Why did the gameplay take so many steps forward but the story take several back?

Why did the gameplay take so many steps forward but the story take several back?

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They finally got it and made a videogame


It is short af as well. You can beat it in 4 hours without any sort of strategy. How is FE a better game ffs. Also 2 fucking costumes per character and I can't even cum inside Drake. Terrible.

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No one plays for the story. I'm glad the gameplay got better after the last one.

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>Also 2 fucking costumes per character

You can always buy THIRTY TWO premium costumes (and a playable character who costs a third of the price of the base game.)

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If you got the previous game you can transfer costumes from there.

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Any good level grinding spots?

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For like 2 characters...
Why? Just use a single character and then use money is power to level people up.