Why isn't anyone playing Overwatch anymore?

Why isn't anyone playing Overwatch anymore?

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Other urls found in this thread:


when are you going to stop asking us

Too busy jerking off to the porn.

Maybe because it's a worthless, trash, game, that has no value other than CG pornography it has inspired.

>nerf this over the butt
Instantly think of the farting dva cosplyer

I wanna fuck Tracer, Dva and Mercy

unironically this, the SFM porn has more cultural value than the actual game.

Because there isn't a mode where I can watch D.va play games and give her money


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Because TF2 is better.

I'm not even kidding. People still make TF2 videos of all varieties (not including Gmod stuff) in 2019 and the community is thriving still. I can play any kind of mode I want on community servers with custom maps, models, and weapons. Even if Valve never updates the game again, it'll still remain relevant for another 10+ years.

So yeah, that's good question.

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I thought D.va's waistband said BLEACHED

It never fucking grabbed my interest. I bought it, played it for a few days then sold it. It's honestly boring.

And, paying for a full price game, that only has a shallow multiplayer, and on top of that has a load of bullshit microtransactions, is fucking retarded.

Unlike, apex legends, which immediately was fun for me, has tons of replayability, and is free. I won't spend a penny on it, but I have been playing the fuck out of it.

Blizzard is fucked and has been hoing down the pam for years, it's officially dead now.


True, I always come back to tf2 even though having played an ungodly amount of hours .

Stop asking, also no 21:9 support because meh competitive fairness and shitty balancing and useless tweaks

Content got old fast

Attached: Mei VG.jpg (724x1024, 56K)

>slow updates
>shit updates
>blizard is shit at balancing
>shit maps
>unwillingness to fix the game
>forced esports
>characters fill only one role so if you want to play X you need to hope the team accomidates it.

Forced esports. Too fucking true. I just want to play videogames to have fun.

Came here to post this


Name a single thing that has improved since release.

I'm not a tranny

>he does it for free

It's shit

Good porn though

It died in Summer 2016

because it's not fun and you don't need the game for the porn.

too much homosex

>slow updates

Funny seeing someone else say that, when Overfags were mocking TF2 for that a year or two ago.

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Because it's boring?
I stopped playing it like a month after it came out.

There's nothing to it.

I want to nerf that.

It's a shallow multiplayer only game with a forced globohomo nigger loving agenda

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All of this

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bought it to get more semen demon characters now we're getting are grannies, an ugly swedish tranny and niggers

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Me on the left

Because the Overwatch userbase is comprised of idiot asshole faggots.

This is it to a T.

It's just like League is. Repetitive bullshit that's not even a fraction as enjoyable as the porn made about it.

It's probably why asians lovesthose games so much. Not for the porn, but for the repetition.

still playing

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No QoH skins

It's not so much that they are unwilling to fix the game. It's just that Blizzard execs love their 5000% profit margins and never expanded the team after the initial success. It's why they often talk about having to prioritize either one project or another. Because they physically don't have the mainpower to multitask and release massive updates.

wtf brig is so cute

It's badly designed.
>2-2-2 forced meta in a game with twice as many DPS as Healers/Tanks
>Your teammates are all slobbering retards and only pick Hanzo/Widow/Symmetra
>Tanks/Healers are boring as fuck to play
>Only 2.5 main tanks
>Movement is absolute garbage
>Map design is absolute garbage especially 2 CP
>A million paths solely for flanking in a game where the optimal strategy is to clump together in a large group
>Healers outheal DPS so if your retarded teammates aren't focusing the same target you lose.
>No one uses comms because the playerbase is salty as fuck 100% of the time and no one wants to hear that
>Only 4 new heroes/maps a year
>Each one being progressively more and more lazy
>New hero is a Fortnite recolor with a glowing square for an ult
>Hyped up game's world and story with no payoff
>Two years and nothing has happened
>Only bother to add story content to reveal which character is gay next
>Stopped doing comics and replaced it with fanfiction
>Michael Chu says something retarded every time he opens his mouth

Why do faggots have no idea of what they're talking about?

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I uninstalled a couple months ago when they revealed S76 as gay instead of fixing the game at the time. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Now I just enjoy playing fighting games and some casual Rainbow 6 with friends from time to time. If you ever feel conflicted about Overwatch, don't hesitate to uninstall it.

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we meet again

>We can't make content because there are to many toxic people playing so we have to get rid of them first :)

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>lucio has 232 STDs
lol, expected as much from a monkey

Because instead of making a porn game like the game's designs destine it to be, Blizzard is still trying to make it an esport.

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>684 hours

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blizzard has always been slow because they prefer the community to balance things out rather than rock the ship. This has some good effects like not removing everything that is not intended (although they broke that for OW ironically) but it also has the downside that you can get stuck with a broken game for a long time. With the modern games as a service their model of slow updates is outdated in my opinion.
Also I dont think its as much profit margins, more that they dont know how to set up an effective pipeline. Like valve they refuse to put pressure on people to churn out content, instead of working things till they are done, which can mean a lot of wasted time. Especially since the polish doesnt help against them making retarded decisions

No story mode and Blizzard is laughably bad at game balance.

People never have anything bad to say about Lucio. He's is one of the best things about the game but he also emphasizes what's wrong with the game as his main draw is effectively useless outside of stalling on really specific maps.

It's still huge, only the neckbeard hivemind on Yea Forums likes to pretend otherwise to try to validate their contrarian hatred of the game

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nice i remember you
mercy is actually fun to play i think

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League was great in and out of beta, because it did moba in a way that wasnt just a blatant dota clone in style, but conflicting design philosophies and a catastropic rolling snowball of unfixed mistakes have turned the game into a soulless husk. Since about S5 its apparent that all of the original lead talent are just cashing paychecks while they work on random indie game concept ideas while unpaid interns work on design and balance with some oversight.

>mfw 3 years in Tf2 had like 50 maps and tons of community made ones, alongside items and community events
>OW has like 20 maps
>Most are shit
>You can't even choose what maps you want to play on

How do you fuck up this bad?

I still can't believe they had the fucking audacity to blame players for lack of content.

Aren't like 5 or 6 of the top 10 accounts in either EU or NA some dude who only plays lucio?
Lucio is really good, if your team is willing to play with you and listens to callouts. so never

>retarded gun
>speed pretty much mandatory
>the extra mobility on him doesnt work at all for a support, shouldve been on an assassin, waste of mechanic
>his buffing is the most passive shit ever
>ultimate as braindead as every other one in thegame

The porn

Because no Mercy gf

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t. shitter
If you can't 1v1 the entire cast except for Hog, Moira and Pharah, you don't deserve to play Lucio.

Because I only like Overwatch for the porn

>blizzard has always been slow because they prefer the community to balance things out rather than rock the ship
Yes, but there has been multiple times in its short lifespan where the community has requested multiple things and their response has basically been "Woah there, we can only do one thing at once". It's why they often try to use the latest hero as a bandaid fix for massive perceived problems instead of just making someone interesting, because it allows them to focus on one thing.

>Also I dont think its as much profit margins, more that they dont know how to set up an effective pipeline.
Partially true. They are inexperienced at this type of game and are lost in addressing a lot of things. But there are still a lot of things they would do if they simply had the manpower to do it. It's why you see a lot of half assed attempts from them and poor decisions like making game modes temporary. That's fine for seasonal shit but not EVERYTHING.

yeah, i remember you too
Do you think it's coincidence that Mercy mains usually have ridiculous amounts of Mercy playtime, a little Brig, but barely any other hero?
I play with a Mercy main regularly and she has a smiliar ratio.
i suck at main healers, do yo have some tips?

>same events for four years in a row

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This angers me the most.
With proper devs and support Overwatch could've been a way better game, but Blizzard and Papa Jeff have no idea what they're doing, which enrages me.
Baptiste, while having an interesting Ability set has the most retarded design and i get mad at it everytime.

Whatever lies help you sleep at night

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But Zen and Lucio are more fun

Funny enough my girlfriend admitted to watching overwatch porn

I still play. My only complaint is the community/throwers. I really don’t get why people whine about the balance/characters/maps/etc.

Because OW's design philosophy is stupid. The whole "The game is based around changing heroes mid-match" doesn't even make sense"

First, some heroes are just better than others. This is unavoidable
Second, whenever you switch you lose ult charge. Ultimates basically win games so losing it = big nada
Third, slow walking speed means players aren't going to want to slowly trudge their way back to the spawn room to "counter" someone.

They keep trying to make this idea work and it just doesn't make any fucking sense

not him, but I used to be a Mercy main when I played on console and got carried to GM because of it. I switched to PC and made a vow to never play main healers again and now I'm just a M Genji main. From experience, just play as if you've got mentally deranged and are willing to do some crazy shit for a kill with some common sense of course. Granted, you require aim and some game sense, but playing as a main healer for a while should have given you enough game sense already, eh?

Idk maybe because she is the only "real" healer only focused on heal, there are not other character like that. I play brig when i get bullied by a tracer, i guess it's the same for other mercys.
Sorry i'm a hard stuck plat mercy main i have no tips

>same events for 15 years in a row

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Not enough updates to best girl

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Doesn't matter how much jizz I dump to taker POV futa SFM Overwatch porn, it doesn't make the press Q to win gameplay interesting.

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Disgusting tiny boy asses.

How can you play porn pictures?

I like lucio and zen but i never feel like i'm healing/helping a lot. Lucio doesn't do a lot of damage and zen is really slow

it's ok i'm only gold

Good games are usually ones that support their communities. This is part of the reason why TF2 has stood like a rock all these years. Combine that with solid gameplay and you have fucking ADAMANTIUM.

Fuck, imagine what Doom would have been like if it had updates and a Steam workshop back then.

>slow updates
>shit updates
>blizard is shit at balancing
very wrong
>shit maps
myea kinda right
>unwillingness to fix the game
nothing wrong with the game
>forced esports
>characters fill only one role so if you want to play X you need to hope the team accomidates it.
woah, team games

I still play it regularly

How do we fix it?
Teleport back to spawn with some casting time?
Ult charge is reset on death?
I like the base idea of not being stuck with a hard counter in the enemy team for an entire match

>Rework Symmetra several times
>Refuse to rework Brigitte ever

This is why Overwatch sucks. Brig is singlehandedly responsible for killing this game.

Cause it is unfun shit.
Updates add to little to have any value.
only thing good about overwatch is the porn.
They also tried too hard to copy tf2 and they cannot even do that right.
Also fuck blizzard they deserve to die.

Strong woman = good
Weak woman = bad
yes, this is bait

I like how a lot of criticism of OW gets ignored with “hey, it’s a team game”. Being forced to play a role isn’t fun, being incapable of operating alone isn’t fun.

built for bwc

I still play it but I only play in custom lobbies with weird settings like all reinhardt with just charge or reaper 500% ult beyblades deathmatch. You can get up to some stupid fun sometimes.
But the base game got stale after the first year. There's just no incentive to play qp or competitive since evenly matched players are just playing rock-paper-scissors most of the game. It's especially bad now that sombra and ana are in the game.

literally, blizz does, what they think is a good idea, which it never is.
listen to your fans!

>Anglo lesbian
>Gamer girl
Why are you posting the worst girls?

Almost every patch since launch has made the game worse and worse

Toning down the CC would be helpful. Actually just get rid of it
Hard counters will never be fun, get rid of them
Accept that a meta will always exist. Stop trying to rebalance the cast every week. Accept that some heroes will just be shit and others good. Tf2 accepted that not all classes can be equally viable from day 1. The meta should be 3 DPS - 2 Tanks - 1 Support. Build the game around this (2-2-2 is acceptable, but I prefer 3-2-1)
Add movement acceleration and friction
Ultimates are irritating, tone them down.

Actually, I could keep writing forever. Maybe OW is just fundamentally fucked

>shit updates
Nearly every new hero has made the game worse. Nearly every map they've added is complete dogshit.
>blizard is shit at balancing
>very wrong
How could you possibly say this when characters like Brigitte exist?
>nothing wrong with the game
Which is why more and more popular/pro players are coming out and talking about how terrible of a state the game is in, right? The game is fucked on every level of play for different reasons. You'd have to bury your head in the sand to pretend that nothing is wrong with it right now.
>characters fill only one role so if you want to play X you need to hope the team accomidates it.
>woah, team games
Other team games have role queue. How is it a player's fault if he ends up on a team full of DPS mains because the matchmaking system doesn't take the team aspect of the game into account? LFG is a terrible substitute, and was added way too late in OW's lifespan.

Don't forget Torb

theyre trying to force e-sports meta like lol did. but blizzdrones are much more whiny and resistant to top down enforcement of a meta. also no one plays ow when they can play battle royale games now, everyone at my school did near as i can tell

It’s normie faggot generic vanilla shit.

you might not believe it, but its because you spam dumshit threads all the fucking time with dumb fuck porn in it

Mei swimsuit when?

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>woah, team games
TF2 and other class based shooters still have the courtesy to give characters a "one size fits all" secondary weapon that means a matchup isn't 100-0.
Mercy PHYSICALLY CANNOT FIGHT Reinhardt, and etcetera which is unacceptable.
The worst matchup possible should be a 70-30.

I started playing again a little while ago, its still fun sometimes...

Attached: wooowduuuude.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

mercy is pure, stop this

Because that isn't legitimate criticism. Complaining that you're required to play a role in a team based game is completely fucking retarded. It's like complaining that you have to learn combos in a fighting game, or that you can't fall into pits in a platformer. If you don't like working together or playing a role, that's fine, but don't pretend that your personal preference has anything to do with actual problems in the game especially when there are plenty of actual problems with OW in its current state.

Im gonna need the source for this user.

Pure slut

Click on the image and use google image search

>2-2-2 forced meta
2-2-2 is not even remotely meta, retard.

Unironically because I prefer TF2. Not because TF2 is amazing though, it's shit in just as many ways as OW. The main differences though

>TF2 has more maps and gamemodes
>TF2 has more weapons to fuck around with
>TF2 has balance problems but not as many as OW
>TF2 is free

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I beg to fucking differ. If she can aim Mercy can down Reinhardt quick.

>no waifus

R8 my Mercy.

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TF2 still has slower updates, even back in the day. Thing is there aren't many overfags left to say that.
But it does still hold true that any thread about overwatch will force a TF2fag to chime in about how great TF2 is.

wat there are a new slot for customization ?

So just play deathmatch then if you want the solo experience.
Someone had to be medic in TF2 unless the whole team was great and the enemy team was shit, and the same holds for OW. All dps teams can crush if the opposite team is shit or they're all great.

>But it does still hold true that any thread about overwatch will force a TF2fag to chime in about how great TF2 is.
Feels like they have something to prove. Even OW being so dead it's still more alive than TF2, at least in the public consciousness, which is saying something.

overwatch became a containment zone for tryhards

Its a shit TF2 clone that manages to be worse than the current TF2 with characters designed to appeal to SJWs after the initial porn bait ones.

Get the fuck out nigger

TF2 has been around for over a decade, of course its dying.
Overwatch has been around for a couple of years and its dying already.

that sweat is fucking delicious

>but-but ster_ still makes overwatch videos

I'd rather jerk off to the porn
The new character is literally Deviantart tier shit, a healing nigger that looks like he stole Mccree's armor
None of my friends want to play it
I'm not queuing solo
The devs care more about pandering to people who don't even play the game by making characters gay to deflect criticize, and by making nothing but more shit characters

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Even the fucking porn is boring.

Why did you translate completely legible German into nonsense English?


Also Roadhog.

Now I'm not sure if you're the one I've stuck my dick in and I don't want to reinstall to check.

I honestly can't tell if these threads are viral marketing or just people wanting more Overwatch porn pics because the phrasing is always exactly the same and I see the thread at least 5 times a day.

The characters aren't even that great, mercy young ana widow and maybe brig are hot but the porn being 99% SFM kills it

>TFW you realize that Valve's dead meme game will be around longer than your shitty LGBTQ waifu shooter

Ouch, oof, owie, that's gotta sting.

>tfw no milf to /ss/ the shit out of you
feels bad

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>Mei swimsuit

Don't you dare sully my wife!

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What's wrong with a big tittied asian in a swimsuit?

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Not that guy, but keep posting

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Hero Shooters were a fad, and this one had the added bonus of Forced Diversity and in team stress.

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My wife a pure! Pls stop!

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>Mercy PHYSICALLY CANNOT FIGHT Reinhardt, and etcetera which is unacceptable.
you haven't played in years, I pressume
it's the same shit as a medic not being able to fight a soldier

Pure SEX

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Accept it. Your wife was literally made for being bred

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>shit game so only porn threads get replies
you deserve to be lynched OP and anybody that replies without sage

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I have a link to a mega that has almost the entire Hidori Rose gallery, which includes her Mei videos. Anyone want me to link it?

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>having to ask

but i am

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absolutely this

esports didn't grow naturally
goats meta completely fucked the game
only new content is recycled shit
maps are still utter garbage

i mean

She's a pretty meh tier camwhore, but hey, her Mei videos are pretty hot if you mute it

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awful taste

I want Mercy to step on me

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Dunno but i'm hoping it's because they realized how shallow and shitty it is

Because from the start it was all about the new ironic weeb waifu culture and people being fans of characters but not actually playing the game for long periods of time. That's why some people recognize OW for the porn or characters rather than the actual gameplay. In the end it was still profitable, but the people belonging to the ironic weeb groups are mostly gen Z kids that move on from fad to fad so it just isn't popular anymore.

top tier lad

Thanks breh

Attached: Sweaty Chinese Scientist.jpg (687x960, 59K)

Why are people obsessed with games living forever.

Overwatch had it's time, I had my fun, now it's just the hardcores and autismos left.


I live to serve, fellow Meifags

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she looks like a lifeless fat doll
suits my tastes just right

>the battles are a mess
>soulless characters
>TF2 exists

Already had the Mei video but I didn't have the other stuff.

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imagine being a cuck and posting about it online

>worrying about recessive genes people
lmfao why?

Never said she was perfect, but she has a pretty good Mei frame

Attached: hidori_hidori633_xl4zEr4ooAc0Enp4vvCw.jpg (2048x2048, 610K)

I'm really fucking sick of this "why aren't you playing Overwatch anymore" shit

If you want to have an Overwatch waifu thread, have an Overwatch waifu thread. Stop fucking starting it like that.

no where in my post did i mention niggers. you interracial obsessed faggots are worse than cucks.

There's 2 of them, one in the virgin killer sweater and another in a blue tanktop. Don't know if you have both or not, but they're in there

Attached: hidori_hidori633_L02OCUoP8hh7MlUAfAYX.jpg (2448x1836, 537K)

>side boob

well, you COULD be a latino I guess, or, god help you, an asian

*deletes ur post*

game is dead on my region (southamerica) when i left mid 2017 we had server lag issues and 8 mins queue time on ranked now its waaay worst and the recent lore changes making soldier a fag destroyed any possibility of kids and teens going back to the game

Had both but thanks for the rest

Attached: Morning Mei.jpg (625x1000, 81K)

This fat bitch is the perfect Mei. I think I finally found something fun to jerk off to, thank you based user

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based user

No problem
I'm glad you approve
Leaking videos of meh tier camwhores is pretty fun

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Did you find the videos and make that library? Or did you pay for em?

pibe yo vivo en argentina y encuentro match en 5 min por lo general, ni en pedo lo que era en 2017 que encontrabas al toque pero tambien es de esperarse

ah y pusieron servers separados para argentina, brazil y chile, a mi tambien me andaba bastante mal antes, ahora va bien.

>tomando en serio el lore de overwatch
>pensando que el mayor de los problemas es hacer a soldier puto

pegate un tiro cuando quieras

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Notice how none of them are recent. I found them, downloaded them, and uploaded them all to Mega
I might like jacking off to this bitch, but I'm sure as fuck not going to pay for it

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I always think I want to onetrick someone who will piss off all the other gold/silver shitters in comp for a season but it's just too tedious.

I do like mystery heroes now and again. They haven't released a character that was worth adding to the game in the first place since Ana.

gastando 5 mins de espera para un match en esto cuando puedo estar jugando cs y no pasan 6 seg y tengo match ... claro lo hago y si me pego un tiro si seguiria jugando esta basura que te hacen tragaleche a un ex char groso como soldier o te llenan de tortilleras como hicieron con tracer , creeme si seguiria jugando esta basura me meteria el cuetazo con gusto

the game sucks and it's only good for /u/

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Get the link fast, lads, the post might not be there long, seeing how I just got warned

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Why did you get warned anyway?

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Probably the Hidori pictures being pretty fucking close to outright porn

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Tits too big.

>jugando cs
>importandole la sexualidad de un personaje cuando literal no le van a cambiar nada porque son unos vagos de mierda

Yeah but she still has nice tits.

Attached: Nice titties.png (650x789, 374K)

I mean, even in canon she's pretty stacked

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In canon she's not fat and is a healthy shortstack like Milana Vayntrub.

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I never said fat. She has a few sprays showing her without that gigantic coat, and she's pretty slim

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Because the characters are more fun to play in HotS

We need something that doesn't cover her up so much.

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i'm not

My dick thanks you. You have contributed to two loads already.

She has a few outfits that aren't quite so bulky. Her red Chinese dress is probably my favorite

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for the last 8 years, yes

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>still no fucking badge slot
Valve is a joke.

Pajamei is probably my favorite until something else comes out.

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They changed that after fat girls complained about being bodyshamed by the token fat girl. She's now a regular obese Chinese girl.

I got banned


PajaMei is pretty fucking wholesome, but I gotta stick with the chinese dress

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In my head i stoped playing like 2 years ago

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source or fuck off

I play it every day with my dick in my hand on pornsites

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Because you can't play OW with your dick you dummy

*impregnates Pharah and Symmetra with half-white children*

The main problem is the low skill ceiling for healers.

In DotA you can pull some bullshit with their supports and that makes it fun from time to time.

Low skill ceiling roles are boring, this game is boring.


>Waist is way too skinny on a skin and looks like someone crushed her pelvis
>They correct it

this reminds me of the time i was sleeping over at my friends place and his gf came out with a shirt and no underwear on to make coffee in the kitchen while i was sleeping in the living room. she is intensely fat and unattractive so it was not a visual treat unfortunately.

> too skinny on a skin and looks like someone crushed her pelvis
seething landwhale spotted

Whoa, calm down land whale. I've got a harpoon in the truck and I'm not afraid to drive away at maximum speed.

>this much cope
yeah clearly just a bug

How the fuck did we get to this point white Yea Forumsros? How would Socrates, or Charlemagne, or Augustine of Hippo feel if they could see what we've become? Would they weep?

are you going to make this thread everyday?

Someone post the picture of Mei from the animated short with the red body outline that shows that she's NOT fat.

I'm beyond fucking sick of people pretending my wife is fat.

Based. Where do you find stuff like that though user? I like to do the same thing but following them on social media is annoying since they mostly post bullshit.


>Blizzard's heavy-handed nerf/buff style means that learning a single character in depth is potentially a maddening experience, as you can go from amazing to irrelevant within a single patch
>On the higher end game revolves heavily around effective barriers
>Super frustrating in the quick play level because you are dependent on your teammates and it's super difficult to carry

I was mostly poking around through torrent sites, and found some old ones with like 1 seeder each, so I snapped them up pretty quickly
And following Hidori is a chore, mostly because she mainly retweets other camwhores

Attached: 1481985402773.jpg (680x963, 98K)

the kikes killed the game at season 8

Attached: i schleep overwatch.jpg (640x933, 86K)

Why play it when TF2 and the Loose Cannon exist? Porn is good though

because you get banned if you don't play what people want

idk maybe because it's fucking gay

and so are you


Damn it. You're right about following camwhores though. Most of them either post about inane bullshit or "deep" quotes so they don't feel ashamed of being a camwhore.

Here you go

Attached: Thicc Lines.jpg (1024x738, 51K)


Because my normie friends LOVE it.

Seriously I’ve dropped it like seven times but I always get dragged back in because it’s the only game that all six of us can agree on sometimes.

That and the community is so fucking retarded that you basically guarantee endless wins the more friends you group up with. They don’t even have to all be competent, we even let the normie’s girlfriends play all the time and they do fine.

I won't lie, it was a chore finding them. But once I saw the first Mei vid, the one with the sweater, I was hooked on this cunt
The only worthwhile camwhore to follow was Indigo White, but she got Shoah'd off twitter and I can't be assed to download instagram or any other kind of cancerous media

Tell this to my normie friends, please. Any time we don’t accommodate 2-2-2 they groan like we’re throwing.

She's perfect the way she is, I'm really tired of fat people appropriating my cute Chinese wife.

Never really got the fat remarks, honestly.

Attached: Mei.jpg (1024x576, 42K)

Brainlets who think her winter jacket is somehow skin tight, mainly.

Attached: 4347AD3F-AC07-4A12-9865-07F1CF9FAAFE.png (502x301, 224K)

Attached: 1554299300544.png (500x518, 461K)

Attached: Azumanga OW.png (800x620, 200K)

They realize the best part of Overwatch was the fan art and they could save a lot of hassle by just using Google Image Search instead of pretending to enjoy the game.

Trying to force esports while not allowing variety in team play is their death blow.

Characters can outright hard counter eachother, and unlike other esports games like shooters or MOBAs, which provide itemizations and weapon layouts so new builds and playstyles can be created, you're stuck with the character as is with no variety.

Imagine if you could change the properties of your hero's abilities so that they each act just a bit differently, like McCree's roll allowing him to shed off Crowd Control in exchange for a longer cool down and no reload on roll. It would open the game far more and perhaps even helped create an esports scene.

The game seems built to encourage character loyalty and having mains, yet how the mechanics works outright requires you to swap characters since some are just not useful. It's shitty and lazy on Blizzard's end, and maybe if they allowed some gameplay variety and customization in layouts, players wouldnt mind waiting half a year for another bland character.

>The game seems built to encourage character loyalty and having mains,
You also lose less SR in ranked if you stick to 1 character than switching. It's the same vice versa with gaining SR. So if you're losing, don't swap and if you're winning, don't swap.


This comparison sums up why Overwatch sucks. Dunno if it holds up now compared to before they relaunched Torb since I haven't played in months, but this was the reason I stopped playing for sure.

>Play engineer on attack
>You change your layout so you get a mini sentry and focus on building up teleporters quick, helping allies get to the front lines fast and not wasting metal on making big sentries. Can even be dangerous with the widowmaker shotgun giving you infinite ammo so long as you land shots.
>Even if you are not on defense, you have plenty to do.
>Still feel useful and none of your allies complain.

>Play torb on attack
>People scream at you to switch character and say you are throwing the game.
>Can't change your layout so you're stuck with the defensive based play style. What you are capable of doing is very limited.
>Since there is no real proof of player score beyond medals, people can still keep blaming you for their loss without any concrete evidence of your contributions.

Attached: 6679045-engineer.jpg (1920x1080, 96K)