Why is Nintendo emulation so much better than PS and Xbox emulation?
Why is Nintendo emulation so much better than PS and Xbox emulation?
Because Nintendo has actual worthwile games to play so they put some effort. Sony and Xbox consoles are mostly multiplats.
>HD texture packs
It's not
Hardware wise, it isn't as demanding.
Visuals wise, because it's more stylized and doesn't date itself by being photorealistic
PPSSPP emulator is pretty good
Also this.
Once you see there's autistic fans like Kaze, or Pannen, you understand why.
>not wanting your game to look like ass
This, name a single PS2-3 or Xbox original exclusive worth working for...
Despite what people here will tell you, people love and crave nintendo games. They just don't want to buy an entire system for them alone.
are you guys for real?
It's better than Xbox emulation, since that's non-existent. Also with PCSX2, there's a lot of settings you have to fiddle with to get games to work. If it's not Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, or Persona 3/4, you're going to have to fiddle with it before everything works properly. It's not like how a majority of the games work perfectly on the first try like with Dolphin.
PS1-3 doesn't have a single worthwhile game
Because people care. Or rather more care and more of those that care, care more.
Switch is built on Wii U architecture which is built on Wii architecture which is built on Gamecube architecture.
Other consoles have basically reinvented their graphical pipeline with each new iteration, usually badly documented and requiring a ton of hacks for basic functions. This leads to each developer having their own patchjob hack to do the same thing so people making emulators have to account for hundreds of different hacks that worked on the hardware but won't on an emulator.
God Hand sucks, though
PS1 emulation is better than N64.
PSP emulation is better than DS.
Gamecube emulation wasn't easy, but once it was figured out the Wii wasn't far behind simply because the Wii was hardly any different spec-wise. Wii U uses the same architecture so a lot of what was learned from GC/Wii applied there despite the new GPU. Basically it amounts up to poor decision-making on Nintendo's part.
I don't mind
Demon's Souls
>Switch is built on Wii U architecture
Switch uses NVidia Tegra X1 chips, which use ARM architecture. It's nothing like the GC, Wii, and Wii I, which all used PowerPC-based chips.
Actually its cause Nintendo hardware is 10 years behind so easier to emulate
because most PS and Xbox games are playable on PC already.
Nintendo likes to hold IPs hostage to shitty hardware.
>Switch is built on Wii U architecture which is built on Wii architecture which is built on Gamecube architecture.
The Switch is ARM user. Everything else was Power PC.
you're not alexander
Name 5 PS1 games that still hold up today
>switch is built on Wii U architecture
>a Tegra X1 ARM is the same as a custom AMD GX2
Nigger are you fucking retarded? Only the GC and the Wii shared similar architectures. The Wii U and the Switch are on separate architectures that are completely different.
>Crash 2
>Crash 3
>Spyro 2
>Spyro 3
Bigger pool of people interested and working on it.
Just think how many fags there are on here saying ">buying Nintendo lul" but they openly brag about pirating/emulating Nintendo games.
Every JRPG.
Poor man’s Mario & Banjo, try again
I still get the same feeling I did when I was a kid from playing Yu-gi-oh Forbidden Memories. Yeah the game is wack and beyond frustrating, but I genuinely enjoy it all the same.
>Demon's Souls
>Devil May Cry
>Soul Reaver
>Catlevania SotN
>Parasite Eve
>As a mouth breathing fanboy, I said it so therefore it's true.
>Dark Souls alpha
Toy Story 2
NBA Jam Extreme
Abe's Oddesy
>>Demon's Souls
>>Devil May Cry
>>Soul Reaver
>>Catlevania SotN
>>Parasite Eve
my niggerexcept mgs,shit "game"
weak bait
>sorry, i don't like those games, try again
>except mgs,shit "game"
Real man here.
Wait what? Are you serious? What the fuck
>b-but our games our good! please emulate them!!
atleast xbots have some dignity
you can't be real.
Easiest (you)s of my life
wasnt the PSP emulator made by some random swede in a matter of weeks?
If I give you another one, will you go away?
The only mgs game you had a chance to play was twin snakes you retarded bing bing wahoo. Of course it's shit
oh very real
i never even touched a ps3 or ps4 in my life,deal with it fag
>gives games
He is Swede, yes, but I'm not sure how long it took him.
Zoomer go back to your board
This is actually true. Snoys are in denial as usual though.
literally a shitton. There are like 100 good games. Lots of interesting obscure ones too
Shadow of The Colossus
Devil May Cry but it's a multiplat now I guess
Kingdom Hearts
Demon's Souls (better than your favorite game of all time)
MGS4 (better than your favorite game of all time gameplay-wise)
The Last Guardian
SoTC Remake
Gravity Rush
Fucking this.
>The Last Guardian
>SoTC Remake
Actual cringe.
Wasn't the whole reason the ps2 emulation got worked on at all because the people making it wanted to play .hack?
because nintendo gimmicks run on smartphone hardware
Nintendo makes good games unlike Sony or Microsoft
> Highest Rated Games Ever
> 1. Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo) (372) (N64)
> 2. Chrono Trigger (1995, SquareSoft) (358) (SNES)
> 3. Breath of The Wild (2017, Nintendo) (302) (Switch)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (1995, Nintendo) (275) (N64)
> 5. A Link To The Past (1991, Nintendo) (272) (SNES)
> 6. Super Metroid (1995, Nintendo) (266) (SNES)
> 7. Super Mario World (1990, Nintendo) (262) (SNES)
> 8. Final Fantasy VII (1997, SquareSoft) (259) (PS1)
> 9. Final Fantasy VI (1994, SquareSoft) (256) (SNES)
> 10. Super Mario Bros 3 (1989, Nintendo) (256) (NES)
> 11. Resident Evil 4 (2005, Capcom (256) (GameCube)
> 12. Metal Gear Solid (1998, Konami) (255) (PS1)
> 13. Street Fighter II (1991, Capcom) (252) (SNES)
> 14. GoldenEye 007 (1997, Nintendo) (246) (N64)
> 15. Metroid Prime (2002, Nintendo) (246) (GameCube)
> 16. Half-Life 2 (2004, Valve Corporation) (246) (PC)
> 17. Castlevania: SOTN (1997, Konami) (245) (PS1)
> 18. The Legend of Zelda (1985, Nintendo) (242) (NES)
> 19. Super Smash Bros Melee (2001, Nintendo) (241) (GameCube)
What's wrong?
>you like games i don't, so cringeworthy! xD
FPBP, Nintendo games are consistently the only ones worth playing
Those games are shit.
the games are more fun and the fans are higher IQ and better programmers
>MGS4 (better than your favorite game of all time gameplay-wise)
Bloodborne is one of the best games of all time. Stay mad
Why the fuck are BOTW & Half-Life 2 so high on the list?
Because people like them?
Half-Life 2 is actually good but I have no fucking idea about BOTW
Not even the best in the series, which in itself is massively overrated. I noticed you didn't even bother attempting to defend the other turds.
because "they define my normalfag 2deep4u gamer life"
Hardware complexity
Saturn emulation is worse than n64
BotW is a shit Zelda game but it's fun to mess around with all the goofy physics.
Dark Messiah did it better
Redpill on RE4, what was it like when it first came out?
Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless
I remember it came out of nowhere, and being amazed at how well it worked for being a completely new emulator. It even had an Android version, it ran like shit, but still.
Stay mad, nintendo has been consistently shit since gamecube. Shitty consoles with shitty games that are not worth playing. That's coming from a NES, SNES and Gameboy fan
This is pretty much it, though I think Sony had a lot of decent exclusives back in the day. People may complain about Nintendo being shit or for kids, but the fact that the emulators for their systems are the most active and hopes for them going multiplat don’t lie; people want to play their games.
Sony emulators are just as if not more active dude.
>literally mobile phone apps
>for some reason they are easier to emulate and run better
Gee, I wonder why
protip, the left can be achieved at 1080p. No need to overblow the resolution when theres no detail to blow up that isnt already visible at 1080.
thats why all those 10 year old xbox and sony consoles are so flawlessly easy to emulate
oh wait
Because work started on them at around the same time but Nintendo using a consistent architecture across multiple gens combined with the Wii's explosion in popularity made the workflow much more streamlined and well-documented as new, current games continued to be released
>immediately resorts to comparions to mobile phones despite that there were no phones in 2006 that could achieve this
Wanna know how I know you're a zoomer?
That is 1080p you tard and there's no sense playing at 1080p if you're going to have aliasing still, go higher.
I was talking about new Nintendo games you retard. Pre-Wii Nintendo is fucking great but you would never know
Based. Looking at my PS2 library now is sad. So many good exclusives at the time and now 99% of them are available on other systems or PC. Why would I care to emulate that?
Only Yea Forums can turn and emulator thread into a console war thread dispite the fact that emulating is pro PC. Holy shit you retards are unreal.
>OP includes a picture of Wii games
>Wii/GameCube are the easiest to emulate
>3DS is barely stable and Switch is still WIP
>go full retard anyway just so you can shitpost
Congrats, based tard
>PPSSPP emulator is pretty good
Can it play Sonic Rivals well, or not yet?
Nintendo doesn’t go for ass backwards architectures that are hard to program for.
Dude it literally plays every PSP game well. Even big games like MGS Peace Walker, KH Birth By Sleep or MonHun. People even play MonHun online through Tunngle
seething snoyboy
>consolewar shitposting thread is still up
good job mods, now go delete some actually interesting thread, fucking losers
You didn't answer my question. Can it, or can it not play well without immense framerate drop during gameplay?
I ask, because that's what happened to me the last time I tried it out.
The mods work hard to keep this place afloat, stop being an ungrateful little shit.
Replayed crash bandicoot on a playstation emulator a long time before n sane trilogy came out. Persona. Demon's Souls.
PPSSPP can run games perfectly and upscaled even on an Xbox fucking One without kernal access. So yes it is good.
I did answer your question you rude piece of shit, go kill yourself
Every PSP game includes Sonic Rivals because it's a PSP game
I understand why goldneye was fun back then, but why is it rated so high?
Because it's a nintendo game
If that´s the case, I´d have snowboard kids in it´s place. Had a lot more fun with it than goldeneye (i hated aiming in that game, never got the hang of it)
>i hated aiming in that game, never got the hang of it
No shit man, playing FPS on consoles is pretty damn hard. That's why Half-Life was way more fun than GoldenEye
Because Ninty's consoles are as easy to hijack as a waffle maker.
Because it isn't
Wii U uses the same Power PC Chip as Wii and GameCube
Switch is the only one that uses a new ARM chip
>Implying there's anything wrong with them
I think I read that it happened so fast, so well because some hardware documents re: the PSP were leaked or something
Not like anything that had come before it
>n64 zelda trash
>final fantasy
who made this trashy list?
Seething westie
No point in Xbox emulation since no exclusives.
Why Playstation/2/3 emulation doesn't seem that hyped hard to say. Maybe the steady stream of re-masters of all the good games for those systems.
I fucking hate HD texture packs but would like sauce on this because it looks like it would be funny to see in motion
I tried playing R-type command 2 with it but it crashes when certain wave cannons are fired.
this honestly hurts to look at