Thoughts on videogame developer Neil Druckmann from Naughty Dogs?

Thoughts on videogame developer Neil Druckmann from Naughty Dogs?
Did he do good things for gaming?

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I like his stance on the word "fun"


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kike that ruins an industry. in other news water is wet. hell awaits them all, that's the only comfort i have and the reason i wake up in the morning

I hate his political views but the man understand the medium and makes for a good director. Not as good as western journalists claim he is though.

Water is not wet. Your statement is wrong and irrelevant.

This the guy who thinks diversity is as crucial to games as actual gameplay?

it's an old saying you tard, sayings are like stereotypes, not 100% accurate but they exist for a reason. read a book you primitive

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Hes so brave making little girl lesbian romances. Yasss king totally not a creepy pedo hes just super progressive and unproblematic

Overrated asshole that gets his ego stroked by games "journalist" because of his grossly overrated movie games.

He's a cuck SJW who probably assault children regularly.

Those who relies on outdated knowledge re the worse because not only are they wrong, they believe they are right because that is what they’ve been taught all their lives. I don’t blame you for your ignorance, child, for you naively chose to believe those who reads you without jettisoning belief yourself. Alas, it is much too late for you, so don’t ever hope to value yourself more than that of perhaps a well trained beast of agriculture.

>Jew that makes movie games
miss me with that bullshit

well played sir, 10/10, a true display of linguistic aristocracy.

he killed what was once a really good studio

Truly, for although my mistakes are many, they are the results of the lacking of my hardware upon which I relay my messages, whereas any fault of theirs shall be due to a defect in the mind.

Last of Us was a great game, and of course is a positive for gaming.
However, the thing he fucked up is turning his games into political tools.

Equivalence of a 4channel janitor.

>no fun allowed

The last of us was dank tho

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Jew faggot who ruined Uncharted

God this is so true.


I enjoy Druckmann's games, he has talent, but fuck me if he isn't pretentious

He did a good with tlou, it was engaging but a bit too slow for my tastes. Then ego got to him and started injecting his views really loudly into everything. Have a friendly reminder that he flauted his smell fetish into a trailer for the flagship sony game into a livestream that millions saw.

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Him and David Cage are two of the biggest hacks in the industry.

Yea Forums likes to shit on everything remotely popular but TLOU 2 looks great and fun. I bet the multiplayer will be praised a lot and if half of what they said about the systems in single player is true I can't wait to play it. REmake 2 and TLOU 2 are some of the most anticipated games on my yet to play list.

What I question is why can Ellie kiss Dina in the trailer. Her blood sample produces infectous cordyceps and the only explanation for her resistance right now is that she is a symbiote.

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In my eyes Cage redeemed himself with Connor and Hank's wacky robot adventures


Literally who and what?
