Is this the most KINO location in the entire history of videogames?

Is this the most KINO location in the entire history of videogames?

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Not as good as Latria, Hamlet, etc.

>Fishing Hamlet was so good Sekiro had TWO clones of it
Bravo Miyazaki

For a fucking weeb, sure.

Ahaahah jaaj kino so true lol plep

huh it only had one

Am I bad if I died on chained ogre like 18 times?

For a giant boss that throws the main mechanics of the game out the window, this fight was pretty fucking kino

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It's honestly not that interesting a location gameplay-wise and not very different from shit we've seen all over Japanese art and media long before this game released.

depends if you make up for it at genichiro

Nah. But it was still pretty kino.

I actually think Ashina castle is the most kino.

Feudal Japan needs to have more realistic next generations worlds built around it. It’s beautiful and serene as fuck.

I don't know, OP, but it's definitely one of my favorites.

There needs to be more games with a Japanese type setting. I'd even take Chinese settings. Western shit is very tired and overdone. I don't want to watch the same old skyscraper modern city crap for the billionth time.

The battle theme was good

Official best level per souls game list:

>DeS: Tower of Latria
>DaS1: Sen's Fortress
>DaS2: Shulva
>DaS3: Cathedral of the Deep
>BB: Research Hall
>Sekiro: Senpou Temple

Sunken valley and Fountainhead palace are superior

>The Divine Dragon is a fucking jobber
What didn't he just kill him if he was the source of the problem? FUCK Dragons

I still think Dragon Aerie is the most beautiful location From has ever done.
>tfw you first enter it and hear the wind and dragons
Too bad it was so short.

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DeS: 1-1
DaS1: Painted World
DaS2: Eleum Loyce
DaS3: Grand Archives
BB: Fishing Hamlet
Sekiro: Fountainhead Palace

Even far eastern aesthetic like China and Japan is a little played out. We need Indian and Siamese architecture.

He’s literally immortal, even against Fushigiri. And he’s a jobber because who can harm him anyway?

Um wat.
>DeS: Nexus
>DaS1: Firelink shrine
>SaS2: Majula
>DaS3: Firelink shrine
>BB: hunters dream
>Sekiro: dilapidated temple

Imagine unironically thinking this. Just imagine.

hamlet looked like shit imo, looked like one of those random dark souls 2 areas. only redeemable things about it are OoK and the lore

>killing divinity
Sounds like a really bad idea if you don't know what happens afterwards. You might end up with a God of War 3 situation

Next to WW2 Europe, is there a setting more generic than fuedal-era Japan?

>tiny corridor'd areas

t-thanks consoles

Not even the best in its own game; wait until you get to Fountainhead Palace.
Senpou was my favorite until then, though.

Not to me it isn't. We've been getting modernish and western themed games for so long that just about anything not that feels fresh. And I've always liked those Japanese houses/building designs.

I dissagree tbqh. You have a huge variety of enemies that all fight in distinct ways and it has a lot of enemies unique to that area, even the Armored Warrior and the Folding Screen Monkeys both subvert your typical bossfight in Sekiro. There’s also plenty to explore and secrets to find.

Also perhaps it’s not the most aesthetically groundbreaking of a monastery, but it’s plenty faithful and really pretty to look at.


I'm 27 years old and have been playing vidya for the majority of my life, and I think Sekiro is the first game I've ever played in a Feudal Japan setting.
How is it generic?

Because the Dragon is actually immortal and it can't be killed through physical means. Plus, getting rid of the Dragon wouldn't solve anything at that point because the Dragon's Heritage would still exist. Bringing it back home seems like a better option that just killing the Dragon outright.

The castle portion is actually lame but the small area before the bridge with the dragons flying around is simply breathtaking.

>I think Sekiro is the first game I've ever played in a Feudal Japan setting.
Why are you even asking this question, then?

Eh it's fine he's an immigrant anyway.

Maybe it's because I've consumed so much of it in other forms of media that it seems played out to me. You can only see so many thatched roof huts and pagodas before it starts getting boring

The second they revealed that Sekiro was a game set in old Japan I thought to myself "not this boring samurai shit again" but the setting is executed so fucking well I'm katana kimono wearing gentleman now.

Oh my bad, if that was the monastery I made a mistake, that's the best location in the game in my opinion. I thought OP was referring to the Fountainhead Palace.

Hamlet is boring. Encounters feel lazy and the whole bottom area you can see from the lighthouse bridge is utterly pointless save for 1 Brador encounter

What is this meme? Feudal Japan is only just getting popular as a setting. Most other games with a feudal setting were obscure Japanese games. Medieval Europe or Definitely-Not-Tolkien Fantasy is way more common.

Yes, and so was I. That's the point of any From Soft game : you're shit, get better.

>throws the main mechanics out the window
did you not play it?

> Feudal Japan is only just getting popular as a setting
Maybe for normalfags in the west. The Sengoku period overdone in Japan.

>combat focuses on parries and quick strikes to break boss poise
Yes, he's kind of right. The game focuses on nothing but lightning reversal then you never have to use it again. But the real enemies that go against the design philosophy of the game is trash like the Bulls and the Demon of Hatred.

But user, how can it be Kino if there's not a single mushroom to be found there?

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Fountainhead was my favorite, I'm a sucker for fucked up "divine realms"


Dying more than once is already pretty bad. You have to be a special kind of retard not to get the Flame Barrel before fighting him.

peak delusion of a ds2 tard
ground texture are puke inducing repeating low poly tiles
rocks look straigh from a ps2 game
litered with exploding zombies for absolutely no reason
the nonsensical castle section is atrocious and has so much mobs to compensate for all the empty space. And the icing on the cake is the worst, most tedious and broken boss of all fromsoft games

Is this Nioh? Oh wait it's Tenchu...

No wait, I think it's Ninja Gaiden or Onimusha... Actually I think it's Toukiden.

Now I know! It's Ghost of Tsushima! Well, either that, Otogi, Yakuza Ishin or Genji. Definitely one of these because it stands out so much and is so unique and KINO, bros!

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play the game first retard


Worthless bobbleheaded redditor assclown. I already finished the game. Maybe you should play more than one game in your life so you have some basis for comparison. Feudal Japan was real, you moron. It's not unique in any way. There's hundreds if not thousands of games featuring these exact samefag locations.

name another game with a bhuddist temple deep in the mountains faggot

>Ninja Gaiden
Looks real japanese to me lad.

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How about all of them because they're real places, you idiot flunky.

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>real life place
holy this damage control

Nice one, reddit. Like half of Nioh took place in those temples. You didn't even play Nioh? And that practically just came out.


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This is the kino opinion even if DS2 is the worst game in the series

You can deflect some of his attack, he forces you to use grapple and more importantly the lighting reversal.
He makes a pretty damn good use of game mechanics even if he's easy.

all nioh had was shitty caves and same copy pasted shrines
name me a video game with a level where you climb a steep mountain buddhist temple while fighting off kung fu monks
you cant so go choke on a dick seething faggot

Mibu Village and ???

Glorified QTE

Bull doesn't go against the design philosophy of the game. Deflecting its charge kills it faster than circle strafing.

nice reductionism, retard
Listening to this while stylin' on niggas at Senpou hood was kino.

No, this is

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>BB: Research Hall

Um, no sweetie.

Yeah, generic medieval fantasy land.

shit game

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Looks aggressively generic.

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Batman is unironically kino

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