Post quality Megaman girls and talk about the games, maybe

Post quality Megaman girls and talk about the games, maybe

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where is my HD Zero collection with Zero 1-4, ZX and ZXAdvent Capcom

Basically the main reason why i keep my N3DS XL still in pristine condition.
I have the DS Zero Collection + the two ZX games and use that thing almost exclusively to replay them.

Also all the Gunvolt games on the Switch + Dragon Marked for Death.
And i'm 100% gonna get Luminous Avenger IX on the Switch when it comes out.

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I finished all three Star Force games with all the title screen stars several years ago, now I'm trying to get all the stars in Battle Network 2 but I have no idea where to begin. I mean I know how to get them, but I don't know where the best place to start would be. Would it be best to start by just trying to fill out the standard chip library and then working my way to gathering the navi chips? It seems like I don't have the chips/codes to make a good, fluent folder, but I've always been pretty bad at making folders.

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Not happening

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I mean it's not impossible.
Capcom lately has been killing it, maybe the possibility is back on the table.

A Zero collection I could see coming. Including ZX and ZXA however, seems like a longshot. Capcom seems to want to put it behind them as a mistake.

>Capcom seems to want to put it behind them as a mistake.
Why do you say that?
I mean i know they didn't sell much, but why do they consider the ZX games as "a mistake"?

Zero> X1= X4> X2> Classic> ZX> Rest of X

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I love Aile!

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Post bosses that are fun as fuck to fight buster only

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Someone post Lan and Maryl Doujins.

Comparing and ranking Classic/X and Z/ZX together doesn't work, in my opinion.
I consider Classic/X and Z/ZX to be, while connected, two "branches" of the series meant for different target audiences.

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No post lan and Chad douiins

I can see where you're coming from, and I'm inclined to agree to a certain extent. However, I really don't consider the games to be that different from each other. Sure, they each made changes to the formula, some small and some drastic, but I don't really see a clear divide between Classic/X and Zero/ZX.

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Is there a way he could have worked?

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Who's the one fourth from the right? I recognize the rest.

Generally i divide them because of the fanbases.
A shit ton of people that are into classic and X don't really like Z and ZX.
A shit ton of people that are into Z and ZX don't necessarily find classic and X all that enjoyable.

Not to mention some Z and ZX fans are gravitating towards modern Inti Creates projects, that don't really satisfy Classic and X fans in any way, they, instead, are gravitating towards Mega Man 11 and hoping for more "official" capcom releases.

Basically what i'm getting at is that while you're right that these series have a lot in common, it seems like the fanbases often find themselves being split apart quite drastically on everything, from how the plot should be in tone, to core differences in what they want out of the art direction, and even fundamental differences in how gameplay should be handed.
I'm not saying that there aren't fans that like everything megaman, period, but they tend to be a minority and they usually always gravitate towards one "side" over the other in the end.

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TL;DR: half the fanbase is into clank clank, the other half is into twinks.

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Okay, that makes more sense. While I don't fall into the Classic/X and Zero/ZX divide myself, I don't get the appeal of BN and SF.

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Why were Battle Network and Star Force so romance heavy? It's not like love ever affected stories here.

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Huh, I gotta agree with you. I used to think the big divide for most people was artstyle with Z/ZX/inti. I sometimes wonder if it is their design philosophy though.

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Battle Network/Star Force generally have a larger focus on storyline and character interactions in general, being RPGs and all.

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Comfy bn thread,

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Ooops, should be a ? on there

The artstyle is a big part of it, for sure.
>get them girly fags outta here and give me back the glass tits
Is pretty common.

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Where do you fall on the divide then?

I'm absolutely a Z/ZX fan and like (some) of the stuff modern Inti is making.
I'd like some sort of sequel to Z or a proper Z/ZX HD re-release or something like that, but i can say we're getting some interesting stuff that somewhat caters to some of us.

I'm glad Classic/X fans are also getting some stuff here and there.
I don't want a new series that tries to be both and cater to both fanbases at the same time, that would most likely be a huge mistake.

Ideally i'd like for Megaman as a series to get more good games in general so the entire fanbase can be happy, but each in their own "lane".

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Those exist? I thought it was all gay shit.

I enjoy X, Z and ZX.
I really liked that the Zero series figured out how to integrate both a Saber and Buster onto a character but I just saw Zero's gameplay as a polished X series gameplay (albeit with some quirks I didn't like).

I find I can't get into classic as the lack of dash makes everything feel slow compared to later games for me.

While artstyle is a factor, gameplay wise I don't see too much separating Zero from X.

I just wouldn't want another Zero game because that series is complete. But I'd like both a ZX 3 and an X9.

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What was y'all guys first experience with Megaman? For me, it was the Classic Anniversary Collection for the Xbox.

Let's plays exposed me to the series.
Then I dove into the X series via emulation.
Then basically tried a bit of the rest of the games.

Mega Man 5 and 6 on the NES. Somehow I had those games as a child before anything else in the series because we were haphazard in what games we got, and played 8, X1 and X4 before anything else thanks to my brother before I got the Anniversary and X Collections and moved onto owning every Zero and ZX game besides Z2. somehow I never touched the Battle Network series besides a little BN2 and Network Transmission, and I had to rent the latter before quitting at Ice Man's stage

mega man zero 3
after that I went back and played through all the GC anniversary collection

how would you feel about a megaman Hack n' Slash/character action game?

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I would give the project to Platinum Games and tell them
>i want the "cut everything" technology from MGR
>but a better combo system
That's it.

My parents bought Mega Man 6 and Mega Man X4 for me when I was three or four years old. Since then I've played just about every game in every MM series except Legends 2 and Battle Network 6.

Does the Legends series emulate well? I'd like to give that a fair shake sometime.

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The franchise is ripe for genre ideas and potential, and I still say a Lost Planet kind of game style with an added emphasis on mobility would work wonders for a 3D shooter/platformer. Though, the series is also so traditionalist that you really would need a new spinoff sub-series to do as you pleased, and at that point you'd just be repeating Legends which is kind of a tough sell.

That is true. I don't actually hate Inticreates like some other ClassicXfags do, but I'm certaintly not interested in their games.
I only care about Classic and X games.

>Does the Legends series emulate well? I'd like to give that a fair shake sometime.
Smooth as butter in terms of emulation, I played through both a couple years ago with no problems. Your biggest concern would be the controls, mainly for the first game.

Not him but ZX/ZXA sold very poorly, made with minimal Capcom involvement and poorly received by mainstream game media.

>I find I can't get into classic as the lack of dash makes everything feel slow compared to later games for me.
I only had this problem with MM9 and MM10.
Surprisingly, this didn't affect my enjoyment of MM1 but it did take a toll with MM2 so much that MM2 became my most hated MM game.
The other classic games have the slide option, so I could manage.

The problem of ZX was a clear lack of direction. MMZ had something going with it, but MMZX didn't. It felt like a really bad anime filler series like the GX, Arc-V and others post-OG Yu-Gi-Oh!

Personally I can adapt fine to no-slide, but the MM1 and 2 "momentum" with whenever you stop moving on the ground is a fucking nightmare after the entire rest of the franchise became so precise in movement.

Weird to hear someone say they hate MM2. While I think it's overrated as hell, I wouldn't say I hate it. Why do you hate it the most?

I love that guy. quality animations and he still puts out Megaman Zero content to this day. and he made the best mythos Zero 3d model out there currently

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>Why do you hate it the most?
To be honest, part of it is my discomfort for the no sliding option and another is my hatred for Boobeam Trap. I will never forget my feeling of humiliation when I couldn't kill that thing for the first time because I've lost all my bombs.
Also, the invisible pit of spikes was another thing that infuriates me just by remembering it. Also, I felt like the Wily Stages weren't as memorable outside of the Wily Stage 1 song. Soundtrack is basically the only thing I like from that game.

There was no need for Vent and Grey.
Aile and Ashe should've been the only protagonists of the ZX series.

>MGR zero
Fukken rad

Well my other complaint is that I enjoy the feel of getting stronger in X games.
And while that's kind of true for classic with weapon copying I genuinely find the games too hard.

MGR would've been sick as a MMZ game. Always felt like it was the closest thing to a 3D Zero game I would ever play. There is even the part of getting the weapons of fallen bosses.
Armstrong would've been a cool final boss for a MMZ game.

>if aile exists in ZXA, ashe dies
hardly seems fair

I hate that model X is post game content.
it's the best looking model by far, ideally they would have made it a weaker version that fires only one charged buster shot so you get to keep it and not feel OP, and have the second charge shot be the unlockable.

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Post Tron

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Feel that Model X is kind of weak too weak for the game.
Sure double charge shot is nice, but I figure X would be way more useful than his slightly modded children.
A weapon copy could have been neat.

I like the soundeffects he uses, he's good at using them to emphasize movement


ZX3 staring Best Boy and Best Girl when?

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Who's the best devil and why is it Shadow Devil?

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double charge shot doesn't sound that impressive on paper but it obliterates every health bar in the game. game would be a cake walk if they let you keep it.

Unless it's a prequel, never. They're dead.

honestly people have survived worse in this franchise

Who do you like best?

I never played legends.
should I?

Do it for Tron. She was made for the Megacock.

I know from gameplay perspective that already made him awesome.
Just felt bad that X special ability was too... just use other biometals.
Which got one upped by Model A in the sequel.

Too bad she's never getting it with Volnutt stuck on the moon and Roll to claim him first.

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I liked the little tantrum hitler X threw in Z3 right before he exploded, it made him sympathetic and reminded you that he's only been alive for a short time, he's just a naive kid doing what he was told because it's for the greater good, and then finally got sick of being bossed around.

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She is cuter than Roll and will always be, though. If she cannot be his wife, then she can be his mistress.

>Which got one upped by Model A in the sequel.
In the future if they make another ZX game they should give Model X add-ons to represent X's armors, those are how X stayed relevant once Axl showed up.

Yes, but there are very little of.

>draw girl robot
>call it boy robot

Eh, fucker had a massive ego and got what he deserved.

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Shame. I know it's to be expected, considering that the series is a sausage fest, but there really is too much gay shit.

It's the same situation as Kingdom Hearts.

The ZX series and Legends series are criminally underrated and it pisses me off that Capcom will either straight up ignore them or retcon them out the timeline so they don't have to admit that people genuinely want these games.

Also Roll is cute and more than likely the inspiration for Nico in DMC5.

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it could work. Zero is basically just MGR Raiden.

At the end of the day, Capcom is a business, and they're not going to focus on something that they believe won't sell. For all the complaining Legends and ZX fans make, the fact of the matter is that neither series sold well.

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>they're not going to focus on something that they believe won't sell.
I don't wanna hear that because they've putting out stupid dogshit no one wanted for years now.


not recently no. they've been focusing alot on their mainstream for the past couple of years.
(mainline MM, SF, RE, DMC..)

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*mainstream series

>mainline MM
No such thing. Megaman is Megaman and it goes by a timeline that Capcom themselves confirmed unless they're doing like I said here >Capcom will either straight up ignore them or retcon them out the timeline so they don't have to admit that people genuinely want these games.


Where do BN and SF fit into your timeline then?

ZX series had a bunch of problems, i liked but even i know why the game was a failure. Both games didn't know what they wanted to be

They're alternate universe and it's not my timeline. Capcom put it in Rockman Perfect Memories.

>Mega Man series (20XX)
>Mega Man X series (21XX)
>Mega Man Zero series (a few centuries later)
>Mega Man ZX series (a century after the Zero series)
>Mega Man Legends series (several thousand years later)

I also don't know what i want to be, but i'm not a failure.

Keep telling yourself that user. You wouldn't be here otherwise.

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And how exactly does ignoring Legends and ZX retcon them out of the timeline?

I did a model of Prometheus (and her brother) for R-Style (the doujinshi).

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Definitely start collecting good code combinations so you can start max ranking Navi battles for the best chips.

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post blogkino or whatever social media you have, good stuff.

They can't make any game that comes after ZX and Legends without retconing them because the other option is making MML3 to tie up what happens after both and it's clear they're still ass mad at Inafune because JP companies are grudge holding babies.

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scribbled phantom in paint last summer.
I liked him.

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Just a game between the two series then. Thousands of years take place between ZX and Legends so there is plenty of time to work with. It's not as if the rest of the series has clearly defined what happened between each series (Elf Wars and Zero to ZX notwithstanding)

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dunno how I typed that. meant blog.

You're the only grudge holding baby here

t. Capcom suits huddled around a laptop.

so everyone here fapped to the Ojomajo doreimi scat doujin by the MMZ artist right?
you guys are not casuals, right?

This They sure as hell can do another series between ZX and Legends. They only need to acknowledge Thomas's comment in ZXA, mention that "something happened for some centuries", and set the plot for this new series. They effectively avoid ZX3, while keeping the timeline intact.
While it would annoy me that they would avoid doing ZX3, I'm quite fine with them doing another series in between ZX and Legends.

Also, X9 gets priority before any other non Classic game.

My blogkino is @heatphoenix on twitter, I do mostly mega man shit and post here from time to time

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I've only fapped to his tokusatsu doujins

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alright, love your stuff
>I do mostly mega msan shit

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Yeah, bro. I live for putting Mega Man in 3D.

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So, what happened to lc-kun?

Probably found a new series to shitpost about after he got BTFO with the sales numbers for 11.

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Pandora's the girl, Prometheus is the brother. Good stuff though.

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so is the black stuff skin or a bodysuit

Best robutt

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Grey was the only one of those two with an actual personality.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be skin they can change the color of at will.

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and it was shit.
felt like I was playing as shinji


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WOOPS, well, trust me. After spending 40 hours looking at both of them modeling them you'd think I'd not fuck up like that, but here we are.

Working on Model Z atm.

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I'm pretty sure on the humans (like Vent, Aile, and Ashe) it's a bodysuit while on the reploids (like Grey) it's skin.

Im playing zx for the first time bros. Why is Aile so cute

She just is, man.

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At this point in the series though, humans and reploids are starting to become indistinguishable from one another. I think it's supposed to be skin for both species.

wut can you link me up senpai?

They are still two different species. It's not until Legends they become the same thing.

By the time Legends comes around, the human/reploid species is already long gone. The carbons are a new species entirely created by the few remaining human/reploid hybrids. They become one after ZX and long before Legends.

That doesn't change my point that Humans and Reploids aren't the same thing. While the lines have started getting blurred by the time of ZX, they are still there.

Oh hey, I scanned that, a lifetime ago. I've almost got the full collection now, at least if he hasn't drawn any new book since 2016. Sadly he stopped making color books after 2008, with the exception of one that collects his magazine illustrations.

I think for humans the bodysuit acts as a second skin, maybe more durable and/or sporting a controllable sensory suite to match Reploids being tougher and able to actively ignore pain. Also may serve as in interface medium for equipment like armor and weapons like WH40K's Black Carapace.

what's with these 2?

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Could I get access to that? I'd like to 3D model some of his art.

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Childhood is waifuing Luna. Adulthood is realizing Mayl is the proper choice.

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They were the only two well known girls in the Classic series until Megaman 9 came out, so it's pretty obvious to me why peole put them together. I thinks it's cute at least.

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Sadly, the lesson I learned with the earlier scans is that I can't get good scans without damaging the books.

Simple photocopies would be great too.

I have something good to trade for it too, if you know what I mean.

Shuko Kido, AquaMan.Exe's operator and depressed worrywart. She's adorable.

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Grey wasn't a whiny cunt though. Hell he even told model a that if he wouldn't help he'd go alone.

Pandora a cute.

anyone read the comic book Descender? it makes me think of how a live action megaman could work if given a story.

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>gang shota on loli + poop™

that's a great 3D model for zero.
where did the "mythos" design originate from?

its p cute ye.

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>ZX and ZXA were failures
>tfw they were pretty much my first real megaman games and i worked my way backwards to the rest of the series
>Still have special place in my heart

W-we'll stop Thomas' plan one day, right?

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But Thomas is right. Why should reploids have an artificial lifespan imposed on them?

no, your games are gonna be about wily and sigma and you're going to like it.

Isn't everyone functionally immortal by the time ZX rolls around?

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Nope, thanks to bullshit backstory to tie it all together with Legends series. Reploids had artificial lifespans imposed on them and blurred the line with what humans were to the point that both would turn into cyber elves when killed in the ZX series. The Sage Trinity were the ones that devised and enforced the artificial lifespan.

No. Reploids have artificial lifespans to make them more human, while humans get artificial implantations to extend their life. Only the sage trinity is still functionally immortal and those very lifespans were what kept Prometheus and Pandora on such a short leash.

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Mythos form should've been added as an extra in the MMZ collection. I don't know how it would play but it looks pretty cool, it's a shame that it never actually went anywhere.

>Feel that Model X is kind of weak too weak for the game.

Model X is literally the strongest form available to you, what the fuck are you smoking? the double charge shot is absolutely insane. Shit melts healthbars. It's got four fucking hitboxes

Ah, I see. I wish they'd made that clearer in the games. I'll say, the introduction of Legion and hunters and all that shit might just be the most jarring thing going from ZX to ZXA. They apparently took the role that the Guardians had in the previous game and then we don't even get to interact with any guardian and Praire is fucking gone.

For being such a huge part of the world it feels pretty fucking weird that they weren't mentioned at all in ZX. I get that all of ZX essentially happens in what I'm assuming is one big mega-city and surrounding areas, but still.

look what I just found

You know, at least with the Zero series there were the Perfect Works shit to help explain a lot of context as to why things happened the way they did, what happened off-screen and so forth. ZX and ZXA never got these besides audio dramas and a manga for the first game that while way more faithful than Zero's, ultimately flew under the radar. So shit like the Sage Trinity just sort of pops up out of nowhere, while Prairie and the Guardians basically disappear outside of Vent/Aile flying their ship. For Inti trying so hard to expand the world into more of a pseudo-RPG kind of thing with the metroidvania formula, they did absolutely fuck all besides having most of Advent's NPCs look unique.

I'd give Tronbon and Roll my MegaLode if you know what I'm saying

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The Biometals having their own personalities and minds always felt weird since they're essentially trinkets. Gives some cool moments but I can't help but think that starting off with them not being able to talk and revealing it later would have been more impactful

I also found this one but there's a dumb kid talking over it

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Why does ZX feel alot more like spin off titles than Zero? the latter always felt as much of a "mainline" series as the X games

still mad

would like to have known where they were going with this

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I mean, in his earlier works there's girls being cleaved open with swords and a darkstalkers one where lilith gets bits of herself removed with wirecutters so depending on your tastes you want want to stick to the safe pages.

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The Zero series was stage-based, even with Zero 1's weird attempts at exploration, and very narrative-driven by its cast and circumstances like the X games were. It felt like an actual direct successor to the X games in a manner of speaking, even for all the changes that ensued. ZX doesn't continue any plotlines from anything besides bringing back the past with the Biometals, the tone is more like a saturday morning budget shonen sentai series, all the ties to the past were entirely to Zero besides the Model A fakeout, and the game design is basically nothing like the prior games at all.

ZX is like it wanted to be a new story but couldn't help being a Zero successor, like they wanted to make an RPG but couldn't stray too far from the established mold. It's like the inbetween of the main games and Legends in more than just timeline, but it didn't have a cohesive-enough design to call all its own as a result of piggybacking off the Zero series so hard.

When I first played MMZX I was expecting Giro to actually be Zero who's decided to live quietly and peacefully after so many centuries of battle, imagine my disappointment

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Much less dire theme than either X or Zero, the continuity is there but it doesn't feel that direct as much as it feels fanservice-y, artstyle goes from the darker tones and blocky stage designs from Zero and X to incredibly sleek everything.

Zero was essentially a direct sequel to X ad both series essentially dealt with the same sort of shit, by the time ZX rolled around that had been solved so there wasn't as much of a connection. Model W doesn't really make for a good stand-in for Weil, so they have this weird instance of having a lot of cotinuity nods but not really attaching them properly to the plot or feel of the game

Didn't know ZX had audio dramas

Eh, still dies and leaves a blonde girl broken-hearted, so close enough.

Model C should have been a thing. Craft was fucking amazing

They exist alright.

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>I'm gonna humans a chance to decide their fate on their own.
>Nukes their city from orbit
He was a fucking idiot.

Honestly, ZX/A to me always felt like glorified fan games. Damn good ones, make no mistake, but the writing is weak even by Capcom standards, and they have little to no meaningful connection with the previous games outside of visuals and gameplay. A part of me wishes they were a reboot/alternate timeline instead of tacking on comparatively weak sequels that have Ciel die offscreen and Alouette disappear between games.

I think ZX not selling well has a lot to do with Starforce releasing around the same time and hogging the marketing.
I think if the budget went into a ZX anime instead of Starforce we would've had more games.

>and Alouette disappear between games.

user, you might want to sit down for a minute.

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I remember how Star Force had an anime adaptation of the whole damn thing but was lukewarm at best in success, and the dub didn't even finish half of the first season before being dropped because no one fucking cared about it. Mega Man had oversaturated itself at that point. Upwards to 40 games in 10 years between all the spinoffs, sub series, re-releases, compilations and so forth.

did she died?

ambiguously between ZX and ZXA

that's what I'm saying. The first Starforce game was shit, alot worse than ZX, but they decided that it deserved more games and an anime while ZX got nothing

Flooding the world and populating it with Carbons obviously

Legends doesn't deserve the retcon hammer, but ZX series? GOOD RIDDANCE.
I like the games and all, but the story is trash. I'm sorry, but it belongs in an alternate timeline deal like what is done with Zelda.

Speaking of, answer me this lore aficionados:
Is Mega Man Volnutt/Trigger a reploid? all the reaverbots are just late model mechanaloids, I thought, and all the tombs were made before the great flood and all. So it made me wonder if the human-looking models were actually reploids made for the various systems in place in the ruins

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How would you fix ZX's problems and how would you make a theoretical ZX3, Yea Forums? It has to be a direct sequel, though.

>Prometheus and Pandora still got crushed in Albert's laboratory, but their data/souls/cyber elves was recovered by Vent/Aile and the Guardians
>Albert took out the last of the Model Ws with him when Ouroboros crashed and burned, but there is still the mistery of what happened to Model Z and the stolen biometals
>Prometheus/Pandora can talk every now andthen to the player character as cyber elves while new bodies are being built
>Having Prometheus' sarcastic homicidal voice shouting at you is exactly as lovely as you'd imagine, but he's a funny motherfucker
>Guardian crew goes on to investigate the Ouroboros crash site
>It's exactly the same place that Ragnarok crashed centuries ago
>Meet Thomas' Megamen there once again, they were looking for Model Z and found it, but couldn't retrieve it
>Fucking Ouroboros and Model W corrupted Model Z's data and it's been going berserk, fucking up the other megaan a la Omega in Zero 3
>First boss fight is Vent/Aile using Model X to subdue berserk model Z
>Later Prometheus and Pandora can feel some sort of connection to the site, everyone wonders why the mega men were there and who sent then, investigate around
>Model Z is damaged for the time being, P&P are without bodies, and the mega men are running wild around the world following Thomas' plans and commanding new Pseudoroids
>Meet Ashe/Grey at halfway point just like in ZXA, team up for a few missions
>Thomas' ultimate plan is to use the participants of the game of destiny and his supreme power as part of the sage trinity to undo the human/reploid merge as he feels the world has stagnated because struggles betwee reploids and humans have ended
>Plans to corrupt all data, obtain the original data for the reploids from before they were given human bodies and recreate the Maverick Virus to lead the world into a hard split between augmented humans and reploids.


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There is no official answer for Trigger. He was coined as an "Irregular Hunter" in Japanese, but besides being one of the Master's top units and personal confidant, the Legends games danced around using those terms otherwise.


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>As the end draws closer, the bodies of prometheus and pandora are ready and they're essentially reborn as true reploids instead of humans
>However instead of following what Thomas' intended they're imune to the maverick virus and want to fuck his shit up because they're done with all this garbage and give you the ability to copy their versions of Model W depending on which character you're playing as, only Vent gets prometheus
>Thomas' plan involves reaching into the Cyberspace, for that is where the original data for all reploids is at the moment
>Yadda yadda, boss rush, find him and kick his ass, fortress final level
>The struggle damages pivotal parts of the world that depended on the cyberspace. Remember how plenty of levels that seemed organic had cracks where you could see circuitry under it
>In the aftermath thomas is defeated by the world starts to split
>Sea levels begin to rise
>World is more or less at peace but goes on a steady decline until it reaches Legends

Who's this absolute cutie?

Unpopular Megaman opinions GO
Megaman X5 is still my favorite Megaman game even after playing through literally every other game in the franchise

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isn’t DMfD some kind of grindy coop thing

Luna, Pandora, Aile, and Ribitta are my favorite Mega Man girls.

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Aile and Grey 4lyf

6 is my favorite of the classics

Megaman 8 is a perfectly fine game and it doesn't deserve the bad rep.

it looks much better than the pixel art and even megaman 11

This. Grey is actually related to the plot in a nontrivial way.

To be fair boss dialogue in ZX implies that Aile was either somehow related to Weil, or after ZXA came out, had Albert blood in her too as a descendant. Ashe just traded off with her for that role as a player character actually finding out firsthand, which would also imply Aile and Ashe are distant cousins.

Given the whole "A" motif of Albert, that's kind of amusing in hindsight.

Are the Switch versions of Legacy Collection 1/2 any good? I heard they fucked up the resolution with 9 and 10, is that true? Should I just emulate instead?

Mega Man 8 has the best soundtrack in the classic series. 3 is extremely overrated.

8 is visually interesting but it's up to personal preference.
I will say that it's clear they actually put effort into it's visuals, even if they were really...niche in terms of appeal.

Reploids should be exterminated. Copy X did nothing wrong.

>How would you fix ZX's problems
Bring back open world and remove the requirement of choosing which stage you want to go.

I heard there were problems with LGC1 on Switch, but I have LGC2 and it works just fine.

Humans are even worse. Weil is proof of that.

I'm not even fucking around when I say that I don't understand what you mean at all. It seems like such an obvious upgrade to literally every other megaman game, except for 7 and 11 which I could actually see being a preference thing.

How's the X legacy collections? I was thinking about getting them, 20 bucks seems fair

>One retard scientist represents the human race

it's funny how the entire Elf Wars began because Weil was butthurt about Reploids getting cured of the Sigma Virus and a slap on the wrist after god knows how many years of Maverick Wars. it's not even that he was strictly amoral at the time, he just went too far and wrapped everyone up in his genocidal vengeance

Work fine for me, but then I haven't played the second half thoroughly. I do remember people bitching that X7 had some glitches like Soldier Stonekong randomly disappearing in the boss refights, which was a softlock.

Dunno about Switch, but MM9 and MM10 on PC has wrong aspect ratio

The humans punished Weil for being an absolute piece of shit themselves though. Neo Arcadia turned him into a reploid and exiled him so he could have fun living in the hell he created.

Weil didn't send Eurasia colliding with Earth and forcing humans to live underground.

Dr. Wiley, a human, is what started this whole mess, while X and Zero who are both reploids saved humanity several times. Reploids are the superior descendants of an inferior race.

>the humans punished Weil
no, the Judges he made were the ones that made that decision, even if at the command of humanity. it's entirely plausible that they're the reason he wasn't sentenced to death as a result.

If you can blame Dr. Wiley for starting the whole mess, then you can also say that Dr. Light was responsable for solving it. X was his creation and it was through his influence that the whole thing got sorted out

X and Zero aren't reploids.

Yeah and we saw how well that worked out.

None of the shit would've happened if not for Dr. Cain mass producing reploids.

Mega Man 6 is my favorite in the Classic series. I prefer MM8 over MM7. MMX6 is somewhat fun once you know it well enough. While I very much like both, I prefer Star Force to Battle Network overall. Legends is a bit overrated. I would've had no qualms with the real X being the villain in MMZ1 like was originally planned.

I'm not sure how many of these are actually unpopular opinions.

No, he just build ragnrok so he could death beam everyone from above.

My mom got me this PS1 disk. There were some ripped cutscenes so they could fit all the games in a CD,

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Light is just as responsible for this shit for not just letting megaman kill wily when he had the chance. Which he did, several times.

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And he was also a human.

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ZX3 new protag uses Model Sigma.

And none of THAT shit would have happened if Light hadn't built X. You can kick the blame all the back to Light making Protoman, and even further beyond that. Hell, blame Duo's creators for making him a robot instead of computer program. The world of robot Megaman is one giant series of mistakes and fuckups.

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Exactly. Humans made a mistake making reploids.

Wily never killed anyone, though. Property damage out the ass, attempted takeovers and likely hospitalized humans? Most certainly, there was no doubt collateral damage and even the Ariga manga had people getting hurt and threatened with death. At no point would any flimsy laws of Robotics, which Light himself wanted to surpass, have triggered a genuine "kill Wily to save the world" response, which makes Mega Man 7 (even the Jap version) stand out by Mega Man wanting to do the deed on his own consideration. And even if Wily did win, what would he do? He's not some iron-fisted, genocidal tyrant - just an egotist that keeps breaking everyone's shit to get their attention. Even if Wily got his acceptance, Light would've still made Mega Man X - and Dr. Cain would've still poorly copied X, which resulted in Mavericks before the Sigma Virus came into play.

The entire Classic era is constantly blamed, but it's the X era that actually caused all the real trouble to begin out of the hands of those that created what would stir hell on Earth as a result.

Fuck all that.

Blame Willy, because guess what, he is the sole responsable for being a fucking DICK and insisting on trying to take over the world and making the maverick virus. Willy is literally the only person at fault at the end of this, the field of robotics at large has nothing to do with one autistic old man

It's Light's, Wily's and Cain's fault.

No matter who's right, i'm gonna have to slap a lot of shit tonight.

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Mavericks still existed before it actually got loose in Sigma. Sigma's just the one that used it to genocidal means.

And reploids made far fewer mistakes by comparison. They're both physically and mentally superior.

Light, Wily, Cain and Ciel all fucked up pretty damn hard, really. Just a chain of poorly thought out decisions.

Weil didn't fuck up though. His bullshit was calculated from the start.

And to think, all this could have been prevented if he and Light had just gotten laid.

So then at the end of the day it's all womans fault.

The artstyle just isn't for everyone.
Everything is super round as fuck, super cartoony.
I would describe it as "baloon inflated as colorful as a mainline nintendo title but all the colors are on steroids to the point of borderline burning my retina".
It just went into a direction that you personally were fine with, but many other people weren't, it was too much for most.
I mean it's not BAD, per se, it's just not something that was appealing to a lot of people.

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My wife, the Empress

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>Genocidal Neo-Arcadia

Everyone in the series is to blame after a certain point. Ciel fucked up by making Copy-X which turned into fucking Hitler, but she didn't MAKE Copy-X turn into fucking hitler. He and the guardians decided to start shit by themselves.

No, they should've gotten laid with each other.
W being the bottom, obviously.

And to be fair to Ciel she was like, 4 years old as a super tube baby prodigy and forced to make Copy-X if I remember right. It wasn't some coincidental hobbyist thing but a legitimate confidential government move. Neo Arcadia's humans in charge were the real retards, especially seeing as the Guardians had no idea until Zero 3.

>Neo Arcadia's humans in charge were the real retards, especially seeing as the Guardians had no idea until Zero 3.

I thought that they were all perfectly aware of the shit happening and only turned around when Weil started threatening actual humans and people living in Neo Arcadia? Were there still humans in charge by the time MMZ rolled around?


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The Guardians were fully aware of and participating in the amoral shit, but they weren't aware of the Copy-X being a thing. No one but Ciel and Elf X were. Weil pushing them in Z3 was the real root cause of their turnaround, alongside Harpuia and the Guardians respecting Zero more by then over the three games. As for human leadership, it's hard to say because we literally see no humans besides Ciel until Zero 4, unless you count Weil to any degree.

She really, you can't fucking blame a 4 year old for doing something.

She also get points for directly trying to solve what happened even though she didn't have to. Copy-X became a violent despot, so Ciel said fuck it all and started a resistance to save lives, AND developed a limitless energy system that would solve everything.

Ciel is literally best girl.

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>She also get points for directly trying to solve what happened even though she didn't have to.
Seriously, she's probably one of the best female characters in video games, period.
Promoting intelligence and being crafty and resourceful over just solving problems trough brute strength.
Zero listens to her because he understands he can tear apart shit all day, but he can't fix the world, while she can.

Women always bitch that there's no good female representation in games, but ignore good, positive role models like Ciel.

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Copy X did nothing wrong, so by extension, Ciel did nothing wrong. Reploids were a mistake that need to be corrected for the sake of humanity.

Humanity was the mistake, reploids are the improved model.

She's very competent while also being incredibly traditionally feminine which isn't something that people seem to be keen on accepting nowadays. seriously, Ciel is 80% pink and 200% cute, CUTE

If humans are mistakes, their creations should be mistakes too.

Man I've been itching to replay the ZX games lately.

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That doesn't make any sense, it's like saying milk being gross makes anything made with it also gross.

Remember that Model Hx is the best in the game

TRUE hard mode is using Fx and Px only


Post good songs

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Hx is quite good but I'll be using classic X as much as possible (I believe it is a permanent option after you beat the game on hard mode, correct?)

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>Tron without her crotch plate

Damn waste of otherwise excellent art.

That doesn't make me wrong.


You need to have clear saves of both characters, difficulty doesn't matter.

Weil's entire motivation was because of the Maverick wars and how reploids fucked up the entire planet, he was right to be pissed. X was too naive thinking reploids and humans can live together, even by ZX when they're almost equal, reploids still try destroy everything.

The only build in BN2 is the G Code Build.

Model w is basically weils cyber elf corrupting the fragments of ragnarok though. ZX is entirely his fault.

Oh that's fine too, I'm sure I've done that. I wish there was some cool extra stuff like that in ZXA but the only thing I remember being extra is that 8-bit minigame thing.

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This is my favourite track in the whoke franchise.
always gets me hyped the fuck up.

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>Mythos Omega

Thomas resets the world
The End
cue Mega Man Legends

based hotblooded fefnir

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Freeze Man is the most fun, prove me wrong, you literally can't.

For the main story I was using a three-code folder of A, G, and R. It felt pretty mediocre, especially towards the end, but it was getting the job done. I already picked up GutsManV3 and GateManV3, the latter of which is pretty great. I'll probably incorporate the Gater P.A. now that I've found out about it, too. I planned to custom-build my folder for each boss, but it's turning out to be more daunting than I expected. Like the first user said, I'm gonna have to grind out some chip codes, which sounds pretty tedious really.

My style is WoodGutsV3. I love shitting out 160 damage with a single charge shot, but I'm quickly wondering if I should try to get the style that lets you start with 10 chips instead. Currently my other style is AquaShield, but I never use it.

This is such a good track.
No need to be loud, it's the subtle touches that make it so great.

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Nigger weil CAUSED the elf wars.

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Her games is shit for single player and is barely functional for multiplayer because no split screen and dead online.

>no hope for more Prometheus and Pandora
It still hurts. Prometheus was the only character with good voice acting in ZXA.

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As a response to the maverick wars

Pandora is so fucking cute, I'm so pissed we wont be getting more of her.

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Untrue. Cyber elves ENDED the maverick wars, Weil started that shit back up.

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That doesn't make it justified.


I love Leviathan and want to have robot-babies with her.

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I never said it was justified, Weil probably got as many humans killed as the maverick wars. I'm just saying he's right to be mad at reploids.

Maverick virus was a virus, none of the involved barring sigma were really responsible.

Why? That's retarded.

Also he was getting plenty of humans killed.

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hasnt it been like 5 years? Can't be TOO much longer now.

Except there were those that chose to go maverick without the assistance of the virus, or those labeled Mavericks because politics and decided that if people were going to label them mavericks anyway then fuck it, they'll act the part, like with Epsilon from Command Mission.

all these zoomers and they're gay NuMegaman garbage.

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Nice chastity/vibrator attachment.

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I wonder if anyone else even remembers the radical von awesome threads about that show.

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> those labeled Mavericks because politics and decided that if people were going to label them mavericks anyway then fuck it, they'll act the part
Those people were just as much a victim.

Who cares if they were responsible? Humans can't turn into genocidal maniacs by catching a cold. And the X series has shown multiple times that a lot of reploids went maverick of their own volition without coming into contact with the virus. Reploids weren't put into 30 years of stasis to make sure they actually had morality like X was, they were inherently flawed. It doesn't matter how cute they are, your robot waifus want you dead.

A very cute attachment for a very cute robot.

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Albert wants her all to himself.

No, humans are just naturally genocidal by nature. It's why their response to a problem they themselves caused is to burn the whole thing down, regardless of how many innocents they murder in the process.

>Sigma and Zero ended up being infected by the Maverick Virus due to being in close proximity to Zero's capsule, as well as the damage they both sustained. As Sigma was too strong to be infected by the Maverick Virus, the virus instead adapted to him, creating the Sigma Virus. Sensing something strange, Sigma ordered Zero to be taken to a repair center and be examined by Dr. Cain. The Maverick Virus, however, had a noticeably different effect on Zero. As Zero was built as an absolutely evil robot, the virus had an unexpected effect on him, causing him to become good instead

...i'm sorry, what?
What the fuck is this plot?
What does it mean he was "bad" but the virus "made him good"!?

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Albert was clearly into shota

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what do you guys thing of the program advances mechanic? I'm currently playing BN2 and found it tiring as fuck to get certain chips for it.

welcome to crapcoms shitty writing.

Based Atlasfriend dropping a truthbomb.

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I love it just for Pile Driver.

>we didn't get a boss fight with them at the end of the game
Fucking waste.

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The only program advance I cared about was Life Sword because the anime made it look cooler than it actually was.

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can robots be impregnated?

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>Zero over vergil in DMC
I'd love a mod like that.
that's nice looking Zero model too

Only one way to find out.

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>For a time, it was believed that the Maverick Hunter Zero was the sole originator of the virus, and that Dr. Wily had a hand in its creation. However, this is not quite true, as the Rockman Zero Collection timeline reveals that Zero had a cognitive flaw in his electronical brain and was sealed by Dr. Wily in a capsule, because he was violent and unwilling to obey instructions. The capsule in which Zero was held had been spreading the original virus, which was not only meant to cause Reploids and Mechaniloids to go berserk, but also to remove the cognitive flaw in Zero's brain.

Ok wait so this maybe makes a bit more sense?
As in, the virus was a tool meant to "fix" Zero, and also to be used as a weapon.
So it "turns" Zero because it's intended function is specifically to alter reploid brain wiring, and it was especially attuned to Zero more than anyone else, i guess.

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More like 9 years.

Okay yeah, that makes a bit more sense. So him turning good was just a product of him becoming fixed.

Classic is the only good series. X is anime garbage, Z is weeaboo fanfiction and BN is shonen babby trash.

What the FUCK was his problem?

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it's like you're judging them based solely on the artstyle

Probably driven insane by war or some shit so he pretended to discard all emotions on the surface, the insanity bubbling down below.

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He was trapped in a game that didn't give him or his fellow nuts proper screentime.

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I sorta always assumed he was straight up defective or very poorly/essentially barebone programmed.

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What sort of problems?

>X is the best gameplay wise
>Starforce is the best story wise
Fight me

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What about ZX, Legends, and Star Force?

C - - - y.

It's the best assumption i've got honestly, given that the Advent Mega Men get less backstory than than most other "recurring" antagonists in the entire franchise.

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Who here waiting for Recharged?

There's also let's plays of the private beta the dev gave out last Christmas if you want to spoil a large chunk of the game.

I like his transformation in particular.
Dopest design of the guardians imo.

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Worked in DBZ so its possible.

Zero series is better both-wise.

>Legends again
>Battle Network
>Star Force?
>Star Force
>Star Force

No love for X or ZX?

Huh, i upscaled that gif propely myself one year ago.
Glad to see it's still being used.

The theme seems to be humans.

eh, I honestly can't get back to the classic series after Z/ZX/X/11 added so much to the formula. his robot madster designs do look neat though.

Somehow missed that you said ZX as well. Dunno why Aile isn't there.

yeah it's probably yours, I saved it from a thread here about a year ago.
good job.

Artwork is based off swimsuit art for X-Over. They were the only one that got some.

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Megaman 8 on the Sega Saturn, we had a Genesis but dad never got the Wily Wars. After the Saturn bombed, he (and thus we) jumped to Playstation, that's when I played X4.

Man the mythoid design for The zero series was something else.

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Anniversary collection on PS2.
for some reason I hated all of them except for 8.
8 is still my favourite of the classic series.

Reminder that Shanghai is still alive

Deathtanz Mantisk was based and redpilled.
fun as fuck to fight too.

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Agreed, love all the boss designs.

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She is going comando

>when you realize Ashe is basically wearing nothing between her shirt and her heel boots

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I do.

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>There was no way for me to save phantoms soul...

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>began in 1987
>divided in different parts, 2 of these taking place in an alternate universe
>musical references
>all happens because two dudes got into a fight

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>Implying wily could make something that works like he expected

Even bass could become good according to some games,so here's your answer

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What's Bass's function, anyway? The fact that he was able to fight against Wily in some games seems to imply he has something of a vague function like Rock did.
As far as I know it's either "Destroy Mega Man" or "Be the strongest robot"
My bet is on the latter.

why were all weapons so lackluster compared to the Z Saber in MMZ?
I never felt inclined to use any of them outside of environmental utility, and maybe the rod on Fake X's final form.

>no one's posted this yet


C _ _ _ _.

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The games are designed around the Z-Saber.


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Reminder that THIS is a man and if you fapped to him when you were younger you're a homo.

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more like CUTEbit Foxtar.

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he's not the thing I mistook for a girl in this homoerotic series.

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it's not gay if it's a robot.

I wish these had high-res/full versions available somewhere.

i mean if you want that

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Aile is my favourite Nintendo DS Add-On.

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PX looks so mediocre compared to P.
Glad it was fixed in ZX:A.

I'm sure they're out there somewhere, I just wasn't going to look any further than the MMKB. I only bothered with Shuko because hers isn't on there.

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One thing to remember about ZX vs ZXA is that the Model Forms aren't their natural looks, since each form is only accessible by bridging through Model X, resulting in a different look.

because it has the best theme, duh

They're all more or less ok.
It's just PX that is painful and silly to look at, especially considering how cool the natural form is.

>not posting superior version

Nakedness is not as erotic as selective sight. Let what you can see augment your imagination, not replace it.

why hasn't anyone posted izzy glow's theme? that guitar is rad as fuck

What does Dr. Cossack do nowadays? Dr. Light wrote that his research was basically on par with his Wily's.

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Would have been cool if he had his own version of some of Phantom's attacks.

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>fucking metal slug explosions
That's just hilarious.
What the fuck.

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cutest one so far
artists name?

desu i just like the final part of the song where zero owns omega's ass

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Lol I too was pretty into it until that happened and took me out of the moment

X5 had lots of good songs, this one is my favorite:
Also raising the biggest banger of the MM11 instrumental:

He is basically an attempt of Willy to make his own Megaman but he probably also copied the mentality of an 11-13 years old boy that Megaman also have,so that's why he doesn't even care about Willy plans, he knows that he was created for being the superior version

Willy already tried this in Megaman 1 but that failed, that's why I'm saying that it probably wasn't just Capcom shitty writing

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Based on the details we have been given I'd project if there was a plan: it would be to include a revelation after Legends 2 that the System Units have the functionally human biological functions Trigger seemed to display but generally had immortality, the ability to transform, nanomachines and a bunch of junk that had to be parred down into Carbons when the master tried to reverse-engineer humans.

Mostly because the origin story for Volnutt goes over this portion in rather heavy detail and doesn't mention him receiving a special built carbon body for the purposes of allowing him to survive and live among the Carbons. And by the point he needed to turn become a baby to repair himself as MML2 suggested: the Elysium was shut the fuck down and wouldn't let him clone one even if he wasn't locked out.

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thanks mate

Why are reploids so lewd?
Are they the reason why humans are so few in megaman verse?
Is their presence preventing human procreation?

Good night Yea Forums

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Why wouldn't you make lewd robots?

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Good night, user.

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I'd rather have a BN collection with all of the cut content put back in.

Either that or just make a new timeline again. It's clear Capcom has no interest in linking Classic and X so for all intents and purposes they're all separate.

First game was X4 but what really got me into megaman was BN3. It was the first game I ever 100% as a kid. I try to replay BN3 at least once a year.

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It's just weird to imagine the bright and cheerful world of Classic descending into the hellscape that is the X and Zero series. We already know the Cataclysm isn't what happened between Classic and X, but how else can you explain Wily's snap from cartoon villain to omnicidal maniac?

>ywn pinch Leviathans cheeks
bet theu feel like dolphin skin

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Cute but seriously get a better camera.

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It's from the first Megaman game I beat, so it has a special place in my heart.

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Why is Leviathan so cute?

>Mega Man X
Wait a mega minute...

She got her daddy's looks.

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Why don't we get a weapon after fighting Dark Man?

Best boy and best girl in one image

Just get the power to whistle off-key.

>Mythoids are called Mutoids in the US
Fuck you Capcom

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We never got confirmation, reploids survived worse.

The Darkmen probably aren't robot masters and don't have any special weapons to take, like the Doc Robots from Megaman 3.

Capcom been ignoring the 1999 war Castlevania game for more than a decade, they are god at it.

He probably went full computer to deal with dead comrades or something.

4:38 is absolute kino.

They made a game about the Kosovo war?

>I missed the Megaman thread

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her breath smells like fish though

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Oh no you missed the pedo thread

I wish ZX/A wasn't permanently marred by Inafune's shit. Also why the fuck is it I missed the entire thread the one time it was about ZX/A.

just make one tomorrow, I like talking about these games.

I love Mayl!

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Rude, Leviathan has minty fresh breath, the same that all her siblings have!

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2 questions for you faggot.
do you take reqs?
will you draw on actual paper?

sure but not for long.


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It's actually something I've always wanted.

There was a surprisingly low amount of lewd in this thread, and even less pedos.
I'm shocked, honestly. And grateful.

You never played aria of sorrow?

>Maverick Hunter X2 never
I'm still mad

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Its because Rollfags are asleep

Fucking PSP.

incorrect, i can dump whenever, but i chose not to today.

i can change that if you desire.

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I just want you to know, bby.
I really fucking hate you for constantly ruining threads.

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>Megaman Powered Up 2-11 never

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>"Stop posting things that I don't like!"

half of the time i dump cause these threads are gonna die anyway, slowest threads on Yea Forums

love ya too.

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I'll try then.

Are these customs?

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hot. but get some actual paper next time

Found the pedophile.

I wish you luck user. I'll be here.

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Its your fucking fault for pirating it, and don't give me any shit about that. I was ON Yea Forums when MHX and PU came up and nobody fucking bought those games.

I don't even think PU ever came out on PSN or anything so its forever trapped on the PSP. Which is a shame because quite honestly I find the game miles better than MHX (which I still enjoy).

What the actual fuck were they thinking making every single Maverick stage have the same music for Vile mode?

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at least i bought both games, and discovered the long way back in a fucking junior high summer school break that even on Hard, Final Sigma in MHX was an absolute pushover compared to his X1 self

I am going to say it!!
Female reploids are CUNNING !!!!

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I do like how his design is changed though, I really love that he's in a gigantic wolf robot body now that smashes through the wall rather than just being a wall mounted head.

I still laugh thinking of "The battle, the angst, the destruction!" What a corny line.

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>That's not what you really think, X...

That game and the OVA had so many great lines, it was really fantastic.

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Found the redditor

>image of a human when talking about reploids

Blaming the reddit bogeyman. How original.

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search Capcom Special Selection Rockman Xover/×over artbook

Technically she has a reploid body. That was the deal with ZX, all the humans had reploid bodies and the reploids had artificial lifespans.

calling drawings pedophilic is a very reddit thing to do, i dont blame him

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Such a cunning girl..

Would you fags just fucking kiss already

so maybe more akin to the humans and reploids in the ZX age, where he has the robotic body components but is ultimately mortal

What did Inti mean by this?

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I mean he fucked up Wiel a tiny bit so that was pretty dope. And honestly fuck those faggy humans, the good ones evacuated.

The only problem with ZX was the sloppy map and the gimmick of switching to human to crawl. Make human form useful for something else or whatever and bam you're all set.

ZXA's problems were more detailed but it focused primarily on the bosses being lame and the boss tranformations also being lame and only used for gimmicky puzzles. IMO I would take that out and go back to a smaller number of transformations that could be used in more varied ways.

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I still watch the pre-fight dialog of Vile's final battle sometimes. Maverick Hunter X had some good ideas and should have continued. It's really unfortunate we won't get X vs Zero in the X2 remake.

I feel like I've talked with you before. Does your name start with a K? Because I've tried to like X5 multiple times but man oh man do I dislike it. It feels like a step down from X4 (which I feel like is massively overrated already).

That said I liked it more than X6. X6 has a better sense of speed but my God is it shitty.

For a sausagefest series it sure has patrician girls

Would have been fucking dope. Probably would have gotten a full Zero mode playable too. Maybe in that mode, the X-Hunters would have stolen X's parts and would reassemble him at the end.

I think MHX's sigma stages are cooler than MMX1's, personally.

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On the right track with my notion but as for:
>ultimately mortal
Not even that, at least for the System Androids. The Master was well over 3000 years old. The people that built Elysium mastered immortality, and if we have to take something from Master Thomas; he planned to make everyone immortal and allow them to choose to have a flesh and blood body or mechanical one with his planned resetting of the world. Almost seems to describe how Geetz, Gatz, and Sera work.

I'm projecting this as "Giants of the Gods" kind of thing where it took not a long time to perfect a creation. But took The Master thousands of years with attempts ranging in the span of generations working with the existing 'perfection' of super-durable humanoid robots that could live forever and appreciate bourbon; to make more and more imperfect creations. Such as would be to replicate pre-immortality/Elysium/Terra/Elder/Whatever's next in the Jenga tower of history of the prelegends series.

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>Hop on Yea Forums late at night
>Megagirl thread nearing bump limit
I am sadness.
I love Aile too!

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Since Capcom opted for the unpredictable move for Vile Mode in MHX1, I assume the new playable character for MHX2 would have been Fake Zero

Could have been pretty neat and potentially tragic if he gained some sort of conscious before destruction. Or just gone full edge, I'd be fine with that too.

RIP pandora

Does he even have a real name anywhere?

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The way he draws vaginas are disappointingly boring, why can't he be more like himukai.

>bare tits and pussy

People normally call him Black Zero. Not sure if it is an official name.

Loli is so fucking lame

>Faker? I think you're the fake Zero around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake.

>That fat ass and puffy vulva
I want to bury my face in her rear all night long

y ¿Donde esta mi negra?

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18 isn't fully robotic