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valve BTFO
Who even wanted Borderlands 3 though?
Does it really matter at this point? The only reason anyone going nuts over Epic is because Tencent has stock in it, which doesn't mean much.
B-b-borderlands never even interested me! SHUT UP!! I'll just pirate it instead!
>which doesn't mean much
ni hao
>torrented BL2 a couple of months after it came out, bought the whole thing two years later
>torrented TPS on launch, bought it around a year later
History repeats itself, eh
1989 Tiananmen Square
Tencent is losing money and doesn't own a majority of the shares in Epic. They're there but they don't make every decision.
>Gearbox very last chance after like 3 major blunders in a row gets crippled by take2.
Its over alright, Randys gonna close down GB by next year
t. epic shill chinkspeak
Fuck yeah, Epic bought me my free copy of BL3!
Never understood why there was controversy over launchers
Real talk. It's garbage, you won't play it. I won't play it. Let's not kid ourselves here. It's only halfway decent with friends and I can't convince any of them to play it, let alone buy it.
This is so fucking stupid. I play everything on Xbox so I don’t give a shit anyway but goddamn it people it’s a free app just download the fucking app and then you can play the fucking game.
PLEASE. So we can actually discuss the game instead of OH MY GODDDD I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A FREE APP WTF BROOOOO
I have a XBOX
Based and piratepilled.
>just download the spyware bro
Dumb nigger.
This. I was going to pirate it if it was on Steam or Epic.
>h-hur we never wanted it anyway!
Yes, I personally didn't, get over it Chinese. Playing through 2 cuz a old friend made me and my fucking god what a slog that shit game is. bullet sponges out of the ass on top of it its fucking awful.
based Yea Forums being retarded, gearbox has always worked with epic games
It's not just that. Epic is strong-arming their way into the digital distribution PC market with ZERO benefits to the consumer. They're not offering a better experience for the consumer; they're throwing around Fortnite cash.
I'm too afraid of malware and miners in pirated copies. How can I be sure pirated copies aren't infected?
>inb4 "Common Sense 2k12"
What about when my anti-virus throws out "false positives"?????
>start Borderlands Remastered
>unskippable cutscene
They also worked with Valve in the past. Means fuck all if you're looking for a deal that you find favorable.
What the fuck are you talking about? Spyware? What do you have to hide?? Who fucking cares? Do you wanna play the game or not? Holy shit who cares if some random guy is looking at your fucking reaction folder
>game is announced
>"oh nice I might pick that up"
>game has been out for a week and reviews are saying it's okay
>"guess I'll buy it"
>find out it's exclusive to a certain online store
>"well I guess I'll download that then"
>install game
>launch game
>play game
what's the problem here?
it's 2k's decision retard
Yeah, letting chinese government find your futanari fap folder is fucking unacceptable
No such thing as "free". There's a good reason why, you fegget.
So you're just a faggot then.
Hah I've never even played a single Borderlands game because they all look like reddit trash
Playing a game 1 year before steam is a benefit no?
t. Chang
ye, 20 years ago
No different then a liberal dismissing a argument and crying MUH ALT RIGHTER
t. child
Why do people care about these games?
I played 2 and it was rather mediocre. Then again im not a big FPS fan, even less for SP ones.
Can't tell if bait or retard.
What’s the reason?
Why does stonetoss draw them nice DSLs?
I use literally none of those programs for that exact reason.
Why would I start with the epic storefront? It's literally worse than origin is. Not as bad as origin initially was, literally unable to be uninstalled entirely, but still really bad.
Not an argument.
reddit and normies play it. Borderlands was always cringy and garbage.
I'm not supporting the Chines government, Chang.
In a perfect world, yes.
Unfortunately for epic though, there exists a means to play the game on PC anyway, completely ignoring the timed exclusivity.
just found out my wife's pregnant and i am seriously contemplating suicide... not sure what to do right now; maybe i should do it on livestream
Oh who am I kidding, you're going to get it anyways since everyone else is.
1.Just a simple program to download
2.literally takes seconds to download launch and create a new account
3.really good exclusives currently
Can you say that again with that Tencent cock out of your mouth Tim?
>using anti-virus
Okay Xiao Ling
it's called having friends you fat virgins
Can you give any evidence of it being spyware? Bonus points if it does anything Steam doesn't do as well.
shut up Randy
>just get chinese spyware and help out China dude it's fine
no thanks. Also, I'm all for competition but buying exclusives is fucking dirty. I'm not downloading shit.
The hubris is Valve to just do nothing while they lose and more games will be talked about for years to come how a monopoly killed themselves.
I hate this argument so fucking much
>I already have one dick in my asshole, what's wrong with a couple more???? Ahurr adurrr
friend list and chat is the only useful thing there
90% of that has no impact on playing a video game.
So is "DUDE ITS A FREE PROGRAM" the new shill script
my friends aren't retarded simps who play garbage
wrong reply
But what's wrong with a couple more, really?
the problem is it does the same as Steam, aka reading files related to Steam
Guess I'm getting it on PS4, then eventually Steam come a GOTY release.
Exactly what I meant.
>implying i've ever bought a borderlands game day 1
Look at all the day 1 DLC and tell me you think buying this game on release is a good idea.
its not.
its almost a fucking blessing they did this.
>Dozens of different storefronts and shops exist that sell all the same games Steam does
>EGS drowns out the competition, pays off developers and publishers for exclusives
>Shuts down any other storefronts that would sell their exclusives
>Somehow not trying to create a monopoly
Kill yourself.
I'd much rather play it on the fucking xbone of all things than download that program, as well.
>what's the problem here?
there's never been exclusivity on pc besides obviously first party titles (blizzard doesn't let other store sell their games ecc..)
Literally only thing I care about on there is the friends list.
Thanks for pointing me toward the Epic Games Store.
me and my mates
The fact that they literally state in the ToS that they spy on your pc does
>Implying I was going to play this in the first place
I'm not giving Gearbox a fucking penny after the shit they've pulled, regardless of it being an Epic exclusive.
lmao thats hilarious, lets say Valve is losing to Epic in some bizzaro future, literally all Valve has to do is announce a game in one of their franchises (hl3, portal 3, l4d3) and they'd regain all of their market back.
so much this, who fucking care
because you have none kid, fuck off
Every ToS you blindly agree to does the same. Try reading them all some time.
Okay seriously, it's like everyone acts like viruses simply don't exist, because THESE ARE THE ONLY RESPONSES. Never a real answer as to be absolutely certain a pirated version is safe.
Example: I want to get Sekiro and it's on piratebay, and there are over 500 seeders, BUT not one single fucking comment.
Short of downloading brittney_spears-toxic.mp3.exe, I think I'm pretty fucking capable of not getting viruses, but it's not so cut-and-dry like that.
Exclusive Right of Sales = Full Market Control
Steam accesses Steam config files with information that you gave to Steam stored on your PC
You can change one instance of Steam here to Epic and get a true statement
This. It's just Steambois being angry someone else is strongarming the PC gaming market.
or I can just pirate this garbage so I can shitpost about it informed and not worry about it
kys bootlicker
God damn, I knew we had shills for years, but holy shit, they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.
Why is it that only bad games accept Epic's bribe?
Rhys was the only reason I cared about the game in the first place, but fuck Epic anyways.
use private trackers dumbass
I haven't even downloaded epic games launcher yet but it unironically looks better based on your screenshot, Steam is a bloated piece of shit full of garbage no one will ever use, like a horrible music player as if people weren't using foobar (or spotify if you're a dumb nigger)
You really think I'm gonna buy this shit full price when the "has everything" edition will be out by holiday season for half the "it's a game" edition price? Don't think so friendo.
You're the product.
And an idiot apparently.
i was gonna pirate it but pirate bay has none of those either
steam = launcher with facebook features for zoomers
epic = an actual fucking store without the bloat
>consolefag, xbone nonetheless
Retards like you make me sick.
haha bloat guises xD so epic and contrarian!
I can't. My gg account is gone because I didn't use it enough :(
I had a good seed ratio only because I was able to utilize freeleech weekends, and I was too afraid to download anything otherwise because of that seed ratio shit.
>borderlands enhanced is free on steam if you owed borderlands before today
>put the 3rd game on another platform
It's like keeping your forks in two different drawers. Makes no God damn sense
>owning an iphone
>installing tencent launcher
>buying boringlands
>Fortnite store
>without zoomers
Lol. Epics store is shit, no shopping cart, no basic fucking features, having reviews and a community is a down side now?
this is the kind of autistic shit people boycott non steam stores over
I'm not seeing it. It just accesses Steam.exe and steamwebhelper.exe. Ironically, Steam does the same to the Epic Launcher.
you have no idea what bloat means
are you fucking retarded, the only people who even had the epic launcher dl'd before these "exclusives" was literally fortnite zoomers you moron
You're underage af if you think that's being contrarian. I've never liked steam, the only reason people downloaded that piece of shit is to play CS 1.6, and later on Half-life 2. Fuck DRM, fuck bloat, GoGchads forever
I just signed up for the Vip program, bros! I'm gonna get so many golden keys!
Never used Epic's thing before but only because I didn't really have a reason. Now I have one and I really don't see the big problem.
>be randy
>hype up game
>but announce epic exclusivity
>people start throwing fits
>a few million loyal gamers buy it on epic at full price
>six months later everybody(even the pirates) buys it on steam just to spite epic
is randy a genius?
the app itself is a poorly designed piece of shit that people complain about
Tan Men Square Massacre YOOOO Bushido Winnie The Pooh
>people here are actively encouraging tencent's takeover of the game market
It's pretty obvious that tencent is trying to bully steam out of the market by eating losses of games that aren't fiscal successes
>SUPER deluxe
>collector's edition
I fucking hate nu-gaming. I'd imagine you get a crippled experience with anything but the deluxe or collectors. Oh wait I'm right because you dont get the season pass.
Epic only takes a 12% cut, steam is taking 20% + epic takes 5% Unreal Engine fee (unless you're on epic). Is it any surprise they want to sell most of their initial copies on a platform where they get a much bigger cut? Fatfuck only has himself to blame for this. Feel free to argue but you know it's the right move to make.
>buying singleplayer games
I hate newfags.
>we want to reach a wide an audience as possible
>delays the game on other PC platforms for 6+ months
What did they mean by this, and why do I see the shadow of a massive nose in the hallway as I type this?
>some guy was pointing out he was going to wait till the goty/full edition since theres already a season pass and shit
>figured I might too
>1 yr exclusive on epic
yep, they're just making my wait easier.
Does this work? I mean, does it make you feel like you're part of something?
It was obviously lucrative for epic to obtain exclusivity rights, since majority of the borderlands consumer base is on steam, so they wanna grab a hold of the highly anticipated sequel to convert some users
Your time is up shills. So is yours, jannies.
I guess I have to buy it for my console. Oh the inhumanity
You can get Chinese players instantly removed from games by typing it in game chat. Are you new to how invasive the Chinese government is?
Apparantly all the autsit on Yea Forums. I mean. Just imagine how stupid you can be saving your credit card number and shit on your PC.
>playing a shooter on console to fit in on Yea Forums
Now this is next-level newfaggotry.
Yes, part of the Free Tibet Republic of China
>single player
1. Not really. You're not entirely wrong but it's not the magic trick you make it out to be.
2. This isn't a game so why do you keep posting it here.
3. That's all there is to it.
Reddit is that way --------------->
What am I looking at on the upper right picture?
6 months
>"why don't you just download the app!?"
Exclusives have always been a bad thing. Downloading EGS and buying third party games from it enable this behavior and signal to publishers and devs that we are willing to participate in console war faggotery within the PC market.
Or you can be a responsible man and raise your child, instead of creating yet another single mother.
The problem is, the method they're using is just going to leave a nasty taste in a lot of people's mouths; even moreso when they boot up the epic games store and find it in the sorry, barebones state it's currently in.
They're taking a pretty risky gamble with this. Even fortnitebux isn't bottomless.
Wasnt even the same user, but it is actually that easy.
Malwarebytes and a simple windows defender scan should cover you just fine.
yeah there it is I knew you were a MUH DRM retard. steam DRM is non intrusive as it can be so fuck off. btw wanna know how I know your skin is brown?
>literally all Valve has to do is announce a game in one of their franchises (hl3, portal 3, l4d3)
We both know that's never happening, because Valve hates free money and the fans of their games.
What does it signal that you will fight for gamer your right to be exclusively fucked in the ass by one fat fuck? Except the obvious, I mean.
>mfw im an adult with self control and lots of other games to play until the game comes out on Steam
Its a good thing the game industry hasn't given a fucking shit about customer choice since the 360
Here's your (you).
>still using PB after they were honest that they arr using your PC for mining crypto
Dumb shillnigger.
I wish it was a permanent Ebin exclusive so all the troglodytes that play Memelands get their info stolen by chinks
It's about a principle. I would download Epic Store if I wanted to use the store, but I'm not downloading it because they force me to.
Friendly reminder that Valve collects your data and you cannot opt out of it, you cannot sue them, and they also assert ownership of all your screenshots, broadcasts, artwork, and any other user generated content.
Read the Steam EULA, Valve Drones. Your tiny heads will explode.
>actually defending DRM
People liked Borderlands 2? I thought the manufacturing gimmick killed the entire game.
Probably Chinese gutter oil.
Why are you even promoting piracy here? Is it to your advantage that games sell worse and get no sequels?
this, time to finish that backlog
>not having 300tb uploaded on multiple trackers
fukken n00b
Name one non-Valve game that Valve paid exclusivity for.
You're not entirely wrong but you fundamentally don't get Chinese internet, and that's why your conclusion is wrong.
My nigga. I did play through it but the meme manufacturers really ruined it. I just used Maliwan / Jacobs since they were not 100% ebin meme tier
EULA's are not enforcable.
Why is Steam installing Epic? What are these images even meant to be?
Can't wait to read about your court appearance in the gamer press.
based shill
unironically based for once
>you're not entire wrong but you're wrong
What the fuck
So steam want to create a file name "UnrealCEFSubProcess" inside the epic game folder
Ok Xin Ming, next time just fake your stuff a little bit better
Oh, so that stops Valve from collecting your data?
Make some sense please.
If the developers and publishers are going to do shit like this, do we even want them to make sequels?
do zoomers really call all programs "apps"?
Have you missed all the fucking lawsuits Valve has gone through or something?
>not available in germany
You're right that it's dangerous to talk about that stuff for chinese people in china, but the idea that going around spouting that shit here or anywhere does anything is fiction.
I'm not promoting anything. That was my first post and I simply said that Malwarebytes and Windows Defender should be enough to cover anyone against viruses.
Make a noose and hang yourself, please.
Why are you promoting blind consumerism here? Are you on a payroll?
None of us pirate bad games here. It doesn't even make any sense to bother doing that. You mostly download good games which deserved the money, and by promoting it you are actively hurting your own hobby.
My country's laws override EULAs.
They're only to scare the unknowledgeable.
Me not using steam stops them plenty
>Fortnitebux aren't endless.
Which is probably why they're being massive fags about launching a platform and making it popular before it's too late.
You don't get to have fun Hans, we know what happened the last time
So what are you going to do? You can't compel a company without leverage and since you're not going to court you have none.
it's a bullshit screencap made by some shill
The surveys are optional tard
Sony Chads report in
Have you confirmed this yourself?
Talking about it is promoting it. I never talk about it because I want to be the only person on the planet to get free games, while the rest of the planet should buy them so we get better and more games.
Where do you get blind from? Do you play games at random?
>all these butthurt replies
I just don't get it.
Do people think steam doesn't collect your data?
Why are you in a thread arguing about launchers again?
Have you confirmed your theory?
Not even sure I'm going to buy it seeing as the guy I played through the first two games with would rather just play everything with his girlfriend these days.
>iphone filename
More like
>I already have a couple dicks in my asshole, what's wrong with one more????
Which company do you work for?
I didn't know Valve went around throwing their nouveau riche money around to arbitrarily make games exclusive to Steam.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard but ok.
>being poor
Not me. Borderlands 1 was ruined by cell shading. Borderlands 2 was ruined by awful writing and reddit cancer in the game. Borderlands 3 is just going top be the same thing. Fuck.the series. It should have stayed dead
Is steam owned 40% by a company known to love harvesting data for the Chinese?
Because Epic's is a special brand of fucking awful
Looks like someone didn't read the Steam EULA!
Hint hint: you cannot opt out of Valve's data collection, and it's entirely separate from the hardware survey.
Go ahead and read it, that is if your atrophied Valve Drone mind can even comprehend it.
next you'll tell me you're always using a vpn and 8 proxies as you leech off of a neighbor's wifi. chill the fuck out nobody gives a shit about some jobless NEET looking up porn and downloading pirated movies/games. millions of people just like you in the US are doing that every damn day with none of those precautions and neither their government or some chinks halfway across the globe are ever gonna do anything to any of you. not unless you're rich and famous or strategically important to them in some other way. or are a big fish worth tracking down and arresting.
>being a zoomer
They only make games if they sell. I want games to sell well generally speaking.
You're right user, having my data harvested by a Jewish billionaire is so much better! Thank God we have Good Guy Steam!
Why the fuck is non-digital PC listed as an option if they aren't actually selling the game that way?
Epic can lubricate themselves all they want I'm still not buying this shit, or any shit, from them.
No, they are 100% privately owned by a greedy fat fuck who pretty much invented lootboxes, used them to ruin both their last two games and now only sells others people's shitty games with a big non-negotiable cut and don't even make games themselves (except a microtransaction simulator so bad even drones didn't want it). Based!
>boomer playing video games
I'm unemployed, that's why I want lots of free games and lots of success for companies.
>Buy on Epic
>Get hacked by indians
>Money stolen
>who pretty much invented lootboxes
I don't even care if they harvest my loli doujin preference data.
What I do care about is them being complete and utter faggots and bribing publishers into exclusivity deals and bragging about how much better it is for devs and consumers.
Indians? I think you're mistaken.
the bug men
>seeing as the guy I played through the first two games with would rather just play everything with his girlfriend these days
What the fuck I want that girlfriend, you can keep the guy
>no argument
>just posts a wojak
die in a fire
Oh no how will they ever survive without this single user’s money!!!
We have the power here, fellow gamers. Let's send a powerful message that CANNOT be ignored. We control the means of gaming and therefore we have all the leverage.
>it's okay if they do it too LEL
Tim openly tweeted that all share holders have input in company decisions.
most obvious shill i've ever seen
Business deals are now "bribing" huh? It's the fault of greedy fucking publishers if they wanna take the deal.
Glad you asked! Epic Games already covered the developer's expenses by bribing them into making their game exclusive to their store. Any more questions? :^)
>Just let us spy on you!
>Do you have something to hide? If you didn't you'd just let us spy on you!!!
How about no?
Read Valve's EULA.
Thanks for your attention.
>>it's okay if they do it too LEL
So valve drones' double standard is okay, got it
They didn't "invent" lootboxes, but they definitly popularized them in the west with TF2 and CSGO.
>Oh no how will they ever survive without this single user’s money!!!
It's like you think I don't have two versions of this picture or something.
This !
Rise tf up fellow gamers !
Why do these discussions run into these nonsensical walls that take it no further?
Some games are bound to be good even on that shitty store, and if you ask my ass, I would rather them have sequels than not.
And nothing of value was lost.
>Buying on the Epic Game Store
>Not just pirating and doing some LAN tunneling so you can play with your friends who also pirated
Why is Epic bad again?
>Camera's spying on you as you take a shit in your own home? What's the problem? You've got nothing to hide bro!
because steam good don't you dare play somewhere else
Cares enough to reply lmao cope
>install yet another launcher/store
>steals data
>fucks over the market
It's a service problem, much easier to just pirate at that point.
100% correct. Nintendo Switch aside, Borderlands is the biggest cuck magnet there is.
Wait, who's the U?
Beat the first one, couldn't stand the second one, doubt I'll miss anything with this one, also no steam no buy
>m-muh data!
Pc cucks getting cucked as always. What's new?
>Without the bloat
Except EGS uses more memory than Steam, despite lacking in features (even basic ones).
never heard of pirating a game?
Literally just yellow guns, who gives a shit?
big projections here
Will i be able to pirate it?
if not ill just wait a year or more for it to be on steam as the "complete" edition or some shit
Could steam actually be a religion (albeit a doubly embarrassing one)? Exhibit one.
It's only fair with how much you're getting cucked by shit hardware + controls and online fees
oh noo not my favorite franchise in the whole wide world how ever will I cope with this
They only put up enough money for 6 month exclusivity, probably didn't feel it was worth it to pay them more than that.
With Torrent the game it's going to be free as well
I fucked up my post, i meant to ask will i be able to do multiplayer with friends if we pirate it?
im a retard
>suddenly borderland is a good game because of that whole exclusivity brand fanaticism
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I'm not even gonna waste my time pirating this shit
>No such thing as "free"
Lol, maybe not in america you fat fuck.
who the fuck plays borderlands desu
Anonymous rise up.
Most people buy them
I've used other gaming launchers, I just refuse to use ones that support the Chinese.
EpicBros win again
What will steamfags do when all their games become Epic Exclusives?
>Valve's EULA asserts their explicit right to collect your data and use it for advertising purposes.
I look forward to buying a GOTY version complete with DLCs for a significantly reduced cost in about 1-2 years after release.
meteor chan a cute
I dont understand, whats going on here whats so funny?
>me: p-please put on le steam!
>also me: I am a le pirate anyways lul!
No wonder PC gaming is dead as fuck and no one cares about it anymore
thank god for 2K, steambabies don't have to touch this game now
Pirate them for free lmao
Probably logging your online activity or mining crypto.
>No wonder PC gaming is dead as fuck and no one cares about it anymore
user that was in 2008, you know, around the time when Epic itself abandoned the fucking PC for consoles.
Yep, I said this yesterday.
>nooo my steam friends and games exposed! it's like they downloaded a mirror of my soul!
t. has open profile
>buy a fucking Gearbox game after Blunderborn
Or, not play it?
this kills the epichink
cool, it's borderlands. let me remind you what will happen
>game launches
>save edit software appears a week later
>everyone running around with cheat weapons and items because gearbox thinks allowing players to use local saves online is a good idea
>game is only fun with a friend and no one that wants legitimate play even touches the multiplayer
don't forget the cringy anti-male writing that was all over the pre-sequel
It's only EGS exclusive for 6 months. I can wait. Still sucks though.
Do these review bombing idiots not realize they're doing nothing but justifying publishers' decisions to avoid Steam?
Alexa isn’t spyware
Stonetoss is a brainlet who doesn’t understand how it works
Why would you play with randoms and not your friends anyway? What fucking multiplayer are you even talking about? There's no PvP or group exclusive content faggot, literally no one cares.
>pirating a multiplayer game
>I can’t think outside of political terminology that I also don’t understand
>hehe those steamfags won't be able to play this gearbox game hehehe
>There's no PvP
That's the old reality of shitty old Steamworks borderlands. Borderlands 3 will be properly centralised and closed down so that shit won't happen.
>m-muh gamer freedom
Fuck off back to the old Borderlands games that were ruined by this libertardian shit.
>do these idiots utilizing their right of free speech the only way they can realize they're justifying companies taking it away from them
fucking people wanting to voice their opinion, amirite
Let that loser laugh. He won't laugh for long when everything is becoming more and more multiplayer and streaming.
Borderlands is best played single player, unless they fix the loot drop system.
Can we get back to talking about how Valve collects your data, does not allow you to opt out, does not allow you to sue, asserts ownership over all user generated content, and explicitly states they will use your data for advertising purposes?
>He doesn't know Borderlands has always had LAN support
>He doesn't know what tunneling is
I am going to play it on ps4 so whatever.
Either way it is only exclusive for 6 months.
>just download 100000000000 botnet launchers
Are you literally a homosexual?
>omg Borderlands!
Spot on, people lack some serious self awareness.
>right of free speech
Dueling someone is not PvP rofl, there's a reason literally no one does it in borderlands because it's trash.
>without the bloat
>Borderlands 3 will be properly centralised and closed down
will screencap and hold you to this post
>Phone poster
>Reddit spacing
Holy SHIT kill yourself.
So brave. Give these brave gamer warriors some medals for being so intelligent that they make the devs avoid Steam even more!
I wish Stonetoss draw porn instead
i like his style
what's over?
what isover?
seethe harder...
How the fuck is bethesda at 591mb? Is bethesda capable of doing anything right?
>Gold weapon skins
Yes because when I begin a new game I want to immediately carry around golden bling that takes away both immersion and any sense of progression
Must suck being a moneylet who can't afford a 256 MB DIMM.
Who cares i was never going to buy it anyway, bought an used copy of the handsome collection once and regreted it, this franchise is trash.
Stop bitching about epic games launcher you turbo autists it's literally another launcher just like uplay and origin, none of you protested when BF3 was made into an origin exclusive, also the webm where it shows the connections steam does it too, so what's the fucking deal idiot's just buy the game if you want to play it
"I'll just download that then"
>Download launcher
>Install launcher
>Download launcher again because not full launcher
>Update launcher
>Register account
>Log in
>Type in billing address and credit card info.
>Buy game
>download and install
>Launch game
>It's just that simple.
>Also we're searching your computer to see if you're a naughty boy. You agreed to it in the EULA remember?
Are xniggers really this retarded?
Very interesting post.
>Super deluxe
The earth needs to be nuked already, before this goes any further.
it is over!
Stalker 2 is just vaporware isn't it?
>Quick & Seamless Co-Op Action: With a new level-sync system, the experience scales for each individual player. That means you can play with anyone at any time online or in split-screen co-op, regardless of your level or mission progress. Take down enemies and challenges as a team, but reap rewards that are yours alone – no one misses out on loot.
You wouldn't shoot this cute bandit waifu, would you anons?
The Chinese/Koreans invented lootboxes in their p2w PC games.
EA was the first company to use them in the west with FIFA Ultimate Team
Sometimes i just need to vent, sorry if i come off as a blogposting autist
look at this queer and laugh
I thought the loot shooter fad had died
shoot it on sight
if by over, you mean "it's over, epic won" then you're close to the truth
IS A CUlprit!
Borderlands 2 has that too you fucking retard, the weapons are literally useless after 2-3 levels.
It's not really that, but the idea that your experience as a hater of the series is interesting to anyone in a borderlands thread.
But user, I don't want to install bloatware on my computer and I don't want to support scummy Chinese insect people.
Stadia :^)
Stalker 2 Isn't even a thing but it's slowly worked on basically same as the half life episode 3 memes, Sergey announced the game out of nowhere so someone would pick their game for publishing for E3 all this information came from a russian interview i found on VK a couple days after the announcement
So was the first.
Borderlands 2 was among the most hated games here
It doesn't matter the contents faggot.
>other game companies comes up with Launcher
>the only exclusive games on the platform are first party ones developed in house
>Epic comes up with a Launcher
>Buys exclusivity rights to games they neither made or own
Hmmmmm really makes one ponder
Holy fuck that was one of my only gripes with the other games. Literally need to buy it now for multiplayer.
Based low iq poster, it's a skin you can use on any weapon.
I mean this is more of a EGS thread, not much actual Borderlands discussion going on
Day 183
Get out from under your rock. Looter shooters are the mainstream now.
>Borderlands 2 has that too you fucking retard
I don't care about Borderlands 2 you fucking ultra-retard, my argument stands.
It better fucking not be an epic exclusive, the game ended up being a sleeper hit because of Steam and GOG. I want a DRM free copy of STALKER 2.
>actually defending DRM
holy fuck user
It's equally uninteresting that you won't download Epic to play a game you hate. If not more so.
Gutter oil sounds like something from always sunny.
Valve collects your data, uses it for advertising purposes, asserts ownership over all user generated content, and hasn't released a single-player game without microtransactions since 2007.
Borderlands 3 has a standard edition. Oh no?
Only by a minority of screeching fat virgins
Sure, Wang Chong
Look for releases by reputable people but in the end you can never be completely sure. What you can be sure of is Epic games client is 100% malware and I wouldnt trust them with my credit card either. So its either 100% malware with epic or the chance for no malware with bit torrent. Third option is not to even bother because gearbox needs to die with Randy putting a bullet in his head and being burried in a massive underground crypt made out of unsold copies of Battleborn
single good game since portal 2
>uplay and origin
Your point? Why would I install that shit?
You're not going to try and shame me into installing the epin launcher, chink.
But destiny and anthem got destroyed by critics and didn't sell amazing numbers either
it's interesting enough to you that you make multiple replies to my post instead of just scrolling past it though
What is your argument? That you are a stupid autist?
Yes, that is what this means.
if you're anti epic in 2019, you're literally a tranny
Yes, that's why i pirate, Epic is shit too
shes gonna be a main character
good guy or bad guy?
we dont know yet
Everyone I know that was excited about this pretty much went "too bad they delayed release by half a year" when they saw the epic announcement.
They don't want that fucking spyware on their computer
if you're pro epic in 2019, you're literally a tranny
Which, don't forget, had microtransactions!
Who cares? People of worth get in on PS4 anyways.
Steam itself isn't DRM, if you install a game and can run the raw .exe without steam registering it then the game is DRM free. If it uses Steamworks then it's integrated into the platform and has DRM.
Dunno, maybe steam will start having good sales again
Never ceases to amaze me how many people on this board are for some reason incredibly proud to tell you how autistic and retarded they are.
Why would you be proud to admit you are so autistic you refuse to use a certain store/app and dedicate yourself to one brand when that brand fucks you the exact same way regardless. Literally everything reads your info and steals it you fucking goons your computer is tracking your information right now. Fucking retards i swear.
if you're tranny in tranny, you're literally a tranny
>you niggers are going to buy it anyways.
that's the most funny part.
Thread over.
Fuck off chink
>I play on Xbox
Opinion invalidated.
steam does the same shit
Maybe people just don't want to install bloatware on their PC and the less they have to use the better they feel about it? Why do people have to play ball with shitty business practices?
Steam collects your data locally, uses it to propogate appropriate ads locally, and never sends it back to Valve.
>Why would you be proud to admit you are so autistic you refuse to use a certain store/app and dedicate yourself to one brand when that brand fucks you the exact same way regardless.
Because Based Gaben is so epic xD!
They are just looking for excuses to throw a fit, not that they need an excuse
PC fats are notoriously stupid. That’s why everyone always laugh at them
you're posting on Yea Forums, your data is still being spied on
See this dick you chink faggot
Fuck off commie, not everyone wants to give chinks personal data.
>But its just fucking video games
And what it just stops there? No it fucking doesn't. You let one thing slide then they'll just keep wanting more and more.
>Most standard edition is £50
okay nevermind fuck epic and fuck triple A games man I'll wait a damn year for it to be on steam AND be cheaper
Not different from cultist
Imagibe dedending the fatso that killed TF2 and is never going to deliver HL3.
Imagine beign a Steam shill , unironically worse than being a nintendo shill
Jokes on you I actually stick to my guns. I haven't bought a CoD game since I protested MW2 when they announced they weren't using dedicated servers. I'm actually stubborn enough to never buy their shit again.
I'd ask if you quoted the wrong person, but you did it twice. The post is referencing an anti-Epic image. Are you Epic shills so used to being called chinks that you're just parroting it back at people?
Borderlands is reddit trash
>playing memelands and giving randy money
no you arent
Ah yes I’m sure your personal data is worth a lot. Literally everyone wants your precious important data
It's not pro-steam it's anti-epic. If it were up to me companies would still be selling physical DRM free copies of their games.
So brave. Why would anyone care about you again?
thankfully I never liked this series so it doesn't affect me. and if I did, I would just pirate it, so it still would not.
>you're gonna buy it
>no I won't
>you're against my corporation?
>you must be for that other one!!!!!!
And library sorting is the only relevant thing.
I'm fairly sure the hyper anti-epic people are just a vocal minority desu, no one was spewing any of this shit for the months that fortnite was popular, like all those people already have epic installed and a lot of them will likely buy these games especially shit like borderlands 3
I doubt that this'll have any impact on borderlands 3's sales I only think maybe the smaller indie devs bought up might see a decrease in sales
I see the thing as "dude its just another launcher lol" like i keep reading "do not use epic!" But its clear fanboyism/loyalism.
Tell me why the epic store is bad , because of the data thing ? Niggers u use steam same shit with DRM.
Gimme a good reason why not to buy stuff from the store.
It's 50 to however many dollars they'll never get. Fuck 'em. If more people were stubborn enough to not buy shitty games or support shitty practices then maybe the industry wouldn't be so bad right now.
>no one was spewing any of this shit for the months that fortnite was popular
You mean when they only had first party exclusives? Gee it's almost as if paying off third party publishers for market exclusivity is a bad thing.
>I'm fairly sure the hyper anti-epic people are just a vocal minority desu
ah the universal reddit retort. "vocal minority"
explain every youtube video of epic store games having 70%+ dislikes
I will prolly get the collector’s edition tho, guess it evens out lol
Do your own research shill
>no one was spewing any of this shit for the months that fortnite was popular
The chink stuff about Epic has been prevalent, even during the rise of Fortnite. It just got louder and more prevalent when they started to try and establish a Monopoly over third party titles.
by app you mean torrent, right?
Hilariously ironic for you to say considering he obviously has done more research than you since he knows there is no difference.
You clearly want to use epic launcher and want other people to use it too, so anything I say won't be a good enough response. I want people to use GoG because they sell DRM free games, I want people to actually want physical copies of their games without their key being tied to an account over the internet, I want people to be able to play their games without an internet connection verifying that their copy is legal the entire time. You can keep on suckling at the corporate teet of shitty practices but I only put up with it as much as I have to, and steam is enough as it is. I use GoG and Steam, I won't use any more because I hate participating in shit.
This is what I find hilarious.
The cringy autists here spamming how they wont buy it. Like who the fuck cares it wont affect the sales anyways and no one will hear or care about you posting on Yea Forums lmao
>t. fortniter
your desperation is showing
But i did and found none
Thats the problem is legit fanboyism
>ree they want a monopoly
And you dont blame the fatso that does NOTHING to improvise or make a better quality store
Even the devs get a bigger share and more exposure. How the fuck thats a bad thing?
The only that lose here are the cultist here "waahh steam is beign attack"
>explain every youtube video of epic store games having 70%+ dislikes
the downvoting bots, of course
GoG is in trouble and make no money, blame the pirates for the current shitty state of PC gaming.
I agree
Explain fortnite being the most popular game on the planet lol
Hate mobs gonna hate mob it's not really proof of anything that those vids are disliked
Don't mistake my words for support of epic, I know you're thirsty to attack it at all possible times but I'm not in support of epic, I just think there's a LOT of people who got fortnite and are also likely to get borderlands 3
I see, I only started hearing of it after they started buying exclusivity
shill speak
>>Explain fortnite being the most popular game on the planet lol
The reason is because normies like you are boring and exist without any passion just because you were born
>devs win more money = bad
>Explain fortnite being the most popular game on the planet lol
What's there to explain? More and more kids are being born and 100% of all kids are now playing vidya unlike the kids of the past. Every kid has an access to a tablet, smartphone or console so they're all playing fartnite.
You don't think fortnite is actually popular on PC do you?
>discussion about borderlands 3 becomes about valve for some reason
You people are weird.
Imagine actually pretending you're more interesting of a person for being some contrarian faggot.
>epic is anti consumer
>buys it for PS4
>Even the devs get a bigger share and more exposure what?
>But i did and found none
>And you dont blame the fatso that does NOTHING to improvise or make a better quality store
Steam is improving all the time, what are you talking about? Was this in the context of not blaming them "as a Monopoly"? Because they're not. See:
>Even the devs get a bigger share and more exposure. How the fuck thats a bad thing?
The added exposure is due to the controversy of market exclusivity right now. That will die out. You're also acting like games on Steam get no exposure which is objectively false. The bigger share won't last... the CEO has flat out stated they can't sustain the current rate.
>devs get a bigger share
No. The publishers get a bigger share. The devs get paid the same as they have been.
>The only that lose here are the cultist here "waahh steam is beign attack"
Careful, your China is showing.
>soulless NEET incel thinks it’s interesting
I just don't care enough about the game to download another service. If they had it on the one I've already got I might have checked it out. Keep screeching about brand loyalty though, dumb monkey.
Then why use a launcher in the first place?
>EGS Exclusive
>-no competition
>-Epic sets the price, no other competitors to buy it from
>Console Exclusive
>-sold by every major retailer
>-healthy market competition
Bad news my friend, that only works if i were actually a chink which clearly i'm not. You just really wish i was so you can keep pretending you're not retarded.
>Explain fortnite being the most popular game on the planet lol
explain "pregnant spiderman vs elsa" videos getting a billion views each
I’ll be buying the PS4 collector’s edition. You have my support too :)
or you could just wait 6 months you know?
they were killed by Marie tho
What are the better public trackers, amigo?
So you literally have no value to the devs, good job proving the point right.
>vocal minority
ah yes thats why they didnt reveal exodus sales numbers but stated vaguely that it sold x2.5 more than last light all the way back to 2013
most game journos didn't even reveal that they were comparing day one sales only
ho hohohohohohoho STEAMLETS BTFO
If it is amazon, it's inherently spyware, there is no argument to deny this, it's just how it is.
Nah, I'm a heterosexual.
>wait an additional 6 months on a game that is already out and being played on the other two platforms
>when there are other options to play immediately
Spider-Man is the most popular super hero ever made, compare his sales compared to all other super heroes combined.
Elsa is a popular as fuck Disney character, need I say more about what Disney is worth?
Even if this were true, I still wouldnt install that epic pile of shite
I'm confused by you people. What does steam have to do with borderlands ?
absolute fucking disgrace
I'm one of the few people on Yea Forums that is legitimate fan of Borderlands, I suffered through the writing, I've suffered through TPS, but this is where I am drawing the line.
No more, Gearbox.
The fact that Borderlands 3 wont be on Steam you fucking retard? The whole point of this thread? Kill yourself stupid shitstain
>Not even capable to counter with an proper argument and has only insults left
Heh, gonna escape this thread before you kill me with boredom
You missed the point completely. Do you even know what I'm talking about?
Why hasn't anyone posted the copy pasta yet
there is fucking bugmen infesting this thread left, right and center
u mad?
>Epic is starting with smoke n mirrors so after they have a "monopoly" the cost for devs increase
Thats a good point user
Still i dont see improvements on the steam store , hell his quality control is on the floor and sometimes tge buggy client is the one that crash the games.
This is the first client that is competing with steam , origin/uplay/windows store were shit since the start. Hell i love what GOG does but its clear that CDP doesnt give a damm about people pirating the games there so it works like a charity instead.
While the chink jew distracts us with silly game shop wars, they are fucking us over with ridiculous overpriced special editions that only grow in number and price.
>This is the first client that is competing with steam ,
confirmed shill
do people actually have alexas and google equivalents? I thought they were a meme, I couldn't imagine ever having one of those in my house
>Install launcher
>Download launcher again because not full launcher
>Update launcher
I hate this shit, I get it if you go to download it and its like a 4 MB file, but most times you download a 100MB+ file install it, then it downloads another 100MB+ file. Can't they keep their fucking install file up to date?
Oh okay. Thanks for clearing that up.
>origin/uplay/windows store were shit since the start
They all had more features on release than the epic store has right now. Epic is only a name in the game because they have infinite money from Fortnite to blow on strong arming the competition.
>Epic is only a name in the game because they have infinite money from Fortnite
Unreal Engine? Just saying...
I'll just wait for the goty edition
this guy get's it
and also unreal tournament
literally the fortnite of the late 90s/early00s
jungle fever
You mean like 95% of the steam store? And the other 5% you have to dig out yourself?