew up to learn about moderation

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>I was a spoiled brat


Any activities other than reading the bible and going to church are satanic. We exist to serve God and nothing more.

>there are people on Yea Forums right now who don't know Moon Over June
Protip: don't look it up.

That's literally the he ugliest thing I've seen today.
user, you can find better.

>knew a kid who had that kind of family
>kid grows up
>joins the Navy
>becomes a Japanese citizen with a waifu
>living the fucking dream now

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I was less spoiled and more enjoyed what I was given even though they kept on giving.
But it got to a point where I was entrapped in the video game life so much it got old.
Now I barley play video games but when I do, they're good games.
Stay thirsty my friends.

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Not allowing your children to play videogames is always a good decision regardless what reason. That stuff is like crack to them. Especially online games.
I don't think the singleplayer stuff most of us grew up with can be compared to what Zoomers play today in terms of how addictive they are.

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Into good games.
Into addictive games.

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>Got an NES for Christmas as my first console
>Only got a SNES at my dad's, my mom and stepdad refused to buy one because "we can't use our old stuff? What a ripoff!" while my dad actually understood tech shit
>Got a N64 at my mom's, PS1 at my dad's
>Got a GBC for each house
>Dad always bought the weird shit like Turbografx and even a 3DO once because they were always on clearance
>Went through like 15 Genesis consoles because they kept fucking shitting out on us for some reason
>Mom and stepdad told me no more video games and went nuclear when I bought my own gamecube with my first job
>Continued buying games and they kept absolutely losing their shit
>Moved out
>12 years later I'm 30 years old with my own three bedroom house making bitchin' money where every room is my battlestation

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lol dumb burgers

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>>Only got a SNES at my dad's, my mom and stepdad refused to buy one because "we can't use our old stuff? What a ripoff!" while my dad actually understood tech shit
>>Got a N64 at my mom's, PS1 at my dad's
>>Got a GBC for each house
The ultimate con is to make your parents divorce so you have 2 Christmases.

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Did you miss the part where I said stepdad? Already happened. It was amazing.

>All those video games from two sets of parents, four sets of grandparents, and loads of aunts and uncles

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My neighbor's mom burned off his collection of Pokemon TC cards because she got into one of these churches were everything is satanic. I distinctly remember asking her why does she think Pokemon is satanic and she told me it was because Pikachu ears were like the devil's horns.

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Boku no Piko

My family wanted tried to force me not playing agressive games because I'm yelling and screaming for my life in my sleep. They always stopped enforcing it after a week or two. It was not because of belief by being afraid of my wellbeing.

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>Moon over June
Fuck you for reminding me that shit exists.

>that kid who hated you for no reason

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Honestly those were better times when video games were considered satanic.

Absolutely correct.
>Be poorfag
>Parents never but me anything but the bare necessities
>Too smart to fit in with the ghetto kids
>Too poor to fit in with the cool kids
>Always out of the loop playing past gen games
>Grow up and become engineer
>Buy every gen day one don't even care
>At long last having the life I deserved in my childhood
>Gonna dump my parents in the cheapest asylum I find as soon as I can as retribution for my fucked up childhood
Protip: if you don't have money don't even bother having kids.

>have a friend who has a little brother with sever autism
> My friend and I are big into pokemon and his brother wanted to be as well, but they could never take it home, because their mom was all about the bible.
>I forget the full reason why, but one day the kid was having a real tough time, and so I gave him a bunch of my pokemon cards.
>he is really happy and my friend mentions to him, ok but hide them and don't let mom see them.
>first thing he does when he gets home is shows them to his mother because he was so happy to have been given such a great gift.
>she immediately destroys them and the brother is no longer allowed to be around me.

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>parents let me play manhunt and gta
>wouldn't let me watch south park or family guy until I was 18

weird now that I think back

good thing I'm too new to know what this is

>i was that kid
>regret pushing all those people away for im now alone

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>parents wouldn't let me watch south park
>but they would let me watch family guy
In retrospect, this is shittier than not being allowed to watch either.

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I don't know if you remember me but I'm the guy that eight years ago posted regularly in Yea Forums (and ocassionally in Yea Forums) about how I forced myself to fap to every single MoJ comic strip up until that point as a self-challenge.

>15 Genesis consoles
wtf were you doing to them?

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>no reason
lol get a load of this gay

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>that kid whose mom wouldn't let him play video games because video games are "satanic"
sorry, I don't live in a religious 3rd-world shithole, so I do not know that feel

Are you a burger?

I already said I don't live in a religious 3rd-world shithole

>Did you miss the part where I said stepdad?
no retard. I was describing what you had. The ultimate con.

I grew up on the internet so I didn't really bother to try and have closer friends as a kid. At best a few school acquaintances.

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Thankfully my mom wasn't that stupid.

Are you stupid?

>work in secondhand media shop in UK
>boomer lady comes in and wants to return some games because they are too violent for her kids
>CoD GTA the usual suspects
>husband had come in the other day looking for game recommendations and had obviously given them to his kids to play
>"we can return the value to a voucher for you to spend in store but we can't refund the value as there's nothing wrong with the games themselves and you bought them two weeks ago"

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I genuinely don't know. I think my sister at my dad's house was kicking them when she got upset, because every time I'd go to my dad's on the weekend my dad was always either getting the genesis fixed, or bought a used one from a local gaming place to frankenstein parts into to make ours work again.

>Went through high school not talking to anyone outside of a small circle of friends
>Always had a girlfriend, even if just a shitty high school girlfriend who dumped me after a week because "idk lol that guy is hotter sorry babe"
>When I went to my high school reunion a year or two ago all these people I barely talked to had memories of me as this amazing pussy slayer

You take the bad with the good

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Funny thing is?
All the video games shoved into my face made me teach myself about moderation.
Some lessons kids need to learn the hard way.

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>Living the dream

>user posting loli devil
>Bragging about glorious lifestyle after getting replies to their first post
Something tells me gaming addiction ain't your issue.

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user I've jerked off to stick figures and literal pixels in a flash video game and even I'm impressed.

That's his retarded Christ cuck parent's fault

You know about moderation but you still post on the chans. What's up with that?

I take breaks.
8 years worth of breaks. You miss a lot of shit but hell at least your mind gets a break from the arrogance and ignorance here.

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>that tsundere kid


>Posting on Yea Forums

>using the internet

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